* Multiverse 2 Copyright (c) the Multiverse Team 2011.
* Multiverse 2 is licensed under the BSD License.
* For more information please check the README.md file included
* with this project
package com.onarandombox.MultiversePortals;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.api.MVDestination;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.api.MVWorldManager;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.api.MultiverseWorld;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.destination.ExactDestination;
import com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.destination.InvalidDestination;
import com.onarandombox.MultiversePortals.utils.MultiverseRegion;
public class MVPortal {
private String name;
private PortalLocation location;
private MVDestination destination;
private MultiversePortals plugin;
private String owner;
private String portalConfigString;
private Permission permission;
private Permission fillPermission;
private Permission exempt;
private int currency = -1;
private double price = 0.0;
private MVWorldManager worldManager;
private boolean safeTeleporter;
private boolean teleportNonPlayers;
private FileConfiguration config;
private boolean allowSave;
private String handlerScript;
private static final Collection<Material> INTERIOR_MATERIALS = Arrays.asList(new Material[]{
Material.PORTAL, Material.LONG_GRASS, Material.VINE,
Material.SNOW, Material.AIR, Material.WATER,
public static boolean isPortalInterior(Material material) {
return INTERIOR_MATERIALS.contains(material);
public MVPortal(MultiversePortals instance, String name) {
init(instance, name, true);
private MVPortal(MultiversePortals instance, String name, boolean allowSave) {
init(instance, name, allowSave);
// If this is called with allowSave=false, the caller needs to be sure to
// call allowSave() when they're finished modifying it.
private void init(MultiversePortals instance, String name, boolean allowSave) {
// Disallow saving until initialization is finished.
this.allowSave = false;
this.plugin = instance;
this.config = this.plugin.getPortalsConfig();
this.name = name;
this.portalConfigString = "portals." + this.name;
this.setCurrency(this.config.getInt(this.portalConfigString + ".entryfee.currency", -1));
this.setPrice(this.config.getDouble(this.portalConfigString + ".entryfee.amount", 0.0));
this.setUseSafeTeleporter(this.config.getBoolean(this.portalConfigString + ".safeteleport", true));
this.setTeleportNonPlayers(this.config.getBoolean(this.portalConfigString + ".teleportnonplayers", false));
this.setHandlerScript(this.config.getString(this.portalConfigString + ".handlerscript", ""));
this.permission = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.access." + this.name);
if (this.permission == null) {
this.permission = new Permission("multiverse.portal.access." + this.name, "Allows access to the " + this.name + " portal", PermissionDefault.OP);
this.fillPermission = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.fill." + this.name);
if (this.fillPermission == null) {
this.fillPermission = new Permission("multiverse.portal.fill." + this.name, "Allows filling the " + this.name + " portal", PermissionDefault.OP);
this.exempt = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.exempt." + this.name);
if (exempt == null) {
this.exempt = new Permission("multiverse.portal.exempt." + this.name, "A player who has this permission will not pay to use this portal " + this.name + " portal", PermissionDefault.FALSE);
this.worldManager = this.plugin.getCore().getMVWorldManager();
if (allowSave) {
this.allowSave = true;
private void allowSave() {
this.allowSave = true;
private void setTeleportNonPlayers(boolean b) {
this.teleportNonPlayers = b;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".teleportnonplayers", this.teleportNonPlayers);
public boolean getTeleportNonPlayers() {
return teleportNonPlayers;
private void setUseSafeTeleporter(boolean teleport) {
this.safeTeleporter = teleport;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".safeteleport", teleport);
public boolean useSafeTeleporter() {
return this.safeTeleporter;
private void addToUpperLists() {
Permission all = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.*");
Permission allPortals = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.*");
Permission allPortalAccess = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.access.*");
Permission allPortalExempt = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.exempt.*");
Permission allPortalFill = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.fill.*");
if (allPortalAccess == null) {
allPortalAccess = new Permission("multiverse.portal.access.*");
if (allPortalExempt == null) {
allPortalExempt = new Permission("multiverse.portal.exempt.*");
if (allPortalFill == null) {
allPortalFill = new Permission("multiverse.portal.fill.*");
if (allPortals == null) {
allPortals = new Permission("multiverse.portal.*");
if (all == null) {
all = new Permission("multiverse.*");
all.getChildren().put("multiverse.portal.*", true);
allPortals.getChildren().put("multiverse.portal.access.*", true);
allPortals.getChildren().put("multiverse.portal.exempt.*", true);
allPortals.getChildren().put("multiverse.portal.fill.*", true);
allPortalAccess.getChildren().put(this.permission.getName(), true);
allPortalExempt.getChildren().put(this.exempt.getName(), true);
allPortalFill.getChildren().put(this.fillPermission.getName(), true);
for(Player player : this.plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()){
public static MVPortal loadMVPortalFromConfig(MultiversePortals instance, String name) {
boolean allowSave = false;
MVPortal portal = new MVPortal(instance, name, allowSave);
// Don't load portals from configs, as we have a linked list issue
// Have to load all portals first, then resolve their destinations.
