* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.google.wave.api;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.wave.api.WaveService.ConsumerData;
import com.google.wave.api.event.AnnotatedTextChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.BlipContributorsChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.BlipSubmittedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.DocumentChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.Event;
import com.google.wave.api.event.EventHandler;
import com.google.wave.api.event.EventType;
import com.google.wave.api.event.FormButtonClickedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.GadgetStateChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.OperationErrorEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletBlipCreatedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletBlipRemovedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletCreatedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletFetchedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletParticipantsChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletSelfAddedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletSelfRemovedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletTagsChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.event.WaveletTitleChangedEvent;
import com.google.wave.api.impl.EventMessageBundle;
import com.google.wave.api.impl.GsonFactory;
import net.oauth.OAuthException;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.InvalidIdException;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveId;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveletId;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* A robot is an automated participant on a wave, that can read the contents
* of a wave in which it participates, modify the wave's contents, add or remove
* participants, and create new blips and new waves. In short, a robot can
* perform many of the actions that any other participant can perform.
* This is the abstract base class for a Google Wave Java robot, that supports:
* <ul>
* <li>Automatic events deserialization and operations serialization,
* in the event based model</li>
* <li>OAuth-secured operations submission, in the active model</li>
* <li>Callback for profile request, including proxied/custom profile</li>
* <li>Callback for capabilities.xml support</li>
* <li>Callback for verification token request, that is used during the robot
* registration process, to obtain consumer key and secret</li>
* </ul>
* Robot should implements the handlers of the events that it's interested in,
* and specify the context and filter (if applicable) via the
* {@link EventHandler.Capability} annotation. For example, if it is interested
* in a {@link BlipSubmittedEvent}, and would like to get the parent blip with
* the incoming event bundle, then it should implement this method:
* <pre>
* @Capability(contexts = {Context.PARENT, Context.SELF})
* public void onBlipSubmitted(BlipSubmittedEvent e) {
* ...
* }
* </pre>
* If the robot does not specify the {@link EventHandler.Capability}
* annotation, the default contexts (parent and children), and empty filter will
* be provided by default.
public abstract class AbstractRobot extends HttpServlet implements EventHandler {
/** Some mime types. */
public static final String JSON_MIME_TYPE = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
public static final String TEXT_MIME_TYPE = "text/plain";
public static final String XML_MIME_TYPE = "application/xml";
/** Some constants for encoding. */
public static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
/** The query parameter to specify custom profile request. */
public static final String NAME_QUERY_PARAMETER_KEY = "name";
/** The query parameter for security token. */
public static final String SECURITY_TOKEN_PARAMETER_KEY = "st";
/** Various request path constants that the robot replies to. */
public static final String RPC_PATH = "/_wave/robot/jsonrpc";
public static final String PROFILE_PATH = "/_wave/robot/profile";
public static final String CAPABILITIES_PATH = "/_wave/capabilities.xml";
public static final String VERIFY_TOKEN_PATH = "/_wave/verify_token";
public static final String DEFAULT_AVATAR =
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AbstractRobot.class.getName());
/** Serializer to serialize events and operations in the event-based mode. */
private static final Gson SERIALIZER = new GsonFactory().create();
/** A map of this robot's capabilities. */
private Map<String, Capability> capabilityMap;
/** A version number that is computed from this robot's capabilities. */
private String version;
/** A utility class to make Wave service calls. */
private WaveService waveService;
/** The token used to verify author during the registration process. */
private String verificationToken;
/** The token that is checked when handling verification token request. */
private String securityToken;
private boolean allowUnsignedRequests = true;
* Constructor.
protected AbstractRobot() {
* Initializes the robot. Call it if required to re-compute robot's
* capabilities. Re-invoke {@link #setupOAuth} if needed.
protected void initRobot() {
capabilityMap = computeCapabilityMap();
version = computeHash();
waveService = new WaveService(version);
* Submits the pending operations associated with this {@link Wavelet}.
* @param wavelet the bundle that contains the operations to be submitted.
* @param rpcServerUrl the active gateway to send the operations to.
* @return a list of {@link JsonRpcResponse} that represents the responses
* from the server for all operations that were submitted.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is called prior to setting
* the proper consumer key, secret, and handler URL.
