Package org.exist.xquery.value

Source Code of org.exist.xquery.value.OrderedValueSequence$OrderedValueSequenceIterator

* eXist Open Source Native XML Database
* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 The eXist Project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
*  $Id$
package org.exist.xquery.value;

import org.exist.dom.AVLTreeNodeSet;
import org.exist.dom.NodeProxy;
import org.exist.dom.NodeSet;
import org.exist.memtree.DocumentImpl;
import org.exist.memtree.NodeImpl;
import org.exist.numbering.NodeId;
import org.exist.util.FastQSort;
import org.exist.xquery.Constants;
import org.exist.xquery.OrderSpec;
import org.exist.xquery.XPathException;
import org.exist.xquery.util.ExpressionDumper;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

* A sequence that sorts its entries in the order specified by the order specs of
* an "order by" clause. Used by {@link org.exist.xquery.ForExpr}.
* Contrary to class {@link org.exist.xquery.value.PreorderedValueSequence},
* all order expressions are evaluated once for each item in the sequence
* <b>while</b> items are added.
* @author wolf
public class OrderedValueSequence extends AbstractSequence {

    private OrderSpec orderSpecs[];
  private Entry[] items = null;
  private int count = 0;
  private int state = 0;

    // used to keep track of the type of added items.
    private int itemType = Type.ANY_TYPE;
  public OrderedValueSequence(OrderSpec orderSpecs[], int size) {
    this.orderSpecs = orderSpecs;
        if (size == 0)
            {size = 1;}
    this.items = new Entry[size];

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#iterate()
  public SequenceIterator iterate() throws XPathException {
    return new OrderedValueSequenceIterator();

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.AbstractSequence#unorderedIterator()
  public SequenceIterator unorderedIterator() throws XPathException {
    return new OrderedValueSequenceIterator();
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#getLength()
  public int getItemCount() {
    return (items == null) ? 0 : count;
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return isEmpty;

    public boolean hasOne() {
      return hasOne;

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#add(org.exist.xquery.value.Item)
  public void add(Item item) throws XPathException {
    if (hasOne)
      {hasOne = false;}
    if (isEmpty)
      {hasOne = true;}
        isEmpty = false;
    if(count == 0 && items.length == 1) {
      items = new Entry[2];
    } else if (count == items.length) {
      Entry newItems[] = new Entry[count * 2];
      System.arraycopy(items, 0, newItems, 0, count);
      items = newItems;
    items[count] = new Entry(item, count++);

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.AbstractSequence#addAll(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence)
  public void addAll(Sequence other) throws XPathException {
    else if(!other.isEmpty()) {
      for(final SequenceIterator i = other.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        final Item next = i.nextItem();
        if(next != null)
  public void sort() {
    FastQSort.sort(items, 0, count - 1);
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#itemAt(int)
  public Item itemAt(int pos) {
    if(items != null && pos > -1 && pos < count)
      {return items[pos].item;}
      {return null;}

  private void checkItemType(int type) {
        if (itemType == type)
        else if (itemType == Type.ANY_TYPE)
            {itemType = type;}
            {itemType = Type.getCommonSuperType(type, itemType);}
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#getItemType()
    public int getItemType() {
        return itemType;
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#toNodeSet()
  public NodeSet toNodeSet() throws XPathException {
    //return early
    if (isEmpty())
      {return NodeSet.EMPTY_SET;}
        // for this method to work, all items have to be nodes
    if(itemType != Type.ANY_TYPE && Type.subTypeOf(itemType, Type.NODE)) {
      //Was ExtArrayNodeset() which orders the nodes in document order
      //The order seems to change between different invocations !!!
      final NodeSet set = new AVLTreeNodeSet();
      //We can't make it from an ExtArrayNodeSet (probably because it is sorted ?)
      //NodeSet set = new ArraySet(100);
      for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        //TODO : investigate why we could have null here
        if (items[i] != null) {
          NodeValue v = (NodeValue)items[i].item;
          if(v.getImplementationType() != NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {

                      // found an in-memory document
                      final org.exist.memtree.DocumentImpl doc = ((NodeImpl)v).getDocument();
                        if (doc==null) {
                        // make this document persistent: doc.makePersistent()
                        // returns a map of all root node ids mapped to the corresponding
                        // persistent node. We scan the current sequence and replace all
                        // in-memory nodes with their new persistent node objects.
                        final DocumentImpl expandedDoc = doc.expandRefs(null);
                        final org.exist.dom.DocumentImpl newDoc = expandedDoc.makePersistent();
                        if (newDoc != null) {
                            NodeId rootId = newDoc.getBrokerPool().getNodeFactory().createInstance();
                            for (int j = i; j < count; j++) {
                                v = (NodeValue) items[j].item;
                                if(v.getImplementationType() != NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE) {
                                    NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) v;
                                    if (node.getDocument() == doc) {
                                        node = expandedDoc.getNode(node.getNodeNumber());
                                        NodeId nodeId = node.getNodeId();
                                        if (nodeId == null)
                                            {throw new XPathException("Internal error: nodeId == null");}
                                        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
                                            {nodeId = rootId;}
                                            {nodeId = rootId.append(nodeId);}
                                        NodeProxy p = new NodeProxy(newDoc, nodeId, node.getNodeType());
                                        if (p != null) {
                                            // replace the node by the NodeProxy
                                            items[j].item = p;
                        set.add((NodeProxy) items[i].item);
          } else {
      return set;
    } else
      {throw new XPathException("Type error: the sequence cannot be converted into" +
        " a node set. Item type is " + Type.getTypeName(itemType));}

