* BeanPathAdapter.java
* Copyright (c) 2011-2014, JFXtras
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the organization nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package jfxtras.labs.scene.control;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.FloatProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ListProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.LongProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.MapProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.property.Property;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.MapChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.ObservableMap;
import javafx.collections.ObservableSet;
import javafx.collections.SetChangeListener;
import javafx.scene.control.SelectionModel;
import javafx.util.StringConverter;
* An adapter that takes a POJO bean and internally and recursively
* binds/un-binds it's fields to other {@link Property} components. It allows a
* <b><code>.</code></b> separated field path to be traversed on a bean until
* the final field name is found (last entry in the <b><code>.</code></b>
* separated field path). Each field will have a corresponding {@link Property}
* that is automatically generated and reused in the binding process. Each
* {@link Property} is bean-aware and will dynamically update it's values and
* bindings as different beans are set on the adapter. Bean's set on the adapter
* do not need to instantiate all the sub-beans in the path(s) provided as long
* as they contain a no-argument constructor they will be instantiated as
* path(s) are traversed.
* <h3>Examples:</h3>
* <ol>
* <li>
* <b>Binding bean fields to multiple JavaFX control properties of different
* types:</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "age" is a double field in person we can bind it to a
* // Slider#valueProperty() of type double, but we can also bind it
* // to a TextField#valueProperty() of type String.
* Person person = new Person();
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* Slider sl = new Slider();
* TextField tf = new TextField();
* personPA.bindBidirectional("age", sl.valueProperty());
* personPA.bindBidirectional("age", tf.valueProperty());
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding beans within beans:</b>
* <pre>
* // Binding a bean (Person) field called "address" that contains another
* // bean (Address) that also contains a field called "location" with a
* // bean (Location) field of "state" (the chain can be virtually endless
* // with all beans being instantiated along the way when null).
* Person person = new Person();
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* TextField tf = new TextField();
* personPA.bindBidirectional("address.location.state", tf.valueProperty());
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding non-primitive bean paths to JavaFX control properties of the same
* non-primitive type:</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "address" is an "Address" field in a "Person" class we can bind it
* // to a ComboBox#valueProperty() of the same type. The "Address" class should
* // override the "toString()" method in order to show a meaningful selection
* // value in the example ComboBox.
* Address a1 = new Address();
* Address a2 = new Address();
* a1.setStreet("1st Street");
* a2.setStreet("2nd Street");
* ComboBox<Address> cb = new ComboBox<>();
* cb.getItems().addAll(a1, a2);
* Person person = new Person();
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* personPA.bindBidirectional("address", cb.valueProperty(), Address.class);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding collections/maps fields to/from observable collections/maps (i.e.
* items in a JavaFX control):</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "allLanguages" is a collection/map field in person we can
* // bind it to a JavaFX observable collection/map
* Person person = new Person();
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* ListView<String> lv = new ListView<>();
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("allLanguages", null, String.class,
* lv.getItems(), String.class, null, null);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding collections/maps fields to/from observable collections/maps
* selections (i.e. selections in a JavaFX control):</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "languages" is a collection/map field in person we can
* // bind it to a JavaFX observable collection/map selections
* Person person = new Person();
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* ListView<String> lv = new ListView<>();
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("languages", null, String.class, lv
* .getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(), String.class, lv
* .getSelectionModel(), null);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding collection/map fields to/from observable collections/maps
* selections using an items from another observable collection/map as a
* reference (i.e. selections in a JavaFX control that contain the same
* instances as what are in the items being selected from):</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "languages" and "allLanguages" are a collection/map
* // fields in person we can bind "languages" to selections made from
* // the items in "allLanguages" to a JavaFX observable collection/map
* // selection Person person = new Person();
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* ListView<String> lv = new ListView<>();
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("languages", null, String.class, lv
* .getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(), String.class, lv
* .getSelectionModel(), "allLanguages");
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding complex bean collection/map fields to/from observable
* collections/maps selections and items (i.e. selections in a JavaFX control
* that contain the same bean instances as what are in the items being
* selected):</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "hobbies" and
* "allHobbies" are a collection/map // fields in person and each element within
* them contain an // instance of Hobby that has it's own field called "name" //
* we can bind "allHobbies" and "hobbies" to the Hobby "name"s // for each Hobby
* in the items/selections (respectively) to/from // a ListView wich will only
* contain the String name of each Hobby // as it's items and selections Person
* person = new Person(); BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new
* BeanPathAdapter<>(person); ListView<String> lv = new ListView<>();
* // bind items
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("allHobbies", "name", Hobby.class,
* lv.getItems(), String.class, null, null);
* // bind selections that reference the same instances within the items
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("languages", "name", Hobby.class,
* lv.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(), String.class,
* lv.getSelectionModel(), "allHobbiess");
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding bean collection/map fields to/from multiple JavaFX control
* observable collections/maps of the same type (via bean collection/map):</b>
* <pre>
* Person person = new Person();
* Hobby hobby1 = new Hobby();
* hobby1.setName("Hobby 1");
* Hobby hobby2 = new Hobby();
* hobby2.setName("Hobby 2");
* person.setAllHobbies(new LinkedHashSet<Hobby>());
* person.getAllHobbies().add(hobby1);
* person.getAllHobbies().add(hobby2);
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* ListView<String> lv = new ListView<>();
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("allHobbies", "name", Hobby.class,
* lv.getItems(), String.class, null, null);
* ListView<String> lv2 = new ListView<>();
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("allHobbies", "name", Hobby.class,
* lv2.getItems(), String.class, null, null);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Binding bean collection/map fields to/from multiple JavaFX control
* observable collections/maps of the same type (via JavaFX control observable
* collection/map):</b>
* <pre>
* // When the bean collection/map field is empty/null and it is
* // bound to a non-empty observable collection/map, the values
* // of the observable are used to instantiate each item bean
* // and set the item value (Hobby#setName in this case)
* Person person = new Person();
* final ObservableList<String> oc = FXCollections.observableArrayList("Hobby 1",
* "Hobby 2", "Hobby 3");
* BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* ListView<String> lv = new ListView<>(oc);
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("allHobbies", "name", Hobby.class,
* lv.getItems(), String.class, null, null);
* ListView<String> lv2 = new ListView<>(); // <-- notice that oc is not passed
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("allHobbies", "name", Hobby.class,
* lv2.getItems(), String.class, null, null);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Switching beans:</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "age" is a double field in person...
* final Person person1 = new Person();
* person1.setAge(1D);
* final Person person2 = new Person();
* person2.setAge(2D);
* final BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person1);
* TextField tf = new TextField();
* personPA.bindBidirectional("age", tf.valueProperty());
* Button btn = new Button("Toggle People");
* btn.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
* public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
* // all bindings will show relevant person data and changes made
* // to the bound controls will be reflected in the bean that is
* // set at the time of the change
* personPA.setBean(personPA.getBean() == person1 ? person2 : person1);
* }
* });
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>{@link Date}/{@link Calendar} binding:</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "dob" is a java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar field
* // in person it can be bound to a java.util.Date or
* // java.util.Calendar JavaFX control property. Example uses a
* // jfxtras.labs.scene.control.CalendarPicker
* final Person person = new Person();
* final BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* CalendarPicker calendarPicker = new CalendarPicker();
* personPA.bindBidirectional("dob", calendarPicker.calendarProperty(),
* Calendar.class);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>{@link javafx.scene.control.TableView} binding:</b>
* <pre>
* // Assuming "name"/"description" are a java.lang.String fields in Hobby
* // and "hobbies" is a List/Set/Map in Person
* final Person person = new Person();
* final BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* TableView<Hobby> table = new TableView<>();
* TableColumn<Hobby, String> nameCol = new TableColumn<>("Hobby Name");
* nameCol.setMinWidth(100);
* nameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Hobby, String>("name"));
* TableColumn<Hobby, String> descCol = new TableColumn<>("Hobby Desc");
* descCol.setMinWidth(100);
* descCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Hobby, String>(
* "description"));
* table.getColumns().addAll(nameCol, descCol);
* personPA.bindContentBidirectional("hobbies", null, String.class,
* table.getItems(), Hobby.class, null, null);
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Listening for global changes:</b>
* <pre>
* final BeanPathAdapter<Person> personPA = new BeanPathAdapter<>(person);
* // use the following to eliminate unwanted notifications
* // personPA.removeFieldPathValueTypes(FieldPathValueType.BEAN_CHANGE, ...)
* personPA.fieldPathValueProperty().addListener(
* new ChangeListener<FieldPathValue>() {
* @Override
* public void changed(
* final ObservableValue<? extends FieldPathValue> observable,
* final FieldPathValue oldValue, final FieldPathValue newValue) {
* System.out.println("Value changed from: " + oldValue + " to: "
* + newValue);
* }
* });
* </pre>
* </li>
* </ol>
* @see #bindBidirectional(String, Property)
* @see #bindContentBidirectional(String, String, Class, ObservableList, Class,
* SelectionModel, String)
* @see #bindContentBidirectional(String, String, Class, ObservableSet, Class,
* SelectionModel, String)
* @see #bindContentBidirectional(String, String, Class, ObservableMap, Class,
* SelectionModel, String)
* @param <B>
* the bean type
public class BeanPathAdapter<B> {
public static final char PATH_SEPARATOR = '.';
public static final char COLLECTION_ITEM_PATH_SEPARATOR = '#';
private FieldBean<Void, B> root;
private FieldPathValueProperty fieldPathValueProperty = new FieldPathValueProperty();
* Constructor
* @param bean
* the bean the {@link BeanPathAdapter} is for
public BeanPathAdapter(final B bean) {
* @see #bindBidirectional(String, Property, Class)
public void bindBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final BooleanProperty property) {
bindBidirectional(fieldPath, property, Boolean.class);
* @see #bindBidirectional(String, Property, Class)
public void bindBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final StringProperty property) {
bindBidirectional(fieldPath, property, String.class);
* @see #bindBidirectional(String, Property, Class)
public void bindBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final Property<Number> property) {
bindBidirectional(fieldPath, property, null);
* Binds a {@link ObservableList} by traversing the bean's field tree. An
* additional item path can be specified when the path points to a
* {@link Collection} that contains beans that also need traversed in order
* to establish the final value. For example: If a field path points to
* <code>phoneNumbers</code> (relative to the {@link #getBean()}) where
* <code>phoneNumbers</code> is a {@link Collection} that contains
* <code>PhoneNumber</code> instances which in turn have a field called
* <code>areaCode</code> then an item path can be passed in addition to the
* field path with <code>areaCode</code> as it's value.
