/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.node;
import freenet.crypt.DSAPublicKey;
import freenet.io.comm.AsyncMessageCallback;
import freenet.io.comm.ByteCounter;
import freenet.io.comm.DMT;
import freenet.io.comm.Message;
import freenet.io.comm.NotConnectedException;
import freenet.io.comm.PeerParseException;
import freenet.io.comm.PeerRestartedException;
import freenet.io.comm.ReferenceSignatureVerificationException;
import freenet.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter;
import freenet.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter.BlockTransmitterCompletion;
import freenet.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter.ReceiverAbortHandler;
import freenet.io.xfer.BulkTransmitter;
import freenet.io.xfer.BulkTransmitter.AllSentCallback;
import freenet.io.xfer.PartiallyReceivedBlock;
import freenet.io.xfer.WaitedTooLongException;
import freenet.keys.CHKBlock;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.keys.KeyBlock;
import freenet.keys.NodeCHK;
import freenet.keys.NodeSSK;
import freenet.keys.SSKBlock;
import freenet.node.OpennetManager.ConnectionType;
import freenet.node.OpennetManager.NoderefCallback;
import freenet.node.OpennetManager.WaitedTooLongForOpennetNoderefException;
import freenet.support.LogThresholdCallback;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet;
import freenet.support.TimeUtil;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* Handle an incoming request. Does not do the actual fetching; that
* is separated off into RequestSender so we get transfer coalescing
* and both ends for free.
public class RequestHandler implements PrioRunnable, ByteCounter, RequestSenderListener {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){
public void shouldUpdate(){
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
final Node node;
final long uid;
private final short htl;
final PeerNode source;
private boolean needsPubKey;
final Key key;
private boolean finalTransferFailed = false;
/** The RequestSender, if any */
private RequestSender rs;
private int status = RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED;
private boolean appliedByteCounts = false;
private boolean sentRejectedOverload = false;
private long searchStartTime;
private long responseDeadline;
private BlockTransmitter bt;
private final RequestTag tag;
private final boolean realTimeFlag;
KeyBlock passedInKeyBlock;
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " for " + uid;
* @param m
* @param source
* @param id
* @param n
* @param htl
* @param key
* @param tag
* @param passedInKeyBlock We ALWAYS look up in the datastore before starting a request.
* SECURITY: Do not pass messages into handler constructors. See note at top of NodeDispatcher.
public RequestHandler(PeerNode source, long id, Node n, short htl, Key key, RequestTag tag, KeyBlock passedInKeyBlock, boolean realTimeFlag, boolean needsPubKey) {
node = n;
uid = id;
this.realTimeFlag = realTimeFlag;
this.source = source;
this.htl = htl;
this.tag = tag;
this.key = key;
this.passedInKeyBlock = passedInKeyBlock;
this.needsPubKey = needsPubKey;
public void run() {
try {
//The last thing that realRun() does is register as a request-sender listener, so any exception here is the end.
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "requestor gone, could not start request handler wait");
} catch(Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught " + t, t);
private void applyByteCounts() {
synchronized(this) {
if(disconnected) {
Logger.normal(this, "Not applying byte counts as request source disconnected during receive");
if(appliedByteCounts) {
appliedByteCounts = true;
if(!((!finalTransferFailed) && rs != null && status != RequestSender.TIMED_OUT && status != RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD && status != RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR))
int sent, rcvd;
synchronized(bytesSync) {
sent = sentBytes;
rcvd = receivedBytes;
sent += rs.getTotalSentBytes();
rcvd += rs.getTotalReceivedBytes();
if(key instanceof NodeSSK) {
Logger.minor(this, "Remote SSK fetch cost " + sent + '/' + rcvd + " bytes (" + status + ')');
if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) {
// Can report both parts, because we had both a Handler and a Sender
} else {
Logger.minor(this, "Remote CHK fetch cost " + sent + '/' + rcvd + " bytes (" + status + ')');
if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) {
// Can report both parts, because we had both a Handler and a Sender
private void realRun() throws NotConnectedException {
Logger.minor(this, "Handling a request: " + uid);
Message accepted = DMT.createFNPAccepted(uid);
source.sendAsync(accepted, null, this);
if(tag.shouldSlowDown()) {
try {
source.sendAsync(DMT.createFNPRejectedOverload(uid, false, false, realTimeFlag), null, this);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Ignore.
