* eXist Open Source Native XML Database
* Copyright (C) 2005-2013 The eXist-db Project
* http://exist-db.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $Id$
package org.exist.storage.recovery;
import java.io.File;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.exist.storage.DBBroker;
import org.exist.storage.BrokerPool;
import org.exist.storage.journal.Journal;
import org.exist.storage.journal.JournalReader;
import org.exist.storage.journal.LogEntryTypes;
import org.exist.storage.journal.LogException;
import org.exist.storage.journal.Loggable;
import org.exist.storage.journal.Lsn;
import org.exist.storage.sync.Sync;
import org.exist.storage.txn.Checkpoint;
import org.exist.util.ProgressBar;
import org.exist.util.hashtable.Long2ObjectHashMap;
import org.exist.util.sanity.SanityCheck;
* Database recovery. This class is used once during startup to check
* if the database is in a consistent state. If not, the class attempts to recover
* the database from the journalling log.
* @author wolf
public class RecoveryManager {
private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RecoveryManager.class);
* @uml.property name="logManager"
* @uml.associationEnd multiplicity="(1 1)"
private Journal logManager;
private DBBroker broker;
private boolean restartOnError;
public RecoveryManager(DBBroker broker, Journal log, boolean restartOnError) {
this.broker = broker;
this.logManager = log;
this.restartOnError = restartOnError;
* Checks if the database is in a consistent state. If not, start a recovery run.
* The method scans the last log file and tries to find the last checkpoint
* record. If the checkpoint record is the last record in the file,
* the database was closed cleanly and is in a consistent state. If not, a
* recovery run is started beginning at the last checkpoint found.
* @throws LogException
public boolean recover() throws LogException {
boolean recoveryRun = false;
final File files[] = logManager.getFiles();
// find the last log file in the data directory
final int lastNum = Journal.findLastFile(files);
if (-1 < lastNum) {
// load the last log file
final File last = logManager.getFile(lastNum);
// scan the last log file and record the last checkpoint found
final JournalReader reader = new JournalReader(broker, last, lastNum);
try {
// try to read the last log record to see if it is a checkpoint
boolean checkpointFound = false;
try {
final Loggable lastLog = reader.lastEntry();
if (lastLog != null && lastLog.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.CHECKPOINT) {
final Checkpoint checkpoint = (Checkpoint) lastLog;
// Found a checkpoint. To be sure it is indeed a valid checkpoint
// record, we compare the LSN stored in it with the current LSN.
if (checkpoint.getStoredLsn() == checkpoint.getLsn()) {
checkpointFound = true;
LOG.debug("Database is in clean state. Last checkpoint: " +
} catch (final LogException e) {
LOG.info("Reading last journal log entry failed: " + e.getMessage() + ". Will scan the log...");
// if an exception occurs at this point, the journal file is probably incomplete,
// which indicates a db crash
checkpointFound = false;
if (!checkpointFound) {
LOG.info("Unclean shutdown detected. Scanning journal...");
broker.getBrokerPool().reportStatus("Unclean shutdown detected. Scanning log...");
final Long2ObjectHashMap<Loggable> txnsStarted = new Long2ObjectHashMap<Loggable>();
Checkpoint lastCheckpoint = null;
long lastLsn = Lsn.LSN_INVALID;
Loggable next;
try {
final ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar("Scanning journal ", last.length());
while ((next = reader.nextEntry()) != null) {
// LOG.debug(next.dump());
if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_START) {
// new transaction starts: add it to the transactions table
txnsStarted.put(next.getTransactionId(), next);
} else if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_ABORT) {
// transaction aborted: remove it from the transactions table
} else if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.CHECKPOINT) {
lastCheckpoint = (Checkpoint) next;
lastLsn = next.getLsn();
} catch (final LogException e) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Caught exception while reading log", e);
LOG.info("Last readable journal log entry lsn: " + Lsn.dump(lastLsn));
// if the last checkpoint record is not the last record in the file
// we need a recovery.
