* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009, Swedish Institute of Computer Science.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
* This file is part of MSPSim.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* MSP430Core
* Author : Joakim Eriksson
* Created : Sun Oct 21 22:00:00 2007
package se.sics.mspsim.core;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import se.sics.mspsim.core.EmulationLogger.WarningType;
import se.sics.mspsim.core.Memory.AccessMode;
import se.sics.mspsim.core.Memory.AccessType;
import se.sics.mspsim.util.ComponentRegistry;
import se.sics.mspsim.util.DefaultEmulationLogger;
import se.sics.mspsim.util.MapEntry;
import se.sics.mspsim.util.MapTable;
import se.sics.mspsim.util.Utils;
* The CPU of the MSP430
public class MSP430Core extends Chip implements MSP430Constants {
public static final int RETURN = 0x4130;
public static final boolean debugInterrupts = false;
public static final boolean EXCEPTION_ON_BAD_OPERATION = true;
// Try it out with 64 k memory
public final int MAX_MEM;
public final int MAX_MEM_IO;
// 16 registers of which some are "special" - PC, SP, etc.
public final int[] reg = new int[16];
private final RegisterMonitor[] regWriteMonitors = new RegisterMonitor[16];
private final RegisterMonitor[] regReadMonitors = new RegisterMonitor[16];
// true => breakpoints can occur!
boolean breakpointActive = true;
public final int memory[];
private final Flash flash;
boolean isFlashBusy;
boolean isStopping = false;
private final Memory memorySegments[];
Memory currentSegment;
public long cycles = 0;
public long cpuCycles = 0;
MapTable map;
public final boolean MSP430XArch;
public final MSP430Config config;
private final ArrayList<IOUnit> ioUnits;
private final SFR sfr;
private final Watchdog watchdog;
private final ClockSystem bcs;
// From the possible interrupt sources - to be able to indicate is serviced.
// NOTE: 64 since more modern MSP430's have more than 16 vectors (5xxx has 64).
private InterruptHandler interruptSource[] = new InterruptHandler[64];
public int MAX_INTERRUPT;
protected int interruptMax = -1;
// Op/instruction represents the last executed OP / instruction
private int op;
public int instruction;
private int extWord;
int servicedInterrupt = -1;
InterruptHandler servicedInterruptUnit = null;
protected boolean interruptsEnabled = false;
protected boolean cpuOff = false;
// Not private since they are needed (for fast access...)
public int dcoFrq = 2500000;
int aclkFrq = 32768;
public int smclkFrq = dcoFrq;
long lastCyclesTime = 0;
long lastVTime = 0;
long currentTime = 0;
long lastMicrosDelta;
double currentDCOFactor = 1.0;
// Clk A can be "captured" by timers - needs to be handled close to CPU...?
// private int clkACaptureMode = CLKCAPTURE_NONE;
// Other clocks too...
long nextEventCycles;
private EventQueue vTimeEventQueue = new EventQueue();
private long nextVTimeEventCycles;
private EventQueue cycleEventQueue = new EventQueue();
private long nextCycleEventCycles;
private ArrayList<Chip> chips = new ArrayList<Chip>();
final ComponentRegistry registry;
Profiler profiler;
public MSP430Core(int type, ComponentRegistry registry, MSP430Config config) {
super("MSP430", "MSP430 Core", null);
logger = registry.getComponent(EmulationLogger.class);
if (logger == null) {
logger = new DefaultEmulationLogger(this, System.out);
registry.registerComponent("logger", logger);
MAX_INTERRUPT = config.maxInterruptVector;
MAX_MEM_IO = config.maxMemIO;
MAX_MEM = config.maxMem;
MSP430XArch = config.MSP430XArch;
memory = new int[MAX_MEM];
memorySegments = new Memory[MAX_MEM >> 8];
flash = new Flash(this, memory,
new FlashRange(config.mainFlashStart, config.mainFlashStart + config.mainFlashSize, 512, 64),
new FlashRange(config.infoMemStart, config.infoMemStart + config.infoMemSize, 128, 64),
currentSegment = new Memory() {
public int read(int address, AccessMode mode, AccessType type) throws EmulationException {
if (address >= MAX_MEM) {
throw new EmulationException("Reading outside memory: 0x" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
return memorySegments[address >> 8].read(address, mode, type);
public void write(int address, int data, AccessMode mode) throws EmulationException {
if (address >= MAX_MEM) {
throw new EmulationException("Writing outside memory: 0x" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
memorySegments[address >> 8].write(address, data, mode);
public int get(int address, AccessMode mode) {
if (address >= MAX_MEM) {
throw new EmulationException("Reading outside memory: 0x" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
return memorySegments[address >> 8].get(address, mode);
public void set(int address, int data, AccessMode mode) {
if (address >= MAX_MEM) {
throw new EmulationException("Writing outside memory: 0x" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
memorySegments[address >> 8].set(address, data, mode);
// System.out.println("Set up MSP430 Core with " + MAX_MEM + " bytes memory");
/* this is for detecting writes/read to/from non-existing IO */
IOUnit voidIO = new IOUnit("void", this, memory, 0) {
public void interruptServiced(int vector) {
public void write(int address, int value, boolean word, long cycles) {
cpu.logw(WarningType.VOID_IO_WRITE, "*** IOUnit write to non-existent IO at $" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
public int read(int address, boolean word, long cycles) {
cpu.logw(WarningType.VOID_IO_READ, "*** IOUnit read from non-existent IO at $" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
return 0;
/* setup memory segments */
int maxSeg = MAX_MEM >> 8;
Memory ramSegment = new RAMSegment(this);
RAMOffsetSegment ramMirrorSegment = null;
Memory flashSegment = new FlashSegment(this, flash);
IOSegment ioSegment = new IOSegment(this, MAX_MEM_IO, voidIO);
Memory noMemorySegment = new NoMemSegment(this);
for (int i = 0; i < maxSeg; i++) {
if (config.isRAM(i << 8)) {
// System.out.println("Setting RAM segment at: " + Utils.hex16(i << 8));
memorySegments[i] = ramSegment;
} else if (config.isRAMMirror(i << 8)) {
if (ramMirrorSegment == null) {
ramMirrorSegment = new RAMOffsetSegment(this, config.ramMirrorAddress - config.ramMirrorStart);
// System.out.println("Setting RAM mirror segment at: " + Utils.hex(i << 8, 4)
// + " => " + Utils.hex((i << 8) + ramMirrorSegment.getOffset()));
memorySegments[i] = ramMirrorSegment;
} else if (config.isFlash(i << 8) || config.isInfoMem(i << 8)) {
// System.out.println("Setting Flash segment at: " + Utils.hex16(i << 8));
memorySegments[i] = flashSegment;
} else if (config.isIO(i << 8)) {
// System.out.println("Setting IO segment at: " + Utils.hex16(i << 8));
memorySegments[i] = ioSegment;
} else {
// System.out.println("Setting NoMem segment at: " + Utils.hex16(i << 8));
memorySegments[i] = noMemorySegment;
this.registry = registry;
this.config = config;
// The CPU need to register itself as chip
// Ignore type for now...
// IOUnits should likely be placed in a hashtable?
