/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.node;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import freenet.io.comm.ByteCounter;
import freenet.io.comm.DMT;
import freenet.io.comm.Message;
import freenet.io.comm.NotConnectedException;
import freenet.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter;
import freenet.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter.BlockTransmitterCompletion;
import freenet.io.xfer.PartiallyReceivedBlock;
import freenet.keys.CHKBlock;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.keys.KeyBlock;
import freenet.keys.NodeCHK;
import freenet.keys.NodeSSK;
import freenet.keys.SSKBlock;
import freenet.support.LRUMap;
import freenet.support.ListUtils;
import freenet.support.LogThresholdCallback;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.SerialExecutor;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
// FIXME it is ESSENTIAL that we delete the ULPR data on requestors etc once we have found the key.
// Otherwise it will be much too easy to trace a request if an attacker busts the node afterwards.
// We can use an HMAC or something to authenticate offers.
// LOCKING: Always take the FailureTable lock first if you need both. Take the FailureTableEntry
// lock only on cheap internal operations.
* Tracks recently DNFed keys, where they were routed to, what the location was at the time, who requested them.
* Implements Ultra-Lightweight Persistent Requests: Refuse requests for a key for 10 minutes after it's DNFed
* (UNLESS we find a better route for the request), and when it is found, offer it to those who've asked for it
* in the last hour.
* LOCKING: Do not lock PeerNode before FailureTable/FailureTableEntry.
* @author toad
public class FailureTable {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
//private static volatile boolean logDEBUG;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){
public void shouldUpdate(){
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
//logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this);
/** FailureTableEntry's by key. Note that we push an entry only when sentTime changes. */
private final LRUMap<Key,FailureTableEntry> entriesByKey;
/** BlockOfferList by key. Synchronized on self, as it doesn't interact with the main FT. */
private final LRUMap<Key,BlockOfferList> blockOfferListByKey;
private final Node node;
/** Maximum number of keys to track */
static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 20*1000;
/** Maximum number of offers to track */
static final int MAX_OFFERS = 10*1000;
/** Terminate a request if there was a DNF on the same key less than 10 minutes ago.
* Maximum time for any FailureTable i.e. for this period after a DNF, we will avoid the node that
* DNFed. */
static final long REJECT_TIME = MINUTES.toMillis(10);
/** Maximum time for a RecentlyFailed. I.e. until this period expires, we take a request into account
* when deciding whether we have recently failed to this peer. If we get a DNF, we use this figure.
* If we get a RF, we use what it tells us, which can be less than this. Most other failures use
* shorter periods. */
static final long RECENTLY_FAILED_TIME = MINUTES.toMillis(30);
/** After 1 hour we forget about an entry completely */
static final long MAX_LIFETIME = MINUTES.toMillis(60);
/** Offers expire after 10 minutes */
static final long OFFER_EXPIRY_TIME = MINUTES.toMillis(10);
/** HMAC key for the offer authenticator */
final byte[] offerAuthenticatorKey;
/** Clean up old data every 10 minutes to save memory and improve privacy */
static final long CLEANUP_PERIOD = MINUTES.toMillis(10);
FailureTable(Node node) {
entriesByKey = LRUMap.createSafeMap();
blockOfferListByKey = LRUMap.createSafeMap();
this.node = node;
offerAuthenticatorKey = new byte[32];
offerExecutor = new SerialExecutor(NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
node.ticker.queueTimedJob(new FailureTableCleaner(), CLEANUP_PERIOD);
public void start() {
offerExecutor.start(node.executor, "FailureTable offers executor for "+node.getDarknetPortNumber());
* Called when we route to a node and it fails for some reason, but we continue the request.
* Normally the timeout will be the time it took to route to that node and wait for its
* response / timeout waiting for its response.