    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#isPersistentSet()
    public boolean isPersistentSet() {
        if(count == 0)
            {return true;}
        if(itemType != Type.ANY_TYPE && Type.subTypeOf(itemType, Type.NODE)) {
            NodeValue v;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                v = (NodeValue)items[i].item;
                if(v.getImplementationType() != NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE)
                    {return false;}
            return true;
        return false;

    public MemoryNodeSet toMemNodeSet() throws XPathException {
        if(count == 0)
            {return MemoryNodeSet.EMPTY;}
        if(itemType == Type.ANY_TYPE || !Type.subTypeOf(itemType, Type.NODE)) {
            throw new XPathException("Type error: the sequence cannot be converted into" +
        " a node set. Item type is " + Type.getTypeName(itemType));
        NodeValue v;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            v = (NodeValue)items[i].item;
            if(v.getImplementationType() == NodeValue.PERSISTENT_NODE)
                {return null;}
        return new ValueSequence(this);

    public String toString() {
      final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      return builder.toString();
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence#removeDuplicates()
    public void removeDuplicates() {
        // TODO: is this ever relevant?

    private void setHasChanged() {
        state = (state == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? state = 0 : state + 1);

    public int getState() {
        return state;

    public boolean hasChanged(int previousState) {
        return state != previousState;

    public boolean isCacheable() {
        return true;

    private class Entry implements Comparable<Entry> {
    Item item;
    AtomicValue values[];
    int pos;
     * @param item the item in the sequence
     * @param position the original position of the item in the result sequence
     * @throws XPathException
    public Entry(Item item, int position) throws XPathException {
      this.item = item;
      this.pos = position;
      values = new AtomicValue[orderSpecs.length];
      for(int i = 0; i < orderSpecs.length; i++) {
        final Sequence seq = orderSpecs[i].getSortExpression().eval(null);
        values[i] = AtomicValue.EMPTY_VALUE;
        if(seq.hasOne()) {
          values[i] = seq.itemAt(0).atomize();
        } else if(seq.hasMany())
          {throw new XPathException("expected a single value for order expression " +
            ExpressionDumper.dump(orderSpecs[i].getSortExpression()) +
            " ; found: " + seq.getItemCount());}

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
    public int compareTo(Entry other) {
      int cmp = 0;
      AtomicValue a, b;
      for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        try {
          a = values[i];
          b = other.values[i];
                    final boolean aIsEmpty = (a.isEmpty() || (Type.subTypeOf(a.getType(), Type.NUMBER) && ((NumericValue) a).isNaN()));
                    final boolean bIsEmpty = (b.isEmpty() || (Type.subTypeOf(b.getType(), Type.NUMBER) && ((NumericValue) b).isNaN()));
                    if (aIsEmpty) {
                        if (bIsEmpty)
                            // both values are empty
                            {return Constants.EQUAL;}
                        else if ((orderSpecs[i].getModifiers() & OrderSpec.EMPTY_LEAST) != 0)
              {cmp = Constants.INFERIOR;}
                            {cmp = Constants.SUPERIOR;}
                    } else if (bIsEmpty) {
                        // we don't need to check for equality since we know a is not empty
                        if ((orderSpecs[i].getModifiers() & OrderSpec.EMPTY_LEAST) != 0)
              {cmp = Constants.SUPERIOR;}
              {cmp = Constants.INFERIOR;}
                    } else if (a == AtomicValue.EMPTY_VALUE && b != AtomicValue.EMPTY_VALUE) {
            if((orderSpecs[i].getModifiers() & OrderSpec.EMPTY_LEAST) != 0)
              {cmp = Constants.INFERIOR;}
              {cmp = Constants.SUPERIOR;}
          } else if (b == AtomicValue.EMPTY_VALUE && a != AtomicValue.EMPTY_VALUE) {
            if((orderSpecs[i].getModifiers() & OrderSpec.EMPTY_LEAST) != 0)
              {cmp = Constants.SUPERIOR;}
              {cmp = Constants.INFERIOR;}
          } else
            {cmp = a.compareTo(orderSpecs[i].getCollator(), b);}
          if((orderSpecs[i].getModifiers() & OrderSpec.DESCENDING_ORDER) != 0)
            {cmp = cmp * -1;}
          if(cmp != Constants.EQUAL)
        } catch (final XPathException e) {
      // if the sort keys are equal, we need to order by the original position in the result sequence
      if (cmp == Constants.EQUAL)
        {cmp = (pos > other.pos ? Constants.SUPERIOR : (pos == other.pos ? Constants.EQUAL : Constants.INFERIOR));}
      return cmp;
    public String toString() {
      final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append(" [");
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
          if (i > 0)
            {builder.append(", ");}
        return builder.toString();
  private class OrderedValueSequenceIterator implements SequenceIterator {
    int pos = 0;
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator#hasNext()
    public boolean hasNext() {
      return pos < count;
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.exist.xquery.value.SequenceIterator#nextItem()
    public Item nextItem() {
      if(pos < count) {
        return items[pos++].item;
      return null;

Related Classes of org.exist.xquery.value.OrderedValueSequence$OrderedValueSequenceIterator

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