* OpenFaces - JSF Component Library 2.0
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009, TeamDev Ltd.
* licensing@openfaces.org
* Unless agreed in writing the contents of this file are subject to
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL" License).
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Please visit http://openfaces.org/licensing/ for more details.
package org.seleniuminspector;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* The purpose of ElementInspector is to provide easy means for inspecting client-side DOM elements in Selenium
* functional tests. An instance of ElementInspector is bound to a specific DOM node that is specified during the
* element's creation.
* @author Dmitry Pikhulya
public abstract class ElementInspector {
protected Selenium getSelenium() {
return SeleniumTestCase.getSelenium();
* @return a selenium inspector string that can be used in the ordinary methods of Selenium object.
public String asSeleniumLocator() {
return "internalscript=" + getElementReferenceExpression();
* @return expression that evaluates to the inspected element. This expression is evaluated by the Selenium.getEval
* method and it is executed in context of the "selenium" object, not the tested window. Use "window" to refer to the
* tested window.
public abstract String getElementReferenceExpression();
public String toString() {
return getElementReferenceExpression();
protected String evalSeleniumInspectorExpression(String expression) {
Selenium selenium = getSelenium();
String fullExpression = "this." + expression;
try {
return selenium.getEval(fullExpression);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error evaluating selenium expression: " + fullExpression, e);
// ----------------------------------------- Element inspection/navigation methods
* @return true if the element referred to by this element inspector really exists in browser's DOM
public boolean elementExists() {
Selenium selenium = getSelenium();
String elementExistsStr = selenium.getEval("!!(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ")");
return Boolean.valueOf(elementExistsStr);
public List<ElementInspector> childNodes() {
return getElementsByScript("childNodes");
public List<ElementInspector> childNodesByName(String nodeName) {
final String subElementsRetrievalScript = "this.getQ__getChildNodesWithNames(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ", ['" + nodeName + "'])";
String nodeCountStr = getSelenium().getEval(subElementsRetrievalScript + ".length");
final int nodeCount = Integer.parseInt(nodeCountStr);
return new AbstractList<ElementInspector>() {
public ElementInspector get(int index) {
return new ElementByExpressionInspector(subElementsRetrievalScript + "[" + index + "]");
public int size() {
return nodeCount;
* Executes the JavaScript getElementsByTagName(tagName) function, and returns a list of corresponding element inspectors.
public List<ElementInspector> getElementsByTagName(String tagName) {
final String listRetrievalScript = "getElementsByTagName('" + tagName + "')";
return getElementsByScript(listRetrievalScript);
protected List<ElementInspector> getElementsByScript(final String listRetrievalScript) {
final int nodeCount = evalIntExpression(listRetrievalScript + ".length");
return new AbstractList<ElementInspector>() {
public ElementInspector get(int index) {
return new SubElementByExpressionInspector(ElementInspector.this, listRetrievalScript + "[" + index + "]");
public int size() {
return nodeCount;
* Returns an ElementInspector object for a sub-element defined by the path relative to the element represented by
* this ElementInspector. Note that element path is NOT specified as XPath, but
* rather as a path in the format "tagName/subTagName/subSubTagName/etc"; tag name indexes are also allowed, e.g.
* "tbody/tr[3]/td[0]/input". This path is relative to the element that this ElementInspector is associated with.
public ElementInspector subElement(String subElementPath) { // todo: add sub-element(s) search method(s) by selenium selectors. will they make this method obsolete?
