/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.node;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Map;
import freenet.crypt.Util;
import freenet.io.comm.ByteCounter;
import freenet.io.comm.DMT;
import freenet.io.comm.DisconnectedException;
import freenet.io.comm.FreenetInetAddress;
import freenet.io.comm.Message;
import freenet.io.comm.MessageFilter;
import freenet.io.comm.NotConnectedException;
import freenet.io.comm.Peer;
import freenet.io.comm.PeerContext;
import freenet.io.comm.PeerParseException;
import freenet.io.comm.ReferenceSignatureVerificationException;
import freenet.io.comm.RetrievalException;
import freenet.io.comm.SlowAsyncMessageFilterCallback;
import freenet.io.xfer.BulkReceiver;
import freenet.io.xfer.BulkTransmitter;
import freenet.io.xfer.BulkTransmitter.AllSentCallback;
import freenet.io.xfer.PartiallyReceivedBulk;
import freenet.node.OpennetPeerNode.NOT_DROP_REASON;
import freenet.support.Fields;
import freenet.support.HTMLNode;
import freenet.support.LRUQueue;
import freenet.support.LogThresholdCallback;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet;
import freenet.support.TimeSortedHashtable;
import freenet.support.io.ByteArrayRandomAccessBuffer;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
import freenet.support.io.FileUtil;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
import freenet.support.transport.ip.HostnameSyntaxException;
import freenet.support.transport.ip.IPUtil;
* Central location for all things opennet.
* In particular:
* - Opennet crypto
* - LRU connections
* Both here and in OpennetPeerNode there are lots of dubious heuristics to avoid excessive
* connection churn.
* @author toad
public class OpennetManager {
final Node node;
final NodeCrypto crypto;
final Announcer announcer;
final SeedAnnounceTracker seedTracker = new SeedAnnounceTracker();
/* The routing table is split into "buckets" by distance, each of which has a separate LRU
* list. For now there are only 2 buckets; the PETS paper suggested many buckets, but this
* would have larger overhead, more dependence on the network size, and it is not clear that
* it is necessary at the moment.
* The measured global link length distribution showed a good (1/d) length distribution below
* 0.01 (but nowhere near enough nodes) and a flat distribution above 0.01. Hence the choice of
* LONG_DISTANCE as 0.01. It appeared that there were very few short links (~ 15% less than
* 0.01 distance) and a lot of random long links, which is the opposite of what we need for
* good routing, so requests would mostly bounce around randomly on the long links.
* LONG_PROPORTION is chosen as 30% for two reasons: (a) It is close to the Kleinberg optimum
* (around 20%), and (b) it ensures that nodes with 10 connections still have 3 long links, so
* long links cannot form chains and the routing still scales if the short routing is broken.
* See USK@ZLwcSLwqpM1527Tw1YmnSiXgzITU0neHQ11Cyl0iLmk,f6FLo3TvsEijIcJq-X3BTjjtm0ErVZwAPO7AUd9V7lY,AQACAAE/fix-link-length/7/
* (FIXME move to wiki or other permanent storage)
/** Peers with more than this distance are considered "long links". */
static final double LONG_DISTANCE = 0.01;
/** This proportion of the routing table consists of "long links". */
static final double LONG_PROPORTION = 0.3;
/** The proportion of the routing table which consists of "short links". */
public static final double SHORT_PROPORTION = 1.0 - LONG_PROPORTION;
enum LinkLengthClass {
/** Shorter than LONG_DISTANCE */
public int getTargetPeers(int target) {
int longPeers = (int) (target * LONG_PROPORTION);
return target - longPeers;
/** Longer than LONG_DISTANCE */
public int getTargetPeers(int target) {
int longPeers = (int) (target * LONG_PROPORTION);
return longPeers;
/** Get the target number of peers for this class, given the overall target number of peers */
public abstract int getTargetPeers(int target);
/** Peers LRUs by LinkLengthClass. PeerNodes are promoted within their LRU when they
* successfully fetch a key. Normally we take the bottom peer, but if that isn't eligible
* to be dropped, we iterate up the list. */
private final EnumMap<LinkLengthClass, LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode>> peersLRUByDistance;
/** Old peers. Opennet peers which we dropped but would still like to talk to
* if we have no other option. */
private final LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> oldPeers;
/** Maximum number of old peers */
static final int MAX_OLD_PEERS = 25;
/** Time at which last dropped a peer due to an incoming connection of each type. */
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> timeLastDropped;
// These only count stuff where we actually have a node to add.
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> connectionAttempts;
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> connectionAttemptsAdded;
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> connectionAttemptsAddedPlentySpace;
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement;
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable;
/** Number of successful CHK requests since last added a node. All values are incremented on a
* successful request, but when we add a node, we reset the value for that type of node. */
private final EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long> successCount;
/** Only drop a connection after at least this many successful requests.
* This is per connection type. */
// FIXME should be a function of # opennet peers? max # opennet peers? ...
public static final int MIN_SUCCESS_BETWEEN_DROP_CONNS = 10;
/** Chance of resetting path folding (for plausible deniability) is 1 in this number. */
public static final int RESET_PATH_FOLDING_PROB = 20;
/** Don't re-add a node until it's been up and disconnected for at least this long */
public static final long DONT_READD_TIME = MINUTES.toMillis(1);
/** Don't drop a node until it's at least this old, if it's connected. */
public static final long DROP_MIN_AGE = MINUTES.toMillis(5);
/** Don't drop a node until it's at least this old, if it's not connected (if it has connected once then DROP_DISCONNECT_DELAY applies, but only once an hour as below). Must be less than DROP_MIN_AGE.
* Relatively generous because noderef transfers e.g. for announcement can be slow (Note
* that announcements actually wait for previous transfers!). */
public static final long DROP_MIN_AGE_DISCONNECTED = MINUTES.toMillis(5);
/** Don't drop a node until this long after startup */
public static final long DROP_STARTUP_DELAY = MINUTES.toMillis(2);
/** Don't drop a node until this long after losing connection to it.