* @param fieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* the {@link #getBean()} that will be traversed
* @param itemFieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* each item in the bean's underlying {@link Collection} that
* will be traversed (empty/null when each item value does not
* need traversed)
* @param itemFieldPathType
* the {@link Class} of that the item path points to
* @param list
* the {@link ObservableList} to bind to the field class type of
* the property
* @param listValueType
* the class type of the {@link ObservableList} value
* @param selectionModel
* the {@link SelectionModel} used to set the values within the
* {@link ObservableList} <b>only applicable when the
* {@link ObservableList} is used for selection(s) and therefore
* cannot be updated directly because it is read-only</b>
* @param selectionModelItemMasterPath
* when binding to {@link SelectionModel} items, this will be the
* optional path to the collection field that contains all the
* items to select from
public <E> void bindContentBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final String itemFieldPath, final Class<?> itemFieldPathType,
final ObservableList<E> list, final Class<E> listValueType,
final SelectionModel<E> selectionModel,
final String selectionModelItemMasterPath) {
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster = null;
if (selectionModelItemMasterPath != null
&& !selectionModelItemMasterPath.isEmpty()) {
itemMaster = getRoot().performOperation(
selectionModelItemMasterPath, list, listValueType,
itemFieldPath, itemFieldPathType, null, null,
getRoot().performOperation(fieldPath, list, listValueType,
itemFieldPath, itemFieldPathType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
* Binds a {@link ObservableSet} by traversing the bean's field tree. An
* additional item path can be specified when the path points to a
* {@link Collection} that contains beans that also need traversed in order
* to establish the final value. For example: If a field path points to
* <code>phoneNumbers</code> (relative to the {@link #getBean()}) where
* <code>phoneNumbers</code> is a {@link Collection} that contains
* <code>PhoneNumber</code> instances which in turn have a field called
* <code>areaCode</code> then an item path can be passed in addition to the
* field path with <code>areaCode</code> as it's value.
* @param fieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* the {@link #getBean()} that will be traversed
* @param itemFieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* each item in the bean's underlying {@link Collection} that
* will be traversed (empty/null when each item value does not
* need traversed)
* @param itemFieldPathType
* the {@link Class} of that the item path points to
* @param set
* the {@link ObservableSet} to bind to the field class type of
* the property
* @param setValueType
* the class type of the {@link ObservableSet} value
* @param selectionModel
* the {@link SelectionModel} used to set the values within the
* {@link ObservableSet} <b>only applicable when the
* {@link ObservableSet} is used for selection(s) and therefore
* cannot be updated directly because it is read-only</b>
* @param selectionModelItemMasterPath
* when binding to {@link SelectionModel} items, this will be the
* optional path to the collection field that contains all the
* items to select from
public <E> void bindContentBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final String itemFieldPath, final Class<?> itemFieldPathType,
final ObservableSet<E> set, final Class<E> setValueType,
final SelectionModel<E> selectionModel,
final String selectionModelItemMasterPath) {
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster = null;
if (selectionModelItemMasterPath != null
&& !selectionModelItemMasterPath.isEmpty()) {
itemMaster = getRoot().performOperation(
selectionModelItemMasterPath, set, setValueType,
itemFieldPath, itemFieldPathType, null, null,
getRoot().performOperation(fieldPath, set, setValueType, itemFieldPath,
itemFieldPathType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
* Binds a {@link ObservableMap} by traversing the bean's field tree. An
* additional item path can be specified when the path points to a
* {@link Collection} that contains beans that also need traversed in order
* to establish the final value. For example: If a field path points to
* <code>phoneNumbers</code> (relative to the {@link #getBean()}) where
* <code>phoneNumbers</code> is a {@link Collection} that contains
* <code>PhoneNumber</code> instances which in turn have a field called
* <code>areaCode</code> then an item path can be passed in addition to the
* field path with <code>areaCode</code> as it's value.
* @param fieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* the {@link #getBean()} that will be traversed
* @param itemFieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* each item in the bean's underlying {@link Collection} that
* will be traversed (empty/null when each item value does not
* need traversed)
* @param itemFieldPathType
* the {@link Class} of that the item path points to
* @param map
* the {@link ObservableMap} to bind to the field class type of
* the property
* @param mapValueType
* the class type of the {@link ObservableMap} value
* @param selectionModel
* the {@link SelectionModel} used to set the values within the
* {@link ObservableMap} <b>only applicable when the
* {@link ObservableMap} is used for selection(s) and therefore
* cannot be updated directly because it is read-only</b>
* @param selectionModelItemMasterPath
* when binding to {@link SelectionModel} items, this will be the
* optional path to the collection field that contains all the
* items to select from
public <K, V> void bindContentBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final String itemFieldPath, final Class<?> itemFieldPathType,
final ObservableMap<K, V> map, final Class<V> mapValueType,
final SelectionModel<V> selectionModel,
final String selectionModelItemMasterPath) {
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster = null;
if (selectionModelItemMasterPath != null
&& !selectionModelItemMasterPath.isEmpty()) {
itemMaster = getRoot().performOperation(
selectionModelItemMasterPath, map, mapValueType,
itemFieldPath, itemFieldPathType, null, null,
getRoot().performOperation(fieldPath, map, mapValueType, itemFieldPath,
itemFieldPathType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
* Binds a {@link Property} by traversing the bean's field tree
* @param fieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* the {@link #getBean()} that will be traversed
* @param property
* the {@link Property} to bind to the field class type of the
* property
* @param propertyType
* the class type of the {@link Property} value
public <T> void bindBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final Property<T> property, final Class<T> propertyType) {
Class<T> clazz = propertyType != null ? propertyType
: propertyValueClass(property);
if (clazz == null && property.getValue() != null) {
clazz = (Class<T>) property.getValue().getClass();
if (clazz == null || clazz == Object.class) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
"Unable to determine property value class for %1$s "
+ "and declared type %2$s", property, propertyType));
getRoot().performOperation(fieldPath, property, clazz,
* Unbinds a {@link Property} by traversing the bean's field tree
* @param fieldPath
* the <b><code>.</code></b> separated field paths relative to
* the {@link #getBean()} that will be traversed
* @param property
* the {@link Property} to bind to the field class type of the
* property
public <T> void unBindBidirectional(final String fieldPath,
final Property<T> property) {
getRoot().performOperation(fieldPath, property, null,
* @return the bean of the {@link BeanPathAdapter}
public B getBean() {
return getRoot().getBean();
* Sets the root bean of the {@link BeanPathAdapter}. Any existing
* properties will be updated with the values relative to the paths within
* the bean.
* @param bean
* the bean to set
public void setBean(final B bean) {
if (bean == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (getRoot() == null) {
this.root = new FieldBean<>(null, bean, null,
} else {
if (hasFieldPathValueTypes(FieldPathValueType.BEAN_CHANGE)) {
fieldPathValueProperty.set(new FieldPathValue(null, getBean(),
getBean(), FieldPathValueType.BEAN_CHANGE));
* @return the root/top level {@link FieldBean}
protected final FieldBean<Void, B> getRoot() {
return this.root;
* @see #addFieldPathValueTypes(FieldPathValueType...)
* @see #removeFieldPathValueTypes(FieldPathValueType...)
* @see #hasFieldPathValueTypes(FieldPathValueType...)
