package org.exist.util;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl;
public class ConfigurationHelper {
private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ConfigurationHelper.class); //Logger
* Returns a file handle for eXist's home directory.
* Order of tests is designed with the idea, the more precise it is,
* the more the developer know what he is doing
* <ol>
* <li>Brokerpool : if eXist was already configured.
* <li>exist.home : if exists
* <li>user.home : if exists, with a conf.xml file
* <li>user.dir : if exists, with a conf.xml file
* <li>classpath entry : if exists, with a conf.xml file
* </ol>
* @return the file handle or <code>null</code>
public static File getExistHome() {
return getExistHome(DatabaseImpl.CONF_XML);
* Returns a file handle for eXist's home directory.
* Order of tests is designed with the idea, the more precise it is,
* the more the developper know what he is doing
* <ol>
* <li>Brokerpool : if eXist was already configured.
* <li>exist.home : if exists
* <li>user.home : if exists, with a conf.xml file
* <li>user.dir : if exists, with a conf.xml file
* <li>classpath entry : if exists, with a conf.xml file
* </ol>
* @return the file handle or <code>null</code>
public static File getExistHome(String config) {
File existHome = null;
// If eXist was already configured, then return
// the existHome of this instance.
try {
final BrokerPool broker = BrokerPool.getInstance();
if(broker != null) {
existHome = broker.getConfiguration().getExistHome();
if(existHome!=null) {
LOG.debug("Got eXist home from broker: " + existHome);
return existHome;
} catch(final Throwable e) {
// Catch all potential problems
LOG.debug("Could not retrieve instance of brokerpool: " + e.getMessage());
// try exist.home
if (System.getProperty("exist.home") != null) {
existHome = new File(ConfigurationHelper.decodeUserHome(System.getProperty("exist.home")));
if (existHome.isDirectory()) {
LOG.debug("Got eXist home from system property 'exist.home': " + existHome);
return existHome;
// try user.home
existHome = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
if (existHome.isDirectory() && new File(existHome, config).isFile()) {
LOG.debug("Got eXist home from system property 'user.home': " + existHome);
return existHome;
// try user.dir
existHome = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
if (existHome.isDirectory() && new File(existHome, config).isFile()) {
LOG.debug("Got eXist home from system property 'user.dir': " + existHome);
return existHome;
// try classpath
final URL configUrl = ConfigurationHelper.class.getClassLoader().getResource(config);
if (configUrl != null) {
existHome = new File(configUrl.getPath()).getParentFile();
LOG.debug("Got eXist home from classpath: " + existHome);
return existHome;
existHome = null;
return existHome;
* Returns a file handle for the given path, while <code>path</code> specifies
* the path to an eXist configuration file or directory.
* <br>
* Note that relative paths are being interpreted relative to <code>exist.home</code>
* or the current working directory, in case <code>exist.home</code> was not set.
* @param path the file path
* @return the file handle
public static File lookup(String path) {
return lookup(path, null);
* Returns a file handle for the given path, while <code>path</code> specifies
* the path to an eXist configuration file or directory.
* <br>
* If <code>parent</code> is null, then relative paths are being interpreted
* relative to <code>exist.home</code> or the current working directory, in
* case <code>exist.home</code> was not set.
* @param path path to the file or directory
* @param parent parent directory used to lookup <code>path</code>
* @return the file handle
public static File lookup(String path, String parent) {
// resolvePath is used for things like ~user/folder
final File f = new File(decodeUserHome(path));
if (f.isAbsolute()) {return f;}
if (parent == null) {
File home = getExistHome();
if (home == null)
{home = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));}
parent = home.getPath();
return new File(parent, path);
* Resolves the given path by means of eventually replacing <tt>~</tt> with the users
* home directory, taken from the system property <code>user.home</code>.
* @param path the path to resolve
* @return the resolved path
public static String decodeUserHome(String path) {
if (path != null && path.startsWith("~") && path.length() > 1) {
path = System.getProperty("user.home") + path.substring(1);
return path;