return new SubElementByPathInspector(this, subElementPath);
public boolean hasChildNodes() {
return evalBooleanExpression("hasChildNodes()");
public ElementInspector firstChild() {
return new SubElementByExpressionInspector(this, "firstChild");
public ElementInspector lastChild() {
return new SubElementByExpressionInspector(this, "lastChild");
public ElementInspector nextSibling() {
return new SubElementByExpressionInspector(this, "nextSibling");
public ElementInspector previousSibling() {
return new SubElementByExpressionInspector(this, "previousSibling");
public ElementInspector parentNode() {
return new SubElementByExpressionInspector(this, "parentNode");
* @param elementExpression The property of the element, or function call over the element, or a chain of
* properties/function calls that should be evaluated, e.g. "checked", "style.width", or "_getSelectedItems().length"
* @return the evaluated value
* @see #evalBooleanExpression
* @see #evalIntExpression
public String evalExpression(String elementExpression) {
Selenium selenium = getSelenium();
String fullExpression = getElementReferenceExpression() + "." + elementExpression;
try {
return selenium.getEval(fullExpression);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error evaluating Selenium expression: " + fullExpression, e);
* @param elementExpression The property of the element, or function call over the element, or a chain of
* properties/function calls that should be evaluated, e.g. "checked", "_getContent().isVisible()"
* @return the result of expression evaluation converted to boolean value according to JavaScript rules
* @see #evalExpression
public boolean evalBooleanExpression(String elementExpression) {
Selenium selenium = getSelenium();
String fullExpression = "!!(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + "." + elementExpression + ")";
try {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(selenium.getEval(fullExpression));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error evaluating Selenium expression: " + fullExpression, e);
* @param elementExpression The property of the element, or function call over the element, or a chain of
* properties/function calls that should be evaluated, e.g. "checked", "_getContent().isVisible()"
* @return the result of expression evaluation converted to int
* @see #evalExpression
public int evalIntExpression(String elementExpression) {
String stringValue = evalExpression(elementExpression);
return Integer.parseInt(stringValue);
protected String executeSeleniumCommand(String command, String locator, String[] params) {
String commandMethodName = "do" + command.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.substring(1);
StringBuffer commandInvocationScript = new StringBuffer(commandMethodName);
for (String param : params) {
return evalSeleniumInspectorExpression(commandInvocationScript.toString());
* @return evaluates "nodeName" property of the inspected element. It returns the lower-case tag name for tag
* nodes, "#text" for text node, "#comment" for comment nodes, and "#document" for document nodes.
public String nodeName() {
return evalExpression("nodeName").toLowerCase();
public boolean isTextNode() {
return "#text".equals(nodeName());
public boolean isCommentNode() {
return "#comment".equals(nodeName());
public boolean isDocumentNode() {
return "#document".equals(nodeName());
* @return evaluates "nodeValue" property of the inspected element
public String nodeValue() {
return evalExpression("nodeValue");
* @return element id
public String id() {
return evalExpression("id");
public String text() {
return evalSeleniumInspectorExpression("getQ__getNodeText(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ")");
public String attribute(String attributeName) {
return evalExpression("getAttribute('" + attributeName + "')");
public String className() {
return evalExpression("className");
public String calculateStyleProperty(String propertyName) {
return evalSeleniumInspectorExpression("getQ__calculateElementStyleProperty(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ", '" + propertyName + "')");
public boolean isVisible() {
return getSelenium().isVisible(asSeleniumLocator());
public Dimension size() {
String sizeStr = evalSeleniumInspectorExpression("getQ__getElementSize(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ")");
String[] sizeArr = sizeStr.split(",");
int width = Integer.parseInt(sizeArr[0]);
int height = Integer.parseInt(sizeArr[1]);
return new Dimension(width, height);
public Point position() {
String positionStr = evalSeleniumInspectorExpression("getQ__getElementPos(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ")");
String[] positionArr = positionStr.split(",");
int x = Integer.parseInt(positionArr[0]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(positionArr[1]);
return new Point(x, y);
public Rectangle rectangle() {
String rectangleStr = evalSeleniumInspectorExpression("getQ__getElementRect(" + getElementReferenceExpression() + ")");
String[] positionArr = rectangleStr.split(",");
int x = Integer.parseInt(positionArr[0]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(positionArr[1]);
int width = Integer.parseInt(positionArr[2]);
int height = Integer.parseInt(positionArr[3]);
return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
// ----------------------------------------- Element manipulation methods
* Fires event with the specified name over this element.
* @param eventName name of the event that should be fired. Event name should start with "on" prefix,
* e.g. "onclick", "onkeypress", etc.
