package com.alexnevsky.hotel.dao;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import com.alexnevsky.hotel.dao.exception.DAOConfigurationException;
* This class represents a DAO factory for a SQL database.
* You can obtain DAO's for the DAO factory instance using the DAO getters.
* This class requires a properties file named '' in the classpath
* with under each the following properties:
* <pre>
* name.url
* </pre>
* The 'name.url' must represent either the JNDI name of the database.
* @version 1.0 11.05.2011
* @author Alex Nevsky
public abstract class AbstractDAOFactory {
// Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------
private static AbstractDAOFactory instance;
private static final String PROPERTY_URL = "url";
private static final String JNDI_ROOT = "java:comp/env/";
// Actions -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a new AbstractDAOFactory instance for the given database name.
* @param name
* The database name to return a new AbstractDAOFactory instance for.
* @return A new AbstractDAOFactory instance for the given database name.
* @throws DAOConfigurationException
* If the database name is null, or if the
* properties file is missing in the classpath or cannot be loaded, or if a
* required property is missing in the properties file, or if the datasource
* cannot be found.
public static synchronized AbstractDAOFactory getInstance(String name) throws DAOConfigurationException {
if (instance == null) {
if (name != null) {
DAOProperties properties = new DAOProperties(name);
String url = properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_URL, true);
// URL as DataSource URL and lookup it in the JNDI.
DataSource dataSource;
try {
dataSource = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(JNDI_ROOT + url);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new DAOConfigurationException("DataSource '" + url + "' is missing in JNDI.", e);
DataSourceDAOFactory dataSourceDAOFactory = DataSourceDAOFactory.getInstance(dataSource);
instance = dataSourceDAOFactory;
} else {
throw new DAOConfigurationException("Database name is null.");
return instance;
* Returns a connection to the database. Package private so that it can be
* used inside the DAO package only.
* @return A connection to the database.
* @throws SQLException
* If acquiring the connection fails.
abstract Connection getConnection() throws SQLException;
// DAO getters -------------------------------------------------------------
// Возможно, можно обойтись без synchronized
* Returns the Admin DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Admin DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized AdminDAO getAdminDAO() {
return new AdminDAO(this);
* Returns the Customer DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Customer DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO() {
return new CustomerDAO(this);
* Returns the Customer Account DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Customer Account DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized CustomerAccountDAO getCustomerAccountDAO() {
return new CustomerAccountDAO(this);
* Returns the Form DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Form DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized FormDAO getFormDAO() {
return new FormDAO(this);
* Returns the Order DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Order DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized OrderDAO getOrderDAO() {
return new OrderDAO(this);
* Returns the Room DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Room DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized RoomDAO getRoomDAO() {
return new RoomDAO(this);
* Returns the Credit Card DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
* @return The Credit Card DAO associated with the current AbstractDAOFactory.
public synchronized CreditCardDAO getCreditCardDAO() {
return new CreditCardDAO(this);
// You can add more DAO getters here.