* OpenFaces - JSF Component Library 2.0
* Copyright (C) 2007-2012, TeamDev Ltd.
* licensing@openfaces.org
* Unless agreed in writing the contents of this file are subject to
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL" License).
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Please visit http://openfaces.org/licensing/ for more details.
package org.openfaces.component;
// todo: resolve datatable package depencencies
import org.openfaces.component.table.impl.DynamicCol;
import org.openfaces.component.table.Cell;
import org.openfaces.component.table.Columns;
import org.openfaces.component.table.Row;
import org.openfaces.renderkit.table.CustomCellRenderingInfo;
import org.openfaces.renderkit.table.CustomContentCellRenderingInfo;
import org.openfaces.renderkit.table.CustomRowRenderingInfo;
import org.openfaces.renderkit.table.TableStructure;
import org.openfaces.util.ValueBindings;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder;
import javax.faces.component.NamingContainer;
import javax.faces.component.UIColumn;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIData;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
import javax.faces.event.FacesEvent;
import javax.faces.event.FacesListener;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.model.ArrayDataModel;
import javax.faces.model.DataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ResultDataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ResultSetDataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ScalarDataModel;
import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This is a modified version of the UIData class copied from MyFaces 1.2.6.
* Here's a list of modifications from the original version:
* <ul>
* <li>MOD-1: Added the notion of unavailableRowIndexes, for which the processDecodes, processValidations, and processUpdates phases are not performed</li>
* <li>MOD-2: Renamed the "value" property to "uiDataValue" in order make another "value" property in an ancestor</li>
* <li>MOD-3: Changed mechanism for rendered column iteration to account for AbstractTable.columnsOrder attribute:
* The list of column is now retrieved using the new getColumnsForProcessing method instead of using the getChildren</li>
* <li>MOD-4: Include custom cell contents into phase processing (JSFC-3087)</li>
* <li>MOD-5: Execute all pre-rendering phases for dynamic columns created with <o:columns> so that each
* dynamic column was decoded with correct column-specific parameters.</li>
* <li>MOD-6: Extended OUIData from UIData to overcome JBossSeam compatibility problem of s:link not
* having access to the current row data variable. See JSFC-2585.</li>
* <li>MOD-7: Extended OUIData from OUIComponent and supported all appropriate properties.</li>
* <li>MOD-8: Fix for "this method is here only to maintain binary compatibility w/ the RI" error when running under JSF RI
* <li>MOD-9: Removed the invokeOnComponent and getClientId methods to use the ones inherited from the parent UIData.
* The reason is that the ones copied from MyFaces invoke super.getClientId() method and expect that a method from the
* UIComponentBase class is invoked, which is not the case, so we just use the appropriate methods inherited from the parent UIData class.
* </ul>
* <p/>
* <p/>
* <p/>
* <p/>
* Represents an abstraction of a component which has multiple "rows" of data.
* <p>
* The children of this component are expected to be UIColumn components.
* <p>
* Note that the same set of child components are reused to implement each row of the table in turn during
* such phases as apply-request-values and render-response. Altering any of the members of these components
* therefore affects the attribute for every row, except for the following members:
* <ul>
* <li>submittedValue
* <li>value (where no EL binding is used)
* <li>valid
* </ul>
* <p>
* This reuse of the child components also means that it is not possible to save a reference to a component
* during table processing, then access it later and expect it to still represent the same row of the table.
* <h1>
* Implementation Notes
* </h1>
* <p>
* Each of the UIColumn children of this component has a few component children of its own to render the contents
* of the table cell. However there can be a very large number of rows in a table, so it isn't efficient for the
* UIColumn and all its child objects to be duplicated for each row in the table. Instead the "flyweight" pattern
* is used where a serialized state is held for each row. When setRowIndex is invoked, the UIColumn objects and
* their children serialize their current state then reinitialise themselves from the appropriate saved state.
* This allows a single set of real objects to represent multiple objects which have the same types but potentially
* different internal state. When a row is selected for the first time, its state is set to a clean "initial" state.
* Transient components (including any read-only component) do not save their state; they are just reinitialised as
* required. The state saved/restored when changing rows is not the complete component state, just the fields that
* are expected to vary between rows: "submittedValue", "value", "isValid".
