package org.molgenis;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.render.LinkoutRenderDecorator;
import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.CmdLineException;
import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.CmdLineParser;
import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.Option;
import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.Option.Type;
* Option to parameterize the {@link Molgenis} and the
* {@link org.molgenis.framework.server.MolgenisServer}
* @author Morris Swertz
public class MolgenisOptions implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7129779333842369716L;
final public static String CLASS_PER_TABLE = "class_per_table";
final public static String SUBCLASS_PER_TABLE = "subclass_per_table";
final public static String HIERARCHY_PER_TABLE = "hierarchy_per_table";
* Alternative generator cartridges.
* @author Morris Swertz
public enum MapperImplementation
* Possible log4j log targets
public enum LogTarget
/** Properties file where this data came from */
private String molgenis_properties = "";
/** Password file where passwords are */
private String molgenis_passwd = "";
* relative paths to the data model XML files. Discussion: is COLLECTION
* good enough here?
@Option(name = "model_database", param = Option.Param.COLLECTION, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "File with data structure specification (in MOLGENIS DSL). Default: new ArrayList<String>()")
public ArrayList<String> model_database = new ArrayList<String>();
/** relative path to the ui.xml file */
@Option(name = "model_userinterface", param = Option.Param.FILEPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "File with user interface specification (in MOLGENIS DSL). Can be same file as model_database. Default: ''")
public String model_userinterface = "";
/** directory where example data lives (used for test and documentation) */
@Option(name = "example_data_dir", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Directory where example data lives. Default: 'data'")
public String example_data_dir = "data";
@Option(name = "output_dir", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Directory where all generated code is stored")
public String output_dir = "generated";
/** Source directory for generated python */
@Option(name = "output_python", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Output-directory for the generated Python classes. Default: 'generated/python'")
public String output_python = output_dir + "/python";
/** Source directory for generated java */
@Option(name = "output_src", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Output-directory for the generated Java classes. Default: 'generated/java'")
public String output_src = output_dir + "/java";
/** Source directory for handwritten java */
@Option(name = "output_hand", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Source directory for handwritten java. Default: 'handwritten/java'")
public String output_hand = "handwritten/java";
/** Source directory for generated sql */
@Option(name = "output_sql", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Output-directory for the generated sql files. Default: 'generated/sql'")
public String output_sql = output_dir + "/sql";
/** Source directory for generated doc */
@Option(name = "output_doc", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Output-directory for the generated documentation. Default: 'WebContent/generated-doc'")
public String output_doc = "WebContent/generated-doc";
// @Option(name = "output_type", param = "string", type =
// Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage =
// "Output type of the project, either war (for use in tomcat) or jar (standalone).")
// public String output_type = "";
/** Source directory for web content */
@Option(name = "output_web", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Output-directory for any generated web resources. Default: 'WebContent'")
public String output_web = "WebContent";
/** Database driver. For example: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" */
@Option(name = "db_driver", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Driver of database. Any JDBC compatible driver should work. Default: 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'")
public String db_driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
/** Database user */
@Option(name = "db_user", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Username for the database. Default: ''")
public String db_user = "molgenis";
/** Class folder with overrides for decorators */
@Option(name = "decorator_overriders", param = Option.Param.CLASS, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Points to an application package with overriding classes for entity decorators, mapped by name. Default: ''")
public String decorator_overriders = "";
/** Database user password */
@Option(name = "db_password", param = Option.Param.PASSWORD, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Password for database. Default: ''")
public String db_password = "molgenis";
/** Database uri. For example: jdbc:mysql://localhost/molgenis" */
@Option(name = "db_uri", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Uri of the database. Default: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/molgenis?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2'")
public String db_uri = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/molgenis?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2";
* Path where file attachments (<field type="file" ... >) should be
* stored.
