Package freenet.node.updater

Source Code of freenet.node.updater.MainJarDependenciesChecker$Dependency

/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.node.updater;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager;

import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.crypt.SHA256;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.node.PrioRunnable;
import freenet.node.Version;

* Parses the file and ensures we have all the
* libraries required to use the next version. Calls the Deployer to do the
* actual fetches, and to deploy the new version when we have everything
* ready.
* We used to support a range of freenet-ext.jar versions. However,
* supporting ranges creates a lot of complexity, especially with Update
* Over Mandatory support.
* File format of
* [module].type=[module type]
* CLASSPATH means the file must be downloaded, and then added to the
* classpath in wrapper.conf, before the update can be loaded.
* OPTIONAL_PRELOAD means we just want to download the file.
* [module].version=[version number]
* Can often be parsed from MANIFEST.MF in Jar's, but that is NOT mandatory.
* [module].filename=[preferred filename]
* For CLASSPATH, this should be unique, i.e. include the version in the
* filename, e.g. freenet-ext-29.jar. For OPTIONAL_PRELOAD, we will often
* overwrite existing files.
* [module].sha256=[hash in hex]
* SHA256 hash of the file.
* [module].filename-regex=[regular expression]
* Matches filenames for this module. Only required for CLASSPATH. Note that
* filenames will be toLowerCase()'ed first (but the regex isn't).
* [module].key=[CHK URI]
* Where to fetch the file from if we don't have it.
* [module].size=[decimal size in bytes]
* Size of the file.
* Optional:
* [module].order=[decimal integer order, default is 0]
* Ordering of CLASSPATH files within the wrapper.conf. E.g. freenet-ext.jar
* is usually the last element because we want the earlier files to override
* classes in it.
* [module].os=[comma delimited list of OS's and pseudo-OS's]
* OS's: See FileUtil.OperatingSystem: MacOS Linux FreeBSD GenericUnix Windows
* Pseudo-Os's: ALL_WINDOWS ALL_UNIX ALL_MAC (these correspond to the booleans
* on FileUtil.OperatingSystem).
* @author toad
public class MainJarDependenciesChecker {
  private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
  static {
  // Lightweight interfaces, mundane glue code implemented by the caller.
  // FIXME unit testing should be straightforward, AND WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA!
  class MainJarDependencies {
    /** The freenet.jar build to be deployed. It might be possible to
     * deploy a new build without changing the wrapper. */
    final int build;
    /** The actual dependencies. */
    final Set<Dependency> dependencies;
    /** True if we must rewrite wrapper.conf, i.e. if any new jars have
     * been added, or new versions of existing jars. Won't be reliably
     * true in case of jars being removed at present. FIXME see comments
     * in handle() about deletion placeholders! */
    final boolean mustRewriteWrapperConf;
    MainJarDependencies(TreeSet<Dependency> dependencies, int build) {
      this.dependencies = Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(dependencies); = build;
      boolean mustRewrite = false;
      for(Dependency d : dependencies) {
        if(d.oldFilename == null || !d.oldFilename.equals(d.newFilename)) {
          mustRewrite = true;
        if(File.pathSeparatorChar == ':' &&
            d.oldFilename != null && d.oldFilename.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
          // If wrapper.conf currently contains, we need to update wrapper.conf even
          // on unix. Reason: won't be read if it's not the first item on the classpath,
          // because freenet.jar includes freenet-ext.jar implicitly via its manifest.
          mustRewrite = true;
      mustRewriteWrapperConf = mustRewrite;
  interface Deployer {
    public void deploy(MainJarDependencies deps);
    public JarFetcher fetch(FreenetURI uri, File downloadTo, long expectedLength, byte[] expectedHash, JarFetcherCallback cb, int build, boolean essential, boolean executable) throws FetchException;
    /** Called by cleanup with the dependencies we can serve for the current version.
     * @param expectedHash The hash of the file's contents, which is also
     * listed in the dependencies file.
     * @param filename The local file to serve it from. */
    public void addDependency(byte[] expectedHash, File filename);
    /** We have just downloaded a dependency needed for the current build. Reannounce to tell
     * our peers about it. */
        public void reannounce();
        /** A multi-file update (e.g. wrapper update) is ready to deploy. It may need a restart.
         * We may need the user's permission to deploy it, or we may be able to deploy it
         * immediately. The Deployer must call atomicDeployer.deployMultiFileUpdateOffThread()
         * when ready.
         * @param atomicDeployer
        public void multiFileReplaceReadyToDeploy(AtomicDeployer atomicDeployer);
  interface JarFetcher {
    public void cancel();
  interface JarFetcherCallback {
    public void onSuccess();
    public void onFailure(FetchException e);

  /** A dependency, for purposes of writing the new wrapper.conf. Contains its new filename, its
   * priority (order) in the wrapper.conf classpath, and all that is needed to identify the
   * previous line referring to this file.
   * @author toad
  final class Dependency implements Comparable<Dependency> {
      /** The old filename, if known. This will be in wrapper.conf. */
    private File oldFilename;
    /** The new filename, to which we will download the file. */
    private File newFilename;
    /** Pattern to recognise filenames for this dependency in the last resort. */
    private Pattern regex;
    /** Priority of the dependency within the wrapper.conf classpath. Smaller value = earlier
     * in the classpath = used first. */
    private int order;
    private Dependency(File oldFilename, File newFilename, Pattern regex, int order) {
      this.oldFilename = oldFilename;
      this.newFilename = newFilename;
      this.regex = regex;
      this.order = order;
    public File oldFilename() {
      return oldFilename;
    public File newFilename() {
      return newFilename;
    public Pattern regex() {
      return regex;

    public int compareTo(Dependency arg0) {
      if(this == arg0) return 0;
      if(order > arg0.order) return 1;
      else if(order < arg0.order) return -1;
      // Filename comparisons aren't very reliable (e.g. "./test" versus "test" are not equals()!), go by getName() first.
      int ret = newFilename.getName().compareTo(arg0.newFilename.getName());
      if(ret != 0) return ret;
      return newFilename.compareTo(arg0.newFilename);

        public int order() {
            return order;
  MainJarDependenciesChecker(Deployer deployer, Executor executor) {
    this.deployer = deployer;
    this.executor = executor;

  private final Deployer deployer;
  /** The final filenames we will use in the update, which we have
   * already downloaded. */
  private final TreeSet<Dependency> dependencies = new TreeSet<Dependency>();
  /** Set if the update can't be deployed because the dependencies file is
   * broken. We should wait for an update with a valid file.
  private boolean broken = false;
  /** The build we are about to deploy */
  private int build;
  private class Downloader implements JarFetcherCallback {