* @param key
* @param routedTo
* @param htl
* @param timeout
public void onFailed(Key key, PeerNode routedTo, short htl, long rfTimeout, long ftTimeout) {
if(ftTimeout < 0 || ftTimeout > REJECT_TIME) {
Logger.error(this, "Bogus timeout "+ftTimeout, new Exception("error"));
ftTimeout = Math.max(Math.min(REJECT_TIME, ftTimeout), 0);
if(rfTimeout < 0 || rfTimeout > RECENTLY_FAILED_TIME) {
if(rfTimeout > 0)
Logger.error(this, "Bogus timeout "+rfTimeout, new Exception("error"));
rfTimeout = Math.max(Math.min(RECENTLY_FAILED_TIME, rfTimeout), 0);
if(!(node.enableULPRDataPropagation || node.enablePerNodeFailureTables)) return;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
FailureTableEntry entry;
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null)
entry = new FailureTableEntry(key);
entriesByKey.push(key, entry);
// LOCKING: Taking PeerNode then FT/FTE will deadlock.
// However this should not happen.
// We have to do this inside the lock to prevent race condition with the cleaner causing us to get dropped because isEmpty() before updating.
entry.failedTo(routedTo, rfTimeout, ftTimeout, now, htl);
/** When a request finishes with a failure, record who generated the failure
* so we don't route to them next time, and also who originated it so we can
* send the data back to them if we find them.
* ORDERING: You should generally call this *before* calling finish() to
* avoid problems.
* LOCKING: NEVER synchronize on PeerNode before calling any FailureTable method.
public void onFinalFailure(Key key, PeerNode routedTo, short htl, short origHTL, long rfTimeout, long ftTimeout, PeerNode requestor) {
if(ftTimeout < -1 || ftTimeout > REJECT_TIME) {
// -1 is a valid no-op.
Logger.error(this, "Bogus timeout "+ftTimeout, new Exception("error"));
ftTimeout = Math.max(Math.min(REJECT_TIME, ftTimeout), 0);
if(rfTimeout < 0 || rfTimeout > RECENTLY_FAILED_TIME) {
if(rfTimeout > 0)
Logger.error(this, "Bogus timeout "+rfTimeout, new Exception("error"));
rfTimeout = Math.max(Math.min(RECENTLY_FAILED_TIME, rfTimeout), 0);
if(!(node.enableULPRDataPropagation || node.enablePerNodeFailureTables)) return;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
FailureTableEntry entry;
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null)
entry = new FailureTableEntry(key);
entriesByKey.push(key, entry);
// LOCKING: Taking PeerNode then FT/FTE will deadlock.
// However this should not happen.
// We have to do this inside the lock to prevent race condition with the cleaner causing us to get dropped because isEmpty() before updating.
if(routedTo != null)
entry.failedTo(routedTo, rfTimeout, ftTimeout, now, htl);
if(requestor != null)
entry.addRequestor(requestor, now, origHTL);
private synchronized void trimEntries(long now) {
while(entriesByKey.size() > MAX_ENTRIES) {
// LOCKING: Synchronized on FailureTable because we need to remove self in deleteOffer().
private final class BlockOfferList {
private BlockOffer[] offers;
final FailureTableEntry entry;
BlockOfferList(FailureTableEntry entry, BlockOffer offer) {
this.entry = entry;
this.offers = new BlockOffer[] { offer };
public long expires() {
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
long last = 0;
for(BlockOffer offer: offers) {
if(offer.offeredTime > last) last = offer.offeredTime;
return last + OFFER_EXPIRY_TIME;
public boolean isEmpty(long now) {
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
for(BlockOffer offer: offers) {
if(!offer.isExpired(now)) return false;
return true;
public void deleteOffer(BlockOffer offer) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Deleting "+offer+" from "+this);
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
int idx = -1;
final int offerLength = offers.length;
for(int i=0;i<offerLength;i++) {
if(offers[i] == offer) idx = i;
if(idx < 0) return;
BlockOffer[] newOffers = new BlockOffer[offerLength - 1];
if(idx > 0)
System.arraycopy(offers, 0, newOffers, 0, idx);
if(idx < newOffers.length)
System.arraycopy(offers, idx + 1, newOffers, idx, offers.length - idx - 1);
offers = newOffers;
if(offers.length > 1) return;
public void addOffer(BlockOffer offer) {
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
offers = Arrays.copyOf(offers, offers.length+1);
offers[offers.length-1] = offer;
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+"("+offers.length+")";
static final class BlockOffer {
final long offeredTime;
/** Either offered by or offered to this node */
final WeakReference<PeerNode> nodeRef;
/** Authenticator */
final byte[] authenticator;
/** Boot ID when the offer was made */
final long bootID;
BlockOffer(PeerNode pn, long now, byte[] authenticator, long bootID) {
this.nodeRef = pn.myRef;
this.offeredTime = now;
this.authenticator = authenticator;
this.bootID = bootID;
public PeerNode getPeerNode() {
return nodeRef.get();
public boolean isExpired(long now) {
return nodeRef.get() == null || now > (offeredTime + OFFER_EXPIRY_TIME);
public boolean isExpired() {
return isExpired(System.currentTimeMillis());
* Called when a data block is found (after it has been stored; there is a good chance of its being available in the
* near future). If there are nodes waiting for it, we will offer it to them. Removes the list of
* nodes that offered the key too (but this is a separate operation).
