import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Difficulty;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.config.ConfigurationNode;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.nbt.CommonTagCompound;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.CommonUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.LogicUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.MaterialUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.ParseUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.StreamUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.WorldUtil;
public class WorldConfig extends WorldConfigStore {
public String worldname;
public boolean keepSpawnInMemory = true;
public WorldMode worldmode = WorldMode.NORMAL;
private String chunkGeneratorName;
public Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty.NORMAL;
public Position spawnPoint;
public GameMode gameMode = null;
public boolean holdWeather = false;
public boolean pvp = true;
public final SpawnControl spawnControl = new SpawnControl();
public final TimeControl timeControl = new TimeControl(this);
private String defaultNetherPortal;
private String defaultEnderPortal;
public List<String> OPlist = new ArrayList<String>();
public boolean allowHunger = true;
public boolean autosave = true;
public boolean reloadWhenEmpty = false;
public boolean formSnow = true;
public boolean formIce = true;
public boolean clearInventory = false;
public boolean forcedRespawn = false;
public boolean rememberLastPlayerPosition = false;
public WorldInventory inventory;
protected WorldConfig(String worldname) {
this.worldname = worldname;
* Resets all settings in this World Configuration to the defaults.
* This method acts as if the world is loaded again for the first time.
public void reset() {
// Try to import from other World Management plugins
if (!MyWorlds.importFromMultiVerse || !MultiverseHandler.readWorldConfiguration(this)) {
// Not imported, (try to) load from the default world configuration
ConfigurationNode defaultsConfig = getDefaultProperties();
if (defaultsConfig != null) {
// Load using a clone to prevent altering the original
if (defaultsConfig.contains(this.worldmode.getName())) {
// Refresh
World world = getWorld();
if (world != null) {
* Loads the default settings for a world.
* This method expects the world to be registered in the mapping prior.
protected void loadDefaults() {
World world = this.getWorld();
if (world != null) {
// Read from the loaded world directly
this.keepSpawnInMemory = world.getKeepSpawnInMemory();
this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(world);
this.difficulty = world.getDifficulty();
this.spawnPoint = new Position(world.getSpawnLocation());
this.pvp = world.getPVP();
this.autosave = world.isAutoSave();
} else {
this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(worldname);
this.spawnPoint = new Position(worldname, 0, 128, 0);
if (WorldManager.worldExists(this.worldname)) {
// Open up the level.dat of the World and read the settings from it
CommonTagCompound data = this.getData();
if (data != null) {
// Read the settings from it
this.spawnPoint.setX(data.getValue("SpawnX", this.spawnPoint.getBlockX()));
this.spawnPoint.setY(data.getValue("SpawnY", this.spawnPoint.getBlockY()));
this.spawnPoint.setZ(data.getValue("SpawnZ", this.spawnPoint.getBlockZ()));
// Figure out the world mode by inspecting the region files in the world
// On failure, it will resort to using the world name to figure it out
File regions = this.getRegionFolder();
if (regions != null && regions.isDirectory()) {
// Skip the 'region' folder found in the dimension folder
regions = regions.getParentFile();
// Find out what name the current folder is
// If this is DIM1 or DIM-1 then it is the_end/nether
// Otherwise we will resort to using the world name
String dimName = regions.getName();
if (dimName.equals("DIM1")) {
this.worldmode = WorldMode.THE_END;
} else if (dimName.equals("DIM-1")) {
this.worldmode = WorldMode.NETHER;
if (MyWorlds.useWorldOperators) {
for (OfflinePlayer op : Bukkit.getServer().getOperators()) {
this.inventory = WorldInventory.create(this.worldname);
* Sets the generator name and arguments for this World.
* Note that this does not alter the generator for a possible loaded world.
* Only after re-loading does this take effect.
* @param name to set to
public void setChunkGeneratorName(String name) {
this.chunkGeneratorName = name;
* Gets the generator name and arguments of this World
* @return Chunk Generator name and arguments
public String getChunkGeneratorName() {
if (this.chunkGeneratorName == null) {
World world = this.getWorld();
if (world != null) {
ChunkGenerator gen = world.getGenerator();
if (gen != null) {
Plugin genPlugin = CommonUtil.getPluginByClass(gen.getClass());
if (genPlugin != null) {
this.chunkGeneratorName = genPlugin.getName();
return this.chunkGeneratorName;
* Loads all settings of a world over from another world configuration.