@Option(name = "db_filepath", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Path where the database should store file attachements. Default: 'data'")
public String db_filepath = "data";
/** TEST Database user */
@Option(name = "db_test_user", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Username for the database. Default: ''")
public String db_test_user = "molgenis";
/** TEST Database user password */
@Option(name = "db_test_password", param = Option.Param.PASSWORD, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Password for database. Default: ''")
public String db_test_password = "molgenis";
/** TEST Database uri. For example: jdbc:mysql://localhost/molgenis" */
@Option(name = "db_test_uri", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Uri of the database. Default: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/molgenis?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2'")
public String db_test_uri = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/molgenis_test?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2";
* Advanced option: JNDI name that puts the database into the server context
@Option(name = "db_jndiname", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Used to create a JDBC database resource for the application. Default: 'molgenis_jndi'")
public String db_jndiname = "molgenis_jndi";
/** Advanced option: Type of object relational mapping. */
@Option(name = "object_relational_mapping", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Choosing OR strategy. Either 'class_per_table', 'subclass_per_table', 'hierarchy_per_table'. Default: SUBCLASS_PER_TABLE")
public String object_relational_mapping = SUBCLASS_PER_TABLE;
/** Advanced option: Type of mapper implementation */
@Option(name = "mapper_implementation", param = Option.Param.ENUM, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Choosing wether multiquery is used instead of prepared statements. Default: MULTIQUERY")
public MapperImplementation mapper_implementation = MapperImplementation.MULTIQUERY;
@Option(name = "generate_persistence", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Choosing the JPA persistence unit name from the persistence.xml that is used by molgenis. Default: molgenis")
public String jpa_persistenceUnitName = "molgenis";
@Option(name = "generate_persistence", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Choosing whether persistence.xml is generated by molgenis (true) or supplied by user (false). Default: true")
public boolean generate_persistence = true;
@Option(name = "hibernate_dialect", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Choosing the JPA dialect for persistence.xml. Default: MySQL5Dialect")
public String hibernate_dialect = "MySQL5Dialect";
@Option(name = "jpa_use_sequence", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Choosing whether sequence are used to generate primary key (true) or auto (false: default)")
public boolean jpa_use_sequence = false;
/** Advanced option: skip entities marked as 'system="true"' */
@Option(name = "exclude_system", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Whether system tables should be excluded from generation. Default: true")
public boolean exclude_system = true;
/** Class name that addresses security */
@Option(name = "auth_loginclass", param = Option.Param.CLASS, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option. Set the class used for login. Default:")
public String auth_loginclass = "";
/** Name of form/plugin to redirect to after login */
@Option(name = "auth_redirect", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Get name of form/plugin to redirect to after login. Default: ''")
public String auth_redirect = "";
/** email adress used to send emails with */
@Option(name = "mail_smtp_from", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Sets the email adress used to send emails from. Default: ''")
public String mail_smtp_from = "";
/** email protocol to be used. For example: smtp or asmpt */
@Option(name = "mail_smtp_protocol", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Sets the email protocol, either smtp, smtps or null. Default: 'smtps'")
public String mail_smtp_protocol = "smtps";
/** email server name. For example: localhost */
@Option(name = "mail_smtp_hostname", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "SMTP host server. Default: ''")
public String mail_smtp_hostname = "";
/** email server port. For example: 25 */
@Option(name = "mail_smtp_port", param = Option.Param.INTEGER, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "SMTP host server port. Default: 465")
public int mail_smtp_port = 465;
/** email user name. Keep empty for anonymous */
@Option(name = "mail_smtp_user", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "SMTP user for authenticated emailing. Default: ''")
public String mail_smtp_user = "";
@Option(name = "mail_smtp_au", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "SMTP auth. Default: ''")
public String mail_smtp_au = "";
@Option(name = "generate_R", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should R-interface be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_R = true;
@Option(name = "generate_BOT", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should BOT be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_BOT = false;
@Option(name = "render_decorator", param = Option.Param.CLASS, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Applies an custom decoration of the HTML. Default: LinkoutRenderDecorator with linkouts for popular identifier to online databases")
public String render_decorator = LinkoutRenderDecorator.class.getName();
@Option(name = "generate_doc", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should documentation be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_doc = true;
@Option(name = "generate_csv", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should CsvReaders be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_csv = true;
@Option(name = "generate_Python", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should Python-interface be generated. Default: false.")
public boolean generate_Python = false;
@Option(name = "generate_tests", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should run-time testing be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_tests = true;
@Option(name = "generate_ExcelImport", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should Excel file importing be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_ExcelImport = true;
@Option(name = "generate_gui", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Should the GUI service be generated. Default: true.")
