Part of the GUI for Processing library
Copyright (c) 2008-12 Peter Lager
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package g4p_controls;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
import processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D;
import processing.core.PImage;
import processing.event.KeyEvent;
import processing.event.MouseEvent;
* Abstract base class for all GUI controls.
* @author Peter Lager
public abstract class GAbstractControl implements PConstants, GConstants, GConstantsInternal {
* This holds a reference to the GComponent that currently has the
* focus.
* A component loses focus when another component takes focus with the
* takeFocus() method. The takeFocus method should use focusIsWith.loseFocus()
* before setting its value to the new component.
static GAbstractControl focusIsWith = null;
* Use by the tab manager to move focus between controls
static GAbstractControl controlToTakeFocus = null;
* Keeps track of the component the mouse is over so the mouse
* cursor can be changed if we wish.
static GAbstractControl cursorIsOver;
// Increment to be used if on a GPanel
final static int Z_PANEL = 1024;
// Components that don't release focus automatically
// i.e. GTextField
final static int Z_STICKY = 0;
// Components that automatically releases focus when appropriate
// e.g. GButton
final static int Z_SLIPPY = 24;
// Reference to the PApplet object that owns this control
protected PApplet winApp;
/* Used to when components overlap */
protected int z = Z_STICKY;
// Set to true when mouse is dragging : set false on button released
protected boolean dragging = false;
protected static float epsilon = 0.001f;
/** Link to the parent panel (if null then it is on main window) */
protected GAbstractControl parent = null;
* A list of child GComponents added to this component
* Created and used by GPanel and GCombo classes
protected LinkedList<GAbstractControl> children = null;
protected int localColorScheme = G4P.globalColorScheme;
protected int[] palette = null;
protected Color[] jpalette = null;
protected int alphaLevel = G4P.globalAlpha;
/** Top left position of component in pixels (relative to parent or absolute if parent is null)
* (changed form int data type in V3*/
protected float x, y;
/** Width and height of component in pixels for drawing background (changed form int data type in V3*/
protected float width, height;
/** Half sizes reduces programming complexity later */
protected float halfWidth, halfHeight;
/** The centre of the control */
protected float cx, cy;
/** The angle to control is rotated (radians) */
protected float rotAngle;
/** Introduced V3 to speed up AffineTransform operations */
protected double[] temp = new double[2];
// New to V3 components have an image buffer which is only redrawn if
// it has been invalidated
protected PGraphicsJava2D buffer = null;
protected boolean bufferInvalid = true;
/** Whether to show background or not */
protected boolean opaque = false;
// The cursor image when over a control
// This should be set in the controls constructor
protected int cursorOver = HAND;
* Position over control corrected for any transformation. <br>
* [0,0] is top left corner of the control.
* This is used to determine the mouse position over any
* particular control or part of a control.
protected float ox, oy;
/* Simple tag that can be used by the user */
public String tag;
/* Allows user to specify a number for this component */
public int tagNo;
/* Is the component visible or not */
boolean visible = true;
/* Is the component enabled to generate mouse and keyboard events */
boolean enabled = true;
* Is the component available for mouse and keyboard events.
* This is only used internally to prevent user input being
* processed during animation.
* It will preserve enabled and visible flags
boolean available = true;
/* The object to handle the event */
protected Object eventHandlerObject = null;
/* The method in eventHandlerObject to execute */
protected Method eventHandlerMethod = null;
/* the name of the method to handle the event */
protected String eventHandlerMethodName;
int registeredMethods = 0;
* Specify the PImage that contains the image{s} to be used for the button's state. <br>
* This image may be a composite of 1 to 3 images tiled horizontally.