* This method can be called Async and does not update the settings on any
* loaded worlds.
* @param config to load from
public void load(WorldConfig config) {
this.keepSpawnInMemory = config.keepSpawnInMemory;
this.worldmode = config.worldmode;
this.chunkGeneratorName = config.chunkGeneratorName;
this.difficulty = config.difficulty;
this.spawnPoint = config.spawnPoint.clone();
this.gameMode = config.gameMode;
this.allowHunger = config.allowHunger;
this.holdWeather = config.holdWeather;
this.pvp = config.pvp;
this.autosave = config.autosave;
this.reloadWhenEmpty = config.reloadWhenEmpty;
this.formSnow = config.formSnow;
this.formIce = config.formIce;
this.clearInventory = config.clearInventory;
this.forcedRespawn = config.forcedRespawn;
this.inventory = config.inventory.add(this.worldname);
public void load(ConfigurationNode node) {
this.keepSpawnInMemory = node.get("keepSpawnLoaded", this.keepSpawnInMemory);
this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(node.get("environment", this.worldmode.getName()));
this.chunkGeneratorName = node.get("chunkGenerator", String.class, this.chunkGeneratorName);
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(this.chunkGeneratorName)) {
this.chunkGeneratorName = null;
this.difficulty = node.get("difficulty", Difficulty.class, this.difficulty);
this.gameMode = node.get("gamemode", GameMode.class, this.gameMode);
this.clearInventory = node.get("clearInventory", this.clearInventory);
String worldspawn = node.get("", String.class);
if (worldspawn != null) {
double x = node.get("spawn.x", 0.0);
double y = node.get("spawn.y", 64.0);
double z = node.get("spawn.z", 0.0);
double yaw = node.get("spawn.yaw", 0.0);
double pitch = node.get("spawn.pitch", 0.0);
this.spawnPoint = new Position(worldspawn, x, y, z, (float) yaw, (float) pitch);
this.holdWeather = node.get("holdWeather", this.holdWeather);
this.formIce = node.get("formIce", this.formIce);
this.formSnow = node.get("formSnow", this.formSnow);
this.pvp = node.get("pvp", this.pvp);
this.forcedRespawn = node.get("forcedRespawn", this.forcedRespawn);
this.allowHunger = node.get("hunger", this.allowHunger);
this.rememberLastPlayerPosition = node.get("rememberlastplayerpos", this.rememberLastPlayerPosition);
this.reloadWhenEmpty = node.get("reloadWhenEmpty", this.reloadWhenEmpty);
for (String type : node.getList("deniedCreatures", String.class)) {
type = type.toUpperCase();
if (type.equals("ANIMALS")) {
} else if (type.equals("MONSTERS")) {
} else {
EntityType t = ParseUtil.parseEnum(EntityType.class, type, null);
if (t != null) {
long time = node.get("lockedtime", Integer.MIN_VALUE);
if (time != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
this.defaultNetherPortal = node.get("defaultNetherPortal", String.class, this.defaultNetherPortal);
this.defaultEnderPortal = node.get("defaultEndPortal", String.class, this.defaultEnderPortal);
if (node.contains("defaultPortal")) {
// Compatibility mode
this.defaultNetherPortal = node.get("defaultPortal", String.class, this.defaultNetherPortal);
node.set("defaultPortal", null);
this.OPlist = node.getList("operators", String.class, this.OPlist);
public void saveDefault(ConfigurationNode node) {
// Remove nodes we rather not see
public void save(ConfigurationNode node) {
//Set if the world can be directly accessed
World w = this.getWorld();
if (w != null) {
this.difficulty = w.getDifficulty();
this.keepSpawnInMemory = w.getKeepSpawnInMemory();
this.autosave = w.isAutoSave();
if (this.worldname == null || this.worldname.equals(this.getConfigName())) {
} else {
node.set("name", this.worldname);
node.set("loaded", w != null);
node.set("keepSpawnLoaded", this.keepSpawnInMemory);
node.set("environment", this.worldmode.getName());
node.set("chunkGenerator", LogicUtil.fixNull(this.getChunkGeneratorName(), ""));
