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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;

import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.Common;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector3;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.controller.PlayerDataController;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.conversion.Conversion;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.entity.CommonEntity;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.entity.type.CommonLivingEntity;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.entity.type.CommonPlayer;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.nbt.CommonTagCompound;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.nbt.CommonTagList;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.protocol.PacketType;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.classes.EntityHumanRef;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.reflection.classes.MobEffectRef;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.NBTUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.PacketUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.PlayerUtil;
import com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.WorldUtil;

public class MWPlayerDataController extends PlayerDataController {
  public static final String DATA_TAG_LASTPOS = "MyWorlds.playerPos";
  public static final String DATA_TAG_LASTROT = "MyWorlds.playerRot";

   * Gets the Main world save file for the playerName specified
   * @param playerName
   * @return Save file
  public static File getMainFile(UUID uuid) {
    File playerData =  WorldConfig.getMain().getPlayerData(uuid.toString());
    return playerData;

   * Gets the World Configuration of the world player data is saved in.
   * @param player to get the save file world for
   * @return save file world
  public static WorldConfig getSaveWorld(HumanEntity player) {
    if (MyWorlds.useWorldInventories) {
      return WorldConfig.get(WorldConfig.get(player).inventory.getSharedWorldName());
    } else {
      return WorldConfig.getMain();

   * Gets the save file for the player in the current world.
   * World inventories settings are applied here.
   * @param player to get the save file for
   * @return save file
  public static File getSaveFile(HumanEntity player) {
    File playerData = getSaveWorld(player).getPlayerData(player.getName());
    return playerData;

  private static void setLocation(CommonTagCompound tagCompound, Location location) {
    tagCompound.putListValues("Pos", location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
    tagCompound.putListValues("Rotation", location.getYaw(), location.getPitch());
    final World world = location.getWorld();
    tagCompound.putValue("World", world.getName());
    tagCompound.putUUID("World", world.getUID());
    tagCompound.putValue("Dimension", WorldUtil.getDimension(world));

   * Creates new human data information as if the human just joined the server.
   * @param human to generate information about
   * @return empty data
  public static CommonTagCompound createEmptyData(HumanEntity human) {
    final Vector velocity = human.getVelocity();
    CommonTagCompound empty = new CommonTagCompound();
    CommonLivingEntity<?> livingEntity = CommonEntity.get(human);
    empty.putUUID("", human.getUniqueId());
    empty.putValue("Health", (short) livingEntity.getMaxHealth());
    empty.putValue("HealF", (float) livingEntity.getMaxHealth()); // since 1.6.1 health is a float
    empty.putValue("HurtTime", (short) 0);
    empty.putValue("DeathTime", (short) 0);
    empty.putValue("AttackTime", (short) 0);
    empty.putListValues("Motion", velocity.getX(), velocity.getY(), velocity.getZ());
    setLocation(empty, WorldManager.getSpawnLocation(MyWorlds.getMainWorld()));
    final Object humanHandle = livingEntity.getHandle();
    IntVector3 coord = EntityHumanRef.spawnCoord.get(humanHandle);
    if (coord != null) {
      empty.putValue("SpawnWorld", EntityHumanRef.spawnWorld.get(humanHandle));
      empty.putValue("SpawnX", coord.x);
      empty.putValue("SpawnY", coord.y);
      empty.putValue("SpawnZ", coord.z);
    return empty;

   * Attempts to read the last known Player position on a specific World
   * @param player to get the last position for
   * @param world to get the last position for
   * @return Last known Location, or null if not found/stored
  public static Location readLastLocation(Player player, World world) {
    File posFile = WorldConfig.get(world).getPlayerData(player.getName());
    if (!posFile.exists()) {
      return null;
    CommonTagCompound data = read(posFile, player);
    CommonTagList posInfo = data.getValue(DATA_TAG_LASTPOS, CommonTagList.class);
    if (posInfo != null && posInfo.size() == 3) {
      // Apply position
      Location location = new Location(world, posInfo.getValue(0, 0.0), posInfo.getValue(1, 0.0), posInfo.getValue(2, 0.0));
      CommonTagList rotInfo = data.getValue(DATA_TAG_LASTROT, CommonTagList.class);
      if (rotInfo != null && rotInfo.size() == 2) {
        location.setYaw(rotInfo.getValue(0, 0.0f));
        location.setPitch(rotInfo.getValue(1, 0.0f));
      return location;
    return null;

   * Tries to read the saved data from a source file
   * @param sourceFile to read from
   * @return the data in the file, or the empty data constant if the file does not exist
   * @throws Exception
  public static CommonTagCompound read(File sourceFile, HumanEntity human) {
    try {
      if (sourceFile.exists()) {
        return CommonTagCompound.readFrom(sourceFile);
    } catch (ZipException ex) {
      Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Failed to read player data for " + human.getName() + " (ZIP-exception: file corrupted)");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      // Return an empty data constant for now
      Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Failed to read player data for " + human.getName());
    return createEmptyData(human);
  private static void clearEffects(HumanEntity human) {
    // Clear mob effects
    HashMap<Integer, Object> effects = EntityHumanRef.mobEffects.get(Conversion.toEntityHandle.convert(human));
    if (human instanceof Player) {
      // Send mob effect removal messages
      Player player = (Player) human;
      for (Object effect : effects.values()) {
        PacketUtil.sendPacket(player, PacketType.OUT_ENTITY_EFFECT_REMOVE.newInstance(player.getEntityId(), effect));
    // Clear attributes