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that a table is a "naming container", so that components within the table have their ids prefixed with the
* id of the table. Actually, when setRowIndex has been called on a table with id of "zzz" the table pretends to
* its children that its ID is "zzz_n" where n is the row index. This means that renderers for child components which
* call component.getClientId automatically get ids of form "zzz_n:childId" thus ensuring that components in
* different rows of the table get different ids.
* </p>
* <p>
* When decoding a submitted page, this class iterates over all its possible rowIndex values, restoring the
* appropriate serialized row state then calling processDecodes on the child components. Because the child
* components (or their renderers) use getClientId to get the request key to look for parameter data, and because
* this object pretends to have a different id per row ("zzz_n") a single child component can decode data from each
* table row in turn without being aware that it is within a table. The table's data model is updated before each
* call to child.processDecodes, so the child decode method can assume that the data model's rowData points to the
* model object associated with the row currently being decoded. Exactly the same process applies for the later
* validation and updateModel phases.
* </p>
* <p>
* When the data model for the table is bound to a backing bean property, and no validation errors have occurred
* during processing of a postback, the data model is refetched at the start of the rendering phase (ie after the
* update model phase) so that the contents of the data model can be changed as a result of the latest form
* submission. Because the saved row state must correspond to the elements within the data model, the row state
* must be discarded whenever a new data model is fetched; not doing this would cause all sorts of inconsistency
* issues. This does imply that changing the state of any of the members "submittedValue", "value" or "valid" of
* a component within the table during the invokeApplication phase has no effect on the rendering of the table.
* When a validation error has occurred, a new DataModel is <i>not</i> fetched, and the saved state of the child
* components is <i>not</i> discarded.
* </p>
* see Javadoc of the <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2ee/javaserverfaces/1.2/docs/api/index.html">JSF Specification</a>
* for more information.
* @author Manfred Geiler (latest modification by $Author: lu4242 $)
* @version $Revision: 692318 $ $Date: 2008-09-04 20:20:12 -0500 (Thu, 04 Sep 2008) $
public class OUIData extends UIData implements NamingContainer, OUIComponent { // <MOD-6/> Extended UIData instead of UIComponentBase, <MOD-7/>
public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "javax.faces.Data";
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "javax.faces.Data"; // for unit tests
private static final String FOOTER_FACET_NAME = "footer";
private static final String HEADER_FACET_NAME = "header";
private static final Class OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = (new Object[0]).getClass();
private static final int PROCESS_DECODES = 1;
private static final int PROCESS_VALIDATORS = 2;
private static final int PROCESS_UPDATES = 3;
private int _rowIndex = -1;
private String _var;
// Holds for each row the states of the child components of this UIData.
// Note that only "partial" component state is saved: the component fields
// that are expected to vary between rows.
private Map _rowStates = new HashMap();
private Map<String, Object> dynamicColumnStates = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // <MOD-5/> added
* Handle case where this table is nested inside another table.
* See method getDataModel for more details.
* <p/>
* Key: parentClientId (aka rowId when nested within a parent table)
* Value: DataModel
private Map _dataModelMap = new HashMap();
// will be set to false if the data should not be refreshed at the beginning of the encode phase
private boolean _isValidChilds = true;
private Object _initialDescendantComponentState = null;
private List<Object> initialDynamicColumnsState; // <MOD-5/> added
private int _first;
private boolean _firstSet;
private int _rows;
private boolean _rowsSet;
private Object _value;
private static class FacesEventWrapper extends FacesEvent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6648047974065628773L;
private FacesEvent _wrappedFacesEvent;
private int _rowIndex;
public FacesEventWrapper(FacesEvent facesEvent, int rowIndex,
OUIData redirectComponent) {
_wrappedFacesEvent = facesEvent;
_rowIndex = rowIndex;
public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
return _wrappedFacesEvent.getPhaseId();
public void setPhaseId(PhaseId phaseId) {
public void queue() {
public String toString() {
return _wrappedFacesEvent.toString();
public boolean isAppropriateListener(FacesListener faceslistener) {
return _wrappedFacesEvent.isAppropriateListener(faceslistener);
public void processListener(FacesListener faceslistener) {
public FacesEvent getWrappedFacesEvent() {
return _wrappedFacesEvent;
public int getRowIndex() {
return _rowIndex;
private static final DataModel EMPTY_DATA_MODEL = new DataModel() {
public boolean isRowAvailable() {
return false;
public int getRowCount() {
return 0;
public Object getRowData() {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public int getRowIndex() {
return -1;
public void setRowIndex(int i) {
if (i < -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public Object getWrappedData() {
return null;
public void setWrappedData(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return; //Clearing is allowed
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass().getName()
+ " UnsupportedOperationException");
private static class EditableValueHolderState { // <MOD-5/> was a non-static class
private final Object _value;
private final boolean _localValueSet;
private final boolean _valid;
private final Object _submittedValue;
public EditableValueHolderState(EditableValueHolder evh) {
_value = evh.getLocalValue();
_localValueSet = evh.isLocalValueSet();
_valid = evh.isValid();
_submittedValue = evh.getSubmittedValue();
public void restoreState(EditableValueHolder evh) {
* Construct an instance of the UIData.
