Copyright 2012 Urban Airship and Contributors
package com.urbanairship.datacube.bucketers;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSetMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.BucketType;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.Bucketer;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.CSerializable;
import com.urbanairship.datacube.serializables.LongSerializable;
public class HourDayMonthBucketer implements Bucketer<DateTime> {
public static final BucketType hours = new BucketType("hour", new byte[]{1});
public static final BucketType days = new BucketType("day", new byte[]{2});
public static final BucketType months = new BucketType("month", new byte[]{3});
public static final BucketType years = new BucketType("year", new byte[]{4});
public static final BucketType weeks = new BucketType("weeks", new byte[]{5});
static final Set<BucketType> ALL_BUCKET_TYPES = ImmutableSet.<BucketType>builder().
private final List<BucketType> bucketTypes;
// TODO move this class to TimeBucker and have HourDayMonthBucketer be a subclass that
// just calls super(ImmutableList.of(hours, days, months))
public HourDayMonthBucketer() {
this(ImmutableList.of(hours, days, months));
public HourDayMonthBucketer(List<BucketType> bucketTypes) {
this.bucketTypes = ImmutableList.copyOf(bucketTypes); // defensive copy
for(BucketType bucketType: bucketTypes) {
if(!ALL_BUCKET_TYPES.contains(bucketType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid bucket type " + bucketType +
", expected one of " + ALL_BUCKET_TYPES);
public SetMultimap<BucketType, CSerializable> bucketForWrite(
DateTime coordinate) {
ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<BucketType,CSerializable> builder =
for(BucketType bucketType: bucketTypes) {
builder.put(bucketType, bucket(coordinate, bucketType));
return builder.build();
public CSerializable bucketForRead(Object coordinateField, BucketType bucketType) {
DateTime inputTime = (DateTime)coordinateField;
return bucket(inputTime, bucketType);
private CSerializable bucket(DateTime inputTime, BucketType bucketType) {
DateTime returnVal;
if(bucketType == hours) {
returnVal = hourFloor(inputTime);
} else if(bucketType == days) {
returnVal = dayFloor(inputTime);
} else if(bucketType == months) {
returnVal = monthFloor(inputTime);
} else if(bucketType == years) {
returnVal = yearFloor(inputTime);
} else if(bucketType == weeks) {
returnVal = weekFloor(inputTime);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected bucket type " + bucketType);
return new LongSerializable(returnVal.getMillis());
public List<BucketType> getBucketTypes() {
return ImmutableList.of(hours, days, months, years, weeks);
public static DateTime hourFloor(DateTime dt) {
return dt.withMillisOfSecond(0).withSecondOfMinute(0).withMinuteOfHour(0);
public static DateTime dayFloor(DateTime dt) {
return hourFloor(dt).withHourOfDay(0);
public static DateTime monthFloor(DateTime dt) {
return dayFloor(dt).withDayOfMonth(1);
public static DateTime yearFloor(DateTime dt) {
return monthFloor(dt).withMonthOfYear(1);
public static DateTime weekFloor(DateTime dt) {
return dayFloor(dt.minusDays(dt.getDayOfWeek() -1));