* Copyright 2009 Prime Technology.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.primefaces.component.autocomplete;
import javax.faces.component.UIInput;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.faces.render.Renderer;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.primefaces.resource.ResourceHolder;
import org.primefaces.renderkit.PartialRenderer;
import org.primefaces.component.api.AjaxComponent;
public class AutoComplete extends UIInput implements AjaxComponent {
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "org.primefaces.component.AutoComplete";
public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "org.primefaces.component";
private static final String DEFAULT_RENDERER = "org.primefaces.component.AutoCompleteRenderer";
private java.lang.String _widgetVar;
private javax.el.MethodExpression _completeMethod;
private java.lang.String _var;
private java.lang.String _itemLabel;
private java.lang.Object _itemValue;
private java.lang.Boolean _animHoriz;
private java.lang.Boolean _animVert;
private java.lang.Double _animSpeed;
private java.lang.Integer _maxResults;
private java.lang.Integer _minQueryLength;
private java.lang.Double _queryDelay;
private java.lang.Boolean _autoHighlight;
private java.lang.Boolean _useShadow;
private java.lang.Boolean _typeAhead;
private java.lang.Double _typeAheadDelay;
public AutoComplete() {
ResourceHolder resourceHolder = getResourceHolder();
if(resourceHolder != null) {
public String getFamily() {
public java.lang.String getWidgetVar() {
if(_widgetVar != null )
return _widgetVar;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("widgetVar");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.String) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : null;
public void setWidgetVar(java.lang.String _widgetVar) {
this._widgetVar = _widgetVar;
public javax.el.MethodExpression getCompleteMethod() {
return this._completeMethod;
public void setCompleteMethod(javax.el.MethodExpression _completeMethod) {
this._completeMethod = _completeMethod;
public java.lang.String getVar() {
if(_var != null )
return _var;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("var");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.String) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : null;
public void setVar(java.lang.String _var) {
this._var = _var;
public java.lang.String getItemLabel() {
if(_itemLabel != null )
return _itemLabel;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("itemLabel");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.String) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : null;
public void setItemLabel(java.lang.String _itemLabel) {
this._itemLabel = _itemLabel;
public java.lang.Object getItemValue() {
if(_itemValue != null )
return _itemValue;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("itemValue");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Object) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : null;
public void setItemValue(java.lang.Object _itemValue) {
this._itemValue = _itemValue;
public boolean isAnimHoriz() {
if(_animHoriz != null )
return _animHoriz;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("animHoriz");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Boolean) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : false;
public void setAnimHoriz(boolean _animHoriz) {
this._animHoriz = _animHoriz;
public boolean isAnimVert() {
if(_animVert != null )
return _animVert;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("animVert");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Boolean) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : true;
public void setAnimVert(boolean _animVert) {
this._animVert = _animVert;
public double getAnimSpeed() {
if(_animSpeed != null )
return _animSpeed;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("animSpeed");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Double) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : 0.3;
public void setAnimSpeed(double _animSpeed) {
this._animSpeed = _animSpeed;
public int getMaxResults() {
if(_maxResults != null )
return _maxResults;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("maxResults");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Integer) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : 10;
public void setMaxResults(int _maxResults) {
this._maxResults = _maxResults;
public int getMinQueryLength() {
if(_minQueryLength != null )
return _minQueryLength;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("minQueryLength");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Integer) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : 1;
public void setMinQueryLength(int _minQueryLength) {
this._minQueryLength = _minQueryLength;
public double getQueryDelay() {
if(_queryDelay != null )
return _queryDelay;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("queryDelay");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Double) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : 0.2;
public void setQueryDelay(double _queryDelay) {
this._queryDelay = _queryDelay;
public boolean isAutoHighlight() {
if(_autoHighlight != null )
return _autoHighlight;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("autoHighlight");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Boolean) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : true;
public void setAutoHighlight(boolean _autoHighlight) {
this._autoHighlight = _autoHighlight;
public boolean isUseShadow() {
if(_useShadow != null )
return _useShadow;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("useShadow");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Boolean) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : false;
public void setUseShadow(boolean _useShadow) {
this._useShadow = _useShadow;
public boolean isTypeAhead() {
if(_typeAhead != null )
return _typeAhead;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("typeAhead");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Boolean) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : false;
public void setTypeAhead(boolean _typeAhead) {
this._typeAhead = _typeAhead;
public double getTypeAheadDelay() {
if(_typeAheadDelay != null )
return _typeAheadDelay;
ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("typeAheadDelay");
return ve != null ? (java.lang.Double) ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext()) : 0.5;
public void setTypeAheadDelay(double _typeAheadDelay) {
this._typeAheadDelay = _typeAheadDelay;
public Object saveState(FacesContext context) {
Object values[] = new Object[16];
values[0] = super.saveState(context);
values[1] = _widgetVar;
values[2] = _completeMethod;
values[3] = _var;
values[4] = _itemLabel;
values[5] = _itemValue;
values[6] = _animHoriz;
values[7] = _animVert;
values[8] = _animSpeed;
values[9] = _maxResults;
values[10] = _minQueryLength;
values[11] = _queryDelay;
values[12] = _autoHighlight;
values[13] = _useShadow;
values[14] = _typeAhead;
values[15] = _typeAheadDelay;
return ((Object) values);
public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) {
Object values[] = (Object[]) state;
super.restoreState(context, values[0]);
_widgetVar = (String) values[1];
_completeMethod = (MethodExpression) values[2];
_var = (String) values[3];
_itemLabel = (String) values[4];
_itemValue = (Object) values[5];
_animHoriz = (Boolean) values[6];
_animVert = (Boolean) values[7];
_animSpeed = (Double) values[8];
_maxResults = (Integer) values[9];
_minQueryLength = (Integer) values[10];
_queryDelay = (Double) values[11];
_autoHighlight = (Boolean) values[12];
_useShadow = (Boolean) values[13];
_typeAhead = (Boolean) values[14];
_typeAheadDelay = (Double) values[15];
protected FacesContext getFacesContext() {
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
protected ResourceHolder getResourceHolder() {
FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
if(facesContext == null)
return null;
ValueExpression ve = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().createValueExpression(facesContext.getELContext(), "#{primeFacesResourceHolder}", ResourceHolder.class);
return (ResourceHolder) ve.getValue(facesContext.getELContext());
public void encodePartially(FacesContext facesContext) throws IOException {
Renderer renderer = getRenderer(facesContext);
if(renderer instanceof PartialRenderer) {
((PartialRenderer)renderer).encodePartially(facesContext, this);