Package org.exist.util

Source Code of org.exist.util.Configuration

*  eXist Open Source Native XML Database
*  Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The eXist Project
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
*  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
*  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
*  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
*  $Id$
package org.exist.util;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.exist.repo.Deployment;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

import org.exist.Indexer;
import org.exist.indexing.IndexManager;
import org.exist.memtree.SAXAdapter;
import org.exist.protocolhandler.eXistURLStreamHandlerFactory;
import org.exist.scheduler.JobConfig;
import org.exist.scheduler.JobException;
import org.exist.validation.GrammarPool;
import org.exist.validation.resolver.eXistXMLCatalogResolver;
import org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl;
import org.exist.xquery.FunctionFactory;
import org.exist.xquery.PerformanceStats;
import org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext;
import org.exist.xquery.XQueryWatchDog;
import org.exist.xslt.TransformerFactoryAllocator;



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.exist.Namespaces;
import org.exist.scheduler.JobType;
import org.exist.xquery.Module;

public class Configuration implements ErrorHandler
    private final static Logger       LOG            = Logger.getLogger( Configuration.class ); //Logger
    protected String                  configFilePath = null;
    protected File                    existHome      = null;

    protected DocumentBuilder         builder        = null;
    protected HashMap<String, Object> config         = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //Configuration

    private static final String XQUERY_CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME = "xquery";
    private static final String XQUERY_BUILTIN_MODULES_CONFIGURATION_MODULES_ELEMENT_NAME = "builtin-modules";
    public final static String BINARY_CACHE_CLASS_PROPERTY = "binary.cache.class";
    public Configuration() throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        this( DatabaseImpl.CONF_XML, null );

    public Configuration( String configFilename ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        this( configFilename, null );

    public Configuration(String configFilename, String existHomeDirname) throws DatabaseConfigurationException {
        try {
            InputStream is = null;

            if(configFilename == null) {
                // Default file name
                configFilename = DatabaseImpl.CONF_XML;

            // firstly, try to read the configuration from a file within the
            // classpath
            try {
                is = Configuration.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configFilename);

                if(is != null) {
          "Reading configuration from classloader");
            } catch(final Exception e) {
                // EB: ignore and go forward, e.g. in case there is an absolute
                // file name for configFileName
                LOG.debug( e );

            // otherwise, secondly try to read configuration from file. Guess the
            // location if necessary
            if(is == null) {
                existHome = (existHomeDirname != null) ? new File(existHomeDirname) : ConfigurationHelper.getExistHome(configFilename);

                if(existHome == null) {

                    // EB: try to create existHome based on location of config file
                    // when config file points to absolute file location
                    final File absoluteConfigFile = new File(configFilename);

                    if(absoluteConfigFile.isAbsolute() && absoluteConfigFile.exists() && absoluteConfigFile.canRead()) {
                        existHome = absoluteConfigFile.getParentFile();
                        configFilename = absoluteConfigFile.getName();
                File configFile = new File(configFilename);

                if(!configFile.isAbsolute() && (existHome != null)) {

                    // try the passed or constructed existHome first
                    configFile = new File(existHome, configFilename);

                //if( configFile == null ) {
                //    configFile = ConfigurationHelper.lookup( configFilename );

                if(!configFile.exists() || !configFile.canRead()) {
                    throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "Unable to read configuration file at " + configFile ) );
                configFilePath = configFile.getAbsolutePath();
                is = new FileInputStream(configFile);

                // set dbHome to parent of the conf file found, to resolve relative
                // path from conf file
                existHomeDirname = configFile.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath();
      "Reading configuration from file " + configFile);

            // initialize xml parser
            // we use eXist's in-memory DOM implementation to work
            // around a bug in Xerces
            final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            factory.setNamespaceAware( true );

//            factory.setFeature("", true);
//            factory.setFeature("", true);
            final InputSource src = new InputSource(is);
            final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
            final XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader();
            final SAXAdapter adapter = new SAXAdapter();

            final Document doc = adapter.getDocument();

            //indexer settings
            final NodeList indexers = doc.getElementsByTagName(Indexer.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(indexers.getLength() > 0) {
                configureIndexer( existHomeDirname, doc, (Element)indexers.item( 0 ) );

            //scheduler settings
            final NodeList schedulers = doc.getElementsByTagName(JobConfig.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(schedulers.getLength() > 0) {

            //db connection settings
            final NodeList dbcon = doc.getElementsByTagName(BrokerPool.CONFIGURATION_CONNECTION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(dbcon.getLength() > 0) {
                configureBackend(existHomeDirname, (Element)dbcon.item(0));

            final NodeList repository = doc.getElementsByTagName("repository");
            if(repository.getLength() > 0) {
                configureRepository((Element) repository.item(0));

            final NodeList binaryManager = doc.getElementsByTagName("binary-manager");
            if(binaryManager.getLength() > 0) {
            //transformer settings
            final NodeList transformers = doc.getElementsByTagName(TransformerFactoryAllocator.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if( transformers.getLength() > 0 ) {

            //serializer settings
            final NodeList serializers = doc.getElementsByTagName(Serializer.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(serializers.getLength() > 0) {

            //XUpdate settings
            final NodeList xupdates = doc.getElementsByTagName(DBBroker.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(xupdates.getLength() > 0) {

            //XQuery settings
            final NodeList xquery = doc.getElementsByTagName(XQUERY_CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(xquery.getLength() > 0) {

            //XACML settings
            final NodeList xacml = doc.getElementsByTagName(XACMLConstants.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            //TODO : check that we have only one element
            if(xacml.getLength() > 0) {

            final NodeList validations = doc.getElementsByTagName(XMLReaderObjectFactory.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
            if(validations.getLength() > 0) {
                configureValidation(existHomeDirname, doc, (Element)validations.item(0));

        catch(final SAXException e) {
            LOG.warn("error while reading config file: " + configFilename, e);
            throw new DatabaseConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
        catch(final ParserConfigurationException cfg) {
            LOG.warn("error while reading config file: " + configFilename, cfg);
            throw new DatabaseConfigurationException(cfg.getMessage());
        catch(final IOException io) {
            LOG.warn("error while reading config file: " + configFilename, io);
            throw new DatabaseConfigurationException(io.getMessage());

    private void configureRepository(Element element) {
        String root = element.getAttribute("root");
        if (root != null && root.length() > 0) {
            if (!root.endsWith("/"))
                {root += "/";}
            config.put(Deployment.PROPERTY_APP_ROOT, root);

