package org.jinq.jpa.transform;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException;
import ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.queryll2.path.MethodAnalysisResults;
import ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.queryll2.path.PathAnalysisFactory;
import ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.queryll2.path.PathAnalysisSimplifier;
import ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.queryll2.path.TransformationClassAnalyzer;
import ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.queryll2.symbolic.TypedValue;
import com.user00.thunk.SerializedLambda;
* Holds analysis information about the code for a lambda.
public class LambdaAnalysis
public static class LambdaAsClassAnalysisConfig
private static int countObjectParameters(Method m)
int count = 0;
if (m.getReturnType().getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) count++;
for (Class<?> c: m.getParameterTypes())
if (c.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) count++;
return count;
public Method findLambdaMethod(Class<?> lambdaClass)
throws AnalyzerException
String methodName = "apply";
Method matchingMethod = null;
Method[] classMethods = lambdaClass.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method m: classMethods)
if (m.getName().matches(methodName + "\\$mc[^$]*\\$sp"))
matchingMethod = m;
if (!m.getName().equals(methodName)) continue;
if (matchingMethod != null)
// Try to choose the most specific method
int newCount = countObjectParameters(m);
int oldCount = countObjectParameters(matchingMethod);
if (newCount == oldCount)
throw new AnalyzerException(null, "Multiple methods have the expected name for the lambda");
if (newCount > oldCount) continue;
matchingMethod = m;
return matchingMethod;
public int getNumberOfLambdaArguments(Class<?> c)
try {
if (Class.forName("scala.Function1").isAssignableFrom(c))
return 1;
else if (Class.forName("scala.Function1").isAssignableFrom(c))
return 2;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find Scala classes", e);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot determine number of arguments to the lambda function.");
private int numCapturedArgs;
private int numLambdaArgs;
* JPAQueryComposer stores the lambdas that are chained together to create a query in a list.
* The lambdaIndex refers to the index of this lambda in the list of lambdas used to create
* the resulting query.
private int lambdaIndex;
* Some lambdas are from sublambdas inside other lambdas. In that
* case, we don't have the actual captured args, but we know how the
* captured args are determined from the parent.
private List<TypedValue> indirectCapturedArgs;
* Some lambdas are from sublambdas inside other lambdas, and the parameters
* to these sublambdas may be stored as fields in the sublambda. We don't
* have the actual data for the fields, but we have the indirect mapping of
* these fields to variables in the parent lambda.
private Map<String, TypedValue> indirectParamFields;
* Scala lambdas are actual Java classes and objects. Lambda parameters
* are stored as fields of the object (as opposed to as extra method
* arguments). This variable is true if this lambda format is used.
private boolean usesParametersAsFields;
MethodAnalysisResults symbolicAnalysis;
public static LambdaAnalysis fullyAnalyzeClassAsLambda(LambdaInfo lambdaInfo, LambdaAsClassAnalysisConfig lambdaAsClassConfig, int numLambdaArgs, MetamodelUtil metamodel, ClassLoader alternateClassLoader, boolean isObjectEqualsSafe, boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
try {
MethodAnalysisResults analysis = analyzeLambdaClass(lambdaInfo.Lambda.getClass(), metamodel, lambdaAsClassConfig, lambdaInfo.Lambda.getClass().getClassLoader(), isObjectEqualsSafe);
if (analysis == null)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code");
return null;
return new LambdaAnalysis(lambdaInfo.Lambda, analysis, numLambdaArgs, lambdaInfo.lambdaIndex);
catch (Exception e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code", e);
return null;
* Used to analyze a lambda when we only have the name of the class used as the lambda
* and not an actual reference to the lambda.
public static LambdaAnalysis analyzeClassAsLambda(MetamodelUtil metamodel, ClassLoader alternateClassLoader, boolean isObjectEqualsSafe, LambdaAsClassAnalysisConfig lambdaAsClassConfig, String className, Map<String, TypedValue> indirectParamMapping, boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className);
MethodAnalysisResults analysis = analyzeLambdaClass(c, metamodel, lambdaAsClassConfig, alternateClassLoader, isObjectEqualsSafe);
if (analysis == null)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code");
return null;
return new LambdaAnalysis(analysis, indirectParamMapping, lambdaAsClassConfig.getNumberOfLambdaArguments(c));
catch (IOException e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encountered problems when trying to load the code for your lambdas. You may need to supply a lambdaClassLoader hint to Jinq to help it find your lambdas.", e);
return null;
catch (AnalyzerException e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code", e);
return null;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load the class of the lambda", e);
return null;
public static LambdaAnalysis fullyAnalyzeLambda(LambdaInfo lambdaInfo, MetamodelUtil metamodel, ClassLoader alternateClassLoader, boolean isObjectEqualsSafe, boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
// TODO: The part below will need to be moved to a separate method.
// That way, we can used the serialized lambda info to check if
// we've cached the results of this analysis already without needing
// to redo all this analysis.
SerializedLambda s = lambdaInfo.serializedLambda;
try {
if (s == null) return null;
MethodAnalysisResults analysis = analyzeLambda(metamodel, alternateClassLoader, isObjectEqualsSafe, s.implClass, s.implMethodName, s.implMethodSignature);
if (analysis == null)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code");
return null;
return new LambdaAnalysis(lambdaInfo.Lambda, s, analysis, lambdaInfo.lambdaIndex);
catch (Exception e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code", e);
return null;
* Used to analyze a lambda when we only have the name of the method used in the lambda
* and not an actual reference to the lambda.
public static LambdaAnalysis analyzeMethod(MetamodelUtil metamodel, ClassLoader alternateClassLoader, boolean isObjectEqualsSafe, Handle lambdaHandle, List<TypedValue> indirectCapturedArgs, boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
// TODO: The part below will need to be moved to a separate method.
