package gml4u.recording;
import gml4u.model.Gml;
import gml4u.model.GmlBrush;
import gml4u.model.GmlClient;
import gml4u.model.GmlConstants;
import gml4u.model.GmlPoint;
import gml4u.model.GmlStroke;
import gml4u.utils.Vec3DUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import toxi.geom.AABB;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;
public class GmlRecorder {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GmlRecorder.class.getName());
public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_STROKE_LENGTH = 0.01f;
public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_POINTS_DISTANCE = 0.001f;
private Gml gml;
private float minStrokeLength;
private float minPointsDistance;
private AABB boundingBox = AABB.fromMinMax(new Vec3D(0, 0, 0),new Vec3D(1, 1, 1));
private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, GmlStroke> strokes = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, GmlStroke>();
private Vec3D normalizer;
* Creates a new GmlRecorder using the given screen size, minimum stroke length and minimum points distance
* @param screen - Vec3D (srceen dimensions)
* @param minStrokeLength - int (minimum length of the stroke)
* @param minPointsDistance - flaot (minimum distance between two points of the same stroke)
public GmlRecorder(final Vec3D screen, float minStrokeLength, float minPointsDistance) {
gml = new Gml();
this.minStrokeLength = minStrokeLength;
this.minPointsDistance = minPointsDistance;
* Creates a new GmlRecorder using the given screen size and default values for minimum stroke length and minimum points distance
* @param screen (srceen dimensions)
public GmlRecorder(final Vec3D screen) {
* Initializes the Gml with default values
* @param screen - Vec3D vector (screen dimensions)
private void initGml(Vec3D screen) {
normalizer = new Vec3D(Vec3DUtils.getNormalized(screen));
gml.client.set(GmlClient.USERNAME, GmlConstants.DEFAULT_CLIENT_NAME);
gml.environment.screenBounds = new Vec3D(screen);
* Returns the normalizer used to scale points
* @return Vec3D
public Vec3D getNormalizer() {
return new Vec3D(normalizer);
* Sets the client information to be used. Overrides the default values
* @param client - GmlClient
public void setClient(GmlClient client) {
gml.client = client;
// TODO setEnvironment(GmlEnvironment environment) Useful ?
// Also resets the screen and normalizer values
* Returns the minimum stroke length
* @return float
public float getMinStrokeLength() {
return minStrokeLength;
* Sets the min stroke length. If smaller, a stroke won't be added
* @param length - float
public void setMinStrokeLength(float length) {
this.minStrokeLength = length;
* Returns the minimum point distance
* @return float
public float getMinPointDistance() {
return minPointsDistance;
* Sets the min points distance. If below, a point won't be added
* Used to minimise the number of points
* @param distance - float
public void setMinPointsDistance(float distance) {
this.minPointsDistance = distance;
* Clears strokes, including those under recording
public void clear() {
* Begins the recording of a new GmlStroke<br/>
* Note: you must keep track of the sessionID and use the same ID to end the stroke<br/>
* otherwise the stroke won't be added to the gml.
* @param sessionID - int
public void beginStroke(int sessionID) {
GmlBrush brush = new GmlBrush();
int layer = 0;
beginStroke(sessionID, layer, brush);
* Begins the recording of a new GmlStroke<br/>
* Note: you must keep track of the sessionID and use the same ID to end the stroke<br/>
* otherwise the stroke won't be added to the gml.
* @param sessionID - int
* @param layer - int
public void beginStroke(int sessionID, int layer) {
GmlBrush brush = new GmlBrush();
beginStroke(sessionID, layer, brush);
* Begins the recording of a new GmlStroke<br/>
* Note: you must keep track of the sessionID and use the same ID to end the stroke<br/>
* otherwise the stroke won't be added to the gml.
* @param sessionID - int
* @param layer - int
* @param brush - GmlBrush
public void beginStroke(int sessionID, int layer, final GmlBrush brush) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Start recording");
GmlStroke stroke = new GmlStroke();
strokes.put(sessionID, stroke);
* Adds a new point to a stroke
* The point's coordinates shall be within 0-1 on every axis.