Object o;
if(passedInKeyBlock != null) {
passedInKeyBlock = null; // For GC
} else
o = node.makeRequestSender(key, htl, uid, tag, source, false, true, false, false, false, realTimeFlag);
if(o == null) { // ran out of htl?
Message dnf = DMT.createFNPDataNotFound(uid);
status = RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND; // for byte logging
node.failureTable.onFinalFailure(key, null, htl, htl, FailureTable.RECENTLY_FAILED_TIME, FailureTable.REJECT_TIME, source);
node.nodeStats.remoteRequest(key instanceof NodeSSK, false, false, htl, key.toNormalizedDouble(), realTimeFlag, false);
} else {
long queueTime = source.getProbableSendQueueTime();
synchronized(this) {
rs = (RequestSender) o;
//If we cannot respond before this time, the 'source' node has already fatally timed out (and we need not return packets which will not be claimed)
searchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
responseDeadline = searchStartTime + rs.fetchTimeout() + queueTime;
public void onReceivedRejectOverload() {
try {
if(!sentRejectedOverload) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Propagating RejectedOverload on "+this);
// Forward RejectedOverload
//Note: This message is only discernible from the terminal messages by the IS_LOCAL flag being false. (!IS_LOCAL)->!Terminal
Message msg = DMT.createFNPRejectedOverload(uid, false, true, realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(msg, null, this);
//If the status changes (e.g. to SUCCESS), there is little need to send yet another reject overload.
sentRejectedOverload = true;
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "requestor is gone, can't forward reject overload");
private boolean disconnected = false;
public void onCHKTransferBegins() {
if(tag.hasSourceReallyRestarted()) {
Logger.normal(this, "requestor is gone, can't send terminal message");
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "CHK transfer start on "+this);
try {
// Is a CHK.
Message df = DMT.createFNPCHKDataFound(uid, rs.getHeaders());
source.sendAsync(df, null, this);
PartiallyReceivedBlock prb = rs.getPRB();
bt =
new BlockTransmitter(node.usm, node.getTicker(), source, uid, prb, this, new ReceiverAbortHandler() {
public boolean onAbort() {
RequestSender rs = RequestHandler.this.rs;
if(rs != null && rs.uid != RequestHandler.this.uid) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not cancelling transfer because was coalesced on "+RequestHandler.this);
// No need to reassign tag since this UID will end immediately; the RequestSender is on a different one.
return false;
if(node.hasKey(key, false, false)) return true; // Don't want it
if(rs != null && rs.isTransferCoalesced()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not cancelling transfer because others want the data on "+RequestHandler.this);
// We do need to reassign the tag because the RS has the same UID.
return false;
if(node.failureTable.peersWantKey(key, source)) {
// This may indicate downstream is having trouble communicating with us.
Logger.error(this, "Downstream transfer successful but upstream transfer to "+source.shortToString()+" failed. Reassigning tag to self because want the data for peers on "+RequestHandler.this);
return false; // Want it
if(node.clientCore != null && node.clientCore.wantKey(key)) {
* Theoretically if A routes to us and then we route to B,
* and Mallory controls both A and B, and A cancels the transfer,
* and we don't cancel the transfer from B, then Mallory knows
* we want the key. However, to exploit this he would have to
* rule out other nodes having asked for the key i.e. he would
* have to surround the node, or he would have to rely on
* probabilistic attacks (which will give us away much more quickly).
* Plus, it is (almost?) always going to be safer to keep transferring
* data than to start a new request which potentially exposes us
* to distant attackers.
* With onion routing or other such schemes obviously we would be
* initiating requests at a distance so everything calling these
* methods would need to be reconsidered.
* SECURITY: Also, always keeping transferring the data would open
* up DoS opportunities, unless we disallow receiver cancels of
* transfers, which would require getting rid of turtles. See the
* discussion in BlockReceiver's top comments.