* This should be long enough to cover a typical reboot, but not so long as to result in a lot
* of disconnected nodes in the Strangers list. Also it should probably not be longer than DROP_MIN_AGE! */
public static final long DROP_DISCONNECT_DELAY = MINUTES.toMillis(5);
/** But if it has disconnected more than once in this period, allow it to be dropped anyway */
public static final long DROP_DISCONNECT_DELAY_COOLDOWN = MINUTES.toMillis(60);
/** Every DROP_CONNECTED_TIME, we may drop a peer even though it is connected.
* This is per connection type, we should consider whether to reduce it further. */
public static final long DROP_CONNECTED_TIME = MINUTES.toMillis(5);
/** Minimum time between offers, if we have maximum peers. Less than the above limits,
* since an offer may not be accepted. */
public static final long MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OFFERS = SECONDS.toMillis(30);
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){
public void shouldUpdate(){
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
/** How big to pad opennet noderefs to? If they are bigger than this then we won't send them. */
public static final int PADDED_NODEREF_SIZE = 3072;
/** Allow for future expansion. However at any given time all noderefs should be PADDED_NODEREF_SIZE */
public static final int MAX_OPENNET_NODEREF_LENGTH = 32768;
/** Enable scaling of peers with bandwidth? */
public static final boolean ENABLE_PEERS_PER_KB_OUTPUT = true;
/** Constant for scaling peers: we multiply bandwidth in kB/sec by this
* and then take the square root. 12 gives 11 at 10K, 15 at 20K, 19 at
* 30K, 26 at 60K, 34 at 100K, 40 at 140K, 100 at 2500K.
* 212 at 30mbit/s (the mean upload in Japan in 2014) and
* 363 at 88mbit/s (the mean upload in Hong Kong in 2014).*/
public static final double SCALING_CONSTANT = 12.0;
* Minimum number of peers. Do not reduce this: As a rough estimate, because the vast majority
* of requests complete in 5 hops, this gives just one binary decision per hop on average.
public static final int MIN_PEERS_FOR_SCALING = 10;
/** The maximum possible distance between two nodes in the wrapping [0,1) location space. */
public static final double MAX_DISTANCE = 0.5;
/** The fraction of nodes which are only a short distance away. */
/** The estimated average number of nodes which are active at any given time. */
public static final int LAST_NETWORK_SIZE_ESTIMATE = 5000;
/** The estimated number of nodes which are a short distance away. */
public static final int AVAILABLE_SHORT_DISTANCE_NODES =
* Maximum number of peers.
* This is limited by the expected availability of nodes with short links to a given location.
* Above that number of peers, fast nodes will not be able to find enough peers with short
* links.
* @see freenet.node.OpennetManager.LinkLengthClass
public static final int MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING =
/** Maximum number of peers for purposes of FOAF attack/sanity check */
public static final int PANIC_MAX_PEERS = MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING + 10;
/** Stop trying to reconnect to an old-opennet-peer after a month. */
public static final long MAX_TIME_ON_OLD_OPENNET_PEERS = DAYS.toMillis(31);
// This is only relevant while the connection is in the grace period.
// Null means none of the above e.g. not in grace period.
public enum ConnectionType {
private final long creationTime;
private boolean stopping;
public OpennetManager(Node node, NodeCryptoConfig opennetConfig, long startupTime, boolean enableAnnouncement) throws NodeInitException {
this.creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.node = node;
crypto =
new NodeCrypto(node, true, opennetConfig, startupTime, node.enableARKs);
timeLastDropped = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
connectionAttempts = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
connectionAttemptsAdded = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
connectionAttemptsAddedPlentySpace = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
successCount = new EnumMap<ConnectionType,Long>(ConnectionType.class);
for(ConnectionType c : ConnectionType.values()) {
timeLastDropped.put(c, 0L);
connectionAttempts.put(c, 0L);
connectionAttemptsAdded.put(c, 0L);
connectionAttemptsAddedPlentySpace.put(c, 0L);
connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement.put(c, 0L);
connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable.put(c, 0L);
successCount.put(c, 0L);
File nodeFile = node.nodeDir().file("opennet-"+crypto.portNumber);
File backupNodeFile = node.nodeDir().file("opennet-"+crypto.portNumber+".bak");
// Keep opennet crypto details in a separate file
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
peersLRUByDistance = new EnumMap<LinkLengthClass, LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode>>(LinkLengthClass.class);
for(LinkLengthClass l : LinkLengthClass.values())
peersLRUByDistance.put(l, new LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode>());
oldPeers = new LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode>();
announcer = (enableAnnouncement ? new Announcer(this) : null);
public void writeFile() {
File nodeFile = node.nodeDir().file("opennet-"+crypto.portNumber);
File backupNodeFile = node.nodeDir().file("opennet-"+crypto.portNumber+".bak");
writeFile(nodeFile, backupNodeFile);
private void writeFile(File orig, File backup) {
SimpleFieldSet fs = crypto.exportPrivateFieldSet();
if(orig.exists()) backup.delete();
FileOutputStream fos = null;
OutputStreamWriter osr = null;
BufferedWriter bw = null;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(backup);
osr = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8");
bw = new BufferedWriter(osr);
FileUtil.renameTo(backup, orig);
} catch (IOException e) {
private void readFile(File filename) throws IOException {
// REDFLAG: Any way to share this code with Node and NodePeer?
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, "UTF-8");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(br, false, true);
// Read contents
String[] udp = fs.getAll("physical.udp");
if((udp != null) && (udp.length > 0)) {
for(String u: udp) {
// Just keep the first one with the correct port number.