// That way, we can used the serialized lambda info to check if
// we've cached the results of this analysis already without needing
// to redo all this analysis.
try {
MethodAnalysisResults analysis = analyzeLambda(metamodel, alternateClassLoader, isObjectEqualsSafe, lambdaHandle.getOwner(), lambdaHandle.getName(), lambdaHandle.getDesc());
if (analysis == null)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code");
return null;
// TODO: Handle lambda arguments properly
return new LambdaAnalysis(analysis, indirectCapturedArgs, Type.getArgumentTypes(lambdaHandle.getDesc()).length);
catch (IOException e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encountered problems when trying to load the code for your lambdas. You may need to supply a lambdaClassLoader hint to Jinq to help it find your lambdas.", e);
return null;
catch (AnalyzerException e)
if (throwExceptionOnFailure) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not analyze lambda code", e);
return null;
private static MethodAnalysisResults analyzeLambda(MetamodelUtil metamodel, ClassLoader alternateClassLoader, boolean isObjectEqualsSafe, String className, String methodName, String methodSignature) throws IOException, AnalyzerException
// Open up the corresponding class to analyze
PathAnalysisFactory pathAnalysisFactory = new PathAnalysisFactory(
TransformationClassAnalyzer classAnalyzer =
new TransformationClassAnalyzer(className, alternateClassLoader);
MethodAnalysisResults analysis = classAnalyzer.analyzeLambdaMethod(methodName, methodSignature, pathAnalysisFactory);
PathAnalysisSimplifier.cleanAndSimplify(analysis, metamodel.getComparisonMethods(isObjectEqualsSafe));
return analysis;
private static MethodAnalysisResults analyzeLambdaClass(Class<?> lambdaClass, MetamodelUtil metamodel, LambdaAsClassAnalysisConfig lambdaAsClass, ClassLoader alternateClassLoader, boolean isObjectEqualsSafe) throws IOException, AnalyzerException
// Open up the corresponding class to analyze
TransformationClassAnalyzer classAnalyzer =
new TransformationClassAnalyzer(lambdaClass.getName(), alternateClassLoader);
Method matchingMethod = lambdaAsClass.findLambdaMethod(lambdaClass);
if (matchingMethod == null)
throw new AnalyzerException(null, "Could not find a lambda method with the expected name in the class");
PathAnalysisFactory pathAnalysisFactory = new PathAnalysisFactory(
MethodAnalysisResults analysis = classAnalyzer.analyzeLambdaMethod(matchingMethod.getName(), Type.getMethodDescriptor(matchingMethod), pathAnalysisFactory);
PathAnalysisSimplifier.cleanAndSimplify(analysis, metamodel.getComparisonMethods(isObjectEqualsSafe));
return analysis;
LambdaAnalysis(Object lambda, SerializedLambda serializedLambda, MethodAnalysisResults symbolicAnalysis, int lambdaIndex)
this.numCapturedArgs = serializedLambda.capturedArgs.length;
this.numLambdaArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(serializedLambda.implMethodSignature).length;
this.lambdaIndex = lambdaIndex;
this.symbolicAnalysis = symbolicAnalysis;
this.indirectCapturedArgs = null;
this.usesParametersAsFields = false;
LambdaAnalysis(MethodAnalysisResults symbolicAnalysis, List<TypedValue> indirectCapturedArgs, int numLambdaArgs)
this.numCapturedArgs = indirectCapturedArgs.size();
this.numLambdaArgs = numLambdaArgs;
this.lambdaIndex = -1;
this.symbolicAnalysis = symbolicAnalysis;
this.indirectCapturedArgs = indirectCapturedArgs;
this.usesParametersAsFields = false;
LambdaAnalysis(Object lambda, MethodAnalysisResults symbolicAnalysis, int numLambdaArgs, int lambdaIndex)
this.numCapturedArgs = 0;
this.numLambdaArgs = numLambdaArgs;
this.lambdaIndex = lambdaIndex;
this.symbolicAnalysis = symbolicAnalysis;
this.indirectCapturedArgs = null;
this.usesParametersAsFields = true;
LambdaAnalysis(MethodAnalysisResults symbolicAnalysis, Map<String, TypedValue> indirectParamFields, int numLambdaArgs)
this.numCapturedArgs = 0;
this.numLambdaArgs = numLambdaArgs;
this.lambdaIndex = -1;
this.symbolicAnalysis = symbolicAnalysis;
this.indirectCapturedArgs = null;
this.indirectParamFields = indirectParamFields;
this.usesParametersAsFields = true;
public boolean usesIndirectArgs()
return indirectCapturedArgs != null;
public int getNumCapturedArgs()
return numCapturedArgs;
public int getNumLambdaArgs()
return numLambdaArgs;
public TypedValue getIndirectCapturedArg(int argIndex)
return indirectCapturedArgs.get(argIndex);
public int getLambdaIndex()
return lambdaIndex;
public TypedValue getIndirectFieldValue(String name)
return indirectParamFields.get(name);
public boolean usesIndirectFields()
return indirectParamFields != null;
public boolean usesParametersAsFields()
return usesParametersAsFields;