// Maybe for debugging purposes...
ioUnits = new ArrayList<IOUnit>();
ioSegment.setIORange(config.flashControllerOffset, Flash.SIZE, flash);
/* Setup special function registers */
sfr = new SFR(this, memory);
ioSegment.setIORange(config.sfrOffset, 0x10, sfr);
// first step towards making core configurable
Timer[] timers = new Timer[config.timerConfig.length];
for (int i = 0; i < config.timerConfig.length; i++) {
Timer t = new Timer(this, memory, config.timerConfig[i]);
ioSegment.setIORange(config.timerConfig[i].offset, 0x20, t);
ioSegment.setIORange(config.timerConfig[i].timerIVAddr, 1, t);
timers[i] = t;
bcs = config.createClockSystem(this, memory, timers);
ioSegment.setIORange(bcs.getAddressRangeMin(), bcs.getAddressRangeMax() - bcs.getAddressRangeMin() + 1, bcs);
// SFR and Basic clock system.
config.setup(this, ioUnits);
/* timers after ports ? */
for (int i = 0; i < timers.length; i++) {
watchdog = new Watchdog(this, config.watchdogOffset);
ioSegment.setIORange(config.watchdogOffset, 1, watchdog);
public void setIORange(int address, int range, IOUnit io) {
if (address + range > MAX_MEM_IO) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Outside IO memory: 0x" + Utils.hex(address, 4));
IOSegment ioSegment = (IOSegment) memorySegments[address >> 8];
ioSegment.setIORange(address, range, io);
public Profiler getProfiler() {
return profiler;
public void setProfiler(Profiler prof) {
registry.registerComponent("profiler", prof);
profiler = prof;
public synchronized void addGlobalMonitor(MemoryMonitor mon) {
GlobalWatchedMemory gwm;
if (currentSegment instanceof GlobalWatchedMemory) {
gwm = (GlobalWatchedMemory)currentSegment;
} else {
currentSegment = gwm = new GlobalWatchedMemory(currentSegment);
public synchronized void removeGlobalMonitor(MemoryMonitor mon) {
if (currentSegment instanceof GlobalWatchedMemory) {
GlobalWatchedMemory gwm = (GlobalWatchedMemory)currentSegment;
if (!gwm.hasGlobalMonitor()) {
// No more monitors - switch back to normal memory
currentSegment = gwm.getWatchedMemory();
public ComponentRegistry getRegistry() {
return registry;
public SFR getSFR() {
return sfr;
public void addChip(Chip chip) {
public Chip getChip(String name) {
for(Chip chip : chips) {
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(chip.getID()) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(chip.getName())) {
return chip;
return null;
public <T extends Chip> T getChip(Class<T> type) {
for(Chip chip : chips) {
if (type.isInstance(chip)) {
return type.cast(chip);
return null;
public <T extends Chip> T getChip(Class<T> type, String name) {
for(Chip chip : chips) {
if (type.isInstance(chip) &&
(name.equalsIgnoreCase(chip.getID()) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(chip.getName()))) {
return type.cast(chip);
return null;
public Chip[] getChips() {
return chips.toArray(new Chip[chips.size()]);
public <T extends Chip> T[] getChips(Class<T> type) {
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
for(Chip chip : chips) {
if (type.isInstance(chip)) {
T[] tmp = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(type, list.size());
return list.toArray(tmp);
public Loggable[] getLoggables() {
Loggable[] ls = new Loggable[ioUnits.size() + chips.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < ioUnits.size(); i++) {
ls[i] = ioUnits.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < chips.size(); i++) {
ls[i + ioUnits.size()] = chips.get(i);
return ls;
public Loggable getLoggable(String name) {
Loggable l = getChip(name);
if (l == null) {
l = getIOUnit(name);
return l;
public boolean hasWatchPoint(int address) {
Memory mem = memorySegments[address >> 8];
if (mem instanceof WatchedMemory) {
return ((WatchedMemory)mem).hasWatchPoint(address);
return false;
public synchronized void addWatchPoint(int address, MemoryMonitor mon) {
int seg = address >> 8;
WatchedMemory wm;
if (memorySegments[seg] instanceof WatchedMemory) {
wm = (WatchedMemory) memorySegments[seg];
} else {
wm = new WatchedMemory(address & 0xfff00, memorySegments[seg]);
memorySegments[seg] = wm;
wm.addWatchPoint(address, mon);
public synchronized void removeWatchPoint(int address, MemoryMonitor mon) {
if (memorySegments[address >> 8] instanceof WatchedMemory) {
WatchedMemory wm = (WatchedMemory) memorySegments[address >> 8];
wm.removeWatchPoint(address, mon);
public synchronized void addRegisterMonitor(int r, RegisterMonitor mon) {
addRegisterWriteMonitor(r, mon);
addRegisterReadMonitor(r, mon);
public synchronized void removeRegisterMonitor(int r, RegisterMonitor mon) {
removeRegisterWriteMonitor(r, mon);
removeRegisterReadMonitor(r, mon);
public synchronized void addRegisterWriteMonitor(int r, RegisterMonitor mon) {
regWriteMonitors[r] = RegisterMonitor.Proxy.INSTANCE.add(regWriteMonitors[r], mon);
public synchronized void removeRegisterWriteMonitor(int r, RegisterMonitor mon) {
regWriteMonitors[r] = RegisterMonitor.Proxy.INSTANCE.remove(regWriteMonitors[r], mon);
public synchronized void addRegisterReadMonitor(int r, RegisterMonitor mon) {
regReadMonitors[r] = RegisterMonitor.Proxy.INSTANCE.add(regReadMonitors[r], mon);
public synchronized void removeRegisterReadMonitor(int r, RegisterMonitor mon) {
regReadMonitors[r] = RegisterMonitor.Proxy.INSTANCE.remove(regReadMonitors[r], mon);
public void writeRegister(int r, int value) {
value &= 0xfffff;
/* PC must never be odd */
if (r == PC && (value % 2) != 0) {
/* With a solid compiler, this should never happen.
* Yet, this has been observed at least once with msp430-gcc 4.6.3. */
System.out.println("Warning: tried to write odd PC, not allowed! PC=0x" + Integer.toHexString(value));
value -= 1;
/* SR can never take values above 0xfff */
if (r == SR) {
value &= 0xfff;
// Before the write!
// if (value >= MAX_MEM) {
// System.out.println("Writing larger than MAX_MEM to " + r + " value:" + value);
// new Throwable().printStackTrace();
// }
RegisterMonitor rwm = regWriteMonitors[r];
if (rwm != null) {
// TODO Add register access mode
rwm.notifyWriteBefore(r, value, AccessMode.WORD);
reg[r] = value;
rwm.notifyWriteAfter(r, value, AccessMode.WORD);
} else {
reg[r] = value;
if (r == SR) {
boolean oldCpuOff = cpuOff;
if (debugInterrupts) {
if (((value & GIE) == GIE) != interruptsEnabled) {
System.out.println("InterruptEnabled changed: " + !interruptsEnabled);
boolean oldIE = interruptsEnabled;
interruptsEnabled = ((value & GIE) == GIE);
// if (debugInterrupts) System.out.println("Wrote to InterruptEnabled: " + interruptsEnabled + " was: " + oldIE);
if (oldIE == false && interruptsEnabled && servicedInterrupt >= 0) {
// System.out.println("*** Interrupts enabled while in interrupt : " +
// servicedInterrupt + " PC: $" + getAddressAsString(reg[PC]));
/* must handle pending immediately */
cpuOff = ((value & CPUOFF) == CPUOFF);
if (cpuOff != oldCpuOff) {
// System.out.println("LPM CPUOff: " + cpuOff + " cycles: " + cycles);
if (cpuOff) {
boolean scg0 = (value & SCG0) == SCG0;
boolean scg1 = (value & SCG1) == SCG1;
boolean oscoff = (value & OSCOFF) == OSCOFF;
if (oscoff && scg1 && scg0) {
} else if (scg1 && scg0){
} else if (scg1) {
} else if (scg0) {
} else {
} else {
public int readRegister(int r) {
int value;
RegisterMonitor rrm = regReadMonitors[r];
if (rrm != null) {
// TODO Register access mode
rrm.notifyReadBefore(r, AccessMode.WORD);
value = reg[r];
rrm.notifyReadAfter(r, AccessMode.WORD);
} else {
value = reg[r];
return value;
public int readRegisterCG(int r, int m) {
// CG1 + m == 0 => SR!
