* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.seyren.mongo;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.seyren.core.domain.Alert;
import com.seyren.core.domain.AlertType;
import com.seyren.core.domain.Check;
import com.seyren.core.domain.Subscription;
import com.seyren.core.domain.SubscriptionType;
public class MongoMapper {
public Check checkFrom(DBObject dbo) {
String id = dbo.get("_id").toString();
String name = getString(dbo, "name");
String description = getString(dbo, "description");
String target = getString(dbo, "target");
String from = Strings.emptyToNull(getString(dbo, "from"));
String until = Strings.emptyToNull(getString(dbo, "until"));
BigDecimal warn = getBigDecimal(dbo, "warn");
BigDecimal error = getBigDecimal(dbo, "error");
boolean enabled = getBoolean(dbo, "enabled");
boolean live = getOptionalBoolean(dbo, "live", false);
AlertType state = AlertType.valueOf(getString(dbo, "state"));
DateTime lastCheck = getDateTime(dbo, "lastCheck");
List<Subscription> subscriptions = new ArrayList<Subscription>();
BasicDBList list = getBasicDBList(dbo, "subscriptions");
for (Object o : list) {
subscriptions.add(subscriptionFrom((DBObject) o));
return new Check().withId(id)
public Subscription subscriptionFrom(DBObject dbo) {
String id = dbo.get("_id").toString();
String target = getString(dbo, "target");
SubscriptionType type = getSubscriptionType(getString(dbo, "type"));
boolean su = getBoolean(dbo, "su");
boolean mo = getBoolean(dbo, "mo");
boolean tu = getBoolean(dbo, "tu");
boolean we = getBoolean(dbo, "we");
boolean th = getBoolean(dbo, "th");
boolean fr = getBoolean(dbo, "fr");
boolean sa = getBoolean(dbo, "sa");
boolean ignoreWarn = getOptionalBoolean(dbo, "ignoreWarn", false);
boolean ignoreError = getOptionalBoolean(dbo, "ignoreError", false);
boolean ignoreOk = getOptionalBoolean(dbo, "ignoreOk", false);
LocalTime fromTime = getLocalTime(dbo, "fromHour", "fromMin");
LocalTime toTime = getLocalTime(dbo, "toHour", "toMin");
boolean enabled = getBoolean(dbo, "enabled");
return new Subscription()
public Alert alertFrom(DBObject dbo) {
String id = dbo.get("_id").toString();
String checkId = getString(dbo, "checkId");
BigDecimal value = getBigDecimal(dbo, "value");
String target = getString(dbo, "target");
BigDecimal warn = getBigDecimal(dbo, "warn");
BigDecimal error = getBigDecimal(dbo, "error");
AlertType fromType = AlertType.valueOf(getString(dbo, "fromType"));
AlertType toType = AlertType.valueOf(getString(dbo, "toType"));
DateTime timestamp = getDateTime(dbo, "timestamp");
return new Alert()
public DBObject checkToDBObject(Check check) {
return new BasicDBObject(propertiesToMap(check));
public DBObject subscriptionToDBObject(Subscription subscription) {
return new BasicDBObject(propertiesToMap(subscription));
public DBObject alertToDBObject(Alert alert) {
return new BasicDBObject(propertiesToMap(alert));
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private Map propertiesToMap(Check check) {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("_id", check.getId());
map.put("name", check.getName());
map.put("description", check.getDescription());
map.put("target", check.getTarget());
map.put("from", check.getFrom());
map.put("until", check.getUntil());
if (check.getWarn() != null) {
map.put("warn", check.getWarn().toPlainString());
if (check.getError() != null) {
map.put("error", check.getError().toPlainString());
map.put("enabled", check.isEnabled());
map.put("live", check.isLive());
map.put("state", check.getState().toString());
if (check.getLastCheck() != null) {
map.put("lastCheck", new Date(check.getLastCheck().getMillis()));
if (check.getSubscriptions() != null && !check.getSubscriptions().isEmpty()) {
final ArrayList<DBObject> dbSubscriptions = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
for (Subscription s : check.getSubscriptions()) {
final BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(propertiesToMap(s));
if (dbObject.get("_id") == null) {
dbObject.put("_id", new ObjectId().toHexString());
map.put("subscriptions", dbSubscriptions);
return map;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private Map propertiesToMap(Subscription subscription) {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("_id", subscription.getId());
map.put("target", subscription.getTarget());
if (subscription.getType() != null) {
map.put("type", subscription.getType().toString());
map.put("su", subscription.isSu());
map.put("mo", subscription.isMo());
map.put("tu", subscription.isTu());
map.put("we", subscription.isWe());
map.put("th", subscription.isTh());
map.put("fr", subscription.isFr());
map.put("sa", subscription.isSa());
map.put("ignoreWarn", subscription.isIgnoreWarn());
map.put("ignoreError", subscription.isIgnoreError());
map.put("ignoreOk", subscription.isIgnoreOk());
if (subscription.getFromTime() != null) {
map.put("fromHour", subscription.getFromTime().getHourOfDay());
map.put("fromMin", subscription.getFromTime().getMinuteOfHour());
if (subscription.getToTime() != null) {
map.put("toHour", subscription.getToTime().getHourOfDay());
map.put("toMin", subscription.getToTime().getMinuteOfHour());
map.put("enabled", subscription.isEnabled());
return map;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private Map propertiesToMap(Alert alert) {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("_id", alert.getId());
map.put("checkId", alert.getCheckId());
map.put("target", alert.getTarget());
map.put("targetHash", alert.getTargetHash());
if (alert.getValue() != null) {
map.put("value", alert.getValue().toPlainString());
if (alert.getWarn() != null) {
map.put("warn", alert.getWarn().toPlainString());
if (alert.getError() != null) {
map.put("error", alert.getError().toPlainString());
map.put("fromType", alert.getFromType().toString());
map.put("toType", alert.getToType().toString());
map.put("timestamp", new Date(alert.getTimestamp().getMillis()));
return map;
private boolean getBoolean(DBObject dbo, String key) {
return (Boolean) dbo.get(key);
private boolean getOptionalBoolean(DBObject dbo, String key, boolean defaultValue) {
Object value = dbo.get(key);
if (value == null) {
return defaultValue;
return (Boolean) value;
private DateTime getDateTime(DBObject dbo, String key) {
Date date = (Date) dbo.get(key);
if (date != null) {
return new DateTime(date.getTime());
return null;
private LocalTime getLocalTime(DBObject dbo, String hourKey, String minKey) {
Integer hour = getInteger(dbo, hourKey);
Integer min = getInteger(dbo, minKey);
return (hour == null || min == null) ? null : new LocalTime(hour, min);
private String getString(DBObject dbo, String key) {
return (String) dbo.get(key);
private BigDecimal getBigDecimal(DBObject dbo, String key) {
Object result = dbo.get(key);
if (result == null) {
return null;
return new BigDecimal(result.toString());
private Integer getInteger(DBObject dbo, String key) {
return (Integer) dbo.get(key);
private BasicDBList getBasicDBList(DBObject dbo, String key) {
BasicDBList result = (BasicDBList) dbo.get(key);
if (result == null) {
result = new BasicDBList();
return result;
private SubscriptionType getSubscriptionType(String value) {
return value == null ? null : SubscriptionType.valueOf(value);