* @param img
* @param nbrImages in the range 1 - 3
// static PImage[] loadImages(PImage img, int nbrImages){
// if(img == null || nbrImages <= 0 || nbrImages > 3)
// return null;
// PImage[] bimage = new PImage[3];
// int iw = img.width / nbrImages;
// for(int i = 0; i < nbrImages; i++){
// bimage[i] = new PImage(iw, img.height, ARGB);
// bimage[i].copy(img,
// i * iw, 0, iw, img.height,
// 0, 0, iw, img.height);
// }
// // If less than 3 images reuse last image in set
// for(int i = nbrImages; i < 3; i++)
// bimage[i] = bimage[nbrImages - 1];
// return bimage;
// }
// public static String getFocusName(){
// if(focusIsWith == null)
// return "null";
// else
// return focusIsWith.toString();
// }
* Base constructor for ALL control ctors. It will set the position and size of the
* control based on controlMode. <br>
* Since this is an abstract class it is not possible to use it directly
public GAbstractControl(PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) {
// If this is the first control to be created then theAapplet must be the sketchApplet
if(G4P.sketchApplet == null)
G4P.sketchApplet = theApplet;
winApp = theApplet;
setPositionAndSize(p0, p1, p2, p3);
rotAngle = 0;
z = 0;
palette = GCScheme.getColor(localColorScheme);
jpalette = GCScheme.getJavaColor(localColorScheme);
tag = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
* Calculate all the variables that determine the position and size of the
* control. This depends on <pre>control_mode</pre>
private void setPositionAndSize(float n0, float n1, float n2, float n3){
case CORNER: // (x,y,w,h)
x = n0; y = n1; width = n2; height = n3;
halfWidth = width/2; halfHeight = height/2;
cx = x + halfWidth; cy = y + halfHeight;
case CORNERS: // (x0,y0,x1,y1)
x = n0; y = n1; width = n2 - n0; height = n3 - n1;
halfWidth = width/2; halfHeight = height/2;
cx = x + halfWidth; cy = y + halfHeight;
case CENTER: // (cx,cy,w,h)
cx = n0; cy = n1; width = n2; height = n3;
halfWidth = width/2; halfHeight = height/2;
x = cx - halfWidth; y = cy - halfHeight;
* Used internally to enforce minimum size constraints
* @param w the new width
* @param h the new height
protected void resize(float w, float h){
width = w;
height = h;
halfWidth = width/2;
halfHeight = height/2;
case CORNER: // (x,y,w,h)
case CORNERS: // (x0,y0,x1,y1)
// width = w;
// height = h;
// halfWidth = width/2;
// halfHeight = height/2;
cx = x + halfWidth; cy = y + halfHeight;
case CENTER: // (cx,cy,w,h)
// width = w;
// height = h;
// halfWidth = width/2;
// halfHeight = height/2;
x = cx - halfWidth; y = cy - halfHeight;
* These are empty methods to enable polymorphism
public void draw(){}
public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent event){ }
public void keyEvent(KeyEvent e) { }
public void pre(){ }
public void post(){ }
* This will remove all references to this control in the library. <br>
* The user is responsible for nullifying all references to this control
* in their sketch code. <br>
* Once this method is called the control cannot be reused but resources
* used by the control remain until all references to the control are
* set to null.
public void dispose(){
* <b>This is for emergency use only!!!! </b><br>
* In this version of the library a visual controls is drawn to off-screen buffer
* and then drawn to the screen by copying the buffer. This means that the
* computationally expensive routines needed to draw the control (especially text
* controls) are only done when a change has been noted. This means that single
* changes need not trigger a full redraw to buffer. <br>
* It does mean that an error in the library code could result in the buffer not
* being updated after changes. If this happens then in draw() call this method
* on the affected control, and report it as an issue <a href = 'http://code.google.com/p/gui4processing/issues/list'>
* here</a><br>
* Thanks
public void forceBufferUpdate(){
bufferInvalid = true;
protected HotSpot[] hotspots = null;
protected int currSpot = -1;
* Stop when we are over a hotspot. <br>
* Hotspots should be listed in order of importance.