      /** The JarFetcher which fetches the dependency from Freenet or via UOM. */
    final JarFetcher fetcher;
    /** The dependency. Will be added to the set of downloaded dependencies after the fetch
     * completes if this is an essential dependency for the build currently being fetched. */
    final Dependency dep;
    /** True if this dependency is required prior to deploying the next build. False if it's
     * just OPTIONAL_PRELOAD. */
    final boolean essential;
    /** The build number that this dependency is being downloaded for */
    final int forBuild;

    /** Construct with a Dependency, so we can add it when we're done. */
    Downloader(Dependency dep, FreenetURI uri, byte[] expectedHash, long expectedSize, boolean essential, boolean executable, int forBuild) throws FetchException {
      fetcher = deployer.fetch(uri, dep.newFilename, expectedSize, expectedHash, this, build, essential, executable);
      this.dep = dep;
      this.essential = essential;
      this.forBuild = forBuild;

    public void onSuccess() {
      if(!essential) {
        System.out.println("Downloaded "+dep.newFilename+" - may be used by next update");
      System.out.println("Downloaded "+dep.newFilename+" needed for update "+forBuild+"...");
      boolean toDeploy = false;
      boolean forCurrentVersion = false;
      synchronized(MainJarDependenciesChecker.this) {
        if(forBuild == build) { // If the dependency is for the build we are about to deploy...
            toDeploy = ready();
        } else {
            forCurrentVersion = (forBuild == Version.buildNumber());
      if(toDeploy) deploy();
      else if(forCurrentVersion) deployer.reannounce();

    public void onFailure(FetchException e) {
      if(!essential) {
        Logger.error(this, "Failed to pre-load "+dep.newFilename+" : "+e, e);
      } else {
        System.err.println("Failed to fetch "+dep.newFilename+" needed for next update ("+e.getShortMessage()+"). Will try again if we find a new freenet.jar.");
        synchronized(MainJarDependenciesChecker.this) {
          if(forBuild != build) return;
          broken = true;
    public void cancel() {
  /** The dependency downloads currently running which are required for the next build. Hence
   * non-essential (preload) dependencies are not added to this set. */
  private final HashSet<Downloader> downloaders = new HashSet<Downloader>();
  private final Executor executor;
  /** Parse the Properties file. Check whether we have the jars it refers to.
   * If not, start fetching them.
   * @param props The Properties parsed from the file.
   * @return The set of filenames needed if we can deploy immediately, in
   * which case the caller MUST deploy. */
  public synchronized MainJarDependencies handle(Properties props, int build) {
    try {
      return innerHandle(props, build);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      broken = true;
      Logger.error(this, "MainJarDependencies parsing update file broke: "+e, e);
      throw e;
    } catch (Error e) {
      broken = true;
      Logger.error(this, "MainJarDependencies parsing update file broke: "+e, e);
      throw e;
    /** A jar we want to put on the classpath. Normally we move to a new filename when there is
     * a new version of such a dependency; supports most features of */
    /** A jar we want to put on the classpath but after that we won't update it even if there
     * is a new version. Used for wrapper.jar since we will update it via a separate mechanism,
     * because we have to update other files too. No regex support - must match the exact
     * filename. We do however check for 0 length files just in case. */
    /** A file to download, which does not block the update. */
    /** Deploy multiple files at once, all or nothing, then do a full restart on the wrapper.
     * On Windows this needs an external EXE which waits for shutdown, replaces the files, then
     * starts Freenet back up; on Linux and Mac we can just use a shell script. */

        final boolean optional;
            this.optional ="OPTIONAL_");
  private synchronized MainJarDependencies innerHandle(Properties props, int build) {
    // FIXME support deletion placeholders.
    // I.e. when we remove a library we put a placeholder in to tell this code to delete it.
    // It's not acceptable to just delete stuff we don't know about.
    HashSet<String> processed = new HashSet<String>();
    File[] list = new File(".").listFiles(new FileFilter() {

