* ModeShape (http://www.modeshape.org)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.modeshape.jcr;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.Value;
import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinition;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinitionTemplate;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeDefinition;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeTemplate;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionTemplate;
import javax.jcr.version.OnParentVersionAction;
import org.modeshape.common.SystemFailureException;
import org.modeshape.common.collection.Collections;
import org.modeshape.common.logging.Logger;
import org.modeshape.jcr.RepositoryLockManager.ModeShapeLock;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.index.IndexColumnDefinition;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.index.IndexDefinition;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.index.IndexDefinition.IndexKind;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.index.IndexDefinition.WorkspaceMatchRule;
import org.modeshape.jcr.api.value.DateTime;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReference;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReferences;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.MutableCachedNode;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.NodeKey;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.PropertyTypeUtil;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SessionCache;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Name;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.NameFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.NamespaceRegistry.Namespace;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Path;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Path.Segment;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Property;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Reference;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ReferenceFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ValueFactories;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ValueFactory;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.BasicName;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.BasicNamespace;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.NodeKeyReference;
public class SystemContent {
public static final String GENERATED_PREFIX = "ns";
private static final Name GENERATED_NAMESPACE_NODE_NAME = new BasicName("", GENERATED_PREFIX);
protected static final Pattern GENERATED_PREFIX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("ns(\\d{3})");
private static final Set<Name> NON_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE,
private final SessionCache system;
private NodeKey systemKey;
private NodeKey nodeTypesKey;
private NodeKey namespacesKey;
private NodeKey locksKey;
private NodeKey versionStorageKey;
private NodeKey indexesKey;
private final PropertyFactory propertyFactory;
private final ValueFactory<Boolean> booleans;
private final ValueFactory<String> strings;
private final NameFactory names;
private final ReferenceFactory referenceFactory;
private final javax.jcr.ValueFactory jcrValues;
SystemContent( SessionCache systemCache ) {
this.system = systemCache;
ExecutionContext context = systemCache.getContext();
this.propertyFactory = context.getPropertyFactory();
ValueFactories factories = context.getValueFactories();
this.booleans = factories.getBooleanFactory();
this.strings = factories.getStringFactory();
this.names = factories.getNameFactory();
this.referenceFactory = factories.getReferenceFactory();
this.jcrValues = new JcrValueFactory(context);
public void save() {
private final ExecutionContext context() {
return system.getContext();
public final SessionCache cache() {
return system;
public NodeKey systemKey() {
if (systemKey == null) {
// This is idempotent, so no need to lock
CachedNode rootNode = system.getNode(system.getRootKey());
ChildReference systemRef = rootNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(JcrLexicon.SYSTEM);
systemKey = systemRef.getKey();
return systemKey;
public NodeKey nodeTypesKey() {
if (nodeTypesKey == null) {
// This is idempotent, so no need to lock
CachedNode systemNode = systemNode();
ChildReference nodeTypesRef = systemNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(JcrLexicon.NODE_TYPES);
nodeTypesKey = nodeTypesRef.getKey();
return nodeTypesKey;
public NodeKey indexesKey() {
if (indexesKey == null) {
// This is idempotent, so no need to lock
CachedNode systemNode = systemNode();
ChildReference nodeTypesRef = systemNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(ModeShapeLexicon.INDEXES);
indexesKey = nodeTypesRef.getKey();
return indexesKey;
public NodeKey namespacesKey() {
if (namespacesKey == null) {
// This is idempotent, so no need to lock
CachedNode systemNode = systemNode();
ChildReference namespacesRef = systemNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACES);
namespacesKey = namespacesRef.getKey();
return namespacesKey;
public NodeKey locksKey() {
if (locksKey == null) {
// This is idempotent, so no need to lock
CachedNode systemNode = systemNode();
ChildReference locksRef = systemNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(ModeShapeLexicon.LOCKS);
locksKey = locksRef.getKey();
return locksKey;
public NodeKey versionStorageKey() {
if (versionStorageKey == null) {
// This is idempotent, so no need to lock
CachedNode systemNode = systemNode();
ChildReference locksRef = systemNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(JcrLexicon.VERSION_STORAGE);
versionStorageKey = locksRef.getKey();
return versionStorageKey;
public CachedNode systemNode() {
return system.getNode(systemKey());
public CachedNode nodeTypesNode() {
return system.getNode(nodeTypesKey());
public CachedNode namespacesNode() {
return system.getNode(namespacesKey());
public CachedNode indexesNode() {
return system.getNode(indexesKey());
public CachedNode locksNode() {
return system.getNode(locksKey());
public CachedNode versionStorageNode() {
return system.getNode(versionStorageKey());
public MutableCachedNode mutableNodeTypesNode() {
return system.mutable(nodeTypesKey());
public MutableCachedNode mutableNamespacesNode() {
return system.mutable(namespacesKey());
public MutableCachedNode mutableIndexesNode() {
return system.mutable(indexesKey());
public MutableCachedNode mutableLocksNode() {
return system.mutable(locksKey());
public MutableCachedNode mutableVersionStorageNode() {
return system.mutable(versionStorageKey());
public MutableCachedNode mutableSystemNode() {
return system.mutable(systemKey());
* Stores the node types in the system area under <code>/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes</code>.
* <p>
* For each node type, a node is created with primary type of <code>nt:nodeType</code> and a name that corresponds to the node
* type's name. All other properties and child nodes for the newly created node are added in a manner consistent with the
* guidance provided in section 6.7.22 of the JCR 1.0 specification and section 4.7.24 of the JCR 2.0 specification where
* possible.
* </p>
* @param nodeTypes the node types to write out; may not be null
* @param updateExisting a boolean flag denoting whether the new node type definition should be overwrite an existing node
* type definition
public void store( Iterable<JcrNodeType> nodeTypes,
boolean updateExisting ) {
MutableCachedNode nodeTypesNode = mutableNodeTypesNode();
Set<Name> names = new HashSet<Name>();
Set<NodeKey> keys = new HashSet<NodeKey>();
for (JcrNodeType nodeType : nodeTypes) {
if (!names.add(nodeType.getInternalName())) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass()).debug("Found duplicate node type: " + nodeType);
if (!keys.add(nodeType.key())) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass()).debug("Found duplicate key: " + nodeType);
for (JcrNodeType nodeType : nodeTypes) {
store(nodeType, nodeTypesNode, updateExisting);
* Stores the node type in the system area under <code>/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes</code>.