// todo: see if there's a good argument to make events without "on" prefix, like in Selenium's fireEvent method
public void fireEvent(String eventName) {
fireEvent(eventName, true);
protected void fireEvent(String eventName, boolean checkElementExistence) {
if (checkElementExistence)
if (!eventName.startsWith("on"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("eventName should start with 'on' prefix: " + eventName);
eventName = eventName.substring(2);
getSelenium().fireEvent(asSeleniumLocator(), eventName);
public void click() {
public void clickAndWait() {
//todo: replace using LoadingMode with some generic waiting mechanism to decopule ElementInspector from OpenFaces Ajax
public void clickAndWait(LoadingMode loadingMode) {
public void doubleClick() {
public void mouseDown() {
public void mouseUp() {
public void mouseOver() {
public void mouseMove() {
public void mouseOut() {
public void dragAndDrop(int moveX, int moveY) {
String movementString = String.valueOf(moveX) + ',' + String.valueOf(moveY);
getSelenium().dragAndDrop(asSeleniumLocator(), movementString);
public void focus() {
public void keyDown(char character) {
getSelenium().keyDown(asSeleniumLocator(), String.valueOf(character));
public void keyDown(int keyCode) {
getSelenium().keyDown(asSeleniumLocator(), "\\" + keyCode);
public void keyUp(char character) {
getSelenium().keyUp(asSeleniumLocator(), String.valueOf(character));
public void keyUp(int keyCode) {
getSelenium().keyUp(asSeleniumLocator(), "\\" + keyCode);
public void keyPress(char character) {
getSelenium().keyPress(asSeleniumLocator(), String.valueOf(character));
public void keyPress(int keyCode) {
getSelenium().keyPress(asSeleniumLocator(), "\\" + keyCode);
public void setCursorPosition(int position) {
getSelenium().setCursorPosition(asSeleniumLocator(), String.valueOf(position));
public String[] selectOptions() {
return getSelenium().getSelectOptions(asSeleniumLocator());
public void selectByLabel(String label) {
getSelenium().select(asSeleniumLocator(), "label=" + label);
// ----------------------------------------- Assert methods
public void assertElementExists() {
// todo: ubiquitious checking for element's existence can significantly affect performance, check whether the "silent" (no checking) mode is required
public void assertElementExists(boolean exists) {
Assert.assertEquals("Element doesn't exist: " + this, exists, elementExists());
public void assertExpressionEquals(String expression, String expectedValue) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking expression evaluation result. Expression: " + expression + "; element: " + this,
expectedValue, evalExpression(expression));
public void assertExpressionEquals(String expression, int expectedValue) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking expression evaluation result. Expression: " + expression + "; element: " + this,
expectedValue, evalIntExpression(expression));
public void assertExpressionEquals(String expression, int expectedValue, int allowedError) {
int actualValue = evalIntExpression(expression);
Assert.assertTrue("Checking expression evaluation result. Expression: " + expression + "; element: " + this +
"; expected: " + expectedValue + "; but was: " + actualValue,
Math.abs(actualValue - expectedValue) <= allowedError);
public void assertExpressionEquals(String expression, boolean expectedValue) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking expression evaluation result. Expression: " + expression + "; element: " + this,
expectedValue, evalBooleanExpression(expression));
public void assertExpressionStartsWith(String expression, String expectedStringStart) {
String evaluationResult = evalExpression(expression);
int end = expectedStringStart.length();
if (end > evaluationResult.length())
end = evaluationResult.length();
String resultSubstring = evaluationResult.substring(0, end);
Assert.assertEquals("Checking expression evaluation result. Expression: " + expression + "; element: " + this,
expectedStringStart, resultSubstring);
public void assertAttribute(String attributeName, String expectedAttributeValue) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking value for attribute: " + attributeName + "; element: " + this,
expectedAttributeValue, attribute(attributeName));
public void assertAttributeStartsWith(String attributeName, String expectedStringStart) {
String evaluationResult = attribute(attributeName);
int end = expectedStringStart.length();
if (end > evaluationResult.length())
end = evaluationResult.length();
