* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zookeeper;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.zookeeper.AsyncCallback.DataCallback;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.Ids;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.ACL;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Id;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat;
* The command line client to ZooKeeper.
public class ZooKeeperMain {
* the logger for this class
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ZooKeeperMain.class);
static void usage() {
LOG.info("message", new IOException("USAGE"));
System.err.println("ZooKeeper host:port cmd args");
System.err.println("\tcreate path data acl");
System.err.println("\tdelete path [version]");
System.err.println("\tset path data [version]");
System.err.println("\tget path [watch]");
System.err.println("\tls path [watch]");
System.err.println("\tgetAcl path");
System.err.println("\tsetAcl path acl");
System.err.println("\tstat path [watch]");
System.err.println("\tsync path");
System.err.println("\tsetquota -n|-b val path");
System.err.println("\tlistquota path");
System.err.println("\tdelquotsssa [-n|-b] path");
static private class MyWatcher implements Watcher {
public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
static private int getPermFromString(String permString) {
int perm = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < permString.length(); i++) {
switch (permString.charAt(i)) {
case 'r':
perm |= ZooDefs.Perms.READ;
case 'w':
perm |= ZooDefs.Perms.WRITE;
case 'c':
perm |= ZooDefs.Perms.CREATE;
case 'd':
perm |= ZooDefs.Perms.DELETE;
case 'a':
perm |= ZooDefs.Perms.ADMIN;
.println("Unknown perm type: " + permString.charAt(i));
return perm;
private static void printStat(Stat stat) {
System.err.println("cZxid = " + stat.getCzxid());
System.err.println("ctime = " + new Date(stat.getCtime()).toString());
System.err.println("mZxid = " + stat.getMzxid());
System.err.println("mtime = " + new Date(stat.getMtime()).toString());
System.err.println("pZxid = " + stat.getPzxid());
System.err.println("cversion = " + stat.getCversion());
System.err.println("dataVersion = " + stat.getVersion());
System.err.println("aclVersion = " + stat.getAversion());
System.err.println("ephemeralOwner = " + stat.getEphemeralOwner());
System.err.println("dataLength = " + stat.getDataLength());
System.err.println("numChildren = " + stat.getNumChildren());
public static void main(String args[]) throws NumberFormatException,
KeeperException, IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length == 1) {
ZooKeeper zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(args[0], 5000, new MyWatcher());
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
line = "ignore " + line;
args = line.split(" ");
processCmd(args, zooKeeper);
} else if (args.length < 3) {
ZooKeeper zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(args[0], 5000, new MyWatcher());
boolean watch = processCmd(args, zooKeeper);
if (!watch) {
private static DataCallback dataCallback = new DataCallback() {
public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, byte[] data,
Stat stat) {
System.out.println("rc = " + rc + " path = " + path + " data = "
+ (data == null ? "null" : new String(data)) + " stat = ");
* trim the quota tree to recover unwanted tree elements
* in the quota's tree
* @param zk the zookeeper client
* @param path the path to start from and go up and see if their
* is any unwanted parent in the path.
* @return true if sucessful
* @throws KeeperException
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
private static boolean trimProcQuotas(ZooKeeper zk, String path) throws
KeeperException, IOException, InterruptedException {
if (Quotas.quotaZookeeper.equals(path)) {
return true;
List<String> children = zk.getChildren(path, false);
if (children.size() == 0) {
zk.delete(path, -1);
String parent = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
return trimProcQuotas(zk, parent);
else {
return true;
* this method deletes quota for a node.