* <p>
* The stored content will contain a node with a primary type of <code>nt:nodeType</code> and a name that corresponds to the
* node type's name. All other properties and child nodes for the newly created node are added in a manner consistent with the
* guidance provided in section 6.7.22 of the JCR 1.0 specification and section 4.7.24 of the JCR 2.0 specification where
* possible.
* </p>
* @param nodeType the node type to write; may not be null
* @param updateExisting a boolean flag denoting whether the new node type definition should be overwrite an existing node
* type definition
public void store( JcrNodeType nodeType,
boolean updateExisting ) {
MutableCachedNode nodeTypesNode = mutableNodeTypesNode();
store(nodeType, nodeTypesNode, updateExisting);
* Projects the node types onto the provided graph under the location of <code>parentOfTypeNodes</code>. The operations needed
* to create the node (and any child nodes or properties) will be added to the batch specified in <code>batch</code>.
* @param nodeType the node type to be projected
* @param nodeTypes the parent node under which each node type should be saved; may not be null
* @param updateExisting a boolean flag denoting whether the new node type definition should be overwrite an existing node
* type definition
private void store( JcrNodeType nodeType,
MutableCachedNode nodeTypes,
boolean updateExisting ) {
assert nodeType != null;
assert system != null;
assert nodeTypes != null;
Name name = nodeType.getInternalName();
final NodeKey key = nodeType.key();
MutableCachedNode nodeTypeNode = null;
Set<NodeKey> existingChildKeys = null;
if (nodeTypes.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(key)) {
// The node already exists ...
if (!updateExisting) return;
nodeTypeNode = system.mutable(key);
// We'll need to delete any existing child that isn't there anymore ...
existingChildKeys = new HashSet<NodeKey>();
for (ChildReference childRef : nodeTypeNode.getChildReferences(system)) {
// Define the properties for this node type ...
NodeType[] supertypes = nodeType.getDeclaredSupertypes();
List<Name> supertypeNames = new ArrayList<Name>(supertypes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < supertypes.length; i++) {
List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.NODE_TYPE));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.IS_MIXIN, nodeType.isMixin()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.IS_ABSTRACT, nodeType.isAbstract()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.IS_QUERYABLE, nodeType.isQueryable()));
if (nodeType.getPrimaryItemName() != null) {
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_ITEM_NAME, nodeType.getPrimaryItemName()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.NODE_TYPE_NAME, nodeType.getName()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.HAS_ORDERABLE_CHILD_NODES, nodeType.hasOrderableChildNodes()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.SUPERTYPES, supertypeNames));
// Now make or adjust the node for the node type ...
if (nodeTypeNode != null) {
// Update the properties ...
nodeTypeNode.setProperties(system, properties);
// make sure each new supertype of the existing node is present *before* the existing node in the parent nodeTypes
// this because node type validation is a top-down process, expecting the parents before the children
for (NodeType superType : supertypes) {
CachedNode superTypeNode = system.getNode(((JcrNodeType)superType).key());
if (superTypeNode instanceof MutableCachedNode && ((MutableCachedNode)superTypeNode).isNew()) {
nodeTypes.reorderChild(system, superTypeNode.getKey(), nodeTypeNode.getKey());
} else {
// We have to create the node type node ...
nodeTypeNode = nodeTypes.createChild(system, key, name, properties);
// And the property definitions ...
for (JcrPropertyDefinition defn : nodeType.getDeclaredPropertyDefinitions()) {
store(nodeTypeNode, defn);
if (existingChildKeys != null) existingChildKeys.remove(defn.key());
// And the child node definitions ...
for (JcrNodeDefinition defn : nodeType.getDeclaredChildNodeDefinitions()) {
store(nodeTypeNode, defn);
if (existingChildKeys != null) existingChildKeys.remove(defn.key());
// Remove any children that weren't represented by a property definition or child node definition ...
if (existingChildKeys != null && !existingChildKeys.isEmpty()) {
for (NodeKey childKey : existingChildKeys) {
// Remove the child from the parent, then destrot it ...
nodeTypeNode.removeChild(system, childKey);
* Projects a single property definition onto the provided graph under the location of <code>nodeTypePath</code>. The
* operations needed to create the property definition and any of its properties will be added to the batch specified in
* <code>batch</code>.
* <p>
* All node creation is performed through the graph layer. If the primary type of the node at <code>nodeTypePath</code> does
* not contain a residual definition that allows child nodes of type <code>nt:propertyDefinition</code>, this method creates
* nodes for which the JCR layer cannot determine the corresponding node definition. This WILL corrupt the graph from a JCR
* standpoint and make it unusable through the ModeShape JCR layer.
* </p>
* @param nodeTypeNode the parent node under which each property definition should be saved; may not be null
* @param propertyDef the property definition to be projected
private void store( MutableCachedNode nodeTypeNode,
JcrPropertyDefinition propertyDef ) {
// Find an existing node for this property definition ...
final NodeKey key = propertyDef.key();
final Name name = propertyDef.getInternalName();
MutableCachedNode propDefnNode = null;
if (!nodeTypeNode.isNew()) {
if (nodeTypeNode.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(key)) {
// The node already exists ...
propDefnNode = system.mutable(key);
List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.PROPERTY_DEFINITION));
if (!JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_ITEM_NAME.equals(propertyDef.getName())) {
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.NAME, name));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.AUTO_CREATED, propertyDef.isAutoCreated()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.MANDATORY, propertyDef.isMandatory()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.MULTIPLE, propertyDef.isMultiple()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PROTECTED, propertyDef.isProtected()));
List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String value : propertyDef.getAvailableQueryOperators()) {
if (value != null) symbols.add(value);
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.AVAILABLE_QUERY_OPERATORS, symbols));
Value[] defaultValues = propertyDef.getDefaultValues();
if (defaultValues != null && defaultValues.length > 0) {
String[] defaultsAsString = new String[defaultValues.length];
for (int i = 0; i < defaultValues.length; i++) {
try {
defaultsAsString[i] = defaultValues[i].getString();
} catch (RepositoryException re) {
// Really shouldn't get here as all values are convertible to string
throw new IllegalStateException(re);
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUES, defaultsAsString));
String[] valueConstraints = propertyDef.getValueConstraints();
if (valueConstraints.length > 0) {
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.VALUE_CONSTRAINTS, valueConstraints));
// Now either update the existing node or create a new node ..
if (propDefnNode != null) {
// Update the properties ...
propDefnNode.setProperties(system, properties);
} else {
// We have to create the node type node ...
propDefnNode = nodeTypeNode.createChild(system, key, name, properties);
* Projects a single child node definition onto the provided graph under the location of <code>nodeTypePath</code>. The
* operations needed to create the child node definition and any of its properties will be added to the batch specified in
* <code>batch</code>.
