package net.relatedwork.server.executables;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import net.relatedwork.server.neo4jHelper.DBNodeProperties;
import net.relatedwork.server.neo4jHelper.DBRelationshipTypes;
import net.relatedwork.server.utils.Config;
import net.relatedwork.server.utils.IOHelper;
import net.relatedwork.shared.dto.Author;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType;
import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase;
import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase;
public class PrepareAutoComplete {
* This class prepares strings for the auto complete feature.
* We read out author names and paper titles from neo4j,
* sort and normailze them and write them to a text file.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maxPapers = 1000000;
int maxAuthors = 1000000;
// Import Neo4j DB
System.out.println("Reading neo4j db from " + Config.get().neo4jDbPath);
EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase graphDB = new EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase(Config.get().neo4jDbPath);
// Get 'author names' and 'paper titles' along with their page ranks into one big list
ArrayList<CompleteEntry> PaperEntryList = new ArrayList<CompleteEntry>(1000000);
ArrayList<CompleteEntry> AuthorEntryList = new ArrayList<CompleteEntry>(500000);
//final int PAPER_TYPE = 0;
//final int AUTHOR_TYPE = 1;
int counter = 0;
for (Node node: graphDB.getAllNodes()) {
if (isPaperNode(node)) {
CompleteEntry entry = new CompleteEntry();
if (isAuthorNode(node)) {
CompleteEntry entry = new CompleteEntry();
if (counter % 10000 == 0){
IOHelper.log("Adding entries. Processed " + counter + " nodes. Filled " + (PaperEntryList.size() + AuthorEntryList.size())+ " index entries.");
// break;
// Finished db reading.
// sort list by page rank
System.out.println("Sorting index entries.");
Collections.sort(PaperEntryList, new Comparator<CompleteEntry>() {
public int compare(CompleteEntry o1, CompleteEntry o2) {
return -o1.score.compareTo(o2.score);
Collections.sort(AuthorEntryList, new Comparator<CompleteEntry>() {
public int compare(CompleteEntry o1, CompleteEntry o2) {
return -o1.score.compareTo(o2.score);
// Forget lower elements
ArrayList<CompleteEntry> outputList = new ArrayList<CompleteEntry>(
AuthorEntryList.subList(0, Math.min( AuthorEntryList.size(), maxAuthors ))
new ArrayList<CompleteEntry>(
PaperEntryList.subList(0, Math.min( PaperEntryList.size(), maxPapers)))
// write list to file
System.out.println("Writing entries to fike: "+ Config.get().autoCompleteFile);
BufferedWriter out = IOHelper.openWriteFile(Config.get().autoCompleteFile);
for (CompleteEntry entry: outputList) {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
private static boolean isPaperNode(Node node){
return node.hasProperty(DBNodeProperties.PAPER_TITLE);
// return getType(node).equals(DBNodeProperties.PAPER_LABEL_VALUE);
private static boolean isAuthorNode(Node node){
return node.hasProperty(DBNodeProperties.AUTHOR_NAME);
// return getType(node).equals(DBNodeProperties.AUTHOR_LABEL_VALUE);
private static String getType(Node node){
for (Relationship type_rel: node.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING,DBRelationshipTypes.TYPE)) {
return (String)type_rel.getEndNode().getProperty(DBNodeProperties.LABEL);
return "None";
* Container class for Auto complete entries
private static class CompleteEntry {
private static Double maxAuthorScore = 0.0;
private static Double maxPaperScore = 0.0;
private static final String SEP = "\t";
private static final String DOUBLE_SEP = "\t\t";
private static final String PAPER_IND = "p";
private static final String AUTHOR_IND = "a";
private static final int MULTIPLICATOR = 100000;
public String indexEntry; // to be added to auto complete index
public Double score; // used by ranking
public String nodeType; // "PAPER" or "AUTHOR"
* Contruct CompleteEntry from Author Node
* @param node
public void FromAuthorNode(Node node){
this.nodeType = DBNodeProperties.AUTHOR_LABEL_VALUE;
this.indexEntry = ((String) node.getProperty(DBNodeProperties.AUTHOR_NAME)).replaceAll("[\\t\\n]", "");
this.score = (Double) node.getProperty(DBNodeProperties.PAGE_RANK_VALUE);
if (score > maxAuthorScore) {
maxAuthorScore = score;
public void FromPaperNode(Node node) {
this.nodeType = DBNodeProperties.PAPER_LABEL_VALUE;
this.score = (Double) node.getProperty(DBNodeProperties.PAGE_RANK_VALUE);
this.indexEntry = ((String) node.getProperty(DBNodeProperties.PAPER_TITLE)).replaceAll("[\\t\\n]", "");
if (score > maxPaperScore) {
maxPaperScore = score;
public int getNormalizedScore(){
int nScore = 0;
if (nodeType == DBNodeProperties.PAPER_LABEL_VALUE) {
nScore = (int) Math.floor(score/maxPaperScore * MULTIPLICATOR);
} else if (nodeType == DBNodeProperties.AUTHOR_LABEL_VALUE) {
nScore = (int) Math.floor(score/maxAuthorScore * MULTIPLICATOR);
return nScore;
public String getSerialization(){
String out = "";
for (String nEntry: getNormalizedEntries()) {
out += getNormalizedScore() + DOUBLE_SEP + nEntry + "\n";
return out;
* Generate normailzed auto complete entries. Examples:
* filippenko, alexei v. \t a \t Filippenko, Alexei V.
* alexei filippenko \t a \t Alexei Filippenko
* zhang, b. \t a \t Zhang, B.
* ising models on locally tree-like graphs \t p \t C -- (for Captialize)
* k-deformed Poincare algebras \t p \t N -- (for NonCapitalize)
* @return List of index entries
public ArrayList<String> getNormalizedEntries(){
ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
if (nodeType == DBNodeProperties.PAPER_LABEL_VALUE){
// Is the first letter caps?
String capsSwitch = "N";
if (Character.isUpperCase(indexEntry.charAt(0))) {
capsSwitch = "C";
out.add(indexEntry.toLowerCase() + SEP + PAPER_IND + SEP + capsSwitch);
} else if (nodeType == DBNodeProperties.AUTHOR_LABEL_VALUE) {
// always add lower case version of indexEntry
out.add(indexEntry.toLowerCase() + SEP + AUTHOR_IND + SEP + indexEntry);
// Separate first name and second name
String[] nameParts = indexEntry.split(", ");
if ( nameParts.length < 2) {
// Only one name? -> return
return out;
String firstName = nameParts[1];
String lastName = nameParts[0];
// Remove initials e.g. "A." from first name
String[] firstNameTokens = firstName.split("\\s+"); // split at whitespace
ArrayList<String> goodTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String token: firstNameTokens) {
if (token.length() == 2 && token.charAt(1) == '.' ){
// skip this 'part'
} else {
if (goodTokens.size() == 0) { return out; }
String reverseIndexEntry = StringUtils.join(goodTokens, " ") + " " + lastName;
out.add(reverseIndexEntry.toLowerCase() + SEP + AUTHOR_IND + SEP + reverseIndexEntry);
return out;