* @return the {@link ReadOnlyObjectProperty} that contains the last path
* that was changed in the {@link BeanPathAdapter}. For
* notifications for items bound using content bindings
* (collections/maps)
public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<FieldPathValue> fieldPathValueProperty() {
return fieldPathValueProperty.getReadOnlyProperty();
* Provides the underlying value class for a given {@link Property}
* @param property
* the {@link Property} to check
* @return the value class of the {@link Property}
protected static <T> Class<T> propertyValueClass(final Property<T> property) {
Class<T> clazz = null;
if (property != null) {
if (StringProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) String.class;
} else if (IntegerProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property
.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) Integer.class;
} else if (BooleanProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property
.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) Boolean.class;
} else if (DoubleProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property
.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) Double.class;
} else if (FloatProperty.class
.isAssignableFrom(property.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) Float.class;
} else if (LongProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) Long.class;
} else if (ListProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) List.class;
} else if (MapProperty.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getClass())) {
clazz = (Class<T>) Map.class;
} else {
clazz = (Class<T>) Object.class;
return clazz;
* Adds {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) that
* {link notifyProperty()} will use
* @param types
* the {@link FieldPathValueType} to add
public void addFieldPathValueTypes(final FieldPathValueType... types) {
fieldPathValueProperty.addRemoveTypes(true, types);
* Removes {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) that
* {link notifyProperty()} will use
* @param types
* the {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) to remove
public void removeFieldPathValueTypes(final FieldPathValueType... types) {
fieldPathValueProperty.addRemoveTypes(false, types);
* Determines if the {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) are being used by the
* {link notifyProperty()}
* @param types
* the {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) to check for
* @return true if all of the specified {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) exist
public boolean hasFieldPathValueTypes(final FieldPathValueType... types) {
return fieldPathValueProperty.hasTypes(types);
* The {@link ReadOnlyObjectWrapper} that contains the last path that was
* changed in the {@link BeanPathAdapter}
static class FieldPathValueProperty extends
ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<FieldPathValue> {
private final Set<FieldPathValueType> types;
* Constructor
public FieldPathValueProperty() {
this.types = new HashSet<>();
addRemoveTypes(true, FieldPathValueType.values());
* Adds/Removes {@link FieldPathValueType}(s)
* @param add
* true to add, false to remove
* @param types
* the {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) to add/remove
public void addRemoveTypes(final boolean add,
final FieldPathValueType... types) {
if (types.length <= 0) {
if (add) {
Collections.addAll(this.types, types);
} else {
for (final FieldPathValueType t : types) {
* Determines if the {link getTypes()} has all of the specified
* {@link FieldPathValueType}(s)
* @param types
* the {@link FieldPathValueType}(s) to check for
* @return true if all of the specified {@link FieldPathValueType}(s)
* exist
public boolean hasTypes(final FieldPathValueType... types) {
if (types.length <= 0) {
return false;
for (final FieldPathValueType type : types) {
if (!this.types.contains(type)) {
return false;
return true;
* Field {@link #getPath()}/{@link #getValue()}
public static class FieldPathValue {
private final String path;
private final Object bean;
private final Object value;
private final FieldPathValueType type;
* Constructor
* @param path
* the {@link #getPath()}
* @param bean
* the {@link #getBean()}
* @param value
* the {@link #getValue()}
* @param type
public FieldPathValue(final String path, final Object bean,
final Object value, final FieldPathValueType type) {
this.path = path;
this.bean = bean;
this.value = value;
this.type = type;
* Generates a hash code using {@link #getPath()}, {@link #getBean()},
* {@link #getValue()}, and {link isFromItemSelection()}
* @return the hash code
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((bean == null) ? 0 : bean.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((path == null) ? 0 : path.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((value == null) ? 0 : value.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((type == null) ? 0 : type.hashCode());
return result;
* Determines equality based upon {@link #getPath()}, {@link #getBean()}
* , {@link #getValue()}, and {link isFromItemSelection()}
* @param obj
* the {@link Object} to check for equality
* @return true when equal
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
FieldPathValue other = (FieldPathValue) obj;
if (bean == null) {
if (other.bean != null) {
return false;
} else if (!bean.equals(other.bean)) {
return false;
if (path == null) {
if (other.path != null) {
return false;
} else if (!path.equals(other.path)) {
return false;
if (value == null) {
if (other.value != null) {
return false;
} else if (!value.equals(other.value)) {
return false;
if (type != other.type) {
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return FieldPathValue.class.getSimpleName() + " [path=" + path
+ ", value=" + value + ", type=" + type + ", bean=" + bean
+ "]";
* @return the {@link BeanPathAdapter#PATH_SEPARATOR} separated path of
* the field value that changed. When the path involves an item
* within a collection the path to the item will be separated
* with {@link BeanPathAdapter#COLLECTION_ITEM_PATH_SEPARATOR}
public String getPath() {
return path;
* @return the bean that the {@link #getValue()} belongs to
public Object getBean() {
return bean;
* @return value of the field path that changed
public Object getValue() {
return value;
* @return the {@link FieldPathValueType}
public FieldPathValueType getType() {
return type;
* {@link FieldPathValue} types used for {@link FieldPathValueProperty}
* changes
public static enum FieldPathValueType {
* Root bean change (from a {@link BeanPathAdapter#setBean(Object)}
* operation)
* General field binding change (not from a
* {@link BeanPathAdapter#setBean(Object)} operation)
/** Item added via content binding */
/** Item removed via content binding */
/** Selection item added via content binding */
/** Selection item removed via content binding */
* {@link FieldBean} operations
public static enum FieldBeanOperation {
* A POJO bean extension that allows binding based upon a <b><code>.</code>
* </b> separated field path that will be traversed on a bean until the
* final field name is found. Each bean may contain child {@link FieldBean}s
* when an operation is perfomed with a direct descendant field that is a
* non-primitive type. Any primitive types are added as a
* {@link FieldProperty} reference to the {@link FieldBean}.
* @param <PT>
* the parent bean type
* @param <BT>
* the bean type
protected static class FieldBean<PT, BT> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7397535724568852021L;
private final FieldPathValueProperty notifyProperty;
private final Map<String, FieldBean<BT, ?>> fieldBeans = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?>> fieldProperties = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?>> fieldSelectionProperties = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Class<?>, FieldStringConverter<?>> stringConverters = new HashMap<>();
private FieldHandle<PT, BT> fieldHandle;
private final FieldBean<?, PT> parent;
private BT bean;
* Creates a {@link FieldBean}
* @param parent
* the parent {@link FieldBean} (should not be null)
* @param fieldHandle
* the {@link FieldHandle} (should not be null)
* @param notifyProperty
* the {@link FieldPathValueProperty} that will be set every
* time the {@link FieldBean#setBean(Object)} is changed
protected FieldBean(final FieldBean<?, PT> parent,
final FieldHandle<PT, BT> fieldHandle,
final FieldPathValueProperty notifyProperty) {
this.parent = parent;
this.fieldHandle = fieldHandle;
this.bean = this.fieldHandle.setDerivedValueFromAccessor();
this.notifyProperty = notifyProperty;
if (getParent() != null) {
* Creates a {@link FieldBean} with a generated {@link FieldHandle} that
* targets the supplied bean and is projected on the parent
* {@link FieldBean}. It assumes that the supplied {@link FieldBean} has
* been set on the parent {@link FieldBean}.
* @see #createFieldHandle(Object, Object, String)
* @param parent
* the parent {@link FieldBean} (null when it's the root)
* @param bean
* the bean that the {@link FieldBean} is for
* @param fieldName
* the field name of the parent {@link FieldBean} for which
* the new {@link FieldBean} is for
* @param notifyProperty
* the {@link FieldPathValueProperty} that will be set every
* time the {@link FieldBean#setBean(Object)} is changed
protected FieldBean(final FieldBean<?, PT> parent, final BT bean,
final String fieldName,
final FieldPathValueProperty notifyProperty) {
if (bean == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Bean cannot be null");
this.parent = parent;
this.bean = bean;
this.notifyProperty = notifyProperty;
this.fieldHandle = getParent() != null ? createFieldHandle(
getParent().getBean(), bean, fieldName) : null;
if (getParent() != null) {
* Generates a {@link FieldHandle} that targets the supplied bean and is
* projected on the parent {@link FieldBean} that has
* @param parentBean
* the parent bean
* @param bean
* the child bean
* @param fieldName
* the field name of the child within the parent
* @return the {@link FieldHandle}
protected FieldHandle<PT, BT> createFieldHandle(final PT parentBean,
final BT bean, final String fieldName) {
return new FieldHandle<PT, BT>(parentBean, fieldName,
(Class<BT>) getBean().getClass());
* @see #setParentBean(Object)
* @return the bean that the {@link FieldBean} represents
public BT getBean() {
return bean;
* Adds a child {@link FieldBean} if it doesn't already exist. NOTE: It
* does <b>NOT</b> ensure the child bean has been set on the parent.
* @param fieldBean
* the {@link FieldBean} to add
protected void addFieldBean(final FieldBean<BT, ?> fieldBean) {
if (!getFieldBeans().containsKey(fieldBean.getFieldName())) {
getFieldBeans().put(fieldBean.getFieldName(), fieldBean);
* Adds or updates a child {@link FieldProperty}. When the child already
* exists it will {@link FieldProperty#setTarget(Object)} using the bean
* of the {@link FieldProperty}.
* @param fieldProperty
* the {@link FieldProperty} to add or update
protected void addOrUpdateFieldProperty(
final FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?> fieldProperty) {
final String pkey = fieldProperty.getName();
if (getFieldProperties().containsKey(pkey)) {
} else if (getFieldSelectionProperties().containsKey(pkey)) {
} else if (fieldProperty.hasItemMaster()) {
getFieldSelectionProperties().put(pkey, fieldProperty);
} else {
getFieldProperties().put(pkey, fieldProperty);
* Sets the bean of the {@link FieldBean} and it's underlying
* {@link #getFieldBeans()}, {@link #getFieldProperties()}, and
* {@link #getFieldSelectionProperties()}
* @see #setParentBean(Object)
* @param bean
* the bean to set
public void setBean(final BT bean) {
if (bean == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Bean cannot be null");
this.bean = bean;
for (final Map.Entry<String, FieldBean<BT, ?>> fn : getFieldBeans()
.entrySet()) {
// selections need to be set before non-selections so that item
// master listeners in the selection properties will have the
// updated values by the time changes are detected on the item
// masters
for (final Map.Entry<String, FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?>> fp : getFieldSelectionProperties()
.entrySet()) {
for (final Map.Entry<String, FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?>> fp : getFieldProperties()
.entrySet()) {
* Binds a parent bean to the {@link FieldBean} and it's underlying
* {@link #getFieldBeans()}, {@link #getFieldProperties()}, and
* {@link #getFieldSelectionProperties()}
* @see #setBean(Object)
* @param bean
* the parent bean to bind to
public void setParentBean(final PT bean) {
if (bean == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot bind to a null bean");
} else if (fieldHandle == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot bind to a root "
+ FieldBean.class.getSimpleName());
* @see BeanPathAdapter.FieldBean#performOperation(String, String,
* Class, String, Observable, Class, SelectionModel, FieldProperty,
* FieldBeanOperation)
public <T> FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> performOperation(
final String fieldPath, final Property<T> property,
final Class<T> propertyValueClass,
final FieldBeanOperation operation) {
return performOperation(fieldPath, fieldPath, propertyValueClass,
null, (Observable) property, null, null, null, operation);
* @see BeanPathAdapter.FieldBean#performOperation(String, String,
* Class, String, Observable, Class, SelectionModel, FieldProperty,
* FieldBeanOperation)
public <T> FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> performOperation(
final String fieldPath, final ObservableList<T> observableList,
final Class<T> listValueClass, final String collectionItemPath,
final Class<?> collectionItemPathType,
final SelectionModel<T> selectionModel,
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster,
final FieldBeanOperation operation) {
return performOperation(fieldPath, fieldPath, listValueClass,
collectionItemPath, (Observable) observableList,
collectionItemPathType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
* @see BeanPathAdapter.FieldBean#performOperation(String, String,
* Class, String, Observable, Class, SelectionModel, FieldProperty,
* FieldBeanOperation)
public <T> FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> performOperation(
final String fieldPath, final ObservableSet<T> observableSet,
final Class<T> setValueClass, final String collectionItemPath,
final Class<?> collectionItemPathType,
final SelectionModel<T> selectionModel,
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster,
final FieldBeanOperation operation) {
return performOperation(fieldPath, fieldPath, setValueClass,
collectionItemPath, (Observable) observableSet,
collectionItemPathType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
* @see BeanPathAdapter.FieldBean#performOperation(String, String,
* Class, String, Observable, Class, SelectionModel, FieldProperty,
* FieldBeanOperation)
public <K, V> FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> performOperation(
final String fieldPath,
final ObservableMap<K, V> observableMap,
final Class<V> mapValueClass, final String collectionItemPath,
final Class<?> collectionItemPathType,
final SelectionModel<V> selectionModel,
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster,
final FieldBeanOperation operation) {
return performOperation(fieldPath, fieldPath, mapValueClass,
collectionItemPath, (Observable) observableMap,
collectionItemPathType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
* Performs a {@link FieldBeanOperation} by generating a
* {@link FieldProperty} based upon the supplied <b><code>.</code> </b>
* separated path to the field by traversing the matching children of
* the {@link FieldBean} until the corresponding {@link FieldProperty}
* is found (target bean uses the POJO from {@link FieldBean#getBean()}
* ). If the operation is bind and the {@link FieldProperty} doesn't
* exist all relative {@link FieldBean}s in the path will be
* instantiated using a no-argument constructor until the
* {@link FieldProperty} is created and bound to the supplied
* {@link Property}. The process is reciprocated until all path
* {@link FieldBean} and {@link FieldProperty} attributes of the field
* path are extinguished.
