/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.node;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperListener;
import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager;
import freenet.config.FreenetFilePersistentConfig;
import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException;
import freenet.config.PersistentConfig;
import freenet.config.SubConfig;
import freenet.crypt.DiffieHellman;
import freenet.crypt.JceLoader;
import freenet.crypt.RandomSource;
import freenet.crypt.SSL;
import freenet.crypt.Yarrow;
import freenet.support.Executor;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.LoggerHook.InvalidThresholdException;
import freenet.support.PooledExecutor;
import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
* @author nextgens
* A class to tie the wrapper and the node (needed for self-restarting support).
* There will only ever be one instance of NodeStarter.
public class NodeStarter implements WrapperListener {
private Node node;
private static LoggingConfigHandler logConfigHandler;
(File.separatorChar == '\\') &&
(System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase().matches("(i?[x0-9]86_64|amd64)")) ? 6 : 2;
public static final int extBuildNumber;
public static final String extRevisionNumber;
static {
extBuildNumber = ExtVersion.extBuildNumber();
extRevisionNumber = ExtVersion.extRevisionNumber();
private FreenetFilePersistentConfig cfg;
// experimental osgi support
private static NodeStarter nodestarter_osgi = null;
private static boolean isTestingVM;
private static boolean isStarted;
/** If false, this is some sort of multi-node testing VM */
public synchronized static boolean isTestingVM() {
return isTestingVM;
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Constructors
private NodeStarter() {
// Force it to load right now, and log what exactly is loaded.
public NodeStarter get() {
return this;
* WrapperListener Methods
* The start method is called when the WrapperManager is signaled by the
* native wrapper code that it can start its application. This
* method call is expected to return, so a new thread should be launched
* if necessary.
* @param args List of arguments used to initialize the application.
* @return Any error code if the application should exit on completion
* of the start method. If there were no problems then this
* method should return null.
public Integer start(String[] args) {
synchronized(NodeStarter.class) {
if(isStarted) throw new IllegalStateException();
isStarted = true;
isTestingVM = false;
if(args.length > 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: $ java freenet.node.Node <configFile>");
return Integer.valueOf(-1);
String builtWithMessage = "freenet.jar built with freenet-ext.jar Build #" + ExtVersion.buildNumber + " r" + ExtVersion.cvsRevision+" running with ext build "+extBuildNumber+" r" + extRevisionNumber;
Logger.normal(this, builtWithMessage);
File configFilename;
if(args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("Using default config filename freenet.ini");
configFilename = new File("freenet.ini");
} else
configFilename = new File(args[0]);
// set Java's DNS cache not to cache forever, since many people
// use dyndns hostnames
java.security.Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "0");
java.security.Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", "0");
try {
System.out.println("Creating config from "+configFilename);
cfg = FreenetFilePersistentConfig.constructFreenetFilePersistentConfig(configFilename);
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error : " + e);
return Integer.valueOf(-1);
// First, set up logging. It is global, and may be shared between several nodes.
SubConfig loggingConfig = new SubConfig("logger", cfg);
PooledExecutor executor = new PooledExecutor();
try {
System.out.println("Creating logger...");
logConfigHandler = new LoggingConfigHandler(loggingConfig, executor);
} catch(InvalidConfigValueException e) {
System.err.println("Error: could not set up logging: " + e.getMessage());
return Integer.valueOf(-2);
System.out.println("Starting executor...");
// Prevent timeouts for a while. The DiffieHellman init for example could take some time on a very slow system.
// Thread to keep the node up.
// JVM deadlocks losing a lock when two threads of different types (daemon|app)
// are contended for the same lock. So make USM daemon, and use useless to keep the JVM
// up.
// http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=343023&messageID=2942637 - last message
Runnable useless =
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
} catch(Throwable t) {
try {
Logger.error(this, "Caught " + t, t);
} catch(Throwable t1) {
// Ignore
NativeThread plug = new NativeThread(useless, "Plug", NativeThread.MAX_PRIORITY, false);
// Not daemon, but doesn't do anything.
// Keeps the JVM alive.
// DO NOT do anything in the plug thread, if you do you risk the EvilJVMBug.
// Initialize SSL
SubConfig sslConfig = new SubConfig("ssl", cfg);
try {
node = new Node(cfg, null, null, logConfigHandler, this, executor);
System.out.println("Node initialization completed.");
} catch(NodeInitException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to load node: " + e.exitCode + " : " + e.getMessage());
return null;
* Called when the application is shutting down. The Wrapper assumes that
* this method will return fairly quickly. If the shutdown code code
* could potentially take a long time, then WrapperManager.signalStopping()
* should be called to extend the timeout period. If for some reason,
* the stop method can not return, then it must call
* WrapperManager.stopped() to avoid warning messages from the Wrapper.
* @param exitCode The suggested exit code that will be returned to the OS
* when the JVM exits.