* @param px
* @param py
* @return the index for the first hotspot containing px,py else return -1
protected int whichHotSpot(float px, float py){
if(hotspots == null) return -1;
int hs = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < hotspots.length; i++){
if(hotspots[i].contains(px, py)){
hs = hotspots[i].id;
return hs;
protected int getCurrHotSpot(){
return currSpot;
* Determines if a particular pixel position is over the panel.
* @return true if the position is over.
public boolean isOver(float x, float y){
calcTransformedOrigin(winApp.mouseX, winApp.mouseY);
currSpot = whichHotSpot(ox, oy);
return (currSpot >= 0);
* Set the local colour scheme for this control. Children are ignored.
* @param cs the colour scheme to use
public void setLocalColorScheme(int cs){
cs = Math.abs(cs) % 16; // Force into valid range
if(localColorScheme != cs || palette == null){
localColorScheme = cs;
palette = GCScheme.getColor(localColorScheme);
jpalette = GCScheme.getJavaColor(localColorScheme);
bufferInvalid = true;
* Set the local colour scheme for this control. Children are ignored.
* If required include the children and their children.
* @param cs the colour scheme to use
* @param includeChildren if do do the same for all descendants
public void setLocalColorScheme(int cs, boolean includeChildren){
cs = Math.abs(cs) % 16; // Force into valid range
if(localColorScheme != cs || palette == null){
localColorScheme = cs;
palette = GCScheme.getColor(localColorScheme);
jpalette = GCScheme.getJavaColor(localColorScheme);
bufferInvalid = true;
if(includeChildren && children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children)
c.setLocalColorScheme(cs, true);
* Get the local color scheme ID number.
public int getLocalColorScheme(){
return localColorScheme;
* Set the transparency of the component and make it unavailable to
* mouse and keyboard events if below the threshold. Child controls
* are ignored?
* @param alpha value in the range 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque)
public void setAlpha(int alpha){
alpha = Math.abs(alpha) % 256;
if(alphaLevel != alpha){
alphaLevel = alpha;
available = (alphaLevel >= ALPHA_BLOCK);
bufferInvalid = true;
* Set the transparency of the component and make it unavailable to
* mouse and keyboard events if below the threshold. Child controls
* are ignored? <br>
* If required include the children and their children.
* @param alpha value in the range 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque)
* @param includeChildren if do do the same for all descendants
public void setAlpha(int alpha, boolean includeChildren){
// alpha = Math.abs(alpha) % 256;
// alphaLevel = alpha;
// available = (alphaLevel >= ALPHA_BLOCK);
if(includeChildren && children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children)
c.setAlpha(alpha, true);
* Get the parent control. If null then this is a top-level component
public GAbstractControl getParent() {
return parent;
* Get the PApplet that manages this component
public PApplet getPApplet() {
return winApp;
protected PGraphics getBuffer(){
return buffer;
* This method should be used sparingly since it is heavy on resources.
* @return a PGraphics object showing current state of the control (ignoring rotation)
public PGraphics getSnapshot(){
if(buffer != null){
PGraphicsJava2D snap = (PGraphicsJava2D) winApp.createGraphics(buffer.width, buffer.height, PApplet.JAVA2D);
return snap;
return null;
* Empty method at the moment make abstract
* in final version
protected void updateBuffer() {}
* Attempt to create the default event handler for the component class.
* The default event handler is a method that returns void and has a single
* parameter of the same type as the component class generating the
* event and a method name specific for that class.
* @param handlerObj the object to handle the event
* @param methodName the method to execute in the object handler class
* @param param_classes the parameter classes.
* @param param_names that names of the parameters (used for error messages only)
protected void createEventHandler(Object handlerObj, String methodName, Class[] param_classes, String[] param_names){
eventHandlerMethod = handlerObj.getClass().getMethod(methodName, param_classes );
eventHandlerObject = handlerObj;
eventHandlerMethodName = methodName;
} catch (Exception e) {
GMessenger.message(MISSING, new Object[] {this, methodName, param_classes, param_names});
eventHandlerObject = null;
* Attempt to create the default event handler for the component class.