* @throws IOException if there is a problem submitting the operations.
public List<JsonRpcResponse> submit(Wavelet wavelet, String rpcServerUrl) throws IOException {
return waveService.submit(wavelet, rpcServerUrl);
* Returns an empty/blind stub of a wavelet with the given wave id and wavelet
* id.
* Call this method if you would like to apply wavelet-only operations
* without fetching the wave first.
* The returned wavelet has its own {@link OperationQueue}. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to make sure this wavelet gets submitted to
* the server, either by calling {@link AbstractRobot#submit(Wavelet, String)}
* or by calling {@link Wavelet#submitWith(Wavelet)} on the new wavelet, to
* join its queue with another wavelet, for example, the event wavelet.
* @param waveId the id of the wave.
* @param waveletId the id of the wavelet.
* @return a stub of a wavelet.
public Wavelet blindWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletId waveletId) {
return waveService.blindWavelet(waveId, waveletId);
* @see #blindWavelet(WaveId, WaveletId)
* @param proxyForId the proxying information that should be set on the
* operation queue. Please note that this parameter should be properly
* encoded to ensure that the resulting participant id is valid
* (see {@link Util#checkIsValidProxyForId(String)} for more details).
public Wavelet blindWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletId waveletId, String proxyForId) {
return waveService.blindWavelet(waveId, waveletId, proxyForId);
* @see #blindWavelet(WaveId, WaveletId, String)
* @param blips a collection of blips that belong to this wavelet.
public Wavelet blindWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletId waveletId, String proxyForId,
Map<String, Blip> blips) {
return waveService.blindWavelet(waveId, waveletId, proxyForId, blips);
* @see #blindWavelet(WaveId, WaveletId, String, Map)
* @param threads a collection of threads that belong to this wavelet.
public Wavelet blindWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletId waveletId, String proxyForId,
Map<String, Blip> blips, Map<String, BlipThread> threads) {
return waveService.blindWavelet(waveId, waveletId, proxyForId, blips, threads);
* Creates a new wave with a list of participants on it.
* The root wavelet of the new wave is returned with its own
* {@link OperationQueue}. It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure
* this wavelet gets submitted to the server, either by calling
* {@link AbstractRobot#submit(Wavelet, String)} or by calling
* {@link Wavelet#submitWith(Wavelet)} on the new wavelet.
* @param domain the domain to create the wavelet on. In general, this should
* correspond to the domain of the incoming event wavelet, except when
* the robot is calling this method outside of an event or when the server
* is handling multiple domains.
* @param participants the initial participants on the wave. The robot, as the
* creator of the wave, will be added by default. The order of the
* participants will be preserved.
public Wavelet newWave(String domain, Set<String> participants) {
return waveService.newWave(domain, participants);
* @see #newWave(String, Set)
* @param proxyForId the proxy id that should be used to create the new wave.
* If specified, the creator of the wave would be
* robotid+<proxyForId>@appspot.com. Please note that this parameter
* should be properly encoded to ensure that the resulting participant id
* is valid (see {@link Util#checkIsValidProxyForId(String)} for more
* details).
public Wavelet newWave(String domain, Set<String> participants, String proxyForId) {
return waveService.newWave(domain, participants, proxyForId);
* @see #newWave(String, Set, String)
* @param msg the message that will be passed back to the robot when
* WAVELET_CREATED event is fired as a result of this operation.
public Wavelet newWave(String domain, Set<String> participants, String msg, String proxyForId) {
return waveService.newWave(domain, participants, msg, proxyForId);
* @see #newWave(String, Set, String, String)
* @param rpcServerUrl if specified, this operation will be submitted
* immediately to this active gateway, that will return immediately the
* actual wave id, the id of the root wavelet, and id of the root blip.
* @throws IOException if there is a problem submitting the operation to the
* server, when {@code submit} is {@code true}.
* @throws InvalidIdException
public Wavelet newWave(String domain, Set<String> participants, String msg, String proxyForId,
String rpcServerUrl) throws IOException, InvalidIdException {
return waveService.newWave(domain, participants, msg, proxyForId, rpcServerUrl);
* Requests SearchResult for a query.
* @param query the query to execute.
* @param index the index from which to return results.
