import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.World.Environment;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEvent;
import org.bukkit.material.Directional;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.EntityUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.FaceUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.LogicUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.MaterialUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.StringUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.WorldUtil;
public class Portal extends PortalStore {
private String name;
private String destination;
private String destdisplayname;
private Location location;
* Gets the identifier name of this Portal
* @return Portal identifier name
public String getName() {
* Gets the Location of this Portal
* @return Portal location
public Location getLocation() {
return this.location;
* Gets the destination name of this Portal
* @return Portal destination name
public String getDestinationName() {
if (this.destination == null) {
return null;
} else {
return this.destination.substring(this.destination.indexOf('.') + 1);
* Gets the destination display name of this Portal
* @return Portal destination display name
public String getDestinationDisplayName() {
return this.destdisplayname;
* Gets the destination location of this Portal
* @return Portal destination
public Location getDestination() {
final String worldName = this.location == null ? null : this.location.getWorld().getName();
Location loc = getPortalLocation(this.destination, worldName, true);
if (loc == null) {
String portalname = WorldManager.matchWorld(this.destination);
World w = WorldManager.getWorld(portalname);
if (w != null) {
loc = WorldManager.getSpawnLocation(w);
return loc;
* Checks if this Portal has an available destination
* @return True if it has a destination, False if not
public boolean hasDestination() {
if (this.destination == null || this.destination.trim().isEmpty()) {
return false;
return getDestination() != null;
* Gets a new non-existing Portal object that teleports to this Portal
* @return new Portal with this Portal as destination
public Portal getOtherEnd() {
Portal p = new Portal(); = "Unknown";
p.destdisplayname = p.destination =;
p.location = null;
return p;
* Teleports an Entity to the location of this Portal
* @param entity to teleport
* @return True if successful, False if not
public boolean teleportSelf(Entity entity) {
if (entity instanceof Player) {
MWListenerPost.setLastEntered((Player) entity, this.getOtherEnd());
boolean rval = EntityUtil.teleport(entity, Util.spawnOffset(this.getLocation()));
return rval;
* Adds this Portal to the internal mapping
public void add() {
getPortalLocations(location.getWorld().getName()).put(name, new Position(location));
* Removes this Portal from the internal mapping
* @return True if successful, False if not
public boolean remove() {
return remove(, this.location.getWorld().getName());
* Checks if this Portal is added to the internal mapping
* @return True if it is added, False if not
public boolean isAdded() {
return getPortalLocations(this.location.getWorld().getName()).containsKey(this.getName());
public String toString() {
return "Portal {name=" + getName() + ", loc=" + getLocation() + ", dest=" + (hasDestination() ? getDestinationName() : "None") + "}";
public static boolean exists(String world, String portalname) {
return getPortalLocations(world).containsKey(portalname);
public static boolean remove(String name, String world) {
return getPortalLocations(world).remove(name) != null;
* Gets the nearest portal (sign) near a given point using the SEARCH_RADIUS as radius
* @param middle point of the sphere to look in
* @return Nearest portal, or null if none are found
public static Portal getNear(Location middle) {
return getNear(middle, MyWorlds.maxPortalSignDistance);
* Gets the nearest portal (sign) in a given spherical area
* @param middle point of the sphere to look in
* @param radius of the sphere to look in
* @return Nearest portal, or null if none are found
public static Portal getNear(Location middle, double radius) {
Portal p = null;
HashMap<String, Position> positions = getPortalLocations(middle.getWorld().getName());
for (Map.Entry<String, Position> pos : positions.entrySet()) {
Location ploc = Util.getLocation(pos.getValue());
String portalname = pos.getKey();
if (ploc != null && ploc.getWorld() == middle.getWorld()) {
double distance = ploc.distance(middle);
if (distance <= radius) {
Portal newp = Portal.get(ploc);
if (newp != null) {
p = newp;
radius = distance;
} else if (ploc.getWorld().isChunkLoaded(ploc.getBlockX() >> 4, ploc.getBlockZ() >> 4)) {
//In loaded chunk and NOT found!
//Remove it
MyWorlds.plugin.log(Level.WARNING, "Removed portal '" + portalname + "' because it is no longer there!");
//End the loop and call the function again
return getNear(middle, radius);
return p;
public static Portal get(String name) {
return get(getPortalLocation(name, null));
public static Portal get(Location signloc) {
if (signloc == null) return null;
return get(signloc.getBlock(), false);
public static Portal get(Block signblock, boolean loadchunk) {
if (loadchunk) {
} else if (!WorldUtil.isLoaded(signblock)) {
return null;
if (signblock.getState() instanceof Sign) {
return get(signblock, ((Sign) signblock.getState()).getLines());
return null;
public static Portal get(Block signblock, String[] lines) {
if (signblock.getState() instanceof Sign && lines[0].equalsIgnoreCase("[portal]")) {
Portal p = new Portal();
// Read name, if none set, use portal location as name = Util.filterPortalName(lines[1]);
if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty( { = StringUtil.blockToString(signblock);
// Read destination, if none set, set to null so it's clear there is no destination set
p.destination = Util.filterPortalName(lines[2]);
if (p.destination.isEmpty()) {
p.destination = null;
// Read destination name, if none set, use destination instead
if (lines[3].isEmpty()) {
p.destdisplayname = p.getDestinationName();
} else {
p.destdisplayname = lines[3];
// Set portal locatiol using sign location and orientation
p.location = signblock.getLocation();
MaterialData data = signblock.getState().getData();
float yaw = 0;
if (data instanceof Directional) {
yaw = FaceUtil.faceToYaw(((Directional) data).getFacing()) + 90;
return p;
return null;
* Handles an entity entering a certain portal block.