    private void configureBinaryManager(Element binaryManager) throws DatabaseConfigurationException {
        final NodeList nlCache = binaryManager.getElementsByTagName("cache");
        if(nlCache.getLength() > 0) {
            final Element cache = (Element)nlCache.item(0);
            final String binaryCacheClass = cache.getAttribute("class");
            config.put(BINARY_CACHE_CLASS_PROPERTY, binaryCacheClass);
    private void configureXQuery( Element xquery ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        //java binding
        final String javabinding = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, FunctionFactory.ENABLE_JAVA_BINDING_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( javabinding != null ) {
            config.put( FunctionFactory.PROPERTY_ENABLE_JAVA_BINDING, javabinding );
            LOG.debug( FunctionFactory.PROPERTY_ENABLE_JAVA_BINDING + ": " + config.get( FunctionFactory.PROPERTY_ENABLE_JAVA_BINDING ) );

        final String disableDeprecated = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, FunctionFactory.DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS_ATTRIBUTE );
        config.put( FunctionFactory.PROPERTY_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS, Configuration.parseBoolean( disableDeprecated, FunctionFactory.DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS_BY_DEFAULT ) );
        LOG.debug( FunctionFactory.PROPERTY_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS + ": " + config.get( FunctionFactory.PROPERTY_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS ) );

        final String optimize = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, XQueryContext.ENABLE_QUERY_REWRITING_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( ( optimize != null ) && ( optimize.length() > 0 ) ) {
            config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_ENABLE_QUERY_REWRITING, optimize );
            LOG.debug( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_ENABLE_QUERY_REWRITING + ": " + config.get( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_ENABLE_QUERY_REWRITING ) );

        final String enforceIndexUse = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, XQueryContext.ENFORCE_INDEX_USE_ATTRIBUTE );
        if (enforceIndexUse != null) {
          config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_ENFORCE_INDEX_USE, enforceIndexUse );
        final String backwardCompatible = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, XQueryContext.XQUERY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( ( backwardCompatible != null ) && ( backwardCompatible.length() > 0 ) ) {
            config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_XQUERY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE, backwardCompatible );
            LOG.debug( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_XQUERY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE + ": " + config.get( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_XQUERY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE ) );

        final String raiseErrorOnFailedRetrieval = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, XQueryContext.XQUERY_RAISE_ERROR_ON_FAILED_RETRIEVAL_ATTRIBUTE );
        config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_XQUERY_RAISE_ERROR_ON_FAILED_RETRIEVAL, Configuration.parseBoolean( raiseErrorOnFailedRetrieval, XQueryContext.XQUERY_RAISE_ERROR_ON_FAILED_RETRIEVAL_DEFAULT ) );

        final String trace = getConfigAttributeValue( xquery, PerformanceStats.CONFIG_ATTR_TRACE );
        config.put( PerformanceStats.CONFIG_PROPERTY_TRACE, trace );

        // built-in-modules
        final Map<String, Class<?>> classMap      = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
        final Map<String, String>   knownMappings = new HashMap<String, String>();
        final Map<String, Map<String, List<? extends Object>>> moduleParameters = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<? extends Object>>>();
        loadModuleClasses(xquery, classMap, knownMappings, moduleParameters);
        config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_BUILT_IN_MODULES, classMap);
        config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_STATIC_MODULE_MAP, knownMappings);
        config.put( XQueryContext.PROPERTY_MODULE_PARAMETERS, moduleParameters);

     * Read list of built-in modules from the configuration. This method will only make sure
     * that the specified module class exists and is a subclass of {@link org.exist.xquery.Module}.
     * @param   xquery            configuration root
     * @param   modulesClassMap   map containing all classes of modules
     * @param   modulesSourceMap  map containing all source uris to external resources
     * @throws  DatabaseConfigurationException
    private void loadModuleClasses( Element xquery, Map<String, Class<?>> modulesClassMap, Map<String, String> modulesSourceMap, Map<String, Map<String, List<? extends Object>>> moduleParameters) throws DatabaseConfigurationException {
        // add the standard function module
        modulesClassMap.put(Namespaces.XPATH_FUNCTIONS_NS, org.exist.xquery.functions.fn.FnModule.class);

        // add other modules specified in configuration
        final NodeList builtins = xquery.getElementsByTagName(XQUERY_BUILTIN_MODULES_CONFIGURATION_MODULES_ELEMENT_NAME);

        // search under <builtin-modules>
        if(builtins.getLength() > 0) {
            Element  elem    = (Element)builtins.item(0);
            final NodeList modules = elem.getElementsByTagName(XQUERY_BUILTIN_MODULES_CONFIGURATION_MODULE_ELEMENT_NAME);

            if(modules.getLength() > 0) {

                // iterate over all <module src= uri= class=> entries
                for(int i = 0; i < modules.getLength(); i++) {

                    // Get element.
                    elem = (Element)modules.item(i);

                    // Get attributes uri class and src
                    final String uri    = elem.getAttribute(XQueryContext.BUILT_IN_MODULE_URI_ATTRIBUTE);
                    final String clazz  = elem.getAttribute(XQueryContext.BUILT_IN_MODULE_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE);
                    final String source = elem.getAttribute(XQueryContext.BUILT_IN_MODULE_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE);

                    // uri attribute is the identifier and is always required
                    if(uri == null) {
                        throw(new DatabaseConfigurationException("element 'module' requires an attribute 'uri'" ));

                    // either class or source attribute must be present
                    if((clazz == null) && (source == null)) {
                        throw(new DatabaseConfigurationException("element 'module' requires either an attribute " + "'class' or 'src'" ));

                    if(source != null) {
                        // Store src attribute info

                        modulesSourceMap.put(uri, source);

                        if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug( "Registered mapping for module '" + uri + "' to '" + source + "'");

                    } else {
                        // source class attribute info

                        // Get class of module
                        final Class<?> moduleClass = lookupModuleClass(uri, clazz);

                        // Store class if thw module class actually exists
                        if( moduleClass != null) {
                            modulesClassMap.put(uri, moduleClass);

                        if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Configured module '" + uri + "' implemented in '" + clazz + "'");

                    //parse any module parameters
                    moduleParameters.put(uri, ParametersExtractor.extract(elem.getElementsByTagName(ParametersExtractor.PARAMETER_ELEMENT_NAME)));

     *  Returns the Class object associated with the with the given module class name. All
     * important exceptions are caught. @see org.exist.xquery.Module
     * @param uri   namespace of class. For logging purposes only.
     * @param clazz the fully qualified name of the desired module class.
     * @return      the module Class object for the module with the specified name.
     * @throws      DatabaseConfigurationException if the given module class is not an instance
     *              of org.exist.xquery.Module
    private Class<?> lookupModuleClass(String uri, String clazz) throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        Class<?> mClass = null;

        try {
            mClass = Class.forName( clazz );

            if( !( Module.class.isAssignableFrom( mClass ) ) ) {
                throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "Failed to load module: " + uri
                        + ". Class " + clazz + " is not an instance of org.exist.xquery.Module." ) );