      public boolean accept(File arg0) {
        if(!arg0.isFile()) return false;
        // Ignore non-jars regardless of what the regex says.
        String name = arg0.getName().toLowerCase();
        if(!(name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(""))) return false;
        // FIXME similar checks elsewhere, factor out?
        if(name.equals("freenet.jar") || name.equals("") || name.equals("freenet-stable-latest.jar") || name.equals(""))
          return false;
        return true;
outer:  for(String propName : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
      if(!propName.contains(".")) continue;
      String baseName = propName.split("\\.")[0];
      if(!processed.add(baseName)) continue;
      String s = props.getProperty(baseName+".type");
      if(s == null) {
        Logger.error(this, " broken? missing type for \""+baseName+"\"");
        broken = true;
      try {
        type = DEPENDENCY_TYPE.valueOf(s);
            // Ignore. Handle in cleanup().
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if(s.startsWith("OPTIONAL_")) {
          // We don't understand it, but that's OK as it's optional.
          if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring non-essential dependency type \""+s+"\" for \""+baseName+"\"");
        // We don't understand it, and it's not optional, so we can't deploy the update.
        Logger.error(this, " broken? unrecognised type for \""+baseName+"\"");
        broken = true;
      // Check operating system restrictions.
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".os");
      if(s != null) {
        if(!matchesCurrentOS(s)) {
          Logger.normal(this, "Ignoring "+baseName+" as not relevant to this operating system");
            // Check architecture restrictions.
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".arch");
      if(s != null) {
          if(!matchesCurrentArch(s)) {
                    Logger.normal(this, "Ignoring "+baseName+" as not relevant to this architecture");
      // Version is used in cleanup().
      String version = props.getProperty(baseName+".version");
      if(version == null) {
        Logger.error(this, " broken? missing version");
        broken = true;
      File filename = null;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".filename");
      // FIXME use nodeDir
      if(s != null) filename = new File(s);
      if(filename == null) {
        Logger.error(this, " broken? missing filename");
        broken = true;
      if(filename.getParentFile() != null)
      FreenetURI maxCHK = null;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".key");
      if(s == null) {
        Logger.error(this, " broken? missing "+baseName+".key");
        // Can't fetch it. :(
      } else {
        try {
          maxCHK = new FreenetURI(s);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
          Logger.error(this, "Unable to parse CHK for "+baseName+": \""+s+"\": "+e, e);
          maxCHK = null;
      // FIXME where to get the proper folder from? That seems to be an issue in UpdateDeployContext as well...
      Pattern p = null;
        // Regex used for matching filenames.
        String regex = props.getProperty(baseName+".filename-regex");
        if(regex == null && type == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.CLASSPATH) {
          // Not a critical error. Just means we can't clean it up, and can't identify whether we already have a compatible jar.
          Logger.error(this, "No "+baseName+".filename-regex in - we will not be able to clean up old versions of files, and may have to download the latest version unnecessarily");
          // May be fatal later on depending on what else we have.
        try {
          if(regex != null)
            p = Pattern.compile(regex);
        } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
          Logger.error(this, "Bogus Pattern \""+regex+"\" in");
          p = null;
      byte[] expectedHash = parseExpectedHash(props.getProperty(baseName+".sha256"), baseName);
      if(expectedHash == null) {
        System.err.println("Unable to update to build "+build+": broken: No hash for "+baseName);
        broken = true;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".size");
      long size = -1;
      if(s != null) {
        try {
          size = Long.parseLong(s);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          size = -1;
      if(size < 0) {
        System.err.println("Unable to update to build "+build+": broken: Broken length for "+baseName+" : \""+s+"\"");
        broken = true;
      int order = 0;
      File currentFile = null;

        s = props.getProperty(baseName+".order");
        if(s != null) {
          try {
            // Order is an optional field.
            // For most stuff we don't care.
            // But if it's present it must be correct!
            order = Integer.parseInt(s);
          } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            System.err.println("Unable to update to build "+build+": broken: Broken order for "+baseName+" : \""+s+"\"");
            broken = true;
        currentFile = getDependencyInUse(p);
            // Executable?
            boolean executable = false;
            s = props.getProperty(baseName+".executable");
            if(s != null) {
                executable = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
      if(type == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.OPTIONAL_CLASSPATH_NO_UPDATE && filename.exists()) {
          if(filename.canRead() && filename.length() > 0) {
              System.out.println("Assuming non-updated dependency file is current: "+filename);
              dependencies.add(new Dependency(currentFile, filename, p, order));
          } else {
              System.out.println("Non-updated dependency is empty?: "+filename+" - will try to fetch it");
      if(validFile(filename, expectedHash, size, executable)) {
        // Nothing to do. Yay!
        System.out.println("Found file required by the new Freenet version: "+filename);
        // Use it.
          dependencies.add(new Dependency(currentFile, filename, p, order));
      // Check the version currently in use.
      if(currentFile != null && validFile(currentFile, expectedHash, size, executable)) {
        System.out.println("Existing version of "+currentFile+" is OK for update.");
        // Use it.
          dependencies.add(new Dependency(currentFile, currentFile, p, order));
        if(p == null) {
          // No way to check existing files.
          if(maxCHK != null) {
            try {
              fetchDependency(maxCHK, new Dependency(currentFile, filename, p, order), expectedHash, size, true, executable);
            } catch (FetchException fe) {
              broken = true;
              Logger.error(this, "Failed to start fetch: "+fe, fe);
              System.err.println("Failed to start fetch of essential component for next release: "+fe);
          } else {
            // Critical error.
            System.err.println("Unable to fetch "+baseName+" because no URI and no regex to match old versions.");
            broken = true;
        for(File f : list) {
          String name = f.getName();
          if(!p.matcher(name.toLowerCase()).matches()) continue;
          if(validFile(f, expectedHash, size, executable)) {
            // Use it.
            System.out.println("Found "+name+" - meets requirement for "+baseName+" for next update.");
            dependencies.add(new Dependency(currentFile, f, p, order));
            continue outer;
      if(maxCHK == null) {
        System.err.println("Cannot fetch "+baseName+" for update because no CHK and no old file");
        broken = true;
      // Otherwise we need to fetch it.
      try {
        fetchDependency(maxCHK, new Dependency(currentFile, filename, p, order), expectedHash, size, type != DEPENDENCY_TYPE.OPTIONAL_PRELOAD, executable);
      } catch (FetchException e) {
        broken = true;
        Logger.error(this, "Failed to start fetch: "+e, e);
        System.err.println("Failed to start fetch of essential component for next release: "+e);
      return new MainJarDependencies(new TreeSet<Dependency>(dependencies), build);
      return null;
  private static boolean matchesCurrentOS(String s) {
    OperatingSystem myOS = FileUtil.detectedOS;
    String[] osList = s.split(",");
    for(String os : osList) {
      os = os.trim();
      if(myOS.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(os)) {
        return true;
      if(os.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL_WINDOWS") &&
          myOS.isWindows) {
        return true;
      if(os.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL_UNIX") &&
          myOS.isUnix) {
        return true;
      if(os.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL_MAC") &&
          myOS.isMac) {
        return true;
    return false;

    private static boolean matchesCurrentArch(String s) {
        CPUArchitecture myCPU = FileUtil.detectedArch;
        String[] archList = s.split(",");
        for(String arch : archList) {
            arch = arch.trim();
            if(myCPU.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(arch)) {
                return true;
        return false;