public OUIData() {
// <MOD-9/> removed the invokeOnComponent method (using the one inherited from UIData instead)
public void setFooter(UIComponent footer) {
getFacets().put(FOOTER_FACET_NAME, footer);
public UIComponent getFooter() {
return getFacets().get(FOOTER_FACET_NAME);
public void setHeader(UIComponent header) {
getFacets().put(HEADER_FACET_NAME, header);
public UIComponent getHeader() {
return getFacets().get(HEADER_FACET_NAME);
public boolean isRowAvailable() {
return getDataModel().isRowAvailable();
public int getRowCount() {
return getDataModel().getRowCount();
public Object getRowData() {
return getDataModel().getRowData();
public int getRowIndex() {
return _rowIndex;
* Set the current row index that methods like getRowData use.
* <p/>
* Param rowIndex can be -1, meaning "no row".
* <p/>
* @param rowIndex
public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex) {
if (rowIndex < -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("rowIndex is less than -1");
if (_rowIndex == rowIndex) {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
if (_rowIndex == -1) {
if (_initialDescendantComponentState == null) {
// Create a template that can be used to initialise any row
// that we haven't visited before, ie a "saved state" that can
// be pushed to the "restoreState" method of all the child
// components to set them up to represent a clean row.
_initialDescendantComponentState = saveDescendantComponentStates(
getChildren().iterator(), false);
initialDynamicColumnsState = saveDynamicColumnsState(); // <MOD-5/> (added)
} else {
// We are currently positioned on some row, and are about to
// move off it, so save the (partial) state of the components
// representing the current row. Later if this row is revisited
// then we can restore this state.
dynamicColumnStates.put(getClientId(facesContext), saveDynamicColumnsState()); // <MOD-5/> (added)
_rowIndex = rowIndex;
DataModel dataModel = getDataModel();
String var = _var;
if (rowIndex == -1) {
if (var != null) {
} else {
if (var != null) {
if (isRowAvailable()) {
Object rowData = dataModel.getRowData();
} else {
if (_rowIndex == -1) {
// reset components to initial state
_initialDescendantComponentState, false);
restoreDynamicColumnsState(initialDynamicColumnsState); // <MOD-5/> (added)
} else {
Object rowState = _rowStates.get(getClientId(facesContext));
List columnStates = (List) dynamicColumnStates.get(getClientId(facesContext)); // <MOD-5/> (added)
if (rowState == null) {
// We haven't been positioned on this row before, so just
// configure the child components of this component with
// the standard "initial" state
_initialDescendantComponentState, false);
restoreDynamicColumnsState(initialDynamicColumnsState); // <MOD-5/> (added)
} else {
// We have been positioned on this row before, so configure
// the child components of this component with the (partial)
// state that was previously saved. Fields not in the
// partial saved state are left with their original values.
rowState, false);
restoreDynamicColumnsState(columnStates); // <MOD-5/> (added)
* Overwrite the state of the child components of this component
* with data previously saved by method saveDescendantComponentStates.