* @see Bindings#bindBidirectional(Property, Property)
* @see Bindings#unbindBidirectional(Property, Property)
* @param fullFieldPath
* the full <code>.</code> separated field names (used in
* recursion of method call to maintain the original path and
* should not be used in initial method invocation)
* @param fieldPath
* the <code>.</code> separated field names
* @param propertyValueClass
* the class of the {@link Property} value type (only needed
* when binding)
* @param collectionItemPath
* the the <code>.</code> separated field names of the
* {@link Observable} collection (only applicable when the
* {@link Observable} is a {@link ObservableList},
* {@link ObservableSet}, or {@link ObservableMap})
* @param observable
* the {@link Property}, {@link ObservableList},
* {@link ObservableSet}, or {@link ObservableMap} to perform
* the {@link FieldBeanOperation} on
* @param collectionItemType
* the {@link Observable} {@link Class} of each item in the
* {@link Observable} collection (only applicable when the
* {@link Observable} is a {@link ObservableList},
* {@link ObservableSet}, or {@link ObservableMap})
* @param selectionModel
* the {@link SelectionModel} used to set the values within
* the {@link Observable} <b>only applicable when the
* {@link Observable} is used for selection(s) and therefore
* cannot be updated directly because it is read-only</b>
* @param itemMaster
* the {@link FieldProperty} that contains the item(s) that
* the {@link SelectionModel} can select from
* @param operation
* the {@link FieldBeanOperation}
* @return the {@link FieldProperty} the operation was performed on
* (null when the operation was not performed on any
* {@link FieldProperty}
protected <T> FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> performOperation(
final String fullFieldPath, final String fieldPath,
final Class<T> propertyValueClass,
final String collectionItemPath, final Observable observable,
final Class<?> collectionItemType,
final SelectionModel<T> selectionModel,
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster,
final FieldBeanOperation operation) {
final String[] fieldNames = fieldPath.split("\\" + PATH_SEPARATOR);
final boolean isField = fieldNames.length == 1;
final String pkey = isField ? fieldNames[0] : "";
final boolean isFieldProp = isField
&& getFieldProperties().containsKey(pkey);
final boolean isFieldSelProp = isField && !isFieldProp
&& getFieldSelectionProperties().containsKey(pkey);
if (isFieldProp || isFieldSelProp) {
final FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?> fp = isFieldSelProp ? getFieldSelectionProperties()
.get(pkey) : getFieldProperties().get(pkey);
performOperation(fp, observable, propertyValueClass, operation);
return fp;
} else if (!isField && getFieldBeans().containsKey(fieldNames[0])) {
// progress to the next child field/bean in the path chain
final String nextFieldPath = fieldPath.replaceFirst(
fieldNames[0] + PATH_SEPARATOR, "");
return getFieldBeans().get(fieldNames[0]).performOperation(
fullFieldPath, nextFieldPath, propertyValueClass,
collectionItemPath, observable, collectionItemType,
selectionModel, itemMaster, operation);
} else if (operation != FieldBeanOperation.UNBIND) {
// add a new bean/property chain
if (isField) {
final Class<?> fieldClass = FieldHandle.getAccessorType(
getBean(), fieldNames[0]);
final FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?> childProp = new FieldProperty/*won't compile in JDK8: <>*/(
getBean(), fullFieldPath, fieldNames[0],
propertyValueClass == fieldClass ? fieldClass
: Object.class, collectionItemPath,
observable, collectionItemType, selectionModel,
return performOperation(fullFieldPath, fieldNames[0],
propertyValueClass, collectionItemPath, observable,
collectionItemType, selectionModel, itemMaster,
} else {
// create a handle to set the bean as a child of the current
// bean
// if the child bean exists on the bean it will remain
// unchanged
final FieldHandle<BT, Object> pfh = new FieldHandle<>(
getBean(), fieldNames[0], Object.class);
final FieldBean<BT, ?> childBean = new FieldBean<>(this,
pfh, notifyProperty);
// progress to the next child field/bean in the path chain
final String nextFieldPath = fieldPath.substring(fieldPath
return childBean.performOperation(fullFieldPath,
nextFieldPath, propertyValueClass,
collectionItemPath, observable, collectionItemType,
selectionModel, itemMaster, operation);
return null;
* Performs a {@link FieldBeanOperation} on a {@link FieldProperty} and
* an {@link Observable}
* @param fp
* the {@link FieldProperty}
* @param observable
* the {@link Property}, {@link ObservableList},
* {@link ObservableSet}, or {@link ObservableMap} to perform
* the {@link FieldBeanOperation} on
* @param observableValueClass
* the {@link Class} of the {@link Observable} value
* @param operation
* the {@link FieldBeanOperation}
protected <T> void performOperation(final FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?> fp,
final Observable observable,
final Class<T> observableValueClass,
final FieldBeanOperation operation) {
if (operation == FieldBeanOperation.CREATE_OR_FIND) {
// because of the inverse relationship of the bidirectional
// bind the initial value needs to be captured and reset as
// a dirty value or the bind operation will overwrite the
// initial value with the value of the passed property
final Object val = fp.getDirty();
if (Property.class.isAssignableFrom(observable.getClass())) {
if (operation == FieldBeanOperation.UNBIND) {
Bindings.unbindBidirectional((Property<T>) fp,
(Property<T>) observable);
} else if (operation == FieldBeanOperation.BIND) {
if (fp.getFieldType() == fp.getDeclaredFieldType()) {
Bindings.bindBidirectional((Property<T>) fp,
(Property<T>) observable);
} else {
(Property<String>) fp,
(Property<T>) observable,
(StringConverter<T>) getFieldStringConverter(observableValueClass));
} else if (fp.getCollectionObservable() != null
&& observable != null
&& fp.getCollectionObservable() != observable) {
// handle scenario where multiple observable collections/maps
// are being bound to the same field property
if (operation == FieldBeanOperation.UNBIND) {
fp.getCollectionObservable(), observable);
} else if (operation == FieldBeanOperation.BIND) {
if (FieldProperty.isObservableList(observable)
&& fp.isObservableList()) {
(ObservableList<Object>) observable,
(ObservableList<Object>) fp
} else if (FieldProperty.isObservableSet(observable)
&& fp.isObservableSet()) {
(ObservableSet<Object>) observable,
(ObservableSet<Object>) fp
} else if (FieldProperty.isObservableMap(observable)
&& fp.isObservableMap()) {
(ObservableMap<Object, Object>) observable,
(ObservableMap<Object, Object>) fp
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Incompatible observable collection/map types cannot be bound %1$s and %2$s",
} else if (operation == FieldBeanOperation.UNBIND) {
// reset initial dirty value
final Object currVal = fp.getDirty();
if (val != null && val.toString() != null
&& !val.toString().isEmpty() && !val.equals(currVal)
&& !fp.hasDefaultDerived()) {
* @return the field name that the {@link FieldBean} represents in it's
* parent (null when the {@link FieldBean} is root)
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldHandle != null ? fieldHandle.getFieldName() : null;
* @return the parent {@link FieldBean} (null when the {@link FieldBean}
* is root)
public FieldBean<?, PT> getParent() {
return parent;
* @see #getFieldProperties()
* @see #getFieldSelectionProperties()
* @return the {@link Map} of fields that belong to the
* {@link FieldBean} that are not a {@link FieldProperty}, but
* rather exist as a {@link FieldBean} that may or may not
* contain their own {@link FieldProperty} instances
protected Map<String, FieldBean<BT, ?>> getFieldBeans() {
return fieldBeans;
* @see #getFieldSelectionProperties()
* @see #getFieldBeans()
* @return the {@link Map} of fields that belong to the
* {@link FieldBean} that are not {@link FieldBean}s, but rather
* exist as a {@link FieldProperty} and are not
* {@link #getFieldSelectionProperties()}
protected Map<String, FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?>> getFieldProperties() {
return fieldProperties;
* @see #getFieldProperties()
* @see #getFieldBeans()
* @return the {@link Map} of fields that belong to the
* {@link FieldBean} that are not {@link FieldBean}s, but rather
* exist as a {@link FieldProperty} that are not
* {@link #getFieldProperties()}
protected Map<String, FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?>> getFieldSelectionProperties() {
return fieldSelectionProperties;
* @see #getFieldProperties()
* @see #getFieldSelectionProperties()
* @return the {@link FieldProperty} with the given name that belongs to
* the {@link FieldBean} (null when the name does not exist)
public FieldProperty<BT, ?, ?> getFieldProperty(
final String proptertyName) {
if (getFieldProperties().containsKey(proptertyName)) {
return getFieldProperties().get(proptertyName);
} else if (getFieldSelectionProperties().containsKey(proptertyName)) {
return getFieldSelectionProperties().get(proptertyName);
return null;
* Gets/Creates (if not already created) a {@link FieldStringConverter}.