if ((r == CG1 && m != 0) || r == CG2) {
// No monitoring here... just return the CG values
return CREG_VALUES[r - 2][m];
int value;
RegisterMonitor rrm = regReadMonitors[r];
if (rrm != null) {
// TODO Register access mode
rrm.notifyReadBefore(r, AccessMode.WORD);
value = reg[r];
rrm.notifyReadAfter(r, AccessMode.WORD);
} else {
value = reg[r];
return value;
public int incRegister(int r, int value) {
int registerValue;
RegisterMonitor rm = regReadMonitors[r];
if (rm != null) {
rm.notifyReadBefore(r, AccessMode.WORD);
registerValue = reg[r];
rm.notifyReadAfter(r, AccessMode.WORD);
} else {
registerValue = reg[r];
rm = regWriteMonitors[r];
registerValue += value;
if (rm != null) {
rm.notifyWriteBefore(r, registerValue, AccessMode.WORD);
reg[r] = registerValue;
rm.notifyWriteAfter(r, registerValue, AccessMode.WORD);
} else {
reg[r] = registerValue;
return reg[r];
public void setACLKFrq(int frequency) {
aclkFrq = frequency;
public void setDCOFrq(int frequency, int smclkFrq) {
dcoFrq = frequency;
this.smclkFrq = smclkFrq;
// update last virtual time before updating DCOfactor
lastVTime = getTime();
lastCyclesTime = cycles;
lastMicrosDelta = 0;
currentDCOFactor = 1.0 * bcs.getMaxDCOFrequency() / frequency;
/* System.out.println("*** DCO: MAX:" + bcs.getMaxDCOFrequency() +
" current: " + frequency + " DCO_FAC = " + currentDCOFactor);*/
if (DEBUG)
log("Set smclkFrq: " + smclkFrq);
/* called after dcoReset */
protected void dcoReset() {
// returns global time counted in max speed of DCOs (~5Mhz)
public long getTime() {
long diff = cycles - lastCyclesTime;
return lastVTime + (long) (diff * currentDCOFactor);
// Converts a virtual time to a cycles time according to the current
// cycle speed
private long convertVTime(long vTime) {
long tmpTime = lastCyclesTime + (long) ((vTime - lastVTime) / currentDCOFactor);
// System.out.println("ConvertVTime: vTime=" + vTime + " => " + tmpTime);
return tmpTime;
// get elapsed time in seconds
public double getTimeMillis() {
return 1000.0 * getTime() / bcs.getMaxDCOFrequency();
private void executeEvents() {
if (cycles >= nextVTimeEventCycles) {
if (vTimeEventQueue.eventCount == 0) {
nextVTimeEventCycles = cycles + 10000;
} else {
TimeEvent te = vTimeEventQueue.popFirst();
long now = getTime();
// if (now > te.time) {
// System.out.println("VTimeEvent got delayed by: " + (now - te.time) + " at " +
// cycles + " target Time: " + te.time + " class: " + te.getClass().getName());
// }
if (vTimeEventQueue.eventCount > 0) {
nextVTimeEventCycles = convertVTime(vTimeEventQueue.nextTime);
} else {
nextVTimeEventCycles = cycles + 10000;
if (cycles >= nextCycleEventCycles) {
if (cycleEventQueue.eventCount == 0) {
nextCycleEventCycles = cycles + 10000;
} else {
TimeEvent te = cycleEventQueue.popFirst();
if (cycleEventQueue.eventCount > 0) {
nextCycleEventCycles = cycleEventQueue.nextTime;
} else {
nextCycleEventCycles = cycles + 10000;
// Pick the one with shortest time in the future.
nextEventCycles = nextCycleEventCycles < nextVTimeEventCycles ?
nextCycleEventCycles : nextVTimeEventCycles;
* Schedules a new Time event using the cycles counter
* @param event
* @param time
public void scheduleCycleEvent(TimeEvent event, long cycles) {
long currentNext = cycleEventQueue.nextTime;
cycleEventQueue.addEvent(event, cycles);
if (currentNext != cycleEventQueue.nextTime) {
nextCycleEventCycles = cycleEventQueue.nextTime;
if (nextEventCycles > nextCycleEventCycles) {
nextEventCycles = nextCycleEventCycles;
* Schedules a new Time event using the virtual time clock
* @param event
* @param time
public void scheduleTimeEvent(TimeEvent event, long time) {
long currentNext = vTimeEventQueue.nextTime;
vTimeEventQueue.addEvent(event, time);
if (currentNext != vTimeEventQueue.nextTime) {
// This is only valid when not having a cycle event queue also...
// if we have it needs to be checked also!
nextVTimeEventCycles = convertVTime(vTimeEventQueue.nextTime);
if (nextEventCycles > nextVTimeEventCycles) {
nextEventCycles = nextVTimeEventCycles;
/* Warn if someone schedules a time backwards in time... */
if (cycles > nextVTimeEventCycles) {
logger.logw(this, WarningType.EMULATION_ERROR, "Scheduling time event backwards in time!!!");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cycles are passed desired future time...");
* Schedules a new Time event msec milliseconds in the future
* @param event
* @param time
public long scheduleTimeEventMillis(TimeEvent event, double msec) {
/* System.out.println("MAX_DCO " + bcs.getMaxDCOFrequency());*/
long time = (long) (getTime() + msec / 1000 * bcs.getMaxDCOFrequency());
// System.out.println("Scheduling at: " + time + " (" + msec + ") getTime: " + getTime());
scheduleTimeEvent(event, time);
return time;
public void printEventQueues(PrintStream out) {
out.println("Current cycles: " + cycles + " virtual time:" + getTime());
out.println("Cycle event queue: (next time: " + nextCycleEventCycles + ")");
out.println("Virtual time event queue: (next time: " + nextVTimeEventCycles + ")");
// Should also return active units...
public IOUnit getIOUnit(String name) {
for (IOUnit ioUnit : ioUnits) {
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ioUnit.getID()) ||
name.equalsIgnoreCase(ioUnit.getName())) {
return ioUnit;
return null;
public <T> T getIOUnit(Class<T> type) {
for (IOUnit ioUnit : ioUnits) {
if (type.isInstance(ioUnit)) {
return type.cast(ioUnit);
return null;
public <T> T getIOUnit(Class<T> type, String name) {
for (IOUnit ioUnit : ioUnits) {
if (type.isInstance(ioUnit)
&& (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ioUnit.getID())
|| name.equalsIgnoreCase(ioUnit.getName()))) {
return type.cast(ioUnit);
return null;
private void resetIOUnits() {
for (IOUnit ioUnit : ioUnits) {
private void internalReset() {
for (int i = 0, n = interruptSource.length; i < n; i++) {
interruptSource[i] = null;
servicedInterruptUnit = null;
servicedInterrupt = -1;
interruptMax = -1;
writeRegister(SR, 0);
for (Chip chip : chips) {
// Needs to be last since these can add events...
if (profiler != null) {
public EmulationLogger getLogger() {
return logger;
public void reset() {
flagInterrupt(MAX_INTERRUPT, null, true);
// Indicate that we have an interrupt now!
