Package org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.clipping

Source Code of org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.clipping.ReadClipper

* Copyright (c) 2012 The Broad Institute
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
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package org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.clipping;

import htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement;
import htsjdk.samtools.CigarOperator;
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.exceptions.ReviewedGATKException;
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.recalibration.EventType;
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.sam.CigarUtils;
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.sam.GATKSAMRecord;
import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.sam.ReadUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* A comprehensive clipping tool.
* General Contract:
*  - All clipping operations return a new read with the clipped bases requested, it never modifies the original read.
*  - If a read is fully clipped, return an empty GATKSAMRecord, never null.
*  - When hard clipping, add cigar operator H for every *reference base* removed (i.e. Matches, SoftClips and Deletions, but *not* insertions). See Hard Clipping notes for details.
* There are several types of clipping to use:
* Write N's:
*   Change the bases to N's in the desired region. This can be applied anywhere in the read.
* Write Q0's:
*   Change the quality of the bases in the desired region to Q0. This can be applied anywhere in the read.
* Write both N's and Q0's:
*   Same as the two independent operations, put together.
* Soft Clipping:
*   Do not change the read, just mark the reads as soft clipped in the Cigar String
*   and adjust the alignment start and end of the read.
* Hard Clipping:
*   Creates a new read without the hard clipped bases (and base qualities). The cigar string
*   will be updated with the cigar operator H for every reference base removed (i.e. Matches,
*   Soft clipped bases and deletions, but *not* insertions). This contract with the cigar
*   is necessary to allow read.getUnclippedStart() / End() to recover the original alignment
*   of the read (before clipping).
public class ReadClipper {
    final GATKSAMRecord read;
    boolean wasClipped;
    List<ClippingOp> ops = null;

     * Initializes a ReadClipper object.
     * You can set up your clipping operations using the addOp method. When you're ready to
     * generate a new read with all the clipping operations, use clipRead().
     * Note: Use this if you want to set up multiple operations on the read using the ClippingOp
     * class. If you just want to apply one of the typical modes of clipping, use the static
     * clipping functions available in this class instead.
     * @param read the read to clip
    public ReadClipper(final GATKSAMRecord read) { = read;
        this.wasClipped = false;

     * Add clipping operation to the read.
     * You can add as many operations as necessary to this read before clipping. Beware that the
     * order in which you add these operations matter. For example, if you hard clip the beginning
     * of a read first then try to hard clip the end, the indices will have changed. Make sure you
     * know what you're doing, otherwise just use the static functions below that take care of the
     * ordering for you.
     * Note: You only choose the clipping mode when you use clipRead()
     * @param op a ClippingOp object describing the area you want to clip.
    public void addOp(ClippingOp op) {
        if (ops == null) ops = new ArrayList<ClippingOp>();

     * Check the list of operations set up for this read.
     * @return a list of the operations set up for this read.
    public List<ClippingOp> getOps() {
        return ops;

     * Check whether or not this read has been clipped.
     * @return true if this read has produced a clipped read, false otherwise.
    public boolean wasClipped() {
        return wasClipped;

     * The original read.
     * @return  returns the read to be clipped (original)
    public GATKSAMRecord getRead() {
        return read;

     * Clips a read according to ops and the chosen algorithm.
     * @param algorithm What mode of clipping do you want to apply for the stacked operations.
     * @return the read with the clipping applied.
    public GATKSAMRecord clipRead(ClippingRepresentation algorithm) {
        if (ops == null)
            return getRead();

        GATKSAMRecord clippedRead = read;
        for (ClippingOp op : getOps()) {
            final int readLength = clippedRead.getReadLength();
            //check if the clipped read can still be clipped in the range requested
            if (op.start < readLength) {
                ClippingOp fixedOperation = op;
                if (op.stop >= readLength)
                    fixedOperation = new ClippingOp(op.start, readLength - 1);

                clippedRead = fixedOperation.apply(algorithm, clippedRead);
        wasClipped = true;
        if ( clippedRead.isEmpty() )
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(clippedRead);
        return clippedRead;

     * Hard clips the left tail of a read up to (and including) refStop using reference
     * coordinates.
     * @param refStop the last base to be hard clipped in the left tail of the read.
     * @return a new read, without the left tail.
    @Requires("!read.getReadUnmappedFlag()"// can't handle unmapped reads, as we're using reference coordinates to clip
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(int refStop) {
        return hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(-1, refStop);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(GATKSAMRecord read, int refStop) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(-1, refStop);

     * Hard clips the right tail of a read starting at (and including) refStart using reference
     * coordinates.
     * @param refStart refStop the first base to be hard clipped in the right tail of the read.
     * @return a new read, without the right tail.
    @Requires("!read.getReadUnmappedFlag()"// can't handle unmapped reads, as we're using reference coordinates to clip
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail(int refStart) {
        return hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(refStart, -1);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail(GATKSAMRecord read, int refStart) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(refStart, -1);

