package freenet.pluginmanager;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n;
import freenet.clients.http.ConfigToadlet;
import freenet.config.Config;
import freenet.config.FilePersistentConfig;
import freenet.config.SubConfig;
import freenet.node.Node;
public class PluginInfoWrapper implements Comparable<PluginInfoWrapper> {
private final String className;
private Thread thread;
private final long start;
final PluginRespirator pr;
private final String threadName;
final FredPlugin plug;
private final Config config;
private final SubConfig subconfig;
private final ConfigToadlet configToadlet;
private final boolean isPproxyPlugin;
private final boolean isThreadlessPlugin;
private final boolean isIPDetectorPlugin;
private final boolean isBandwidthIndicator;
private final boolean isPortForwardPlugin;
private final boolean isMultiplePlugin;
private final boolean isFCPPlugin;
private final boolean isVersionedPlugin;
private final boolean isLongVersionedPlugin;
private final boolean isThemedPlugin;
private final boolean isL10nPlugin;
private final boolean isBaseL10nPlugin;
private final boolean isConfigurablePlugin;
private final boolean isOfficialPlugin;
private final String filename;
private HashSet<String> toadletLinks = new HashSet<String>();
private volatile boolean stopping = false;
private volatile boolean unregistered = false;
public PluginInfoWrapper(Node node, FredPlugin plug, String filename, boolean isOfficial) throws IOException {
this.plug = plug;
className = plug.getClass().toString();
this.filename = filename; = new PluginRespirator(node, this);
threadName = 'p' + className.replaceAll("^class ", "") + '_' + hashCode();
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
isBandwidthIndicator = (plug instanceof FredPluginBandwidthIndicator);
isPproxyPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginHTTP);
isThreadlessPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginThreadless);
isIPDetectorPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginIPDetector);
isPortForwardPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginPortForward);
isMultiplePlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginMultiple);
isFCPPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginFCP);
isVersionedPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginVersioned);
isLongVersionedPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginRealVersioned);
isThemedPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginThemed);
isL10nPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginL10n);
isBaseL10nPlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginBaseL10n);
isConfigurablePlugin = (plug instanceof FredPluginConfigurable);
if(isConfigurablePlugin) {
config = FilePersistentConfig.constructFilePersistentConfig(new File(node.getCfgDir(), "plugin-"+getPluginClassName()+".ini"), "config options for plugin: "+getPluginClassName());
subconfig = new SubConfig(getPluginClassName(), config);
configToadlet = new ConfigToadlet(pr.getHLSimpleClient(), config, subconfig, node, node.clientCore, (FredPluginConfigurable)plug);
} else {
config = null;
subconfig = null;
configToadlet = null;
isOfficialPlugin = isOfficial;
void setThread(Thread ps) {
if(thread != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Already set a thread");
thread = ps;
public String toString() {
return "ID: \"" +threadName + "\", Name: "+ className +", Started: " + (new Date(start)).toString();
public String getThreadName() {
return threadName;
public long getStarted() {
return start;
public String getPluginClassName(){
return plug.getClass().getName();
public String getPluginVersion() {
if (isVersionedPlugin) {
return ((FredPluginVersioned)plug).getVersion();
} else {
return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("PproxyToadlet.noVersion");
public synchronized String[] getPluginToadletSymlinks(){
return toadletLinks.toArray(new String[0]);
public synchronized boolean addPluginToadletSymlink(String linkfrom){
if (toadletLinks.size() < 1)
toadletLinks = new HashSet<String>();
return toadletLinks.add(linkfrom);
public synchronized boolean removePluginToadletSymlink(String linkfrom){
if (toadletLinks.size() < 1)
return false;
return toadletLinks.remove(linkfrom);
public void startShutdownPlugin(PluginManager manager, boolean reloading) {
unregister(manager, reloading);
// TODO add a timeout for plug.terminate() too
System.out.println("Terminating plugin "+this.getFilename());
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Error while terminating plugin.", t);
System.err.println("Error while terminating plugin: "+t);
synchronized(this) {
stopping = true;
public boolean finishShutdownPlugin(PluginManager manager, long maxWaitTime, boolean reloading) {
boolean success = true;
if(thread != null) {
// Will be removed when the thread exits.
if(maxWaitTime >= 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "stopPlugin interrupted while join()ed to terminating plugin thread - maybe one plugin stopping another???");
if(thread.isAlive()) {
String error = "Waited for "+thread+" for "+plug+" to exit for "+maxWaitTime+"ms, and it is still alive!";
Logger.error(this, error);
success = false;
// Close the jar file, so we may delete / reload it
ClassLoader cl = plug.getClass().getClassLoader();
if (cl instanceof JarClassLoader) {
Closer.close((JarClassLoader) cl);
return success;
* Tell the plugin to quit. Interrupt it if it's a thread-based plugin which
* might be sleeping. Then call removePlugin() on it on the manager - either
* now, if it's threadless, or after it terminates, if it's thread based.
* @param manager The plugin manager object.
* @param maxWaitTime If a plugin is thread-based, we can wait for it to
* terminate. Set to -1 if you don't want to wait at all, 0 to wait forever
* or else a value in milliseconds.
public void stopPlugin(PluginManager manager, long maxWaitTime, boolean reloading) {
startShutdownPlugin(manager, reloading);
finishShutdownPlugin(manager, maxWaitTime, reloading);
// always remove plugin
* Unregister the plugin from any user interface or other callbacks it may be
* registered with. Call this before manager.removePlugin(): the plugin becomes
* unvisitable immediately, but it may take time for it to shut down completely.
void unregister(PluginManager manager, boolean reloading) {
synchronized(this) {
if(unregistered) return;
unregistered = true;
manager.unregisterPlugin(this, plug, reloading);
public boolean isPproxyPlugin() {
return isPproxyPlugin;
public String getFilename() {
return filename;
public boolean isBandwidthIndicator() {
return isBandwidthIndicator;
public boolean isThreadlessPlugin() {
return isThreadlessPlugin;
public boolean isIPDetectorPlugin() {
return isIPDetectorPlugin;
public boolean isPortForwardPlugin() {
return isPortForwardPlugin;
public boolean isMultiplePlugin() {
return isMultiplePlugin;
public boolean isFCPPlugin() {
return isFCPPlugin;
public boolean isThemedPlugin() {
return isThemedPlugin;
public boolean isL10nPlugin() {
return isL10nPlugin;
public boolean isBaseL10nPlugin() {
return isBaseL10nPlugin;
public boolean isConfigurablePlugin() {
return isConfigurablePlugin;
public synchronized boolean isStopping() {
return stopping;
public long getPluginLongVersion() {
if (isLongVersionedPlugin) {
return ((FredPluginRealVersioned)plug).getRealVersion();
} else {
return -1;
public FredPlugin getPlugin() {
return this.plug;
public PluginRespirator getPluginRespirator() {
return pr;
public int compareTo(PluginInfoWrapper pi) {
return className.compareTo(pi.className);
public Config getConfig() {
return config;
public SubConfig getSubConfig() {
return subconfig;
public ConfigToadlet getConfigToadlet() {
return configToadlet;
public boolean isOfficialPlugin() {
return isOfficialPlugin;
public String getLocalisedPluginName() {
String pluginName = getFilename();
return PluginManager.getOfficialPluginLocalisedName(pluginName);
else return pluginName;