// We should only get same IOUnit for same interrupt level
public void flagInterrupt(int interrupt, InterruptHandler source,
boolean triggerIR) {
if (triggerIR) {
interruptSource[interrupt] = source;
if (debugInterrupts) {
if (source != null) {
System.out.println("### Interrupt " + interrupt + " flagged ON by " + source.getName() + " prio: " + interrupt);
} else {
System.out.println("### Interrupt " + interrupt + " flagged ON by <null>");
// MAX priority is executed first - update max if this is higher!
if (interrupt > interruptMax) {
interruptMax = interrupt;
if (interruptMax == MAX_INTERRUPT) {
// This can not be masked at all!
interruptsEnabled = true;
servicedInterrupt = -1; /* Make sure this interrupt will be executed immediately */
} else {
if (interruptSource[interrupt] == source) {
if (debugInterrupts) {
System.out.println("### Interrupt flagged OFF by " + source.getName() + " prio: " + interrupt);
interruptSource[interrupt] = null;
private void reevaluateInterrupts() {
interruptMax = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < interruptSource.length; i++) {
if (interruptSource[i] != null)
interruptMax = i;
// returns the currently serviced interrupt (vector ID)
public int getServicedInterrupt() {
return servicedInterrupt;
// This will be called after an interrupt have been handled
// In the main-CPU loop
public void handlePendingInterrupts() {
// By default no int. left to process...
servicedInterrupt = -1;
servicedInterruptUnit = null;
void profileCall(int dst, int pc) {
MapEntry function = map.getEntry(dst);
if (function == null) {
function = getFunction(map, dst);
profiler.profileCall(function, cpuCycles, pc);
void printWarning(EmulationLogger.WarningType type, int address) throws EmulationException {
String message;
switch(type) {
message = "**** Illegal read - misaligned word from $" +
getAddressAsString(address) + " at $" + getAddressAsString(reg[PC]);
message = "**** Illegal write - misaligned word to $" +
getAddressAsString(address) + " at $" + getAddressAsString(reg[PC]);
message = "**** Illegal read - out of bounds from $" +
getAddressAsString(address) + " at $" + getAddressAsString(reg[PC]);
message = "**** Illegal write - out of bounds from $" +
getAddressAsString(address) + " at $" + getAddressAsString(reg[PC]);
message = "**** " + type + " address $" + getAddressAsString(address) +
" at $" + getAddressAsString(reg[PC]);
logger.logw(this, type, message);
public void generateTrace(PrintStream out) {
/* Override if a stack trace or other additional warning info should
* be printed */
private int serviceInterrupt(int pc) {
int pcBefore = pc;
int spBefore = readRegister(SP);
int sp = spBefore;
int sr = readRegister(SR);
if (profiler != null) {
profiler.profileInterrupt(interruptMax, cycles);
if (flash.blocksCPU()) {
/* TODO: how should this error/warning be handled ?? */
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Got interrupt while flash controller blocks CPU. CPU CRASHED.");
// Only store stuff on irq except reset... - not sure if this is correct...
// TODO: Check what to do if reset is called!
if (interruptMax < MAX_INTERRUPT) {
// Push PC and SR to stack
// store on stack - always move 2 steps (W) even if B.
writeRegister(SP, sp = spBefore - 2);
currentSegment.write(sp, pc, AccessMode.WORD);
writeRegister(SP, sp = sp - 2);
currentSegment.write(sp, (sr & 0x0fff) | ((pc & 0xf0000) >> 4), AccessMode.WORD);
// Clear SR
writeRegister(SR, 0); // sr & ~CPUOFF & ~SCG1 & ~OSCOFF);
// Jump to the address specified in the interrupt vector
pc = currentSegment.read(0xfffe - (MAX_INTERRUPT - interruptMax) * 2, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
writeRegister(PC, pc);
servicedInterrupt = interruptMax;
servicedInterruptUnit = interruptSource[servicedInterrupt];
// Flag off this interrupt - for now - as soon as RETI is
// executed things might change!
if (servicedInterrupt == MAX_INTERRUPT) {
if (debugInterrupts) System.out.println("**** Servicing RESET! => $" + getAddressAsString(pc));
// Interrupts take 6 cycles!
cycles += 6;
if (debugInterrupts) {
System.out.println("### Executing interrupt: " +
servicedInterrupt + " at "
+ pcBefore + " to " + pc +
" SP before: " + spBefore +
" Vector: " + Utils.hex16(0xfffe - (MAX_INTERRUPT - servicedInterrupt) * 2));
// And call the serviced routine (which can cause another interrupt)
if (servicedInterruptUnit != null) {
if (debugInterrupts) {
System.out.println("### Calling serviced interrupt on: " +
return pc;
/* returns true if any instruction was emulated - false if CpuOff */
public int emulateOP(long maxCycles) throws EmulationException {
//System.out.println("CYCLES BEFORE: " + cycles);
int pc = readRegister(PC);
long startCycles = cycles;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interrupt processing [after the last instruction was executed]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (interruptsEnabled && servicedInterrupt == -1 && interruptMax >= 0) {
pc = serviceInterrupt(pc);
/* Did not execute any instructions */
if (cpuOff || flash.blocksCPU()) {
// System.out.println("Jumping: " + (nextIOTickCycles - cycles));
// nextEventCycles must exist, otherwise CPU can not wake up!?
// If CPU is not active we must run the events here!!!
// this can trigger interrupts that wake the CPU
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event processing - note: This can trigger IRQs!
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/* This can flag an interrupt! */
while (cycles >= nextEventCycles) {
if (interruptsEnabled && interruptMax > 0) {
/* can not allow for jumping to nextEventCycles since that would jump too far */
return -1;
if (maxCycles >= 0 && maxCycles < nextEventCycles) {
// Should it just freeze or take on extra cycle step if cycles > max?
cycles = cycles < maxCycles ? maxCycles : cycles;
} else {
cycles = nextEventCycles;
return -1;
int pcBefore = pc;
instruction = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.EXECUTE);
if (isStopping) {
// Signaled to stop the execution before performing the instruction
return -2;
int ext3_0 = 0;
int ext10_7 = 0;
int extSrc = 0;
int extDst = 0;
boolean repeatsInDstReg = false;
boolean wordx20 = false;
/* check for extension words */
if ((instruction & 0xf800) == 0x1800) {
extWord = instruction;
ext3_0 = instruction & 0xf; /* bit 3 - 0 - either repeat count or dest 19-16 */
ext10_7 = (instruction >> 7) & 0xf; /* bit 10 - 7 - src 19-16 */
extSrc = ext10_7 << 16;
extDst = ext3_0 << 16;
pc += 2;
// Bit 7 in the extension word indicates that the number of
// repeats is found in the register pointed to by ext3_0. If
// the bit is 0, ext3_0 contains the number of repeats. If the
// bit is 1, ext3_0 contains the register number that holds
// the number of repeats.
if ((instruction & 0x80) == 0x80) {
repeatsInDstReg = true;
// Bit 6 indicates whether or not the data length mode should
// be 20 bits. A one means traditional MSP430 mode; a zero
// indicates 20 bit mode. (XXX: there is a reserved data
// length mode if this bit is zero and the MSP430 instruction
// that follows the extension word also has a zero bit data
// length mode.)
wordx20 = (instruction & 0x40) == 0;
instruction = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.EXECUTE);
/*System.out.println("*** Extension word!!! " + Utils.hex16(extWord) +
" read the instruction too: " + Utils.hex16(instruction) + " at " + Utils.hex16(pc - 2));*/
} else {
extWord = 0;
op = instruction >> 12;
int sp = 0;
int sr = 0;
int rval = 0; /* register value */
int repeats = 1; /* msp430X can repeat some instructions in some cases */
boolean zeroCarry = false; /* msp430X can zero carry in repeats */
boolean word = (instruction & 0x40) == 0;
/* NOTE: there is a mode when wordx20 = true & word = true that is resereved */
AccessMode mode = wordx20 ? AccessMode.WORD20 : (word ? AccessMode.WORD : AccessMode.BYTE);
//if (mode == AccessMode.WORD20) System.out.println("WORD20 not really supported...");
// Destination vars
int dstRegister = 0;
int dstAddress = -1;
boolean dstRegMode = false;
int dst = -1;
boolean write = false;
boolean updateStatus = true;
// When is PC increased probably immediately (e.g. here)?
