package com.alexnevsky.hotel.dao;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.alexnevsky.hotel.dao.exception.DAOConfigurationException;
* This class immediately loads the DAO properties file '' once in
* memory and provides a constructor which takes the specific key which is to be
* used as property key prefix of the DAO properties file. There is a property
* getter which only returns the property prefixed with 'specificKey.' and
* provides the option to indicate whether the property is mandatory or not.
* @version 1.0 15.05.2011
* @author Alex Nevsky
public class DAOProperties {
// Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------
private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "properties/";
private static final Properties PROPERTIES = new Properties();
static {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream propertiesFile = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE);
if (propertiesFile == null) {
throw new DAOConfigurationException("Properties file '" + PROPERTIES_FILE + "' is missing in classpath.");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DAOConfigurationException("Cannot load properties file '" + PROPERTIES_FILE + "'.", e);
// Vars --------------------------------------------------------------------
private String specificKey;
// Constructors ------------------------------------------------------------
* Construct a DAOProperties instance for the given specific key which is to
* be used as property key prefix of the DAO properties file.
* @param specificKey
* The specific key which is to be used as property key prefix.
* @throws DAOConfigurationException
* During class initialization if the DAO
* properties file is missing in the classpath or cannot be loaded.
public DAOProperties(String specificKey) throws DAOConfigurationException {
this.specificKey = specificKey;
// Actions -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the DAOProperties instance specific property value associated
* with the given key with the option to indicate whether the property is
* mandatory or not.
* @param key
* The key to be associated with a DAOProperties instance specific value.
* @param mandatory
* Sets whether the returned property value should not be ull or empty.
* @return The DAOProperties instance specific property value associated
* with the given key.
* @throws DAOConfigurationException
* If the returned property value is null
* or empty while it is mandatory.
public synchronized String getProperty(String key, boolean mandatory) throws DAOConfigurationException {
String fullKey = this.specificKey + "." + key;
String property = PROPERTIES.getProperty(fullKey);
if (property == null || property.trim().length() == 0) {
if (mandatory) {
throw new DAOConfigurationException("Required property '" + fullKey + "'"
+ " is missing in properties file '" + PROPERTIES_FILE + "'.");
} else {
// Make empty value null. Empty Strings are evil.
property = null;
return property;