* If this method returns False, the caller should set the event to cancelled.
* The destination Location and travel agent are updated by this method if True
* is returned. If the Entity is a Player, messages are sent when teleportation
* failed.
* @param event of the entering
* @param portalMaterial of the block that was used as portal
* @return True if a new destination was set, False if not
public static boolean handlePortalEnter(EntityPortalEvent event, Material portalMaterial) {
// First, see whether a portal or default world will be used
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
Portal enteredPortal = getNear(entity.getLocation());
World enteredWorld = null;
if (enteredPortal == null) {
// Default portals
String def = null;
if (portalMaterial == Material.PORTAL) {
def = WorldConfig.get(entity).getNetherPortal();
} else if (portalMaterial == Material.ENDER_PORTAL) {
def = WorldConfig.get(entity).getEnderPortal();
if (def != null) {
enteredPortal = get(getPortalLocation(def, entity.getWorld().getName()));
if (enteredPortal != null) {
// Teleport to a specific portal - change perspective
enteredPortal = enteredPortal.getOtherEnd();
} else {
// Resort back to a potential default world
enteredWorld = WorldManager.getWorld(def);
// Proceed to further handle this request
Location destinationLoc = null;
boolean useTravelAgent = false;
// Further handle portal entering
if (enteredPortal != null) {
destinationLoc = enteredPortal.getDestination();
if (destinationLoc == null) {
String name = enteredPortal.getDestinationName();
if (name != null && entity instanceof Player) {
// Show message indicating the destination is unavailable
Localization.PORTAL_NOTFOUND.message((Player) entity, name);
// Return here to avoid an additional 'no destination' message later on
return false;
} else if (entity instanceof Player) {
// For later on: set up the right portal for permissions and messages
MWListenerPost.setLastEntered((Player) entity, enteredPortal);
// Further handle teleportation to worlds
if (enteredWorld != null) {
if (MyWorlds.allowPersonalPortals) {
// Personal portals - which means a portal may have to be created on the other end
// To find out where to place this portal, compare the from and to environments
Environment oldEnvironment = entity.getWorld().getEnvironment();
Environment newEnvironment = enteredWorld.getEnvironment();
if (newEnvironment == Environment.THE_END) {
// Always use this location of the world as destination
// Anything else will cause internal logic to break
destinationLoc = new Location(enteredWorld, 100, 50, 0);
useTravelAgent = true;
} else if (oldEnvironment == Environment.THE_END) {
// No special portal type or anything is used
// Instead, teleport to a personal bed or otherwise world spawn
if (entity instanceof Player) {
destinationLoc = ((Player) entity).getBedSpawnLocation();
} else {
// Find out what location to teleport to
// Use source block as the location to search from
double blockRatio = 1.0;
if (oldEnvironment != newEnvironment) {
if (newEnvironment == Environment.NETHER) {
blockRatio = 0.125;
} else if (oldEnvironment == Environment.NETHER) {
blockRatio = 8.0;
Location start = entity.getLocation();
Location end = new Location(enteredWorld, blockRatio * start.getX(), start.getY(), blockRatio * start.getZ());
Block destB = end.getBlock();
// Figure out the best yaw to use here by checking for air blocks
float yaw = 0.0f;
for (BlockFace face : FaceUtil.AXIS) {
if (MaterialUtil.isType(destB.getRelative(face), Material.AIR)) {
yaw = FaceUtil.faceToYaw(face) + 90f;
destinationLoc = new Location(destB.getWorld(), destB.getX() + 0.5, destB.getY(), destB.getZ() + 0.5, yaw, 0.0f);
useTravelAgent = true;
// No destination found or set, resort back to using world spawn
if (destinationLoc == null) {
if (entity instanceof Player) {
destinationLoc = WorldManager.getPlayerWorldSpawn((Player) entity, enteredWorld);
} else {
destinationLoc = WorldManager.getSpawnLocation(enteredWorld);
if (destinationLoc == null) {
// No destination available
// Send a missing destination message for non-water portals
if (entity instanceof Player && portalMaterial != Material.STATIONARY_WATER) {
Localization.PORTAL_NODESTINATION.message((Player) entity);
} else if (canTeleportTo(entity, destinationLoc)) {
// Successful teleport
return true;
return false;
private static boolean canTeleportTo(Entity e, Location dest) {
// Check permissions for players
if (e instanceof Player) {
return MWListenerPost.handleTeleportPermission((Player) e, dest);
// Non-player entity was denied from teleporting there because of spawn control
return !WorldConfig.get(dest).spawnControl.isDenied(e);