* <p/>
* The saved state info only covers those fields that are expected to
* vary between rows of a table. Other fields are not modified.
public static void restoreDescendantComponentStates(Iterator childIterator, // <MOD-5/> was just a non-static private declaration
Object state, boolean restoreChildFacets) {
Iterator descendantStateIterator = null;
while (childIterator.hasNext()) {
if (descendantStateIterator == null && state != null) {
descendantStateIterator = ((Collection) state).iterator();
UIComponent component = (UIComponent) childIterator.next();
// reset the client id (see spec 3.1.6)
if (!component.isTransient()) {
Object childState = null;
Object descendantState = null;
if (descendantStateIterator != null
&& descendantStateIterator.hasNext()) {
Object[] object = (Object[]) descendantStateIterator.next();
childState = object[0];
descendantState = object[1];
if (component instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
((EditableValueHolderState) childState)
.restoreState((EditableValueHolder) component);
Iterator childsIterator;
if (restoreChildFacets) {
childsIterator = component.getFacetsAndChildren();
} else {
childsIterator = component.getChildren().iterator();
restoreDescendantComponentStates(childsIterator, descendantState,
* Walk the tree of child components of this UIData, saving the parts of
* their state that can vary between rows.
* <p/>
* This is very similar to the process that occurs for normal components
* when the view is serialized. Transient components are skipped (no
* state is saved for them).
* <p/>
* If there are no children then null is returned. If there are one or
* more children, and all children are transient then an empty collection
* is returned; this will happen whenever a table contains only read-only
* components.
* <p/>
* Otherwise a collection is returned which contains an object for every
* non-transient child component; that object may itself contain a collection
* of the state of that child's child components.
public static Object saveDescendantComponentStates(Iterator childIterator, // <MOD-5/> was just a non-static private declaration
boolean saveChildFacets) {
Collection childStates = null;
while (childIterator.hasNext()) {
if (childStates == null) {
childStates = new ArrayList();
UIComponent child = (UIComponent) childIterator.next();
if (!child.isTransient()) {
// Add an entry to the collection, being an array of two
// elements. The first element is the state of the children
// of this component; the second is the state of the current
// child itself.
Iterator childsIterator;
if (saveChildFacets) {
childsIterator = child.getFacetsAndChildren();
} else {
childsIterator = child.getChildren().iterator();
Object descendantState = saveDescendantComponentStates(
childsIterator, true);
Object state = null;
if (child instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
state = new EditableValueHolderState(
(EditableValueHolder) child);
childStates.add(new Object[]{state, descendantState});
return childStates;
public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression binding) {
if (name == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("name");
} else if (name.equals("uiDataValue")) { // <MOD-2/> "value" was here
} else if (name.equals("rowIndex")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name " + name);
super.setValueExpression(name, binding);
// <MOD-9/> Removed the getClientId method (using the inherited one)
* Modify events queued for any child components so that the
* UIData state will be correctly configured before the event's
* listeners are executed.
* <p/>
* Child components or their renderers may register events against
* those child components. When the listener for that event is
* eventually invoked, it may expect the uidata's rowData and
* rowIndex to be referring to the same object that caused the
* event to fire.
* <p/>
* The original queueEvent call against the child component has been
* forwarded up the chain of ancestors in the standard way, making
* it possible here to wrap the event in a new event whose source
* is <i>this</i> component, not the original one. When the event
* finally is executed, this component's broadcast method is invoked,
* which ensures that the UIData is set to be at the correct row
* before executing the original event.
public void queueEvent(FacesEvent event) {
super.queueEvent(new FacesEventWrapper(event, getRowIndex(), this));
* Ensure that before the event's listeners are invoked this UIData
* component's "current row" is set to the row associated with the event.
* <p/>
* See queueEvent for more details.
public void broadcast(FacesEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
if (event instanceof FacesEventWrapper) {
FacesEvent originalEvent = ((FacesEventWrapper) event)
int eventRowIndex = ((FacesEventWrapper) event).getRowIndex();
int currentRowIndex = getRowIndex();
try {
finally {
} else {
* Perform necessary actions when rendering of this component starts,
* before delegating to the inherited implementation which calls the
* associated renderer's encodeBegin method.
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
_initialDescendantComponentState = null;
initialDynamicColumnsState = null; // <MOD-5/> (added)
if (_isValidChilds && !hasErrorMessages(context)) {
// Clear the data model so that when rendering code calls
// getDataModel a fresh model is fetched from the backing
// bean via the value-binding.