* @param numresults the number of results to return.
* @param rpcServerUrl the active gateway.
* @throws IOException if remote server returns error.
public SearchResult search(String query, Integer index, Integer numResults, String rpcServerUrl)
throws IOException {
SearchResult searchResult = waveService.search(query, index, numResults, rpcServerUrl);
return searchResult;
* Fetches a wavelet using the active API.
* The returned wavelet contains a snapshot of the state of the wavelet at
* that point. It can be used to modify the wavelet, but the wavelet might
* change in between, so treat carefully.
* Also, the returned wavelet has its own {@link OperationQueue}. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to make sure this wavelet gets submitted to
* the server, either by calling {@link AbstractRobot#submit(Wavelet, String)}
* or by calling {@link Wavelet#submitWith(Wavelet)} on the new wavelet.
* @param waveId the id of the wave to fetch.
* @param waveletId the id of the wavelet to fetch.
* @param rpcServerUrl the active gateway that is used to fetch the wavelet.
* @throws IOException if there is a problem fetching the wavelet.
public Wavelet fetchWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletId waveletId, String rpcServerUrl)
throws IOException {
return waveService.fetchWavelet(waveId, waveletId, rpcServerUrl);
* @see #fetchWavelet(WaveId, WaveletId, String)
* @param proxyForId the proxy id that should be used to fetch this wavelet.
* Please note that this parameter should be properly encoded to ensure
* that the resulting participant id is valid (see
* {@link Util#checkIsValidProxyForId(String)} for more details).
public Wavelet fetchWavelet(WaveId waveId, WaveletId waveletId, String proxyForId,
String rpcServerUrl) throws IOException {
return waveService.fetchWavelet(waveId, waveletId, proxyForId, rpcServerUrl);
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
if (req.getRequestURI().endsWith(RPC_PATH)) {
processRpc(req, resp);
} else {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
String path = req.getRequestURI();
if (path.endsWith(PROFILE_PATH)) {
processProfile(req, resp);
} else if (path.endsWith(CAPABILITIES_PATH)) {
processCapabilities(req, resp);
} else if (path.endsWith(VERIFY_TOKEN_PATH)) {
processVerifyToken(req, resp);
} else {
* @return a custom profile based on "name" query parameter, or {@code null}
* if this robot doesn't support custom profile.
protected ParticipantProfile getCustomProfile(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String name) {
return null;
* @return the URL of the robot's avatar image.
protected String getRobotAvatarUrl() {
* Sets up the verification token that is used for the owner verification
* step during the robot registration.
* @param verificationToken the verification token.
* @param securityToken the security token that should be matched against when
* serving a verification token request.
protected void setupVerificationToken(String verificationToken, String securityToken) {
this.verificationToken = verificationToken;
this.securityToken = securityToken;
* Sets the OAuth related properties, including the consumer key and secret
* that are used to sign the outgoing operations in the active mode. Robot
* developer needs to visit
* {@link "http://wave.google.com/wave/robot/register"} to register and obtain
* the consumer key and secret.
* Should you need to make Active API calls to both our public and sandbox
* servers from the same robot, you can call this method multiple times, with
* the same consumer key and secret, but different RPC server URLs.
* After calling this method, the robot no longer accepts unsigned requests,
* but you can override that by calling
* {@link #setAllowUnsignedRequests(boolean)}.
* @param consumerKey the consumer key.
* @param consumerSecret the consumer secret.
* @param rpcServerUrl the URL of the server that serves the JSON-RPC request.
* <ul>
* <li>https://www-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/api/rpc - for wave
* preview.<li>
* <li>https://www-opensocial-sandbox.googleusercontent.com/api/rpc -
* for wave sandbox.</li>
* </ul>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the arguments are {@code null}.
protected void setupOAuth(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String rpcServerUrl) {
waveService.setupOAuth(consumerKey, consumerSecret, rpcServerUrl);
* Sets the OAuth related properties, including the consumer key and secret
* that are used to sign the outgoing operations in the active mode. This
* method sets the JSON-RPC handler URL to
* https://www-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/api/rpc, that is associated
* with wave preview instance.
* @param consumerKey the consumer key.