     * Hard clips a read using read coordinates.
     * @param start the first base to clip (inclusive)
     * @param stop the last base to clip (inclusive)
     * @return a new read, without the clipped bases
    @Requires({"start >= 0 && stop <= read.getReadLength() - 1",   // start and stop have to be within the read
               "start == 0 || stop == read.getReadLength() - 1"})  // cannot clip the middle of the read
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReadCoordinates(int start, int stop) {
        if (read.isEmpty() || (start == 0 && stop == read.getReadLength() - 1))
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);

        this.addOp(new ClippingOp(start, stop));
        return clipRead(ClippingRepresentation.HARDCLIP_BASES);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReadCoordinates(GATKSAMRecord read, int start, int stop) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipByReadCoordinates(start, stop);

     * Hard clips both tails of a read.
     *   Left tail goes from the beginning to the 'left' coordinate (inclusive)
     *   Right tail goes from the 'right' coordinate (inclusive) until the end of the read
     * @param left the coordinate of the last base to be clipped in the left tail (inclusive)
     * @param right the coordinate of the first base to be clipped in the right tail (inclusive)
     * @return a new read, without the clipped bases
    @Requires({"left <= right",                    // tails cannot overlap
               "left >= read.getAlignmentStart()", // coordinate has to be within the mapped read
               "right <= read.getAlignmentEnd()"}) // coordinate has to be within the mapped read
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(int left, int right) {
        if (read.isEmpty() || left == right)
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);
        GATKSAMRecord leftTailRead = hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(right, -1);

        // after clipping one tail, it is possible that the consequent hard clipping of adjacent deletions
        // make the left cut index no longer part of the read. In that case, clip the read entirely.
        if (left > leftTailRead.getAlignmentEnd())
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);

        ReadClipper clipper = new ReadClipper(leftTailRead);
        return clipper.hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(left);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(GATKSAMRecord read, int left, int right) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(left, right);

     * Clips any contiguous tail (left, right or both) with base quality lower than lowQual using the desired algorithm.
     * This function will look for low quality tails and hard clip them away. A low quality tail
     * ends when a base has base quality greater than lowQual.
     * @param algorithm the algorithm to use (HardClip, SoftClip, Write N's,...)
     * @param lowQual every base quality lower than or equal to this in the tail of the read will be hard clipped
     * @return a new read without low quality tails
    private GATKSAMRecord clipLowQualEnds(ClippingRepresentation algorithm, byte lowQual) {
        if (read.isEmpty())
            return read;

        final byte [] quals = read.getBaseQualities();
        final int readLength = read.getReadLength();
        int leftClipIndex = 0;
        int rightClipIndex = readLength - 1;

        // check how far we can clip both sides
        while (rightClipIndex >= 0 && quals[rightClipIndex] <= lowQual) rightClipIndex--;
        while (leftClipIndex < readLength && quals[leftClipIndex] <= lowQual) leftClipIndex++;

        // if the entire read should be clipped, then return an empty read.
        if (leftClipIndex > rightClipIndex)
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);

        if (rightClipIndex < readLength - 1) {
            this.addOp(new ClippingOp(rightClipIndex + 1, readLength - 1));
        if (leftClipIndex > 0 ) {
            this.addOp(new ClippingOp(0, leftClipIndex - 1));
        return this.clipRead(algorithm);

    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipLowQualEnds(byte lowQual) {
        return this.clipLowQualEnds(ClippingRepresentation.HARDCLIP_BASES, lowQual);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipLowQualEnds(GATKSAMRecord read, byte lowQual) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipLowQualEnds(lowQual);
    public static GATKSAMRecord clipLowQualEnds(GATKSAMRecord read, byte lowQual, ClippingRepresentation algorithm) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).clipLowQualEnds(algorithm, lowQual);

     * Will hard clip every soft clipped bases in the read.
     * @return a new read without the soft clipped bases
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipSoftClippedBases () {
        if (read.isEmpty())
            return read;

        int readIndex = 0;
        int cutLeft = -1;            // first position to hard clip (inclusive)
        int cutRight = -1;           // first position to hard clip (inclusive)
        boolean rightTail = false;   // trigger to stop clipping the left tail and start cutting the right tail

        for (CigarElement cigarElement : read.getCigar().getCigarElements()) {
            if (cigarElement.getOperator() == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP) {
                if (rightTail) {
                    cutRight = readIndex;
                else {
                    cutLeft = readIndex + cigarElement.getLength() - 1;
            else if (cigarElement.getOperator() != CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP)
                rightTail = true;

            if (cigarElement.getOperator().consumesReadBases())
                readIndex += cigarElement.getLength();