        } catch( final ClassNotFoundException e ) {

            // Note: can't throw an exception here since this would create
            // problems with test cases and jar dependencies
            LOG.error( "Configuration problem: class not found for module '" + uri
                    + "' (ClassNotFoundException); class:'" + clazz
                    + "'; message:'" + e.getMessage() + "'");

        } catch( final NoClassDefFoundError e ) {
            LOG.error( "Module " + uri + " could not be initialized due to a missing "
                    + "dependancy (NoClassDefFoundError): " + e.getMessage(), e );

        return mClass;

    public void configureXACML( Element xacml )
        final String enable = getConfigAttributeValue( xacml, XACMLConstants.ENABLE_XACML_ATTRIBUTE );
        config.put( XACMLConstants.ENABLE_XACML_PROPERTY, Configuration.parseBoolean( enable, XACMLConstants.ENABLE_XACML_BY_DEFAULT ) );
        LOG.debug( XACMLConstants.ENABLE_XACML_PROPERTY + ": " + config.get( XACMLConstants.ENABLE_XACML_PROPERTY ) );

        final String loadDefaults = getConfigAttributeValue( xacml, XACMLConstants.LOAD_DEFAULT_POLICIES_ATTRIBUTE );
        config.put( XACMLConstants.LOAD_DEFAULT_POLICIES_PROPERTY, Configuration.parseBoolean( loadDefaults, true ) );

     * @param   xupdate
     * @throws  NumberFormatException
    private void configureXUpdate( Element xupdate ) throws NumberFormatException
        final String fragmentation = getConfigAttributeValue( xupdate, DBBroker.XUPDATE_FRAGMENTATION_FACTOR_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( fragmentation != null ) {
            config.put( DBBroker.PROPERTY_XUPDATE_FRAGMENTATION_FACTOR, Integer.valueOf(fragmentation) );

        final String consistencyCheck = getConfigAttributeValue( xupdate, DBBroker.XUPDATE_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( consistencyCheck != null ) {
            config.put( DBBroker.PROPERTY_XUPDATE_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS, parseBoolean( consistencyCheck, false ) );

    private void configureTransformer( Element transformer )
        final String className = getConfigAttributeValue( transformer, TransformerFactoryAllocator.TRANSFORMER_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( className != null ) {
            config.put( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_TRANSFORMER_CLASS, className );
            LOG.debug( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_TRANSFORMER_CLASS + ": " + config.get( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_TRANSFORMER_CLASS ) );

            // Process any specified attributes that should be passed to the transformer factory

            final NodeList                  attrs      = transformer.getElementsByTagName( TransformerFactoryAllocator.CONFIGURATION_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT_NAME );
            final Hashtable<Object, Object> attributes = new Properties();

            for( int a = 0; a < attrs.getLength(); a++ ) {
                final Element attr  = (Element)attrs.item( a );
                final String  name  = attr.getAttribute( "name" );
                final String  value = attr.getAttribute( "value" );
                final String  type  = attr.getAttribute( "type" );

                if( ( name == null ) || ( name.length() == 0 ) ) {
                    LOG.warn( "Discarded invalid attribute for TransformerFactory: '" + className + "', name not specified" );

                } else if( ( type == null ) || ( type.length() == 0 ) || type.equalsIgnoreCase( "string" ) ) {
                    attributes.put( name, value );

                } else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( "boolean" ) ) {
                    attributes.put( name, Boolean.valueOf( value ) );

                } else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( "integer" ) ) {

                    try {
                        attributes.put( name, Integer.valueOf( value ) );

                    catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                        LOG.warn( "Discarded invalid attribute for TransformerFactory: '" + className + "', name: " + name + ", value not integer: " + value );

                } else {

                    // Assume string type
                    attributes.put( name, value );

            config.put( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTES, attributes );

        final String cachingValue = getConfigAttributeValue( transformer, TransformerFactoryAllocator.TRANSFORMER_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( cachingValue != null ) {
            config.put( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE, parseBoolean( cachingValue, false ) );
            LOG.debug( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE + ": " + config.get( TransformerFactoryAllocator.PROPERTY_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE ) );

     * @param  serializer
    private void configureSerializer( Element serializer )
        final String xinclude = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.ENABLE_XINCLUDE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( xinclude != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_ENABLE_XINCLUDE, xinclude );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_ENABLE_XINCLUDE + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_ENABLE_XINCLUDE ) );

        final String xsl = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.ENABLE_XSL_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( xsl != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_ENABLE_XSL, xsl );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_ENABLE_XSL + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_ENABLE_XSL ) );

        final String indent = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.INDENT_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( indent != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_INDENT, indent );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_INDENT + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_INDENT ) );

        final String compress = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.COMPRESS_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( compress != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_COMPRESS_OUTPUT, compress );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_COMPRESS_OUTPUT + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_COMPRESS_OUTPUT ) );

        final String internalId = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.ADD_EXIST_ID_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( internalId != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_ADD_EXIST_ID, internalId );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_ADD_EXIST_ID + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_ADD_EXIST_ID ) );

        final String tagElementMatches = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.TAG_MATCHING_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( tagElementMatches != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_TAG_MATCHING_ELEMENTS, tagElementMatches );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_TAG_MATCHING_ELEMENTS + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_TAG_MATCHING_ELEMENTS ) );

        final String tagAttributeMatches = getConfigAttributeValue( serializer, Serializer.TAG_MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( tagAttributeMatches != null ) {
            config.put( Serializer.PROPERTY_TAG_MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES, tagAttributeMatches );
            LOG.debug( Serializer.PROPERTY_TAG_MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES + ": " + config.get( Serializer.PROPERTY_TAG_MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES ) );

        final NodeList nlFilters = serializer.getElementsByTagName( CustomMatchListenerFactory.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT );

        if( nlFilters == null ) {

        final List<String> filters = new ArrayList<String>( nlFilters.getLength() );

        for( int i = 0; i < nlFilters.getLength(); i++ ) {
            final Element filterElem  = (Element)nlFilters.item( i );
            final String  filterClass = filterElem.getAttribute( CustomMatchListenerFactory.CONFIGURATION_ATTR_CLASS );

            if( filterClass != null ) {
                filters.add( filterClass );
                LOG.debug( CustomMatchListenerFactory.CONFIG_MATCH_LISTENERS + ": " + filterClass );
            } else {
                LOG.warn( "Configuration element " + CustomMatchListenerFactory.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT + " needs an attribute 'class'" );
        config.put( CustomMatchListenerFactory.CONFIG_MATCH_LISTENERS, filters );