node.set("clearInventory", this.clearInventory ? true : null);
node.set("gamemode", this.gameMode == null ? "NONE" : this.gameMode.toString());
if (this.timeControl.isLocked()) {
node.set("lockedtime", this.timeControl.getTime());
} else {
ArrayList<String> creatures = new ArrayList<String>();
for (EntityType type : this.spawnControl.deniedCreatures) {
node.set("forcedRespawn", this.forcedRespawn);
node.set("rememberlastplayerpos", this.rememberLastPlayerPosition);
node.set("pvp", this.pvp);
node.set("defaultNetherPortal", this.defaultNetherPortal);
node.set("defaultEndPortal", this.defaultEnderPortal);
node.set("operators", this.OPlist);
node.set("deniedCreatures", creatures);
node.set("holdWeather", this.holdWeather);
node.set("hunger", this.allowHunger);
node.set("formIce", this.formIce);
node.set("formSnow", this.formSnow);
node.set("difficulty", this.difficulty == null ? "NONE" : this.difficulty.toString());
node.set("reloadWhenEmpty", this.reloadWhenEmpty);
if (this.spawnPoint == null) {
} else {
node.set("", this.spawnPoint.getWorldName());
node.set("spawn.x", this.spawnPoint.getX());
node.set("spawn.y", this.spawnPoint.getY());
node.set("spawn.z", this.spawnPoint.getZ());
node.set("spawn.yaw", (double) this.spawnPoint.getYaw());
node.set("spawn.pitch", (double) this.spawnPoint.getPitch());
* Regenerates the spawn point for a world if it is not properly set<br>
* Also updates the spawn position in the world configuration
public void fixSpawnLocation() {
// Obtain the configuration and the set spawn position from it
World world = spawnPoint.getWorld();
if (world != null) {
// Obtain a new safe position to spawn at
spawnPoint = new Position(WorldManager.getSafeSpawn(spawnPoint));
// Apply position to the world if same world
if (!isOtherWorldSpawn()) {
world.setSpawnLocation(spawnPoint.getBlockX(), spawnPoint.getBlockY(), spawnPoint.getBlockZ());
public boolean isOtherWorldSpawn() {
return !spawnPoint.getWorldName().equalsIgnoreCase(worldname);
* Gets the name of the destination default nether portals teleport to on this World.
* If this returns null, then none is known at this time, indicating that it can be
* automatically set. If this returns an empty String, it indicates the user forcibly
* requested no destination and no automatic detection will be attempted.
* @return Default nether portal destination name
public String getNetherPortal() {
return this.defaultNetherPortal;
public void setNetherPortal(String destination) {
this.defaultNetherPortal = destination;
* Gets the name of the destination default ender portals teleport to on this World.
* If this returns null, then none is known at this time, indicating that it can be
* automatically set. If this returns an empty String, it indicates the user forcibly
* requested no destination and no automatic detection will be attempted.
* @return Default ender portal destination name
public String getEnderPortal() {
return this.defaultEnderPortal;
public void setEnderPortal(String destination) {
this.defaultEnderPortal = destination;
* Fired right before a player respawns.
* Note that no leave is fired after this event.
* It is a replacement for leaving a world (if that is the case)
* @param player that respawns
public void onRespawn(Player player, Location respawnLocation) {
MyWorlds.plugin.getPlayerDataController().onRespawnSave(player, respawnLocation);
* Fired when a player leaves this world
* @param player that is about to leave this world
* @param quit state: True if the player left the server, False if not
public void onPlayerLeave(Player player, boolean quit) {
// If not quiting (it saves then anyhow!) save the old information
if (!quit) {
* Fired when a player left this world and already joined another world.
* If the old player position, inventory and etc. is important, add the logic in
* {@link #onPlayerLeave(Player, boolean)} instead.
