* eXist Open Source Native XML Database
* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 The eXist team
* http://exist-db.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $Id$
package org.exist.stax;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.Location;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.StreamFilter;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.exist.dom.AttrImpl;
import org.exist.dom.CharacterDataImpl;
import org.exist.dom.DocumentImpl;
import org.exist.dom.ElementImpl;
import org.exist.dom.NodeHandle;
import org.exist.dom.StoredNode;
import org.exist.numbering.NodeId;
import org.exist.storage.DBBroker;
import org.exist.storage.Signatures;
import org.exist.storage.btree.Value;
import org.exist.storage.dom.RawNodeIterator;
import org.exist.util.ByteConversion;
import org.exist.util.XMLString;
import org.exist.util.serializer.AttrList;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
* Lazy implementation of a StAX {@link javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader}, which directly reads
* information from the persistent DOM. The class is optimized to support fast scanning of the DOM, where only
* a few selected node properties are requested. Node properties are extracted on demand. For example, the QName of
* an element will not be read unless {@link #getText()} is called.
public class EmbeddedXMLStreamReader implements ExtendedXMLStreamReader {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EmbeddedXMLStreamReader.class);
private RawNodeIterator iterator;
private Value current = null;
private Value previous = null;
private Stack<ElementEvent> elementStack = new Stack<ElementEvent>();
private int state = START_DOCUMENT;
private boolean beforeRoot = false;
private DocumentImpl document;
private NodeId nodeId;
private NodeHandle origin;
private QName qname = null;
private XMLString text = new XMLString(256);
private List<String[]> namespaces = new ArrayList<String[]>(6);
private boolean nsRead = false;
private AttrList attributes = null;
private boolean reportAttribs = false;
private DBBroker broker;
* Construct an EmbeddedXMLStreamReader.
* @param doc the document to which the start node belongs.
* @param iterator a RawNodeIterator positioned on the start node.
* @param origin an optional NodeHandle whose nodeId should match the first node in the stream
* (or null if no need to check)
* @param reportAttributes if set to true, attributes will be reported as top-level events.
* @throws XMLStreamException
public EmbeddedXMLStreamReader(DBBroker broker, DocumentImpl doc, RawNodeIterator iterator, NodeHandle origin, boolean reportAttributes)
throws XMLStreamException {
this.broker = broker;
this.document = doc;
this.iterator = iterator;
this.reportAttribs = reportAttributes;
this.origin = origin;
public void filter(StreamFilter filter) throws XMLStreamException {
while (hasNext()) {
if (!filter.accept(this))
* Reposition the stream reader to another start node, maybe in a different document.
* @param node the new start node.
* @param reportAttributes if set to true, attributes will be reported as top-level events.
* @throws IOException
public void reposition(DBBroker broker, NodeHandle node, boolean reportAttributes) throws IOException {
this.broker = broker;
// Seeking to a node with unknown address will reuse this reader, so do it before setting all
// the fields otherwise they could get overwritten.
this.current = null;
this.previous = null;
this.state = START_DOCUMENT;
this.reportAttribs = reportAttributes;
this.document = (DocumentImpl) node.getOwnerDocument();
this.origin = node;
public short getNodeType() {
return Signatures.getType(current.data()[current.start()]);
private void initNode() {
final short type = Signatures.getType(current.data()[current.start()]); // TODO: remove potential NPE
if (state == START_DOCUMENT && type != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
{beforeRoot = true;}
switch (type) {
case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
elementStack.push(new ElementEvent(current));
beforeRoot = false;
state = ATTRIBUTE;
case Node.TEXT_NODE :
state = COMMENT;
state = CDATA;
public int getChildCount() {
if (state == START_ELEMENT)
{return elementStack.peek().getChildCount();}
return 0;
private void skipAttributes() throws XMLStreamException {
if (attributes == null) {
// attributes were not yet read. skip them...