// When the data model is cleared it is also necessary to
// clear the saved row state, as there is an implicit 1:1
// relation between objects in the _rowStates and the
// corresponding DataModel element.
dynamicColumnStates.clear(); // <MOD-5/> (added)
resetDynamicColumnsStates(_isValidChilds && !hasErrorMessages(context)); // <MOD-5/> (added)
private boolean hasErrorMessages(FacesContext context) {
for (Iterator iter = context.getMessages(); iter.hasNext();) {
FacesMessage message = (FacesMessage) iter.next();
if (FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR.compareTo(message.getSeverity()) <= 0) {
return true;
return false;
* @see javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase#encodeEnd(javax.faces.context.FacesContext)
public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
public void processDecodes(FacesContext context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context");
if (!isRendered()) {
processFacets(context, PROCESS_DECODES);
processColumnFacets(context, PROCESS_DECODES);
processColumnChildren(context, PROCESS_DECODES);
try {
catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
public void processValidators(FacesContext context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context");
if (!isRendered()) {
processFacets(context, PROCESS_VALIDATORS);
processColumnFacets(context, PROCESS_VALIDATORS);
processColumnChildren(context, PROCESS_VALIDATORS);
// check if an validation error forces the render response for our data
if (context.getRenderResponse()) {
_isValidChilds = false;
public void processUpdates(FacesContext context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context");
if (!isRendered()) {
processFacets(context, PROCESS_UPDATES);
processColumnFacets(context, PROCESS_UPDATES);
processColumnChildren(context, PROCESS_UPDATES);
if (context.getRenderResponse()) {
_isValidChilds = false;
private void processFacets(FacesContext context, int processAction) {
for (Object o : getFacets().values()) {
UIComponent facet = (UIComponent) o;
process(context, facet, processAction);
* Invoke the specified phase on all facets of all UIColumn children
* of this component. Note that no methods are called on the UIColumn
* child objects themselves.
* @param context is the current faces context.
* @param processAction specifies a JSF phase: decode, validate or update.
private void processColumnFacets(FacesContext context, int processAction) {
for (Object o1 : getColumnsForProcessing()) {// <MOD-3/> getChildren().iterator() was here
UIComponent child = (UIComponent) o1;
if (child instanceof UIColumn) {
if (!child.isRendered()) {
//Column is not visible
// <MOD-5>
Map<String, UIComponent> colFacets;
Runnable restoreVariables = null;
if (child instanceof DynamicCol) {
DynamicCol dynamicCol = (DynamicCol) child;
restoreVariables = dynamicCol.enterComponentContext();
colFacets = dynamicCol.getFacetsForProcessing();
} else
colFacets = child.getFacets();
// </MOD-5>
for (UIComponent facet : colFacets.values()) {// <MOD-5/> changed "child.getFacets().values()" to "colFacets.values()"
process(context, facet, processAction);
// <MOD-5>
if (restoreVariables != null) restoreVariables.run();
// </MOD-5>
* Invoke the specified phase on all non-facet children of all UIColumn
* children of this component. Note that no methods are called on the
* UIColumn child objects themselves.
* @param context is the current faces context.
* @param processAction specifies a JSF phase: decode, validate or update.