* @param player that left this world (may no longer contain valid information)
public void onPlayerLeft(Player player) {
* Fired when a player joined this world
* @param player that just entered this world
public void onPlayerEnter(Player player) {
// Apply world-specific settings
// Refresh states based on the new world the player joined
public void onWorldLoad(World world) {
// Update settings
// Detect default portals
public void onWorldUnload(World world) {
// If the actual World spawnpoint changed, be sure to update accordingly
if (!isOtherWorldSpawn()) {
Location spawn = world.getSpawnLocation();
if (spawnPoint.getBlockX() != spawn.getBlockX() || spawnPoint.getBlockY() != spawn.getBlockY()
|| spawnPoint.getBlockZ() != spawn.getBlockZ()) {
spawnPoint = new Position(spawn);
// Disable time control
public World loadWorld() {
if (WorldManager.worldExists(this.worldname)) {
World w = WorldManager.getOrCreateWorld(this.worldname);
if (w == null) {
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to (pre)load world: " + worldname);
} else {
return w;
} else {
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.WARNING, "World: " + worldname + " could not be loaded because it no longer exists!");
return null;
public boolean unloadWorld() {
return WorldManager.unload(this.getWorld());
* Updates all components of this World Configuration to the loaded world specified
* @param world to apply it to
public void updateAll(World world) {
// Fix spawn point if needed
if (MaterialUtil.SUFFOCATES.get(this.spawnPoint.getBlock())) {
} else if (!isOtherWorldSpawn()) {
world.setSpawnLocation(this.spawnPoint.getBlockX(), this.spawnPoint.getBlockY(), this.spawnPoint.getBlockZ());
// Update world settings
public void updateReload() {
World world = this.getWorld();
if (world == null) return;
if (!this.reloadWhenEmpty) return;
if (world.getPlayers().size() > 0) return;
//reload world
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.INFO, "Reloading world '" + worldname + "' - world became empty");
if (!this.unloadWorld()) {
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to unload world: " + worldname + " for reload purposes");
} else if (this.loadWorld() == null) {
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load world: " + worldname + " for reload purposes");
} else {
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.INFO, "World reloaded successfully");
public void updateAutoSave(World world) {
if (world != null && world.isAutoSave() != this.autosave) {
public void updateOP(Player player) {
if (MyWorlds.useWorldOperators) {
boolean op = this.isOP(player);
if (op != player.isOp()) {
if (op) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "You are now op!");
} else {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You are no longer op!");
public void updateOP(World world) {
if (MyWorlds.useWorldOperators) {
for (Player p : world.getPlayers()) updateOP(p);
public void updateHunger(Player player) {
if (!allowHunger) {
public void updateHunger(World world) {
for (Player player : WorldUtil.getPlayers(world)) {
public void updateGamemode(Player player) {
if (this.gameMode != null && !Permission.GENERAL_IGNOREGM.has(player)) {
public void updatePVP(World world) {
if (world != null && this.pvp != world.getPVP()) {
public void updateKeepSpawnInMemory(World world) {
if (world != null && world.getKeepSpawnInMemory() != this.keepSpawnInMemory) {
public void updateDifficulty(World world) {
if (world != null && world.getDifficulty() != this.difficulty) {
* Gets a safe configuration name for this World Configuration<br>
* Unsafe characters, such as dots, are replaced
* @return Safe config world name
public String getConfigName() {
if (this.worldname == null) {
return "";
return this.worldname.replace('.', '_').replace(':', '_');
* Gets the loaded World of this world configuration<br>
* If the world is not loaded, null is returned
* @return the World
public World getWorld() {
return this.worldname == null ? null : WorldManager.getWorld(this.worldname);
public boolean isOP(Player player) {
for (String playername : OPlist) {
if (playername.equals("\\*")) return true;
if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(playername)) return true;
return false;
public void setGameMode(GameMode mode) {
if (this.gameMode != mode) {
this.gameMode = mode;
if (mode != null) {
World world = this.getWorld();
if (world != null) {
for (Player p : world.getPlayers()) {
* Tries to create a portal link with another world currently available.
* @see #tryCreatePortalLink(WorldConfig, WorldConfig)
public void tryCreatePortalLink() {
// Try to detect a possible portal link between worlds
for (WorldConfig otherConfig : WorldConfig.all()) {
if (otherConfig != this) {
WorldConfig.tryCreatePortalLink(this, otherConfig);
* Tries to create a default portal link if none is currently set between two worlds
* Only if the worlds match names and no portal is set will this create a link.