final ElementEvent parent = elementStack.peek();
final int attrs = getAttributeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < attrs; i++) {
private void readAttributes() {
if (attributes == null) {
final ElementEvent parent = elementStack.peek();
final int count = getAttributeCount();
attributes = new AttrList();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final Value v = iterator.next();
AttrImpl.addToList(broker, v.data(), v.start(), v.getLength(), attributes);
private void readNodeId() {
int offset = current.start() + StoredNode.LENGTH_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
if (state == START_ELEMENT || state == END_ELEMENT)
{offset += ElementImpl.LENGTH_ELEMENT_CHILD_COUNT;}
final int dlnLen = ByteConversion.byteToShort(current.data(), offset);
offset += NodeId.LENGTH_NODE_ID_UNITS;
nodeId = broker.getBrokerPool().getNodeFactory().createFromData(dlnLen, current.data(), offset);
public int next() throws XMLStreamException {
if (state != END_ELEMENT)
{previous = current;}
if (state == START_ELEMENT && !reportAttribs)
if (!elementStack.isEmpty()) {
final ElementEvent parent = elementStack.peek();
if (parent.getChildCount() == parent.getCurrentChild()) {
state = END_ELEMENT;
current = parent.data;
return state;
} else {
} else if (state != START_DOCUMENT && !beforeRoot)
{throw new NoSuchElementException();}
final boolean first = state == START_DOCUMENT;
current = iterator.next();
if (first && origin != null) {
origin = null;
return state;
private void verifyOriginNodeId() throws XMLStreamException {
if (!nodeId.equals(origin.getNodeId())) {
// Node got moved, we had the wrong address. Resync iterator by nodeid.
LOG.warn("expected node id " + origin.getNodeId() + ", got " + nodeId + "; resyncing address");
boolean reportAttribsBackup = reportAttribs;
DocumentImpl documentBackup = document;
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
// Seeking the iterator might've reused this reader, so reset all fields.
previous = null;
reportAttribs = reportAttribsBackup;
document = documentBackup;
current = iterator.next();
private void reset() {
nodeId = null;
qname = null;
attributes = null;
if (state != END_ELEMENT) {
nsRead = false;
public void require(int i, String string, String string1) throws XMLStreamException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getElementText() throws XMLStreamException {
if(getEventType() != START_ELEMENT) {
throw new XMLStreamException(
"parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read next text");
int eventType = next();
final StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
while(eventType != END_ELEMENT ) {
if(eventType == CHARACTERS
|| eventType == CDATA
|| eventType == SPACE
|| eventType == ENTITY_REFERENCE) {
} else if(eventType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
|| eventType == COMMENT) {
// skipping
} else if(eventType == END_DOCUMENT) {
throw new XMLStreamException("unexpected end of document when reading element text content");
} else if(eventType == START_ELEMENT) {
throw new XMLStreamException(
"element text content may not contain START_ELEMENT");
} else {
throw new XMLStreamException(
"Unexpected event type "+eventType);
eventType = next();
return content.toString();
public Object getProperty(String string) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (string.equals(PROPERTY_NODE_ID)) {
if (nodeId == null)
return nodeId;
return null;
public int nextTag() throws XMLStreamException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException {
return state == START_DOCUMENT || beforeRoot || !elementStack.isEmpty();
public void close() throws XMLStreamException {
public boolean isStartElement() {
return state == START_ELEMENT;
public boolean isEndElement() {
return state == END_ELEMENT;
public boolean isCharacters() {
return state == CHARACTERS;
public boolean isWhiteSpace() {
return false;
public String getAttributeValue(String namespaceURI, String localName) {
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
final org.exist.dom.QName qn = attributes.getQName(i);
if (qn.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI) && qn.getLocalName().equals(localName))
{return attributes.getValue(i);}
return null;
public int getAttributeCount() {
final int offset = current.start() + StoredNode.LENGTH_SIGNATURE_LENGTH + ElementImpl.LENGTH_ELEMENT_CHILD_COUNT + NodeId.LENGTH_NODE_ID_UNITS + nodeId.size();
return ByteConversion.byteToShort(current.data(), offset);
public QName getAttributeName(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getQName(i).toJavaQName();
public org.exist.dom.QName getAttributeQName(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getQName(i);
public String getAttributeNamespace(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getQName(i).getNamespaceURI();
public String getAttributeLocalName(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getQName(i).getLocalName();
public String getAttributePrefix(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getQName(i).getPrefix();
public String getAttributeType(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
final int type = attributes.getType(i);
return AttrImpl.getAttributeType(type);