* @param zk the zookeeper client
* @param path the path to delete quota for
* @param bytes true if number of bytes needs to
* be unset
* @param numNodes true if number of nodes needs
* to be unset
* @return true if quota deletion is successful
* @throws KeeperException
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public static boolean delQuota(ZooKeeper zk, String path,
boolean bytes, boolean numNodes) throws KeeperException,
IOException, InterruptedException {
String parentPath = Quotas.quotaZookeeper + path;
String quotaPath = Quotas.quotaZookeeper + path + "/" + Quotas.limitNode;
if (zk.exists(quotaPath, false) == null) {
System.out.println("Quota does not exist for " + path);
return true;
byte[] data = null;
try {
data = zk.getData(quotaPath, false, new Stat());
} catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException ne) {
System.err.println("quota does not exist for " + path);
StatsTrack strack = new StatsTrack(new String(data));
if (bytes && !numNodes) {
zk.setData(quotaPath, strack.toString().getBytes(), -1);
else if (!bytes && numNodes) {
zk.setData(quotaPath, strack.toString().getBytes(), -1);
else if (bytes && numNodes) {
// delete till you can find a node with more than
// one child
List<String> children = zk.getChildren(parentPath, false);
/// delete the direct children first
for (String child: children) {
zk.delete(parentPath + "/" + child, -1);
// cut the tree till their is more than one child
trimProcQuotas(zk, parentPath);
return true;
private static void checkIfParentQuota(ZooKeeper zk, String path)
throws InterruptedException, KeeperException
final String[] splits = path.split("/");
String quotaPath = Quotas.quotaZookeeper;
for (String str: splits) {
if (str.length() == 0) {
// this should only be for the beginning of the path
// i.e. "/..." - split(path)[0] is empty string before first '/'
quotaPath += "/" + str;
List<String> children = null;
try {
children = zk.getChildren(quotaPath, false);
} catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException ne) {
if (children.size() == 0) {
for (String child: children) {
if (Quotas.limitNode.equals(child)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " has a parent "
+ quotaPath + " which has a quota");
* this method creates a quota node for the path
* @param zk the ZooKeeper client
* @param path the path for which quota needs to be created
* @param bytes the limit of bytes on this path
* @param numNodes the limit of number of nodes on this path
* @return true if its successful and false if not.
public static boolean createQuota(ZooKeeper zk, String path,
long bytes, int numNodes) throws KeeperException, IOException,
InterruptedException {
// check if the path exists. We cannot create
// quota for a path that already exists in zookeeper
// for now.
Stat initStat = zk.exists(path, false);
if (initStat == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " does not exist.");
// now check if their is already existing
// parent or child that has quota
String quotaPath = Quotas.quotaZookeeper;
// check for more than 2 children --
// if zookeeper_stats and zookeeper_qutoas
// are not the children then this path
// is an ancestor of some path that
// already has quota
String realPath = Quotas.quotaZookeeper + path;
try {
List<String> children = zk.getChildren(realPath, false);
for (String child: children) {
if (!child.startsWith("zookeeper_")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " has child " +
child + " which has a quota");
} catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException ne) {
//this is fine
// we can proceed further
//check for any parent that has been quota
checkIfParentQuota(zk, path);
// this is valid node for quota
// start creating all the parents
if (zk.exists(quotaPath, false) == null) {
try {
zk.create(Quotas.procZookeeper, null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
zk.create(Quotas.quotaZookeeper, null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
} catch(KeeperException.NodeExistsException ne) {
// do nothing
// now create the direct children
// and the stat and quota nodes
String[] splits = path.split("/");
for (int i=1; i<splits.length; i++) {
quotaPath = quotaPath + "/" + splits[i];
try {
zk.create(quotaPath, null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE ,
} catch(KeeperException.NodeExistsException ne) {
//do nothing
String statPath = quotaPath + "/" + Quotas.statNode;
quotaPath = quotaPath + "/" + Quotas.limitNode;
StatsTrack strack = new StatsTrack(null);
try {
zk.create(quotaPath, strack.toString().getBytes(),
StatsTrack stats = new StatsTrack(null);
zk.create(statPath, stats.toString().getBytes(),
} catch(KeeperException.NodeExistsException ne) {