  /** Should be called on startup, before any fetches have started. Will
   * remove unnecessary files and start blob fetches for files we don't
   * have blobs for.
   * @param props The from the running version.
   * @return True unless something went wrong.
  public boolean cleanup(Properties props, final Deployer deployer, int build) {
    // This method should not change anything, but can call the callbacks.
    HashSet<String> processed = new HashSet<String>();
    final ArrayList<File> toDelete = new ArrayList<File>();
    File[] listMain = new File(".").listFiles(new FileFilter() {

      public boolean accept(File arg0) {
        if(!arg0.isFile()) return false;
        String name = arg0.getName().toLowerCase();
        // Cleanup old updater tempfiles.
        if(name.endsWith(NodeUpdateManager.TEMP_FILE_SUFFIX) || name.endsWith(NodeUpdateManager.TEMP_BLOB_SUFFIX)) {
          return false;
        // Ignore non-jars regardless of what the regex says.
        if(!name.endsWith(".jar")) return false;
        // FIXME similar checks elsewhere, factor out?
        if(name.equals("freenet.jar") || name.equals("") || name.equals("freenet-stable-latest.jar") || name.equals(""))
          return false;
        return true;
    for(File f : toDelete) {
      System.out.println("Deleting old temp file \""+f+"\"");
    for(String propName : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
      if(!propName.contains(".")) continue;
      String baseName = propName.split("\\.")[0];
      if(!processed.add(baseName)) continue;
      String s = props.getProperty(baseName+".type");
      if(s == null) {
        Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, " broken? missing type for \""+baseName+"\"");
      final DEPENDENCY_TYPE type;
      try {
        type = DEPENDENCY_TYPE.valueOf(s);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if(s.startsWith("OPTIONAL_")) {
          if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(MainJarDependencies.class, "Ignoring non-essential dependency type \""+s+"\" for \""+baseName+"\"");
        Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, " broken? unrecognised type for \""+baseName+"\"");
           // Check operating system restrictions.
            s = props.getProperty(baseName+".os");
            if(s != null) {
                if(!matchesCurrentOS(s)) {
                    Logger.normal(MainJarDependenciesChecker.class, "Ignoring "+baseName+" as not relevant to this operating system");
            // Check architecture restrictions.
            s = props.getProperty(baseName+".arch");
            if(s != null) {
                if(!matchesCurrentArch(s)) {
                    Logger.normal(this, "Ignoring "+baseName+" as not relevant to this architecture");

            // For wrapper updates.
            // 3.2 tolerates "java" being a script, 3.5 does not, so we must not upgrade in this case.
            String mustBeOnPathNotAScript = props.getProperty(baseName+".mustBeOnPathNotAScript");
            if(mustBeOnPathNotAScript != null && !isOnPathNotAScript(mustBeOnPathNotAScript)) {
                Logger.normal(this, "Ignoring "+baseName+" because needs \""+mustBeOnPathNotAScript+"\" on the path and not a script");
                System.out.println( "Ignoring "+baseName+" because needs \""+mustBeOnPathNotAScript+"\" on the path and not a script"); // FIXME remove when tested
                parseAtomicMultiFilesWithRestart(props, baseName);
      // Version is useful for checking for obsolete versions of files.
      String version = props.getProperty(baseName+".version");
      if(version == null) {
        Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, " broken? missing version");
        return false;
      File filename = null;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".filename");
      // FIXME use nodeDir
      if(s != null) filename = new File(s);
      if(filename == null) {
        Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, " broken? missing filename");
        return false;
      final FreenetURI key;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".key");
      if(s == null) {
        Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, " broken? missing "+baseName+".key");
        return false;
      try {
        key = new FreenetURI(s);
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Unable to parse CHK for "+baseName+": \""+s+"\": "+e, e);
        return false;
      Pattern p = null;
      // Regex used for matching filenames.
        String regex = props.getProperty(baseName+".filename-regex");
        if(regex == null) {
          Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "No "+baseName+".filename-regex in");
          return false;
        try {
          p = Pattern.compile(regex);
        } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
          Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Bogus Pattern \""+regex+"\" in");
          return false;
      final byte[] expectedHash = parseExpectedHash(props.getProperty(baseName+".sha256"), baseName);
      if(expectedHash == null) {
        System.err.println("Unable to update to build "+build+": broken: No hash for "+baseName);
        return false;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".size");
      long size = -1;
      if(s != null) {
        try {
          size = Long.parseLong(s);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          size = -1;
      if(size < 0) {
        System.err.println("Unable to update to build "+build+": broken: Broken length for "+baseName+" : \""+s+"\"");
        return false;
      s = props.getProperty(baseName+".order");
      if(s != null) {
        try {
          // Order is an optional field.
          // For most stuff we don't care.
          // But if it's present it must be correct!
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          System.err.println("Unable to update to build "+build+": broken: Broken order for "+baseName+" : \""+s+"\"");
      File currentFile = null;
        currentFile = getDependencyInUse(p);
      if(type == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.OPTIONAL_CLASSPATH_NO_UPDATE && filename.exists()) {
          if(filename.canRead() && filename.length() > 0) {
              Logger.normal(MainJarDependenciesChecker.class, "Assuming non-updated dependency file is current: "+filename);
          } else {
              System.out.println("Non-updated dependency is empty?: "+filename+" - will try to fetch it");
          // Whitelist types to preload.
          // Update this if new types need to be preloaded.
            // Executable?
            boolean executable = false;
            s = props.getProperty(baseName+".executable");
            if(s != null) {
                executable = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
            if(type == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.OPTIONAL_PRELOAD && filename.exists())
                currentFile = filename;