String resultSubstring = evaluationResult.substring(0, end);
Assert.assertEquals("Checking string start for attribute: " + attributeName + "; element: " + this,
expectedStringStart, resultSubstring);
public void assertNodeName(String expectedNodeName) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking node name at " + this, expectedNodeName.toLowerCase(), nodeName());
public void assertText(String expectedText) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking element text at " + this, expectedText, text());
public void assertSubtext(int startPos, int endPos, String expectedText) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking element subtext at " + this, expectedText, text().substring(startPos, endPos));
public void assertContainsText(String expectedContainedText) {
Assert.assertTrue("Checking text that element contains at " + this, text().contains(expectedContainedText));
private void assertStyleProperty(String propertyName, String expectedValue) {
if (propertyName.equals("border") ||
propertyName.equals("border-left") ||
propertyName.equals("border-right") ||
propertyName.equals("border-top") ||
propertyName.equals("border-bottom")) {
// border declaration can't be tested as a whole, so we need to test it on a per-component basis
assertBorderValue(propertyName, expectedValue);
// "background" declaration can't be tested as a whole
if (propertyName.equals("background")) {
boolean assumeThisIsColorDeclaration = !expectedValue.contains("url(");
if (assumeThisIsColorDeclaration)
propertyName = "background-color";
if (propertyName.indexOf("color") != -1)
expectedValue = adaptColorString(expectedValue);
if (propertyName.equals("font-weight"))
expectedValue = adaptFontWeightString(expectedValue);
String actualValue = calculateStyleProperty(propertyName);
Assert.assertEquals("Checking style property '" + propertyName + "' for element at " + this, expectedValue, actualValue);
* Checks whether all of the CSS properties specified in the "style" parameter are actually applied to the inspected
* element. Note that the "style" parameter should not necessarily include all of the style declarations applied
* to the element -- it just should include declarations that need to be checked. If at least one of the style
* property declarations passed in the "style" parameter doesn't match the element's current style, this method will
* fail with an appropriate message.
* <p/>
* This method doesn't just check the value of the element's "style" property, but check's element's computed style
* including the entire CSS cascade applied to the element.
* <p/>
* Note also that not all of the complex css properties can be checked directly with this method. As a solution you
* might need to split the complex declaration into several subproperty declarations, e.g. you might need
* to specify "font-size: 12pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold" instead of "font: 12px Arial bold".
* @param styleDeclaration CSS attribute declarations
public void assertStyle(String styleDeclaration) {
String[] propertyDeclarations = styleDeclaration.split(";");
for (String declaration : propertyDeclarations) {
declaration = declaration.trim();
if (declaration.length() == 0)
String[] keyValuePair = declaration.split(":");
if (keyValuePair.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal CSS attribute declaration: \"" + declaration + "\" ; it should be in the following format: \"attribute-name: attribute value\"");
String propertyName = keyValuePair[0].trim();
String expectedValue = keyValuePair[1].trim();
assertStyleProperty(propertyName, expectedValue);
* Checks the css "border" property correctness.
* @param value border declaration in the format "width style color", where each part can be either the appropriate
* CSS value that should be tested, or a question sign if that part shouldn't be tested.
* Examples: "1px solid black", "2px ? ?", or "? none ?"
private void assertBorderValue(String value) {
assertBorderValue("border-left", value);
assertBorderValue("border-top", value);
assertBorderValue("border-right", value);
assertBorderValue("border-bottom", value);
* Checks the correctness of one of the CSS border sides.
* @param borderProperty one of the following CSS border properties: border-left, border-top, border-right, border-bottom
* @param value border declaration in the format "width style color", where each part can be either the appropriate
* CSS value that should be tested, or a question sign if that part shouldn't be tested.