Logger.error(this, "Downstream transfer successful but upstream transfer to "+source.shortToString()+" failed. Reassigning tag to self because want the data for ourselves on "+RequestHandler.this);
return false; // Want it
return true;
new BlockTransmitterCompletion() {
public void blockTransferFinished(boolean success) {
synchronized(RequestHandler.this) {
if(transferCompleted) {
Logger.error(this, "Transfer already completed on "+this, new Exception("debug"));
transferCompleted = true;
transferSuccess = success;
if(!waitingForTransferSuccess) return;
}, realTimeFlag, node.nodeStats);
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
synchronized(this) {
disconnected = true;
Logger.normal(this, "requestor is gone, can't begin CHK transfer");
/** Has the transfer completed? */
boolean transferCompleted;
/** Did it succeed? */
boolean transferSuccess;
/** Are we waiting for the transfer to complete? */
boolean waitingForTransferSuccess;
/** Once the transfer has finished and we have the final status code, either path fold
* or just unregister.
* @param success Whether the block transfer succeeded.
protected void transferFinished(boolean success) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Transfer finished (success="+success+")");
if(success) {
status = rs.getStatus();
// Run off-thread because, on the onRequestSenderFinished path, RequestSender won't start to wait for the noderef until we return!
// FIXME make waitForOpennetNoderef asynchronous.
node.executor.execute(new PrioRunnable() {
public void run() {
// Successful CHK transfer, maybe path fold
try {
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Not a big deal as the transfer succeeded.
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY;
} else {
finalTransferFailed = true;
status = rs.getStatus();
//for byte logging, since the block is the 'terminal' message.
public void onAbortDownstreamTransfers(int reason, String desc) {
if(bt == null) {
Logger.error(this, "No downstream transfer to abort! on "+this);
Logger.minor(this, "Aborting downstream transfer on "+this);
tag.onAbortDownstreamTransfers(reason, desc);
try {
bt.abortSend(reason, desc);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Ignore
/** Called when we have the final status and can thus complete as soon as the transfer
* finishes.
* @return True if we have finished the transfer as well and can therefore go to
* transferFinished().
private synchronized boolean readyToFinishTransfer() {
if(waitingForTransferSuccess) {
Logger.error(this, "waitAndFinishCHKTransferOffThread called twice on "+this);
return false;
waitingForTransferSuccess = true;
if(!transferCompleted) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for transfer to finish on "+this);
return false; // Wait
return true;
public void onRequestSenderFinished(int status, boolean fromOfferedKey, RequestSender rs) {
if(tag.hasSourceReallyRestarted()) {
Logger.normal(this, "requestor is gone, can't send terminal message");
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "onRequestSenderFinished("+status+") on "+this);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean tooLate;
synchronized(this) {
if(this.status == RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED)
this.status = status;
else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring onRequestSenderFinished as status is already "+this.status);
tooLate = responseDeadline > 0 && now > responseDeadline;
node.nodeStats.remoteRequest(key instanceof NodeSSK, status == RequestSender.SUCCESS, false, htl, key.toNormalizedDouble(), realTimeFlag, fromOfferedKey);
if(tooLate) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Too late");
// Offer the data if there is any.
node.failureTable.onFinalFailure(key, null, htl, htl, -1, -1, source);
PeerNode routedLast = rs == null ? null : rs.routedLast();
// A certain number of these are normal.
Logger.normal(this, "requestsender took too long to respond to requestor (" + TimeUtil.formatTime((now - searchStartTime), 2, true) + "/" + (rs == null ? "null" : rs.getStatusString()) + ") routed to " + (routedLast == null ? "null" : routedLast.shortToString()));
// We need to send the RejectedOverload (or whatever) anyway, for two-stage timeout.
// Otherwise the downstream node will assume it's our fault.
if(status == RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED)
Logger.error(this, "onFinished() but not finished?");
try {
switch(status) {
case RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED:
case RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND:
Message dnf = DMT.createFNPDataNotFound(uid);
case RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED:
Message rf = DMT.createFNPRecentlyFailed(uid, rs.getRecentlyFailedTimeLeft());
case RequestSender.TIMED_OUT:
case RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR:
// Locally generated.