      // Serve the file if it meets the hash in the
      if(currentFile != null && currentFile.exists() &&
              validFile(currentFile, expectedHash, size, executable)) {
          // File is OK.
          if(!type.optional) {
              System.out.println("Will serve "+currentFile+" for UOM");
              deployer.addDependency(expectedHash, currentFile);
      } else if(currentFile != null && !type.optional) {
          // Will be dealt with during update. For now ignore it. Not safe to preload it, since it's on the classpath, whether it exists or not.
          System.out.println("Component "+baseName+" is using a non-standard file, we cannot serve the file "+filename+" via UOM to other nodes. Hence they may not be able to download the update from us.");
      } else {
          // Optional update, or not present in spite of being required.
        final File file = filename;
        try {
          System.out.println("Preloading "+filename+(type.optional ? "" : " for the next update..."));
          deployer.fetch(key, filename, size, expectedHash, new JarFetcherCallback() {

            public void onSuccess() {
              System.out.println("Preloaded "+file+" which will be needed when we upgrade.");
              if(!type.optional) {
                  System.out.println("Will serve "+file+" for UOM");
                  deployer.addDependency(expectedHash, file);

            public void onFailure(FetchException e) {
              Logger.error(this, "Failed to preload "+file+" from "+key+" : "+e, e);
          }, type.optional ? 0 : build, false, executable);
        } catch (FetchException e) {
          Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Failed to preload "+file+" from "+key+" : "+e, e);
      if(currentFile == null)
        continue; // Ignore any old versions we might have missed that were actually on the classpath.
      String currentFileVersion = getDependencyVersion(currentFile);
      if(currentFileVersion == null)
        continue; // If no version in the current version, no version in any other either, can't reliably detect outdated jars. E.g. freenet-ext.jar up to v29!
      // Now delete bogus dependencies.
      for(File f : listMain) {
        String name = f.getName().toLowerCase();
        if(!p.matcher(name).matches()) continue;
        // Comparing File's by equals() is dodgy, e.g. ./blah != blah. So use getName().
        // Even on *nix some filesystems are case insensitive.
        if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(currentFile.getName())) continue;
        if(inClasspath(name)) continue; // Paranoia!
        String fileVersion = getDependencyVersion(f);
        if(fileVersion == null) {
          System.out.println("Deleting old dependency file (no version): "+f);
        if(Fields.compareVersion(fileVersion, version) <= 0) {
          System.out.println("Deleting old dependency file (outdated): "+f);
        } // Keep newer versions.
    return true;
  static final byte[] SCRIPT_HEAD;
  static {
      try {
          SCRIPT_HEAD = "#!".getBytes("UTF-8");
      } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          throw new Error(e);
  private boolean isOnPathNotAScript(String toFind) {
      String path = System.getenv("PATH"); // Upper case should work on both linux and Windows
      if(path == null) return false;
      String[] split = path.split(File.pathSeparator);
      for(String s : split) {
          File f = new File(s);
          if(f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) {
              f = new File(f, toFind);
              if(f.exists() && f.canExecute()) {
                  if(!f.canRead()) {
                      Logger.error(this, "On path and can execute but not read, so can't check whether it is a script?!: "+f);
                      return false;
                  if(f.length() < SCRIPT_HEAD.length) {
                      Logger.error(this, "Found "+toFind+" on path but less than "+SCRIPT_HEAD+" bytes long, so can't check whether it is a script - will the shell try the next match? We can't tell whether it is a script or not ...");
                      return false; // Weird!
                  try {
                        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
                        byte[] buf = new byte[SCRIPT_HEAD.length];
                        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
                        try {
                            return !Arrays.equals(buf, SCRIPT_HEAD);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            Logger.error(this, "Unable to read "+f+" to check whether it is a script: "+e+" - disk corruption problems???", e);
                            return false;
                        } finally {
                    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                        // Impossible.
      Logger.normal(this, "Could not find "+toFind+" on the path");
      return false; // Not found on the path.

    enum MUST_EXIST {
        /** File may or may not exist */
      /** File must exist but we don't care about its content (we're going to replace it) */
      /** File must exist and have exactly the contents expected (it's a prerequisite) */
  /** Handle a request to atomically update a set of files and restart the wrapper properly, that
   * is, using an external script (just telling it to restart is inadequate in this case). FORMAT:
   *  os=ALL_UNIX // handled by caller
   *  files.1.mustExist=true // do not deploy if the file did not exist previously
   * OR files.1.mustExist=false // create the file if it's not there
   *  files.1.sha256=...
   *  files.1.filename=wrapper.jar
   *  files.1.chk=CHK@...
   *  files.2....
   * @return False if something broke.
  private boolean parseAtomicMultiFilesWithRestart(Properties props, String name) {
      AtomicDeployer atomicDeployer = createRestartingAtomicDeployer(name);
      if(atomicDeployer == null) return false; // Platform not supported?
      boolean nothingToDo = true;
      for(String propName : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
          String[] split = propName.split("\\.");
          if(split.length != 4) continue;
          // namefordeploy.nameforfile.filename=...
          // nameforfile is not necessarily the filename, which might contain . / etc.
          if(!split[0].equals(name)) continue;
          if(!split[1].equals("files")) continue;
          if(!split[3].equals("filename")) continue;
          String fileBase = name+".files."+split[2];
          // Filename.
          File filename = null;
          String s = props.getProperty(fileBase+".filename");
          if(s == null) break;
          filename = new File(s);
          // Key.
          final FreenetURI key;
          s = props.getProperty(fileBase+".key");
          if(s == null) {
              Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, " broken? missing "+fileBase+".key in atomic multi-files list");
              return false;
          try {
              key = new FreenetURI(s);
          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
              Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Unable to parse CHK for multi-files replace for "+fileBase+": \""+s+"\": "+e, e);
              return false;
          // Size.
          s = props.getProperty(fileBase+".size");
          long size = -1;
          if(s != null) {
              try {
                  size = Long.parseLong(s);
              } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                  Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Unable to parse size for multi-files replace for "+fileBase+": \""+s+"\": "+e, e);
                  return false;
            // Must exist?
          MUST_EXIST mustExist;
            s = props.getProperty(fileBase+".mustExist");
            if(s == null) {
                mustExist = MUST_EXIST.FALSE;
            } else {
                try {
                    mustExist = MUST_EXIST.valueOf(s.toUpperCase());
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Unable to past mustExist \""+s+"\" for "+fileBase);
                    return false;
            boolean mustBeOnClassPath = false;
            s = props.getProperty(fileBase+".mustBeOnClassPath");
            if(s != null) {
                mustBeOnClassPath = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
          // SHA256 hash
            byte[] expectedHash = parseExpectedHash(props.getProperty(fileBase+".sha256"), fileBase);
            if(expectedHash == null) {
                System.err.println(" multi-file replace broken: No hash for "+fileBase);
                return false;
            // Executable?
            boolean executable = false;
            s = props.getProperty(fileBase+".executable");
            if(s != null) {
                executable = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
            if(!filename.exists()) {
                if(mustExist != MUST_EXIST.FALSE) {
                    System.out.println("Not running multi-file replace "+name+" : File does not exist: "+filename);
                    return false;
                nothingToDo = false;
                System.out.println("Multi-file replace: Must create "+filename+" for "+name);
            } else if(!validFile(filename, expectedHash, size, executable)) {
                if(mustExist == MUST_EXIST.EXACT) {
                    System.out.println("Not running multi-file replace: Not compatible with old version of prerequisite "+filename);
                    return false;
                System.out.println("Multi-file replace: Must update "+filename+" for "+name);
                nothingToDo = false;
            } else if(mustExist == MUST_EXIST.EXACT)
            if(mustBeOnClassPath) {
                File f = getDependencyInUse(Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(filename.getName())));
                if(f == null) {
                    System.err.println("Not running multi-file replace: File must be on classpath: "+filename+" for "+name);
                    return false;
            AtomicDependency dependency;
            try {
                dependency = new AtomicDependency(filename, key, size, expectedHash, executable);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Unable to start multi-file update for "+name+" : "+e);
                return false;
      if(nothingToDo) {
          System.out.println("Multi-file replace: Nothing to do for "+name+".");
          return false; // Valid no-op.
      return true;
  static final String UPDATER_BACKUP_SUFFIX = ".update.bak.tmp";
  /** A file to be replaced as part of a multi-file replace. */
  private class AtomicDependency implements JarFetcherCallback {
      /** Temporary file to store the downloaded data in until it is ready to deploy */
      private final File tempFilename;
      /** Temporary file to store a copy of the old file in until the deploy has succeeded */
      private final File backupFilename;
      private final File filename;
      private final FreenetURI key;
      private final long size;
      private final byte[] expectedHash;
      private final boolean executable;
      private AtomicDeployer myDeployer;
      private JarFetcher fetcher;
      private boolean nothingToBackup;
      private boolean triedDeploy;
      private boolean succeededFetch;
      private boolean backedUp;

