* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.AnnotationMutationHandler;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.MutableAnnotationSet;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.MutableDocument;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.MutableDocumentImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.AnnotationSetListener;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.AnnotationTree;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.DocumentHandler;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.IndexedDocument;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.LocationMapper;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.indexed.ObservableIndexedDocument;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Attributes;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocInitialization;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.automaton.DocumentSchema;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.raw.RawDocument;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.raw.TextNodeOrganiser;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.raw.impl.Element;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.raw.impl.Node;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.raw.impl.RawDocumentImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.raw.impl.Text;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.ContextProviders.TestDocumentContext.MiscListener;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationException;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.operation.OperationRuntimeException;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Box;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
* Document context providers
* @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos)
public class ContextProviders {
* Extension for testing purposes, exposing some more internals
public interface TestDocumentContext<N, E extends N, T extends N>
extends DocumentContext<N, E, T> {
public interface MiscListener {
// void onBegin();
// void onFinish();
void onSchedulePaint(Node node);
RawDocument<N, E, T> getFullRawDoc();
RawDocument<N, E, T> getPersistentRawDoc();
/** Gets the indexed doc */
IndexedDocument<N, E, T> getIndexedDoc();
public static class LocalDocImpl<N, E extends N, T extends N> extends IdentityView<N, E, T>
implements LocalDocument<N, E, T> {
private final WritableLocalDocument<N, E, T> writable;
public LocalDocImpl(RawDocument<N, E, T> fullDoc, WritableLocalDocument<N, E, T> local) {
this.writable = local;
public <T> T getProperty(Property<T> property, E element) {
return writable.getProperty(property, element);
public boolean isDestroyed(E element) {
return writable.isDestroyed(element);
public <T> void setProperty(Property<T> property, E element, T value) {
writable.setProperty(property, element, value);
public T transparentCreate(String text, E parent, N nodeAfter) {
return writable.transparentCreate(text, parent, nodeAfter);
public E transparentCreate(String tagName, Map<String, String> attributes,
E parent, N nodeAfter) {
return writable.transparentCreate(tagName, attributes, parent, nodeAfter);
public void transparentSetAttribute(E element, String name, String value) {
writable.transparentSetAttribute(element, name, value);
public void transparentDeepRemove(N node) {
public void transparentMove(E newParent, N fromIncl, N toExcl, N refChild) {
writable.transparentMove(newParent, fromIncl, toExcl, refChild);
public N transparentSlice(N splitAt) {
return writable.transparentSlice(splitAt);
public void transparentUnwrap(E element) {
public void markNodeForPersistence(N localNode, boolean lazy) {
writable.markNodeForPersistence(localNode, lazy);
public boolean isTransparent(N node) {
return writable.isTransparent(node);
* @param docHandler
* @return a self-contained document context suitable for testing
public static TestDocumentContext<Node, Element, Text> createTestPojoContext2(
final String initialInnerXml,
final DocumentHandler<Node, Element, Text> docHandler,
final AnnotationRegistry annotationRegistry,
final MiscListener miscListener,
final DocumentSchema schemaConstraints) {
final Box<TestDocumentContext<Node, Element, Text>> box = Box.create();
return box.boxed = createTestPojoContext(initialInnerXml,
docHandler, new AnnotationSetListener<Object>() {
public void onAnnotationChange(int start, int end, String key, Object newValue) {
Iterator<AnnotationMutationHandler> handlers = annotationRegistry.getHandlers(key);
while (handlers.hasNext()) {
box.boxed, start, end, key, newValue);
}, miscListener, schemaConstraints);
* @param docHandler
* @param annotationSetListener
* @return a self-contained document context suitable for testing
public static TestDocumentContext<Node, Element, Text> createTestPojoContext(
final String initialInnerXml,
final DocumentHandler<Node, Element, Text> docHandler,
final AnnotationSetListener<Object> annotationSetListener,
final MiscListener miscListener,
final DocumentSchema schemaConstraints) {
return createTestPojoContext(
// FIXME(ohler): it's a bit weird that we parse into an IndexedDocument just to
// get its asOperation().
docHandler, annotationSetListener, miscListener, schemaConstraints);
* @param docHandler
* @param annotationSetListener
* @return a self-contained document context suitable for testing
public static TestDocumentContext<Node, Element, Text> createTestPojoContext(
final DocInitialization initialContent,
final DocumentHandler<Node, Element, Text> docHandler,
final AnnotationSetListener<Object> annotationSetListener,
final MiscListener miscListener,
final DocumentSchema schemaConstraints) {
final AnnotationSetListener<Object> annotationListener = annotationSetListener != null
? annotationSetListener : new AnnotationSetListener<Object>() {
public void onAnnotationChange(int start, int end, String key, Object newValue) {
// Do nothing
TestDocumentContext<Node, Element, Text> documentContext =
new TestDocumentContext<Node, Element, Text>() {
private final RawDocument<Node, Element, Text> fullDoc =
RawDocumentImpl.PROVIDER.create("doc", Attributes.EMPTY_MAP);
private final PersistentContent<Node, Element, Text> persistentDoc =
new RepaintingPersistentContent<Node, Element, Text>(
fullDoc, Element.ELEMENT_MANAGER) {
protected void schedulePaint(Node node) {
if (miscListener != null) {
AnnotationTree<Object> fullAnnotations = new AnnotationTree<Object>(
"a", "b", annotationListener);
private final LocalDocImpl<Node, Element, Text> localDoc =
new LocalDocImpl<Node, Element, Text>(fullDoc, persistentDoc);
private final IndexedDocument<Node, Element, Text> indexedDoc =
new ObservableIndexedDocument<Node, Element, Text, Void>(
docHandler, persistentDoc, fullAnnotations, schemaConstraints) {
// @Override
// public void begin() {
// super.begin();
// if (miscListener != null) {
// miscListener.onBegin();
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void finish() {
// if (miscListener != null) {
// miscListener.onFinish();
// }
// super.finish();
// }
private final MutableDocument<Node, Element, Text> mutableDoc =
new MutableDocumentImpl<Node, Element, Text>(
DocProviders.createTrivialSequencer(indexedDoc, null), indexedDoc);
private final LocalAnnotationSetImpl localAnnotations =
new LocalAnnotationSetImpl(fullAnnotations);
public LocalDocument<Node, Element, Text> annotatableContent() {
return localDoc;
public MutableDocument<Node, Element, Text> document() {
return mutableDoc;
public ElementManager<Element> elementManager() {
return Element.ELEMENT_MANAGER;
public MutableAnnotationSet.Local localAnnotations() {
return localAnnotations;
public LocationMapper<Node> locationMapper() {
return indexedDoc;
public ReadableDocumentView<Node, Element, Text> persistentView() {
return persistentDoc;
public ReadableDocumentView<Node, Element, Text> hardView() {
return persistentDoc.hardView();
public TextNodeOrganiser<Text> textNodeOrganiser() {
return indexedDoc;
public IndexedDocument<Node, Element, Text> getIndexedDoc() {
return indexedDoc;
public RawDocument<Node, Element, Text> getFullRawDoc() {
return fullDoc;
public RawDocument<Node, Element, Text> getPersistentRawDoc() {
return persistentDoc;
try {
} catch (OperationException e) {
throw new OperationRuntimeException("Invalid constructing op", e);
return documentContext;