/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.javascript.commonjs.module.provider;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URI;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.commonjs.module.ModuleScript;
import org.mozilla.javascript.commonjs.module.ModuleScriptProvider;
* Abstract base class that implements caching of loaded module scripts. It
* uses a {@link ModuleSourceProvider} to obtain the source text of the
* scripts. It supports a cache revalidation mechanism based on validator
* objects returned from the {@link ModuleSourceProvider}. Instances of this
* class and its subclasses are thread safe (and written to perform decently
* under concurrent access).
* @author Attila Szegedi
* @version $Id: CachingModuleScriptProviderBase.java,v 1.3 2011/04/07 20:26:12 hannes%helma.at Exp $
public abstract class CachingModuleScriptProviderBase
implements ModuleScriptProvider, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final int loadConcurrencyLevel =
Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 8;
private static final int loadLockShift;
private static final int loadLockMask;
private static final int loadLockCount;
static {
int sshift = 0;
int ssize = 1;
while (ssize < loadConcurrencyLevel) {
ssize <<= 1;
loadLockShift = 32 - sshift;
loadLockMask = ssize - 1;
loadLockCount = ssize;
private final Object[] loadLocks = new Object[loadLockCount]; {
for(int i = 0; i < loadLocks.length; ++i) {
loadLocks[i] = new Object();
private final ModuleSourceProvider moduleSourceProvider;
* Creates a new module script provider with the specified source.
* @param moduleSourceProvider provider for modules' source code
protected CachingModuleScriptProviderBase(
ModuleSourceProvider moduleSourceProvider) {
this.moduleSourceProvider = moduleSourceProvider;
public ModuleScript getModuleScript(Context cx, String moduleId,
URI moduleUri, URI baseUri, Scriptable paths) throws Exception
final CachedModuleScript cachedModule1 = getLoadedModule(moduleId);
final Object validator1 = getValidator(cachedModule1);
final ModuleSource moduleSource = (moduleUri == null)
? moduleSourceProvider.loadSource(moduleId, paths, validator1)
: moduleSourceProvider.loadSource(moduleUri, baseUri, validator1);
if(moduleSource == ModuleSourceProvider.NOT_MODIFIED) {
return cachedModule1.getModule();
if(moduleSource == null) {
return null;
final Reader reader = moduleSource.getReader();
try {
final int idHash = moduleId.hashCode();
synchronized(loadLocks[(idHash >>> loadLockShift) & loadLockMask]) {
final CachedModuleScript cachedModule2 = getLoadedModule(moduleId);
if(cachedModule2 != null) {
if(!equal(validator1, getValidator(cachedModule2))) {
return cachedModule2.getModule();
final URI sourceUri = moduleSource.getUri();
final ModuleScript moduleScript = new ModuleScript(
cx.compileReader(reader, sourceUri.toString(), 1,
sourceUri, moduleSource.getBase());
putLoadedModule(moduleId, moduleScript,
return moduleScript;
finally {
* Store a loaded module script for later retrieval using
* {@link #getLoadedModule(String)}.
* @param moduleId the ID of the module
* @param moduleScript the module script
* @param validator the validator for the module's source text entity
protected abstract void putLoadedModule(String moduleId,
ModuleScript moduleScript, Object validator);
* Retrieves an already loaded moduleScript stored using
* {@link #putLoadedModule(String, ModuleScript, Object)}.
* @param moduleId the ID of the module
* @return a cached module script, or null if the module is not loaded.
protected abstract CachedModuleScript getLoadedModule(String moduleId);
* Instances of this class represent a loaded and cached module script.
* @author Attila Szegedi
* @version $Id: CachingModuleScriptProviderBase.java,v 1.3 2011/04/07 20:26:12 hannes%helma.at Exp $
public static class CachedModuleScript {
private final ModuleScript moduleScript;
private final Object validator;
* Creates a new cached module script.
* @param moduleScript the module script itself
* @param validator a validator for the moduleScript's source text
* entity.
public CachedModuleScript(ModuleScript moduleScript, Object validator) {
this.moduleScript = moduleScript;
this.validator = validator;
* Returns the module script.
* @return the module script.
ModuleScript getModule() {
return moduleScript;
* Returns the validator for the module script's source text entity.
* @return the validator for the module script's source text entity.
Object getValidator() {
return validator;
private static Object getValidator(CachedModuleScript cachedModule) {
return cachedModule == null ? null : cachedModule.getValidator();
private static boolean equal(Object o1, Object o2) {
return o1 == null ? o2 == null : o1.equals(o2);
* Returns the internal concurrency level utilized by caches in this JVM.
* @return the internal concurrency level utilized by caches in this JVM.
protected static int getConcurrencyLevel() {
return loadLockCount;