        public AtomicDependency(File filename, FreenetURI key, long size, byte[] expectedHash, boolean executable) throws IOException {
            this.filename = filename;
            this.key = key;
            this.size = size;
            this.expectedHash = expectedHash;
            this.executable = executable;
            File parent = filename.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
            if(parent == null) parent = new File(".");
            File[] list = parent.listFiles();
            for(File f : list) {
                String name = f.getName();
                if(name.startsWith(filename.getName()) && name.endsWith(UPDATER_BACKUP_SUFFIX))
            this.tempFilename = File.createTempFile(filename.getName(), ".tmp", parent);
            this.backupFilename = File.createTempFile(filename.getName(), UPDATER_BACKUP_SUFFIX, parent);
        public boolean start(AtomicDeployer myDeployer) {
            synchronized(this) {
                if(this.myDeployer != null) return true; // Already running.
                this.myDeployer = myDeployer;
            System.out.println("Fetching "+filename+" from "+key);
            try {
                JarFetcher fetcher = deployer.fetch(key, tempFilename, size, expectedHash, this, build, false, executable /* we use rename, so ideally we'd like the temp file to be executable if the target will be */);
                synchronized(this) {
                    this.fetcher = fetcher;
                return true;
            } catch (FetchException e) {
                Logger.error(this, "Unable to start fetch for "+filename+" from "+key+" size "+size+" expected hash "+HexUtil.bytesToHex(expectedHash)+" : "+e, e);
                System.err.println("Unable to start fetch for "+filename+" for multi-file replace");
                return false;

        public void onSuccess() {
            AtomicDeployer d;
            synchronized(this) {
                succeededFetch = true;
                d = myDeployer;
            System.out.println("Fetched "+filename+" from "+key);

        public void onFailure(FetchException e) {
            System.out.println("Failed to fetch "+filename+" from "+key);
            getDeployer().onFailure(this, e);

        private synchronized AtomicDeployer getDeployer() {
            return myDeployer;

        public void cancel() {
            JarFetcher f;
            synchronized(this) {
                f = fetcher;
                fetcher = null;
            if(f == null) return;
        boolean backupOriginal() {
            System.out.println("Backing up "+filename+" to "+backupFilename);
            if(!filename.exists()) {
                synchronized(this) {
                    nothingToBackup = true;
                    backedUp = true;
                return true;
            if(FileUtil.copyFile(filename, backupFilename)) {
                synchronized(this) {
                    backedUp = true;
                    return backupFilename.setExecutable(true) || backupFilename.canExecute();
                return true;
            } else return false;
        boolean deploy() {
            System.out.println("Deploying "+tempFilename+" to "+filename);
            synchronized(this) {
                triedDeploy = true;
            if(!filename.exists()) {
                if(tempFilename.renameTo(filename)) {
                        return filename.setExecutable(true) || filename.canExecute();
                    return true;
                } else
                    return false;
            } else {
                if(tempFilename.renameTo(filename)) {
                        return filename.setExecutable(true) || filename.canExecute();
                    return true;
                if(tempFilename.renameTo(filename)) {
                        return filename.setExecutable(true) || filename.canExecute();
                    return true;
                } else
                    return false;
        boolean revertFromBackup() {
            synchronized(this) {
                if(!triedDeploy) return true; // Valid no-op.
            System.out.println("Reverting from backup "+backupFilename+" to "+filename);
            boolean nothingToBackup;
            synchronized(this) {
                nothingToBackup = this.nothingToBackup;
            if(nothingToBackup) {
                if(!filename.delete() && filename.exists()) {
                    System.err.println("Unable to delete file while reverting multi-file deploy: "+filename);
                    return true; // Usually this is OK.
                } else {
                    return true;
            } else {
                if(!backupFilename.renameTo(filename)) return false;
                if(executable) {
                    if(filename.setExecutable(true) || filename.canExecute()) {
                        return true;
                    } else return false;
                } else {
                    return true;
        void cleanup() {
  private AtomicDeployer createRestartingAtomicDeployer(String name) {
      if(FileUtil.detectedOS.isUnix || FileUtil.detectedOS.isMac) {
          return new UnixRestartingAtomicDeployer(name);
      } else if(FileUtil.detectedOS.isWindows) {
          System.out.println("Multi-file update for "+name+" not supported on Windows at present, see bug #5883");
          // FIXME implement Windows support using bug #5883.
          return null;
      } else {
            System.out.println("Multi-file update for "+name+" not supported on unknown non-unix non-windows OS "+FileUtil.detectedOS);
          return null;
  /** Deploys a multi-file replace without a restart */
  class AtomicDeployer {
      private final Set<AtomicDependency> dependencies = new HashSet<AtomicDependency>();
      private final Set<AtomicDependency> dependenciesWaiting = new HashSet<AtomicDependency>();
      private boolean failed;
      private boolean started;
      final String name;