Peer p;
try {
p = new Peer(u, false, true);
} catch (HostnameSyntaxException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Invalid hostname or IP Address syntax error while loading opennet peer node reference: "+u);
System.err.println("Invalid hostname or IP Address syntax error while loading opennet peer node reference: "+u);
} catch (PeerParseException e) {
throw (IOException)new IOException().initCause(e);
if(p.getPort() == crypto.portNumber) {
// DNSRequester doesn't deal with our own node
public void start() {
synchronized(this) {
stopping = false;
// Do this outside the constructor, since the constructor is called by the Node constructor, and callbacks may make assumptions about data structures being ready.
node.peers.tryReadPeers(node.nodeDir().file("openpeers-"+crypto.portNumber).toString(), crypto, this, true, false);
OpennetPeerNode[] nodes = node.peers.getOpennetPeers();
Arrays.sort(nodes, new Comparator<OpennetPeerNode>() {
public int compare(OpennetPeerNode pn1, OpennetPeerNode pn2) {
if(pn1 == pn2) return 0;
long lastSuccess1 = pn1.timeLastSuccess();
long lastSuccess2 = pn2.timeLastSuccess();
if(lastSuccess1 > lastSuccess2) return 1;
if(lastSuccess2 > lastSuccess1) return -1;
boolean neverConnected1 = pn1.neverConnected();
boolean neverConnected2 = pn2.neverConnected();
if(neverConnected1 && (!neverConnected2))
return -1;
if((!neverConnected1) && neverConnected2)
return 1;
// a-b not opposite sign to b-a possible in a corner case (a=0 b=Integer.MIN_VALUE).
if(pn1.hashCode > pn2.hashCode) return 1;
else if(pn1.hashCode < pn2.hashCode) return -1;
Logger.error(this, "Two OpennetPeerNodes with the same hashcode: "+pn1+" vs "+pn2);
return Fields.compareObjectID(pn1, pn2);
for(OpennetPeerNode opn: nodes) {
// Drop any peers which don't have a location yet. That means we haven't connected to
// them yet, and we need the location to decide which LRU to put them in ...
// This should only be a problem with old nodes; we will include the location in new
// path folding noderefs...
node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(opn, false, false, false);
if(logMINOR) {
Logger.minor(this, "My full compressed ref: "+crypto.myCompressedFullRef().length);
Logger.minor(this, "My full setup ref: "+crypto.myCompressedSetupRef().length);
Logger.minor(this, "My heavy setup ref: "+crypto.myCompressedHeavySetupRef().length);
// Read old peers
node.peers.tryReadPeers(node.nodeDir().file("openpeers-old-"+crypto.portNumber).toString(), crypto, this, true, true);
if(announcer!= null)
* Called when opennet is disabled
public void stop(boolean purge) {
synchronized(this) {
stopping = true;
if(announcer != null)
synchronized boolean stopping() {
return stopping;
private LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> lruQueue(LinkLengthClass distance) {
return peersLRUByDistance.get(distance);
private LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> lruQueue(OpennetPeerNode pn) {
return lruQueue(pn.linkLengthClass());
public boolean alreadyHaveOpennetNode(SimpleFieldSet fs) {
try {
// FIXME OPT can we do this cheaper?
// Maybe just parse the pubkey, and then compare it with the existing peers?
OpennetPeerNode pn = new OpennetPeerNode(fs, node, crypto, this, node.peers, false, crypto.packetMangler);
if(lruQueue(pn).contains(pn)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not adding "+pn.userToString()+" to opennet list as already there");
return true;
// Don't check for self. That should be passed through too.
return false;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Don't break the code flow in the caller which is normally a request.
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t+" parsing opennet node from fieldset", t);
return false;
public OpennetPeerNode addNewOpennetNode(SimpleFieldSet fs, ConnectionType connectionType, boolean allowExisting) throws FSParseException, PeerParseException, ReferenceSignatureVerificationException {
try {
OpennetPeerNode pn = new OpennetPeerNode(fs, node, crypto, this, node.peers, false, crypto.packetMangler);
if(Arrays.equals(pn.getPubKeyHash(), crypto.pubKeyHash)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not adding self as opennet peer");
return null; // Equal to myself
LinkLengthClass distance = pn.linkLengthClass();
LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU = lruQueue(distance);
if(peersLRU.contains(pn)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not adding "+pn.userToString()+" to opennet list as already there");
if(allowExisting) {
// However, we can reconnect.
return (OpennetPeerNode) peersLRU.get(pn);
} else {
return null;
if(pn.isUnroutableOlderVersion() && node.nodeUpdater != null && node.nodeUpdater.dontAllowUOM()) {
// We can't send the UOM to it, so we should not accept it.
// Plus, some versions around 1320 had big problems with being connected both as a seednode and as an opennet peer.
return null;
if(wantPeer(pn, true, false, false, connectionType, distance)) return pn;
else return null;
// Start at bottom. Node must prove itself.
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Don't break the code flow in the caller which is normally a request.
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t+" adding opennet node from fieldset", t);
return null;
/** When did we last offer our noderef to some other node? */
private long timeLastOffered;
void forceAddPeer(OpennetPeerNode nodeToAddNow, boolean addAtLRU) {
LinkLengthClass distance = nodeToAddNow.linkLengthClass();
LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU = lruQueue(distance);
synchronized(this) {
public boolean wantPeer(OpennetPeerNode nodeToAddNow, boolean addAtLRU, boolean justChecking, boolean oldOpennetPeer, ConnectionType connectionType) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null) {
if(!Location.isValid(nodeToAddNow.getLocation())) {
Logger.error(this, "Added opennet node reference must include a valid location", new Exception("error"));
return false;
// We have received a node reference, so we know whether it is long or short.
LinkLengthClass distance = nodeToAddNow.linkLengthClass();
return wantPeer(nodeToAddNow, addAtLRU, justChecking, oldOpennetPeer, connectionType, distance);
} else {
// Initiate path folding if we want a long link *or* a short link.
// FIXME ideally we'd like to indicate whether we want long links or short links.
return wantPeer(nodeToAddNow, addAtLRU, justChecking, oldOpennetPeer, connectionType, LinkLengthClass.SHORT)
|| wantPeer(nodeToAddNow, addAtLRU, justChecking, oldOpennetPeer, connectionType, LinkLengthClass.LONG);
* Trim the peers list and possibly add a new node. Note that if we are not adding a new node,
* we will only return true every MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OFFERS, to prevent problems caused by many
* pending offers being accepted simultaneously.
* @param nodeToAddNow Node to add. Can be null, which means the caller needs to know whether
* we have space for another node, without actually adding one. This happens e.g. when we are
* the data source and are trying to decide whether to send our noderef downstream for path
* folding.
* @param addAtLRU If there is a node to add, add it at the bottom rather than the top. Normally
* we set this on new path folded nodes so that they will be replaced if during the trial period,
* plus the time it takes to get a new path folding offer, they don't have a successful request.