* <p>
* All node creation is performed through the graph layer. If the primary type of the node at <code>nodeTypePath</code> does
* not contain a residual definition that allows child nodes of type <code>nt:childNodeDefinition</code>, this method creates
* nodes for which the JCR layer cannot determine the corresponding node definition. This WILL corrupt the graph from a JCR
* standpoint and make it unusable through the ModeShape JCR layer.
* </p>
* @param nodeTypeNode the parent node under which each property definition should be saved; may not be null
* @param childNodeDef the child node definition to be projected
private void store( MutableCachedNode nodeTypeNode,
JcrNodeDefinition childNodeDef ) {
// Find an existing node for this property definition ...
final NodeKey key = childNodeDef.key();
final Name name = childNodeDef.getInternalName();
MutableCachedNode nodeDefnNode = null;
if (!nodeTypeNode.isNew()) {
if (nodeTypeNode.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(key)) {
// The node already exists ...
nodeDefnNode = system.mutable(key);
List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.CHILD_NODE_DEFINITION));
if (!JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_ITEM_NAME.equals(childNodeDef.getName())) {
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.NAME, name));
if (childNodeDef.defaultPrimaryTypeName() != null) {
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.DEFAULT_PRIMARY_TYPE, childNodeDef.defaultPrimaryTypeName()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.REQUIRED_PRIMARY_TYPES, childNodeDef.requiredPrimaryTypeNames()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS, childNodeDef.allowsSameNameSiblings()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.AUTO_CREATED, childNodeDef.isAutoCreated()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.MANDATORY, childNodeDef.isMandatory()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PROTECTED, childNodeDef.isProtected()));
// Now either update the existing node or create a new node ..
if (nodeDefnNode != null) {
// Update the properties ...
nodeDefnNode.setProperties(system, props);
} else {
// We have to create the node type node ...
nodeDefnNode = nodeTypeNode.createChild(system, key, name, props);
public IndexDefinition readIndexDefinition( CachedNode indexDefn,
Name providerName ) {
String name = strings.create(indexDefn.getName(system));
String desc = strings.create(first(indexDefn, JcrLexicon.DESCRIPTION));
String providerNameStr = strings.create(providerName);
String kindStr = strings.create(first(indexDefn, ModeShapeLexicon.KIND));
String workspacesRule = strings.create(first(indexDefn, ModeShapeLexicon.WORKSPACES));
boolean synchronous = booleans.create(first(indexDefn, ModeShapeLexicon.SYNCHRONOUS));
IndexKind kind = IndexKind.valueOf(kindStr);
String nodeTypeName = strings.create(names.create(first(indexDefn, ModeShapeLexicon.NODE_TYPE_NAME)));
Map<String, Object> extendedProps = new HashMap<>();
for (Iterator<Property> props = indexDefn.getProperties(system); props.hasNext();) {
Property prop = props.next();
if (NON_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES.contains(prop.getName())) continue;
if (prop.isSingle()) {
extendedProps.put(strings.create(prop.getName()), prop);
} else if (prop.isMultiple()) {
extendedProps.put(strings.create(prop.getName()), prop);
Collection<IndexColumnDefinition> columnDefns = new LinkedList<>();
for (ChildReference ref : indexDefn.getChildReferences(system)) {
CachedNode indexColumnDefn = system.getNode(ref);
IndexColumnDefinition defn = readIndexColumnDefinition(indexColumnDefn);
WorkspaceMatchRule rule = RepositoryIndexDefinition.workspaceMatchRule(workspacesRule);
return new RepositoryIndexDefinition(name, providerNameStr, kind, nodeTypeName, columnDefns, extendedProps, desc,
synchronous, true, rule);
public IndexColumnDefinition readIndexColumnDefinition( CachedNode indexColumnDefn ) {
String propertyName = strings.create(names.create(first(indexColumnDefn, ModeShapeLexicon.PROPERTY_NAME)));
String columnTypeName = strings.create(first(indexColumnDefn, ModeShapeLexicon.COLUMN_TYPE_NAME));
PropertyType columnType = PropertyType.valueFor(columnTypeName);
return new RepositoryIndexColumnDefinition(propertyName, columnType.jcrType());
* Read from system storage the index definitions. If the names of the providers are providers, then the resulting index
* definitions will each be {@link IndexDefinition#isEnabled() enabled} only if the definition's named provider is in the
* supplied set; otherwise, the definition will be marked as disabled.
* @param providerNames the names of the providers that should be used to determine which index definitions are
* {@link IndexDefinition#isEnabled() enabled}; may be null if not known and all index definitions will be
* {@link IndexDefinition#isEnabled() enabled}
* @return the index definitions as read from the system storage
public List<IndexDefinition> readAllIndexDefinitions( Set<String> providerNames ) {
CachedNode indexes = indexesNode();
List<IndexDefinition> defns = new ArrayList<>();
for (ChildReference ref : indexes.getChildReferences(system)) {
CachedNode provider = system.getNode(ref);
Name providerName = provider.getName(system);
for (ChildReference indexRef : provider.getChildReferences(system)) {
CachedNode indexDefn = system.getNode(indexRef);
IndexDefinition defn = readIndexDefinition(indexDefn, providerName);
if (providerNames.contains(defn.getProviderName())) {
} else {
// There is no provider by this name, so mark it as not enabled ...
defn = RepositoryIndexDefinition.createFrom(defn, false);
return defns;
private final NodeKey nodeKey( NodeKey prototype,
IndexDefinition defn ) {
return prototype.withId("/jcr:system/mode:indexes/" + defn.getProviderName() + "/" + defn.getName());
private final NodeKey nodeKey( NodeKey indexDefnKey,
IndexColumnDefinition defn ) {
String id = strings.create(strings.create(defn.getPropertyName()));
return indexDefnKey.withId(indexDefnKey.getIdentifier() + id);
private final NodeKey nodeKey( NodeKey prototype,
String providerName ) {
return prototype.withId("/jcr:system/mode:indexes/" + providerName);
public void remove( IndexDefinition indexDefn ) {
assert indexDefn != null;
assert system != null;
MutableCachedNode indexes = mutableIndexesNode();
final NodeKey providerKey = nodeKey(indexes.getKey(), indexDefn.getProviderName());
if (indexes.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(providerKey)) {
// Find the provider node ...