// Propagate back to source who needs to reduce send rate
///@bug: we may not want to translate fatal timeouts into non-fatal timeouts.
Message reject = DMT.createFNPRejectedOverload(uid, true, true, realTimeFlag);
case RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND:
// Tell source
Message rnf = DMT.createFNPRouteNotFound(uid, rs.getHTL());
case RequestSender.SUCCESS:
if(key instanceof NodeSSK)
sendSSK(rs.getHeaders(), rs.getSSKData(), needsPubKey, (rs.getSSKBlock().getKey()).getPubKey());
else {
case RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE:
if(key instanceof NodeCHK) {
reject = DMT.createFNPRejectedOverload(uid, true, true, realTimeFlag);
case RequestSender.TRANSFER_FAILED:
if(key instanceof NodeCHK) {
Logger.error(this, "finish(TRANSFER_FAILED) should not be called on SSK?!?!", new Exception("error"));
// Treat as internal error
reject = DMT.createFNPRejectedOverload(uid, true, true, realTimeFlag);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown status code " + status);
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "requestor is gone, can't send terminal message");
/** After we have reached a terminal status that might involve a transfer - success,
* transfer fail or verify failure - check for disconnection, check that we actually
* started the transfer, complete if we have already completed the transfer, or set
* a flag so that we will complete when we do.
* @throws NotConnectedException If we didn't start the transfer and were not
* connected to the source.
private void maybeCompleteTransfer() throws NotConnectedException {
Message reject = null;
boolean disconn = false;
boolean xferFinished = false;
boolean xferSuccess = false;
synchronized(this) {
disconn = true;
else if(bt == null) {
// Bug! This is impossible!
Logger.error(this, "Status is "+status+" but we never started a transfer on " + uid);
// Obviously this node is confused, send a terminal reject to make sure the requestor is not waiting forever.
reject = DMT.createFNPRejectedOverload(uid, true, false, false);
} else {
xferFinished = readyToFinishTransfer();
xferSuccess = transferSuccess;
else if(reject != null)
else if(xferFinished)
private void sendSSK(byte[] headers, final byte[] data, boolean needsPubKey2, DSAPublicKey pubKey) throws NotConnectedException {
// SUCCESS requires that BOTH the pubkey AND the data/headers have been received.
// The pubKey will have been set on the SSK key, and the SSKBlock will have been constructed.
MultiMessageCallback mcb = null;
mcb = new MultiMessageCallback() {
public void finish(boolean success) {
sentPayload(data.length); // FIXME report this at the time when that message is acked for more accurate reporting???
// Will call unlockHandler.
// This is okay, it can be called twice safely, and it ensures that even if sent() is not called it will still be unlocked.
void sent(boolean success) {
// As soon as the originator receives the messages, he can reuse the slot.
// Unlocking on sent is a reasonable compromise between:
// 1. Unlocking immediately avoids problems with the recipient reusing the slot when he's received the data, therefore us rejecting the request and getting a mandatory backoff, and
// 2. However, we do want SSK requests from the datastore to be counted towards the total when accepting requests.
// This is safe however.
// We have already done the request so there is no outgoing request.
// A node might be able to get a few more slots in flight by not acking the SSK messages, but it would quickly stall.
// Furthermore, we would start sending hard rejections when the send queue gets past a certain point.
// So it is neither beneficial for the node nor a viable DoS.
// Alternative solution would be to wait until the pubkey and data have been acked before unlocking and sending the headers, but this appears not to be necessary.
Message headersMsg = DMT.createFNPSSKDataFoundHeaders(uid, headers, realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(headersMsg, mcb.make(), this);
final Message dataMsg = DMT.createFNPSSKDataFoundData(uid, data, realTimeFlag);
if(needsPubKey) {
Message pk = DMT.createFNPSSKPubKey(uid, pubKey, realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(pk, mcb.make(), this);
source.sendAsync(dataMsg, mcb.make(), this);
if(mcb != null) mcb.arm();
static void sendSSK(byte[] headers, byte[] data, boolean needsPubKey, DSAPublicKey pubKey, final PeerNode source, long uid, ByteCounter ctr, boolean realTimeFlag) throws NotConnectedException, WaitedTooLongException, PeerRestartedException, SyncSendWaitedTooLongException {
// SUCCESS requires that BOTH the pubkey AND the data/headers have been received.