byte[] data = zk.getData(quotaPath, false , new Stat());
StatsTrack strackC = new StatsTrack(new String(data));
if (bytes != -1L) {
if (numNodes != -1) {
zk.setData(quotaPath, strackC.toString().getBytes(), -1);
return true;
private static boolean processCmd(String[] args, ZooKeeper zooKeeper)
throws KeeperException, IOException, InterruptedException {
Stat stat = new Stat();
if (args.length < 2) {
return false;
String cmd = args[1];
boolean watch = args.length > 3;
String path = null;
List<ACL> acl = Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE;
System.out.println("Processing " + cmd);
if (cmd.equals("create") && args.length >= 4) {
if (args.length == 5) {
acl = parseACLs(args[4]);
path = args[2];
String newPath = zooKeeper.create(path, args[3].getBytes(), acl, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
System.err.println("Created " + newPath);
} else if (cmd.equals("delete") && args.length >= 3) {
path = args[2];
zooKeeper.delete(path, watch ? Integer.parseInt(args[3]) : -1);
} else if (cmd.equals("set") && args.length >= 4) {
path = args[2];
stat = zooKeeper.setData(path, args[3].getBytes(),
args.length > 4 ? Integer.parseInt(args[4]) : -1);
} else if (cmd.equals("aget") && args.length >= 3) {
path = args[2];
zooKeeper.getData(path, watch, dataCallback, path);
} else if (cmd.equals("get") && args.length >= 3) {
path = args[2];
byte data[] = zooKeeper.getData(path, watch, stat);
System.out.println(new String(data));
} else if (cmd.equals("ls") && args.length >= 3) {
path = args[2];
List<String> children = zooKeeper.getChildren(path, watch);
} else if (cmd.equals("getAcl") && args.length >= 2) {
path = args[2];
acl = zooKeeper.getACL(path, stat);
for (ACL a : acl) {
System.out.println(a.getId() + ": "
+ getPermString(a.getPerms()));
} else if (cmd.equals("setAcl") && args.length >= 4) {
path = args[2];
stat = zooKeeper.setACL(path, parseACLs(args[3]),
args.length > 4 ? Integer.parseInt(args[4]) : -1);
} else if (cmd.equals("stat") && args.length >= 3) {
path = args[2];
stat = zooKeeper.exists(path, watch);
} else if (cmd.equals("listquota") && args.length >= 3) {
path = args[2];
String absolutePath = Quotas.quotaZookeeper + path + "/" + Quotas.limitNode;
byte[] data = null;
try {
System.err.println("absolute path is " + absolutePath);
data = zooKeeper.getData(absolutePath, false, stat);
StatsTrack st = new StatsTrack(new String(data));
System.out.println("Output quota for " + path + " "
+ st.toString());
data = zooKeeper.getData(Quotas.quotaZookeeper + path + "/" +
Quotas.statNode, false, stat);
System.out.println("Output stat for " + path + " " +
new StatsTrack(new String(data)).toString());
} catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException ne) {
System.err.println("quota for " + path + " does not exist.");
} else if (cmd.equals("setquota") && args.length > 4) {
String option = args[2];
path = args[4];
System.err.println("Comment: the parts are " +
"option " + option + " path " +
args[4] + " val " + args[3]);
String val = args[3];
if ("-b".equals(option)) {
// we are setting the bytes quota
createQuota(zooKeeper, path, Long.parseLong(val), -1);
} else if ("-n".equals(option)) {
// we are setting the num quota
createQuota(zooKeeper, path, -1L, Integer.parseInt(val));
else {
} else if (cmd.equals("delquota") && args.length >= 3) {
//if neither option -n or -b is specified, we delete
// the quota node for thsi node.
if (args.length == 4) {
//this time we have an option
String option = args[2];
path = args[3];
if ("-b".equals(option)) {
delQuota(zooKeeper, path, true, false);
} else if ("-n".equals(option)) {
delQuota(zooKeeper, path, false, true);
else if (args.length == 3) {
path = args[2];
// we dont have an option specified.
// just delete whole quota node
delQuota(zooKeeper, path, true, true);
} else {
return watch;
private static String getPermString(int perms) {
StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer();
if ((perms & ZooDefs.Perms.CREATE) != 0) {
if ((perms & ZooDefs.Perms.DELETE) != 0) {
if ((perms & ZooDefs.Perms.READ) != 0) {
if ((perms & ZooDefs.Perms.WRITE) != 0) {
if ((perms & ZooDefs.Perms.ADMIN) != 0) {
return p.toString();
private static List<ACL> parseACLs(String aclString) {
List<ACL> acl;
String acls[] = aclString.split(",");
acl = new ArrayList<ACL>();
for (String a : acls) {
int firstColon = a.indexOf(':');
int lastColon = a.lastIndexOf(':');
if (firstColon == -1 || lastColon == -1 || firstColon == lastColon) {
.println(a + " does not have the form scheme:id:perm");
ACL newAcl = new ACL();
newAcl.setId(new Id(a.substring(0, firstColon), a.substring(
firstColon + 1, lastColon)));
newAcl.setPerms(getPermFromString(a.substring(lastColon + 1)));
return acl;