pc += 2;
writeRegister(PC, pc);
switch (op) {
case 0:
// MSP430X - additional instructions
op = instruction & 0xf0f0;
if (!MSP430XArch)
throw new EmulationException("Executing MSP430X instruction but MCU is not a MSP430X");
// System.out.println("Executing MSP430X instruction op:" + Utils.hex16(op) +
// " ins:" + Utils.hex16(instruction) + " PC = $" + getAddressAsString(pc - 2));
int src = 0;
/* data is either bit 19-16 or src register */
int srcData = (instruction & 0x0f00) >> 8;
int dstData = (instruction & 0x000f);
boolean rrword = true;
mode = AccessMode.WORD20;
switch(op) {
// 20 bit register write
case MOVA_IND:
/* Read from address in src register (20-bit?), move to destination register (=20 bit). */
writeRegister(dstData, currentSegment.read(readRegister(srcData), mode, AccessType.READ));
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 3;
if (profiler != null && instruction == 0x0110) {
writeRegister(PC, pc);
/* read from address in register */
src = readRegister(srcData);
// System.out.println("Reading $" + getAddressAsString(src) +
// " from register: " + srcData);
dst = currentSegment.read(src, mode, AccessType.READ);
// System.out.println("Reading from mem: $" + getAddressAsString(dst));
writeRegister(srcData, src + 4);
// System.out.println("*** Writing $" + getAddressAsString(dst) + " to reg: " + dstData);
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 3;
src = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
dst = src + (srcData << 16);
//System.out.println(Utils.hex20(pc) + " MOVA &ABS Reading from $" + getAddressAsString(dst) + " to reg: " + dstData);
dst = currentSegment.read(dst, mode, AccessType.READ);
//System.out.println(" => $" + getAddressAsString(dst));
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 4;
/* Read data from address in memory, indexed by source
* register, and place into destination register. */
int index = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
int indexModifier = readRegister(srcData);
index = convertTwoComplement16(index);
indexModifier = convertTwoComplement20(indexModifier);
writeRegister(dstData, currentSegment.read(indexModifier + index, mode, AccessType.READ));
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 4;
dst = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
currentSegment.write(dst + (dstData << 16), readRegister(srcData), mode);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 4;
/* Read data from register, write to address in memory,
* indexed by source register. */
index = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
indexModifier = readRegister(dstData);
index = convertTwoComplement16(index);
indexModifier = convertTwoComplement20(indexModifier);
currentSegment.write(indexModifier + index, readRegister(srcData), mode);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 4;
src = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
dst = src + (srcData << 16);
// System.out.println("*** Writing $" + getAddressAsString(dst) + " to reg: " + dstData);
dst &= 0xfffff;
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 2;
case ADDA_IMM:
// For all immediate instructions, the data low 16 bits of
// the data is stored in the following word (PC + 2) and
// the high 4 bits in the instruction word, which we have
// masked out as srcData.
int immData = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ) + (srcData << 16);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
int dstArg = readRegister(dstData);
dst = dstArg + immData;
sr = StatusRegister.updateSR(readRegister(SR), immData, dstArg, dst);
writeRegister(SR, sr);
updateStatus = false;
dst &= 0xfffff;
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
cycles += 3;
case CMPA_IMM: {
/* Status Bits N: Set if result is negative (src > dst), reset if positive (src ≤ dst)
Z: Set if result is zero (src = dst), reset otherwise (src ≠dst)
C: Set if there is a carry from the MSB, reset otherwise
V: Set if the subtraction of a negative source operand from a positive destination
operand delivers a negative result, or if the subtraction of a positive source
operand from a negative destination operand delivers a positive result, reset
otherwise (no overflow) */
immData = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ) + (srcData << 16);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
sr = readRegister(SR);
int destRegValue = readRegister(dstData);
if (destRegValue >= immData) {
sr |= CARRY;
if (destRegValue < immData) {
if (destRegValue == immData) {
sr |= ZERO;
int cmpTmp = destRegValue - immData;
int b = 0x80000; // CMPA always use 20 bit data length
if (((destRegValue ^ cmpTmp) & b) == 0 &&
(((destRegValue ^ immData) & b) != 0)) {
writeRegister(SR, sr);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 3;
case SUBA_IMM:
immData = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ) + (srcData << 16);
writeRegister(PC, pc += 2);
dst = readRegister(dstData) - immData;
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
cycles += 3;
case MOVA_REG:
cycles += 1;
/* as = 0 since register mode */
writeRegister(dstData, readRegisterCG(srcData, 0));
updateStatus = false;
case CMPA_REG: {
sr = readRegister(SR);
int destRegValue = readRegister(dstData);
int srcRegValue = readRegisterCG(srcData, 0);
if (destRegValue >= srcRegValue) {
sr |= CARRY;
if (destRegValue < srcRegValue) {
if (destRegValue == srcRegValue) {
sr |= ZERO;
int cmpTmp = destRegValue - srcRegValue;
int b = 0x80000; // CMPA always use 20 bit data length
if (((destRegValue ^ cmpTmp) & b) == 0 &&
(((destRegValue ^ srcRegValue) & b) != 0)) {
writeRegister(SR, sr);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 1;
case ADDA_REG:
// Assume AS = 2
dst = readRegister(dstData) + readRegisterCG(srcData, 2);
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
sr = StatusRegister.updateSR(readRegister(SR), readRegisterCG(srcData, 2), dstData, dst);
writeRegister(SR, sr);
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 1;
case SUBA_REG:
// Assume AS = 2
dst = readRegister(dstData) - readRegisterCG(srcData, 2);
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
cycles += 1;
rrword = false;
int count = ((instruction >> 10) & 0x03) + 1;
dst = readRegister(dstData);
sr = readRegister(SR);
int nxtCarry = 0;
int carry = (sr & CARRY) > 0? 1: 0;
if (rrword) {
mode = AccessMode.WORD;
dst = dst & 0xffff;
cycles += 1 + count;
switch(instruction & RRMASK) {
/* if word zero anything above */
case RRCM:
/* if (rrword): Rotate right through carry the 16-bit CPU register content
if (!rrword): Rotate right through carry the 20-bit CPU register content */
/* Pull the (count) lowest bits from dst - those will
* be placed in the (count) high bits of dst after the
* instruction is complete. */
int dst_low = dst & ((1 << count) - 1);
/* Grab the bit that will be in the carry flag when instruction completes. */
nxtCarry = (dst & (1 << (count + 1))) > 0? CARRY: 0;
/* Rotate dst. */
dst = dst >> (count);
/* Rotate the high bits, insert into dst. */
if (rrword) {
dst |= (dst_low << (17 - count)) | (carry << (16 - count));
} else {
dst |= (dst_low << (21 - count)) | (carry << (20 - count));
case RRAM:
// System.out.println("RRAM executing");
/* roll in MSB from above */
/* 1 11 111 1111 needs to get in if MSB is 1 */
if ((dst & (rrword ? 0x8000 : 0x80000)) > 0) {
/* add some 1 bits above MSB if MSB is 1 */
dst = dst | (rrword ? 0xf8000 : 0xf80000);
dst = dst >> (count - 1);
nxtCarry = (dst & 1) > 0 ? CARRY : 0;
dst = dst >> 1;
case RLAM:
// System.out.println("RLAM executing at " + pc);
/* just roll in "zeroes" from left */
dst = dst << (count - 1);
nxtCarry = (dst & (rrword ? 0x8000 : 0x80000)) > 0 ? CARRY : 0;
dst = dst << 1;
case RRUM:
//System.out.println("RRUM executing");
/* just roll in "zeroes" from right */
dst = dst >> (count - 1);
nxtCarry = (dst & 1) > 0 ? CARRY : 0;
dst = dst >> 1;
/* clear overflow - set carry according to above OP */
writeRegister(SR, (sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW)) | nxtCarry);
dst = dst & (rrword ? 0xffff : 0xfffff);
writeRegister(dstData, dst);
System.out.println("MSP430X instruction not yet supported: " +
Utils.hex16(instruction) +
" op " + Utils.hex16(op));
throw new EmulationException("Found unsupported MSP430X instruction " +
Utils.hex16(instruction) +
" op " + Utils.hex16(op));
case 1:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Single operand instructions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Register
dstRegister = instruction & 0xf;
/* check if this is a MSP430X CALLA instruction */
if ((op = instruction & CALLA_MASK) > RETI) {
pc = readRegister(PC);
dst = -1; /* will be -1 if not a call! */
/* do not update status after these instructions!!! */
updateStatus = false;
switch(op) {
// The CALLA operations increase the SP before
// address resolution!
