package gml4u.drawing;
import gml4u.model.GmlPoint;
import gml4u.model.GmlStroke;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
public abstract class GmlStrokeDrawerBasic extends GmlStrokeDrawer {
* GmlStrokeDrawerBasic constructor
* @param id - String
public GmlStrokeDrawerBasic(String id) {
* Called for each point of the stroke with current and previous point information
* Classes extending this class should implement their onw draw(PGraphics, GmlPoint, GmlPoint) method
* to do whatever they want with
* @param g - PGraphics
* @param prev - GmlPoint
* @param cur - GmlPoint
public abstract void draw (PGraphics g, GmlPoint prev, GmlPoint cur);
* Draws the stroke by scaling the points using the given scale
* @param g - PGraphics
* @param stroke - GmlStroke
* @param scale - float
* @param minTime - float
* @param maxTime - float
public final void draw(PGraphics g, GmlStroke stroke, float scale, float minTime, float maxTime) {
GmlPoint prev = new GmlPoint();
GmlPoint cur = new GmlPoint();
for (GmlPoint point: stroke.getPoints()) {
if (point.time < minTime) continue;
if (point.time > maxTime) break;
if (prev.isZeroVector()) {
draw(g, prev, cur);