Package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler

Source Code of org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.BrowserBackedScheduler

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package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler;


import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CopyOnWriteSet;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.IdentityMap;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Preconditions;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.IdentityMap.ProcV;

* Implementation of a scheduler using two optimised javascript object
* data structures for the registry of jobs.
* @author (Daniel Danilatos)
public class BrowserBackedScheduler implements Scheduler {
  private final SimpleTimer timer;

  private final Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      nextSliceRunTime = Double.MAX_VALUE;
      double next = getNextRunTime();
      if (next == 0) {
      } else if (next > 0) {

  /** Controller for enabling/disabling priority levels, showing job counts, etc. */
  private final Controller controller;

   * Map of scheduled tasks to info about them
  // TODO(danilatos): Swap out this implementation with a JSO based map when not in
  // hosted mode, where hashCode() for reference-based equality is a perfect hash
  private final IdentityMap<Schedulable, TaskInfo> taskInfos = CollectionUtils.createIdentityMap();

   * Simple registry of jobs that are scheduled to run at the next available
   * opportunity.
   * This class maintains the invariant that if a job exists in {@code jobs},
   * then that job also exists in {@code taskInfos}.
  private final JobRegistry jobs;

   * More complicated registry of delayed & repeating jobs. When something is
   * due to be run, it is taken from here and added to the {@link #jobs}
   * variable for actual execution.
   * This class maintains the invariant that if a job exists in
   * {@code delayedjobs}, then that job also exists in {@code taskInfos}.
  private final DelayedJobRegistry delayedJobs = new DelayedJobRegistry();

   * How long each work slice should go for
  private int timeSliceMillis = 100;

   * When the next work slice is scheduled to run.
   * 0 means a slice is already scheduled to run as soon as possible.
   * >0 means a slice is scheduled to run at some epoch time, which is hopefully in the future.
  private double nextSliceRunTime = Double.MAX_VALUE;

   * The list of listeners that are interested in tasks that takes too long.
  private final CopyOnWriteSet<Listener> listeners = CopyOnWriteSet.createListSet();

  public BrowserBackedScheduler(SimpleTimer.Factory timerFactory) {
    this(timerFactory, Controller.NOOP);

   * @param timerFactory
  public BrowserBackedScheduler(SimpleTimer.Factory timerFactory, Controller controller) {
    this.timer = timerFactory.create(runner);
    this.controller = controller; = new JobRegistry(controller);

  public void schedule(Priority priority, Task task) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS, "Don't use internal level");
    scheduleJob(priority, task);

  public void schedule(Priority priority, IncrementalTask process) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS, "Don't use internal level");
    scheduleJob(priority, process);

   * Type independent worker for equivalent overloaded methods
  private void scheduleJob(Priority priority, Schedulable job) {
    if (controller.isSuppressed(priority, job) && priority != Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS) {
      scheduleJob(Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS, job);

    TaskInfo info = taskInfos.get(job);

    // Cancel job if already scheduled
    if (info != null) {

      // Optimisation: nothing's changed, just return.
      if (priority == info.priority) {


    info = createTask(priority, job);
    jobs.add(priority, job);


  private TaskInfo createTask(Priority priority, Schedulable job) {
    TaskInfo info = new TaskInfo(priority, job);
    taskInfos.put(job, info);
    return info;

  private TaskInfo createDelayedTask(Priority priority, Schedulable job,
      double startTime, double interval) {
    TaskInfo info = new TaskInfo(priority, startTime, interval, job);
    taskInfos.put(job, info);
    return info;

  public void scheduleDelayed(Priority priority, Task task, int minimumTime) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(minimumTime >= 0, "Minimum time must be at least zero");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS, "Don't use internal level");

    if (minimumTime == 0) {
      schedule(priority, task);
    scheduleDelayedJob(priority, task, minimumTime, -1);

  public void scheduleDelayed(Priority priority, IncrementalTask process, int minimumTime) {
    scheduleRepeating(priority, process, minimumTime, 0);

  public void scheduleRepeating(Priority priority, IncrementalTask process,
      int minimumTime, int interval) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(minimumTime >= 0, "Minimum time must be at least zero");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(interval >= 0, "Interval must be at least zero");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS, "Don't use internal level");

    if (interval == 0 && minimumTime == 0) {
      schedule(priority, process);
    scheduleDelayedJob(priority, process, minimumTime, interval);

   * Worker for the delayed & repeating methods
   * @param interval if -1, then not repeating
  private void scheduleDelayedJob(Priority priority, Schedulable job,
      int minimumTime, int interval) {
    if (controller.isSuppressed(priority, job) && priority != Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS) {
      scheduleDelayedJob(Priority.INTERNAL_SUPPRESS, job, minimumTime, interval);

    TaskInfo info = taskInfos.get(job);
    if (info != null) {

    double now = timer.getTime();
    double startTime = now + minimumTime;

    info = createDelayedTask(priority, job, startTime, interval);


  public void cancel(Schedulable command) {
    TaskInfo info = taskInfos.removeAndReturn(command);
    if (info != null) {
      jobs.remove(info.priority, command);

      if (taskInfos.isEmpty()) {

  public boolean isScheduled(Schedulable job) {
    return taskInfos.get(job) != null;

  private boolean hasJob(Schedulable command) {
    return taskInfos.has(command);

  public void noteUserActivity() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("noteUserActivity");

   * Set the size of a work time slice before work is deferred again
   * @param millis
  public void setTimeSlice(int millis) {
    timeSliceMillis = millis;

  private boolean hasTasks() {
    return !taskInfos.isEmpty();

   * Do a unit of work from the given priority
   * @param priority
   * @return true if there are more work units left in the scheduler
  // TODO(danilatos): Unit test this method (maybe change to package private)
  private boolean workUnit(Priority priority, int maxMillis) {
    Schedulable job = jobs.getRemovedJob();

    if (job == null) {
      return false;

    double start = timer.getTime();