* LOCKING: Never call when locked PeerNode, and try to avoid other locks as
* they might cause a deadlock. Schedule off-thread if necessary.
public void onFound(KeyBlock block) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found "+block.getKey());
if(!(node.enableULPRDataPropagation || node.enablePerNodeFailureTables)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring onFound because enable ULPR = "+node.enableULPRDataPropagation+" and enable failure tables = "+node.enablePerNodeFailureTables);
Key key = block.getKey();
if(key == null) throw new NullPointerException();
FailureTableEntry entry;
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Key not found in entriesByKey");
return; // Nobody cares
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Offering key");
if(!node.enableULPRDataPropagation) return;
/** Run onOffer() on a separate thread since it can block for disk I/O, and we don't want to cause
* transfer timeouts etc because of slow disk. */
private final SerialExecutor offerExecutor;
* Called when we get an offer for a key. If this is an SSK, we will only accept it if we have previously asked for it.
* If it is a CHK, we will accept it if we want it.
* @param key The key we are being offered.
* @param peer The node offering it.
* @param authenticator
void onOffer(final Key key, final PeerNode peer, final byte[] authenticator) {
if(!node.enableULPRDataPropagation) return;
Logger.minor(this, "Offered key "+key+" by peer "+peer);
FailureTableEntry entry;
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "We didn't ask for the key");
return; // we haven't asked for it
offerExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
innerOnOffer(key, peer, authenticator);
}, "onOffer()");
* This method runs on the SerialExecutor. Therefore, any blocking network I/O needs to be scheduled
* on a separate thread. However, blocking disk I/O *should happen on this thread*. We deliberately
* serialise it, as high latencies can otherwise result.
protected void innerOnOffer(Key key, PeerNode peer, byte[] authenticator) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Inner on offer for "+key+" from "+peer+" on "+node.getDarknetPortNumber());
if(key.getRoutingKey() == null) throw new NullPointerException();
//NB: node.hasKey() executes a datastore fetch
// If we have the key in the datastore (store or cache), we don't want it.
// If we have the key in the client cache, we might want it for other nodes,
// although hopefully the client layer was tripped when we got it.
if(node.hasKey(key, false, true)) {
Logger.minor(this, "Already have key");
// Re-check after potentially long disk I/O.
FailureTableEntry entry;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "We didn't ask for the key");
return; // we haven't asked for it
* Accept (subject to later checks) if we asked for it.
* Should we accept it if we were asked for it? This is "bidirectional propagation".
* It's good because it makes the whole structure much more reliable; it's bad because
* it's not entirely under our control - we didn't choose to route it to the node, the node
* routed it to us. Now it's found it before we did...
* Attacks:
* - Frost spamming etc: Is it easier to offer data to our peers rather than inserting it? Will
* it result in it being propagated further? The peer node would then do the request, rather than
* this node doing an insert. Is that beneficial?
* Not relevant with CHKs anyway.
* On the plus side, propagation to nodes that have asked is worthwhile because reduced polling
* cost enables more secure messaging systems e.g. outbox polling...
* - Social engineering: If a key is unpopular, you can put a different copy of it on different
* nodes. You can then use this to trace the requestor - identify that he is or isn't on the target.
* You can't do this with a regular insert because it will often go several nodes even at htl 0.
* With subscriptions, you might be able to bypass this - but only if you know no other nodes in the
* neighbourhood are subscribed. Easier with SSKs; with CHKs you have only binary information of
* whether the person got the key (with social engineering). Hard to exploit on darknet; if you're
* that close to the suspect there are easier ways to get at them e.g. correlation attacks.