        // It is extremely important that we cut the end first otherwise the read coordinates change.
        if (cutRight >= 0)
            this.addOp(new ClippingOp(cutRight, read.getReadLength() - 1));
        if (cutLeft >= 0)
            this.addOp(new ClippingOp(0, cutLeft));

        return clipRead(ClippingRepresentation.HARDCLIP_BASES);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipSoftClippedBases (GATKSAMRecord read) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipSoftClippedBases();

     * Hard clip the read to the variable region (from refStart to refStop)
     * @param read     the read to be clipped
     * @param refStart the beginning of the variant region (inclusive)
     * @param refStop  the end of the variant region (inclusive)
     * @return the read hard clipped to the variant region
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipToRegion( final GATKSAMRecord read, final int refStart, final int refStop ) {
        final int start = read.getAlignmentStart();
        final int stop = read.getAlignmentEnd();
        return hardClipToRegion(read, refStart, refStop,start,stop);

     * Hard clip the read to the variable region (from refStart to refStop) processing also the clipped bases
     * @param read     the read to be clipped
     * @param refStart the beginning of the variant region (inclusive)
     * @param refStop  the end of the variant region (inclusive)
     * @return the read hard clipped to the variant region
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipToRegionIncludingClippedBases( final GATKSAMRecord read, final int refStart, final int refStop ) {
        final int start = read.getOriginalAlignmentStart();
        final int stop = start + CigarUtils.countRefBasesBasedOnCigar(read,0,read.getCigarLength()) - 1;
        return hardClipToRegion(read, refStart, refStop,start,stop);

    private static GATKSAMRecord hardClipToRegion( final GATKSAMRecord read, final int refStart, final int refStop, final int alignmentStart, final int alignmentStop){
        // check if the read is contained in region
        if (alignmentStart <= refStop && alignmentStop >= refStart) {
            if (alignmentStart < refStart && alignmentStop > refStop)
                return hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(read, refStart - 1, refStop + 1);
            else if (alignmentStart < refStart)
                return hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(read, refStart - 1);
            else if (alignmentStop > refStop)
                return hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail(read, refStop + 1);
            return read;
        } else
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);


    public static List<GATKSAMRecord> hardClipToRegion( final List<GATKSAMRecord> reads, final int refStart, final int refStop ) {
        final List<GATKSAMRecord> returnList = new ArrayList<GATKSAMRecord>( reads.size() );
        for( final GATKSAMRecord read : reads ) {
            final GATKSAMRecord clippedRead = hardClipToRegion( read, refStart, refStop );
            if( !clippedRead.isEmpty() ) {
                returnList.add( clippedRead );
        return returnList;

     * Checks if a read contains adaptor sequences. If it does, hard clips them out.
     * Note: To see how a read is checked for adaptor sequence see ReadUtils.getAdaptorBoundary()
     * @return a new read without adaptor sequence
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipAdaptorSequence () {
        final int adaptorBoundary = ReadUtils.getAdaptorBoundary(read);

        if (adaptorBoundary == ReadUtils.CANNOT_COMPUTE_ADAPTOR_BOUNDARY || !ReadUtils.isInsideRead(read, adaptorBoundary))
            return read;

        return read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(adaptorBoundary) : hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail(adaptorBoundary);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipAdaptorSequence (GATKSAMRecord read) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipAdaptorSequence();

     * Hard clips any leading insertions in the read. Only looks at the beginning of the read, not the end.
     * @return a new read without leading insertions
    private GATKSAMRecord hardClipLeadingInsertions() {
        if (read.isEmpty())
            return read;

        for(CigarElement cigarElement : read.getCigar().getCigarElements()) {
            if (cigarElement.getOperator() != CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP && cigarElement.getOperator() != CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP &&
                cigarElement.getOperator() != CigarOperator.INSERTION)

            else if (cigarElement.getOperator() == CigarOperator.INSERTION)
                this.addOp(new ClippingOp(0, cigarElement.getLength() - 1));

        return clipRead(ClippingRepresentation.HARDCLIP_BASES);
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipLeadingInsertions(GATKSAMRecord read) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipLeadingInsertions();

     * Turns soft clipped bases into matches
     * @return a new read with every soft clip turned into a match
    private GATKSAMRecord revertSoftClippedBases() {
        if (read.isEmpty())
            return read;

        this.addOp(new ClippingOp(0, 0));
        return this.clipRead(ClippingRepresentation.REVERT_SOFTCLIPPED_BASES);

     * Reverts ALL soft-clipped bases
     * @param read the read
     * @return the read with all soft-clipped bases turned into matches
    public static GATKSAMRecord revertSoftClippedBases(GATKSAMRecord read) {
        return (new ReadClipper(read)).revertSoftClippedBases();

