* Copyright 2010 Paul Gearon.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package spark.protocol.parser;
import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS;
import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT;
import static javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT;
import static spark.protocol.parser.XMLResultsParser.Element.BINDING;
import static spark.protocol.parser.XMLResultsParser.Element.RESULT;
import static spark.protocol.parser.XMLResultsParser.Element.RESULTS;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import spark.api.Command;
import spark.api.Solutions;
import spark.api.exception.SparqlException;
import spark.api.rdf.RDFNode;
import spark.protocol.ProtocolCommand;
import spark.protocol.ProtocolResult;
import spark.protocol.parser.XMLResultsParser.Element;
import spark.spi.StreamingSolutions;
import spark.spi.rdf.BlankNodeImpl;
import spark.spi.rdf.NamedNodeImpl;
import spark.spi.rdf.PlainLiteralImpl;
import spark.spi.rdf.TypedLiteralImpl;
* Parses an XML stream for SPARQL results, returning them as solution mappings.
* Based on StAX to allow for streaming large answers. The StAX cursor API is used
* to make it easy to reuse the code from jSPARQLc.
* Based on jSPARQLc, Copyright 2010 Paul Gearon.
* http://code.google.com/p/jsparqlc/
* jSPARQLc is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* @author Paul Gearon
public class XMLSelectResults extends StreamingSolutions implements Solutions, ProtocolResult {
/** The list of metadata links for this result set. */
private final List<String> metadata;
/** The XML reader and parser. */
private final XMLStreamReader reader;
private static final String VAR_NAME = "name";
private static final String XML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
private static final String LANG = "lang";
private static final String DATATYPE = "datatype";
// Maintain a one-row lookahead to support isLast()
private Map<String,RDFNode> nextRow;
* Creates a results object from an already opened reader that has had the header parsed to determine
* that this contains a SPARQL XML result set.
* @param stream The InputStream returned from a SPARQL endpoint.
* @param query The query that led to the results.
* @throws SparqlException If there was an error accessing the XML stream.
XMLSelectResults(Command cmd, XMLStreamReader reader, List<String> columns, List<String> metadata) throws SparqlException {
super(cmd, columns);
this.reader = reader;
this.metadata = Collections.unmodifiableList(metadata);
this.nextRow = readNext();
/** @return The metadata. */
public List<String> getMetadata() {
return metadata;
public void close() throws SparqlException, IOException {
try {
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new SparqlException("Error closing stream", e);
} finally {
Command c = getCommand();
// Need this check because command can be null when testing the parser...
if (c != null && c instanceof ProtocolCommand) {
public boolean isLast() {
return currentRow != null && nextRow == null;
protected Map<String, RDFNode> fetchNext() throws SparqlException {
Map<String, RDFNode> row = nextRow;
if (row != null) {
nextRow = readNext();
return row;
* Parse the input stream to look for a result.
* @return A new Row based on a single result from the results section.
* @throws XMLStreamException There was an error reading the XML stream.
* @throws SparqlException The XML was not valid SPARQL results.
protected Map<String,RDFNode> readNext() throws SparqlException {
try {
// read <result> or </results>
int eventType = reader.nextTag();
// if a closing element, then it should be </results>
if (eventType == END_ELEMENT) {
// already read the final result, so clean up and return nothing
if (nameIs(RESULTS)) {
return null;
else throw new SparqlException("Bad element closure with: " + reader.getLocalName());
// we only expect a <result> here
testOpen(eventType, RESULT, "Expected a new result. Got :" +
((eventType == END_ELEMENT) ? "/" : "") + reader.getLocalName());
Map<String,RDFNode> result = new HashMap<String,RDFNode>();
// read <binding> list
while ((eventType = reader.nextTag()) == START_ELEMENT && nameIs(BINDING)) {
// get the name of the binding
String name = reader.getAttributeValue(null, VAR_NAME);
result.put(name, parseValue());
testClose(reader.nextTag(), BINDING, "Single Binding not closed correctly");
// a non- <binding> was read, so it should have been a </result>
testClose(eventType, RESULT, "Single Result not closed correctly");
return result;
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new SparqlException("Error reading from XML stream", e);
* Parses the value for a variable binding. The data is either a URI, a BNode, or a Literal
* as per {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/#vb-results}
* @return The parsed RDFNode.
* @throws SparqlException If there was a consistency error in the parsed data.
* @throws XMLStreamException If there was an error accessing the XML.
RDFNode parseValue() throws SparqlException, XMLStreamException {
if (reader.nextTag() != START_ELEMENT) throw new SparqlException("No value in variable binding");
Element elt = Element.valueOf(reader.getLocalName().toUpperCase());
try {
switch (elt) {
case URI:
if (reader.next() != CHARACTERS) throw new SparqlException("Unexpected data in URI binding");
return new NamedNodeImpl(new URI(reader.getText()));
case BNODE:
if (reader.next() != CHARACTERS) throw new SparqlException("Unexpected data in BNode binding");
return new BlankNodeImpl(reader.getText());
String dt = reader.getAttributeValue(null, DATATYPE);
URI datatype = (dt == null) ? null : new URI(dt);
String lang = reader.getAttributeValue(XML_NS, LANG);
if (reader.next() != CHARACTERS) throw new SparqlException("Unexpected data in Literal binding");
String lex = reader.getText();
return (datatype != null) ? new TypedLiteralImpl(lex, datatype) : new PlainLiteralImpl(lex, lang);
throw new SparqlException("Unexpected binding value: " + reader.getLocalName());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new SparqlException("Bad URI in binding: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new SparqlException(t);
} finally {
testClose(reader.nextTag(), elt, "Bad close of value in binding");
* Steps over the end of the XML. Invalid data will not cause an exception to be thrown, but the
* error will be recorded.
* @throws XMLStreamException If there was an error accessing the XML.
private void cleanup() throws XMLStreamException {
* Convenience method to test if the read element is an opening tag with the correct name.
* @param type The kind of element to test.
* @param elt The element name.
* @param message The message to use in case of error.
* @throws SparqlException Thrown if the type is not a START_ELEMENT or the name is not the required name.
protected final void testOpen(int type, Element elt, String message) throws SparqlException {
XMLResultsParser.testOpen(reader, type, elt, message);
* Convenience method to test if the read element is a closing tag with the correct name.
* @param type The kind of element to test.
* @param elt The element name.
* @param message The message to use in case of error.
* @throws SparqlException Thrown if the type is not an END_ELEMENT or the name is not the required name.
protected final void testClose(int type, Element elt, String message) throws SparqlException {
XMLResultsParser.testClose(reader, type, elt, message);
* Convenience method to test if the current local name is the same as an expected element.
* @param elt The element to test against.
* @return <code>true</code> iff the current local name is the same as the element name.
protected final boolean nameIs(Element elt) {
return XMLResultsParser.nameIs(reader, elt);