MutableCachedNode providerNode = system.mutable(providerKey);
// And remove the index defn from the provider ...
final NodeKey key = nodeKey(providerNode.getKey(), indexDefn);
providerNode.removeChild(system, key);
// If there are no more children under the provider, remove it, too...
if (providerNode.getChildReferences(system).isEmpty()) {
indexes.removeChild(system, providerKey);
public void store( IndexDefinition indexDefn,
boolean updateExisting ) {
MutableCachedNode indexesNode = mutableIndexesNode();
store(indexDefn, indexesNode, updateExisting);
private void store( IndexDefinition indexDefn,
MutableCachedNode indexes,
boolean updateExisting ) {
assert indexDefn != null;
assert system != null;
assert indexes != null;
assert indexDefn.getName() != null;
// First find or create the provider node ...
MutableCachedNode providerNode = null;
final NodeKey providerKey = nodeKey(indexes.getKey(), indexDefn.getProviderName());
if (indexes.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(providerKey)) {
// The node already exists ...
providerNode = system.mutable(providerKey);
} else {
// Create the new provider node ...
Property primaryType = propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.INDEX_PROVIDER);
Name providerName = names.create(indexDefn.getProviderName());
providerNode = indexes.createChild(system, providerKey, providerName, primaryType);
assert providerNode != null;
Name name = names.create(indexDefn.getName());
final NodeKey key = nodeKey(indexes.getKey(), indexDefn);
MutableCachedNode indexNode = null;
Set<NodeKey> existingChildKeys = null;
if (providerNode.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(key)) {
// The node already exists ...
if (!updateExisting) return;
indexNode = system.mutable(key);
// We'll need to delete any existing column that isn't there anymore ...
existingChildKeys = new HashSet<NodeKey>();
for (ChildReference childRef : indexNode.getChildReferences(system)) {
// Define the properties for this index definition ...
List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
// Add the extended properties first, in case the standard ones overwrite them ...
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : indexDefn.getIndexProperties().entrySet()) {
Property prop = createProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (prop != null) properties.add(prop);
// Now do the standard properties ...
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.INDEX));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.DESCRIPTION, indexDefn.getDescription()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.KIND, indexDefn.getKind().name()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.NODE_TYPE_NAME, indexDefn.getNodeTypeName()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.SYNCHRONOUS, indexDefn.isSynchronous()));
// Now make or adjust the node for the index definition ...
if (indexNode != null) {
// Update the properties ...
indexNode.setProperties(system, properties);
} else {
// We have to create the index definition node ...
indexNode = providerNode.createChild(system, key, name, properties);
// And the column definitions ...
for (IndexColumnDefinition columnDefn : indexDefn) {
NodeKey columnDefnKey = store(indexNode, columnDefn);
if (existingChildKeys != null) existingChildKeys.remove(columnDefnKey);
// Remove any column defns that weren't represented in the index definition ...
if (existingChildKeys != null && !existingChildKeys.isEmpty()) {
for (NodeKey childKey : existingChildKeys) {
// Remove the child from the parent, then destroy it ...
indexNode.removeChild(system, childKey);
private Property createProperty( String name,
Object valueOrValues ) {
Name propName = names.create(name);
Property prop = null;
if (valueOrValues instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] values = (Object[])valueOrValues;
PropertyType type = propertyTypeOf(values);
prop = propertyFactory.create(propName, type, values);
} else if (valueOrValues == null) {
prop = propertyFactory.create(propName, new Object[] {});
} else {
PropertyType type = PropertyType.discoverType(valueOrValues);
prop = propertyFactory.create(propName, type, valueOrValues);
return prop;
private PropertyType propertyTypeOf( Object[] values ) {
if (values != null) {
for (Object value : values) {
if (value != null) {
PropertyType type = PropertyType.discoverType(value);
if (type != PropertyType.OBJECT) return type;
return PropertyType.OBJECT;
private NodeKey store( MutableCachedNode indexDefn,
IndexColumnDefinition columnDefn ) {
// Find an existing node for this column definition ...
final NodeKey key = nodeKey(indexDefn.getKey(), columnDefn);
final Name name = ModeShapeLexicon.INDEX_COLUMN;
MutableCachedNode columnDefnNode = null;
if (!indexDefn.isNew()) {
if (indexDefn.getChildReferences(system).hasChild(key)) {
// The node already exists ...
columnDefnNode = system.mutable(key);
String propTypeName = org.modeshape.jcr.api.PropertyType.nameFromValue(columnDefn.getColumnType()).toUpperCase();
List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.INDEX_COLUMN));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.PROPERTY_NAME, columnDefn.getPropertyName()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.COLUMN_TYPE_NAME, propTypeName));
// Now either update the existing node or create a new node ..
if (columnDefnNode != null) {
// Update the properties ...
columnDefnNode.setProperties(system, props);
} else {
// We have to create the node type node ...
columnDefnNode = indexDefn.createChild(system, key, name, props);
return key;
* Read from system storage the node type definitions with the supplied names.
* @param nodeTypesToRefresh
* @return the node types as read from the system storage
public List<NodeTypeDefinition> readNodeTypes( Set<Name> nodeTypesToRefresh ) {
return readAllNodeTypes();
* Read from system storage all of the node type definitions.
* @return the node types as read from the system storage
public List<NodeTypeDefinition> readAllNodeTypes() {
CachedNode nodeTypes = nodeTypesNode();
List<NodeTypeDefinition> defns = new ArrayList<NodeTypeDefinition>();
for (ChildReference ref : nodeTypes.getChildReferences(system)) {
CachedNode nodeType = system.getNode(ref);
return defns;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public NodeTypeDefinition readNodeTypeDefinition( CachedNode nodeType ) {
try {
NodeTypeTemplate defn = new JcrNodeTypeTemplate(context());
defn.setMixin(booleans.create(first(nodeType, JcrLexicon.IS_MIXIN)));
defn.setAbstract(booleans.create(first(nodeType, JcrLexicon.IS_ABSTRACT)));
defn.setQueryable(booleans.create(first(nodeType, JcrLexicon.IS_QUERYABLE)));
defn.setOrderableChildNodes(booleans.create(first(nodeType, JcrLexicon.HAS_ORDERABLE_CHILD_NODES)));
defn.setName(strings.create(first(nodeType, JcrLexicon.NODE_TYPE_NAME)));
defn.setPrimaryItemName(strings.create(first(nodeType, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_ITEM_NAME)));
Property supertypes = nodeType.getProperty(JcrLexicon.SUPERTYPES, system);
if (supertypes != null && !supertypes.isEmpty()) {
String[] supertypeNames = new String[supertypes.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Object name : supertypes) {
supertypeNames[i++] = strings.create(name);
// Read the children ...