* Conclusion: We should accept the request if:
* - We asked for it from that node. (Note that a node might both have asked us and been asked).
* - That node asked for it, and it's a CHK.
boolean weAsked = entry.askedFromPeer(peer, now);
boolean heAsked = entry.askedByPeer(peer, now);
if(!(weAsked || heAsked)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not propagating key: weAsked="+weAsked+" heAsked="+heAsked);
if(entry.isEmpty(now)) {
synchronized(this) {
if(entry.isEmpty(now)) {
synchronized(this) {
// Valid offer.
// Add to offers list
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Valid offer");
BlockOfferList bl = blockOfferListByKey.get(key);
BlockOffer offer = new BlockOffer(peer, now, authenticator, peer.getBootID());
if(bl == null) {
bl = new BlockOfferList(entry, offer);
} else {
blockOfferListByKey.push(key, bl);
// Accept the offer.
// Either a peer wants it, in which case we want it for them,
// or we want it, or we have requested it in the past, in which case
// we will probably want it in the future.
// FIXME: Not safe to queue offered keys as realtime????
// For the same reason that priorities are not safe?
// But do it at low priorities?
// Offers mostly happen for SSKs anyway ... reconsider?
node.clientCore.queueOfferedKey(key, false);
private void trimOffersList(long now) {
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
while(true) {
if(blockOfferListByKey.isEmpty()) return;
BlockOfferList bl = blockOfferListByKey.peekValue();
if(bl.isEmpty(now) || bl.expires() < now || blockOfferListByKey.size() > MAX_OFFERS) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Removing block offer list "+bl+" list size now "+blockOfferListByKey.size());
} else {
* We offered a key, a node has responded to the offer. Note that this runs on the incoming
* packets thread so should allocate a new thread if it does anything heavy. Note also that
* it is responsible for unlocking the UID.
* @param key The key to send.
* @param isSSK Whether it is an SSK.
* @param uid The UID.
* @param source The node that asked for the key.
* @throws NotConnectedException If the sender ceases to be connected.
public void sendOfferedKey(final Key key, final boolean isSSK, final boolean needPubKey, final long uid, final PeerNode source, final OfferReplyTag tag, final boolean realTimeFlag) throws NotConnectedException {
this.offerExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
innerSendOfferedKey(key, isSSK, needPubKey, uid, source, tag, realTimeFlag);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// Too bad.
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t+" sending offered key", t);
}, "sendOfferedKey");
* This method runs on the SerialExecutor. Therefore, any blocking network I/O needs to be scheduled
* on a separate thread. However, blocking disk I/O *should happen on this thread*. We deliberately
* serialise it, as high latencies can otherwise result.
protected void innerSendOfferedKey(Key key, final boolean isSSK, boolean needPubKey, final long uid, final PeerNode source, final OfferReplyTag tag, final boolean realTimeFlag) throws NotConnectedException {
if(isSSK) {
SSKBlock block = node.fetch((NodeSSK)key, false, false, false, false, true, null);
if(block == null) {
// Don't have the key
source.sendAsync(DMT.createFNPGetOfferedKeyInvalid(uid, DMT.GET_OFFERED_KEY_REJECTED_NO_KEY), null, senderCounter);
final Message data = DMT.createFNPSSKDataFoundData(uid, block.getRawData(), realTimeFlag);
Message headers = DMT.createFNPSSKDataFoundHeaders(uid, block.getRawHeaders(), realTimeFlag);
final int dataLength = block.getRawData().length;
source.sendAsync(headers, null, senderCounter);
node.executor.execute(new PrioRunnable() {
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY;
public void run() {
try {
source.sendSync(data, senderCounter, realTimeFlag);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
// :(
} catch (SyncSendWaitedTooLongException e) {
// Impossible
} finally {
}, "Send offered SSK");
if(needPubKey) {
Message pk = DMT.createFNPSSKPubKey(uid, block.getPubKey(), realTimeFlag);
source.sendAsync(pk, null, senderCounter);
} else {
CHKBlock block = node.fetch((NodeCHK)key, false, false, false, false, true, null);
if(block == null) {
// Don't have the key
source.sendAsync(DMT.createFNPGetOfferedKeyInvalid(uid, DMT.GET_OFFERED_KEY_REJECTED_NO_KEY), null, senderCounter);