* @param justChecking If true, we want to know whether there is space for a node to be added
* RIGHT NOW. If false, the normal behaviour applies: if nodeToAddNow is passed in, we decide
* whether to add that node, if it's null, we decide whether to send an offer subject to the
* inter-offer time.
* @param oldOpennetPeer If true, we are trying to add an old-opennet-peer which has reconnected.
* There is a throttle, we accept no more than one old-opennet-peer every 30 seconds. On receiving
* a packet, we call once to decide whether to try to parse it against the old-opennet-peers, and
* then again to decide whether it is worth keeping; in the latter case if we decide not, the
* old-opennet-peer will be told to disconnect and go away, but normally we don't reach that point
* because of the first check.
* @param isLong True if the peer to add is distant. False otherwise.
* @return True if the node was added / should be added.
public boolean wantPeer(OpennetPeerNode nodeToAddNow, boolean addAtLRU, boolean justChecking, boolean oldOpennetPeer, ConnectionType connectionType, LinkLengthClass distance) {
LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU = lruQueue(distance);
boolean notMany = false;
boolean noDisconnect;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "wantPeer("+(nodeToAddNow != null) + "," +addAtLRU+","+justChecking+","+oldOpennetPeer+","+connectionType+","+distance+")");
boolean outdated = nodeToAddNow == null ? false : nodeToAddNow.isUnroutableOlderVersion();
if(outdated && logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Peer is outdated: "+nodeToAddNow.getVersionNumber()+" for "+connectionType);
if(outdated) {
if(tooManyOutdatedPeers()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Rejecting TOO OLD peer from "+connectionType+" (too many already): "+nodeToAddNow);
return false;
if(nodeToAddNow != null && crypto.config.oneConnectionPerAddress()) {
boolean okay = false;
boolean any = false;
Peer[] handshakeIPs = nodeToAddNow.getHandshakeIPs();
if(handshakeIPs != null) {
for(Peer p : handshakeIPs) {
if(p == null) continue;
FreenetInetAddress addr = p.getFreenetAddress();
if(addr == null) continue;
InetAddress a = addr.getAddress(false);
if(a == null) continue;
if(a.isAnyLocalAddress() || a.isLinkLocalAddress() || IPUtil.isSiteLocalAddress(a)) continue;
any = true;
if(crypto.allowConnection(nodeToAddNow, addr))
okay = true;
else {
// if NodeCrypto reject *any* address, reject peer
okay = false;
} else {
Logger.error(this, "Peer does not have any IP addresses???");
if(any && !okay) {
Logger.normal(this, "Rejecting peer as we are already connected to a peer with the same IP address");
return false;
int maxPeers = getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim(distance);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Peers target: "+maxPeers);
synchronized(this) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null &&
peersLRU.contains(nodeToAddNow)) {
Logger.minor(this, "Opennet peer already present in LRU: "+nodeToAddNow);
return true;
if(nodeToAddNow != null)
connectionAttempts.put(connectionType, connectionAttempts.get(connectionType)+1);
if(getSize(distance) < maxPeers || outdated) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Added opennet peer "+nodeToAddNow+" as opennet peers list not full");
connectionAttemptsAddedPlentySpace.put(connectionType, connectionAttemptsAddedPlentySpace.get(connectionType)+1);
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Want peer because not enough opennet nodes");
if(nodeToAddNow == null && !justChecking)
timeLastOffered = System.currentTimeMillis();
notMany = true;
// Don't check timeLastAddedOldOpennetPeer, since we want it anyway. But do update it.
// Old opennet peers should only replace free slots / disconnected droppable nodes.
// We can make offers regardless of timeLastOffered provided they are disconnected droppable peers.
// And we only allow a connection to be dropped every 10 successful fetches.
noDisconnect = successCount.get(connectionType) < MIN_SUCCESS_BETWEEN_DROP_CONNS || oldOpennetPeer || (nodeToAddNow == null && now - timeLastOffered <= MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OFFERS) || now - timeLastDropped.get(connectionType) < DROP_CONNECTED_TIME;
if(nodeToAddNow != null)
if(notMany) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null) {
node.peers.addPeer(nodeToAddNow, true, true); // Add to peers outside the OM lock
return true;
boolean canAdd = true;
ArrayList<OpennetPeerNode> dropList = new ArrayList<OpennetPeerNode>();
maxPeers = getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim(distance);
synchronized(this) {
int size = getSize(distance);
if(size == maxPeers && nodeToAddNow == null) {
// Allow an offer to be predicated on throwing out a connected node,
// provided that we meet the other criteria e.g. time since last added,
// node isn't too new.
OpennetPeerNode toDrop = peerToDrop(noDisconnect, false, nodeToAddNow != null, connectionType, maxPeers, distance, peersLRU);
if(toDrop == null) {
Logger.minor(this, "No more peers to drop (in first bit), still "+peersLRU.size()+" peers, cannot accept peer"+(nodeToAddNow == null ? "" : nodeToAddNow.toString()));
canAdd = false;
if(nodeToAddNow != null)
connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable.put(connectionType, connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable.get(connectionType)+1);
} else {
// Only check per-type limits if we are throwing out connected peers.
// This is important for bootstrapping, given the low announcement limit.
if(toDrop.isConnected() && enforcePerTypeGracePeriodLimits(maxPeers, connectionType, nodeToAddNow != null, peersLRU)) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null)
connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement.put(connectionType, connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement.get(connectionType)+1);
return false;
} else while(canAdd && (size = getSize(distance)) > maxPeers - ((nodeToAddNow == null || outdated) ? 0 : 1)) {
OpennetPeerNode toDrop;
// can drop peers which are over the limit
toDrop = peerToDrop(noDisconnect, false, nodeToAddNow != null, connectionType, maxPeers, distance, peersLRU);
if(toDrop == null) {
Logger.minor(this, "No more peers to drop, still "+peersLRU.size()+" peers, cannot accept peer"+(nodeToAddNow == null ? "" : nodeToAddNow.toString()));
canAdd = false;
if(nodeToAddNow != null)
connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable.put(connectionType, connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable.get(connectionType)+1);
// Only check per-type limits if we are throwing out connected peers.