private void processColumnChildren(FacesContext context, int processAction) {
int first = getFirst();
int rows = getRows();
int last;
if (rows == 0) {
last = getRowCount();
} else {
last = first + rows;
// <MOD-4>
List customRows = getCustomRows();
Map<Integer, CustomRowRenderingInfo> customRowRenderingInfos = (Map) getAttributes().get(TableStructure.CUSTOM_ROW_RENDERING_INFOS_KEY);
// </MOD-4>
for (int rowIndex = first; last == -1 || rowIndex < last; rowIndex++) {
// <MOD-1> code added
if (!isRowAvailableAfterRestoring(rowIndex))
// </MOD-1>
//scrolled past the last row
if (!isRowAvailable()) {
// <MOD-4>
CustomRowRenderingInfo customRowRenderingInfo = customRowRenderingInfos.get(rowIndex);
// </MOD-4>
int colIndex = 0;
List columnsForProcessing = getColumnsForProcessing(); // <MOD-3/> line added
for (Iterator it = columnsForProcessing.iterator(); it.hasNext(); colIndex++) { // <MOD-3/> getChildren().iterator() was here
UIComponent child = (UIComponent) it.next();
if (child instanceof UIColumn) {
if (!child.isRendered()) {
//Column is not visible
// <MOD-4>
if (customRowRenderingInfo != null && customRowRenderingInfo.getCustomCellRenderingInfo(colIndex) != null) {
// </MOD-4>
// <MOD-5>
List<UIComponent> colChildren;
Runnable restoreVariables = null;
if (child instanceof DynamicCol) {
DynamicCol dynamicCol = (DynamicCol) child;
restoreVariables = dynamicCol.enterComponentContext();
colChildren = dynamicCol.getChildrenForProcessing();
} else
colChildren = child.getChildren();
// </MOD-5>
for (UIComponent columnChild : colChildren) {// <MOD-5/> changed "child.getChildren()" -> "colChildren"
process(context, columnChild, processAction);
// <MOD-5>
if (child instanceof DynamicCol)
if (restoreVariables != null) restoreVariables.run();
// </MOD-5>
// <MOD-4>
if (customRowRenderingInfo != null) {
List<UIComponent> a4jSupportComponents = customRowRenderingInfo.getA4jSupportComponentsForThisRow(customRows);
for (UIComponent a4jSupportComponent : a4jSupportComponents) {
process(context, a4jSupportComponent, processAction);
for (int i = 0, count = columnsForProcessing.size(); i < count; i++) {
CustomCellRenderingInfo customCellRenderingInfo = customRowRenderingInfo.getCustomCellRenderingInfo(i);
if (customCellRenderingInfo == null || (!(customCellRenderingInfo instanceof CustomContentCellRenderingInfo)))
Cell customCell = ((CustomContentCellRenderingInfo) customCellRenderingInfo).findTableCell(customRows);
if (customCell != null)
process(context, customCell, processAction);
// </MOD-4>
private void process(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
int processAction) {
switch (processAction) {
* Return the datamodel for this table, potentially fetching the data from
* a backing bean via a value-binding if this is the first time this method
* has been called.
* <p/>
* This is complicated by the fact that this table may be nested within
* another table. In this case a different datamodel should be fetched
* for each row. When nested within a parent table, the parent reference
* won't change but parent.getClientId() will, as the suffix changes
* depending upon the current row index. A map object on this component
* is therefore used to cache the datamodel for each row of the table.
* In the normal case where this table is not nested inside a component
* that changes its id (like a table does) then this map only ever has
* one entry.
protected DataModel getDataModel() {
DataModel dataModel;
String clientID = "";
UIComponent parent = getParent();
if (parent != null) {
clientID = parent.getClientId(getFacesContext());
dataModel = (DataModel) _dataModelMap.get(clientID);
if (dataModel == null) {
dataModel = createDataModel();
_dataModelMap.put(clientID, dataModel);
return dataModel;
protected void setDataModel(DataModel dataModel) {
// <MOD-8> UnsupportedOperationException was thrown here
String clientID = "";
UIComponent parent = getParent();
if (parent != null) {
clientID = parent.getClientId(getFacesContext());
_dataModelMap.put(clientID, dataModel);
// </MOD-8>
* Evaluate this object's value property and convert the result into a
* DataModel. Normally this object's value property will be a value-binding
* which will cause the value to be fetched from some backing bean.
* <p/>
* The result of fetching the value may be a DataModel object, in which
* case that object is returned directly. If the value is of type
* List, Array, ResultSet, Result, other object or null then an appropriate
* wrapper is created and returned.
* <p/>
* Null is never returned by this method.
private DataModel createDataModel() {
Object value = getUiDataValue(); // <MOD-2/> "getValue()" was here
if (value == null) {
} else if (value instanceof DataModel) {
return (DataModel) value;
} else if (value instanceof List) {
return new ListDataModel((List) value);
} else if (OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
return new ArrayDataModel((Object[]) value);
} else if (value instanceof ResultSet) {
return new ResultSetDataModel((ResultSet) value);
} else if (value instanceof Result) {
return new ResultDataModel((Result) value);
} else {
return new ScalarDataModel(value);
* An EL expression that specifies the data model that backs this table.
* <p>
* The value referenced by the EL expression can be of any type.