* They'll be scaled automatically according to the screen's ratio
* @param sessionID - int
* @param v - Vec3D vetor (shall be within AABB (0,0,0) -> (1,1,1))
public void addPoint(int sessionID, Vec3D v) {
addPoint(sessionID, v, 0);
* Adds a new point to a stroke
* The point's coordinates shall be within 0-1 on every axis.
* They'll be scaled automatically according to the screen's ratio
* @param sessionID - int
* @param v - Vec3D vetor (shall be within AABB (0,0,0) -> (1,1,1))
* @param time - float
public void addPoint(int sessionID, Vec3D v, final float time) {
addPoint(sessionID, v, time, GmlPoint.DEFAULT_PRESSURE, new Vec3D(), new Vec3D());
* Adds a new point to a stroke
* The point's coordinates shall be within 0-1 on every axis.
* They'll be scaled automatically according to the screen's ratio
* @param sessionID - int
* @param v - Vec3D vetor (shall be within AABB (0,0,0) -> (1,1,1))
* @param time - float
* @param pressure - float
* @param rotation - Vec3D
* @param direction - Vec3D
public void addPoint(int sessionID, Vec3D v, final float time, final float pressure, final Vec3D rotation, final Vec3D direction) {
addPoint(sessionID, v, time, pressure, rotation, direction, GmlPoint.DEFAULT_THICKNESS);
* Adds a new point to a stroke
* The point's coordinates shall be within 0-1 on every axis.
* They'll be scaled automatically according to the screen's ratio
* @param sessionID - int
* @param v - Vec3D vetor (shall be within AABB (0,0,0) -> (1,1,1))
* @param time - float
* @param pressure - float
* @param rotation - Vec3D
* @param direction - Vec3D
* @param thickness - float
public void addPoint(int sessionID, Vec3D v, final float time, final float pressure, final Vec3D rotation, final Vec3D direction, float thickness) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Add point");
// Check bounding box and do not add if outside
if (!v.isInAABB(boundingBox)) {
LOGGER.warn("point skipped : v "+ v + " is outside "+ boundingBox);
else {
// Check is sessionID exists (beginStroke has been called before)
if (null != strokes.get(sessionID)) {
// Check minimum distance from last point
if (null != strokes.get(sessionID).getLastPoint()) {
GmlPoint prev = new GmlPoint();
if (prev.distanceTo(v) > minPointsDistance) {
strokes.get(sessionID).addPoint(new GmlPoint(v, time, pressure, rotation, direction, thickness));
else {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Skipped, too close from previous point: "+prev.distanceTo(v));
else { // First point, add it
strokes.get(sessionID).addPoint(new GmlPoint(v, time, pressure, rotation, direction, thickness));
* Ends recording of a GmlStroke
* @param sessionID - int
public void endStroke(int sessionID) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Stop recording");
GmlStroke stroke = strokes.get(sessionID);
// Add the stroke only if significant (at least a certain length)
if (null != stroke && stroke.getLength() > minStrokeLength) {
* Ends recording of all GmlStroke
public void endStrokes() {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Stop recording");
for (int sessionID : strokes.keySet()) {
GmlStroke stroke = strokes.get(sessionID);
// Add the stroke only if significant (at least a certain length)
if (null != stroke && stroke.getLength() > minStrokeLength) {
* Removes the last GmlStroke from the given layer
* @param layer
public void removeLastStroke(final int layer) {
* Returns a copy of all GmlStrokes (including those under recording)
* @return Collection<GmlStroke>
public Collection<GmlStroke> getStrokes() {
Collection<GmlStroke> strokeList = new ArrayList<GmlStroke>();
return strokeList;
* Returns a copy of the Gml including the strokes under drawing
* @return Gml
public Gml getGml() {
Gml gmlCopy = gml.copy();
return gmlCopy;
* Sets the Gml to be used by the GmlRecorder
* @param gml - Gml
public void setGml(Gml gml) {
this.gml = gml;
// TODO test screen or screenbounds consistency