* @param targetClass
* the target class of the {@link FieldStringConverter}
* @return the {@link FieldStringConverter}
public <FCT, SMT> FieldStringConverter<FCT> getFieldStringConverter(
final Class<FCT> targetClass) {
if (stringConverters.containsKey(targetClass)) {
return (FieldStringConverter<FCT>) stringConverters
} else {
final FieldStringConverter<FCT> fsc = new FieldStringConverter<>(
stringConverters.put(targetClass, fsc);
return fsc;
* Coercible {@link StringConverter} that handles conversions between
* strings and a target class when used in the binding process
* {@link Bindings#bindBidirectional(Property, Property, StringConverter)}
* @see StringConverter
* @param <T>
* the target class type that is used in the coercion of the
* string
protected static class FieldStringConverter<T> extends StringConverter<T> {
public static final SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat(
private final Class<T> targetClass;
* Constructor
* @param targetClass
* the class that the {@link FieldStringConverter} is
* targeting
public FieldStringConverter(final Class<T> targetClass) {
this.targetClass = targetClass;
* {@inheritDoc}
public T fromString(final String string) {
return coerce(string, targetClass);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString(final T object) {
return coerceToString(object);
* @return the target class that is used in the coercion of the string
public Class<T> getTargetClass() {
return targetClass;
* Attempts to coerce a value into a {@link String}
* @param v
* the value to coerce
* @return the coerced value (null when value failed to be coerced)
public static <VT> String coerceToString(final VT v) {
String cv = null;
if (v != null
&& SelectionModel.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass())) {
cv = ((SelectionModel<?>) v).getSelectedItem() != null ? ((SelectionModel<?>) v)
.getSelectedItem().toString() : null;
} else if (v != null
&& (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()) || Date.class
.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()))) {
final Date date = Date.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()) ? (Date) v
: ((Calendar) v).getTime();
cv = SDF.format(date);
} else if (v != null) {
cv = v.toString();
return cv;
* Attempts to coerce a value into the specified class
* @param v
* the value to coerce
* @param targetClass
* the class to coerce to
* @return the coerced value (null when value failed to be coerced)
public static <VT> VT coerce(final Object v, final Class<VT> targetClass) {
if (targetClass == Object.class) {
return (VT) v;
VT val;
final boolean isStringType = targetClass.equals(String.class);
if (v == null
|| (!isStringType && v.toString() != null && v.toString()
.isEmpty())) {
val = (VT) FieldHandle.defaultValue(targetClass);
} else if (isStringType
|| (v != null && targetClass.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()))) {
val = (VT) targetClass.cast(v);
} else if (v != null && Date.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) {
if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass())) {
val = (VT) ((Calendar) v).getTime();
} else {
try {
val = (VT) SDF.parse(v.toString());
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Unable to convert %1$s to %2$s", v,
targetClass), t);
} else if (v != null
&& Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) {
final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Date date = null;
try {
date = Date.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()) ? (Date) v
: SDF.parse(v.toString());
val = (VT) cal;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Unable to convert %1$s to %2$s", v, targetClass),
} else {
val = FieldHandle.valueOf(targetClass, v.toString());
return val;
* A {@link Property} extension that uses a bean's getter/setter to define
* the {@link Property}'s value.
* @param <BT>
* the bean type
* @param <T>
* the field type
* @param <PT>
* the {@link FieldProperty#get()} type
public static class FieldProperty<BT, T, PT> extends ObjectPropertyBase<PT>
implements ListChangeListener<Object>, SetChangeListener<Object>,
MapChangeListener<Object, Object>, ChangeListener<Object> {
private final FieldPathValueProperty notifyProperty;
private final String fullPath;
private final FieldHandle<BT, T> fieldHandle;
private boolean isDirty;
private boolean isDirtyCollection;
private boolean isCollectionListening;
private final String collectionItemPath;
private final WeakReference<Observable> collectionObservable;
private final Class<?> collectionType;
private final SelectionModel<Object> collectionSelectionModel;
private final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster;
* Constructor
* @param bean
* the bean that the path belongs to
* @param fullPath
* the full <code>.</code> separated path to the
* {@link FieldProperty}
* @param fieldName
* the name of the field within the bean
* @param notifyProperty
* the {@link FieldPathValueProperty} that will be set every
* time the {@link FieldProperty#setValue(Object)} is
* performed or an item within the value is changed
* @param declaredFieldType
* the declared {@link Class} of the field
* @param collectionItemPath
* the the <code>.</code> separated field names of the
* {@link Observable} collection (only applicable when the
* {@link Observable} is a {@link ObservableList},
* {@link ObservableSet}, or {@link ObservableMap})
* @param collectionObservable
* the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} used to bind to
* the {@link FieldProperty} <b>OR</b> when the
* {@link SelectionModel} is specified this is the
* {@link Observable} {@link Collection} of available items
* to select from
* @param collectionType
* the {@link Collection} {@link Class} used to attempt to
* transform the underlying field {@link Observable}
* {@link Collection} to the {@link Collection} {@link Class}
* (only applicable when the actual field is a
* {@link Collection})
* @param collectionSelectionModel
* the {@link SelectionModel} used to set the values within
* the {@link Observable} <b>only applicable when the
* {@link Observable} is used for selection(s) and therefore
* cannot be updated directly because it is read-only</b>
* @param itemMaster
* the {@link FieldProperty} that contains the item(s) that
* the {@link SelectionModel} can select from
protected FieldProperty(final BT bean, final String fullPath,
final String fieldName,
final FieldPathValueProperty notifyProperty,
final Class<T> declaredFieldType,
final String collectionItemPath,
final Observable collectionObservable,
final Class<?> collectionType,
final SelectionModel<?> collectionSelectionModel,
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> itemMaster) {
this.fullPath = fullPath;
this.notifyProperty = notifyProperty;
this.fieldHandle = new FieldHandle<BT, T>(bean, fieldName,
this.itemMaster = itemMaster;
this.collectionObservable = new WeakReference<Observable>(
this.collectionItemPath = collectionItemPath;
this.collectionType = collectionType;
this.collectionSelectionModel = (SelectionModel<Object>) collectionSelectionModel;
if (this.collectionSelectionModel != null
&& this.itemMaster != null) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public PT get() {
try {
final Object dv = getDirty();
if (dv != null && getDeclaredFieldType() != getFieldType()) {
return (PT) FieldStringConverter.coerceToString(dv);
return (PT) dv;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get value", t);
* Sets the {@link FieldHandle#deriveValueFromAccessor()} value
protected void setDerived() {
final T derived = fieldHandle.deriveValueFromAccessor();
* Flags the {@link Property} value as dirty and calls
* {@link #set(Object)}
* @param v
* the value to set
public void setDirty(final Object v) {
isDirty = true;
* Sets an {@link Object} value
* @param v
* the value to set
public void set(final Object v) {
try {
final Object cv = fieldHandle.getAccessor().invoke();
final Class<?> clazz = cv != null ? cv.getClass() : fieldHandle
if (v != null
&& (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()) || Map.class
.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass()))) {
} else if (isDirty || cv != v) {
final Object val = FieldStringConverter.coerce(v, clazz);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Unable to set object value: %1$s on %2$s", v,
fieldHandle.getFieldName()), t);
* Executes any post processing that needs to take place after set
* operation takes place
* @param prevValue
* the {@link #getValue()} before {@link #setValue(Object)}
* was called
* @throws Throwable
* thrown when any errors occur when processing a post set
* operation
protected final void postSet(final Object prevValue) throws Throwable {
final Boolean colChanged = populateObservableCollection();
if (colChanged == null || colChanged) {
try {
// all collection/map item value changes will be captured at the
// collection/map level unless the collection/map level types
// are not registered (in which case a normal change will be
// evaluated
if (!isDirty
&& (fullPath.indexOf(COLLECTION_ITEM_PATH_SEPARATOR) < 0 || (notifyProperty
&& !hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(true) && !hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(false)))) {
final Object cv = getDirty();
if ((cv == null && prevValue != null)
|| (cv != null && !cv.equals(prevValue))) {
.set(new FieldPathValue(fullPath, getBean(),
cv, FieldPathValueType.FIELD_CHANGE));
} finally {
isDirty = false;
* Updates the {@link Observable} when the field represents a supported
* {@link Collection}. If the {@link #collectionType} is defined an
* attempt will be made to transform the {@link Observable}
* {@link Collection} to it.
* @throws Throwable
* thrown when {@link FieldHandle#getSetter()} cannot be
* invoked, the {@link #getDirty()} cannot be cast to
* {@link FieldHandle#getFieldType()}, or the
* {@link #getDirty()} cannot be transformed using the
* {@link #collectionType}
* @return true when the collection has been populated
private Boolean populateObservableCollection() throws Throwable {
final Observable oc = getCollectionObservable();
Boolean changed = null;
if (isList() || isSet()) {
addRemoveCollectionListener(oc, false);
Collection<?> items = (Collection<?>) getDirty();
if (items == null) {
items = new LinkedHashSet<>();
changed = syncCollectionValues(items, false, false, null, null,
} else if (isMap()) {
addRemoveCollectionListener(oc, false);
Map<?, ?> items = (Map<?, ?>) getDirty();
if (items == null) {
items = new HashMap<>();
changed = syncCollectionValues(items, false, false, null, null,
} else {
return changed;
addRemoveCollectionListener(oc, true);
return changed;
* Synchronizes the collection items used in the {@link FieldProperty}
* and {@link Observable} collection.