for (ChildReference ref : nodeType.getChildReferences(system)) {
CachedNode itemDefn = system.getNode(ref);
Name primaryType = names.create(first(itemDefn, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE));
if (JcrNtLexicon.PROPERTY_DEFINITION.equals(primaryType)) {
PropertyDefinition propDefn = readPropertyDefinition(itemDefn);
assert propDefn != null;
} else if (JcrNtLexicon.CHILD_NODE_DEFINITION.equals(primaryType)) {
NodeDefinition childDefn = readChildNodeDefinition(itemDefn);
assert childDefn != null;
return defn;
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
// this is never expected
throw new SystemFailureException(e);
protected PropertyDefinition readPropertyDefinition( CachedNode propDefn ) throws ConstraintViolationException {
PropertyDefinitionTemplate defn = new JcrPropertyDefinitionTemplate(context());
defn.setName(strings.create(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.NAME, JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_ITEM_NAME)));
defn.setAutoCreated(booleans.create(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.AUTO_CREATED)));
defn.setMandatory(booleans.create(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.MANDATORY)));
defn.setMultiple(booleans.create(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.MULTIPLE)));
defn.setProtected(booleans.create(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.PROTECTED)));
defn.setOnParentVersion(OnParentVersionAction.valueFromName(strings.create(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.ON_PARENT_VERSION))));
defn.setRequiredType(propertyType(first(propDefn, JcrLexicon.REQUIRED_TYPE)));
Property queryOps = propDefn.getProperty(JcrLexicon.AVAILABLE_QUERY_OPERATORS, system);
if (queryOps != null && !queryOps.isEmpty()) {
String[] queryOperators = new String[queryOps.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Object op : queryOps) {
queryOperators[i++] = strings.create(op);
Property defaultValues = propDefn.getProperty(JcrLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUES, system);
if (defaultValues != null && !defaultValues.isEmpty()) {
Value[] values = new Value[defaultValues.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Object value : defaultValues) {
org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType modeType = org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType.discoverType(value);
int jcrType = PropertyTypeUtil.jcrPropertyTypeFor(modeType);
String strValue = strings.create(value);
try {
values[i++] = jcrValues.createValue(strValue, jcrType);
} catch (ValueFormatException err) {
values[i++] = jcrValues.createValue(strValue);
Property constraints = propDefn.getProperty(JcrLexicon.VALUE_CONSTRAINTS, system);
if (constraints != null && !constraints.isEmpty()) {
String[] values = new String[constraints.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Object value : constraints) {
values[i++] = strings.create(value);
return defn;
protected NodeDefinition readChildNodeDefinition( CachedNode childDefn ) throws ConstraintViolationException {
NodeDefinitionTemplate defn = new JcrNodeDefinitionTemplate(context());
defn.setName(strings.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.NAME, JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_ITEM_NAME)));
defn.setAutoCreated(booleans.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.AUTO_CREATED)));
defn.setMandatory(booleans.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.MANDATORY)));
defn.setSameNameSiblings(booleans.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS)));
defn.setProtected(booleans.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.PROTECTED)));
defn.setOnParentVersion(OnParentVersionAction.valueFromName(strings.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.ON_PARENT_VERSION))));
String defaultPrimaryType = strings.create(first(childDefn, JcrLexicon.DEFAULT_PRIMARY_TYPE));
if (defaultPrimaryType != null) defn.setDefaultPrimaryTypeName(defaultPrimaryType);
Property requiredPrimaryTypes = childDefn.getProperty(JcrLexicon.REQUIRED_PRIMARY_TYPES, system);
if (requiredPrimaryTypes != null && !requiredPrimaryTypes.isEmpty()) {
String[] values = new String[requiredPrimaryTypes.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Object op : requiredPrimaryTypes) {
values[i++] = strings.create(op);
return defn;
protected final int propertyType( Object value ) {
org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType type = org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType.valueFor(strings.create(value)
return PropertyTypeUtil.jcrPropertyTypeFor(type);
protected final Iterable<?> all( CachedNode node,
Name propertyName ) {
return node.getProperty(propertyName, system);
protected final Object first( CachedNode node,
Name propertyName ) {
return first(node, propertyName, null);
protected final Object first( CachedNode node,
Name propertyName,
Object defaultValue ) {
Property property = node.getProperty(propertyName, system);
return property != null ? property.getFirstValue() : defaultValue;
public Collection<Namespace> readAllNamespaces() {
CachedNode namespaces = namespacesNode();
List<Namespace> results = new ArrayList<Namespace>();
// Add in the empty namespace ...
results.add(new BasicNamespace("", ""));
// Now read in the persisted namespaces ...
for (ChildReference ref : namespaces.getChildReferences(system)) {
CachedNode namespace = system.getNode(ref);
String prefix = prefixFor(ref.getSegment());
String uri = strings.create(first(namespace, ModeShapeLexicon.URI));
results.add(new BasicNamespace(prefix, uri));
return results;
private String prefixFor( Segment segment ) {
Name name = segment.getName();
if (ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACE.equals(name)) {
// This is the empty prefix ...
return "";
String localName = name.getLocalName();
int index = segment.getIndex();
return prefixFor(localName, index);
private String prefixFor( String name,
int counter ) {
if (counter == 1 && !GENERATED_PREFIX.equals(name)) return name;
if (counter < 10) {
return name + "00" + counter;
if (counter < 100) {
return name + "0" + counter;
assert counter < 1000;
return name + counter;
private Name nameForPrefix( String prefix ) {
if (prefix.length() == 0) return ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACE;
Matcher matcher = GENERATED_PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(prefix);
if (matcher.matches()) {
return names.create(prefix);
public Set<String> registerNamespaces( Map<String, String> newUrisByPrefix ) {
Set<String> removedPrefixes = new HashSet<String>();
MutableCachedNode namespaces = mutableNamespacesNode();
ChildReferences childRefs = namespaces.getChildReferences(system);
// Find any existing namespace nodes for the new namespace URIs ...
for (Map.Entry<String, String> newNamespaceEntry : newUrisByPrefix.entrySet()) {
String newPrefix = newNamespaceEntry.getKey().trim();
String newUri = newNamespaceEntry.getValue().trim();
// Verify that the prefix is not already used ...