   * Handles post loading of an Entity
   * @param human that got loaded
  private static void postLoad(HumanEntity human) {
    if (WorldConfig.get(human.getWorld()).clearInventory) {

   * Applies the player states in the world to the player specified
   * @param player to set the states for
  public static void refreshState(Player player) {
    if (!MyWorlds.useWorldInventories) {
      // If not enabled, only do the post-load logic
    try {
      CommonPlayer commonPlayer = CommonEntity.get(player);
      Object playerHandle = Conversion.toEntityHandle.convert(player);
      File source = getSaveFile(player);
      CommonTagCompound data = read(source, player);

      // First, clear previous player information when loading involves adding new elements

      // Refresh attributes
      if (data.containsKey("Attributes")) {
        NBTUtil.loadAttributes(player, data.get("Attributes", CommonTagList.class));

      // Load the data
      NBTUtil.loadInventory(player.getInventory(), data.createList("Inventory"));
      EntityHumanRef.exp.set(playerHandle, data.getValue("XpP", 0.0f));
      EntityHumanRef.expLevel.set(playerHandle, data.getValue("XpLevel", 0));
      EntityHumanRef.expTotal.set(playerHandle, data.getValue("XpTotal", 0));

      if (Common.MC_VERSION.equals("1.5.2")) {
        commonPlayer.setHealth(data.getValue("Health", (int) commonPlayer.getMaxHealth()));
      } else {
        commonPlayer.setHealth(data.getValue("HealF", (float) commonPlayer.getMaxHealth()));
      // Respawn position
      String spawnWorld = data.getValue("SpawnWorld", "");
      IntVector3 spawn = null;
      if (!spawnWorld.isEmpty()) {
        Integer x = data.getValue("SpawnX", Integer.class);
        Integer y = data.getValue("SpawnY", Integer.class);
        Integer z = data.getValue("SpawnZ", Integer.class);
        if (x != null && y != null && z != null) {
          spawn = new IntVector3(x, y, z);
        } else {
          spawnWorld = ""; //reset, invalid coordinates
      EntityHumanRef.spawnCoord.set(playerHandle, spawn);
      EntityHumanRef.spawnWorld.set(playerHandle, spawnWorld);
      EntityHumanRef.spawnForced.set(playerHandle, data.getValue("SpawnForced", false));

      // Other data
      NBTUtil.loadFoodMetaData(EntityHumanRef.foodData.get(playerHandle), data);
      NBTUtil.loadInventory(player.getEnderChest(), data.createList("EnderItems"));
      // Load Mob Effects
      HashMap<Integer, Object> effects = EntityHumanRef.mobEffects.get(playerHandle);
      if (data.containsKey("ActiveEffects")) {
        CommonTagList taglist = data.createList("ActiveEffects");
        for (int i = 0; i < taglist.size(); ++i) {
          Object mobEffect = NBTUtil.loadMobEffect((CommonTagCompound) taglist.get(i));
          effects.put(MobEffectRef.effectId.get(mobEffect), mobEffect);
      EntityHumanRef.updateEffects.set(playerHandle, true);

      // Send add messages for all (new) effects
      for (Object effect : effects.values()) {
        PacketUtil.sendPacket(player, PacketType.OUT_ENTITY_EFFECT_ADD.newInstance(player.getEntityId(), effect));

      // Perform post loading
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Failed to load player data for " + player.getName());

  public CommonTagCompound onLoad(HumanEntity human) {
    try {
      File main;
      CommonTagCompound tagcompound;
      boolean hasPlayedBefore = false;
      // Get the source file to use for loading
      main = getMainFile(human.getUniqueId());
      hasPlayedBefore = main.exists();

      // Find out where to find the save file
      // No need to check for this if not using world inventories - it is always the main file then
      if (MyWorlds.useWorldInventories && hasPlayedBefore && !MyWorlds.forceMainWorldSpawn) {
        try {
          // Allow switching worlds and positions
          tagcompound = CommonTagCompound.readFrom(main);
          World world = Bukkit.getWorld(tagcompound.getUUID("World"));
          if (world != null) {
            // Switch to the save file of the loaded world
            String saveWorld = WorldConfig.get(world).inventory.getSharedWorldName();
            main = WorldConfig.get(saveWorld).getPlayerData(human.getName());
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          // Stick with the current world for now.

      tagcompound = read(main, human);
      if (!hasPlayedBefore || MyWorlds.forceMainWorldSpawn) {
        // Alter saved data to point to the main world
        setLocation(tagcompound, WorldManager.getSpawnLocation(MyWorlds.getMainWorld()));

