import java.util.List;
import com.restfb.DefaultLegacyFacebookClient;
import com.restfb.Facebook;
import com.restfb.LegacyFacebookClient;
import com.restfb.Parameter;
public class LegacyExample {
// You need to provide your access token here.
// Instructions are available on
private static final String MY_ACCESS_TOKEN = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
LegacyFacebookClient facebookClient = new DefaultLegacyFacebookClient(MY_ACCESS_TOKEN);
// Last parameter specifies that this API call's result should be returned
// to us as a Long value.
Long uid = facebookClient.execute("users.getLoggedInUser", Long.class);
System.out.println("My UID is " + uid);
// FQL query which asks Facebook for your friends' names, profile picture
// URLs, and network affiliations
String query =
"SELECT name, pic_big, affiliations FROM user "
+ "WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=" + uid + ")";
// Executes an API call with result mapped to a list of classes we've
// defined. Note that you can pass in an arbitrary number of Parameters -
// here we send along the query as well as the "give me HTTPS URLs" flag
List<User> users =
facebookClient.executeForList("fql.query", User.class,
Parameter.with("query", query), Parameter.with(
"return_ssl_resources", "true"));
System.out.println("My friends and their affiliations:");
for (User user : users)
public static class User {
// By default, assumes JSON attribute name is the same as the Java field
// name
String name;
// If your Java field name is different than the JSON attribute name, just
// specify the JSON attribute name
String pictureUrl;
// Java doesn't remember generic type information at runtime due to type
// erasure. So, for a List type mapping, you have to help out by specifying
// what kind of type is contained in the List (Affiliation, in this case)
@Facebook(contains = Affiliation.class)
List<Affiliation> affiliations;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Name: %s\nProfile Image URL: %s\nAffiliations: %s",
name, pictureUrl, affiliations);
public static class Affiliation {
String name;
String type;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s (%s)", name, type);