Message df = DMT.createFNPCHKDataFound(uid, block.getRawHeaders());
source.sendAsync(df, null, senderCounter);
PartiallyReceivedBlock prb =
new PartiallyReceivedBlock(Node.PACKETS_IN_BLOCK, Node.PACKET_SIZE, block.getRawData());
final BlockTransmitter bt =
new BlockTransmitter(node.usm, node.getTicker(), source, uid, prb, senderCounter, BlockTransmitter.NEVER_CASCADE,
new BlockTransmitterCompletion() {
public void blockTransferFinished(boolean success) {
}, realTimeFlag, node.nodeStats);
node.executor.execute(new PrioRunnable() {
public int getPriority() {
return NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY;
public void run() {
}, "CHK offer sender");
public final OfferedKeysByteCounter senderCounter = new OfferedKeysByteCounter();
class OfferedKeysByteCounter implements ByteCounter {
public void receivedBytes(int x) {
public void sentBytes(int x) {
public void sentPayload(int x) {
class OfferList {
OfferList(BlockOfferList offerList) {
this.offerList = offerList;
recentOffers = new ArrayList<BlockOffer>();
expiredOffers = new ArrayList<BlockOffer>();
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(BlockOffer offer: offerList.offers) {
Logger.minor(this, "Offers: "+recentOffers.size()+" recent "+expiredOffers.size()+" expired");
private final BlockOfferList offerList;
private final List<BlockOffer> recentOffers;
private final List<BlockOffer> expiredOffers;
/** The last offer we returned */
private BlockOffer lastOffer;
public BlockOffer getFirstOffer() {
if(lastOffer != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Last offer not dealt with");
if(!recentOffers.isEmpty()) {
return lastOffer = ListUtils.removeRandomBySwapLastSimple(node.random, recentOffers);
if(!expiredOffers.isEmpty()) {
return lastOffer = ListUtils.removeRandomBySwapLastSimple(node.random, expiredOffers);
// No more offers.
return null;
* Delete the last offer - we have used it, successfully or not.
public void deleteLastOffer() {
lastOffer = null;
* Keep the last offer - we weren't able to use it e.g. because of RejectedOverload.
* Maybe it will be useful again in the future.
public void keepLastOffer() {
lastOffer = null;
/** Have we had any offers for the key?
* @param key The key to check.
* @return True if there are any offers, false otherwise.
public boolean hadAnyOffers(Key key) {
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
return blockOfferListByKey.get(key) != null;
public OfferList getOffers(Key key) {
if(!node.enableULPRDataPropagation) return null;
BlockOfferList bl;
synchronized(blockOfferListByKey) {
bl = blockOfferListByKey.get(key);
if(bl == null) return null;
return new OfferList(bl);
/** Called when a node disconnects */
public void onDisconnect(final PeerNode pn) {
if(!(node.enableULPRDataPropagation || node.enablePerNodeFailureTables)) return;
// FIXME do something (off thread if expensive)
public TimedOutNodesList getTimedOutNodesList(Key key) {
if(!node.enablePerNodeFailureTables) return null;
synchronized(this) {
return entriesByKey.get(key);
public class FailureTableCleaner implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "FailureTableCleaner caught "+t, t);
} finally {
node.ticker.queueTimedJob(this, CLEANUP_PERIOD);
private void realRun() {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Starting FailureTable cleanup");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
FailureTableEntry[] entries;
synchronized(FailureTable.this) {
entries = new FailureTableEntry[entriesByKey.size()];
for(FailureTableEntry entry: entries) {
if(entry.cleanup()) {
synchronized(FailureTable.this) {
synchronized(entry) {
if(entry.isEmpty()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Removing entry for "+entry.key);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finished FailureTable cleanup took "+(endTime-startTime)+"ms");
public boolean peersWantKey(Key key, PeerNode apartFrom) {
FailureTableEntry entry;
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null) return false; // Nobody cares
return entry.othersWant(apartFrom);
/** @return The lowest HTL at which any peer has requested this key recently */
public short minOfferedHTL(Key key, short htl) {
FailureTableEntry entry;
synchronized(this) {
entry = entriesByKey.get(key);
if(entry == null) return htl;
return entry.minRequestorHTL(htl);