* @return The exit code to actually return to the OS. In most cases, this
* should just be the value of exitCode, however the user code has
* the option of changing the exit code if there are any problems
* during shutdown.
public int stop(int exitCode) {
System.err.println("Shutting down with exit code " + exitCode);
// see #354
return exitCode;
public void restart() {
* Called whenever the native wrapper code traps a system control signal
* against the Java process. It is up to the callback to take any actions
* necessary. Possible values are: WrapperManager.WRAPPER_CTRL_C_EVENT,
* @param event The system control signal.
public void controlEvent(int event) {
if(WrapperManager.isControlledByNativeWrapper()) {
// The Wrapper will take care of this event
} else
// We are not being controlled by the Wrapper, so
// handle the event ourselves.
if((event == WrapperManager.WRAPPER_CTRL_C_EVENT) ||
(event == WrapperManager.WRAPPER_CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT) ||
(event == WrapperManager.WRAPPER_CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT))
* Main Method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Start the application. If the JVM was launched from the native
// Wrapper then the application will wait for the native Wrapper to
// call the application's start method. Otherwise the start method
// will be called immediately.
WrapperManager.start(new NodeStarter(), args);
static SemiOrderedShutdownHook shutdownHook;
* VM-specific init.
* Not Node-specific; many nodes may be created later.
* @param testName The name of the test instance.
public static RandomSource globalTestInit(String testName, boolean enablePlug, LogLevel logThreshold, String details, boolean noDNS) throws InvalidThresholdException {
synchronized(NodeStarter.class) {
if(isStarted) throw new IllegalStateException();
isStarted = true;
isTestingVM = true;
File dir = new File(testName);
if((!dir.mkdir()) && ((!dir.exists()) || (!dir.isDirectory()))) {
System.err.println("Cannot create directory for test");
Logger.setupStdoutLogging(logThreshold, details);
// set Java's DNS cache not to cache forever, since many people
// use dyndns hostnames
java.security.Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "0");
java.security.Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", "0");
// Setup RNG
RandomSource random = new Yarrow();
if(enablePlug) {
// Thread to keep the node up.
// JVM deadlocks losing a lock when two threads of different types (daemon|app)
// are contended for the same lock. So make USM daemon, and use useless to keep the JVM
// up.
// http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=343023&messageID=2942637 - last message
Runnable useless =
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
} catch(Throwable t) {
try {
Logger.error(this, "Caught " + t, t);
} catch(Throwable t1) {
// Ignore
Thread plug = new Thread(useless, "Plug");
// Not daemon, but doesn't do anything.
// Keeps the JVM alive.
// DO NOT do anything in the plug thread, if you do you risk the EvilJVMBug.
DNSRequester.DISABLE = noDNS;
return random;
public static Node createTestNode(int port, int opennetPort, String testName, boolean disableProbabilisticHTLs,
short maxHTL, int dropProb, RandomSource random,
Executor executor, int threadLimit, long storeSize, boolean ramStore,
boolean enableSwapping, boolean enableARKs, boolean enableULPRs, boolean enablePerNodeFailureTables,
boolean enableSwapQueueing, boolean enablePacketCoalescing,
int outputBandwidthLimit, boolean enableFOAF,
boolean connectToSeednodes, boolean longPingTimes, boolean useSlashdotCache, String ipAddressOverride) throws NodeInitException {
return createTestNode(port, opennetPort, testName, disableProbabilisticHTLs, maxHTL, dropProb, random, executor,
threadLimit, storeSize, ramStore, enableSwapping, enableARKs, enableULPRs, enablePerNodeFailureTables,
enableSwapQueueing, enablePacketCoalescing, outputBandwidthLimit, enableFOAF, connectToSeednodes,
longPingTimes, useSlashdotCache, ipAddressOverride, false);
* Create a test node.
* @param port The node port number. Each test node must have a different port
* number.
* @param testName The test name.
* @throws NodeInitException If the node cannot start up for some reason, most
* likely a config problem.
public static Node createTestNode(int port, int opennetPort, String testName, boolean disableProbabilisticHTLs,
short maxHTL, int dropProb, RandomSource random,
Executor executor, int threadLimit, long storeSize, boolean ramStore,
boolean enableSwapping, boolean enableARKs, boolean enableULPRs, boolean enablePerNodeFailureTables,
boolean enableSwapQueueing, boolean enablePacketCoalescing,
int outputBandwidthLimit, boolean enableFOAF,
boolean connectToSeednodes, boolean longPingTimes, boolean useSlashdotCache, String ipAddressOverride, boolean enableFCP) throws NodeInitException {
synchronized(NodeStarter.class) {
if((!isStarted) || (!isTestingVM))
throw new IllegalStateException("Call globalTestInit() first!");
File baseDir = new File(testName);
File portDir = new File(baseDir, Integer.toString(port));
if((!portDir.mkdir()) && ((!portDir.exists()) || (!portDir.isDirectory()))) {
System.err.println("Cannot create directory for test");
// Set up config for testing
SimpleFieldSet configFS = new SimpleFieldSet(false); // only happens once in entire simulation
if(outputBandwidthLimit > 0) {
configFS.put("node.outputBandwidthLimit", outputBandwidthLimit);
configFS.put("node.throttleLocalTraffic", true);
} else {
// Even with throttleLocalTraffic=false, requests still count in NodeStats.