      /** Create an AtomicDeployer, which will wait for the downloads and then deploy a
       * multi-file replace atomically, that is all at once.
       * @param name The internal name of the deployment job. For UI purposes we will simply
       * feed this into the localisation code.
        public AtomicDeployer(String name) {
   = name;

        public void cleanup() {
            for(AtomicDependency dep : dependencies()) {

        public void onFailure(AtomicDependency dep, FetchException e) {
            synchronized(this) {
                failed = true;
            System.err.println("Unable to deploy multi-file update "+name+" because fetch failed for "+dep.filename);

        public void onSuccess(AtomicDependency dep) {
            synchronized(this) {
                if(!dependenciesWaiting.isEmpty()) return;
                if(failed) return;

        private void readyToDeploy() {

        public synchronized void add(AtomicDependency dependency) {
            if(started) {
                Logger.error(this, "Already started!");
                failed = true;
        public void start() {
            for(AtomicDependency dep : dependencies()) {
                if(!dep.start(this)) {
                    System.err.println("Unable to start fetch for "+this);
                    AtomicDependency[] deps;
                    synchronized(this) {
                        failed = true;
                        deps = dependencies();
                    for(AtomicDependency kill : deps) {
            synchronized(this) {
                started = true;
        private synchronized AtomicDependency[] dependencies() {
            return dependencies.toArray(new AtomicDependency[dependencies.size()]);

        public void deployMultiFileUpdateOffThread() {
            executor.execute(new PrioRunnable() {

                public void run() {
                    synchronized(NodeUpdateManager.deployLock()) {

                public int getPriority() {
                    return NativeThread.MAX_PRIORITY;
        protected boolean deployMultiFileUpdate() {
            if(!innerDeployMultiFileUpdate()) {
                System.err.println("Failed to deploy multi-file update "+name);
                return false;
            } else return true;

        /** Replace all the files or none of the files */
        boolean innerDeployMultiFileUpdate() {
            synchronized(this) {
                if(failed || !started) {
                    Logger.error(this, "Not deploying: failed="+failed+" started="+started, new Exception("error"));
                    return false;
            AtomicDependency[] deps = dependencies();
            for(AtomicDependency dep : deps) {
                if(!dep.backupOriginal()) {
                    System.err.println("Unable to backup dependency "+dep.filename+" - aborting multi-file update deployment "+name);
                    return false;
            boolean failedDeploy = false;
            for(AtomicDependency dep : deps) {
                if(!dep.deploy()) {
                    failedDeploy = true;
                    System.err.println("Unable to update file "+dep.filename+" from "+dep.tempFilename+" - aborting multi-file update deployment "+name);
            if(failedDeploy) {
                System.err.println("Deploying multi-file update failed: "+name);
                System.err.println("Restoring files from backups");
                for(AtomicDependency dep : deps) {
                    if(!dep.revertFromBackup()) {
                        System.err.println("Restoring file from backup failed. Freenet may fail to start on next restart! You should move "+dep.backupFilename+" to "+dep.filename);
                        // FIXME useralert???
            return !failedDeploy;
  /** Deploys a multi-file replace with a restart */
  private abstract class RestartingAtomicDeployer extends AtomicDeployer {

        public RestartingAtomicDeployer(String name) {
  /** Deploys a multi-file replace on *nix with a restart, using a simple shell script */
  private class UnixRestartingAtomicDeployer extends RestartingAtomicDeployer {

        public UnixRestartingAtomicDeployer(String name) {
        protected boolean deployMultiFileUpdate() {
            if(!WrapperManager.isControlledByNativeWrapper()) return false;
            File restartScript;
            try {
                restartScript = createRestartScript();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Unable to deploy multi-file update for "+name+" because cannot write script to restart the wrapper: "+e);
                Logger.error(this, "Unable to deploy multi-file update for "+name+" because cannot write script to restart the wrapper: "+e, e);
                return false;
            if(restartScript == null) return false;
            File shell = findShell();
            if(shell == null) return false;
            if(innerDeployMultiFileUpdate()) {
                try { // FIXME use nodeDir
                    if(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { shell.toString(), restartScript.toString() }) == null) {
                        System.err.println("Unable to start restarter script "+restartScript+" with shell "+shell+" -> cannot deploy multi-file update for "+name);
                        return false;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("Unable to start restarter script "+restartScript+" with shell "+shell+" -> cannot deploy multi-file update for "+name+" : "+e);
                    Logger.error(this, "Unable to start restarter script "+restartScript+" with shell "+shell+" -> cannot deploy multi-file update for "+name+" : "+e, e);
                    return false;
                System.out.println("Shutting down Freenet for hard restart after deploying multi-file update for "+name+". The script "+restartScript+" should start it back up.");
                return true;
            } else return false;