// store on stack - always move 2 steps before resolution
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
dst = readRegister(dstRegister);
/*System.out.println("CALLA REG => " + Utils.hex20(dst));*/
cycles += 5;
/* CALLA X(REG) => REG + X is the address*/
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
// System.out.println("CALLA INDX: R" + dstRegister);
dst = readRegister(dstRegister);
/* what happens if wrapping here??? */
/* read the index which is from -15 bit - +15 bit. - so extend sign to 20-bit */
int index = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
index = convertTwoComplement16(index);
// System.out.println("CALLA INDX: Reg = " + Utils.hex20(dst) + " INDX: " + index);
dst += index;
dst &= 0xfffff;
// System.out.println("CALLA INDX => " + Utils.hex20(dst));
dst = currentSegment.read(dst, AccessMode.WORD20, AccessType.READ);
// System.out.println("CALLA Read from INDX => " + Utils.hex20(dst));
cycles += 5;
pc += 2;
// System.exit(0);
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
dst = (dstRegister << 16) | currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
pc += 2;
cycles += 5;
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
dstAddress = readRegister(dstRegister);
dst = currentSegment.read(dstAddress, AccessMode.WORD20, AccessType.READ);
cycles += 5;
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
/* read the address of where the address to call is */
dst = (dstRegister << 16) | currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
dst = currentSegment.read(dst, AccessMode.WORD20, AccessType.READ);
pc += 2;
cycles += 7;
AccessMode type = AccessMode.WORD;
int size = 2;
sp = readRegister(SP);
/* check for PUSHM... POPM... */
switch(op & 0x1f00) {
case PUSHM_A:
type = AccessMode.WORD20;
size = 4;
cycles += 2;
case PUSHM_W:
int n = 1 + ((instruction >> 4) & 0x0f);
int regNo = instruction & 0x0f;
// System.out.println("PUSHM " + (type == AccessMode.WORD20 ? "A" : "W") +
// " n: " + n + " " + regNo + " at " + Utils.hex16(pcBefore));
/* decrease stack pointer and write n times */
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sp -= size;
cycles += 2;
currentSegment.write(sp, this.reg[regNo], type);
/*System.out.println("Saved reg: " + (regNo) + " was " + reg[regNo]);*/
/* what happens if regNo is wrapped ??? */
if (regNo < 0) regNo = 15;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
case POPM_A:
type = AccessMode.WORD20;
size = 4;
cycles += 2;
case POPM_W:
n = 1 + ((instruction >> 4) & 0x0f);
regNo = instruction & 0x0f;
/* read and increase stack pointer n times */
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cycles += 2;
this.reg[regNo] = currentSegment.read(sp, type, AccessType.READ);
// System.out.println("Restored reg: " + (regNo - 1) + " to " + reg[regNo - 1]);
sp += size;
/* what happens if regNo is wrapped ??? */
if (regNo > 15) regNo = 0;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
System.out.println("CALLA/PUSH/POP: mode not implemented");
throw new EmulationException("CALLA: mode not implemented "
+ Utils.hex16(instruction) + " => " + Utils.hex16(op));
// store current PC on stack. (current PC points to next instr.)
/* store 20 bits on stack (costs two words) */
if (dst != -1) {
currentSegment.write(sp, (pc >> 16) & 0xf, AccessMode.WORD);
sp = sp - 2;
currentSegment.write(sp, pc & 0xffff, AccessMode.WORD);
writeRegister(SP, sp);
writeRegister(PC, dst);
if (profiler != null) {
profileCall(dst, pc);
} else {
// Address mode of destination...
int ad = (instruction >> 4) & 3;
int nxtCarry = 0;
op = instruction & 0xff80;
if (op == PUSH || op == CALL) {
// The PUSH and CALL operations increase the SP before
// address resolution!
// store on stack - always move 2 steps (W) even if B./
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
if ((dstRegister == CG1 && ad > AM_INDEX) || dstRegister == CG2) {
dstRegMode = true;
} else {
switch(ad) {
// Operand in register!
case AM_REG:
dstRegMode = true;
case AM_INDEX:
// TODO: needs to handle if SR is used!
rval = readRegisterCG(dstRegister, ad);
if (extWord != 0) {
/* MSP430X Instruction With Indexed Mode */
* TODO XXX There are MSP430X instructions without extension
* words!
* "The operand address is the sum of the 20-bit CPU register
* content and the 20-bit index."
dstAddress = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
dstAddress += extDst;
dstAddress += rval;
dstAddress &= 0xfffff;
} else {
if (rval <= 0xffff) {
/* Indexed Mode in Lower 64-KB Memory */
* ".. the calculated memory address bits 19:16 are cleared
* after the addition of the CPU register Rn and the signed
* 16-bit index."
dstAddress = convertTwoComplement16(currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ));
dstAddress += rval;
dstAddress &= 0xffff;
} else {
/* MSP430 Instruction With Indexed Mode in Upper Memory */
* "The operand may be located in memory in the range Rn +-32
* KB, because the index, X, is a signed 16-bit value"
dstAddress = convertTwoComplement16(currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ));
dstAddress += rval;
dstAddress &= 0xfffff;
// When is PC incremented - assuming immediately after "read"?
pc += 2;
writeRegister(PC, pc);
cycles += 4;
// Indirect register
case AM_IND_REG:
dstAddress = readRegister(dstRegister) + extDst;
cycles += 3;
// Bugfix suggested by Matt Thompson
if (dstRegister == PC) {
dstAddress = pc;
dst = currentSegment.read(dstAddress, mode != AccessMode.BYTE ? AccessMode.WORD : AccessMode.BYTE, AccessType.READ);
dst += extDst;
pc += 2;
writeRegister(PC, pc);
} else {
dstAddress = readRegister(dstRegister) + extDst;
writeRegister(dstRegister, dstAddress + mode.bytes); // XXX (word ? 2 : 1));
cycles += 3;
// Perform the read
if (dstRegMode) {
dst = readRegisterCG(dstRegister, ad);
dst &= mode.mask;
/* set the repeat here! */
if (repeatsInDstReg) {
repeats = 1 + readRegister(ext3_0);
} else {
repeats = 1 + ext3_0;
zeroCarry = (extWord & EXTWORD_ZC) > 0;
// if (repeats > 1) {
// System.out.println("*** Repeat " + repeats + " ZeroCarry: " + zeroCarry);
// }
} else if (dst == -1) {
dst = currentSegment.read(dstAddress, mode, AccessType.READ);
/* TODO: test add the loop here! */
while(repeats-- > 0) {
sr = readRegister(SR);
/* always clear carry before repeat */
if (repeats >= 0) {
if (zeroCarry) {
sr = sr & ~CARRY;
//System.out.println("ZC => Cleared carry...");
//System.out.println("*** Repeat: " + repeats);
switch(op) {
case RRC:
nxtCarry = (dst & 1) > 0 ? CARRY : 0;
dst = dst >> 1;
dst |= (sr & CARRY) > 0 ? mode.msb : 0;
// Indicate write to memory!!
write = true;
// Set the next carry!