String portalLocString = portal.config.getString(portal.portalConfigString + ".location", "");
String worldString = portal.config.getString(portal.portalConfigString + ".world", "");
portal.setPortalLocation(portalLocString, worldString);
portal.setOwner(portal.config.getString(portal.portalConfigString + ".owner", ""));
portal.setCurrency(portal.config.getInt(portal.portalConfigString + ".entryfee.currency", -1));
portal.setPrice(portal.config.getDouble(portal.portalConfigString + ".entryfee.amount", 0.0));
// We've finished reading the portal from the config file. Any further
// changes to this portal should be saved.
return portal;
public int getCurrency() {
return this.currency;
public double getPrice() {
return this.price;
private boolean setCurrency(int currency) {
this.currency = currency;
config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".entryfee.currency", currency);
return true;
private boolean setPrice(double price) {
this.price = price;
config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".entryfee.amount", price);
return true;
private void saveConfig() {
if (this.allowSave) {
public MVPortal(MultiverseWorld world, MultiversePortals instance, String name, String owner, String location) {
this(instance, name);
this.setPortalLocation(location, world);
public MVPortal(MultiversePortals instance, String name, String owner, PortalLocation location) {
this(instance, name);
public boolean setPortalLocation(String locationString, String worldString) {
MultiverseWorld world = null;
if (this.worldManager.isMVWorld(worldString)) {
world = this.worldManager.getMVWorld(worldString);
return this.setPortalLocation(locationString, world);
public boolean setPortalLocation(String locationString, MultiverseWorld world) {
return this.setPortalLocation(PortalLocation.parseLocation(locationString, world, this.name));
public boolean setPortalLocation(PortalLocation location) {
this.location = location;
if (!this.location.isValidLocation()) {
this.plugin.log(Level.WARNING, "Portal " + this.name + " has an invalid LOCATION!");
return false;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".location", this.location.toString());
MultiverseWorld world = this.location.getMVWorld();
if (world != null) {
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".world", world.getName());
} else {
this.plugin.log(Level.WARNING, "Portal " + this.name + " has an invalid WORLD");
return false;
return true;
private boolean setOwner(String owner) {
this.owner = owner;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".owner", this.owner);
return true;
public boolean setDestination(String destinationString) {
this.destination = this.plugin.getCore().getDestFactory().getDestination(destinationString);
if (this.destination instanceof InvalidDestination) {
this.plugin.getCore().log(Level.WARNING, "Portal " + this.name + " has an invalid DESTINATION!");
return false;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".destination", this.destination.toString());
return !(this.destination instanceof InvalidDestination);
public boolean setExactDestination(Location location) {
this.destination = new ExactDestination();
((ExactDestination) this.destination).setDestination(location);
if (!this.destination.isValid()) {
this.destination = new InvalidDestination();
this.plugin.getCore().log(Level.WARNING, "Portal " + this.name + " has an invalid DESTINATION!");
return false;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".destination", this.destination.toString());
return true;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public PortalLocation getLocation() {
return this.location;
public boolean playerCanEnterPortal(Player player) {
return (this.plugin.getCore().getMVPerms().hasPermission(player, this.permission.getName(), true));
public boolean playerCanFillPortal(Player player) {
return (this.plugin.getCore().getMVPerms().hasPermission(player, this.fillPermission.getName(), true));
public MVDestination getDestination() {
return this.destination;
public boolean setProperty(String property, String value) {
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("dest") || property.equalsIgnoreCase("destination")) {
return this.setDestination(value);
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("curr") || property.equalsIgnoreCase("currency")) {
try {
return this.setCurrency(Integer.parseInt(value));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("price")) {
try {
return this.setPrice(Double.parseDouble(value));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("owner")) {
return this.setOwner(value);
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("safe")) {
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("telenonplayers")) {
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (property.equalsIgnoreCase("handlerscript")) {
return true;
return false;
public World getWorld() {
MultiverseWorld mvWorld = this.location.getMVWorld();
if (mvWorld == null) {
return null;
return mvWorld.getCBWorld();
public String getHandlerScript() {
return handlerScript;
public void setHandlerScript(String handlerScript) {
this.handlerScript = handlerScript;
this.config.set(this.portalConfigString + ".handlerscript", this.handlerScript);
public Permission getPermission() {
return this.permission;
public Permission getFillPermission() {
return this.fillPermission;
public void removePermission() {
private void removeFromUpperLists(Permission permission) {
Permission all = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.*");
Permission allPortals = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.*");
Permission allPortalAccess = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.access.*");
Permission allPortalExempt = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.exempt.*");
Permission allPortalFill = this.plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPermission("multiverse.portal.fill.*");
if (all != null) {
if (allPortals != null) {
if (allPortalAccess != null) {
if (allPortalExempt != null) {
if (allPortalFill != null) {
* Determines whether a point within the portal has a valid frame around it.