     * Reads the scheduler configuration.
     * @param  scheduler  DOCUMENT ME!
    private void configureScheduler(final Element scheduler)
        final NodeList nlJobs = scheduler.getElementsByTagName(JobConfig.CONFIGURATION_JOB_ELEMENT_NAME);

        if(nlJobs == null) {

        final List<JobConfig> jobList = new ArrayList<JobConfig>();

        for(int i = 0; i < nlJobs.getLength(); i++) {
            final Element job = (Element)nlJobs.item( i );

            //get the job type
            final String strJobType = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);

            final JobType jobType;
            if(strJobType == null) {
                jobType = JobType.USER; //default to user if unspecified
            } else {
                jobType = JobType.valueOf(strJobType.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));

            final String jobName = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_NAME_ATTRIBUTE);

            //get the job resource
            String jobResource = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE);
            if(jobResource == null) {
                jobResource = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_XQUERY_ATTRIBUTE);

            //get the job schedule
            String jobSchedule = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_CRON_TRIGGER_ATTRIBUTE);
            if(jobSchedule == null) {
                jobSchedule = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_PERIOD_ATTRIBUTE);

            final String jobUnschedule = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_UNSCHEDULE_ON_EXCEPTION);
            //create the job config
            try {
                final JobConfig jobConfig = new JobConfig(jobType, jobName, jobResource, jobSchedule, jobUnschedule);

                //get and set the job delay
                final String jobDelay = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_DELAY_ATTRIBUTE);

                if((jobDelay != null) && (jobDelay.length() > 0)) {

                //get and set the job repeat
                final String jobRepeat = getConfigAttributeValue(job, JobConfig.JOB_REPEAT_ATTRIBUTE);

                if((jobRepeat != null) && (jobRepeat.length() > 0)) {

                final NodeList nlParam = job.getElementsByTagName(ParametersExtractor.PARAMETER_ELEMENT_NAME);
                final Map<String, List<? extends Object>> params = ParametersExtractor.extract(nlParam);
                for(final Entry<String, List<? extends Object>> param : params.entrySet()) {
                    final List<? extends Object> values = param.getValue();
                    if(values != null && values.size() > 0) {
                        jobConfig.addParameter(param.getKey(), values.get(0).toString());
                        if(values.size() > 1) {
                            LOG.warn("Parameter '" + param.getKey() + "' for job '" + jobName + "' has more than one value, ignoring further values.");


                LOG.debug("Configured scheduled '" + jobType + "' job '" + jobResource + ((jobSchedule == null) ? "" : ("' with trigger '" + jobSchedule)) + ((jobDelay == null) ? "" : ("' with delay '" + jobDelay)) + ((jobRepeat == null) ? "" : ("' repetitions '" + jobRepeat)) + "'");
            } catch(final JobException je) {

        if(jobList.size() > 0 ) {
            final JobConfig[] configs = new JobConfig[jobList.size()];

            for(int i = 0; i < jobList.size(); i++) {
                configs[i] = (JobConfig)jobList.get(i);

            config.put(JobConfig.PROPERTY_SCHEDULER_JOBS, configs);

     * @param   dbHome
     * @param   con
     * @throws  DatabaseConfigurationException
    private void configureBackend( String dbHome, Element con ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        final String mysql = getConfigAttributeValue( con, BrokerFactory.PROPERTY_DATABASE );

        if( mysql != null ) {
            config.put( BrokerFactory.PROPERTY_DATABASE, mysql );
            LOG.debug( BrokerFactory.PROPERTY_DATABASE + ": " + config.get( BrokerFactory.PROPERTY_DATABASE ) );

        // directory for database files
        final String dataFiles = getConfigAttributeValue( con, BrokerPool.DATA_DIR_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( dataFiles != null ) {
            final File df = ConfigurationHelper.lookup( dataFiles, dbHome );

            if( !df.canRead() ) {
                final boolean mkdirs = df.mkdirs();
                if (!(mkdirs && df.canRead())) {
                    throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "cannot read data directory: " + df.getAbsolutePath() ) );
            config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_DATA_DIR, df.getAbsolutePath() );
            LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_DATA_DIR + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_DATA_DIR ) );

        String cacheMem = getConfigAttributeValue( con, DefaultCacheManager.CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( cacheMem != null ) {

            if( cacheMem.endsWith( "M" ) || cacheMem.endsWith( "m" ) ) {
                cacheMem = cacheMem.substring( 0, cacheMem.length() - 1 );

            try {
                config.put( DefaultCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE, Integer.valueOf(cacheMem) );
                LOG.debug( DefaultCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE + ": " + config.get( DefaultCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE ) + "m" );
            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );
        // Process the Check Max Cache value
        String checkMaxCache = getConfigAttributeValue( con, DefaultCacheManager.CACHE_CHECK_MAX_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE );
        if( checkMaxCache == null ) {
            checkMaxCache = DefaultCacheManager.DEFAULT_CACHE_CHECK_MAX_SIZE_STRING;
        config.put( DefaultCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_CHECK_MAX_SIZE, parseBoolean( checkMaxCache, true ) );
        LOG.debug( DefaultCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_CHECK_MAX_SIZE + ": " + config.get( DefaultCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_CHECK_MAX_SIZE ) );

        String cacheShrinkThreshold = getConfigAttributeValue( con, DefaultCacheManager.SHRINK_THRESHOLD_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( cacheShrinkThreshold == null ) {
            cacheShrinkThreshold = DefaultCacheManager.DEFAULT_SHRINK_THRESHOLD_STRING;

        if( cacheShrinkThreshold != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( DefaultCacheManager.SHRINK_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY, Integer.valueOf(cacheShrinkThreshold) );
                LOG.debug( DefaultCacheManager.SHRINK_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY + ": " + config.get( DefaultCacheManager.SHRINK_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        String collectionCache = getConfigAttributeValue( con, CollectionCacheManager.CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( collectionCache != null ) {

            if( collectionCache.endsWith( "M" ) || collectionCache.endsWith( "m" ) ) {
                collectionCache = collectionCache.substring( 0, collectionCache.length() - 1 );

            try {
                config.put( CollectionCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE, Integer.valueOf(collectionCache) );
                LOG.debug( CollectionCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE + ": " + config.get( CollectionCacheManager.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE ) + "m" );
            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        final String pageSize = getConfigAttributeValue( con, NativeBroker.PAGE_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( pageSize != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_PAGE_SIZE, Integer.valueOf(pageSize) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_PAGE_SIZE + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_PAGE_SIZE ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        //Not clear : rather looks like a buffers count
        final String collCacheSize = getConfigAttributeValue( con, BrokerPool.COLLECTION_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( collCacheSize != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_COLLECTION_CACHE_SIZE, Integer.valueOf(collCacheSize) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_COLLECTION_CACHE_SIZE + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_COLLECTION_CACHE_SIZE ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        final String nodesBuffer = getConfigAttributeValue( con, BrokerPool.NODES_BUFFER_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( nodesBuffer != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_NODES_BUFFER, Integer.valueOf(nodesBuffer) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_NODES_BUFFER + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_NODES_BUFFER ) );