Name newPrefixName = nameForPrefix(newPrefix);
ChildReference ref = childRefs.getChild(newPrefixName);
if (ref != null) {
// There's an existing node with the same prefix/name ...
CachedNode existingNode = system.getNode(ref);
String existingUri = strings.create(existingNode.getProperty(ModeShapeLexicon.URI, system).getFirstValue());
if (newUri.equals(existingUri)) {
// The URI also matches, so nothing to do ...
// Otherwise, the prefix was bound to another URI, so this means we're taking an existing prefix already bound
// to one URI and assigning it to another URI. Per the JavaDoc for javax.jcr.Namespace#register(String,String)
// the old URI is to be unregistered -- meaning we should delete it ...
namespaces.removeChild(system, ref.getKey());
// Look for an existing namespace node that uses the same URI ...
NodeKey key = keyForNamespaceUri(newUri);
CachedNode existingNode = system.getNode(key);
if (existingNode != null) {
// Get the prefix for the existing namespace node ...
Segment segment = existingNode.getSegment(system);
String existingPrefix = prefixFor(segment);
if (GENERATED_NAMESPACE_NODE_NAME.equals(segment.getName()) || !existingPrefix.equals(newPrefix)) {
// The prefix but was not used elsewhere, so we know we can just change it ...
namespaces.renameChild(system, key, names.create(newPrefix));
} else if (newUri.length() > 0) {
// register the new prefix
Name name = names.create(newPrefix);
List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(3);
props.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.URI, newUri));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACE));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.GENERATED, booleans.create(false)));
namespaces.createChild(system, key, name, props);
return removedPrefixes;
public String readNamespacePrefix( String namespaceUri,
boolean generateIfMissing ) {
NodeKey key = keyForNamespaceUri(namespaceUri);
CachedNode nsNode = system.getNode(key);
if (nsNode != null) {
// There's an existing node, so just read the prefix (e.g., the name) ...
Segment segment = nsNode.getSegment(system);
return prefixFor(segment);
if (!generateIfMissing) return null;
// Create a new namespace node that uses this URI ...
MutableCachedNode mutableNamespaces = mutableNamespacesNode();
List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(3);
props.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.URI, namespaceUri));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.GENERATED, booleans.create(true)));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACE));
MutableCachedNode newNsNode = mutableNamespaces.createChild(system, key, GENERATED_NAMESPACE_NODE_NAME, props);
return prefixFor(newNsNode.getSegment(system));
protected boolean unregisterNamespace( String namespaceUri ) {
MutableCachedNode namespaces = mutableNamespacesNode();
NodeKey key = keyForNamespaceUri(namespaceUri);
CachedNode nsNode = system.getNode(key);
if (nsNode != null) {
namespaces.removeChild(system, key);
return true;
return false;
protected void unregisterNodeTypes( JcrNodeType... nodeTypes ) {
MutableCachedNode nodeTypesNode = mutableNodeTypesNode();
for (JcrNodeType nodeType : nodeTypes) {
NodeKey nodeTypeKey = nodeType.key();
nodeTypesNode.removeChild(system, nodeTypeKey);
protected final NodeKey keyForNamespaceUri( String namespaceUri ) {
return namespacesKey().withId("mode:namespaces-" + namespaceUri);
void storeLock( ModeShapeLock lock ) {
MutableCachedNode locksNode = mutableLocksNode();
Name name = names.create(lock.getLockToken());
List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.LOCK));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.LOCK_OWNER, lock.getLockOwner()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.LOCK_IS_DEEP, lock.isDeep()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.WORKSPACE, lock.getWorkspaceName()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.LOCK_TOKEN, lock.getLockToken()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.IS_SESSION_SCOPED, lock.isSessionScoped()));
// Locks are always created by sessions and then held by them unless explicitly removed later ...
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.IS_HELD_BY_SESSION, true));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.LOCKING_SESSION, lock.getLockingSessionId()));
properties.add(propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.EXPIRATION_DATE, lock.getExpiryTime()));
locksNode.createChild(system, lock.getLockKey(), name, properties);
void removeLock( ModeShapeLock lock ) {
MutableCachedNode locksNode = mutableLocksNode();
NodeKey lockKey = lock.getLockKey();
locksNode.removeChild(system, lockKey);
* Updates the underlying repository directly (i.e., outside the scope of the {@link Session}) to mark the token for the given
* lock as being held (or not held) by some {@link Session}. Note that this method does not identify <i>which</i> (if any)
* session holds the token for the lock, just that <i>some</i> session holds the token for the lock.
* @param lockToken the lock token for which the "held" status should be modified; may not be null
* @param value the new value
* @return true if the lock "held" status was successfully changed to the desired value, or false otherwise
* @throws LockException if there is no such lock with the supplied token
boolean changeLockHeldBySession( String lockToken,
boolean value ) throws LockException {
CachedNode locksNode = locksNode();
ChildReferences childRefs = locksNode.getChildReferences(system);
Name name = names.create(lockToken);
ChildReference ref = childRefs.getChild(name);
if (ref == null) {
throw new LockException(JcrI18n.invalidLockToken.text(lockToken));
MutableCachedNode lockNode = system.mutable(ref.getKey());
boolean isHeld = booleans.create(first(lockNode, ModeShapeLexicon.IS_HELD_BY_SESSION, false));
if (isHeld && value) {
// The lock is already held by a session ...
return false;
lockNode.setProperty(system, propertyFactory.create(ModeShapeLexicon.IS_HELD_BY_SESSION, value));
return true;
public NodeKey versionHistoryNodeKeyFor( NodeKey versionableNodeKey ) {
return systemKey().withId(versionableNodeKey.getIdentifier());
public boolean hasVersionHistory( NodeKey versionableNodeKey ) {
return cache().getNode(versionHistoryNodeKeyFor(versionableNodeKey)) != null;
* Create and initialize the version history structure for a versionable node with the supplied UUID. This method assumes that
* the version history node does not exist.