* The default event handler is a method that returns void and has a single
* parameter of the same type as the component class generating the
* event and a method name specific for that class.
* @param obj the object to handle the event
* @param methodName the method to execute in the object handler class
public void addEventHandler(Object obj, String methodName){
eventHandlerObject = obj;
eventHandlerMethodName = methodName;
eventHandlerMethod = obj.getClass().getMethod(methodName, new Class<?>[] {this.getClass(), GEvent.class } );
} catch (Exception e) {
GMessenger.message(NONEXISTANT, new Object[] {this, methodName, new Class<?>[] { this.getClass(), GEvent.class } } );
eventHandlerObject = null;
eventHandlerMethodName = "";
* Attempt to fire an event for this component.
* The method called must have a single parameter which is the object
* firing the event.
* If the method to be called is to have different parameters then it should
* be overridden in the child class
* The method
protected void fireEvent(Object... objects){
if(eventHandlerMethod != null){
try {
eventHandlerMethod.invoke(eventHandlerObject, objects);
} catch (Exception e) {
new Object[] {eventHandlerObject, eventHandlerMethodName, e } );
* Set the rotation to apply when displaying this control. The center of
* rotation is determined by the control_mode attribute.
* @param angle clockwise angle in radians
public void setRotation(float angle){
setRotation(angle, G4P.control_mode);
* Set the rotation to apply when displaying this control. The center of
* rotation is determined by the mode parameter parameter.
* @param angle clockwise angle in radians
* @param mode PApplet.CORNER / CORNERS / CENTER
public void setRotation(float angle, GControlMode mode){
rotAngle = angle;
AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform();
case CORNER:
// Rotate about top corner
temp[0] = halfWidth;
temp[1] = halfHeight;
aff.transform(temp, 0, temp, 0, 1);
cx = (float)temp[0] + x;// - halfWidth;
cy = (float)temp[1] + y;// - halfHeight;
case CENTER:
// Rotate about centre
temp[0] = -halfWidth;
temp[1] = -halfHeight;
aff.transform(temp, 0, temp, 0, 1);
x = cx + (float)temp[0];
y = cy + (float)temp[1]; // should this be minus?? I don't think so
* Move the control to the given position based on the mode. <br>
* The position is not constrained to the screen area. <br>
* The current control mode determines whether we move the
* corner or the center of the control to px,py <br>
* @param px the horizontal position to move to
* @param py the vertical position to move to
public void moveTo(float px, float py){
moveTo(px, py, G4P.control_mode);
* Move the control to the given position based on the mode. <br>
* Unlike when dragged the position is not constrained to the
* screen area. <br>
* The mode determines whether we move the corner or the center
* of the control to px,py <br>
* @param px the horizontal position to move to
* @param py the vertical position to move to
* @param mode the control mode
public void moveTo(float px, float py, GControlMode mode){
GAbstractControl p = parent;
if(p != null){
px -= p.width/2;
py -= p.height/2;
case CORNER:
cx += (px - x);
cy += (py - y);
x = cx - width/2;
y = cy - height/2;
case CENTER:
cx = px;
cy = py;
x = cx - width/2;
y = cy - height/2;
* Get the left position of the control. <br>
* If the control is on a panel then the value returned is relative to the
* top-left corner of the panel otherwise it is relative to the sketch
* window display. <br>
public float getX() {
if(parent != null)
return x + parent.width/2;
return x;
* Get the top position of the control. <br>
* If the control is on a panel then the value returned is relative to the
* top-left corner of the panel otherwise it is relative to the sketch
* window display. <br>
public float getY() {
if(parent != null)
return y + parent.height/2;
return y;
* Get the centre x position of the control. <br>
* If the control is on a panel then the value returned is relative to the
* top-left corner of the panel otherwise it is relative to the sketch
* window display. <br>
public float getCX() {
if(parent != null)
return x + (parent.width + width)/2;
return cx;
* Get the centre y position of the control. <br>
* If the control is on a panel then the value returned is relative to the
* top-left corner of the panel otherwise it is relative to the sketch
* window display. <br>
public float getCY() {
if(parent != null)
return x + (parent.width + width)/2;
return cy;
* @return the width
public float getWidth() {
return width;
* @return the height
public float getHeight() {
return height;
* @param visible the visibility to set
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
// If we are making it invisible and it has focus give up the focus
if(!visible && focusIsWith == this)
this.visible = visible;
// Only available if
available = visible;
// If this control has children than make them available if this control
// is visible and unavailable if invisible
if(children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children)
* @return the component's visibility
public boolean isVisible() {
return visible;
* The availability flag is used by the library code to determine whether
* a control should be considered for drawing and mouse/key input. <br>
* It perits an internal control that does not affect the visible
* and enabled state of the control, which are set by the programmer.