// This is important for bootstrapping, given the low announcement limit.
if(toDrop.isConnected() && enforcePerTypeGracePeriodLimits(maxPeers, connectionType, nodeToAddNow != null, peersLRU)) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null)
connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement.put(connectionType, connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement.get(connectionType)+1);
return false;
if(nodeToAddNow != null || size > maxPeers) {
Logger.minor(this, "Drop opennet peer: "+toDrop+" (connected="+toDrop.isConnected()+") of "+peersLRU.size()+":"+getSize(distance));
if(canAdd && !justChecking) {
if(nodeToAddNow != null) {
successCount.put(connectionType, 0L);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Added opennet peer "+nodeToAddNow+" after clearing "+dropList.size()+" items - now have "+peersLRU.size()+" opennet peers");
if(!dropList.isEmpty()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Dropped opennet peer: "+dropList.get(0));
timeLastDropped.put(connectionType, now);
connectionAttemptsAdded.put(connectionType, connectionAttemptsAdded.get(connectionType)+1);
} else {
// Do not update timeLastDropped, anything dropped was over the limit so doesn't count (because nodeToAddNow == null).
if(!justChecking) {
timeLastOffered = now;
Logger.minor(this, "Sending offer");
if(nodeToAddNow != null && canAdd && !node.peers.addPeer(nodeToAddNow, true, true)) {
Logger.minor(this, "Already in global peers list: "+nodeToAddNow+" when adding opennet node");
// Just because it's in the global peers list doesn't mean its in the LRU, it may be an old-opennet-peers reconnection.
// In which case we add it to the global peers list *before* adding it here.
for(OpennetPeerNode pn : dropList) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Dropping LRU opennet peer: "+pn);
node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(pn, true, true, true);
return canAdd;
private int maxOutdatedPeers() {
return Math.max(5, getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAimIncludingDarknet() / 4);
private boolean tooManyOutdatedPeers() {
// This does not check whether they are short or long as it is irrelevant for outdated peers.
int maxTooOldPeers = maxOutdatedPeers();
int count = 0;
OpennetPeerNode[] peers = node.peers.getOpennetPeers();
for(OpennetPeerNode pn : peers) {
if(pn.isUnroutableOlderVersion()) {
if(count >= maxTooOldPeers)
return true;
return false;
private synchronized boolean enforcePerTypeGracePeriodLimits(int maxPeers, ConnectionType type, boolean addingPeer, LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU) {
if(type == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No type set, not enforcing per type limits");
// We do NOT want to have all our peers in grace periods!
// For opennet to work, we need LRU. For LRU to work it needs a choice.
// If everything is in a grace period, then we have no choice - we replace the one node that comes out of its grace period as soon as it does.
// So first calculate an overall limit on the number of peers in grace periods.
// Heuristic: Half rounded down.
int maxGracePeriodPeers = maxPeers / 2;
int announceMax;
int reconnectMax;
int pathFoldingMax;
// Same total global number of slots as 1242/1243.
announceMax = reconnectMax = (maxGracePeriodPeers / 5) + 1;
pathFoldingMax = maxGracePeriodPeers - announceMax - reconnectMax;
if(pathFoldingMax < 2) return false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Per type grace period limits: total peers: "+maxPeers+" announce "+announceMax+" reconnect "+reconnectMax+" path folding "+pathFoldingMax);
int myLimit;
if(type == ConnectionType.PATH_FOLDING)
myLimit = pathFoldingMax;
else if(type == ConnectionType.ANNOUNCE)
myLimit = announceMax;
myLimit = reconnectMax;
int count = 0;
OpennetPeerNode[] peers = peersLRU.toArray(new OpennetPeerNode[peersLRU.size()]);
for(OpennetPeerNode pn : peers) {
if(pn.getAddedReason() != type) continue;
if(!pn.isConnected()) continue;
if(pn.isDroppable(false)) continue;
if(++count >= myLimit) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Per type grace period limit rejected peer of type "+type+" count is "+count+" limit is "+myLimit);
return true;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Per type grace period limit allowed connection of type "+type+" count is "+count+" limit is "+myLimit+" addingPeer="+addingPeer);
return false;
void dropAllExcessPeers() {
for(LinkLengthClass l : LinkLengthClass.values()) dropExcessPeers(l);
void dropExcessPeers(LinkLengthClass distance) {
LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU = lruQueue(distance);
int maxPeers = getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim(distance);
while(peersLRU.size() > maxPeers) {
Logger.minor(this, "Dropping opennet peers: currently "+peersLRU.size()+" of "+maxPeers+" for "+distance+" distance links");
OpennetPeerNode toDrop;
toDrop = peerToDrop(false, false, false, null, maxPeers, distance, peersLRU);
if(toDrop == null) toDrop = peerToDrop(false, true, false, null, maxPeers, distance, peersLRU);
if(toDrop == null) return;
synchronized(this) {
Logger.minor(this, "Dropping "+toDrop);
node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(toDrop, true, true, true);
// A TOO OLD peer does not count towards the limit, even if it is not connected.
// It can however be dumped if it doesn't connect in a reasonable time, and if
// it upgrades, it may not have the usual grace period.
* How many opennet peers do we have?
* Connected but out of date nodes don't count towards the connection limit. Let them connect for
* long enough to auto-update. They will be disconnected eventually, and then removed:
* @see OpennetPeerNode.shouldDisconnectAndRemoveNow()
synchronized public int getSize(LinkLengthClass distance) {
int x = 0;
for (Enumeration<OpennetPeerNode> e = lruQueue(distance).elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
OpennetPeerNode pn = e.nextElement();
if(!pn.isUnroutableOlderVersion()) x++;
return x;
private OpennetPeerNode peerToDrop(boolean noDisconnect, boolean force, boolean addingNode, ConnectionType connectionType, int maxPeers, LinkLengthClass distance, LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU) {
if(getSize(distance) < maxPeers) {
// Don't drop any peers
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "peerToDrop(): Not dropping any peer (force="+force+" addingNode="+addingNode+") because don't need to");
return null;
synchronized(this) {
EnumMap<NOT_DROP_REASON, Integer> map = null;
if(addingNode) map = new EnumMap<NOT_DROP_REASON, Integer>(NOT_DROP_REASON.class);
// Do we want it?