* @param world1
* @param world1
public static void tryCreatePortalLink(WorldConfig world1, WorldConfig world2) {
// Name compatibility check
if (!world1.getRawWorldName().equals(world2.getRawWorldName())) {
// If same environment, directly stop it here
if (world1.worldmode == world2.worldmode) {
// Default nether portal check and detection
if (world1.defaultNetherPortal == null && world2.defaultEnderPortal == null) {
// Try to create a link with the nether portals
if ((world1.worldmode == WorldMode.NETHER && world2.worldmode == WorldMode.NORMAL) ||
(world2.worldmode == WorldMode.NETHER && world1.worldmode == WorldMode.NORMAL)) {
// Nether link detected!
world1.defaultNetherPortal = world2.worldname;
world2.defaultNetherPortal = world1.worldname;
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.INFO, "Created nether portal link between worlds '" + world1.worldname + "' and '" + world2.worldname + "'!");
// Default ender portal check and detection
if (world1.defaultEnderPortal == null && world2.defaultEnderPortal == null) {
// Try to create a link with the nether portals
if ((world1.worldmode == WorldMode.THE_END && world2.worldmode == WorldMode.NORMAL) ||
(world2.worldmode == WorldMode.THE_END && world1.worldmode == WorldMode.NORMAL)) {
// Nether link detected!
world1.defaultEnderPortal = world2.worldname;
world2.defaultEnderPortal = world1.worldname;
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.INFO, "Created ender portal link between worlds '" + world1.worldname + "' and '" + world2.worldname + "'!");
* Gets the World Name of this World excluding any _nether, _the_end or DIM extensions from the name.
* Returns an empty String if the world name equals DIM1 or DIM-1 (for MCPC+ server).
* In all cases, a lower-cased world name is returned.
* @return Raw world name
private String getRawWorldName() {
String lower = this.worldname.toLowerCase();
if (lower.endsWith("_nether")) {
return lower.substring(0, lower.length() - 7);
if (lower.endsWith("_the_end")) {
return lower.substring(0, lower.length() - 8);
if (lower.equals("dim1") || lower.equals("dim-1")) {
return "";
return lower;
* Gets the File folder where the data of this World is stored
* @return World Folder
public File getWorldFolder() {
return WorldUtil.getWorldFolder(this.worldname);
* Gets the File folder where player data of this World is saved
* @return Player data folder
public File getPlayerFolder() {
World world = getWorld();
if (world == null) {
return new File(getWorldFolder(), "playerdata");
} else {
return WorldUtil.getPlayersFolder(world);
* Gets the File where player data for this world could be saved
* @param playerName (case-sensitive)
* @param mkDir - True to create the player folder
* @return Player Data File
public File getPlayerData(String playerName) {
return new File(getPlayerFolder(), playerName + ".dat");
* Gets the File Location where the regions of this world are contained
* @return Region Folder
public File getRegionFolder() {
return WorldUtil.getWorldRegionFolder(this.worldname);
* Gets the File pointing to the level.dat of the world
* @return Data File
public File getDataFile() {
return new File(getWorldFolder(), "level.dat");
* Gets the File pointing to the uid.dat of the world
* @return UID File
public File getUIDFile() {
return new File(getWorldFolder(), "uid.dat");
* Gets the amount of bytes of data stored on disk about this World
* @return World file size
public long getWorldSize() {
return Util.getFileSize(getWorldFolder());
* Creates a new Data compound for this World, storing the default values
* @param seed to use
* @return Data compound
public CommonTagCompound createData(long seed) {
CommonTagCompound data = new CommonTagCompound();
data.putValue("thundering", (byte) 0);
data.putValue("thundering", (byte) 0);
data.putValue("LastPlayed", System.currentTimeMillis());
data.putValue("RandomSeed", seed);
data.putValue("version", (int) 19133);
data.putValue("initialized", (byte) 0); // Spawn point needs to be re-initialized, etc.
