/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.node;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException;
import freenet.config.NodeNeedRestartException;
import freenet.config.SubConfig;
import freenet.io.comm.FreenetInetAddress;
import freenet.node.SecurityLevels.NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.api.BooleanCallback;
import freenet.support.api.IntCallback;
import freenet.support.api.StringCallback;
* Tracks config parameters related to a NodeCrypto. The NodeCrypto may or may not exist. If it exists,
* parameter changes are passed on to it, if it doesn't, they can be changed trivially.
* Allows users to set the opennet port number while opennet is disabled, enable opennet on the fly etc.
* @author toad
public class NodeCryptoConfig {
/** Port number. -1 = choose a random available port number at activation time. */
private int portNumber;
/** Bind address. = all addresses. */
private FreenetInetAddress bindTo;
/** If nonzero, 1/dropProbability = probability of UdpSocketHandler dropping a packet (for debugging
* purposes; not static as we may need to simulate some nodes with more loss than others). */
private int dropProbability;
/** The NodeCrypto, if there is one */
private NodeCrypto crypto;
/** Whether we should prevent multiple connections to the same IP (taking into account other
* NodeCrypto's - this will usually be set for opennet but not for darknet). */
private boolean oneConnectionPerAddress;
/** If true, we will allow to connect to nodes via local (LAN etc) IP addresses,
* regardless of any per-peer setting. */
private boolean alwaysAllowLocalAddresses;
/** If true, assume we are NATed regardless of the evidence, and therefore always send
* aggressive handshakes (every 10-30 seconds). */
private boolean assumeNATed;
/** If true, include local addresses on noderefs */
public boolean includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs;
/** If false we won't make any effort do disguise the length of packets */
private boolean paddDataPackets;
NodeCryptoConfig(SubConfig config, int sortOrder, boolean isOpennet, SecurityLevels securityLevels) throws NodeInitException {
config.register("listenPort", -1 /* means random */, sortOrder++, true, true,
isOpennet ? "Node.opennetPort" : "Node.port",
isOpennet ? "Node.opennetPortLong" : "Node.portLong",
new IntCallback() {
public Integer get() {
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.class) {
if(crypto != null)
portNumber = crypto.portNumber;
return portNumber;
public void set(Integer val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if(portNumber < -1 || portNumber == 0 || portNumber > 65535) {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Invalid port number");
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.class) {
if(portNumber == val) return;
// FIXME implement on the fly listenPort changing
// Note that this sort of thing should be the exception rather than the rule!!!!
if(crypto != null)
throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Switching listenPort on the fly not yet supported");
portNumber = val;
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return true;
}, false);
portNumber = config.getInt("listenPort");
}catch (Exception e){
// FIXME is this really necessary?
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
portNumber = -1;
config.register("bindTo", "", sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.bindTo", "Node.bindToLong", new NodeBindtoCallback());
try {
bindTo = new FreenetInetAddress(config.getString("bindTo"), false);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_BIND_USM, "Invalid bindTo: "+config.getString("bindTo"));
config.register("testingDropPacketsEvery", 0, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.dropPacketEvery", "Node.dropPacketEveryLong",
new IntCallback() {
public Integer get() {
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.this) {
return dropProbability;
public void set(Integer val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if(val < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException("testingDropPacketsEvery must not be negative");
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.this) {
if(val == dropProbability) return;
dropProbability = val;
if(crypto == null) return;
}, false);
dropProbability = config.getInt("testingDropPacketsEvery");
config.register("oneConnectionPerIP", isOpennet, sortOrder++, true, false,
(isOpennet ? "OpennetManager" : "Node") + ".oneConnectionPerIP",
(isOpennet ? "OpennetManager" : "Node") + ".oneConnectionPerIPLong",
new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.this) {
return oneConnectionPerAddress;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.this) {
oneConnectionPerAddress = val;
oneConnectionPerAddress = config.getBoolean("oneConnectionPerIP");
if(isOpennet) {
securityLevels.addNetworkThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL>() {
public void onChange(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
// Might be useful for nodes on the same NAT etc, so turn it off for LOW. Otherwise is sensible.
// It's always off on darknet, since we can reasonably expect to know our peers, even if we are paranoid
// about them!
oneConnectionPerAddress = false;
oneConnectionPerAddress = true;
config.register("alwaysAllowLocalAddresses", !isOpennet, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.alwaysAllowLocalAddresses", "Node.alwaysAllowLocalAddressesLong",
new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.this) {
return alwaysAllowLocalAddresses;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
synchronized(NodeCryptoConfig.this) {
alwaysAllowLocalAddresses = val;
alwaysAllowLocalAddresses = config.getBoolean("alwaysAllowLocalAddresses");
config.register("assumeNATed", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.assumeNATed", "Node.assumeNATedLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return assumeNATed;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
assumeNATed = val;
assumeNATed = config.getBoolean("assumeNATed");
// Include local IPs in noderef file
config.register("includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs", !isOpennet, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeIPDectector.inclLocalAddress", "NodeIPDectector.inclLocalAddressLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs = val;
includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs = config.getBoolean("includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs");
// enable/disable Padding of outgoing packets (won't affect auth-packets)
config.register("paddDataPackets", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.paddDataPackets", "Node.paddDataPacketsLong", new BooleanCallback() {
public Boolean get() {
return paddDataPackets;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
if (val.equals(get()))
paddDataPackets = val;
paddDataPackets = config.getBoolean("paddDataPackets");
securityLevels.addNetworkThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL>() {
public void onChange(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
// Might be useful for nodes which are running with a tight bandwidth quota to minimize the overhead,
// so turn it off for LOW. Otherwise is sensible.
paddDataPackets = false;
paddDataPackets = true;
/** The number of config options i.e. the amount to increment sortOrder by */
public static final int OPTION_COUNT = 3;
synchronized void starting(NodeCrypto crypto2) {
if(crypto != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Replacing existing NodeCrypto "+crypto+" with "+crypto2);
crypto = crypto2;
synchronized void started(NodeCrypto crypto2) {
if(crypto != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Replacing existing NodeCrypto "+crypto+" with "+crypto2);
synchronized void maybeStarted(NodeCrypto crypto2) {
synchronized void stopping(NodeCrypto crypto2) {
crypto = null;
public synchronized int getPort() {
return portNumber;
class NodeBindtoCallback extends StringCallback {
public String get() {
return bindTo.toString();
public void set(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if(val.equals(get())) return;
// FIXME why not? Can't we use freenet.io.NetworkInterface like everywhere else, just adapt it for UDP?
throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot be updated on the fly");
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return true;
public synchronized FreenetInetAddress getBindTo() {
return bindTo;
public synchronized void setPort(int port) {
portNumber = port;
public synchronized int getDropProbability() {
return dropProbability;
public synchronized boolean oneConnectionPerAddress() {
return oneConnectionPerAddress;
public synchronized boolean alwaysAllowLocalAddresses() {
return alwaysAllowLocalAddresses;
public boolean alwaysHandshakeAggressively() {
return assumeNATed;
public boolean includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs() {
return includeLocalAddressesInNoderefs;
public boolean paddDataPackets() {
return paddDataPackets;