// So set outputBandwidthLimit to something insanely high.
configFS.put("node.outputBandwidthLimit", 16 * 1024 * 1024);
configFS.put("node.throttleLocalTraffic", false);
configFS.put("node.useSlashdotCache", useSlashdotCache);
configFS.put("node.listenPort", port);
configFS.put("node.disableProbabilisticHTLs", disableProbabilisticHTLs);
configFS.put("fproxy.enabled", false);
configFS.put("fcp.enabled", enableFCP);
configFS.put("fcp.port", 9481);
configFS.put("fcp.ssl", false);
configFS.put("console.enabled", false);
configFS.putSingle("pluginmanager.loadplugin", "");
configFS.put("node.updater.enabled", false);
configFS.putSingle("node.install.tempDir", new File(portDir, "temp").toString());
configFS.putSingle("node.install.storeDir", new File(portDir, "store").toString());
configFS.put("fcp.persistentDownloadsEnabled", false);
configFS.putSingle("node.throttleFile", new File(portDir, "throttle.dat").toString());
configFS.putSingle("node.install.nodeDir", portDir.toString());
configFS.putSingle("node.install.userDir", portDir.toString());
configFS.putSingle("node.install.runDir", portDir.toString());
configFS.putSingle("node.install.cfgDir", portDir.toString());
configFS.put("node.maxHTL", maxHTL);
configFS.put("node.testingDropPacketsEvery", dropProb);
configFS.put("node.alwaysAllowLocalAddresses", true);
configFS.put("node.includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs", true);
configFS.put("node.enableARKs", false);
configFS.put("node.load.threadLimit", threadLimit);
configFS.putSingle("node.storeType", "ram");
configFS.put("node.storeSize", storeSize);
configFS.put("node.disableHangCheckers", true);
configFS.put("node.enableSwapping", enableSwapping);
configFS.put("node.enableSwapQueueing", enableSwapQueueing);
configFS.put("node.enableARKs", enableARKs);
configFS.put("node.enableULPRDataPropagation", enableULPRs);
configFS.put("node.enablePerNodeFailureTables", enablePerNodeFailureTables);
configFS.put("node.enablePacketCoalescing", enablePacketCoalescing);
configFS.put("node.publishOurPeersLocation", enableFOAF);
configFS.put("node.routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation", enableFOAF);
configFS.put("node.opennet.enabled", opennetPort > 0);
configFS.put("node.opennet.listenPort", opennetPort);
configFS.put("node.opennet.alwaysAllowLocalAddresses", true);
configFS.put("node.opennet.oneConnectionPerIP", false);
configFS.put("node.opennet.assumeNATed", true);
configFS.put("node.opennet.connectToSeednodes", connectToSeednodes);
configFS.put("node.encryptTempBuckets", false);
configFS.put("node.encryptPersistentTempBuckets", false);
configFS.put("node.enableRoutedPing", true);
if(ipAddressOverride != null)
configFS.putSingle("node.ipAddressOverride", ipAddressOverride);
if(longPingTimes) {
configFS.put("node.maxPingTime", 100000);
configFS.put("node.subMaxPingTime", 50000);
configFS.put("node.respondBandwidth", true);
configFS.put("node.respondBuild", true);
configFS.put("node.respondIdentifier", true);
configFS.put("node.respondLinkLengths", true);
configFS.put("node.respondLocation", true);
configFS.put("node.respondStoreSize", true);
configFS.put("node.respondUptime", true);
PersistentConfig config = new PersistentConfig(configFS);
Node node = new Node(config, random, random, null, null, executor);
//All testing environments connect the nodes as they want, even if the old setup is restored, it is not desired.
return node;
// experimental osgi support
public static void start_osgi(String[] args) {
nodestarter_osgi = new NodeStarter();
// experimental osgi support
public static void stop_osgi(int exitCode) {
nodestarter_osgi = null;
/** Get the memory limit in MB. Return -1 if we don't know, -2 for unlimited. */
public static long getMemoryLimitMB() {
long limit = getMemoryLimitBytes();
if(limit <= 0) return limit;
if(limit == Long.MAX_VALUE) return -2;
limit /= (1024 * 1024);
if(limit > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return -1; // Seems unlikely. FIXME 2TB limit!
return limit;
/** Get the memory limit in bytes. Return -1 if we don't know. Compensate for odd JVMs'
* behaviour. */
public static long getMemoryLimitBytes() {
long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
if(maxMemory == Long.MAX_VALUE)
return maxMemory;
else if(maxMemory <= 0)
return -1;
else {
if(maxMemory < (1024 * 1024)) {
// Some weird buggy JVMs provide this number in MB IIRC?
return maxMemory * 1024 * 1024;
return maxMemory;
/** Static instance of SecureRandom, as opposed to Node's copy. @see getSecureRandom() */
private static SecureRandom globalSecureRandom;
public static synchronized SecureRandom getGlobalSecureRandom() {
if(globalSecureRandom == null) {
globalSecureRandom = new SecureRandom();
globalSecureRandom.nextBytes(new byte[16]); // Force it to seed itself so it blocks now not later.
return globalSecureRandom;