Copyright 2012 Urban Airship and Contributors
package com.urbanairship.datacube;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.bucketers.HourDayMonthBucketer;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.bucketers.StringToBytesBucketer;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.ops.LongOp;
public class DbHarnessTests {
* To do a basic test of DbHarness implementation, you can instantiate a cube and pass it
* to this function. It will do some gets and sets and throw junit assertions if anything
* isn't behaving correctly.
public static void basicTest(DbHarness<LongOp> dbHarness) throws Exception {
HourDayMonthBucketer hourDayMonthBucketer = new HourDayMonthBucketer();
Dimension<DateTime> time = new Dimension<DateTime>("time", hourDayMonthBucketer, false, 8);
Dimension<String> zipcode = new Dimension<String>("zipcode", new StringToBytesBucketer(),
true, 5);
DataCubeIo<LongOp> cubeIo = null;
DataCube<LongOp> cube;
Rollup hourAndZipRollup = new Rollup(zipcode, time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours);
Rollup dayAndZipRollup = new Rollup(zipcode, time, HourDayMonthBucketer.days);
Rollup hourRollup = new Rollup(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours);
Rollup dayRollup = new Rollup(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.days);
List<Dimension<?>> dimensions = ImmutableList.<Dimension<?>>of(time, zipcode);
List<Rollup> rollups = ImmutableList.of(hourAndZipRollup, dayAndZipRollup, hourRollup,
cube = new DataCube<LongOp>(dimensions, rollups);
cubeIo = new DataCubeIo<LongOp>(cube, dbHarness, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE, SyncLevel.FULL_SYNC);
DateTime now = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC);
// Do an increment of 5 for a certain time and zipcode
cubeIo.writeSync(new LongOp(5), new WriteBuilder(cube)
.at(time, now)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
// Do an increment of 10 for the same zipcode in a different hour of the same day
DateTime differentHour = now.withHourOfDay((now.getHourOfDay()+1)%24);
cubeIo.writeSync(new LongOp(10), new WriteBuilder(cube)
.at(time, differentHour)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
// Read back the value that we wrote for the current hour, should be 5
Optional<LongOp> thisHourCount = cubeIo.get(new ReadBuilder(cube)
.at(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours, now)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
Assert.assertEquals(5L, thisHourCount.get().getLong());
// Read back the value we wrote for the other hour, should be 10
Optional<LongOp> differentHourCount = cubeIo.get(new ReadBuilder(cube)
.at(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours, differentHour)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
Assert.assertEquals(10L, differentHourCount.get().getLong());
// The total for today should be the sum of the two increments
Optional<LongOp> todayCount = cubeIo.get(new ReadBuilder(cube)
.at(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.days, now)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
Assert.assertEquals(15L, todayCount.get().getLong());
public static void multiGetTest(DbHarness<LongOp> dbHarness) throws Exception {
HourDayMonthBucketer hourDayMonthBucketer = new HourDayMonthBucketer();
Dimension<DateTime> time = new Dimension<DateTime>("time", hourDayMonthBucketer, false, 8);
Dimension<String> zipcode = new Dimension<String>("zipcode", new StringToBytesBucketer(),
true, 5);
DataCubeIo<LongOp> cubeIo = null;
DataCube<LongOp> cube;
Rollup hourAndZipRollup = new Rollup(zipcode, time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours);
Rollup dayAndZipRollup = new Rollup(zipcode, time, HourDayMonthBucketer.days);
Rollup hourRollup = new Rollup(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours);
Rollup dayRollup = new Rollup(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.days);
List<Dimension<?>> dimensions = ImmutableList.<Dimension<?>>of(time, zipcode);
List<Rollup> rollups = ImmutableList.of(hourAndZipRollup, dayAndZipRollup, hourRollup,
cube = new DataCube<LongOp>(dimensions, rollups);
cubeIo = new DataCubeIo<LongOp>(cube, dbHarness, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE, SyncLevel.FULL_SYNC);
DateTime now = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC);
// Do an increment of 5 for a certain time and zipcode
cubeIo.writeSync(new LongOp(5), new WriteBuilder(cube)
.at(time, now)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
// Do an increment of 10 for the same zipcode in a different hour of the same day
DateTime differentHour = now.withHourOfDay((now.getHourOfDay()+1)%24);
cubeIo.writeSync(new LongOp(10), new WriteBuilder(cube)
.at(time, differentHour)
.at(zipcode, "97201"));
List<Optional<LongOp>> optionals = cubeIo.multiGet(Lists.newArrayList(
new ReadBuilder(cube)
.at(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours, now)
.at(zipcode, "97201"),
new ReadBuilder(cube)
.at(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.hours, differentHour)
.at(zipcode, "97201"),
new ReadBuilder(cube)
.at(time, HourDayMonthBucketer.days, now)
.at(zipcode, "97201")
// Read back the value that we wrote for the current hour, should be 5
Optional<LongOp> thisHourCount = optionals.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(5L, thisHourCount.get().getLong());
// Read back the value we wrote for the other hour, should be 10
Optional<LongOp> differentHourCount = optionals.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals(10L, differentHourCount.get().getLong());
// The total for today should be the sum of the two increments
Optional<LongOp> todayCount = optionals.get(2);
Assert.assertEquals(15L, todayCount.get().getLong());