            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        final String docIds = con.getAttribute(BrokerPool.DOC_ID_MODE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (docIds != null) {
          config.put(BrokerPool.DOC_ID_MODE_PROPERTY, docIds);
        //Unused !
        final String buffers = getConfigAttributeValue( con, "buffers" );

        if( buffers != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( "db-connection.buffers", Integer.valueOf(buffers) );
                LOG.debug( "db-connection.buffers: " + config.get( "db-connection.buffers" ) );

            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        //Unused !
        final String collBuffers = getConfigAttributeValue( con, "collection_buffers" );

        if( collBuffers != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( "db-connection.collections.buffers", Integer.valueOf(collBuffers) );
                LOG.debug( "db-connection.collections.buffers: " + config.get( "db-connection.collections.buffers" ) );

            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        //Unused !
        final String wordBuffers = getConfigAttributeValue( con, "words_buffers" );

        if( wordBuffers != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( "db-connection.words.buffers", Integer.valueOf(wordBuffers) );
                LOG.debug( "db-connection.words.buffers: " + config.get( "db-connection.words.buffers" ) );

            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        //Unused !
        final String elementBuffers = getConfigAttributeValue( con, "elements_buffers" );

        if( elementBuffers != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( "db-connection.elements.buffers", Integer.valueOf(elementBuffers) );
                LOG.debug( "db-connection.elements.buffers: " + config.get( "db-connection.elements.buffers" ) );

            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        String diskSpace = getConfigAttributeValue(con, BrokerPool.DISK_SPACE_MIN_ATTRIBUTE);

        if( diskSpace != null ) {

            if( diskSpace.endsWith( "M" ) || diskSpace.endsWith( "m" ) ) {
                diskSpace = diskSpace.substring( 0, diskSpace.length() - 1 );

            try {
                config.put(BrokerPool.DISK_SPACE_MIN_PROPERTY, Integer.valueOf(diskSpace));
            catch( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
                LOG.warn( nfe );

        final NodeList securityConf             = con.getElementsByTagName( BrokerPool.CONFIGURATION_SECURITY_ELEMENT_NAME );
        String   securityManagerClassName = BrokerPool.DEFAULT_SECURITY_CLASS;

        if( securityConf.getLength() > 0 ) {
            final Element security = (Element)securityConf.item( 0 );
            securityManagerClassName = getConfigAttributeValue( security, "class" );

            final String encoding = getConfigAttributeValue( security, "password-encoding" );
            config.put( "", encoding );

            final String realm = getConfigAttributeValue( security, "password-realm" );
            config.put( "", realm );

            if( realm != null ) {
       " " + config.get( "" ) );
                RealmImpl.setPasswordRealm( realm );

            } else {
       "No password realm set, defaulting." );

        try {
            config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SECURITY_CLASS, Class.forName( securityManagerClassName ) );
            LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SECURITY_CLASS + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SECURITY_CLASS ) );

        catch( final Throwable ex ) {

            if( ex instanceof ClassNotFoundException ) {
                throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "Cannot find security manager class " + securityManagerClassName, ex ) );
            } else {
                throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "Cannot load security manager class " + securityManagerClassName + " due to " + ex.getMessage(), ex ) );

        final NodeList startupConf = con.getElementsByTagName(BrokerPool.CONFIGURATION_STARTUP_ELEMENT_NAME);
        if(startupConf.getLength() > 0) {
        } else {
            // Prevent NPE
            final List<StartupTriggerConfig> startupTriggers = new ArrayList<StartupTriggerConfig>();
            config.put(BrokerPool.PROPERTY_STARTUP_TRIGGERS, startupTriggers);
        final NodeList poolConf = con.getElementsByTagName( BrokerPool.CONFIGURATION_POOL_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( poolConf.getLength() > 0 ) {
            configurePool( (Element)poolConf.item( 0 ) );

        final NodeList queryPoolConf = con.getElementsByTagName( XQueryPool.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( queryPoolConf.getLength() > 0 ) {
            configureXQueryPool( (Element)queryPoolConf.item( 0 ) );

        final NodeList watchConf = con.getElementsByTagName( XQueryWatchDog.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( watchConf.getLength() > 0 ) {
            configureWatchdog( (Element)watchConf.item( 0 ) );

        final NodeList recoveries = con.getElementsByTagName( BrokerPool.CONFIGURATION_RECOVERY_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( recoveries.getLength() > 0 ) {
            configureRecovery( dbHome, (Element)recoveries.item( 0 ) );

    private void configureRecovery( String dbHome, Element recovery ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        String option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, BrokerPool.RECOVERY_ENABLED_ATTRIBUTE );
        setProperty( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_ENABLED, parseBoolean( option, true ) );
        LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_ENABLED + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_ENABLED ) );

        option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, Journal.RECOVERY_SYNC_ON_COMMIT_ATTRIBUTE );
        setProperty( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_SYNC_ON_COMMIT, parseBoolean( option, true ) );
        LOG.debug( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_SYNC_ON_COMMIT + ": " + config.get( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_SYNC_ON_COMMIT ) );

        option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, TransactionManager.RECOVERY_GROUP_COMMIT_ATTRIBUTE );
        setProperty( TransactionManager.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_GROUP_COMMIT, parseBoolean( option, false ) );
        LOG.debug( TransactionManager.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_GROUP_COMMIT + ": " + config.get( TransactionManager.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_GROUP_COMMIT ) );

        option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, Journal.RECOVERY_JOURNAL_DIR_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( option != null ) {

            final File rf = ConfigurationHelper.lookup( option, dbHome );

            if( !rf.canRead() ) {
                throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "cannot read data directory: " + rf.getAbsolutePath() ) );
            setProperty( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_JOURNAL_DIR, rf.getAbsolutePath() );
            LOG.debug( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_JOURNAL_DIR + ": " + config.get( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_JOURNAL_DIR ) );

        option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, Journal.RECOVERY_SIZE_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( option != null ) {

            if( option.endsWith( "M" ) || option.endsWith( "m" ) ) {
                option = option.substring( 0, option.length() - 1 );

            try {
                final Integer size = new Integer( option );
                setProperty( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_SIZE_LIMIT, size );
                LOG.debug( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_SIZE_LIMIT + ": " + config.get( Journal.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_SIZE_LIMIT ) + "m" );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "size attribute in recovery section needs to be a number" ) );

        option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, TransactionManager.RECOVERY_FORCE_RESTART_ATTRIBUTE );
        boolean value = false;

        if( option != null ) {
            value = "yes".equals(option);
        setProperty( TransactionManager.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_FORCE_RESTART, new Boolean( value ) );
        LOG.debug( TransactionManager.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_FORCE_RESTART + ": " + config.get( TransactionManager.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_FORCE_RESTART ) );

        option = getConfigAttributeValue( recovery, BrokerPool.RECOVERY_POST_RECOVERY_CHECK );
        value  = false;

        if( option != null ) {
            value = "yes".equals(option);
        setProperty( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_CHECK, new Boolean( value ) );
        LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_CHECK + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_RECOVERY_CHECK ) );

