package com.urbanairship.datacube.tweetcountexample.tests;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTablePool;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.DbHarness;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.DbHarness.CommitType;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.EmbeddedClusterTestAbstract;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.IdService;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.SyncLevel;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.bucketers.HourDayMonthBucketer;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.dbharnesses.HBaseDbHarness;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.idservices.HBaseIdService;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.ops.LongOp;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.tweetcountexample.TweetCube;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.tweetcountexample.TweetIterator;
* An example of counting tweets using TweetCube and reading back the counts.
public class TweetCubeTests extends EmbeddedClusterTestAbstract {
private static byte[] CUBE_TABLE = "cubeTable".getBytes();
private static byte[] IDSERVICE_COUNTER_TABLE = "idserviceCounter".getBytes();
private static byte[] IDSERVICE_LOOKUP_TABLE = "idserviceLookup".getBytes();
private static byte[] CF = "c".getBytes();
* Get a DbHarness backed by the embedded HBase test cluster.
private DbHarness<LongOp> getHBaseHarness(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
getTestUtil().createTable(CUBE_TABLE, CF);
getTestUtil().createTable(IDSERVICE_LOOKUP_TABLE, CF);
getTestUtil().createTable(IDSERVICE_COUNTER_TABLE, CF);
HTablePool hTablePool = new HTablePool(conf, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
IdService idService = new HBaseIdService(conf,
IDSERVICE_LOOKUP_TABLE, // The first of two tables, maps shortId->fullValue
IDSERVICE_COUNTER_TABLE, // The second table, gives the next shortId for each dimension
"".getBytes()); // The unique cube name lets multiple cubes share the same table
return new HBaseDbHarness<LongOp>(hTablePool,
"tc".getBytes(), // Cube name, goes at the beginning of rows keys so multiple
// data cubes can share the same hbase table.
new LongOp.LongOpDeserializer(),
CommitType.INCREMENT, // Use native HBase increments for mutations
10, // Number of concurrent threads to flush mutations to the database
2, // How many times to retry on IOException, handles temporary issues
2, // unused unless CommiType.READ_COMBINE_CAS is used
null); // Unique id used in metrics reporting
* The JUnit entry point for the counting example.
public void test() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = getTestUtil().getConfiguration();
TweetCube tweetCube = new TweetCube(getHBaseHarness(conf),
SyncLevel.BATCH_ASYNC); // Buffer DB writes and flush when needed
tweetCube.countAll(new TweetIterator(100));
System.out.println("Total tweets: " + tweetCube.getCount());
System.out.println("Tweets by baraneshgh: " + tweetCube.getUserCount("baraneshgh"));
System.out.println("Tweets retweeting IranTube: " + tweetCube.getRetweetsOf("IranTube"));
System.out.println("Retweets of omidhabibinia by DominiqueRdr: " +
tweetCube.getRetweetsOfBy("omidhabibinia", "DominiqueRdr"));
System.out.println("Uses of hashtag #iran: " + tweetCube.getTagCount("iran"));
DateTime hourOfInterest = new DateTime(2011, 2, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
System.out.println("Uses of hashtag #iran during 2011-02-10T15:00Z: " +
tweetCube.getTagHourCount("iran", hourOfInterest));