* @param consumerSecret the consumer secret.
protected void setupOAuth(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret) {
setupOAuth(consumerKey, consumerSecret, WaveService.RPC_URL);
* Sets whether or not unsigned incoming requests from robot proxy are
* allowed.
* @param allowUnsignedRequests whether or not unsigned requests from robot
* proxy are allowed.
protected void setAllowUnsignedRequests(boolean allowUnsignedRequests) {
if (!allowUnsignedRequests && waveService.getConsumerDataMap().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please call AbstractRobot.setupOAuth() first to " +
"setup the consumer key and secret to validate the request.");
this.allowUnsignedRequests = allowUnsignedRequests;
* @return {@code true} if unsigned incoming requests from robot proxy are
* allowed.
protected boolean isUnsignedRequestsAllowed() {
return allowUnsignedRequests;
* Processes the incoming HTTP request to obtain the verification token.
* @param req the HTTP request.
* @param resp the HTTP response.
private void processVerifyToken(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
if (verificationToken == null || verificationToken.isEmpty()) {
LOG.info("Please register a verification token by calling " +
String incomingSecurityToken = req.getParameter(SECURITY_TOKEN_PARAMETER_KEY);
if (securityToken != null && !securityToken.equals(incomingSecurityToken)) {
LOG.info("The incoming security token " + incomingSecurityToken + " does not match the " +
"expected security token " + securityToken + ".");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Processes the incoming HTTP request to obtain the capabilities.xml file.
* @param req the HTTP request.
* @param resp the HTTP response.
private void processCapabilities(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
xml.append("<w:robot xmlns:w=\"http://wave.google.com/extensions/robots/1.0\">\n");
xml.append(" <w:version>");
xml.append(" <w:protocolversion>");
xml.append(" <w:capabilities>\n");
for (Entry<String, Capability> entry : capabilityMap.entrySet()) {
xml.append(" <w:capability name=\"" + entry.getKey() + "\"");
Capability capability = entry.getValue();
if (capability != null) {
// Append context.
if (capability.contexts().length != 0) {
xml.append(" context=\"");
boolean first = true;
for (Context context : capability.contexts()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
// Append filter.
if (capability.filter() != null && !capability.filter().isEmpty()) {
xml.append(" filter=\"");
xml.append(" </w:capabilities>\n");
if (!waveService.getConsumerDataMap().isEmpty()) {
xml.append(" <w:consumer_keys>\n");
for (ConsumerData consumerDataObj : waveService.getConsumerDataMap().values()) {
xml.append(" <w:consumer_key for=\"" + consumerDataObj.getRpcServerUrl() + "\">"
+ consumerDataObj.getConsumerKey() + "</w:consumer_key>\n");
xml.append(" </w:consumer_keys>\n");
// Write the result into the output stream.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Processes the incoming HTTP request to obtain robot's profile.
* @param req the HTTP request.
* @param resp the HTTP response.
private void processProfile(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
ParticipantProfile profile = null;
// Try to get custom profile.
String proxiedName = req.getParameter(NAME_QUERY_PARAMETER_KEY);
if (proxiedName != null) {
profile = getCustomProfile(proxiedName);
// Set the default profile.
if (profile == null) {
profile = new ParticipantProfile(getRobotName(), getRobotAvatarUrl(),
// Write the result into the output stream.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Processes the incoming HTTP request that contains the event bundle.
* @param req the HTTP request.
* @param resp the HTTP response.
private void processRpc(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
// Deserialize and process the incoming events.
EventMessageBundle events = null;
try {
events = deserializeEvents(req);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Append robot.notifyCapabilitiesHash operation before processing the
// events.
OperationQueue operationQueue = events.getWavelet().getOperationQueue();
operationQueue.notifyRobotInformation(WaveService.PROTOCOL_VERSION, version);
// Call the robot event handlers.
// Serialize the operations.
serializeOperations(operationQueue.getPendingOperations(), resp);
* Processes the incoming event bundle. This method iterates over the event
* bundle and dispatch the individual event to its own handler, based on the
* event type.
* @param events the incoming event bundle.
protected void processEvents(EventMessageBundle events) {
for (Event event : events.getEvents()) {
switch (event.getType()) {
* Computes this robot's capabilities, based on the overriden event handler
* methods, and their {@link EventHandler.Capability} annotations.