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>A value of type DataModel is used directly.</li>
* <li>Array-like parameters of type array-of-Object, java.util.List, java.sql.ResultSet
* or javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result are wrapped in a corresponding DataModel that
* knows how to iterate over the elements.</li>
* <li>Other values are wrapped in a DataModel as a single row.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note in particular that unordered collections, eg Set are not supported. Therefore if the
* value expression references such an object then the table will be considered to contain just
* one element - the collection itself.
* </p>
public Object getUiDataValue() { // <MOD-2/> method name was "getValue()"
if (_value != null) {
return _value;
ValueExpression expression = getValueExpression("uiDataValue"); // <MOD-2/> "value" was here
if (expression != null) {
return expression.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
return null;
public void setUiDataValue(Object value) { // <MOD-2/> method name was "setValue"
_value = value;
dynamicColumnStates.clear(); // <MOD-5/> (added)
_isValidChilds = true;
* Defines the index of the first row to be displayed, starting from 0.
public int getFirst() {
if (_firstSet) {
return _first;
ValueExpression expression = getValueExpression("first");
if (expression != null) {
return (Integer) expression.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
return 0;
public void setFirst(int first) {
if (first < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value for first row: " + first);
_first = first;
_firstSet = true;
* Defines the maximum number of rows of data to be displayed.
* <p>
* Specify zero to display all rows from the "first" row to the end
* of available data.
* </p>
public int getRows() {
if (_rowsSet) {
return _rows;
ValueExpression expression = getValueExpression("rows");
if (expression != null) {
return (Integer) expression.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
return 0;
* Set the maximum number of rows displayed in the table.
public void setRows(int rows) {
if (rows < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("rows: " + rows);
_rows = rows;
_rowsSet = true;
* Defines the name of the request-scope variable that will hold the current row during iteration.
* <p>
* During rendering of child components of this UIData, the variable with this name can be read to
* learn what the "rowData" object for the row currently being rendered is.
* </p>
* <p>
* This value must be a static value, ie an EL expression is not permitted.
* </p>
public String getVar() {
return _var;
public void setVar(String var) {
this._var = var;
public Object saveState(FacesContext facesContext) {
Object[] values = new Object[8];
values[0] = super.saveState(facesContext);
values[1] = _value;
values[2] = _var;
values[3] = _rows;
values[4] = _rowsSet;
values[5] = _first;
values[6] = _firstSet;
// <MOD-7> code added
values[7] = new Object[]{
// </MOD-7>
return values;
public void restoreState(FacesContext facesContext, Object state) {
Object[] values = (Object[]) state;
super.restoreState(facesContext, values[0]);
_value = values[1];
_var = (String) values[2];
_rows = (Integer) values[3];
_rowsSet = (Boolean) values[4];
_first = (Integer) values[5];
_firstSet = (Boolean) values[6];
// <MOD-7> code added
int i = 0;
Object[] addedFields = (Object[]) values[7];
style = (String) addedFields[i++];
styleClass = (String) addedFields[i++];
rolloverStyle = (String) addedFields[i++];
rolloverClass = (String) addedFields[i++];
onkeypress = (String) addedFields[i++];
onclick = (String) addedFields[i++];
ondblclick = (String) addedFields[i++];
onmousedown = (String) addedFields[i++];
onmouseover = (String) addedFields[i++];
onmousemove = (String) addedFields[i++];
onmouseout = (String) addedFields[i++];
onmouseup = (String) addedFields[i++];
onfocus = (String) addedFields[i++];
onblur = (String) addedFields[i++];
onkeydown = (String) addedFields[i++];
onkeyup = (String) addedFields[i++];
oncontextmenu = (String) addedFields[i++];
// </MOD-7>
public String getFamily() {
// <MOD-1> code added
private Set unavailableRowIndexes = null;
protected void setUnavailableRowIndexes(Set unavailableRowIndexes) {
this.unavailableRowIndexes = unavailableRowIndexes;
public boolean isRowAvailableAfterRestoring(int rowIndex) {
if (unavailableRowIndexes == null)
return true;
boolean rowAvailable = !unavailableRowIndexes.contains(Integer.valueOf(rowIndex));
return rowAvailable;
// </MOD-1>
// <MOD-3> This is the new method which is invoked instead of getChildren in processColumnChildren/processColumnFacets methods
// The AbstractTable class overrides this method to exclude the non-rendered columns according to the columnsOrder attribute
protected List getColumnsForProcessing() {
return getChildren();
// </MOD-3> "value" was here
// <MOD-4>
protected List<Row> getCustomRows() {