* @param l the location
* @return true if the frame around the location is valid; false otherwise
public boolean isFrameValid(Location l) {
List<Integer> validMaterialIds = MultiversePortals.FrameMaterials;
if (validMaterialIds == null || validMaterialIds.isEmpty()) {
// All frame materials are valid.
return true;
MultiversePortals.staticLog(Level.FINER, String.format("checking portal frame at %d,%d,%d",
l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY(), l.getBlockZ()));
// Limit the search to the portal's region, extended by 1 block.
boolean frameValid = false;
MultiverseRegion r = getLocation().getRegion();
int useX = (r.getWidth() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
int useY = (r.getHeight() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
int useZ = (r.getDepth() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
// Search for a frame in each of the portal's "flat" (size 1)
// dimensions. If a portal's size is greater than 1 in all three
// dimensions, an invalid frame will be reported.
// Try a frame that's flat in the X dimension.
if (!frameValid && useX == 0) {
frameValid = isFrameValid(l, expandedRegion(r, 0, 1, 1));
// Try a frame that's flat in the Y dimension.
if (!frameValid && useY == 0) {
frameValid = isFrameValid(l, expandedRegion(r, 1, 0, 1));
// Try a frame that's flat in the Z dimension.
if (!frameValid && useZ == 0) {
frameValid = isFrameValid(l, expandedRegion(r, 1, 1, 0));
return frameValid;
* Examines a frame around a location, bounded by a search region which has
* one dimension of size 1 and two dimensions which of size greater than
* one.
* @param location
* @param searchRegion
* @return
private boolean isFrameValid(Location location, MultiverseRegion searchRegion) {
int useX = (searchRegion.getWidth() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
int useY = (searchRegion.getHeight() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
int useZ = (searchRegion.getDepth() == 1) ? 0 : 1;
// Make sure the search region is flat in exactly one dimension.
if (useX + useY + useZ != 2) {
return false;
Level debugLevel = Level.FINER;
MultiversePortals.staticLog(debugLevel, String.format("checking portal around %d,%d,%d",
location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ()));
int commonMaterialId = -1;
World world = location.getWorld();
Set<Location> visited = new HashSet<Location>();
Stack<Location> frontier = new Stack<Location>();
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
Location toCheck = frontier.pop();
MultiversePortals.staticLog(debugLevel, String.format(" ... block at %d,%d,%d",
toCheck.getBlockX(), toCheck.getBlockY(), toCheck.getBlockZ()));
if (isPortalInterior(toCheck.getBlock().getType())) {
// This is an empty block in the portal. Check each of the four
// neighboring locations.
for (int d1 = -1; d1 <= 1; d1++) {
for (int d2 = -1; d2 <= 1; d2++) {
if ((d1 == 0) ^ (d2 == 0)) {
int dx = useX * d1;
int dy = useY * (useX == 0 ? d1 : d2);
int dz = useZ * d2;
int newX = toCheck.getBlockX() + dx;
int newY = toCheck.getBlockY() + dy;
int newZ = toCheck.getBlockZ() + dz;
Location toVisit = new Location(world, newX, newY, newZ);
if (!searchRegion.containsVector(toVisit)) {
// This empty block is on the edge of the search
// region. Assume the frame is bad.
return false;
if (!visited.contains(toVisit)) {
else {
// This is a frame block. Check its material.
int materialId = toCheck.getBlock().getTypeId();
if (commonMaterialId == -1) {
// This is the first frame block we've found.
commonMaterialId = materialId;
else if (commonMaterialId != materialId) {
// This frame block doesn't match other frame blocks.
MultiversePortals.staticLog(debugLevel, "frame has multiple materials");
return false;
MultiversePortals.staticLog(debugLevel, String.format("frame has common material %d", commonMaterialId));
return MultiversePortals.FrameMaterials.contains(commonMaterialId);
public boolean isExempt(Player player) {
return false;
public Permission getExempt() {
return this.exempt;
private MultiverseRegion expandedRegion(MultiverseRegion r, int x, int y, int z) {
Vector min = new Vector().copy(r.getMinimumPoint());
Vector max = new Vector().copy(r.getMaximumPoint());
min.add(new Vector(-x, -y, -z));
max.add(new Vector( x, y, z));
return new MultiverseRegion(min, max, r.getWorld());