* {@link Bindings#bindContentBidirectional(ObservableList, ObservableList)}
* variants are/cannot be not used.
* @param values
* the {@link List}, {@link Set}, or {@link Map} that should
* be synchronized
* @param toField
* true when synchronization needs to occur on the
* {@link FieldProperty} collection, false when
* synchronization needs to occur on the {@link Observable}
* collection
* @param fromItemMasterChange
* true when the synchronization is from a change made to the
* {@link #itemMaster}
* @param listChange
* any {@link ListChangeListener.Change}
* @param setChange
* any {@link SetChangeListener.Change}
* @param mapChange
* any {@link MapChangeListener.Change}
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncCollectionValues(final Object values,
final boolean toField, final boolean fromItemMasterChange,
final ListChangeListener.Change<?> listChange,
final SetChangeListener.Change<?> setChange,
final MapChangeListener.Change<?, ?> mapChange) {
boolean changed = false;
if (isDirtyCollection) {
return changed;
if (collectionSelectionModel != null
&& itemMaster != null
&& itemMaster.isDirtyCollection
&& (listChange != null || setChange != null || mapChange != null)) {
// selections shouldn't get synchronized while the item master
// is in the middle of getting synchronized
return changed;
try {
isDirtyCollection = true;
// TODO : Use a more elegant technique to synchronize the
// observable
// and the bean collections that doesn't require clearing and
// resetting them? (see commented onChange methods from revision
// 204)
if (this.collectionObservable.get() != null
&& Collection.class
.get().getClass())) {
final Collection<Object> oc = (Collection<Object>) this.collectionObservable
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(values.getClass())) {
final Collection<Object> col = (Collection<Object>) values;
if (toField) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(col,
} else {
final boolean wasColEmpty = col.isEmpty();
if (collectionSelectionModel == null
&& (!wasColEmpty || isDirty)) {
changed = true;
} else if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
col, oc);
if (!wasColEmpty) {
syncObservableFromCollectionValues(col, oc);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(values.getClass())) {
final Map<Object, Object> map = (Map<Object, Object>) values;
if (toField) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(map,
} else {
final boolean wasColEmpty = map.isEmpty();
if (collectionSelectionModel == null
&& (!wasColEmpty || isDirty)) {
changed = true;
} else if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
map, oc);
if (!wasColEmpty) {
syncObservableFromCollectionValues(map, oc);
} else if (this.collectionObservable.get() instanceof ObservableMap) {
final ObservableMap<Object, Object> oc = (ObservableMap<Object, Object>) this.collectionObservable
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(values.getClass())) {
final Collection<Object> col = (Collection<Object>) values;
if (toField) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(col,
} else {
final boolean wasColEmpty = col.isEmpty();
if (collectionSelectionModel == null
&& (!wasColEmpty || isDirty)) {
changed = true;
} else if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
col, oc);
if (!wasColEmpty) {
syncObservableFromCollectionValues(col, oc);
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(values.getClass())) {
final Map<Object, Object> map = (Map<Object, Object>) values;
if (toField) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(map,
} else {
final boolean wasColEmpty = map.isEmpty();
if (collectionSelectionModel == null
&& (!wasColEmpty || isDirty)) {
changed = true;
} else if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
changed = syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
map, oc);
if (!wasColEmpty) {
syncObservableFromCollectionValues(map, oc);
return changed || listChange != null || setChange != null
|| mapChange != null;
} finally {
isDirtyCollection = false;
* Synchronizes the {@link Collection} values to the supplied
* {@link Observable} {@link Collection}
* @param fromCol
* the {@link Collection} that synchronization will derive
* from
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} that should be
* synchronized to
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncObservableFromCollectionValues(
final Collection<Object> fromCol, final Collection<Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
int i = -1;
final boolean isOcList = List.class.isAssignableFrom(oc.getClass());
for (final Object item : fromCol) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp != null ? fp.getDirty() : item;
missing = !oc.contains(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
if (isOcList) {
((List<Object>) oc).add(++i, fpv);
} else {
} else {
return changed;
* Synchronizes the {@link Collection} values to the supplied
* {@link Observable} {@link Map}
* @param fromCol
* the {@link Collection} that synchronization will derive
* from
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Map} that should be
* synchronized to
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncObservableFromCollectionValues(
final Collection<Object> fromCol, final Map<Object, Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
int i = -1;
for (final Object item : fromCol) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp != null ? fp.getDirty() : item;
missing = !oc.containsValue(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
oc.put(++i, fpv);
} else {
return changed;
* Synchronizes the {@link Map} values to the supplied
* {@link Observable} {@link Collection}
* @param fromMap
* the {@link Map} that synchronization will derive from
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} that should be
* synchronized to
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncObservableFromCollectionValues(
final Map<Object, Object> fromMap, final Collection<Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
int i = -1;
final boolean isOcList = List.class.isAssignableFrom(oc.getClass());
for (final Object item : fromMap.values()) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp != null ? fp.getDirty() : item;
missing = !oc.contains(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
if (isOcList) {
((List<Object>) oc).add(++i, fpv);
} else {
} else {
return changed;
* Synchronizes the {@link Map} values to the supplied
* {@link Observable} {@link Map}
* @param fromMap
* the {@link Map} that synchronization will derive from
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Map} that should be
* synchronized to
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncObservableFromCollectionValues(
final Map<Object, Object> fromMap, final Map<Object, Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
int i = -1;
for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> item : fromMap.entrySet()) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item.getValue(), null);
fpv = fp != null ? fp.getDirty() : item.getValue();
missing = !oc.containsValue(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
oc.put(++i, fpv);
} else {
return changed;
* Calls the {@link SelectionModel#select(Object)} the specified value
* @param value
* the value to select
private void selectCollectionValue(final Object value) {
if (collectionSelectionModel == null) {
* Synchronizes the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} values to the
* supplied {@link Collection}
* @param toCol
* the {@link Collection} that should be synchronized to
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} that
* synchronization will derive from
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
final Collection<Object> toCol, final Collection<Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
final List<FieldPathValue> fvs = new ArrayList<>();
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
final List<Object> nc = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Object item : oc) {
if (item != null) {
fp = genFieldProperty(null, item);
fpv = fp == null ? item : fp.getBean();
missing = !toCol.contains(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
if (missing && hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(true)) {
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, true));
if (hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(false)) {
for (final Object item : toCol) {
if (!nc.contains(item)) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp == null ? item : fp.getBean();
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, false));
return changed;
* Synchronizes the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} values to the
* supplied {@link Map}
* @param toMap
* the {@link Map} that should be synchronized to
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Map} that synchronization
* will derive from
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
final Map<Object, Object> toMap, final Collection<Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
final List<FieldPathValue> fvs = new ArrayList<>();
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
int i = -1;
final Map<Object, Object> nc = new HashMap<>();
for (final Object item : oc) {
if (item != null) {
fp = genFieldProperty(null, item);
fpv = fp == null ? item : fp.getBean();
missing = !toMap.containsValue(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
nc.put(++i, fpv);
if (missing && hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(true)) {
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, true));
if (hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(false)) {
for (final Object item : toMap.values()) {
if (!nc.containsValue(item)) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp == null ? item : fp.getBean();
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, false));
return changed;
* Synchronizes the {@link Observable} {@link Map} values to the
* supplied {@link Collection}
* @param toCol
* the {@link Collection} that should be synchronized to
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Map} that synchronization
* will derive from
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
final Collection<Object> toCol,
final ObservableMap<Object, Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
final List<FieldPathValue> fvs = new ArrayList<>();
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
final List<Object> nc = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> item : oc.entrySet()) {
if (item != null && item.getValue() != null) {
fp = genFieldProperty(null, item.getValue());
fpv = fp == null ? item.getValue() : fp.getBean();
missing = !toCol.contains(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
if (missing && hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(true)) {
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, true));
if (hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(false)) {
for (final Object item : toCol) {
if (!nc.contains(item)) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp == null ? item : fp.getBean();
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, false));
return changed;
* Synchronizes the {@link Observable} {@link Map} values to the
* supplied {@link Map}
* @param toMap
* the {@link Map} that should be synchronized to
* @param oc
* the {@link Observable} {@link Collection} that
* synchronization will derive from
* @return true when the synchronization resulted in a change to the
* {@link Collection}/{@link Map}
private boolean syncCollectionValuesFromObservable(
final Map<Object, Object> toMap,
final ObservableMap<Object, Object> oc) {
boolean changed = false;
boolean missing = false;
final List<FieldPathValue> fvs = new ArrayList<>();
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
Object fpv;
int i = -1;
final Map<Object, Object> nc = new HashMap<>();
for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> item : oc.entrySet()) {
if (item != null && item.getValue() != null) {
fp = genFieldProperty(null, item.getValue());
fpv = fp == null ? item.getValue() : fp.getBean();
missing = !toMap.containsValue(fpv);
changed = !changed ? missing : changed;
nc.put(i, fpv);
if (missing && hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(true)) {
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, true));
if (hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(false)) {
for (final Object item : toMap.values()) {
if (!nc.containsValue(item)) {
fp = genFieldProperty(item, null);
fpv = fp == null ? item : fp.getBean();
fvs.add(newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(fp, fpv, false));
return changed;
* Creates a new {@link FieldPathValue} using specified
* {@link FieldProperty} or the current {@link FieldProperty} when the
* specified {@link FieldProperty} is null.