* If a control and its children are made unavailable it will still be drawn
* but it not respond to user input.
* @param avail
protected void setAvailable(boolean avail){
available = avail;
if(children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children)
* Is this control available?
protected boolean isAvailable(){
return available;
* Determines whether to show the back colour or not.
* Only applies to some components
* @param opaque
public void setOpaque(boolean opaque){
// Ensure that we dont't go from true >> false otherwise
// it will validate an invalid buffer
bufferInvalid |= (opaque != this.opaque);
this.opaque = opaque;
* Find out if the component is opaque
* @return true if the background is visible
public boolean isOpaque(){
return opaque;
public boolean isDragging(){
return dragging;
* Enable or disable the ability of the component to generate mouse events.<br>
* GTextField - it also controls key press events <br>
* GPanel - controls whether the panel can be moved/collapsed/expanded <br>
* @param enable true to enable else false
public void setEnabled(boolean enable){
enabled = enable;
if(children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children)
* Is this component enabled
* @return true if the component is enabled
public boolean isEnabled(){
return enabled;
* Give the focus to this component but only after allowing the
* current component with focus to release it gracefully. <br>
* Always cancel the keyFocusIsWith irrespective of the component
* type. If the component needs to retain keyFocus then override this
* method in that class e.g. GCombo
protected void takeFocus(){
if(focusIsWith != null && focusIsWith != this)
focusIsWith = this;
* For most components there is nothing to do when they loose focus.
* Override this method in classes that need to do something when
* they loose focus eg TextField
protected void loseFocus(GAbstractControl grabber){
if(cursorIsOver == this)
cursorIsOver = null;
focusIsWith = grabber;
* Determines whether this component is to have focus or not
* @param focus
public void setFocus(boolean focus){
* Does this component have focus
* @return true if this component has focus else false
public boolean hasFocus(){
return (this == focusIsWith);
* Get the Z order value for the object with focus.
protected static int focusObjectZ(){
return (focusIsWith == null) ? -1 : focusIsWith.z;
* This will set the rotation of the control to angle overwriting
* any previous rotation set. Then it calculates the centre position
* so that the original top left corner of the control will be the
* position indicated by x,y with respect to the top left corner of
* parent. <br>
* The added control will have its position calculated relative to the
* centre of the parent control. <br>
* All overloaded methods call this one. <br>
* @param c the control to add.
* @param x the leftmost or centre position depending on controlMode
* @param y the topmost or centre position depending on controlMode
* @param angle the rotation angle (replaces any the angle specified in control)
public void addControl(GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle){
// Ignore if children are not allowed.
if(children == null) return;
c.rotAngle = angle;
// In child control reset the control so it centred about the origin
AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform();
* The following code should result in the x,y and cx,cy coordinates of
* the added control (c) added being measured relative to the centre of
* this control.