public boolean generate_gui = true;
@Option(name = "db_mode", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Which mode should the molgenisServlet use when contacting the dabase. Default: 'servlet'")
public String db_mode = "servlet";
@Option(name = "output_cpp", param = Option.Param.DIRPATH, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "Output-directory for the generated CPP classes. Default: 'generated/cpp'")
public String output_cpp = output_dir + "/cpp";
@Option(name = "generate_cpp", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Generate CPP. Default: false")
public boolean generate_cpp = false;
@Option(name = "generate_imdb", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Generate the in memory database classes. Default: true")
public boolean generate_imdb = true;
@Option(name = "generate_sql", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Generate any SQL related classes. Default: true")
public boolean generate_sql = true;
@Option(name = "copy_resources", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Copy resources to generated-res. Default: true")
public boolean copy_resources = true;
@Option(name = "generate_html", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate HTML. Default: true")
public boolean generate_html = true;
@Option(name = "generate_rdf", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate the RDF API. Default: true")
public boolean generate_rdf = true;
@Option(name = "generate_rest", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate the REST API. Default: true")
public boolean generate_rest = true;
@Option(name = "generate_soap", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate the SOAP API. Default: true")
public boolean generate_soap = true;
@Option(name = "generate_plugins", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate the Molgenis plugin API. Default: true")
public boolean generate_plugins = true;
@Option(name = "generate_mobile", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate the Molgenis mobile GUI. Default: true")
public boolean generate_mobile = false;
@Option(name = "generate_decorators", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "generate decorator templates. Default: true")
public boolean generate_decorators = true;
@Option(name = "delete_generated_folder", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "delete generated Folder before generators are executed. Default: true")
// default set to false as partial generation leads to compile problems in
// for example molgenis_apps
public boolean delete_generated_folder = true;
@Option(name = "authorizable", param = Option.Param.COLLECTION, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "For use in molgenis_apps! Tells the generator on which entities to append an implements='Authorizable'. Default: new ArrayList<String>()")
public ArrayList<String> authorizable = new ArrayList<String>();
@Option(name = "services", param = Option.Param.COLLECTION, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Register services to the FrontController. (replaces webserver mappings and MolgenisServlet) Default: new ArrayList<String>()")
public ArrayList<String> services = new ArrayList<String>();
@Option(name = "disable_decorators", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "disables all decorators for generated test")
public boolean disable_decorators = false;
@Option(name = "log4j_properties_uri", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "specify the location of the file that Molgenis should use, if not specified than log_level and log_target properties are used instead")
public String log4j_properties_uri = "";
* The log level of log4j used by your application. Used by FrontController.
@Option(name = "log_level", param = Option.Param.LOG4JLEVEL, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Use this log level to initialize log4j. Default: debug")
public Level log_level = Level.INFO;
* The log level of log4j used by your application. Used by FrontController.
@Option(name = "log_target", param = Option.Param.ENUM, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Use this log target to initialize log4j. Default: console")
public LogTarget log_target = LogTarget.CONSOLE;
@Option(name = "hibernate_search_index_base", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Directory where the full text index is created. Default: /tmp/lucene")
public String hibernate_search_index_base = "/tmp/lucene";
@Option(name = "block_webspiders", param = Option.Param.BOOLEAN, type = Option.Type.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, usage = "Expert option: Block webcrawler user agents in FrontController")
public boolean block_webspiders = false;
// @Option(name = "force_lowercase_names", param = "force_lowercase_names",
// type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage =
// "Expert option. Wether all names should be converted to lowercase. Default: true"
// )
// public boolean force_lowercase_names = false;
// @Option(name = "verbose", param = "", type = Option.Type.NO_ARGUMENT,
// usage = "This switch turns the verbose-mode on.")
// public boolean verbose = true;
// @Option(name = "compile", param = "c", type = Option.Type.NO_ARGUMENT,
// usage =
// "This switch makes the factory also compile (usefull outside IDE).")
// public boolean compile = false;
// @Option(name = "force_molgenis_package", param =
// "force_molgenis_package", type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage =
// "Expert option. Whether the generated package should be 'molgenis' or the name specified in the model. Default: false")
// public boolean force_molgenis_package = false;
* Initialize with the defaults
public MolgenisOptions()
* Get the options as a map, used in the UsedMolgenisOptionsGen.ftl template
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Map<String, Object> getOptionsAsMap() throws Exception
HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// use reflection to get the Fields
Field[] fields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
// only include the annotated fields
if (fields[i].isAnnotationPresent(Option.class))
Option opt = fields[i].getAnnotation(Option.class);
if (opt.param() == Option.Param.PASSWORD)
result.put(, "xxxxxx");
result.put(, fields[i].get(this));
return result;