     * @param  watchDog
    private void configureWatchdog( Element watchDog )
        final String timeout = getConfigAttributeValue( watchDog, "query-timeout" );

        if( timeout != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( XQueryWatchDog.PROPERTY_QUERY_TIMEOUT, Long.valueOf(timeout) );
                LOG.debug( XQueryWatchDog.PROPERTY_QUERY_TIMEOUT + ": " + config.get( XQueryWatchDog.PROPERTY_QUERY_TIMEOUT ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String maxOutput = getConfigAttributeValue( watchDog, "output-size-limit" );

        if( maxOutput != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( XQueryWatchDog.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SIZE_LIMIT, Integer.valueOf(maxOutput) );
                LOG.debug( XQueryWatchDog.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SIZE_LIMIT + ": " + config.get( XQueryWatchDog.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SIZE_LIMIT ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

     * @param  queryPool
    private void configureXQueryPool( Element queryPool )
        final String maxStackSize = getConfigAttributeValue( queryPool, XQueryPool.MAX_STACK_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( maxStackSize != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_MAX_STACK_SIZE, Integer.valueOf(maxStackSize) );
                LOG.debug( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_MAX_STACK_SIZE + ": " + config.get( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_MAX_STACK_SIZE ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String maxPoolSize = getConfigAttributeValue( queryPool, XQueryPool.POOL_SIZE_ATTTRIBUTE );

        if( maxPoolSize != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_POOL_SIZE, Integer.valueOf(maxPoolSize) );
                LOG.debug( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_POOL_SIZE + ": " + config.get( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_POOL_SIZE ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String timeout = getConfigAttributeValue( queryPool, XQueryPool.TIMEOUT_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( timeout != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT, Long.valueOf(timeout) );
                LOG.debug( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT + ": " + config.get( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String timeoutCheckInterval = getConfigAttributeValue( queryPool, XQueryPool.TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERVAL_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( timeoutCheckInterval != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERVAL, Long.valueOf(timeoutCheckInterval) );
                LOG.debug( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERVAL + ": " + config.get( XQueryPool.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERVAL ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );
    public class StartupTriggerConfig {
        private final String clazz;
        private final Map<String, List<? extends Object>> params;

        public StartupTriggerConfig(final String clazz, final Map<String, List<? extends Object>> params) {
            this.clazz = clazz;
            this.params = params;

        public String getClazz() {
            return clazz;

        public Map<String, List<? extends Object>> getParams() {
            return params;

    private void configureStartup(final Element startup) {
        // Retrieve <triggers>
        final NodeList nlTriggers = startup.getElementsByTagName("triggers");
        // If <triggers> exists
        if(nlTriggers != null && nlTriggers.getLength() > 0) {
            // Get <triggers>
            final Element triggers = (Element)nlTriggers.item(0);
            // Get <trigger>
            final NodeList nlTrigger = triggers.getElementsByTagName("trigger");
            // If <trigger> exists and there are more than 0
            if(nlTrigger != null && nlTrigger.getLength() > 0) {
                // Initialize trigger configuration
                List<StartupTriggerConfig> startupTriggers = (List<StartupTriggerConfig>)config.get(BrokerPool.PROPERTY_STARTUP_TRIGGERS);
                if(startupTriggers == null) {
                    startupTriggers = new ArrayList<StartupTriggerConfig>();
                    config.put(BrokerPool.PROPERTY_STARTUP_TRIGGERS, startupTriggers);
                // Iterate over <trigger> elements
                for(int i = 0; i < nlTrigger.getLength(); i++) {
                    // Get <trigger> element
                    final Element trigger = (Element)nlTrigger.item(i);
                    // Get @class
                    final String startupTriggerClass = trigger.getAttribute("class");
                    boolean isStartupTrigger = false;
                    try {
                        // Verify if class is StartupTrigger
                        for(final Class iface : Class.forName(startupTriggerClass).getInterfaces()) {
                            if("".equals(iface.getName())) {
                                isStartupTrigger = true;

                        // if it actually is a StartupTrigger
                        if(isStartupTrigger) {
                            // Parse additional parameters
                            final Map<String, List<? extends Object>> params
                                    = ParametersExtractor.extract(trigger.getElementsByTagName(ParametersExtractor.PARAMETER_ELEMENT_NAME));
                            // Register trigger
                            startupTriggers.add(new StartupTriggerConfig(startupTriggerClass, params));
                            // Done
                  "Registered StartupTrigger: " + startupTriggerClass);
                        } else {
                            LOG.warn("StartupTrigger: " + startupTriggerClass + " does not implement IGNORING!");
                    } catch(final ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                        LOG.error("Could not find StartupTrigger class: " + startupTriggerClass + ". " + cnfe.getMessage(), cnfe);

     * @param  pool
    private void configurePool( Element pool )
        final String min = getConfigAttributeValue( pool, BrokerPool.MIN_CONNECTIONS_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( min != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_MIN_CONNECTIONS, Integer.valueOf(min) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_MIN_CONNECTIONS + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_MIN_CONNECTIONS ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String max = getConfigAttributeValue( pool, BrokerPool.MAX_CONNECTIONS_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( max != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_MAX_CONNECTIONS, Integer.valueOf(max) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_MAX_CONNECTIONS + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_MAX_CONNECTIONS ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String sync = getConfigAttributeValue( pool, BrokerPool.SYNC_PERIOD_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( sync != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SYNC_PERIOD, Long.valueOf(sync) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SYNC_PERIOD + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SYNC_PERIOD ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String maxShutdownWait = getConfigAttributeValue( pool, BrokerPool.SHUTDOWN_DELAY_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( maxShutdownWait != null ) {