List<Row> customRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
List<UIComponent> children = getChildren();
for (UIComponent child : children) {
if (child instanceof Row)
customRows.add((Row) child);
return customRows;
// </MOD-4>
// <MOD-5> (added dynamic column state management methods)
private List<Object> saveDynamicColumnsState() {
List<Columns> dynamicColumnComponents = findDynamicColumnComponents();
List<Object> allStates = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (Columns columns : dynamicColumnComponents) {
Object theseColumnStates = columns.getColumnStates();
return allStates;
private void restoreDynamicColumnsState(List<Object> state) {
List<Columns> children = findDynamicColumnComponents();
for (int i = 0, count = children.size(); i < count; i++) {
Columns columns = children.get(i);
Object theseColumnStates = state.get(i);
private void resetDynamicColumnsStates(boolean noValidationErrors) {
List<Columns> children = findDynamicColumnComponents();
for (Columns columns : children) {
private List<Columns> findDynamicColumnComponents() {
List<Columns> dynamicColumnComponents = new ArrayList<Columns>();
List<UIComponent> children = getChildren();
for (UIComponent child : children) {
if (child instanceof Columns)
dynamicColumnComponents.add((Columns) child);
return dynamicColumnComponents;
// </MOD-5>
// <MOD-7> code added
private String style;
private String styleClass;
private String rolloverStyle;
private String rolloverClass;
private String onclick;
private String ondblclick;
private String onmousedown;
private String onmouseover;
private String onmousemove;
private String onmouseout;
private String onmouseup;
private String onfocus;
private String onblur;
private String onkeydown;
private String onkeyup;
private String onkeypress;
private String oncontextmenu;
public String getStyle() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "style", style);
public void setStyle(String style) {
this.style = style;
public String getRolloverStyle() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "rolloverStyle", rolloverStyle);
public void setRolloverStyle(String rolloverStyle) {
this.rolloverStyle = rolloverStyle;
public String getRolloverClass() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "rolloverClass", rolloverClass);
public void setRolloverClass(String rolloverClass) {
this.rolloverClass = rolloverClass;
public String getStyleClass() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "styleClass", styleClass);
public void setStyleClass(String styleClass) {
this.styleClass = styleClass;
public String getOnkeypress() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onkeypress", onkeypress);
public void setOnkeypress(String onkeypress) {
this.onkeypress = onkeypress;
public String getOncontextmenu() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "oncontextmenu", oncontextmenu);
public void setOncontextmenu(String oncontextmenu) {
this.oncontextmenu = oncontextmenu;
public String getOnclick() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onclick", onclick);
public void setOnclick(String onclick) {
this.onclick = onclick;
public String getOndblclick() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "ondblclick", ondblclick);
public void setOndblclick(String ondblclick) {
this.ondblclick = ondblclick;
public String getOnmousedown() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onmousedown", onmousedown);
public void setOnmousedown(String onmousedown) {
this.onmousedown = onmousedown;
public String getOnmouseover() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onmouseover", onmouseover);
public void setOnmouseover(String onmouseover) {
this.onmouseover = onmouseover;
public String getOnmousemove() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onmousemove", onmousemove);
public void setOnmousemove(String onmousemove) {
this.onmousemove = onmousemove;
public String getOnmouseout() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onmouseout", onmouseout);
public void setOnmouseout(String onmouseout) {
this.onmouseout = onmouseout;
public String getOnmouseup() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onmouseup", onmouseup);
public void setOnmouseup(String onmouseup) {
this.onmouseup = onmouseup;
public String getOnfocus() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onfocus", onfocus);
public void setOnfocus(String onfocus) {
this.onfocus = onfocus;
public String getOnblur() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onblur", onblur);
public void setOnblur(String onblur) {
this.onblur = onblur;
public String getOnkeydown() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onkeydown", onkeydown);
public void setOnkeydown(String onkeydown) {
this.onkeydown = onkeydown;
public String getOnkeyup() {
return ValueBindings.get(this, "onkeyup", onkeyup);
public void setOnkeyup(String onkeyup) {
this.onkeyup = onkeyup;
// </MOD-7>