* Initialize options from properties file
* @param propertiesFile
* the path string to file
* @throws IOException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws CmdLineException
public MolgenisOptions(String propertiesFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, CmdLineException
this.molgenis_properties = propertiesFile;
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream is = null;
// try to load from local files
is = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile.trim());
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
InputStream is2 = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(propertiesFile.trim());
// try to load from classpath
catch (Exception e2)
throw new IOException("couldn't find file " + new File(propertiesFile).getAbsolutePath());
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(this);
this.molgenis_properties = propertiesFile;
// parse passwordfile
String passwordFile = propertiesFile.replace(".properties", ".passwd");
this.molgenis_passwd = passwordFile;
props = new Properties();
is = null;
// try to load from local files
is = new FileInputStream(passwordFile.trim());
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
InputStream is2 = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(passwordFile.trim());
// try to load from classpath
catch (Exception e2)
// no biggie
parser = new CmdLineParser(this);
// warn if no password was provided
if ("".equals(this.db_password)) System.err.println("WARNING: db_password was not provided in neither "
+ propertiesFile + " nor " + passwordFile);
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getSimpleName()).debug("parsed properties file.");
* Initialize options from properties object
* @param properties
* @throws IOException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws CmdLineException
public MolgenisOptions(Properties properties)
CmdLineParser parser;
parser = new CmdLineParser(this);
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getSimpleName()).debug("parsed properties file.");
catch (Exception e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find property file: " + e.getMessage());
public String toString()
return new CmdLineParser(this).toString(this);
catch (NullPointerException e)
catch (CmdLineException e)
return "";
public String getHibernateDialect()
return this.hibernate_dialect;
public String getHibernateSearchIndexBase()
return this.hibernate_search_index_base;
public ArrayList<String> getModelDatabase()
return model_database;
public void setModelDatabase(ArrayList<String> model_database)
this.model_database = model_database;
public void setModelDatabase(String model_database)
ArrayList<String> v = new ArrayList<String>();
this.model_database = v;
public String getModelUserinterface()
return model_userinterface;
public void setModelUserinterface(String model_userinterface)
this.model_userinterface = model_userinterface;
public String getOutputSrc()
return output_src;
public void setOutputSrc(String output_src)
this.output_src = output_src;
public String getOutputHand()
return output_hand;
public void setOutputHand(String output_hand)
this.output_hand = output_hand;
public String getOutputSql()
return output_sql;
public void setOutputSql(String output_sql)
this.output_sql = output_sql;
public String getOutputDoc()
return output_doc;
public void setOutputDoc(String output_doc)
this.output_doc = output_doc;
// public String getOutput_type()
// {
// return output_type;
// }
// public void setOutput_type(String output_type)
// {
// this.output_type = output_type;
// }
public String getOutputWeb()
return output_web;
public void setOutputWeb(String output_web)
this.output_web = output_web;
public String getDbDriver()
return db_driver;
public void setDbDriver(String db_driver)
this.db_driver = db_driver;
public String getDbUser()
return db_user;
public void setDbUser(String db_user)
this.db_user = db_user;
public String getDbPassword()
return db_password;
public void setDbPassword(String db_password)
this.db_password = db_password;
public String getDbUri()
return db_uri;
public void setDbUri(String db_uri)
this.db_uri = db_uri;
public String getDbFilepath()
return db_filepath;
public void setDbFilepath(String db_filepath)
this.db_filepath = db_filepath;
public String getDbJndiname()
return db_jndiname;
public void setDbJndiname(String db_jndiname)
this.db_jndiname = db_jndiname;
public String getObjectRelationalMapping()
return object_relational_mapping;
public void setObjectRelationalMapping(String object_relational_mapping)
this.object_relational_mapping = object_relational_mapping;
public MapperImplementation getMapperImplementation()
return mapper_implementation;
public void setMapperImplementation(MapperImplementation mapper_implementation)
this.mapper_implementation = mapper_implementation;
public boolean isExcludeSystem()
return exclude_system;
public void setExcludeSystem(boolean exclude_system)
this.exclude_system = exclude_system;
// public boolean isForce_molgenis_package()
// {
// return force_molgenis_package;
// }
// public void setForce_molgenis_package(boolean force_molgenis_package)
// {
// this.force_molgenis_package = force_molgenis_package;
// }
public String getAuthLoginclass()
return auth_loginclass;
public void setAuthLoginclass(String auth_loginclass)
this.auth_loginclass = auth_loginclass;
// public boolean isVerbose()
// {
// return verbose;
// }
// public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
// {
// this.verbose = verbose;
// }
// public boolean isCompile()
// {
// return compile;
// }
// public void setCompile(boolean compile)
// {
// this.compile = compile;
// }
// internal
public String path = "";
public String getPath()
return path;
public void setPath(String path)
this.path = path;
public String getMolgenis_properties()
return molgenis_properties;
public void setMolgenis_properties(String molgenisProperties)
molgenis_properties = molgenisProperties;
public boolean isDisable_decorators()
return disable_decorators;
public void setDisable_decorators(boolean disable_decorators)
this.disable_decorators = disable_decorators;
public String getLog4j_properties_uri()
return log4j_properties_uri;
public void setLog4j_properties_uri(String log4j_properties_uri)
this.log4j_properties_uri = log4j_properties_uri;