package gml4u.utils;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import gml4u.model.GmlEnvironment;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;
public class GmlDrawingHelper {
// TODO remove GmlDrawingHelper
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GmlDrawingHelper.class.getName());
* Returns the best graff scale, based on screen dimensions and ratio
* @param screen - Vec3D vector
* @param environment - GmlEnvironment
* @param screenGraffRatio - float
* @return Vec3D
public static Vec3D getGraffScale(Vec3D screen, GmlEnvironment environment, float screenGraffRatio) {
// TODO refactor and optimize
Vec3D graffScale = new Vec3D(1, 1, 1);
Vec3D up = environment.up;
Vec3D screenBounds = environment.screenBounds;
float screenRatio = screen.x/screen.y;
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "screen ratio: "+screenRatio);
// Remap the graff to the screen
if (Math.abs(up.x) == 1) {
// Get the graff ratio based on its original screen size
float graffRatio = screenBounds.y/screenBounds.x;
// Same orientation
if((graffRatio >= 1 && screenRatio >= 1) || (graffRatio < 1 && screenRatio < 1)) {
if (graffRatio > screenRatio) {
graffScale.y = screen.x*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.x = graffScale.y/graffRatio;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
else {
graffScale.x = screen.y*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.y = graffRatio*graffScale.x;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
// Landscape graff vs Portrait screen
else if (graffRatio >= 1 && screenRatio < 1) {
graffScale.y = screen.x*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.x = graffScale.y/graffRatio;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
// Portrait graff vs Lanscape screen
else if (graffRatio < 1 && screenRatio >= 1) {
graffScale.x = screen.y*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.y = graffRatio*graffScale.x;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
else if (Math.abs(up.y) == 1) {
// Get the graff ratio based on its original screen size
float graffRatio = screenBounds.x/screenBounds.y;
// Same orientation
if((graffRatio >= 1 && screenRatio >= 1) || (graffRatio < 1 && screenRatio < 1)) {
if (graffRatio > screenRatio) {
graffScale.x = screen.x*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.y = graffScale.x/graffRatio;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
else {
graffScale.y = screen.y*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.x = graffScale.y*graffRatio; // TODO check
graffScale.z = screen.z;
// Landscape graff vs Portrait screen
else if (graffRatio >= 1 && screenRatio < 1) {
graffScale.x = screen.x*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.y = graffScale.x/graffRatio;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
// Portrait graff vs Lanscape screen
else if (graffRatio < 1 && screenRatio >= 1) {
graffScale.y = screen.y*screenGraffRatio;
graffScale.x = graffRatio/graffScale.y;
graffScale.z = screen.z;
else if (Math.abs(up.z) == 1) {
return graffScale;