public String getAttributeValue(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getValue(i);
public NodeId getAttributeId(int i) {
if (state != START_ELEMENT)
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at an element");}
if (i > attributes.getLength())
{throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index should be < " + attributes.getLength());}
return attributes.getNodeId(i);
public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int i) {
return false;
public int getNamespaceCount() {
return namespaces.size();
public String getNamespacePrefix(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i > namespaces.size())
{return null;}
final String[] decl = namespaces.get(i);
return decl[0];
public String getNamespaceURI(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i > namespaces.size())
{return null;}
final String[] decl = namespaces.get(i);
return decl[1];
public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int getEventType() {
return state;
public XMLString getXMLText() {
if (state == CHARACTERS || state == COMMENT || state == CDATA) {
if (text.length() == 0) {
CharacterDataImpl.readData(nodeId, current, text);
return text;
return new XMLString();
public String getText() {
return getXMLText().toString();
public char[] getTextCharacters() {
final String s = getText();
final char[] dst = new char[s.length()];
s.getChars(0, dst.length, dst, 0);
return dst;
public int getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] chars, int targetStart, int length) throws XMLStreamException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int getTextStart() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int getTextLength() {
if (state == CHARACTERS || state == COMMENT || state == CDATA) {
if (text.length() == 0)
{return CharacterDataImpl.getStringLength(nodeId, current);}
return text.length();
return 0;
public String getEncoding() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean hasText() {
return state == CHARACTERS || state == COMMENT || state == CDATA;
public Location getLocation() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getNamespaceURI(String string) {
return null;
public QName getName() {
if (qname != null)
{return qname;}
if (state == START_ELEMENT || state == END_ELEMENT) {
if (nodeId == null)
qname = ElementImpl.readQName(current, document, nodeId).toJavaQName();
return qname;
public org.exist.dom.QName getQName() {
if (state == START_ELEMENT || state == END_ELEMENT) {
if (nodeId == null)
return ElementImpl.readQName(current, document, nodeId);
return null;
* Read all namespace declarations defined on the current element.
* Cache them in the namespaces map.
private void readNamespaceDecls() {
if (nsRead)
if (state == START_ELEMENT || state == END_ELEMENT) {
if (nodeId == null)
ElementImpl.readNamespaceDecls(namespaces, current, document, nodeId);
nsRead = true;
public String getPrefix() {
return getName().getPrefix();
public String getLocalName() {
return getName().getLocalPart();
public String getNamespaceURI() {
return getName().getNamespaceURI();
public boolean hasName() {
return (state == START_ELEMENT || state == END_ELEMENT);
* Deserialize the node at the current position of the cursor and return
* it as a {@link org.exist.dom.StoredNode}.
* @return the node at the current position.
public StoredNode getNode() {
final StoredNode node = StoredNode.deserialize(current.data(), current.start(), current.getLength(), document);
return node;
* Returns the last node in document sequence that occurs before the
* current node. Usually used to find the last child before an END_ELEMENT
* event.
* @return the last node in document sequence before the current node
public StoredNode getPreviousNode() {
final StoredNode node = StoredNode.deserialize(previous.data(), previous.start(), previous.getLength(), document);
return node;
* Returns the (internal) address of the node at the cursor's current
* position.
* @return internal address of node
public long getCurrentPosition() {
return iterator.currentAddress();
public String getVersion() {
return "1.0";
public boolean isStandalone() {
return false;
public boolean standaloneSet() {
return false;
public String getCharacterEncodingScheme() {
return null;
public String getPITarget() {
return qname.getLocalPart();
public String getPIData() {
return text.toString();
private void readPI() {
if (qname == null) {
{throw new IllegalStateException("Cursor is not at a processing instruction");}
final ProcessingInstruction pi = (ProcessingInstruction)
StoredNode.deserialize(current.data(), current.start(), current.getLength(), document);
qname = new QName("", pi.getTarget(), "");
private static class ElementEvent {
private Value data;
private int childCount = 0;
private int currentChild = 0;
public ElementEvent(Value data) {
this.data = data;
childCount = ByteConversion.byteToInt(data.data(), data.start() + StoredNode.LENGTH_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
public Value getData() {
return data;
public int getChildCount() {
return childCount;
public int getCurrentChild() {
return currentChild;
public void setCurrentChild(int currentChild) {
this.currentChild = currentChild;
public void incrementChild() {