* The result map does not use {@link EventType} enum as the key for stability
* between JVM runs, since the same enum may have different hashcode between
* JVM runs. This may cause two instances of the same robot that are running
* on different JVMs (for example, when App Engine scale the robot) to have
* different version number and capabilities ordering in
* {@code capabilities.xml}.
* @return a map of event type string to capability.
protected Map<String, Capability> computeCapabilityMap() {
Map<String, Capability> map = new HashMap<String, Capability>();
for (Method baseMethod : EventHandler.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
Method overridenMethod = null;
try {
overridenMethod = this.getClass().getMethod(baseMethod.getName(),
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Robot does not override this particular event handler. Continue.
// Skip the method, if it's declared in AbstractRobot.
if (AbstractRobot.class.equals(overridenMethod.getDeclaringClass())) {
// Get the event type.
EventType eventType = EventType.fromClass(overridenMethod.getParameterTypes()[0]);
// Get the capability annotation.
Capability capability = overridenMethod.getAnnotation(Capability.class);
map.put(eventType.toString(), capability);
return map;
* Computes this robot's hash, based on the capabilities.
* @return a hash of this robot, computed from it's capabilities.
protected String computeHash() {
long version = 0l;
for (Entry<String, Capability> entry : capabilityMap.entrySet()) {
long hash = entry.getKey().hashCode();
Capability capability = entry.getValue();
if (capability != null) {
for (Context context : capability.contexts()) {
hash = hash * 31 + context.name().hashCode();
hash = hash * 31 + capability.filter().hashCode();
version = version * 17 + hash;
return Long.toHexString(version);
* Deserializes the given HTTP request's JSON body into an event message
* bundle.
* @param req the HTTP request to be deserialized.
* @return an event message bundle.
* @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the request's body.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the request is not signed properly.
private EventMessageBundle deserializeEvents(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
String json = readRequestBody(req);
LOG.info("Incoming events: " + json);
EventMessageBundle bundle = SERIALIZER.fromJson(json, EventMessageBundle.class);
if (bundle.getRpcServerUrl() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RPC server URL is not set in the event bundle.");
if (!isUnsignedRequestsAllowed()) {
if (!waveService.hasConsumerData(bundle.getRpcServerUrl())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No consumer key is found for the RPC server URL: " +
// Validates the request.
try {
Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = req.getParameterMap();
waveService.validateOAuthRequest(req.getRequestURL().toString(), parameterMap,
json, bundle.getRpcServerUrl());
} catch (OAuthException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error validating OAuth request", e);
return bundle;
* Serializes the given outgoing operations into a JSON string, and put it in
* the given response object.
* @param operations the operations to be serialized.
* @param resp the response object to flush the output string into.
private static void serializeOperations(List<OperationRequest> operations,
HttpServletResponse resp) {
try {
String json = SERIALIZER.toJson(operations, GsonFactory.OPERATION_REQUEST_LIST_TYPE);
LOG.info("Outgoing operations: " + json);
} catch (IOException iox) {
* Reads the given HTTP request's input stream into a string.
* @param req the HTTP request to be read.
* @return a string representation of the given HTTP request's body.
* @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the body.
private static String readRequestBody(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader reader = req.getReader();
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
return json.toString();
public void onAnnotatedTextChanged(AnnotatedTextChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onBlipContributorsChanged(BlipContributorsChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onBlipSubmitted(BlipSubmittedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onDocumentChanged(DocumentChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onFormButtonClicked(FormButtonClickedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onGadgetStateChanged(GadgetStateChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletBlipCreated(WaveletBlipCreatedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletBlipRemoved(WaveletBlipRemovedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletCreated(WaveletCreatedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletFetched(WaveletFetchedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletParticipantsChanged(WaveletParticipantsChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletSelfAdded(WaveletSelfAddedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletSelfRemoved(WaveletSelfRemovedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletTagsChanged(WaveletTagsChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onWaveletTitleChanged(WaveletTitleChangedEvent event) {
// No-op.
public void onOperationError(OperationErrorEvent event) {
// No-op.
* @return the display name of the robot.
protected abstract String getRobotName();
* @return the URL of the robot's profile page.
protected abstract String getRobotProfilePageUrl();