* <p>
* Given a NodeKey for a node that has an identifier part of "fae2b929-c5ef-4ce5-9fa1-514779ca0ae3", the SHA-1 hash of this
* identifier part is "b46dde8905f76361779339fa3ccacc4f47664255". The path to the version history for this node is as follows:
* <pre>
* + jcr:system
* + jcr:versionStorage {jcr:primaryType = mode:versionStorage}
* + b4 {jcr:primaryType = mode:versionHistoryFolder}
* + 6d {jcr:primaryType = mode:versionHistoryFolder}
* + de {jcr:primaryType = mode:versionHistoryFolder}
* + 298905f76361779339fa3ccacc4f47664255 {jcr:primaryType = nt:versionHistory}
* + jcr:versionLabels {jcr:primaryType = nt:versionLabels}
* + jcr:rootVersion {jcr:primaryType = nt:version}
* - jcr:uuid = ...
* - jcr:created = ...
* + jcr:frozenNode {jcr:primaryType = nt:frozenNode}
* - jcr:frozenUuid
* - jcr:frozenPrimaryType
* - jcr:frozenMixinTypes
* </pre>
* Note that the path between "/jcr:system/jcr:versionStorage" and the "nt:versionHistory" node is shown as being
* {@link JcrVersionManager.HiearchicalPathAlgorithm hiearchical}.
* @param versionableNodeKey the identifier of the versionable node for which the history is to be created; may not be null
* @param versionHistoryKey the key to the version history node; may not be null
* @param versionKey the key to be used for the initial version; may be null if the key should be generated
* @param primaryTypeName the name of the primary type of the versionable node; may not be null
* @param mixinTypeNames the names of the mixin types for the versionable node; may be null or empty
* @param versionHistoryPath the path of the version history node; may not be null
* @param originalVersionKey the key of the original node from which the new versionable node was copied; may be null
* @param now the current date time; may not be null
* @return the history node; never null
protected MutableCachedNode initializeVersionStorage( NodeKey versionableNodeKey,
NodeKey versionHistoryKey,
NodeKey versionKey,
Name primaryTypeName,
Set<Name> mixinTypeNames,
Path versionHistoryPath,
NodeKey originalVersionKey,
DateTime now ) {
assert versionHistoryPath != null;
assert versionHistoryPath.size() == 6;
CachedNode node = versionStorageNode();
MutableCachedNode mutable = null;
// Find the parent of the version history node by walking the path and creating any missing intermediate folders ...
Path parentPathInStorage = versionHistoryPath.getParent().subpath(2);
Property primaryType = null;
for (Segment segment : parentPathInStorage) {
ChildReferences childRefs = node.getChildReferences(system);
ChildReference ref = childRefs.getChild(segment);
if (ref != null) {
// Look up the child node ...
node = system.getNode(ref);
} else {
// Create the intermediate node ...
MutableCachedNode mutableNode = system.mutable(node.getKey());
NodeKey key = systemKey().withRandomId();
if (primaryType == null) {
primaryType = propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, ModeShapeLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY_FOLDER);
mutable = mutableNode.createChild(system, key, segment.getName(), primaryType);
node = mutable;
// See if the version history exists ...
MutableCachedNode historyParent = mutable != null ? mutable : system.mutable(node.getKey());
// Now create the version history node itself ...
List<Property> historyProps = new ArrayList<Property>();
historyProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY));
historyProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.VERSIONABLE_UUID, versionableNodeKey.getIdentifier()));
historyProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.UUID, versionHistoryKey.getIdentifier()));
if (originalVersionKey != null) {
// the tck expects this to be a reference, so that getNode works on it
historyProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.COPIED_FROM, org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE,
referenceFactory.create(originalVersionKey, true)));
Name historyName = versionHistoryPath.getLastSegment().getName();
MutableCachedNode history = historyParent.createChild(system, versionHistoryKey, historyName, historyProps);
// Now create the 'nt:versionLabels' child node ...
Property labelProp = propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.VERSION_LABELS);
MutableCachedNode labels = history.createChild(system, null, JcrLexicon.VERSION_LABELS, labelProp);
assert labels != null;
// And create the 'nt:rootVersion' child node ...
NodeKey rootVersionKey = versionKey != null ? versionKey : systemKey().withRandomId();
List<Property> rootProps = new ArrayList<Property>();
rootProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.VERSION));
rootProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.CREATED, now));
rootProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.UUID, rootVersionKey.getIdentifier()));
MutableCachedNode rootVersion = history.createChild(system, rootVersionKey, JcrLexicon.ROOT_VERSION, rootProps);
// And create the 'nt:rootVersion/nt:frozenNode' child node ...
NodeKey frozenNodeKey = rootVersion.getKey().withRandomId();
List<Property> frozenProps = new ArrayList<Property>();
frozenProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.FROZEN_NODE));
frozenProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.FROZEN_UUID, versionableNodeKey.getIdentifier()));
frozenProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.FROZEN_PRIMARY_TYPE, primaryTypeName));
frozenProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.UUID, frozenNodeKey));
if (mixinTypeNames != null && !mixinTypeNames.isEmpty()) {
frozenProps.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.FROZEN_MIXIN_TYPES, mixinTypeNames));
MutableCachedNode frozenNode = rootVersion.createChild(system, frozenNodeKey, JcrLexicon.FROZEN_NODE, frozenProps);
assert frozenNode != null;
return history;
* The method efficiently updates the JCR version history and storage with a new version of a node being checked in. However,
* it does not update the versionable node with the "mix:versionable" properties.
* <p>
* Note that this method will initialize the version history for the node if the version history does not already exist.
* </p>
* <p>
* The names of the different versions has changed since 2.x, and now follows the same convention and algorithm as used in the
* reference implementation. See
* {@link #nextNameForVersionNode(org.modeshape.jcr.value.Property, org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReferences)} for details.
* </p>
* @param versionableNode the versionable node for which a new version is to be created in the node's version history; may not
* be null
* @param cacheForVersionableNode the cache used to access the versionable node and any descendants; may not be null
* @param versionHistoryPath the path of the version history node; may not be null
* @param originalVersionKey the key of the original node from which the new versionable node was copied; may be null
* @param versionableProperties the versionable node's properties that should be record in the version history (on the frozen
* node); may be null or empty
* @param now the current date time; may not be null
* @param frozenNodeOutput the reference that should be set upon successful completion to the frozen node created under the
* new version; may not be null
* @return the version node in the version history; never null
public MutableCachedNode recordNewVersion( CachedNode versionableNode,
SessionCache cacheForVersionableNode,
Path versionHistoryPath,
NodeKey originalVersionKey,
Collection<Property> versionableProperties,
DateTime now,
AtomicReference<MutableCachedNode> frozenNodeOutput ) {
assert versionHistoryPath != null;
assert versionHistoryPath.size() == 6;
// Get the information from this node ...
