* File: invengine_generate/meta/Entity.java <br>
* Copyright: Inventory 2000-2006, GBIC 2005, all rights reserved <br>
* Changelog:
* <ul>
* <li>2005-12-06; 1.0.0; RA Scheltema; Creation.
* <li>2006-01-11; 1.0.0; RA Scheltema; Added documentation.
* <li>2006-01-16; 1.0.0; RA Scheltema; Added a system-identifier indicating
* whether the entity is a system-specific table or user-defined.
* <li>2006-01-25; 1.0.0; RA Scheltema Added the indices.
* </ul>
package org.molgenis.model.elements;
// imports
import java.util.Vector;
import org.molgenis.model.MolgenisModelException;
* Describes an exposable method in the molgenis framework. A method can for
* example be exposed through a SOAP interface or in the user interface.
public class Method extends MethodSchema
// constructor(s)
public Method(String name, MethodSchema parent)
super(name, parent);
// access
public void setReturnType(Entity returntype) throws Exception
this.returntype = returntype;
public Entity getReturnType()
return returntype;
public void addParameter(Parameter parameter) throws MolgenisModelException
if (parameters.contains(parameter))
throw new MolgenisModelException("Parameter with name " + parameter.getName() + " already in method.");
public Vector<Parameter> getParameters()
return parameters;
public void setQuery(MethodQuery query)
this.query = query;
public MethodQuery getQuery()
return this.query;
public String getDescription()
return description;
public void setDescription(String description)
this.description = description;
public String toString()
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (description != null && !description.equals("")) strBuilder.append(description).append('\n');
if (returntype != null) strBuilder.append(returntype.getName()).append(' ');
for (Parameter parameter : parameters)
strBuilder.append(" ").append(parameter.toString()).append('\n');
if (query != null)
strBuilder.append("\n-> ").append(query.getEntity()).append(":\n");
for (MethodQuery.Rule rule : query.getRules())
strBuilder.append(" ").append(rule.getField()).append(' ').append(rule.getOperator()).append(' ').append(rule.getParameter()).append('\n');
return strBuilder.toString();
// data
private String description = "";
private Entity returntype = null;
private Vector<Parameter> parameters = new Vector<Parameter>();
private MethodQuery query = null;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2296459638604325393L;