* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.UserAgent;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Wraps GWT's events class to give prettier access to event properties.
* NOTE(user): we expect a future version of GWT to do this directly on
* their Event class, at which point we can probably deprecate this
* wrapper
@SuppressWarnings({ "serial" })
// TODO(danilatos,user): Remove this class, since a lot of this functionality
// is exposed by GWT's new event system (i.e. NativeEvent).
public class EventWrapper {
* The event we are wrapping
private final Event event;
* Modifier values, greater than 16 bits, to add to the keypresses
* to distinguish them. First shift
private final static int SHIFT = 1 << 17;
* Alt
private final static int ALT = 1 << 18;
* Ctrl
private final static int CTRL = 1 << 19;
* Meta
private final static int META = 1 << 20;
/** (Not defined in GWT's KeyCodes) */
public final static int KEY_INSERT = 45;
* Map of keypresses and modifiers to our KeyCombo enum values.
* http://www.quirksmode.org/js/keys.html has some useful info about this.
* TODO(danilatos): Implement an IntMap JSO and use that
private final static Map<Integer, KeyCombo> keyMap =
new HashMap<Integer, KeyCombo>() {
// Tab
put(9, KeyCombo.TAB);
put(9 + SHIFT, KeyCombo.SHIFT_TAB);
// Space bar
put(32, KeyCombo.SPACE);
put(32 + SHIFT, KeyCombo.SHIFT_SPACE);
put(32 + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_SPACE);
put(32 + SHIFT + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_SPACE);
// Escape
put(KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE, KeyCombo.ESC);
// Enter
put(KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER, KeyCombo.ENTER);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER + SHIFT, KeyCombo.SHIFT_ENTER);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_ENTER);
// Backspace
// Delete
put(KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE, KeyCombo.DELETE);
// Insert
// Ctrl-equals
put('=' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_EQUALS);
// Ctrl-alpha combos
put('B' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_B);
put('D' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_D);
put('F' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_F);
put('I' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_I);
put('G' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_G);
put('H' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_H);
put('K' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_K);
put('O' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_O);
put('U' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_U);
put('W' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_W);
put('A' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_A);
put('R' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_R);
put('E' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_E);
put('L' + CTRL, KeyCombo.CTRL_L);
put('L' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_L);
put('F' + CTRL + ALT, KeyCombo.CTRL_ALT_F);
put('D' + CTRL + ALT, KeyCombo.CTRL_ALT_D);
put('G' + CTRL + ALT, KeyCombo.CTRL_ALT_G);
put('S' + CTRL + ALT, KeyCombo.CTRL_ALT_S);
// Canned responses
put('!' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_1);
put('1' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_1);
put('@' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_2);
put('2' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_2);
put('#' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_3);
put('3' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_3);
put('%' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_5);
put('5' + CTRL + SHIFT, KeyCombo.CTRL_SHIFT_5);
// Allowable ORDER combos
// ORDER is the Apple key on OS X and the Ctrl key in Windows and Linux.
// It is the key modifier used to perform actions such as copy/paste,
// save, print etc.
// XXX(user): These override the CTRL/META combos! Fix it!
final int orderKey = UserAgent.isMac() ? META : CTRL;
put('A' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_A);
put('B' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_B);
put('C' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_C);
put('D' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_D);
put('F' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_F);
put('G' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_G);
put('I' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_I);
put('K' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_K);
put('L' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_L);
put('N' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_N);
put('O' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_O);
put('P' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_P);
put('R' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_R);
put('T' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_T);
put('U' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_U);
put('V' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_V);
put('W' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_W);
put('X' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_X);
put('Z' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_Z);
put('Q' + orderKey, KeyCombo.ORDER_Q);
put('R' + orderKey + SHIFT, KeyCombo.ORDER_SHIFT_R);
put('V' + orderKey + SHIFT, KeyCombo.ORDER_SHIFT_V);
put('K' + orderKey + SHIFT, KeyCombo.ORDER_SHIFT_K);
put('5' + orderKey + SHIFT, KeyCombo.ORDER_SHIFT_5);
// Plaintext paste in Safari
put('V' | orderKey | ALT | SHIFT, KeyCombo.ORDER_ALT_SHIFT_V);
// Key navigation
put(KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN, KeyCombo.DOWN);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_UP, KeyCombo.UP);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT, KeyCombo.LEFT);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT, KeyCombo.RIGHT);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_PAGEUP, KeyCombo.PAGE_UP);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_PAGEDOWN, KeyCombo.PAGE_DOWN);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_HOME, KeyCombo.HOME);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_END, KeyCombo.END);
// Safari key navigation
// TODO(user): consider using deferred binding
put(63233, KeyCombo.DOWN);
put(63232, KeyCombo.UP);
put(63234, KeyCombo.LEFT);
put(63235, KeyCombo.RIGHT);
put(63276, KeyCombo.PAGE_UP);
put(63277, KeyCombo.PAGE_DOWN);
put(63273, KeyCombo.HOME);
put(63275, KeyCombo.END);
// Meta combos
put(KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT + META, KeyCombo.META_LEFT);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT + META, KeyCombo.META_RIGHT);
put(KeyCodes.KEY_HOME + META, KeyCombo.META_HOME);
* @return true is even is a submit
public boolean isSubmit() {
return event != null && isKeyEvent() && getKeyCombo() == KeyCombo.SHIFT_ENTER;
* Constructor
* @param event
public EventWrapper(Event event) {
this.event = event;
* @return True if alt key was pressed
public boolean getAltKey() {
return DOM.eventGetAltKey(event);
* @return The mouse buttons that were depressed as a bit-field, defined
* by {@link Event#BUTTON_LEFT}, {@link Event#BUTTON_MIDDLE}, and
* {@link Event#BUTTON_RIGHT}
public int getButton() {
return DOM.eventGetButton(event);
* @return {@link #getKeyCode()} cast to char
public char getCharCode() {
return (char) getKeyCode();
* @return The mouse x-position within the browser window's client area.