OpennetPeerNode[] peers = peersLRU.toArrayOrdered(new OpennetPeerNode[peersLRU.size()]);
for(OpennetPeerNode pn: peers) {
if(pn == null) continue;
boolean tooOld = pn.isUnroutableOlderVersion();
if(pn.isConnected() && tooOld) {
// Doesn't count towards the opennet peers limit, so no point dropping it.
NOT_DROP_REASON reason = pn.isDroppableWithReason(false);
if(map != null) {
Integer x = map.get(reason);
if(x == null)
map.put(reason, 1);
map.put(reason, x+1);
// Over the limit does not force us to drop TOO OLD peers since they don't count towards the limit.
if((reason != NOT_DROP_REASON.DROPPABLE) && ((!force) || tooOld)) {
// LOCKING: Always take the OpennetManager lock first
if(!pn.isConnected()) {
Logger.minor(this, "Possibly dropping opennet peer "+pn+" as is disconnected (reason="+reason+" force="+force+" tooOld="+tooOld);
return pn;
if(noDisconnect) {
if(addingNode && logMINOR) {
Logger.minor(this, "Not disconnecting");
if(map != null)
for(Map.Entry<NOT_DROP_REASON, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
Logger.minor(this, ""+entry.getKey()+" : "+entry.getValue());
return null;
if(map != null) map.clear();
for(OpennetPeerNode pn: peers) {
if(pn == null) continue;
boolean tooOld = pn.isUnroutableOlderVersion();
if(pn.isConnected() && tooOld) {
// Doesn't count anyway.
NOT_DROP_REASON reason = pn.isDroppableWithReason(false);
if(map != null) {
Integer x = map.get(reason);
if(x == null)
map.put(reason, 1);
map.put(reason, x+1);
// Over the limit does not force us to drop TOO OLD peers since they don't count towards the limit.
if((reason != NOT_DROP_REASON.DROPPABLE) && ((!force) || tooOld)) {
Logger.minor(this, "Possibly dropping opennet peer "+pn+" "+
((connectionType == null) ? "" : ((System.currentTimeMillis() - timeLastDropped.get(connectionType))+" ms since last dropped peer of type "+connectionType)));
return pn;
if(addingNode && logMINOR) {
Logger.minor(this, "Nothing to drop");
if(map != null)
for(Map.Entry<NOT_DROP_REASON, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
Logger.minor(this, ""+entry.getKey()+" : "+entry.getValue());
return null;
public void onSuccess(OpennetPeerNode pn) {
LinkLengthClass distance = pn.linkLengthClass();
LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU = lruQueue(distance);
synchronized(this) {
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values())
successCount.put(type, successCount.get(type)+1);
if(peersLRU.contains(pn)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Opennet peer "+pn+" promoted to top of LRU because of successful request");
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Success on opennet peer which isn't in the LRU!: "+pn, new Exception("debug"));
// Re-add it: nasty race condition when we have few peers
if(!wantPeer(pn, false, false, false, ConnectionType.RECONNECT, distance)) // Start at top as it just succeeded
node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(pn, true, false, true);
public void onRemove(OpennetPeerNode pn) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
LRUQueue<OpennetPeerNode> peersLRU = lruQueue(pn);
synchronized (this) {
if(pn.isDroppable(true) && !pn.grabWasDropped()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "onRemove() for "+pn);
if(pn.timeLastConnected(now) > 0) {
// Don't even add it if it never connected.
while (oldPeers.size() > MAX_OLD_PEERS)
synchronized OpennetPeerNode[] getOldPeers() {
return oldPeers.toArrayOrdered(new OpennetPeerNode[oldPeers.size()]);
synchronized OpennetPeerNode[] getUnsortedOldPeers() {
return oldPeers.toArray(new OpennetPeerNode[oldPeers.size()]);
* Add an old opennet node - a node which might try to reconnect, and which we should accept
* if we are desperate.
* @param pn The node to add to the old opennet nodes LRU.
synchronized void addOldOpennetNode(OpennetPeerNode pn) {
final String getOldPeersFilename() {
return node.nodeDir().file("openpeers-old-"+crypto.portNumber).toString();
synchronized int countOldOpennetPeers() {
return oldPeers.size();
OpennetPeerNode randomOldOpennetNode() {
OpennetPeerNode[] nodes = getUnsortedOldPeers();
if(nodes.length == 0) return null;
return nodes[node.random.nextInt(nodes.length)];
public synchronized void purgeOldOpennetPeer(OpennetPeerNode source) {
public int getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAimIncludingDarknet() {
int max = node.getMaxOpennetPeers();
int obwLimit = node.getOutputBandwidthLimit();
int targetPeers = (int)Math.round(Math.min(MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING, Math.sqrt(obwLimit * SCALING_CONSTANT / 1000.0)));
if(targetPeers < MIN_PEERS_FOR_SCALING)
if(max > targetPeers) max = targetPeers; // Allow user to reduce it.
return max;
/** Get the target number of opennet peers. Do not call while holding locks. */
public int getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim(LinkLengthClass distance) {
if(distance == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int target = getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim();
return distance.getTargetPeers(target);
public int getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim() {
int max = getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAimIncludingDarknet();
return max - node.peers.countConnectedDarknetPeers();
public void sendOpennetRef(boolean isReply, long uid, PeerNode peer, byte[] noderef, ByteCounter ctr) throws NotConnectedException {
sendOpennetRef(isReply, uid, peer, noderef, ctr, null);
* Send our opennet noderef to a node.
* @param isReply If true, send an FNPOpennetConnectReply, else send an FNPOpennetConnectDestination.
* @param uid The unique ID of the request chain involved.
* @param peer The node to send the noderef to. Not necessarily an OpennetPeerNode, as path
* folding and possibly announcement can pass through darknet.
* @param cs The full compressed noderef to send.