writeRegister(SR, (sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW)) | nxtCarry);
case SWPB:
int tmp = dst;
dst = ((tmp >> 8) & 0xff) + ((tmp << 8) & 0xff00);
write = true;
updateStatus = false;
case RRA:
nxtCarry = (dst & 1) > 0 ? CARRY : 0;
dst = (dst & mode.msb) | dst >> 1;
write = true;
writeRegister(SR, (sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW)) | nxtCarry);
case SXT:
// Extend Sign (bit 8-15 => same as bit 7)
dst = (dst & 0x80) > 0 ? dst | 0xfff00 : dst & 0x7f;
write = true;
sr = sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW);
if (dst != 0) {
sr |= CARRY;
writeRegister(SR, sr);
case PUSH:
if (mode == AccessMode.WORD20) {
sp = readRegister(SP) - 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
currentSegment.write(sp, dst, mode);
/* if REG or INDIRECT AUTOINC then add 2 cycles, otherwise 1 */
cycles += (ad == AM_REG || ad == AM_IND_AUTOINC) ? 2 : 1;
write = false;
updateStatus = false;
case CALL:
// store current PC on stack. (current PC points to next instr.)
pc = readRegister(PC);
// memory[sp] = pc & 0xff;
// memory[sp + 1] = pc >> 8;
currentSegment.write(sp, pc, AccessMode.WORD);
writeRegister(PC, dst);
/* Additional cycles: REG => 3, AM_IND_AUTO => 2, other => 1 */
cycles += (ad == AM_REG) ? 3 : (ad == AM_IND_AUTOINC) ? 2 : 1;
/* profiler will be called during calls */
if (profiler != null) {
profileCall(dst, pc);
write = false;
updateStatus = false;
case RETI:
// Put Top of stack to Status DstRegister (TOS -> SR)
servicedInterrupt = -1; /* needed before write to SR!!! */
sp = readRegister(SP);
sr = currentSegment.read(sp, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
writeRegister(SR, sr & 0x0fff);
sp = sp + 2;
// writeRegister(SR, memory[sp++] + (memory[sp++] << 8));
// TOS -> PC
// writeRegister(PC, memory[sp++] + (memory[sp++] << 8));
writeRegister(PC, currentSegment.read(sp, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ) | (sr & 0xf000) << 4);
sp = sp + 2;
writeRegister(SP, sp);
write = false;
updateStatus = false;
cycles += 4;
if (debugInterrupts) {
System.out.println("### RETI at " + pc + " => " + reg[PC] +
" SP after: " + reg[SP]);
if (profiler != null) {
// This assumes that all interrupts will get back using RETI!
System.out.println("Error: Not implemented instruction:" +
if (repeats > 0) {
dst &= mode.mask;
// Jump instructions
case 2:
case 3:
// 10 bits for address for these => 0x00fc => remove 2 bits
int jmpOffset = instruction & 0x3ff;
jmpOffset = (jmpOffset & 0x200) == 0 ?
2 * jmpOffset : -(2 * (0x200 - (jmpOffset & 0x1ff)));
boolean jump = false;
// All jump takes two cycles
cycles += 2;
sr = readRegister(SR);
switch(instruction & 0xfc00) {
case JNE:
jump = (sr & ZERO) == 0;
case JEQ:
jump = (sr & ZERO) > 0;
case JNC:
jump = (sr & CARRY) == 0;
case JC:
jump = (sr & CARRY) > 0;
case JN:
jump = (sr & NEGATIVE) > 0;
case JGE:
jump = (sr & NEGATIVE) > 0 == (sr & OVERFLOW) > 0;
case JL:
jump = (sr & NEGATIVE) > 0 != (sr & OVERFLOW) > 0;
case JMP:
jump = true;
logw(WarningType.EMULATION_ERROR, "Not implemented instruction: #" + Utils.binary16(instruction));
// Perform the Jump
if (jump) {
writeRegister(PC, pc + jmpOffset);
updateStatus = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Double operand instructions!
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
dstRegister = instruction & 0xf;
int srcRegister = (instruction >> 8) & 0xf;
int as = (instruction >> 4) & 3;
// AD: 0 => register direct, 1 => register index, e.g. X(Rn)
dstRegMode = ((instruction >> 7) & 1) == 0;
dstAddress = -1;
int srcAddress = -1;
src = 0;
// Some CGs should be handled as registry reads only...
if ((srcRegister == CG1 && as > AM_INDEX) || srcRegister == CG2) {
src = CREG_VALUES[srcRegister - 2][as];
src &= mode.mask;
cycles += dstRegMode ? 1 : 4;
} else {
switch(as) {
// Operand in register!
case AM_REG:
// CG handled above!
src = readRegister(srcRegister);
src &= mode.mask;
cycles += dstRegMode ? 1 : 4;
/* add cycle if destination register = PC */
if (dstRegister == PC) cycles++;
if (dstRegMode) {
/* possible to have repeat, etc... */
/* TODO: decode the # also */
if (repeatsInDstReg) {
repeats = 1 + readRegister(ext3_0);
} else {
repeats = 1 + ext3_0;
zeroCarry = (extWord & EXTWORD_ZC) > 0;
case AM_INDEX: {
// Indexed if reg != PC & CG1/CG2 - will PC be incremented?
int sval = readRegisterCG(srcRegister, as);
if (extWord != 0) {
/* MSP430X Instruction With Indexed Mode */
* TODO XXX There are MSP430X instructions without extension
* words!
* "The operand address is the sum of the 20-bit CPU register
* content and the 20-bit index."
srcAddress = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
srcAddress += extSrc;
srcAddress += sval;
srcAddress &= 0xfffff;
} else {
if (sval <= 0xffff) {
/* Indexed Mode in Lower 64-KB Memory */
* ".. the calculated memory address bits 19:16 are cleared
* after the addition of the CPU register Rn and the signed
* 16-bit index."
srcAddress = convertTwoComplement16(currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ));
srcAddress += sval;
srcAddress &= 0xffff;
} else {
/* MSP430 Instruction With Indexed Mode in Upper Memory */
* "The operand may be located in memory in the range Rn +-32
* KB, because the index, X, is a signed 16-bit value"
srcAddress = convertTwoComplement16(currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ));
srcAddress += sval;
srcAddress &= 0xfffff;
pc += 2;
writeRegister(PC, pc);
cycles += dstRegMode ? 3 : 6;
// Indirect register
case AM_IND_REG:
srcAddress = readRegister(srcRegister);
cycles += dstRegMode ? 2 : 5;
if (srcRegister == PC) {
/* PC is always handled as word */
if (mode == AccessMode.BYTE) {
src = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.BYTE,
} else {
src = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD,
src += extSrc;
pc += 2;
writeRegister(PC, pc);
cycles += dstRegMode ? 2 : 5;
} else {
srcAddress = readRegister(srcRegister);
incRegister(srcRegister, mode.bytes);
cycles += dstRegMode ? 2 : 5;
/* If destination register is PC another cycle is consumed */
if (dstRegister == PC) {
// Perform the read of destination!
if (dstRegMode) {
if (op != MOV) {
dst = readRegister(dstRegister);
dst &= mode.mask;
} else {
// PC Could have changed above!
pc = readRegister(PC);
if (dstRegister == 2) {
/* absolute mode */
dstAddress = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ); //memory[pc] + (memory[pc + 1] << 8);
dstAddress += extDst;
} else {
// CG here - probably not!???
rval = readRegister(dstRegister);
if (extWord != 0) {
/* MSP430X Instruction With Indexed Mode */
* TODO XXX There are MSP430X instructions without extension
* words!