public int getClientX() {
return DOM.eventGetClientX(event);
* @return The mouse y-position within the browser window's client area.
public int getClientY() {
return DOM.eventGetClientY(event);
* @return True if ctrl key was pressed
public boolean getCtrlKey() {
return DOM.eventGetCtrlKey(event);
* @return The current event that is being fired. The current event is only
* available within the lifetime of the onBrowserEvent function. Once the
* onBrowserEvent method returns, the current event is reset to null.
public static EventWrapper getCurrentEvent() {
Event current = DOM.eventGetCurrentEvent();
return current != null ?
new EventWrapper(DOM.eventGetCurrentEvent()) : null;
* @return The event's current target element. This is the element
* whose listener fired last, not the element which fired the event
* initially.
public Element getCurrentTarget() {
return DOM.eventGetCurrentTarget(event);
* @return The event
public Event getEvent() {
return event;
* @return The element from which the mouse pointer was moved
* (only valid for {@link Event#ONMOUSEOVER}).
public static Element getFromElement(Event event) {
return DOM.eventGetFromElement(event);
* @return The key code associated with this event. For
* {@link Event#ONKEYPRESS}, the Unicode value of the character generated.
* For {@link Event#ONKEYDOWN} and {@link Event#ONKEYUP}, the code
* associated with the physical key.
public int getKeyCode() {
return getKeyCode(event);
* Wrapper for GWT's get[Key Char]Code() that conflates the two values. If
* there is no keyCode present, it returns charCode instead. This matches the
* values in {{@link #keyMap} above.
public static int getKeyCode(Event evt) {
int keyCode = evt.getKeyCode();
if (keyCode == 0) {
keyCode = evt.getCharCode();
return keyCode;
* Semi-deprecated (will be deprecated once event signal has a mechanism for
* fast switching).
* @return An encoding of the event's keycode and modifiers
public KeyCombo getKeyCombo() {
return getKeyCombo(getKeyCode(), getCtrlKey(), getShiftKey(), getAltKey(), getMetaKey());
public static KeyCombo getKeyCombo(SignalEvent signal) {
return getKeyCombo(signal.getKeyCode(), signal.getCtrlKey(),
signal.getShiftKey(), signal.getAltKey(), signal.getMetaKey());
* @return the key-combo representation of the key event.
public static KeyCombo getKeyCombo(Event evt) {
return getKeyCombo(getKeyCode(evt), DOM.eventGetCtrlKey(evt),
DOM.eventGetShiftKey(evt), DOM.eventGetAltKey(evt), DOM.eventGetMetaKey(evt));
private static KeyCombo getKeyCombo(int keyCode, boolean ctrl, boolean shift, boolean alt,
boolean meta) {
int gwtCode = keyCode;
gwtCode +=
(ctrl ? CTRL : 0)
+ (shift ? SHIFT : 0)
+ (alt ? ALT : 0) +
+ (meta ? META : 0);
if (!keyMap.containsKey(gwtCode) && keyCode >= 'a' && keyCode <= 'z') {
// HACK(danilatos): make it work cross-browser with the event signal updates.
// get rid of this class soon.
gwtCode += 'A' - 'a';
return keyMap.containsKey(gwtCode) ? keyMap.get(gwtCode) : KeyCombo.OTHER;
* Converts the parameters to {@link KeyCodes} events to a KeyCombo.