* @throws NotConnectedException If the peer becomes disconnected while we are trying to send the noderef.
public boolean sendOpennetRef(boolean isReply, long uid, PeerNode peer, byte[] noderef, ByteCounter ctr, AllSentCallback cb) throws NotConnectedException {
byte[] padded = new byte[paddedSize(noderef.length)];
if(noderef.length > padded.length) {
Logger.error(this, "Noderef too big: "+noderef.length+" bytes");
return false;
System.arraycopy(noderef, 0, padded, 0, noderef.length);
Util.randomBytes(node.fastWeakRandom, padded, noderef.length, padded.length-noderef.length);
long xferUID = node.random.nextLong();
Message msg2 = isReply ? DMT.createFNPOpennetConnectReplyNew(uid, xferUID, noderef.length, padded.length) :
DMT.createFNPOpennetConnectDestinationNew(uid, xferUID, noderef.length, padded.length);
peer.sendAsync(msg2, null, ctr);
return innerSendOpennetRef(xferUID, padded, peer, ctr, cb);
* Just the actual transfer.
* @param xferUID The transfer UID
* @param padded The length of the data to transfer.
* @param peer The peer to send it to.
* @param cb
* @throws NotConnectedException If the peer is not connected, or we lose the connection to the peer,
* or it restarts.
private boolean innerSendOpennetRef(long xferUID, byte[] padded, PeerNode peer, ByteCounter ctr, AllSentCallback cb) throws NotConnectedException {
ByteArrayRandomAccessBuffer raf = new ByteArrayRandomAccessBuffer(padded);
PartiallyReceivedBulk prb =
new PartiallyReceivedBulk(node.usm, padded.length, Node.PACKET_SIZE, raf, true);
try {
BulkTransmitter bt =
new BulkTransmitter(prb, peer, xferUID, true, ctr, true, cb);
return bt.send();
} catch (DisconnectedException e) {
throw new NotConnectedException(e);
public long startSendAnnouncementRequest(long uid, PeerNode peer, byte[] noderef, ByteCounter ctr,
double target, short htl) throws NotConnectedException {
long xferUID = node.random.nextLong();
Message msg = DMT.createFNPOpennetAnnounceRequest(uid, xferUID, noderef.length,
paddedSize(noderef.length), target, htl);
peer.sendAsync(msg, null, ctr);
return xferUID;
public void finishSentAnnouncementRequest(PeerNode peer, byte[] noderef, ByteCounter ctr,
long xferUID) throws NotConnectedException {
byte[] padded = new byte[paddedSize(noderef.length)];
System.arraycopy(noderef, 0, padded, 0, noderef.length);
Util.randomBytes(node.fastWeakRandom, padded, noderef.length, padded.length-noderef.length);
innerSendOpennetRef(xferUID, padded, peer, ctr, null);
private int paddedSize(int length) {
Logger.normal(this, "Large noderef: "+length);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too big noderef: "+length+" limit is "+MAX_OPENNET_NODEREF_LENGTH);
return ((length >>> 10) + ((length & 1023) == 0 ? 0 : 1)) << 10;
public void sendAnnouncementReply(long uid, PeerNode peer, byte[] noderef, ByteCounter ctr)
throws NotConnectedException {
byte[] padded = new byte[PADDED_NODEREF_SIZE];
if(noderef.length > padded.length) {
Logger.error(this, "Noderef too big: "+noderef.length+" bytes");
System.arraycopy(noderef, 0, padded, 0, noderef.length);
long xferUID = node.random.nextLong();
Message msg = DMT.createFNPOpennetAnnounceReply(uid, xferUID, noderef.length,
peer.sendAsync(msg, null, ctr);
innerSendOpennetRef(xferUID, padded, peer, ctr, null);
interface NoderefCallback {
/** Got a noderef. */
void gotNoderef(byte[] noderef);
/** Timed out waiting for a noderef. */
void timedOut();
/** Got an ack - didn't timeout but there won't be a noderef.
* @param timedOutMessage */
void acked(boolean timedOutMessage);
private static class SyncNoderefCallback implements NoderefCallback {
byte[] returned;
boolean finished;
boolean timedOut;
public synchronized void timedOut() {
timedOut = true;
finished = true;
public void acked(boolean timedOutMessage) {
public synchronized void gotNoderef(byte[] noderef) {
returned = noderef;
finished = true;
public synchronized byte[] waitForResult() throws WaitedTooLongForOpennetNoderefException {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
if(timedOut) throw new WaitedTooLongForOpennetNoderefException();
return returned;
static class WaitedTooLongForOpennetNoderefException extends Exception {
* Wait for an opennet noderef.
* @param isReply If true, wait for an FNPOpennetConnectReply[New], if false wait for an FNPOpennetConnectDestination[New].
* @param uid The UID of the parent request.
* @return An opennet noderef.
public static byte[] waitForOpennetNoderef(boolean isReply, PeerNode source, long uid, ByteCounter ctr, Node node) throws WaitedTooLongForOpennetNoderefException {
SyncNoderefCallback cb = new SyncNoderefCallback();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Waiting for opennet noderef on "+uid+" from "+source+" reply="+isReply);
waitForOpennetNoderef(isReply, source, uid, ctr, cb, node);
return cb.waitForResult();
public static void waitForOpennetNoderef(final boolean isReply, final PeerNode source, final long uid, final ByteCounter ctr, final NoderefCallback callback, final Node node) {
// FIXME remove back compat code
MessageFilter mf =
MessageFilter.create().setSource(source).setField(DMT.UID, uid).
setType(isReply ? DMT.FNPOpennetConnectReplyNew : DMT.FNPOpennetConnectDestinationNew);
// Also waiting for an ack
MessageFilter mfAck =
MessageFilter.create().setSource(source).setField(DMT.UID, uid).
// Also waiting for an upstream timed out.