NodeKey versionableNodeKey = versionableNode.getKey();
Name primaryTypeName = versionableNode.getPrimaryType(cacheForVersionableNode);
Set<Name> mixinTypeNames = versionableNode.getMixinTypes(cacheForVersionableNode);
NodeKey versionHistoryKey = versionHistoryNodeKeyFor(versionableNodeKey);
// Find the existing version history for this node (if it exists) ...
Name versionName = null;
MutableCachedNode historyNode = system.mutable(versionHistoryKey);
Property predecessors = null;
NodeKey versionKey = versionHistoryKey.withRandomId();
if (historyNode == null) {
// Initialize the version history ...
historyNode = initializeVersionStorage(versionableNodeKey, versionHistoryKey, null, primaryTypeName, mixinTypeNames,
versionHistoryPath, originalVersionKey, now);
// Overwrite the predecessor's property ...
NodeKey rootVersionKey = historyNode.getChildReferences(system).getChild(JcrLexicon.ROOT_VERSION).getKey();
Reference rootVersionRef = referenceFactory.create(rootVersionKey, true);
predecessors = propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, new Object[] {rootVersionRef});
versionName = names.create("1.0");
} else {
ChildReferences historyChildren = historyNode.getChildReferences(system);
predecessors = versionableNode.getProperty(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, cacheForVersionableNode);
versionName = nextNameForVersionNode(predecessors, historyChildren);
// Create a 'nt:version' node under the version history node ...
List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.VERSION));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.CREATED, now));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.UUID, versionKey.getIdentifier()));
MutableCachedNode versionNode = historyNode.createChild(system, versionKey, versionName, props);
// Create a 'nt:frozenNode' node under the 'nt:version' node ...
NodeKey frozenNodeKey = systemKey().withRandomId();
props = new ArrayList<Property>();
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.FROZEN_NODE));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.FROZEN_UUID, versionableNodeKey.getIdentifier()));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.FROZEN_PRIMARY_TYPE, primaryTypeName));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.FROZEN_MIXIN_TYPES, mixinTypeNames));
props.add(propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.UUID, frozenNodeKey));
if (versionableProperties != null) props.addAll(versionableProperties);
MutableCachedNode frozenNode = versionNode.createChild(system, frozenNodeKey, JcrLexicon.FROZEN_NODE, props);
assert frozenNode != null;
// Now update the predecessor nodes to have the new version node be included as one of their successors ...
Property successors = null;
final Set<Reference> successorReferences = new HashSet<Reference>();
for (Object value : predecessors) {
NodeKey predecessorKey = ((NodeKeyReference)value).getNodeKey();
CachedNode predecessor = system.getNode(predecessorKey);
// Look up the 'jcr:successors' property on the predecessor ...
successors = predecessor.getProperty(JcrLexicon.SUCCESSORS, system);
if (successors != null) {
// There were already successors, so we need to add our new version node the list ...
for (Object successorValue : successors) {
NodeKey successorKey = ((NodeKeyReference)successorValue).getNodeKey();
successorReferences.add(referenceFactory.create(successorKey, true));
// Now add the uuid of the versionable node ...
successorReferences.add(referenceFactory.create(versionKey, true));
successors = propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.SUCCESSORS, org.modeshape.jcr.value.PropertyType.REFERENCE,
system.mutable(predecessorKey).setProperty(system, successors);
// Return the newly-created version node ...
return versionNode;
* Compute the name for the next version node in the given history. Note that the naming convention has changed since 2.x, and
* now follows the same convention and algorithm as used in the reference implementation. See
* org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionManagerBase.calculateCheckinVersionName(...) for the original.
* <p>
* The basic rules are as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>first the predecessor version with the shortest name is searched.
* <li>if that predecessor version is the root version, the new version gets the name "{number of successors}+1" + ".0"
* <li>if that predecessor version has no successor, the last digit of it's version number is incremented.
* <li>if that predecessor version has successors but the incremented name does not exist, that name is used.
* <li>otherwise a ".0" is added to the name until a non conflicting name is found.
* <ul>
* Example Graph:
* <pre>
* jcr:rootVersion
* | |
* 1.0 2.0
* |
* 1.1
* |
* 1.2 ---\ ------\
* | \ \
* 1.3 1.2.0
* | |
* 1.4 1.2.1 ----\
* | | \
* 1.5 1.2.2
* | | |
* 1.6 |
* |------/
* 1.7
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param predecessors the 'jcr:predecessors' property; may not be null
* @param historyChildren the child references under the version history for the node
* @return the next name
protected Name nextNameForVersionNode( Property predecessors,
ChildReferences historyChildren ) {
String proposedName = null;
CachedNode versionNode = null;
// Try to find the versions in the history that are considered predecessors ...
if (predecessors != null) {
for (Object predecessor : predecessors) {
if (predecessor == null) continue;
NodeKey key = ((NodeKeyReference)predecessor).getNodeKey();
CachedNode predecessorNode = system.getNode(key);
Name predecessorName = predecessorNode.getName(system);
if (proposedName == null || predecessorName.getLocalName().length() < proposedName.length()) {
proposedName = predecessorName.getLocalName();
versionNode = predecessorNode;
if (proposedName == null) {
proposedName = "1.0";
Name versionName = names.create(proposedName);
if (historyChildren.getChild(versionName) == null) return versionName;
// Otherwise use the root version ...
versionNode = system.getNode(historyChildren.getChild(JcrLexicon.ROOT_VERSION));
assert versionNode != null;
// Now make sure the name is not used ...
int index = proposedName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index > 0) {
proposedName = proposedName.substring(0, index + 1) + (Integer.parseInt(proposedName.substring(index + 1)) + 1);
Name versionName = names.create(proposedName); // excludes the trailing '.'
while (historyChildren.getChild(versionName) != null) {
proposedName = proposedName + ".0";
versionName = names.create(proposedName);
return versionName;
// Get the number of successors of the version
Property successors = versionNode.getProperty(JcrLexicon.SUCCESSORS, system);
String baseName = successors != null ? Integer.toString(successors.size() + 1) : "1";
return names.create(baseName + ".0");