     * Reverts only soft clipped bases with quality score greater than or equal to minQual
     * todo -- Note: Will write a temporary field with the number of soft clips that were undone on each side (left: 'SL', right: 'SR') -- THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED TEMPORARILY SHOULD HAPPEN INSIDE THE CLIPPING ROUTINE!
     * @param read    the read
     * @param minQual the mininum base quality score to revert the base (inclusive)
     * @return a new read with high quality soft clips reverted
    public static GATKSAMRecord revertSoftClippedBases(GATKSAMRecord read, byte minQual) {
        return revertSoftClippedBases(hardClipLowQualitySoftClips(read, minQual));

     * Hard clips away soft clipped bases that are below the given quality threshold
     * @param read    the read
     * @param minQual the mininum base quality score to revert the base (inclusive)
     * @return a new read without low quality soft clipped bases
    public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipLowQualitySoftClips(GATKSAMRecord read, byte minQual) {
        int nLeadingSoftClips = read.getAlignmentStart() - read.getSoftStart();
        if (read.isEmpty() || nLeadingSoftClips > read.getReadLength())
            return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);

        byte [] quals = read.getBaseQualities(EventType.BASE_SUBSTITUTION);
        int left = -1;

        if (nLeadingSoftClips > 0) {
            for (int i = nLeadingSoftClips - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (quals[i] >= minQual)
                    left = i;

        int right = -1;
        int nTailingSoftClips = read.getSoftEnd() - read.getAlignmentEnd();
        if (nTailingSoftClips > 0) {
            for (int i = read.getReadLength() - nTailingSoftClips; i < read.getReadLength() ; i++) {
                if (quals[i] >= minQual)
                    right = i;

        GATKSAMRecord clippedRead = read;
        if (right >= 0 && right + 1 < clippedRead.getReadLength())                                                      // only clip if there are softclipped bases (right >= 0) and the first high quality soft clip is not the last base (right+1 < readlength)
                clippedRead = hardClipByReadCoordinates(clippedRead, right+1, clippedRead.getReadLength()-1);           // first we hard clip the low quality soft clips on the right tail
        if (left >= 0 && left - 1 > 0)                                                                                  // only clip if there are softclipped bases (left >= 0) and the first high quality soft clip is not the last base (left-1 > 0)
                clippedRead = hardClipByReadCoordinates(clippedRead, 0, left-1);                                        // then we hard clip the low quality soft clips on the left tail

        return clippedRead;

     * Generic functionality to hard clip a read, used internally by hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail
     * and hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail. Should not be used directly.
     * Note, it REQUIRES you to give the directionality of your hard clip (i.e. whether you're clipping the
     * left of right tail) by specifying either refStart < 0 or refStop < 0.
     * @param refStart  first base to clip (inclusive)
     * @param refStop last base to clip (inclusive)
     * @return a new read, without the clipped bases
    @Requires({"!read.getReadUnmappedFlag()", "refStart < 0 || refStop < 0"})  // can't handle unmapped reads, as we're using reference coordinates to clip
    protected GATKSAMRecord hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(int refStart, int refStop) {
        if (read.isEmpty())
            return read;

        int start;
        int stop;

        // Determine the read coordinate to start and stop hard clipping
        if (refStart < 0) {
            if (refStop < 0)
                throw new ReviewedGATKException("Only one of refStart or refStop must be < 0, not both (" + refStart + ", " + refStop + ")");
            start = 0;
            stop = ReadUtils.getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(read, refStop, ReadUtils.ClippingTail.LEFT_TAIL);
        else {
            if (refStop >= 0)
                throw new ReviewedGATKException("Either refStart or refStop must be < 0 (" + refStart + ", " + refStop + ")");
            start = ReadUtils.getReadCoordinateForReferenceCoordinate(read, refStart, ReadUtils.ClippingTail.RIGHT_TAIL);
            stop = read.getReadLength() - 1;

        if (start < 0 || stop > read.getReadLength() - 1)
            throw new ReviewedGATKException("Trying to clip before the start or after the end of a read");

        if ( start > stop )
            throw new ReviewedGATKException(String.format("START (%d) > (%d) STOP -- this should never happen, please check read: %s (CIGAR: %s)", start, stop, read, read.getCigarString()));

        if ( start > 0 && stop < read.getReadLength() - 1)
            throw new ReviewedGATKException(String.format("Trying to clip the middle of the read: start %d, stop %d, cigar: %s", start, stop, read.getCigarString()));

        this.addOp(new ClippingOp(start, stop));
        GATKSAMRecord clippedRead = clipRead(ClippingRepresentation.HARDCLIP_BASES);
        this.ops = null;
        return clippedRead;


Related Classes of org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.clipping.ReadClipper

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