package org.molgenis.generators;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.molgenis.MolgenisOptions;
import org.molgenis.Version;
import org.molgenis.model.elements.Model;
import freemarker.cache.ClassTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader;
import freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader;
import freemarker.template.Template;
public abstract class Generator
protected final String APP_DIR = "app";
public abstract void generate(Model model, MolgenisOptions options) throws Exception;
// TODO make abstract (not practical to do at the moment)
public void generate(Model model, MolgenisOptions options, String generatedPath) throws Exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Create a template for the generators to use.
* @param path
* @throws Exception
public Template createTemplate(String path) throws Exception
freemarker.template.Configuration cfg = new freemarker.template.Configuration();
cfg.setObjectWrapper(new freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper());
ClassTemplateLoader loader1 = new ClassTemplateLoader(getClass(), "");
ClassTemplateLoader loader2 = new ClassTemplateLoader(GeneratorHelper.class, "");
TemplateLoader[] loaders = new TemplateLoader[]
{ loader1, loader2 };
MultiTemplateLoader mLoader = new MultiTemplateLoader(loaders);
// cfg.setClassForTemplateLoading( this.getClass(), "" ); // NOTE:
// without
// the '/' on
// either end
return cfg.getTemplate(path);
* Create default template arguments such as date, version etc.
public Map<String, Object> createTemplateArguments(MolgenisOptions options)
Map<String, Object> args = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
// args.put("stringtools", new StringTools());
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
args.put("year", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy, HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);
args.put("datetime", formatter.format(new Date()));
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy", Locale.US);
args.put("date", formatter.format(new Date()));
// args.put( "date", calendar.get( Calendar.YEAR ) + "/" +
// (calendar.get( Calendar.MONTH ) + 1) + "/" + calendar.get(
// Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH ) );
args.put("generator", this.getClass().getName());
args.put("version", Version.convertToString());
args.put("helper", new GeneratorHelper(options));
return args;
* Path for the whole project
public String getProjectPath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_src;
* Path for the web sites
public String getWebserverPath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_web;
* Generate the path for the generated source code. Depends on wether the
* result is a war or a jar file.
* @param options
* @return path string
public String getSourcePath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_src;
public String getPythonSourcePath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_python;
public String getCPPSourcePath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_cpp;
public String getHandWrittenPath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_hand;
* Generate the path for the generated documentation code.
* @param options
* @return path string
public String getDocumentationPath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_doc;
* Generate the path for the generated sql code.
* @param options
* @return path string
public String getSqlPath(MolgenisOptions options)
return options.output_sql;
* Extension varies based on output type, i.e., .java, R, sql etc. Should
* include the leading "."
public String getExtension()
return ".java";
public abstract String getDescription();