// The pubKey will have been set on the SSK key, and the SSKBlock will have been constructed.
WaitingMultiMessageCallback mcb = null;
mcb = new WaitingMultiMessageCallback();
Message headersMsg = DMT.createFNPSSKDataFoundHeaders(uid, headers, realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(headersMsg, mcb.make(), ctr);
final Message dataMsg = DMT.createFNPSSKDataFoundData(uid, data, realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(dataMsg, mcb.make(), ctr);
if(needsPubKey) {
Message pk = DMT.createFNPSSKPubKey(uid, pubKey, realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(pk, mcb.make(), ctr);
* Return data from the datastore.
* @param block The block we found in the datastore.
* @throws NotConnectedException If we lose the connected to the request source.
private void returnLocalData(KeyBlock block) throws NotConnectedException {
if(key instanceof NodeSSK) {
sendSSK(block.getRawHeaders(), block.getRawData(), needsPubKey, ((SSKBlock) block).getPubKey());
status = RequestSender.SUCCESS; // for byte logging
// Assume local SSK sending will succeed?
node.nodeStats.remoteRequest(true, true, true, htl, key.toNormalizedDouble(), realTimeFlag, false);
} else if(block instanceof CHKBlock) {
Message df = DMT.createFNPCHKDataFound(uid, block.getRawHeaders());
PartiallyReceivedBlock prb =
new PartiallyReceivedBlock(Node.PACKETS_IN_BLOCK, Node.PACKET_SIZE, block.getRawData());
BlockTransmitter bt =
new BlockTransmitter(node.usm, node.getTicker(), source, uid, prb, this, BlockTransmitter.NEVER_CASCADE,
new BlockTransmitterCompletion() {
public void blockTransferFinished(boolean success) {
if(success) {
// for byte logging
status = RequestSender.SUCCESS;
// We've fetched it from our datastore, so there won't be a downstream noderef.
// But we want to send at least an FNPOpennetCompletedAck, otherwise the request source
// may have to timeout waiting for one. That will be the terminal message.
try {
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "requestor gone, could not start request handler wait");
} else {
//also for byte logging, since the block is the 'terminal' message.
node.nodeStats.remoteRequest(false, success, true, htl, key.toNormalizedDouble(), realTimeFlag, false);
}, realTimeFlag, node.nodeStats);
source.sendAsync(df, null, this);
} else
throw new IllegalStateException();
private void unregisterRequestHandlerWithNode() {
RequestSender r;
synchronized(this) {
r = rs;
if(r != null) {
PeerNode p = r.successFrom();
if(p != null)
* Sends the 'final' packet of a request in such a way that the thread can be freed (made non-runnable/exit)
* and the byte counter will still be accurate.
private void sendTerminal(Message msg) {
Logger.minor(this, "sendTerminal(" + msg + ")", new Exception("debug"));
throw new IllegalStateException("sendTerminal should only be called once");
sendTerminalCalled = true;
// Unlock handler immediately.
// Otherwise the request sender will think the slot is free as soon as it
// receives it, but we won't, so we may reject his requests and get a mandatory backoff.
try {
source.sendAsync(msg, new TerminalMessageByteCountCollector(), this);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Will have called the callback, so caller doesn't need to worry about it.
boolean sendTerminalCalled = false;
* Note well! These functions are not executed on the RequestHandler thread.
private class TerminalMessageByteCountCollector implements AsyncMessageCallback {
private boolean completed = false;
public void acknowledged() {
Logger.minor(this, "Acknowledged terminal message: " + RequestHandler.this);
//terminalMessage ack'd by remote peer
public void disconnected() {
Logger.minor(this, "Peer disconnected before terminal message sent for " + RequestHandler.this);
public void fatalError() {
Logger.error(this, "Error sending terminal message?! for " + RequestHandler.this);
public void sent() {
Logger.minor(this, "Sent terminal message: " + RequestHandler.this);
private void complete() {
synchronized(this) {
completed = true;
Logger.minor(this, "Completing: " + RequestHandler.this);
//For byte counting, this relies on the fact that the callback will only be excuted once.