* @param fp
* the {@link FieldProperty} (optional)
* @param fpv
* the {@link FieldProperty#getValue()}
* @param isAdd
* true when adding an item
* @return the {@link FieldPathValue}
protected FieldPathValue newSyncCollectionFieldPathValue(
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp, final Object fpv,
final boolean isAdd) {
FieldPathValueType type;
if (collectionSelectionModel != null) {
type = isAdd ? FieldPathValueType.CONTENT_ITEM_ADD_SELECT
} else {
type = isAdd ? FieldPathValueType.CONTENT_ITEM_ADD
if (fp == null) {
return new FieldPathValue(fullPath, getBean(), fpv, type);
} else {
return new FieldPathValue(fp.fullPath, fp.getBean(), fpv, type);
* Determines if the {@link FieldPathValueProperty} is registered for
* adds or removals
* @param add
* true to check for add, false to check for remove
* @return true when the {@link FieldPathValueProperty} is registered
* for the add or remove
protected boolean hasFieldPathValueTypeAddOrRemove(final boolean add) {
return (add && collectionSelectionModel != null && notifyProperty
|| (add && collectionSelectionModel == null && notifyProperty
|| (!add && collectionSelectionModel != null && notifyProperty
|| (!add && collectionSelectionModel == null && notifyProperty
* Sets a {@link Collection} of {@link FieldPathValue}(s) on the
* {@link #notifyProperty}
* @param fieldPathValues
* the {@link Collection} of {@link FieldPathValue}(s) to set
protected void setFieldPathValues(
final Collection<FieldPathValue> fieldPathValues) {
if (notifyProperty != null) {
for (final FieldPathValue o : fieldPathValues) {
* Generates a {@link FieldProperty} using the specified bean and sets
* the optional value on the bean (when the value is not null). The
* returned {@link FieldProperty} will contain the same value instance
* contained with the item master. When the item master is not available
* an attempt will be made to get the item value from the
* {@link #getDirty()} collection/map.
* @param itemBeanValue
* the collection {@link FieldBean} value to add/update. when
* {@code null} the existing {@link FieldBean} value will
* will be used unless it is {@code null} as well- in which
* case an attempt will be made to instantiate a new instance
* of the bean using a no-argument constructor
* @param itemBeanPropertyValue
* the collection {@link FieldBean}'s {@link FieldProperty}
* value to add/update (null when no update should be made to
* the {@link FieldBean}'s {@link FieldProperty} value)
* @return the {@link FieldProperty} for the collection item (null when
* none is required)
protected FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> genFieldProperty(
final Object itemBeanValue, final Object itemBeanPropertyValue) {
try {
// simple collection items that do not have a path do not
// require an update
if (collectionItemPath == null || collectionItemPath.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else if (itemBeanValue == null
&& itemBeanPropertyValue == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"Both itemBeanValue and itemBeanPropertyValue cannot be null");
Object value = itemBeanPropertyValue;
Object bean = itemBeanValue == null ? collectionType
.newInstance() : itemBeanValue;
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp = genCollectionFieldProperty(bean);
if (value != null) {
} else {
value = fp.getDirty();
if (itemBeanPropertyValue != null) {
// ensure that any selection values come from the item
// master and any updates to an existing bean return a field
// property of the same bean reference/target
Object im = itemMaster != null ? itemMaster.getDirty()
: getDirty();
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> imfp;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(im.getClass())) {
for (final Object ib : (Collection<?>) im) {
imfp = genCollectionFieldProperty(ib);
if (imfp.getDirty() == value) {
return imfp;
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(im.getClass())) {
for (final Map.Entry<?, ?> ib : ((Map<?, ?>) im)
.entrySet()) {
imfp = genCollectionFieldProperty(ib.getValue());
if (imfp.getDirty() == value) {
return imfp;
return fp;
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
"Cannot create collection item bean using %1$s",
collectionType), e);
* Generates a {@link FieldProperty} for a
* {@link #getCollectionItemPath()} and
* {@link #getCollectionSelectionModel()} when applicable
* @param bean
* the bean to generate a {@link FieldProperty}
* @return the generated {@link FieldProperty}
protected FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> genCollectionFieldProperty(
final Object bean) {
FieldBean<Void, Object> fb;
FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp;
fb = new FieldBean<>(null, bean, null, notifyProperty);
fp = fb.performOperation(fullPath + COLLECTION_ITEM_PATH_SEPARATOR
+ collectionItemPath, collectionItemPath, Object.class,
null, null, null, collectionSelectionModel, null,
return fp;
* Updates the underlying collection item value
* see updateCollectionItemBean(int, Object, Object)
* @param itemBeanPropertyValue
* the collection {@link FieldBean}'s {@link FieldProperty}
* value to add/update
* @return {@link FieldProperty#getBean()} when the collection item has
* it's own bean path, the <code>
* itemBeanPropertyValue</code> when it does not
protected Object updateCollectionItemProperty(
final Object itemBeanPropertyValue) {
final FieldProperty<?, ?, ?> fp = genFieldProperty(null,
return fp == null ? itemBeanPropertyValue : fp.getBean();
* Adds/Removes the {@link FieldProperty} as a collection listener
* @param observable
* the {@link Observable} collection/map to listen for
* changes on
* @param add
* true to add, false to remove
protected void addRemoveCollectionListener(final Observable observable,
final boolean add) {
final boolean isCol = getCollectionObservable() == observable;
if (isCol
&& ((this.isCollectionListening && add) || (this.isCollectionListening && !add))) {
Boolean change = null;
if (observable instanceof ObservableList) {
final ObservableList<?> ol = (ObservableList<?>) observable;
if (add) {
change = true;
} else {
change = false;
} else if (observable instanceof ObservableSet) {
final ObservableSet<?> os = (ObservableSet<?>) observable;
if (add) {
change = true;
} else {
change = false;
} else if (observable instanceof ObservableMap) {
final ObservableMap<?, ?> om = (ObservableMap<?, ?>) observable;
if (add) {
change = true;
} else {
change = false;
} else if (observable == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"Observable collection/map bound to %1$s (item path: %2$s) "
+ "has been garbage collected",
this.collectionItemPath, observable,
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
"%1$s (item path: %2$s) of type \"%4$s\" "
+ "must be bound to a supported "
+ "observable collection/map type... "
+ "Found observable: %3$s",
this.collectionItemPath, observable,
if (isCol && change != null) {
this.isCollectionListening = change;
* Detects {@link #itemMaster} changes for selection synchronization
public void changed(final ObservableValue<? extends Object> observable,
final Object oldValue, final Object newValue) {
syncCollectionValues(getDirty(), false, true, null, null, null);
* {@inheritDoc}
public final void onChanged(
ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Object> change) {
syncCollectionValues(getDirty(), true, false, change, null, null);
* {@inheritDoc}
public final void onChanged(
SetChangeListener.Change<? extends Object> change) {
syncCollectionValues(getDirty(), true, false, null, change, null);
* {@inheritDoc}
public final void onChanged(
MapChangeListener.Change<? extends Object, ? extends Object> change) {
syncCollectionValues(getDirty(), true, false, null, null, change);
* @return the dirty value before conversion takes place
public Object getDirty() {
try {
return fieldHandle.getAccessor().invoke();
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get dirty value", t);
* Binds a new target to the {@link FieldHandle}
* @param bean
* the target bean to bind to
protected void setTarget(final BT bean) {
isDirty = true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public BT getBean() {
return fieldHandle.getTarget();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getName() {
return fieldHandle.getFieldName();
* @return the {@link FieldHandle#getFieldType()}
public Class<T> getFieldType() {
return (Class<T>) fieldHandle.getFieldType();
* @return the {@link FieldHandle#getDeclaredFieldType()}
public Class<?> getDeclaredFieldType() {
return fieldHandle.getDeclaredFieldType();
* @return the {@link FieldHandle#hasDefaultDerived()}
protected boolean hasDefaultDerived() {
return fieldHandle.hasDefaultDerived();
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} is for a {@link List}
public boolean isList() {
return List.class.isAssignableFrom(this.fieldHandle.getFieldType());
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} is for a {@link Set}
public boolean isSet() {
return Set.class.isAssignableFrom(this.fieldHandle.getFieldType());
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} is for a {@link Map}
public boolean isMap() {
return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(this.fieldHandle.getFieldType());
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} is bound to an
* {@link ObservableList}
protected boolean isObservableList() {
return isObservableList(getCollectionObservable());
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} is bound to an
* {@link ObservableSet}
protected boolean isObservableSet() {
return isObservableSet(getCollectionObservable());
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} is bound to an
* {@link ObservableMap}
protected boolean isObservableMap() {
return isObservableMap(getCollectionObservable());
* @param observable
* the {@link Observable} to check
* @return true when the {@link Observable} is an {@link ObservableList}
protected static boolean isObservableList(final Observable observable) {
return observable != null
&& ObservableList.class.isAssignableFrom(observable
* @param observable
* the {@link Observable} to check
* @return true when the {@link Observable} is an {@link ObservableSet}
protected static boolean isObservableSet(final Observable observable) {
return observable != null
&& ObservableSet.class.isAssignableFrom(observable
* @param observable
* the {@link Observable} to check
* @return true when the {@link Observable} is an {@link ObservableMap}
protected static boolean isObservableMap(final Observable observable) {
return observable != null
&& ObservableMap.class.isAssignableFrom(observable
* Extracts the collections {@link FieldProperty} from an associated
* {@link FieldBean}
* @param fieldBean
* the {@link FieldBean} to extract from
* @return the extracted {@link FieldProperty}
protected FieldProperty<Object, ?, ?> extractCollectionItemFieldProperty(
final FieldBean<Void, Object> fieldBean) {
final String[] cip = collectionItemPath.split("\\.");
return fieldBean.getFieldProperty(cip[cip.length - 1]);
* @return true when each item in the underlying collection has a path
* to it's own field value
public boolean hasCollectionItemPath() {
return this.collectionItemPath != null
&& !this.collectionItemPath.isEmpty();
* @return a <code>.</code> separated field name that represents each
* item in the underlying collection
public String getCollectionItemPath() {
return this.collectionItemPath;
* @return a {@link SelectionModel} for the {@link FieldProperty} when
* the field references a collection/map for item selection or
* {@code null} when not a selection {@link FieldProperty}
protected SelectionModel<Object> getCollectionSelectionModel() {
return collectionSelectionModel;
* @return an {@link Observable} used to represent an
* {@link ObservableList}, {@link ObservableSet}, or
* {@link ObservableMap} (null when either the observable
* collection has been garbage collected or the
* {@link FieldProperty} does not represent a collection)
protected Observable getCollectionObservable() {
return this.collectionObservable.get();
* @return true when the {@link FieldProperty} has an item master that
* it's using to reference {@link #get()} for
public boolean hasItemMaster() {
return this.itemMaster != null;
* Field handle to {@link FieldHandle#getAccessor()} and
* {@link FieldHandle#getSetter()} for a given
* {@link FieldHandle#getTarget()}.