      // Minecraft bugfix here: Clear effects BEFORE loading the data
      // This resolves issues with effects staying behind

      // Load the save file
      NBTUtil.loadEntity(human, tagcompound);
      if (human instanceof Player) {
        // Bukkit bug: entityplayer.e(tag) -> b(tag) -> craft.readExtraData(tag) which instantly sets it
        // Make sure the player is marked as being new
        PlayerUtil.setHasPlayedBefore((Player) human, hasPlayedBefore);
        if (hasPlayedBefore) {
          // As specified in the WorldNBTStorage implementation, set this
          PlayerUtil.setFirstPlayed((Player) human, main.lastModified());
      return tagcompound;
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Failed to load player data for " + human.getName());
      return super.onLoad(human);

   * Fired when a player respawns and all it's settings will be wiped.
   * The player contains all information right before respawning.
   * All data that would be wiped should be written has being wiped.
   * This involves a manual save.
   * @param player that respawned
   * @param respawnLocation where the player respawns at
  public void onRespawnSave(Player player, Location respawnLocation) {
    try {
      // Generate player saved information - used in favour of accessing NMS fields
      CommonTagCompound savedInfo = NBTUtil.saveEntity(player, null);
      // Generate a new tag compound with information
      CommonTagCompound tagcompound = createEmptyData(player);

      // We store this entire Bukkit tag + experience information!
      CommonTagCompound bukkitTag = savedInfo.get("bukkit", CommonTagCompound.class);
      if (bukkitTag != null) {
        // But, we do need to wipe information as specified
        if (bukkitTag.getValue("keepLevel", false)) {
          // Preserve experience
          bukkitTag.putValue("newTotalExp", savedInfo.getValue("XpTotal", 0));
          bukkitTag.putValue("newLevel", savedInfo.getValue("XpLevel", 0));
          tagcompound.putValue("XpP", savedInfo.getValue("XpP", 0.0f));
        // Store experience (if not preserved, uses newTotal/newLevel) and the tag
        tagcompound.putValue("XpTotal", bukkitTag.getValue("newTotalExp", 0));
        tagcompound.putValue("XpLevel", bukkitTag.getValue("newLevel", 0));
        tagcompound.put("bukkit", bukkitTag);

      // Ender inventory should not end up wiped!
      CommonTagList enderItems = savedInfo.get("EnderItems", CommonTagList.class);
      if (enderItems != null) {
        tagcompound.put("EnderItems", enderItems);

      // Now, go ahead and save this data
      File mainDest = getMainFile(player.getUniqueId());
      File dest = getSaveFile(player);

      // Finally, we need to update where the player is at right now
      // To do so, we will write a new main world where the player is meant to be
      // This operation is a bit optional at this point, but it avoids possible issues in case of crashes
      // This is only needed if a main player data file doesn't exist
      // (this should in theory never happen either...player is not joining)
      if (mainDest.exists()) {
        tagcompound = CommonTagCompound.readFrom(mainDest);
        tagcompound.putUUID("World", respawnLocation.getWorld().getUID());
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Failed to save player respawned data for " + player.getName());

  public void onSave(HumanEntity human) {
    try {
      CommonTagCompound tagcompound = NBTUtil.saveEntity(human, null);

      // Request several locations where player data is stored
      // Main file: the Main World folder where only the current World is stored
      // Pos file: the folder of the World the player is on where the position is stored     
      // Dest file: the inventory-merged folder where player info is stored
      File mainFile = getMainFile(human.getUniqueId());
      File posFile = WorldConfig.get(human).getPlayerData(human.getName());
      File destFile = getSaveFile(human);

      Location loc = human.getLocation();
      if (posFile.equals(destFile)) {
        // Append the Last Pos/Rot to the data
        tagcompound.putListValues(DATA_TAG_LASTPOS, loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ());
        tagcompound.putListValues(DATA_TAG_LASTROT, loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch());
      } else {
        // Append original last position (if available) to the data
        if (destFile.exists()) {
          CommonTagCompound data = read(destFile, human);
          if (data.containsKey(DATA_TAG_LASTPOS)) {
            tagcompound.put(DATA_TAG_LASTPOS, data.get(DATA_TAG_LASTPOS));
          if (data.containsKey(DATA_TAG_LASTROT)) {
            tagcompound.put(DATA_TAG_LASTROT, data.get(DATA_TAG_LASTROT));

        // Write the Last Pos/Rot to the official world file instead
        CommonTagCompound data = read(posFile, human);
        data.putListValues(DATA_TAG_LASTPOS, loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ());
        data.putListValues(DATA_TAG_LASTROT, loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch());

      // Save data to the destination file

      // Write the current world name of the player to the save file of the main world
      if (!mainFile.equals(destFile)) {
        // Update the world in the main file
        CommonTagCompound maincompound = read(mainFile, human);
        maincompound.put("Pos", tagcompound.get("Pos"));
        maincompound.put("Rotation", tagcompound.get("Rotation"));
        maincompound.putUUID("World", human.getWorld().getUID());
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Failed to save player data for " + human.getName());

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