if ((lastCheckpoint == null || lastCheckpoint.getLsn() != lastLsn) &&
txnsStarted.size() > 0) {
LOG.info("Dirty transactions: " + txnsStarted.size());
// starting recovery: reposition the log reader to the last checkpoint
if (lastCheckpoint == null)
else {
next = reader.nextEntry();
recoveryRun = true;
try {
LOG.info("Running recovery...");
broker.getBrokerPool().reportStatus("Running recovery...");
doRecovery(txnsStarted.size(), last, reader, lastLsn);
} catch (final LogException e) {
// if restartOnError == true, we try to bring up the database even if there
// are errors. Otherwise, an exception is thrown, which will stop the db initialization
if (restartOnError) {
LOG.error("Aborting recovery. eXist-db detected an error during recovery. This may not be fatal. Database will start up, but corruptions are likely.");
} else {
LOG.error("Aborting recovery. eXist-db detected an error during recovery. This may not be fatal. Please consider running a consistency check via the export tool and create a backup if problems are reported. The db should come up again if you restart it.");
throw e;
} else
{LOG.info("Database is in clean state. Nothing to recover from the journal.");}
} finally {
// remove .log files from directory even if recovery failed.
// Re-applying them on a second start up attempt would definitely damage the db, so we better
// delete them before user tries to launch again.
if (recoveryRun) {
return recoveryRun;
* Called by {@link #recover()} to do the actual recovery.
* @param reader
* @param lastLsn
* @throws LogException
private void doRecovery(int txnCount, File last, JournalReader reader, long lastLsn) throws LogException {
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())
{LOG.info("Running recovery ...");}
try {
// map to track running transactions
final Long2ObjectHashMap<Loggable> runningTxns = new Long2ObjectHashMap<Loggable>();
// ------- REDO ---------
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())
{LOG.info("First pass: redoing " + txnCount + " transactions...");}
final ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar("Redo ", last.length());
Loggable next = null;
int redoCnt = 0;
try {
while ((next = reader.nextEntry()) != null) {
SanityCheck.ASSERT(next.getLogType() != LogEntryTypes.CHECKPOINT,
"Found a checkpoint during recovery run! This should not ever happen.");
if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_START) {
// new transaction starts: add it to the transactions table
runningTxns.put(next.getTransactionId(), next);
} else if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_COMMIT) {
// transaction committed: remove it from the transactions table
} else if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_ABORT) {
// transaction aborted: remove it from the transactions table
// LOG.debug("Redo: " + next.dump());
// redo the log entry
if (next.getLsn() == lastLsn)
{break;} // last readable entry reached. Stop here.
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception caught while redoing transactions. Aborting recovery to avoid possible damage. " +
"Before starting again, make sure to run a check via the emergency export tool.", e);
if (next != null)
{LOG.info("Log entry that caused the exception: " + next.dump());}
throw new LogException("Recovery aborted. ");
} finally {
LOG.info("Redo processed " + redoCnt + " out of " + txnCount + " transactions.");
// ------- UNDO ---------
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())
{LOG.info("Second pass: undoing dirty transactions. Uncommitted transactions: " +
// see if there are uncommitted transactions pending
if (runningTxns.size() > 0) {
// do a reverse scan of the log, undoing all uncommitted transactions
try {
while((next = reader.previousEntry()) != null) {
if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_START) {
if (runningTxns.get(next.getTransactionId()) != null) {
if (runningTxns.size() == 0)
// all dirty transactions undone
} else if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.TXN_COMMIT) {
// ignore already committed transaction
} else if (next.getLogType() == LogEntryTypes.CHECKPOINT) {
// found last checkpoint: undo is completed
// undo the log entry if it belongs to an uncommitted transaction
if (runningTxns.get(next.getTransactionId()) != null) {
// LOG.debug("Undo: " + next.dump());
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Exception caught while undoing dirty transactions. Remaining transactions " +
"to be undone: " + runningTxns.size() + ". Aborting recovery to avoid possible damage. " +
"Before starting again, make sure to run a check via the emergency export tool.", e);
if (next != null)
{LOG.warn("Log entry that caused the exception: " + next.dump());}
throw new LogException("Recovery aborted");
} finally {
private void cleanDirectory(File[] files) {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)