* @param <T>
* the {@link FieldHandle#getTarget()} type
* @param <F>
* the {@link FieldHandle#getDeclaredFieldType()} type
protected static class FieldHandle<T, F> {
private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> PRIMS = new HashMap<>();
static {
PRIMS.put(boolean.class, Boolean.class);
PRIMS.put(char.class, Character.class);
PRIMS.put(double.class, Double.class);
PRIMS.put(float.class, Float.class);
PRIMS.put(long.class, Long.class);
PRIMS.put(int.class, Integer.class);
PRIMS.put(short.class, Short.class);
PRIMS.put(long.class, Long.class);
PRIMS.put(byte.class, Byte.class);
private static final Map<Class<?>, Object> DFLTS = new HashMap<>();
static {
DFLTS.put(Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
DFLTS.put(boolean.class, false);
DFLTS.put(Byte.class, Byte.valueOf("0"));
DFLTS.put(byte.class, Byte.valueOf("0").byteValue());
DFLTS.put(Number.class, 0L);
DFLTS.put(Short.class, Short.valueOf("0"));
DFLTS.put(short.class, Short.valueOf("0").shortValue());
DFLTS.put(Character.class, Character.valueOf(' '));
DFLTS.put(char.class, ' ');
DFLTS.put(Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(0));
DFLTS.put(int.class, 0);
DFLTS.put(Long.class, Long.valueOf(0));
DFLTS.put(long.class, 0L);
DFLTS.put(Float.class, Float.valueOf(0F));
DFLTS.put(float.class, 0F);
DFLTS.put(Double.class, Double.valueOf(0D));
DFLTS.put(double.class, 0D);
DFLTS.put(BigInteger.class, BigInteger.valueOf(0L));
DFLTS.put(BigDecimal.class, BigDecimal.valueOf(0D));
private final String fieldName;
private MethodHandle accessor;
private MethodHandle setter;
private final Class<F> declaredFieldType;
private T target;
private boolean hasDefaultDerived;
* Constructor
* @param target
* the {@link #getTarget()} for the {@link MethodHandle}s
* @param fieldName
* the field name defined in the {@link #getTarget()}
* @param declaredFieldType
* the declared field type for the {@link #getFieldName()}
protected FieldHandle(final T target, final String fieldName,
final Class<F> declaredFieldType) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.declaredFieldType = declaredFieldType;
this.target = target;
* Updates the {@link #getAccessor()} and {@link #getSetter()} using the
* current {@link #getTarget()} and {@link #getFieldName()}.
* {@link MethodHandle}s are immutable so new ones are created.
protected void updateMethodHandles() {
this.accessor = buildAccessorWithLikelyPrefixes(getTarget(),
this.setter = buildSetter(getAccessor(), getTarget(),
* Gets the {@link #buildAccessorWithLikelyPrefixes(Object, String)}
* {@link MethodHandle#type()}
* @param target
* the accessor target
* @param fieldName
* the field name of the target
* @return the accessor return type
public static Class<?> getAccessorType(final Object target,
final String fieldName) {
return buildAccessorWithLikelyPrefixes(target, fieldName).type()
* Attempts to build a {@link MethodHandle} accessor for the field name
* using common prefixes used for methods to access a field
* @param target
* the target object that the accessor is for
* @param fieldName
* the field name that the accessor is for
* @return the accessor {@link MethodHandle}
protected static MethodHandle buildAccessorWithLikelyPrefixes(
final Object target, final String fieldName) {
final MethodHandle mh = buildAccessor(target, fieldName, "get",
"is", "has", "use");
if (mh == null) {
// throw new NoSuchMethodException(fieldName + " on " + target);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(fieldName + " on " + target);
return mh;
* Attempts to build a {@link MethodHandle} accessor for the field name
* using common prefixes used for methods to access a field
* @param target
* the target object that the accessor is for
* @param fieldName
* the field name that the accessor is for
* @return the accessor {@link MethodHandle}
* @param fieldNamePrefix
* the prefix of the method for the field name
* @return the accessor {@link MethodHandle}
protected static MethodHandle buildAccessor(final Object target,
final String fieldName, final String... fieldNamePrefix) {
final String accessorName = buildMethodName(fieldNamePrefix[0],
try {
return MethodHandles
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
return fieldNamePrefix.length <= 1 ? null : buildAccessor(
target, fieldName, Arrays.copyOfRange(fieldNamePrefix,
1, fieldNamePrefix.length));
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to resolve accessor " + accessorName, t);
* Builds a setter {@link MethodHandle}
* @param accessor
* the field's accesssor that will be used as the parameter
* type for the setter
* @param target
* the target object that the setter is for
* @param fieldName
* the field name that the setter is for
* @return the setter {@link MethodHandle}
protected static MethodHandle buildSetter(final MethodHandle accessor,
final Object target, final String fieldName) {
try {
final MethodHandle mh1 = MethodHandles
buildMethodName("set", fieldName),
MethodType.methodType(void.class, accessor
return mh1;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve setter "
+ fieldName, t);
* Attempts to invoke a <code>valueOf</code> using the
* {@link #getDeclaredFieldType()} class
* @param value
* the value to invoke the <code>valueOf</code> method on
* @return the result (null if the operation fails)
public F valueOf(final String value) {
return valueOf(getDeclaredFieldType(), value);
* Attempts to invoke a <code>valueOf</code> using the specified class
* @param valueOfClass
* the class to attempt to invoke a <code>valueOf</code>
* method on
* @param value
* the value to invoke the <code>valueOf</code> method on
* @return the result (null if the operation fails)
public static <VT> VT valueOf(final Class<VT> valueOfClass,
final Object value) {
if (value != null && String.class.isAssignableFrom(valueOfClass)) {
return (VT) value.toString();
final Class<?> clazz = PRIMS.containsKey(valueOfClass) ? PRIMS
.get(valueOfClass) : valueOfClass;
MethodHandle mh1 = null;
try {
mh1 = MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(clazz, "valueOf",
MethodType.methodType(clazz, String.class));
} catch (final Throwable t) {
// class doesn't support it- do nothing
if (mh1 != null) {
try {
return (VT) mh1.invoke(value);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Unable to invoke valueOf on %1$s using %2$s",
value, valueOfClass), t);
return null;
* Determines if a {@link Class} has a default value designated
* @param clazz
* the {@link Class} to check
* @return true when a {@link Class} has a default value designated for
* it
public static boolean hasDefault(final Class<?> clazz) {
return clazz == null ? false : DFLTS.containsKey(clazz);
* Gets a default value for the {@link #getDeclaredFieldType()}
* @return the default value
public F defaultValue() {
return defaultValue(getDeclaredFieldType());
* Gets a default value for the specified class
* @param clazz
* the class
* @return the default value
public static <VT> VT defaultValue(final Class<VT> clazz) {
return (VT) (DFLTS.containsKey(clazz) ? DFLTS.get(clazz) : null);
* Builds a method name using a prefix and a field name
* @param prefix
* the method's prefix
* @param fieldName
* the method's field name
* @return the method name
protected static String buildMethodName(final String prefix,
final String fieldName) {
return (fieldName.startsWith(prefix) ? fieldName : prefix
+ fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
+ fieldName.substring(1));
* Sets the derived value from {@link #deriveValueFromAccessor()} using
* {@link #getSetter()}
* @see #deriveValueFromAccessor()
* @return the accessor's return target value
public F setDerivedValueFromAccessor() {
F derived = null;
try {
derived = deriveValueFromAccessor();
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Unable to set %1$s on %2$s", derived, getTarget()), t);
return derived;
* Gets an accessor's return target value obtained by calling the
* accessor's {@link MethodHandle#invoke(Object...)} method. When the
* value returned is <code>null</code> an attempt will be made to
* instantiate it using either by using a default value from
* {@link #DFLTS} (for primatives) or {@link Class#newInstance()} on the
* accessor's {@link MethodType#returnType()} method.
* @return the accessor's return target value
protected F deriveValueFromAccessor() {
F targetValue = null;
try {
targetValue = (F) getAccessor().invoke();
} catch (final Throwable t) {
targetValue = null;
if (targetValue == null) {
try {
if (DFLTS.containsKey(getFieldType())) {
targetValue = (F) DFLTS.get(getFieldType());
} else {
final Class<F> clazz = (Class<F>) getAccessor().type()
if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
targetValue = (F) new ArrayList<>();
} else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
targetValue = (F) new LinkedHashSet<>();
} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
targetValue = (F) new HashMap<>();
} else if (!Calendar.class
&& !String.class
.isAssignableFrom(getFieldType())) {
targetValue = clazz.newInstance();
hasDefaultDerived = true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to get accessor return instance for %1$s using %2$s.",
getAccessor(), getAccessor().type()
} else {
hasDefaultDerived = false;
return targetValue;
* Binds a new target to the {@link FieldHandle}
* @param target
* the target to bind to
public void setTarget(final T target) {
if (getTarget().equals(target)) {
this.target = target;
public T getTarget() {
return target;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
* @return the getter
protected MethodHandle getAccessor() {
return accessor;
* @return the setter
protected MethodHandle getSetter() {
return setter;
* @return the declared field type of the property value
public Class<F> getDeclaredFieldType() {
return declaredFieldType;
* @return the field type from {@link #getAccessor()} of the property
* value
public Class<?> getFieldType() {
return getAccessor().type().returnType();
* @return true if a default value has been derived
public boolean hasDefaultDerived() {
return hasDefaultDerived;