data.putValue("Time", 0L);
data.putValue("raining", (byte) 0);
data.putValue("SpawnX", 0);
data.putValue("thunderTime", (int) 200000000);
data.putValue("SpawnY", 64);
data.putValue("SpawnZ", 0);
data.putValue("LevelName", worldname);
data.putValue("SizeOnDisk", getWorldSize());
data.putValue("rainTime", (int) 50000);
return data;
* Gets the Data compound stored for this World
* @return World Data
public CommonTagCompound getData() {
File f = getDataFile();
if (!f.exists()) {
return null;
try {
CommonTagCompound root = CommonTagCompound.readFrom(f);
if (root != null) {
return root.get("Data", CommonTagCompound.class);
} else {
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
* Sets the Data compound stored by this world
* @param data to set to
* @return True if successful, False if not
public boolean setData(CommonTagCompound data) {
try {
CommonTagCompound root = new CommonTagCompound();
root.put("Data", data);
FileOutputStream out = StreamUtil.createOutputStream(getDataFile());
try {
} finally {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
* Recreates the data file of a world
* @param seed to store in the new data file
* @return True if successful, False if not
public boolean resetData(String seed) {
return resetData(WorldManager.getRandomSeed(seed));
* Recreates the data file of a world
* @param seed to store in the new data file
* @return True if successful, False if not
public boolean resetData(long seed) {
return setData(createData(seed));
* Reads the WorldInfo structure from this World
* @return WorldInfo structure
public WorldInfo getInfo() {
WorldInfo info = null;
try {
CommonTagCompound t = getData();
if (t != null) {
info = new WorldInfo();
info.seed = t.getValue("RandomSeed", 0L);
info.time = t.getValue("Time", 0L);
info.raining = t.getValue("raining", (byte) 0) != 0;
info.thundering = t.getValue("thundering", (byte) 0) != 0;
} catch (Exception ex) {}
World w = getWorld();
if (w != null) {
if (info == null) {
info = new WorldInfo();
info.seed = w.getSeed();
info.time = w.getFullTime();
info.raining = w.hasStorm();
info.thundering = w.isThundering();
if (info != null && MyWorlds.calculateWorldSize) {
info.size = getWorldSize();
return info;
* Gets whether this World exists on disk at all.
* If this is not the case, this configuration is either temporary or invalid.
* Non-existing World Configurations will automatically get purged upon saving.
* @return True if existing, False if not
public boolean isExisting() {
return WorldManager.worldExists(this.worldname);
* Gets whether this World is currently loaded
* @return True if loaded, False if not
public boolean isLoaded() {
return getWorld() != null;
* Gets whether this World is broken (and needs repairs to properly load)
* @return True if broken, False if not
public boolean isBroken() {
return getData() == null && !isLoaded();
* Gets whether the world data of this World has been initialized.
* If not initialized, then the spawn position needs to be calculated, among other things.
* @return True if initialized, False if not
public boolean isInitialized() {
CommonTagCompound data = getData();
return data != null && data.getValue("initialized", true);
* Copies this World and all of it's set configuration to a new world under a new name.
* The World Configuration must be gotten prior as to support Async operations.
* @param newWorldConfig for the world to copy to
* @return True if successful, False if the operation (partially) failed
public boolean copyTo(WorldConfig newWorldConfig) {
// If new world name is already occupied - abort
if (WorldManager.worldExists(newWorldConfig.worldname)) {
return false;
// Copy the world folder over
if (!StreamUtil.tryCopyFile(this.getWorldFolder(), newWorldConfig.getWorldFolder())) {
return false;
// Take over the world configuration
// Delete the UID file, as the new world is unique (forces regeneration)
File uid = newWorldConfig.getUIDFile();
if (uid.exists()) {
// Update the name set in the level.dat for the new world
CommonTagCompound data = newWorldConfig.getData();
if (data != null) {
data.putValue("LevelName", newWorldConfig.worldname);
return true;
* Deletes this world from disk and removes all configuration associated with it
* @return True if successful, False if not
public boolean deleteWorld() {
if (this.isLoaded()) {
return false;
File worldFolder = this.getWorldFolder();
return StreamUtil.deleteFile(worldFolder).isEmpty();