* Examples: "1px solid black", "2px ? ?", or "? none ?"
private void assertBorderValue(String borderProperty, String value) {
if (borderProperty.equals("border")) {
String[] values = value.split(" ");
String width = values[0].equals("?") ? null : values[0];
String style = values[1].equals("?") ? null : values[1];
String color = values[2].equals("?") ? null : values[2];
if (!borderProperty.equalsIgnoreCase("border-left") &&
!borderProperty.equalsIgnoreCase("border-top") &&
!borderProperty.equalsIgnoreCase("border-right") &&
throw new IllegalArgumentException("borderProperty should be one of border-left, border-top, border-right, border-bottom: " + borderProperty);
if (width != null)
Assert.assertEquals("Checking " + borderProperty + "-width", width, calculateStyleProperty(borderProperty + "-width"));
if (style != null)
Assert.assertEquals("Checking " + borderProperty + "-style", style, calculateStyleProperty(borderProperty + "-style"));
if (color != null)
Assert.assertEquals("Checking " + borderProperty + "-color", adaptColorString(color), calculateStyleProperty(borderProperty + "-color"));
public void assertVisible(boolean visible) {
Assert.assertEquals("Checking element visibility: " + this, visible, isVisible());
public void assertWidth(int width) {
assertWidth(width, 0);
public void assertWidth(int width, int allowedError) {
int actualValue = size().width;
Assert.assertTrue("Checking element width; element: " + this +
"; expected: " + width + "; but was: " + actualValue,
Math.abs(actualValue - width) <= allowedError);
public void assertHeight(int height) {
assertHeight(height, 0);
public void assertHeight(int height, int allowedError) {
int actualValue = size().height;
Assert.assertTrue("Checking element height; element: " + this +
"; expected: " + height + "; but was: " + actualValue,
Math.abs(actualValue - height) <= allowedError);
public void assertPosition(Point position) {
Point actualPosition = position();
Assert.assertEquals("Checking x-position for element: " + this, position.x, actualPosition.x);
Assert.assertEquals("Checking y-position for element: " + this, position.y, actualPosition.y);
public void assertPosition(int x, int y) {
assertPosition(new Point(x, y));
public void assertSize(Dimension dimension) {
Dimension actualSize = size();
Assert.assertEquals("Checking width for element: " + this, dimension.width, actualSize.width);
Assert.assertEquals("Checking height for element: " + this, dimension.height, actualSize.height);
public void assertSize(int width, int height) {
assertSize(new Dimension(width, height));
// ----------------------------------------- Utility methods
private static Map<String, String> adaptedColorStrings = new HashMap<String, String>();
public String adaptColorString(String color) {
if (color == null || color.trim().length() == 0)
return color;
String adaptedColor = adaptedColorStrings.get(color);
if (adaptedColor == null) {
Selenium selenium = getSelenium();
adaptedColor = selenium.getEval("var referenceEl = document.createElement('div'); referenceEl.style.color = '" + color + "';" +
"this.page().getCurrentWindow().O$.getElementStyleProperty(referenceEl, 'color');");
adaptedColorStrings.put(color, adaptedColor);
return adaptedColor;
private static Map<String, String> adaptedFontWeightStrings = new HashMap<String, String>();
public String adaptFontWeightString(String fontWeight) {
if (fontWeight == null || fontWeight.trim().length() == 0)
return fontWeight;
String adaptedFontWeight = adaptedFontWeightStrings.get(fontWeight);
if (adaptedFontWeight == null) {
Selenium selenium = getSelenium();
adaptedFontWeight = selenium.getEval("var referenceEl = document.createElement('div'); referenceEl.style.fontWeight = '" + fontWeight + "';" +
"this.page().getCurrentWindow().O$.getElementStyleProperty(referenceEl, 'font-weight');");
adaptedFontWeightStrings.put(fontWeight, adaptedFontWeight);
return adaptedFontWeight;
private String nullOrJsString(String str) {
if (str == null)
return "null";
return '\'' + str + '\'';
protected static String escapeStringForJSAndQuote(String str) {
if (str == null)
return "null";
return '\'' + escapeStringForJS(str) + '\'';
protected static String escapeStringForJS(String str) {
if (str == null)
return "";
int len = str.length();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len << 2);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char chr = str.charAt(i);
switch (chr) {
case '\\':
case '\'':
case '\"':
case '\n':
case '[':
case ']':
case '\r':
case '<':
if (((int) chr) >= 0x80) {
final String hex = Integer.toString(chr, 16);
switch (hex.length()) {
case 2:
case 3:
} else {
return buf.toString();
protected void sleep(long millis) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);