* @return the key-combo representation of the key event.
public static KeyCombo getKeyCombo(char keyCode, int modifiers) {
int gwtCode = keyCode
+ (((modifiers & KeyCodes.KEY_CTRL) != 0) ? CTRL : 0)
+ (((modifiers & KeyCodes.KEY_SHIFT) != 0) ? SHIFT : 0)
+ (((modifiers & KeyCodes.KEY_ALT) != 0) ? ALT : 0);
return keyMap.containsKey(gwtCode) ? keyMap.get(gwtCode) : KeyCombo.OTHER;
* @return True if the metakey was pressed
public boolean getMetaKey() {
return DOM.eventGetMetaKey(event);
* @return The velocity of the mouse wheel associated with the event
* along the Y axis.
public static int getMouseWheelVelocityY(Event event) {
return DOM.eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(event);
* @return True if this was an auto-repeat event
public boolean getRepeat() {
return DOM.eventGetRepeat(event);
* @return The mouse x-position on the user's display
public int getScreenX() {
return DOM.eventGetScreenX(event);
* @return The mouse y-position on the user's display
public int getScreenY() {
return DOM.eventGetScreenY(event);
* @return True if the shift key was pressed
public boolean getShiftKey() {
return DOM.eventGetShiftKey(event);
* @return The element that was the actual target of the event.
public Element getTarget() {
return DOM.eventGetTarget(event);
* @return The element to which the mouse pointer was moved
* (only valid for {@link Event#ONMOUSEOUT}).
public static Element getToElement(Event event) {
return DOM.eventGetToElement(event);
* @return The event's type
public int getType() {
return DOM.eventGetType(event);
* @return true if event type is a focus event
public boolean isFocusEvent() {
return (getType() & Event.FOCUSEVENTS) != 0;
* @return true if event type is a key event
public boolean isKeyEvent() {
return (getType() & Event.KEYEVENTS) != 0;
* @return true if event type is a mouse event
public boolean isMouseEvent() {
return (getType() & Event.MOUSEEVENTS) != 0;
* @return The event's type string
public String getTypeString() {
return DOM.eventGetTypeString(event);
* Prevents default for current event
public static void preventCurrentEventDefault() {
* @return A string describing which modifier keys were pressed,
* and whether this was a repeat event, e.g., " shift ctrl"
public static String modifiers(Event event) {
// repeat is deprecated, but useful for debugging
return (event.getAltKey() ? " alt" : "")
+ (event.getShiftKey() ? " shift" : "")
+ (event.getCtrlKey() ? " ctrl" : "")
+ (event.getMetaKey() ? " meta" : "")
+ ((event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONKEYDOWN) && event.getRepeat() ? " repeat" : "");
* @return A string describing which mouse buttons were pressed,
* e.g., " left"
private static String mouseButtons(Event event) {
if (event.getButton() == -1) {
return "";
} else {
return ((event.getButton() & Event.BUTTON_LEFT) != 0 ? " left" : "")
+ ((event.getButton() & Event.BUTTON_MIDDLE) != 0 ? " middle" : "")
+ ((event.getButton() & Event.BUTTON_RIGHT) != 0 ? " right" : "");
* @return String describing the event's key code, e.g.,
* " 64 'a'"
private static String key(Event event) {
return " " + event.getKeyCode() + " '" + (char) event.getKeyCode() + "'";
* @return A string describing the client x,y position,
* e.g., " (100, 100)"
private static String mousePoint(Event event) {
return " (" + event.getClientX() + ", " + event.getClientY() + ")";
public String toString() {
return asString(event);
public static String asString(Event event) {
// Start with the event type string
String string = DOM.eventGetTypeString(event);
// Next type-specific fields
switch (event.getTypeInt()) {
case Event.ONKEYPRESS:
case Event.ONKEYUP:
case Event.ONKEYDOWN:
string += key(event) + modifiers(event);
case Event.ONCLICK:
case Event.ONDBLCLICK:
string += mousePoint(event) + modifiers(event);
case Event.ONMOUSEUP:
string += mousePoint(event) + mouseButtons(event) + modifiers(event);
case Event.ONMOUSEOUT:
string += mousePoint(event) + modifiers(event) + " to: " + getToElement(event);
string += mousePoint(event) + modifiers(event) + " from: " + getFromElement(event);
string += " " + getMouseWheelVelocityY(event) + mousePoint(event) + modifiers(event);
case Event.ONFOCUS:
case Event.ONBLUR:
case Event.ONCHANGE:
case Event.ONERROR:
case Event.ONLOAD:
case Event.ONSCROLL:
return string;
* In safari, there is X velocity and Y velocity. GWT code return the combination of the 2.
* This code only return the Y velocity.
* @return The y velocity of the mouse event and only the y velocity.
public static int getMouseWheelVelocityYOnly(Event event) {
if (!UserAgent.isSafari()) {
return event.getMouseWheelVelocityY();
} else {
return nativeGetMouseWheelVelocityYOnly(event);
private static native int nativeGetMouseWheelVelocityYOnly(Event evt) /*-{
// wheelDeltaY is not standard and only available in newer safari
if (evt.wheelDeltaY == undefined) {
// The following line is copied from DOMImplSafari.getMouseWheelVelocityY
return Math.round(-evt.wheelDelta / 40) || 0;
} else {
return Math.round(-evt.wheelDeltaY / 40) || 0;