            try {
                config.put( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SHUTDOWN_DELAY, Long.valueOf(maxShutdownWait) );
                LOG.debug( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SHUTDOWN_DELAY + ": " + config.get( BrokerPool.PROPERTY_SHUTDOWN_DELAY ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

    private void configureIndexer( String dbHome, Document doc, Element indexer ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException, MalformedURLException
        final String parseNum = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, TextSearchEngine.INDEX_NUMBERS_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( parseNum != null ) {
            config.put( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_INDEX_NUMBERS, parseBoolean( parseNum, false ) );
            LOG.debug( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_INDEX_NUMBERS + ": " + config.get( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_INDEX_NUMBERS ) );

        final String stemming = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, TextSearchEngine.STEM_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( stemming != null ) {
            config.put( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STEM, parseBoolean( stemming, false ) );
            LOG.debug( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STEM + ": " + config.get( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STEM ) );

        final String termFreq = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, TextSearchEngine.STORE_TERM_FREQUENCY_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( termFreq != null ) {
            config.put( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STORE_TERM_FREQUENCY, parseBoolean( termFreq, false ) );
            LOG.debug( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STORE_TERM_FREQUENCY + ": " + config.get( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STORE_TERM_FREQUENCY ) );

        final String tokenizer = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, TextSearchEngine.TOKENIZER_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( tokenizer != null ) {
            config.put( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_TOKENIZER, tokenizer );
            LOG.debug( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_TOKENIZER + ": " + config.get( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_TOKENIZER ) );

        final String caseSensitive = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, NativeValueIndex.INDEX_CASE_SENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( caseSensitive != null ) {
            config.put( NativeValueIndex.PROPERTY_INDEX_CASE_SENSITIVE, parseBoolean( caseSensitive, false ) );
            LOG.debug( NativeValueIndex.PROPERTY_INDEX_CASE_SENSITIVE + ": " + config.get( NativeValueIndex.PROPERTY_INDEX_CASE_SENSITIVE ) );

        // stopwords
        final NodeList stopwords = indexer.getElementsByTagName( TextSearchEngine.CONFIGURATION_STOPWORDS_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( stopwords.getLength() > 0 ) {
            final String stopwordFile = ( (Element)stopwords.item( 0 ) ).getAttribute( TextSearchEngine.STOPWORD_FILE_ATTRIBUTE );
            final File   sf           = ConfigurationHelper.lookup( stopwordFile, dbHome );

            if( sf.canRead() ) {
                config.put( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STOPWORD_FILE, stopwordFile );
                LOG.debug( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STOPWORD_FILE + ": " + config.get( TextSearchEngine.PROPERTY_STOPWORD_FILE ) );

        int    depth      = 3;
        final String indexDepth = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, NativeBroker.INDEX_DEPTH_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( indexDepth != null ) {

            try {
                depth = Integer.parseInt( indexDepth );

                if( depth < 3 ) {
                    LOG.warn( "parameter index-depth should be >= 3 or you will experience a severe " + "performance loss for node updates (XUpdate or XQuery update extensions)" );
                    depth = 3;
                config.put( NativeBroker.PROPERTY_INDEX_DEPTH, Integer.valueOf(depth) );
                LOG.debug( NativeBroker.PROPERTY_INDEX_DEPTH + ": " + config.get( NativeBroker.PROPERTY_INDEX_DEPTH ) );
            catch( final NumberFormatException e ) {
                LOG.warn( e );

        final String suppressWS = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, Indexer.SUPPRESS_WHITESPACE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( suppressWS != null ) {
            config.put( Indexer.PROPERTY_SUPPRESS_WHITESPACE, suppressWS );
            LOG.debug( Indexer.PROPERTY_SUPPRESS_WHITESPACE + ": " + config.get( Indexer.PROPERTY_SUPPRESS_WHITESPACE ) );

        final String suppressWSmixed = getConfigAttributeValue( indexer, Indexer.PRESERVE_WS_MIXED_CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( suppressWSmixed != null ) {
            config.put( Indexer.PROPERTY_PRESERVE_WS_MIXED_CONTENT, parseBoolean( suppressWSmixed, false ) );
            LOG.debug( Indexer.PROPERTY_PRESERVE_WS_MIXED_CONTENT + ": " + config.get( Indexer.PROPERTY_PRESERVE_WS_MIXED_CONTENT ) );

        // index settings
        final NodeList cl = doc.getElementsByTagName( Indexer.CONFIGURATION_INDEX_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( cl.getLength() > 0 ) {
            final Element   elem = (Element)cl.item( 0 );
            final IndexSpec spec = new IndexSpec( null, elem );
            config.put( Indexer.PROPERTY_INDEXER_CONFIG, spec );
            //LOG.debug(Indexer.PROPERTY_INDEXER_CONFIG + ": " + config.get(Indexer.PROPERTY_INDEXER_CONFIG));

        // index modules
        NodeList modules = indexer.getElementsByTagName( IndexManager.CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( modules.getLength() > 0 ) {
            modules = ( (Element)modules.item( 0 ) ).getElementsByTagName( IndexManager.CONFIGURATION_MODULE_ELEMENT_NAME );
            final IndexModuleConfig[] modConfig = new IndexModuleConfig[modules.getLength()];

            for( int i = 0; i < modules.getLength(); i++ ) {
                final Element elem      = (Element)modules.item( i );
                final String  className = elem.getAttribute( IndexManager.INDEXER_MODULES_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE );
                final String  id        = elem.getAttribute( IndexManager.INDEXER_MODULES_ID_ATTRIBUTE );

                if( ( className == null ) || ( className.length() == 0 ) ) {
                    throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "Required attribute class is missing for module" ) );

                if( ( id == null ) || ( id.length() == 0 ) ) {
                    throw( new DatabaseConfigurationException( "Required attribute id is missing for module" ) );
                modConfig[i] = new IndexModuleConfig( id, className, elem );
            config.put( IndexManager.PROPERTY_INDEXER_MODULES, modConfig );

    private void configureValidation( String dbHome, Document doc, Element validation ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException
        // Register custom protocol URL
        // TODO DWES move to different location?