    TaskInfo taskInfo = taskInfos.get(job);
    Timer profilingTimer = null;
    if (taskInfo != null && Timing.isEnabled()) {
      profilingTimer = Timing.start("schedule " + job.getClass().getSimpleName());
    try {
      if (job instanceof IncrementalTask) {
        boolean isFinished = !jobs.getRemovedJobAsProcess().execute();

        if (isFinished) {
          // Remove all trace
        } else {
          TaskInfo task = taskInfos.get(job);
          // If the job has more work to do, we add it back into the job queue, unless it has has
          // already been cancelled during execution (which would imply !hasJob)
          if (task != null && hasJob(job)) {
            // if it is a repeating job, add it to a delay before we contiune
            if (task.calculateNextExecuteTime(start)) {
            } else if (!delayedJobs.has( {
              jobs.add(priority, job);
      } else {
        Task task = jobs.getRemovedJobAsTask();
        // Remove all trace.
    } finally {
      if (profilingTimer != null) {

    int timeSpent = (int) ( timer.getTime() - start);

    // This will only be useful when debugging in deobfuscated mode.
    triggerOnJobExecuted(job, timeSpent);

    return hasTasks();

   * Try to execute all the jobs at the given priority. At least 1 job at the given
   * priority will be executed.
   * @param priority
   * @param maxMillis the max number of millisec we are allowed to execute one task before
   *    reporting it for a task that's too slow.
   * @param endTime if we exceeded this time, then we should stop and return false.
   * @return true if there are more time left that we can use to execute other jobs.
  private boolean workAll(Priority priority, int maxMillis, double endTime) {
    if (controller.isRunnable(priority) && jobs.numJobsAtPriority(priority) != 0) {
      boolean moreWork;
      boolean moreTime;
      do {
        moreWork = workUnit(priority, maxMillis);
        // TODO(user):
        //   Add the following:
        // double duration = finish - start;
        // if (duration > MAX_DURATION_MS && Debug.errorClient().shouldLog()) {
        //   Debug.errorClient().log("HIGH priority task took a whopping: "
        //       + ((int) duration) + "ms to run");
        // }
        // after dependencies are cleaned up such that Debug does not depend on Scheduler, so that
        // Scheduler can depend on Debug without a cycle.
        moreTime = timer.getTime() < endTime;
      } while (moreWork && moreTime);

      return moreTime;
    return true;

   * Work for the specified period or until there is no more work to do,
   * whichever comes first
   * @param maxMillis
  // TODO(danilatos): Unit test this method (maybe change to package private)
  private void workSlice(int maxMillis) {
    double now = timer.getTime();

    if (controller.isRunnable(Priority.CRITICAL)) {
      // Always do all critical tasks in one go
      while (workUnit(Priority.CRITICAL, maxMillis)) {}

    Schedulable delayedJob;
    while ((delayedJob = delayedJobs.getDueDelayedJob(now)) != null) {
      TaskInfo info = taskInfos.get(delayedJob);
      jobs.add(info.priority, delayedJob);

    // Run HIGH priority tasks to the exclusion of MEDIUM and LOW priority tasks.
    // Also, always run at least one unit of HIGH priority, regardless of how long the previous
    // CRITICAL tasks took.
    double end = now + maxMillis;
    for (Priority p : Priority.values()) {
      if (!workAll(p, maxMillis, end)) {

   * @return Next time that a work slice should be due (not necessarily currently scheduled)
   *   -1 means nothing to run, 0 means run as soon as possible, and >0 means don't run until
   *   that many ms have elapsed.
  private double getNextRunTime() {
    // If there are normal jobs waitin, run as soon as possible.
    // Otherwise, run when the next delayed job wants to run.
    if (!jobs.isEmpty()) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return delayedJobs.getNextDueDelayedJobTime();

   * Ensure a work slice is scheduled to run at the next available opportunity
  private void maybeScheduleSlice() {
    if (nextSliceRunTime > 0) {
      nextSliceRunTime = 0;

   * Ensure a work slice is scheduled to run no later than the given time
   * @param when System time in millis when a slice should run
  private void maybeScheduleSlice(double when) {
    if (nextSliceRunTime > when) {
      nextSliceRunTime = when;

   * Don't run the next slice
  private void unscheduleSlice() {
    nextSliceRunTime = Double.MAX_VALUE;

  /** Used for testing */
  boolean debugIsClear() {
    return taskInfos.isEmpty() && jobs.debugIsClear() && delayedJobs.debugIsClear();

  public String debugShortDescription() {
    return "Scheduler[num ids:" + taskInfos.countEntries() + ", jobs:" +
        jobs.debugShortDescription() + ", delayed: " + delayedJobs.toString() + "]";

  public String toString() {
    return "Scheduler[ids:" + tasks() + ", jobs:" + jobs.toString()
        + ", delayed: " + delayedJobs.toString() + "]";

  private String tasks() {
    final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    taskInfos.each(new ProcV<Schedulable, TaskInfo>() {
      public void apply(Schedulable key, TaskInfo item) {
        b.append("{ task: " + item);
        b.append("; ");
        b.append("job: " + key + " } ");
    return b.toString();

   * Gets a UI component for controlling this scheduler's priority levels.
   * @return the knobs control, or {@code null} if there is no knobs panel.
  public Widget getController() {
    return controller.asWidget();

  private void triggerOnJobExecuted(Schedulable job, int timeSpent) {
    for (Listener l : listeners) {
      l.onJobExecuted(job, timeSpent);

  public void addListener(Listener listener) {

  public void removeListener(Listener listener) {

Related Classes of org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.BrowserBackedScheduler

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