* Either send an ack, indicating we've finished and aren't interested in opennet,
* or wait for a noderef and relay it and wait for a response and relay that,
* or send our own noderef and wait for a response and add that.
* One way or another this method must call applyByteCounts; unregisterRequestHandlerWithNode.
* This happens asynchronously via ackOpennet() if we are unable to send a noderef. It
* happens explicitly otherwise.
private void finishOpennetChecked() throws NotConnectedException {
OpennetManager om = node.getOpennet();
if(om != null &&
(node.passOpennetRefsThroughDarknet() || source.isOpennet())) {
} else {
* There is no noderef to pass downstream. If we want a connection, send our
* noderef and wait for a reply, otherwise just send an ack.
private void finishOpennetNoRelay() throws NotConnectedException {
OpennetManager om = node.getOpennet();
if(om != null && (source.isOpennet() || node.passOpennetRefsThroughDarknet())) {
} else {
/** Acknowledge the opennet path folding attempt without sending a reference. Once
* the send completes (asynchronously), unlock everything. */
private void ackOpennet() {
Message msg = DMT.createFNPOpennetCompletedAck(uid);
* @param om
* Completion: Will either call ackOpennet(), sending an ack downstream and then
* unlocking after this has been sent (asynchronously), or will unlock itself if we
* sent a noderef (after we have handled the incoming noderef / ack / timeout).
private void finishOpennetInner(OpennetManager om) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finish opennet on "+this);
byte[] noderef;
try {
noderef = rs.waitForOpennetNoderef();
} catch (WaitedTooLongForOpennetNoderefException e) {
if(noderef == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not relaying as no noderef on "+this);
if(noderef != null && node.random.nextInt(OpennetManager.RESET_PATH_FOLDING_PROB) == 0) {
// Check whether it is actually the noderef of the peer.
// If so, we need to relay it anyway.
SimpleFieldSet ref = OpennetManager.validateNoderef(noderef, 0, noderef.length, source, false);
if(ref == null || om.alreadyHaveOpennetNode(ref)) {
// Okay, let it through.
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Resetting path folding on "+this);
// Reset path folding.
// We need to tell the source of the noderef that we are not going to use it.
// RequestSender didn't because it expected us to use the ref.
finishOpennetRelay(noderef, om);
* Send our noderef to the request source, wait for a reply, if we get one add it. Called when either the request
* wasn't routed, or the node it was routed to didn't return a noderef.
* Completion: Will ack downstream if necessary (if we didn't send a noderef), and will
* in any case call applyByteCounts(); unregisterRequestHandlerWithNode() asynchronously,
* either after receiving the noderef, or after sending the ack.
* In all cases we do not interact with dataSource. The caller must have already
* sent an ack to dataSource if necessary (but in most cases dataSource has timed out or
* something similar has happened).
private void finishOpennetNoRelayInner(final OpennetManager om) {
Logger.minor(this, "Finishing opennet: sending own reference on "+this, new Exception("debug"));
if(!om.wantPeer(null, false, false, false, ConnectionType.PATH_FOLDING)) {
return; // Don't want a reference
try {
om.sendOpennetRef(false, uid, source, om.crypto.myCompressedFullRef(), this);
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Can't send opennet ref because node disconnected on " + this);
// Oh well...