        private File findShell() {
            File f = new File("/bin/sh");
            if(f.exists() && f.canExecute()) return f;
            f = new File("/bin/bash");
            if(f.exists() && f.canExecute()) return f;
            System.err.println("Unable to find system shell");
            return null;
        static final String RESTART_SCRIPT_NAME = "";
        private File createRestartScript() throws IOException {
            // FIXME use nodeDir
            File runsh = new File("");
            String runshNoNice = "";
            if(!(runsh.exists() && runsh.canExecute())) {
                System.err.println("Cannot find so cannot deploy multi-file update for "+name);
                return null;
            // EVIL HACK
            if(!createRunShNoNice(runsh, new File(runshNoNice))) {
                return null;
            if(!new File("/dev/null").exists()) {
                System.err.println("Cannot deploy multi-file update for "+name+" without /dev/null");
                return null;
            File restartFreenet = new File(RESTART_SCRIPT_NAME);
            FileBucket fb = new FileBucket(restartFreenet, false, true, false, false);
            OutputStream os = null;
            try {
                os = new BufferedOutputStream(fb.getOutputStream());
                OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os, "ISO-8859-1"); // Right???
                osw.write("#!/bin/sh\n"); // FIXME exec >/dev/null 2>&1 ???? Believed to be portable.
                //osw.write("trap true PIPE\n"); - should not be necessary
                osw.write("while kill -0 "+WrapperManager.getWrapperPID()+" > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done\n");
                osw.write("./"+runshNoNice+" start > /dev/null 2>&1\n");
                osw.write("rm "+RESTART_SCRIPT_NAME+"\n");
                osw.write("rm "+runshNoNice+"\n");
                osw = null;
                os = null;
                return restartFreenet;
            } finally {

        /** Evil hack: Rewrite so it has PRIORITY=0.
         * REDFLAG FIXME TODO Surely we can improve on this? This mechanism is only used for
         * updating very old wrapper installs - but we'll want to update the wrapper in the future
         * too, and the ability to restart the wrapper fully is likely useful, so maybe we won't
         * just get rid of this - in which case maybe we want to improve on this.
         * @throws IOException */
        private boolean createRunShNoNice(File input, File output) throws IOException {
            final String charset = "UTF-8";
            InputStream is = null;
            OutputStream os = null;
            boolean failed = false;
            try {
                is = new FileInputStream(input);
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(is), charset));
                os = new FileOutputStream(output);
                Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(os), charset));
                boolean writtenPrio = false;
                String line;
                while((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                    if((!writtenPrio) && line.startsWith("PRIORITY=")) {
                        writtenPrio = true;
                        line = "PRIORITY="; // = don't use nice.
                // We want to see exceptions on close() here.
                is = new FileInputStream(input);
                os = null;
                if(!(output.setExecutable(true) || output.canExecute())) {
                    failed = true;
                    return false;
                return true;
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new Error(e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                failed = true;
                return false;
            } finally {
                if(failed) output.delete();


    public static String getDependencyVersion(File currentFile) {
        // We can't use parseProperties because there are multiple sections.
      InputStream is = null;
        try {
          is = new FileInputStream(currentFile);
          ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is);
          ZipEntry ze;
          while(true) {
            ze = zis.getNextEntry();
            if(ze == null) break;
            if(ze.isDirectory()) continue;
            String name = ze.getName();
            if(name.equals("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")) {
              final String key = "Implementation-Version";
              BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(zis);
              Manifest m = new Manifest(bis);
              bis = null;
              Attributes a = m.getMainAttributes();
              if(a != null) {
                String ver = a.getValue(key);
                if(ver != null) return ver;
              a = m.getAttributes("common");
              if(a != null) {
                String ver = a.getValue(key);
                if(ver != null) return ver;
          Logger.error(MainJarDependenciesChecker.class, "Unable to get dependency version from "+currentFile);
          return null;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          return null;
        } catch (IOException e) {
          return null;
        } finally {

    /** Find the current filename, on the classpath, of the dependency given.
     * Note that this may not actually exist, and the caller should check!
     * However, even a non-existent filename may be useful when updating
     * wrapper.conf.
  private static File getDependencyInUse(Pattern p) {
    if(p == null) return null; // Optional in some cases.
    String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
    String[] split = classpath.split(File.pathSeparator);
    for(String s : split) {
      File f = new File(s);
        return f;
    return null;
    private static boolean inClasspath(String name) {
    String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
    String[] split = classpath.split(File.pathSeparator);
    for(String s : split) {
      File f = new File(s);
        return true;
    return false;

  private static byte[] parseExpectedHash(String sha256, String baseName) {
    if(sha256 == null) {
      Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "No SHA256 for "+baseName+" in");
      return null;
    try {
      return HexUtil.hexToBytes(sha256);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Bogus expected hash: \""+sha256+"\" : "+e, e);
      return null;
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "Bogus expected hash: \""+sha256+"\" : "+e, e);
      return null;

  public static boolean validFile(File filename, byte[] expectedHash, long size, boolean executable) {
    if(filename == null) return false;
    if(!filename.exists()) return false;
    if(filename.length() != size) {
      System.out.println("File exists while updating but length is wrong ("+filename.length()+" should be "+size+") for "+filename);
      return false;
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    try {
      fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
      MessageDigest md = SHA256.getMessageDigest();
      SHA256.hash(fis, md);
      byte[] hash = md.digest();
      fis = null;
      if(Arrays.equals(hash, expectedHash)) {
                if(executable && !filename.canExecute()) {
          return true;
      } else {
          return false;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      Logger.error(MainJarDependencies.class, "File not found: "+filename);
      return false;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Unable to read "+filename+" for updater");
      return false;
    } finally {

  private synchronized void clear(int build) {
    broken = false; = build;
    final Downloader[] toCancel = downloaders.toArray(new Downloader[downloaders.size()]);
    executor.execute(new Runnable() {

      public void run() {
        for(Downloader d : toCancel)

  /** Unlike other methods here, this should be called outside the lock. */
  public void deploy() {
    TreeSet<Dependency> f;
    synchronized(this) {
      f = new TreeSet<Dependency>(dependencies);
    if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Deploying build "+build+" with "+f.size()+" dependencies");
    deployer.deploy(new MainJarDependencies(f, build));

  private synchronized void fetchDependency(FreenetURI chk, Dependency dep, byte[] expectedHash, long expectedSize, boolean essential, boolean executable) throws FetchException {
    Downloader d = new Downloader(dep, chk, expectedHash, expectedSize, essential, executable, build);

  private synchronized boolean ready() {
    if(broken) return false;
    if(!downloaders.isEmpty()) return false;
    return true;
  public synchronized boolean isBroken() {
    return broken;


Related Classes of freenet.node.updater.MainJarDependenciesChecker$Dependency

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