case CORNER:
// Rotate about top corner
c.x = x; c.y = y;
c.temp[0] = c.halfWidth;
c.temp[1] = c.halfHeight;
aff.transform(c.temp, 0, c.temp, 0, 1);
c.cx = (float)c.temp[0] + x - halfWidth;
c.cy = (float)c.temp[1] + y - halfHeight;
c.x = c.cx - c.halfWidth;
c.y = c.cy - c.halfHeight;
case CENTER:
// Rotate about centre
c.cx = x; c.cy = y;
c.temp[0] = -c.halfWidth;
c.temp[1] = -c.halfHeight;
aff.transform(c.temp, 0, c.temp, 0, 1);
c.x = c.cx + (float)c.temp[0] - halfWidth;
c.y = c.cy - (float)c.temp[1] - halfHeight;
c.cx -= halfWidth;
c.cy -= halfHeight;
c.rotAngle = angle;
// Add to parent
c.parent = this;
// Parent will now be responsible for drawing
c.registeredMethods &= (ALL_METHOD - DRAW_METHOD);
if(children == null)
children = new LinkedList<GAbstractControl>();
Collections.sort(children, new Z_Order());
// Does the control being added have to do anything extra
* Add a control at the given position with zero rotation angle.
* @param c the control to add.
* @param x the leftmost or centre position depending on controlMode
* @param y the topmost or centre position depending on controlMode
public void addControl(GAbstractControl c, float x, float y){
if(children == null) return;
addControl(c, x, y, 0);
* Add a control at the position and rotation specified in the control.
* @param c the control to add
public void addControl(GAbstractControl c){
if(children == null) return;
case CORNER:
addControl(c, c.x, c.y, c.rotAngle);
case CENTER:
addControl(c, c.cx, c.cy, c.rotAngle);
public void addControls(GAbstractControl... controls){
if(children == null) return;
for(GAbstractControl c : controls){
case CORNER:
addControl(c, c.x, c.y, c.rotAngle);
case CENTER:
addControl(c, c.cx, c.cy, c.rotAngle);
* Changes that need to be made to child when added
* @param p the parent
protected void addToParent(GAbstractControl p){
* Get the shape type when the cursor is over a control
* @return shape type
public int getCursorOver() {
return cursorOver;
* Set the shape type to use when the cursor is over a control
* @param cursorOver the shape type to use
public void setCursorOver(int cursorOver) {
this.cursorOver = cursorOver;
* Get an affine transformation that is the compound of all
* transformations including parents
* @param aff
protected AffineTransform getTransform(AffineTransform aff){
if(parent != null)
aff = parent.getTransform(aff);
aff.translate(cx, cy);
return aff;
* This method takes a position px, py and calculates the equivalent
* position [ox,oy] as if no transformations have taken place and
* the origin is the top-left corner of the control.
* @param px
* @param py
protected void calcTransformedOrigin(float px, float py){
AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform();
aff = getTransform(aff);
temp[0] = px; temp[1] = py;
try {
aff.inverseTransform(temp, 0, temp, 0, 1);
ox = (float) temp[0] + halfWidth;
oy = (float) temp[1] + halfHeight;
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
* Recursive function to set the priority of a component. This
* is used to determine who gets focus when components overlap
* on the screen e.g. when a combobo expands it might cover a button. <br>
* It is used where components have childen e.g. GCombo and
* GPaneln
* It is used when a child component is added.
* @param component
* @param parentZ
protected void setZ(int parentZ){
z += parentZ;
if(children != null){
for(GAbstractControl c : children){
* If the control is permanently no longer required then call
* this method to remove it and free up resources. <br>
* The variable identifier used to create this control should
* be set to null. <br>
* For example if you want to dispose of a button called
* <pre>btnDoThis</pre> then to remove the button use the
* statements <br> <pre>
* btnDoThis.dispose(); <br>
* btnDoThis = null; <br></pre>
public void markForDisposal(){
public String toString(){
if(tag == null)
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
return tag;
* Comparator used for controlling the order components are drawn
* @author Peter Lager
public static class Z_Order implements Comparator<GAbstractControl> {
public int compare(GAbstractControl c1, GAbstractControl c2) {
if(c1.z != c2.z)
return new Integer(c1.z).compareTo( new Integer(c2.z));
return new Integer((int) -c1.y).compareTo(new Integer((int) -c2.y));
} // end of comparator class