        // Determine validation mode
        final String mode = getConfigAttributeValue( validation, XMLReaderObjectFactory.VALIDATION_MODE_ATTRIBUTE );

        if( mode != null ) {
            config.put( XMLReaderObjectFactory.PROPERTY_VALIDATION_MODE, mode );
            LOG.debug( XMLReaderObjectFactory.PROPERTY_VALIDATION_MODE + ": " + config.get( XMLReaderObjectFactory.PROPERTY_VALIDATION_MODE ) );

        // Extract catalogs
        LOG.debug( "Creating eXist catalog resolver" );
        final eXistXMLCatalogResolver resolver       = new eXistXMLCatalogResolver();

        final NodeList                entityResolver = validation.getElementsByTagName( XMLReaderObjectFactory.CONFIGURATION_ENTITY_RESOLVER_ELEMENT_NAME );

        if( entityResolver.getLength() > 0 ) {
            final Element  r        = (Element)entityResolver.item( 0 );
            final NodeList catalogs = r.getElementsByTagName( XMLReaderObjectFactory.CONFIGURATION_CATALOG_ELEMENT_NAME );

            LOG.debug( "Found " + catalogs.getLength() + " catalog uri entries." );
            LOG.debug( "Using dbHome=" + dbHome );

            // Determine webapps directory. SingleInstanceConfiguration cannot
            // be used at this phase. Trick is to check wether dbHOME is
            // pointing to a WEB-INF directory, meaning inside war file)
            File webappHome = null;

            if( dbHome == null ) { /// DWES Why? let's make jUnit happy
                webappHome = new File( "webapp" ).getAbsoluteFile();

            } else if( dbHome.endsWith( "WEB-INF" ) ) {
                webappHome = new File( dbHome ).getParentFile().getAbsoluteFile();

            } else {
                webappHome = new File( dbHome, "webapp" ).getAbsoluteFile();
            LOG.debug( "using webappHome=" + webappHome.toURI().toString() );

            // Get and store all URIs
            final List<String> allURIs = new ArrayList<String>();

            for( int i = 0; i < catalogs.getLength(); i++ ) {
                String uri = ( (Element)catalogs.item( i ) ).getAttribute( "uri" );

                if( uri != null ) { // when uri attribute is filled in

                    // Substitute string, creating an uri from a local file
                    if( uri.indexOf( "${WEBAPP_HOME}" ) != -1 ) {
                        uri = uri.replaceAll( "\\$\\{WEBAPP_HOME\\}", webappHome.toURI().toString() );
                    if( uri.indexOf( "${EXIST_HOME}" ) != -1 ) {
                        uri = uri.replaceAll( "\\$\\{EXIST_HOME\\}", dbHome );

                    // Add uri to confiuration
           "Add catalog uri " + uri + "" );
                    allURIs.add( uri );

            resolver.setCatalogs( allURIs );

            // Store all configured URIs
            config.put( XMLReaderObjectFactory.CATALOG_URIS, allURIs );


        // Store resolver
        config.put( XMLReaderObjectFactory.CATALOG_RESOLVER, resolver );

        // cache
        final GrammarPool gp = new GrammarPool();
        config.put( XMLReaderObjectFactory.GRAMMER_POOL, gp );

     * Gets the value of a configuration attribute
     * The value typically is specified in the conf.xml file, but can be overriden with using a System Property
     * @param   element        The attribute's parent element
     * @param   attributeName  The name of the attribute
     * @return  The value of the attribute
    private String getConfigAttributeValue( Element element, String attributeName )
      String value = null;
      if( element != null && attributeName != null ) {
        final String property = getAttributeSystemPropertyName( element, attributeName );
        value = System.getProperty( property );
        // If the value has not been overriden in a system property, then get it from the configuration
        if( value != null ) {
          LOG.warn( "Configuration value overriden by system property: " + property + ", with value: " + value );
        } else {
          value = element.getAttribute( attributeName );
      return( value );
     * Generates a suitable system property name from the given config attribute and parent element.
     * values are of the form org.element.element.....attribute and follow the heirarchical structure of the conf.xml file.
     * For example, the db-connection cacheSize property name would be org.exist.db-connection.cacheSize
     * @param   element        The attribute's parent element
     * @param   attributeName  The name of the attribute
     * @return  The generated system property name
    private String getAttributeSystemPropertyName( Element element, String attributeName )
      final StringBuilder    property   = new StringBuilder( attributeName );
      Node      parent    = element.getParentNode();
      property.insert( 0, "." );
      property.insert( 0,  element.getLocalName() );
      while( parent != null && parent instanceof Element ) {
        final String parentName = ((Element)parent).getLocalName();
        property.insert( 0, "." );
        property.insert( 0, parentName );
        parent   = parent.getParentNode();
      property.insert( 0, "org." );
      return( property.toString() );

    public String getConfigFilePath()
        return( configFilePath );

    public File getExistHome()
        return( existHome );

    public Object getProperty( String name )
        return( config.get( name ) );

    public Object getProperty( String name, Object defaultValue )
      final Object value = config.get( name );
      if (value == null)
        {return defaultValue;}
      return value;

    public boolean hasProperty( String name )
        return( config.containsKey( name ) );

    public void setProperty( String name, Object obj )
        config.put( name, obj );

    public void removeProperty(String name) {

     * Takes the passed string and converts it to a non-null <code>Boolean</code> object. If value is null, the specified default value is used.
     * Otherwise, Boolean.TRUE is returned if and only if the passed string equals &quot;yes&quot; or &quot;true&quot;, ignoring case.
     * @param   value         The string to parse
     * @param   defaultValue  The default if the string is null
     * @return  The parsed <code>Boolean</code>
    public static Boolean parseBoolean(final String value, final boolean defaultValue)
        if(value == null) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(defaultValue);
        return Boolean.valueOf("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value));

    public int getInteger( String name )
        final Object obj = getProperty( name );

        if( ( obj == null ) || !( obj instanceof Integer ) ) {
            return( -1 );

        return( ( (Integer)obj ).intValue() );

     * (non-Javadoc).
     * @param   exception  DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws  SAXException  DOCUMENT ME!
     * @see     org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#error(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)
    public void error( SAXParseException exception ) throws SAXException
        System.err.println( "error occured while reading configuration file " + "[line: " + exception.getLineNumber() + "]:" + exception.getMessage() );

     * (non-Javadoc).
     * @param   exception  DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws  SAXException  DOCUMENT ME!
     * @see     org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#fatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)
    public void fatalError( SAXParseException exception ) throws SAXException
        System.err.println( "error occured while reading configuration file " + "[line: " + exception.getLineNumber() + "]:" + exception.getMessage() );

     * (non-Javadoc).
     * @param   exception  DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws  SAXException  DOCUMENT ME!
     * @see     org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#warning(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)
    public void warning( SAXParseException exception ) throws SAXException
        System.err.println( "error occured while reading configuration file " + "[line: " + exception.getLineNumber() + "]:" + exception.getMessage() );

    public static final class IndexModuleConfig
        protected String  id;
        protected String  className;
        protected Element config;

        public IndexModuleConfig( String id, String className, Element config )
          = id;
            this.className = className;
            this.config    = config;

        public String getClassName()
            return( className );

        public Element getConfig()
            return( config );

        public String getId()
            return( id );


Related Classes of org.exist.util.Configuration

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