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* $Id: FibonacciHeapTest.java 19 2008-12-04 20:28:06Z nathanfiedler $
package edu.umd.cloud9.util;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Random;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import edu.umd.cloud9.util.FibonacciHeapInt.Node;
* Tests the FibonacciHeap class.
* @author Nathan Fiedler
public class FibonacciHeapIntTest extends TestCase {
public FibonacciHeapIntTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(FibonacciHeapIntTest.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Inserts a set of elements, decreases some of their keys, then extracts
* them by key order and ensures everything comes out in the order expected.
public void test_Correctness() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
Hashtable<Integer, FibonacciHeapInt.Node> entries = new Hashtable<Integer, FibonacciHeapInt.Node>();
for (int ii = 100; ii < 200; ii++) {
Integer it = new Integer(ii);
entries.put(it, heap.insert(it, ii));
assertEquals(100, heap.size());
FibonacciHeapInt.Node entry = entries.get(new Integer(110));
heap.decreaseKey(entry, 50);
entry = entries.get(new Integer(140));
heap.decreaseKey(entry, 25);
entry = entries.get(new Integer(160));
heap.decreaseKey(entry, 15);
// Last one should be the min value.
assertEquals(entry, heap.min());
int o = heap.removeMin().getDatum();
assertEquals(160, o);
// Second last should now be the min value.
entry = entries.get(new Integer(140));
assertEquals(entry, heap.min());
// Remove the third smallest entry.
entry = entries.get(new Integer(110));
// Original min value should now be the min.
entry = entries.get(new Integer(100));
assertEquals(entry, heap.min());
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
* Test a heap consisting of all duplicate keys.
public void test_Duplicates() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
// Insert entries with duplicate keys.
float key = Float.MIN_NORMAL;
for (int ii = 1; ii < 1001; ii++) {
Integer it = new Integer(ii);
heap.insert(it, key);
assertEquals(1000, heap.size());
Node o = heap.removeMin();
assertTrue(o instanceof Node);
assertEquals(999, heap.size());
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
* Test a heap consisting of all duplicate keys, except for one whose value
* is greater than the others.
public void test_Duplicates_Larger() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
// Insert entries with duplicate keys.
float key = 0.0f;
for (int ii = 1; ii < 1000; ii++) {
Integer it = new Integer(ii);
heap.insert(it, key);
heap.insert(new Integer(1001), Float.MIN_NORMAL);
assertEquals(1000, heap.size());
Node o = heap.removeMin();
assertTrue(o instanceof Node);
assertTrue(o.getDatum() < 1001);
assertEquals(999, heap.size());
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
* Test a heap consisting of all duplicate keys, except for one whose value
* is less than the others.
public void test_Duplicates_Smaller() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
// Insert entries with duplicate keys.
float key = Float.MIN_NORMAL;
for (int ii = 1; ii < 1000; ii++) {
Integer it = new Integer(ii);
heap.insert(it, key);
heap.insert(new Integer(1001), 0.0f);
assertEquals(1000, heap.size());
Node o = heap.removeMin();
assertTrue(o instanceof Node);
assertTrue(o.getDatum() == 1001);
assertEquals(999, heap.size());
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
* This is a stress test that inserts numerous random elements and ensures
* that they come out in increasing order by value. This extreme case
* uncovered multiple bugs in nearly every public implementation of
* fibonacci heap.
public void test_InsertRemoveMin() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
// See comment in FibonacciHeapTest.
// Insert a lot of random numbers.
Random random = new Random();
for (int ii = 1; ii <= 50000; ii++) {
float r = random.nextFloat();
if (r < 0)
heap.insert((int) r, r);
assertEquals(50000, heap.size());
// Ensure the numbers come out in increasing order.
float ii = 0.0f;
int count = 0;
while (!heap.isEmpty()) {
int v = heap.removeMin().getDatum();
assertTrue(v >= ii);
ii = v;
// Ensure no elements were lost on the way out.
assertEquals(50000, count);
assertEquals(0, heap.size());
public void test_Union() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap1 = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap1.size());
heap1.insert(new Integer(1), 1);
heap1.insert(new Integer(2), 2);
heap1.insert(new Integer(3), 3);
heap1.insert(new Integer(4), 4);
heap1.insert(new Integer(5), 5);
assertEquals(5, heap1.size());
FibonacciHeapInt heap2 = new FibonacciHeapInt();
assertEquals(0, heap2.size());
heap2.insert(new Integer(6), 6);
heap2.insert(new Integer(7), 7);
heap2.insert(new Integer(8), 8);
heap2.insert(new Integer(9), 9);
heap2.insert(new Integer(10), 10);
assertEquals(5, heap2.size());
FibonacciHeapInt joined = FibonacciHeapInt.union(heap1, heap2);
assertEquals(10, joined.size());
Integer v = (Integer) joined.removeMin().getDatum();
int vi = v.intValue();
int ii = 1;
assertTrue(vi == ii);
while (!joined.isEmpty()) {
v = (Integer) joined.removeMin().getDatum();
vi = v.intValue();
assertTrue(vi > ii);
ii = vi;
assertEquals(0, joined.size());
public void testBasic() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
heap.insert(1, 3.1f);
heap.insert(2, 4.6f);
heap.insert(3, 2.0f);
heap.insert(4, 2.9f);
assertEquals(3, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(4, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(1, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(2, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
// test ties
public void testTies() {
FibonacciHeapInt heap = new FibonacciHeapInt();
heap.insert(1, 3.1f);
heap.insert(2, 3.1f);
heap.insert(3, 2.0f);
heap.insert(4, 4.5f);
heap.insert(5, 3.1f);
heap.insert(6, 2.0f);
assertEquals(3, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(6, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(1, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(2, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(5, heap.removeMin().getDatum());
assertEquals(4, heap.removeMin().getDatum());