// Wait for response
OpennetManager.waitForOpennetNoderef(true, source, uid, this, new NoderefCallback() {
// We have already sent ours, so we don't need to worry about timeouts.
public void gotNoderef(byte[] noderef) {
// We have sent a noderef. It is not appropriate for the caller to call ackOpennet():
// in all cases he should unlock.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Got noderef on "+RequestHandler.this);
finishOpennetNoRelayInner(om, noderef);
public void timedOut() {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Timed out waiting for noderef from "+source+" on "+RequestHandler.this);
public void acked(boolean timedOutMessage) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Noderef acknowledged from "+source+" on "+RequestHandler.this);
}, node);
private void finishOpennetNoRelayInner(OpennetManager om, byte[] noderef) {
if(noderef == null)
SimpleFieldSet ref = OpennetManager.validateNoderef(noderef, 0, noderef.length, source, false);
if(ref == null)
try {
if(node.addNewOpennetNode(ref, ConnectionType.PATH_FOLDING) == null)
Logger.normal(this, "Asked for opennet ref but didn't want it for " + this + " :\n" + ref);
Logger.normal(this, "Added opennet noderef in " + this);
} catch(FSParseException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Could not parse opennet noderef for " + this + " from " + source, e);
} catch(PeerParseException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Could not parse opennet noderef for " + this + " from " + source, e);
} catch(ReferenceSignatureVerificationException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Bad signature on opennet noderef for " + this + " from " + source + " : " + e, e);
* Called when the node we routed the request to returned a valid noderef, and we don't want it.
* So we relay it downstream to somebody who does, and wait to relay the response back upstream.
* Completion: Will call applyByteCounts(); unregisterRequestHandlerWithNode() asynchronously
* after this method returns.
* @param noderef
* @param om
private void finishOpennetRelay(byte[] noderef, final OpennetManager om) {
final PeerNode dataSource = rs.successFrom();
Logger.minor(this, "Finishing opennet: relaying reference from " + dataSource+" on "+this);
// Send it back to the handler, then wait for the ConnectReply
try {
om.sendOpennetRef(false, uid, source, noderef, this);
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
// Lost contact with request source, nothing we can do
// Now wait for reply from the request source.
// We do not need to worry about timeouts here, because we have already sent our noderef.
// We have sent a noderef. Therefore we must unlock, not ack.
OpennetManager.waitForOpennetNoderef(true, source, uid, this, new NoderefCallback() {
public void gotNoderef(byte[] newNoderef) {
if(newNoderef == null) {
} else {
// Send it forward to the data source, if it is valid.
if(OpennetManager.validateNoderef(newNoderef, 0, newNoderef.length, source, false) != null) {
try {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Relaying noderef from source to data source for "+RequestHandler.this);
om.sendOpennetRef(true, uid, dataSource, newNoderef, RequestHandler.this, new AllSentCallback() {
public void allSent(
BulkTransmitter bulkTransmitter,
boolean anyFailed) {
// As soon as the originator receives the three blocks, he can reuse the slot.
// Note that sendOpennetRef() does not wait for an acknowledgement or even for the blocks to have been sent!
// So this will be called well after gotNoderef() exits.
} catch(NotConnectedException e) {
// How sad
public void timedOut() {
try {
dataSource.sendAsync(DMT.createFNPOpennetCompletedTimeout(uid), rs.finishOpennetOnAck(dataSource), RequestHandler.this);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Ignore
public void acked(boolean timedOutMessage) {
tag.unlockHandler(); // will remove transfer
}, node);
private int sentBytes;
private int receivedBytes;
private volatile Object bytesSync = new Object();
public void sentBytes(int x) {
synchronized(bytesSync) {
sentBytes += x;
node.nodeStats.requestSentBytes(key instanceof NodeSSK, x);
Logger.minor(this, "sentBytes(" + x + ") on " + this);
public void receivedBytes(int x) {
synchronized(bytesSync) {
receivedBytes += x;
node.nodeStats.requestReceivedBytes(key instanceof NodeSSK, x);
public void sentPayload(int x) {
* Do not add payload to sentBytes. sentBytes() is called with the actual sent bytes,
* and we do not deduct the alreadyReportedBytes, which are only used for accounting
* for the bandwidth throttle.
node.nodeStats.requestSentBytes(key instanceof NodeSSK, -x);
Logger.minor(this, "sentPayload(" + x + ") on " + this);
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY;
public void onNotStarted(boolean internalError) {
// Impossible
public void onDataFoundLocally() {
// Can't happen.