MessageFilter mfAckTimeout =
MessageFilter.create().setSource(source).setField(DMT.UID, uid).
mf = mfAck.or(mfAckTimeout.or(mf));
try {
node.usm.addAsyncFilter(mf, new SlowAsyncMessageFilterCallback() {
boolean completed;
public void onMatched(Message msg) {
if (msg.getSpec() == DMT.FNPOpennetCompletedAck ||
msg.getSpec() == DMT.FNPOpennetCompletedTimeout) {
synchronized(this) {
if(completed) return;
completed = true;
callback.acked(msg.getSpec() == DMT.FNPOpennetCompletedTimeout);
} else {
// Noderef bulk transfer
long xferUID = msg.getLong(DMT.TRANSFER_UID);
int paddedLength = msg.getInt(DMT.PADDED_LENGTH);
int realLength = msg.getInt(DMT.NODEREF_LENGTH);
complete(innerWaitForOpennetNoderef(xferUID, paddedLength, realLength, source, isReply, uid, false, ctr, node));
public boolean shouldTimeout() {
return false;
public void onTimeout() {
synchronized(this) {
if(completed) return;
completed = true;
public void onDisconnect(PeerContext ctx) {
public void onRestarted(PeerContext ctx) {
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY;
private void complete(byte[] buf) {
synchronized(this) {
if(completed) return;
completed = true;
}, ctr);
} catch (DisconnectedException e) {
static byte[] innerWaitForOpennetNoderef(long xferUID, int paddedLength, int realLength, PeerNode source, boolean isReply, long uid, boolean sendReject, ByteCounter ctr, Node node) {
byte[] buf = new byte[paddedLength];
ByteArrayRandomAccessBuffer raf = new ByteArrayRandomAccessBuffer(buf);
PartiallyReceivedBulk prb = new PartiallyReceivedBulk(node.usm, buf.length, Node.PACKET_SIZE, raf, false);
BulkReceiver br = new BulkReceiver(prb, source, xferUID, ctr);
if (logMINOR) {
Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Receiving noderef (reply="+isReply+") as bulk transfer for request uid "+uid+" with transfer "+xferUID+" from "+source);
if (!br.receive()) {
if (source.isConnected()) {
String msg = "Failed to receive noderef bulk transfer : "
+RetrievalException.getErrString(prb.getAbortReason())+" : "
+prb.getAbortDescription()+" from "+source;
if (prb.getAbortReason() != RetrievalException.SENDER_DISCONNECTED) {
Logger.warning(OpennetManager.class, msg);
} else {
Logger.normal(OpennetManager.class, msg);
if (sendReject) rejectRef(uid, source, DMT.NODEREF_REJECTED_TRANSFER_FAILED, ctr);
return null;
byte[] noderef = Arrays.copyOf(buf, realLength);
return noderef;
public static void rejectRef(long uid, PeerNode source, int reason, ByteCounter ctr) {
Message msg = DMT.createFNPOpennetNoderefRejected(uid, reason);
try {
source.sendAsync(msg, null, ctr);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Ignore
public static SimpleFieldSet validateNoderef(byte[] noderef, int offset, int length, PeerNode from, boolean forceOpennetEnabled) {
SimpleFieldSet ref;
try {
ref = PeerNode.compressedNoderefToFieldSet(noderef, 0, noderef.length);
} catch (FSParseException e) {
Logger.error(OpennetManager.class, "Invalid noderef: "+e, e);
return null;
ref.put("opennet", true);
if(!OpennetPeerNode.validateRef(ref)) {
Logger.error(OpennetManager.class, "Could not parse opennet noderef from "+from);
return null;
if (ref != null) {
String identity = ref.get("identity");
if (identity != null) // N2N_MESSAGE_TYPE_DIFFNODEREF don't have identity
return ref;
/** Do an announcement !!
* @param target The location to announce to. In 0.7 we don't try to prevent nodes from choosing their
* announcement location, because it is easy for them to get the location they want later on anyway,
* and we can do a much more effective announcement this way. */
public void announce(double target, AnnouncementCallback cb) {
AnnounceSender sender = new AnnounceSender(target, this, node, cb, null);
node.executor.execute(sender, "Announcement to "+target);
public long getCreationTime() {
return creationTime;
private static final long MAX_AGE = DAYS.toMillis(7);
private static final TimeSortedHashtable<String> knownIds = new TimeSortedHashtable<String>();
private static void registerKnownIdentity(String d) {
if (logMINOR)
Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Known Id: " + d);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
synchronized (knownIds) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Adding Id " + d + " knownIds size " + knownIds.size());
knownIds.push(d, now);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Added Id " + d + " knownIds size " + knownIds.size());
knownIds.removeBefore(now - MAX_AGE);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Added and pruned location " + d + " knownIds size " + knownIds.size());
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(OpennetManager.class, "Estimated opennet size(session): " + knownIds.size());
//Return the estimated network size based on locations seen after timestamp or for the whole session if -1
public int getNetworkSizeEstimate(long timestamp) {
return knownIds.countValuesAfter(timestamp);
public int getAnnouncementThreshold() {
return announcer.getAnnouncementThreshold();
/** Notification that a peer was disconnected. Query the Announcer,
* it may need to rerun. */
public void onDisconnect(PeerNode node2) {
if(announcer != null)
public void drawOpennetStatsBox(HTMLNode box) {
HTMLNode table = box.addChild("table", "border", "0");
HTMLNode row = table.addChild("tr");
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values()) {
row.addChild("th", type.name());
row = table.addChild("tr");
row.addChild("td", "Connection attempts");
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values()) {
row.addChild("td", Long.toString(connectionAttempts.get(type)));
row = table.addChild("tr");
row.addChild("td", "Connections accepted");
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values()) {
row.addChild("td", Long.toString(connectionAttemptsAdded.get(type)));
row = table.addChild("tr");
row.addChild("td", "Accepted (free slots)");
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values()) {
row.addChild("td", Long.toString(connectionAttemptsAddedPlentySpace.get(type)));
row = table.addChild("tr");
row.addChild("td", "Rejected (per-type grace periods)");
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values()) {
row.addChild("td", Long.toString(connectionAttemptsRejectedByPerTypeEnforcement.get(type)));
row = table.addChild("tr");
row.addChild("td", "Rejected (no droppable peers)");
for(ConnectionType type : ConnectionType.values()) {
row.addChild("td", Long.toString(connectionAttemptsRejectedNoPeersDroppable.get(type)));
public boolean waitingForUpdater() {
return announcer.isWaitingForUpdater();
public void reannounce() {
public void drawSeedStatsBox(HTMLNode content) {
/** Called when a connection completes. If it's an opennet peer, we may need to drop a peer
* to make space. If it's a darknet peer, the connection limit for opennet peers may have
* decreased so again we may need to drop a peer. */
public void onConnectedPeer(PeerNode pn) {
if(pn instanceof OpennetPeerNode) {
} else {
// The peer count target may have decreased, so we may need to drop an opennet peer.