* "The operand address is the sum of the 20-bit CPU register
* content and the 20-bit index."
dstAddress = currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ);
dstAddress += extDst;
dstAddress += rval;
dstAddress &= 0xfffff;
} else {
if (rval <= 0xffff) {
/* Indexed Mode in Lower 64-KB Memory */
* ".. the calculated memory address bits 19:16 are cleared
* after the addition of the CPU register Rn and the signed
* 16-bit index."
dstAddress = convertTwoComplement16(currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ));
dstAddress += rval;
dstAddress &= 0xffff;
} else {
/* MSP430 Instruction With Indexed Mode in Upper Memory */
* "The operand may be located in memory in the range Rn +-32
* KB, because the index, X, is a signed 16-bit value"
dstAddress = convertTwoComplement16(currentSegment.read(pc, AccessMode.WORD, AccessType.READ));
dstAddress += rval;
dstAddress &= 0xfffff;
if (op != MOV) {
dst = currentSegment.read(dstAddress, mode, AccessType.READ);
pc += 2;
incRegister(PC, 2);
// **** Perform the read...
if (srcAddress != -1) {
// if (srcAddress > 0xffff) {
// System.out.println("SrcAddress is: " + Utils.hex20(srcAddress));
// }
// srcAddress = srcAddress & 0xffff;
src = currentSegment.read(srcAddress, mode, AccessType.READ);
// src = currentSegment.read(srcAddress, word ? AccessMode.WORD : AccessMode.BYTE, AccessType.READ);
// if (debug) {
// System.out.println("Reading from " + getAddressAsString(srcAddress) +
// " => " + src);
// }
/* TODO: test add the loop here! */
while(repeats-- > 0) {
sr = readRegister(SR);
if (repeats >= 0) {
if (zeroCarry) {
sr = sr & ~CARRY;
//System.out.println("ZC => Cleared carry...");
//System.out.println("*** Repeat: " + repeats);
int tmp = 0;
int tmpAdd = 0;
switch (op) {
case MOV: // MOV
dst = src;
write = true;
updateStatus = false;
if (instruction == RETURN && profiler != null) {
// FIX THIS!!! - make SUB a separate operation so that
// it is clear that overflow flag is correct...
case SUB:
// Carry always 1 with SUB
tmpAdd = 1;
case SUBC:
// Both sub and subc does one complement (not) + 1 (or carry)
src = (src ^ 0xffff) & 0xffff;
case ADDC: // ADDC
if (op == ADDC || op == SUBC)
tmpAdd = ((sr & CARRY) > 0) ? 1 : 0;
case ADD: // ADD
// Tmp gives zero if same sign! if sign is different after -> overf.
sr &= ~(OVERFLOW | CARRY);
int b = word ? 0x8000 : (wordx20 ? 0x80000 : 0x80);
tmp = (src ^ dst) & b;
// Includes carry if carry should be added...
dst = dst + src + tmpAdd;
int b2 = word ? 0xffff : (wordx20 ? 0xfffff : 0xff);
if (dst > b2) {
sr |= CARRY;
// If tmp == 0 and currenly not the same sign for src & dst
if (tmp == 0 && ((src ^ dst) & b) != 0) {
// System.out.println("OVERFLOW - ADD/SUB " + Utils.hex16(src)
// + " + " + Utils.hex16(tmpDst));
// System.out.println(Utils.hex16(dst) + " [SR=" +
// Utils.hex16(reg[SR]) + "]");
writeRegister(SR, sr);
write = true;
case CMP: // CMP
// Set CARRY if A >= B, and it's clear if A < B
b = mode.msb;
sr = (sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW)) | (dst >= src ? CARRY : 0);
tmp = (dst - src);
if (((src ^ tmp) & b) == 0 && (((src ^ dst) & b) != 0)) {
writeRegister(SR, sr);
// Must set dst to the result to set the rest of the status register
dst = tmp;
case DADD: // DADD
if (DEBUG)
log("DADD: Decimal add executed - result error!!!");
// Decimal add... this is wrong... each nibble is 0-9...
// So this has to be reimplemented...
dst = dst + src + ((sr & CARRY) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
write = true;
case BIT: // BIT
dst = src & dst;
// Clear overflow and carry!
sr = sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW);
// Set carry if result is non-zero!
if (dst != 0) {
sr |= CARRY;
writeRegister(SR, sr);
case BIC: // BIC
// No status reg change
// System.out.println("BIC: =>" + Utils.hex16(dstAddress) + " => "
// + Utils.hex16(dst) + " AS: " + as +
// " sReg: " + srcRegister + " => " + src +
// " dReg: " + dstRegister + " => " + dst);
dst = (~src) & dst;
write = true;
updateStatus = false;
case BIS: // BIS
dst = src | dst;
write = true;
updateStatus = false;
case XOR: // XOR
sr = sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW);
b = mode.msb; //word ? 0x8000 : (wordx20 ? 0x80000 : 0x80);
if ((src & b) != 0 && (dst & b) != 0) {
dst = src ^ dst;
if (dst != 0) {
sr |= CARRY;
write = true;
writeRegister(SR, sr);
case AND: // AND
sr = sr & ~(CARRY | OVERFLOW);
dst = src & dst;
if (dst != 0) {
sr |= CARRY;
write = true;
writeRegister(SR, sr);
String address = getAddressAsString(pc);
"DoubleOperand not implemented: op = " + Integer.toHexString(op) + " at " + address);
EmulationException ex = new EmulationException("Bad operation: $" + Integer.toHexString(op) + " at $" + address);
ex.initCause(new Throwable("" + pc));
throw ex;
} /* after switch(op) */
/* If we have the same register as dst and src then copy here to get input
* in next loop
if (repeats > 0 && srcRegister == dstRegister) {
src = dst;
src &= mode.mask;
dst &= mode.mask;
/* Processing after each instruction */
dst &= mode.mask;
if (write) {
if (dstRegMode) {
writeRegister(dstRegister, dst);
} else {
currentSegment.write(dstAddress, dst, mode);
if (updateStatus) {
// Update the Zero and Negative status!
// Carry and overflow must be set separately!
sr = readRegister(SR);
sr = (sr & ~(ZERO | NEGATIVE)) |
((dst == 0) ? ZERO : 0) | ((dst & mode.msb) > 0 ? NEGATIVE : 0);
writeRegister(SR, sr);
//System.out.println("CYCLES AFTER: " + cycles);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event processing (when CPU is awake)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
while (cycles >= nextEventCycles) {
cpuCycles += cycles - startCycles;
/* return the address that was executed */
return pcBefore;
private static int convertTwoComplement16(int index) {
if(index > 0x8000) {
return -(0x10000 - index);
return index;
private static int convertTwoComplement20(int index) {
if(index > 0x80000) {
return -(0x100000 - index);
return index;
public int getModeMax() {
return MODE_MAX;
MapEntry getFunction(MapTable map, int address) {
MapEntry function = new MapEntry(MapEntry.TYPE.function, address, 0,
"fkn at $" + getAddressAsString(address), null, true);
return function;
public Memory getMemory() {
return currentSegment;
public int getPC() {
return reg[PC];
public int getSR() {
return reg[SR];
public int getSP() {
return reg[SP];
public int getRegister(int register) {
return reg[register];
public String getAddressAsString(int addr) {
return config.getAddressAsString(addr);
public int getConfiguration(int parameter) {
return 0;
public String info() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append(" Mode: " + getModeName(getMode())
+ " ACLK: " + aclkFrq + " Hz SMCLK: " + smclkFrq + " Hz\n"
+ " Cycles: " + cycles + " CPU Cycles: " + cpuCycles
+ " Time: " + (long)getTimeMillis() + " msec\n");
buf.append(" Interrupt enabled: " + interruptsEnabled + " HighestInterrupt: " + interruptMax);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INTERRUPT; i++) {
int value = currentSegment.get(0xfffe - i * 2, AccessMode.WORD);
if (value != 0xffff) {
buf.append(" Vector " + (MAX_INTERRUPT - i) + " at $"
+ Utils.hex16(0xfffe - i * 2) + " -> $"
+ Utils.hex16(value) + "\n");
return buf.toString();
public int getAclkFrq() {
return aclkFrq;
public int getSmclkFrq() {
return smclkFrq;