package freenet.node;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.keys.NodeCHK;
import freenet.keys.NodeSSK;
import freenet.node.PeerNode.RequestLikelyAcceptedState;
import freenet.node.PeerNode.SlotWaiter;
import freenet.node.PeerNode.SlotWaiterFailedException;
/** Base class for request and insert senders.
* Mostly concerned with what happens *before and up to* we get the Accepted.
* After that it hands over to the child class. */
public abstract class BaseSender implements ByteCounter {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){
public void shouldUpdate(){
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
final boolean realTimeFlag;
final Key key;
/** The source of this request if any - purely so we can avoid routing to it */
final PeerNode source;
final double target;
final boolean isSSK;
protected final short origHTL;
final Node node;
protected final long startTime;
long uid;
static final long SEARCH_TIMEOUT_BULK = MINUTES.toMillis(10);
static final long SEARCH_TIMEOUT_REALTIME = MINUTES.toMillis(1);
final int incomingSearchTimeout;
BaseSender(Key key, boolean realTimeFlag, PeerNode source, Node node, short htl, long uid) {
if(key.getRoutingKey() == null) throw new NullPointerException();
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.uid = uid;
this.key = key;
this.realTimeFlag = realTimeFlag;
this.node = node;
this.source = source;
target = key.toNormalizedDouble();
this.isSSK = key instanceof NodeSSK;
assert(isSSK || key instanceof NodeCHK);
this.htl = htl;
this.origHTL = htl;
newLoadManagement = node.enableNewLoadManagement(realTimeFlag);
incomingSearchTimeout = calculateTimeout(realTimeFlag, htl, node);
static final double EXTRA_HOPS_AT_BOTTOM = 1.0 / Node.DECREMENT_AT_MIN_PROB;
static public int calculateTimeout(boolean realTimeFlag, short htl, Node node) {
timeout = (timeout * ((double)htl + EXTRA_HOPS_AT_BOTTOM) / (EXTRA_HOPS_AT_BOTTOM + (double) node.maxHTL()));
return (int)timeout;
protected int calculateTimeout(short htl) {
return calculateTimeout(realTimeFlag, htl, node);
private short hopsForTime(long time) {
double timePerHop = timeout / (EXTRA_HOPS_AT_BOTTOM + node.maxHTL());
return (short) Math.min(node.maxHTL(), time / timePerHop);
protected abstract Message createDataRequest();
protected PeerNode lastNode;
public synchronized PeerNode routedLast() {
return lastNode;
protected HashSet<PeerNode> nodesRoutedTo = new HashSet<PeerNode>();
private long timeSentRequest;
protected synchronized int timeSinceSent() {
return (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeSentRequest);
protected boolean hasForwarded;
protected int gotMessages;
protected String lastMessage;
protected short htl;
protected int rejectOverloads;
protected int routeAttempts = 0;
private HashMap<PeerNode, Integer> softRejectCount;
/** If this is set, don't decrement HTL, and then unset it. */
protected boolean dontDecrementHTLThisTime;
final boolean newLoadManagement;
/** The main route requests loop. This must be filled in by the implementation.
* It will deal with decrementing the HTL, completing on running out of HTL,
* RecentlyFailed for requests, fork on cacheable for inserts, and so on. It
* will choose a peer and then chain to innerRouteRequests(), which in turn
* can call back to routeRequests() if it needs a new peer. */
protected abstract void routeRequests();
protected void innerRouteRequests(PeerNode next, UIDTag origTag) {
innerRouteRequestsNew(next, origTag);
innerRouteRequestsOld(next, origTag);
protected void innerRouteRequestsOld(PeerNode next, UIDTag origTag) {
synchronized(this) {
lastNode = next;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Routing request to "+next);
Message req = createDataRequest();
// Not possible to get an accurate time for sending, guaranteed to be not later than the time of receipt.
// Why? Because by the time the sent() callback gets called, it may already have been acked, under heavy load.
// So take it from when we first started to try to send the request.
// See comments below when handling FNPRecentlyFailed for why we need this.
synchronized(this) {
timeSentRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();
origTag.addRoutedTo(next, false);
try {
//This is the first contact to this node, it is more likely to timeout
* using sendSync could:
* make ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT more accurate (as it is measured from the send-time),
* use a lot of our time that we have to fulfill this request (simply waiting on the send queue, or longer if the node just went down),
* using sendAsync could:
* make ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT much more likely,
* leave many hanging-requests/unclaimedFIFO items,
* potentially make overloaded peers MORE overloaded (we make a request and promptly forget about them).
* Don't use sendAsync().
next.sendSync(req, this, realTimeFlag);
next.reportRoutedTo(key.toNormalizedDouble(), source == null, realTimeFlag, source, nodesRoutedTo);
node.peers.incrementSelectionSamples(System.currentTimeMillis(), next);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.minor(this, "Not connected");
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
} catch (SyncSendWaitedTooLongException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to send "+req+" to "+next+" in a reasonable time.");
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
// Try another node.
synchronized(this) {
hasForwarded = true;
while(true) {
DO action = waitForAccepted(null, next, origTag);
// Here FINISHED means accepted, WAIT means try again (soft reject).
if(action == DO.WAIT) {
//retriedForLoadManagement = true;
continue loadWaiterLoop;
} else if(action == DO.NEXT_PEER) {
} else { // FINISHED => accepted
} // loadWaiterLoop
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Got Accepted");
// Otherwise, must be Accepted
gotMessages = 0;
lastMessage = null;
/** Limit the number of nodes that we route to that reject the request due to
* looping, while waiting for a peer. This ensures that if there is a slow
* node, we don't route to all the other nodes and DNF, rather than waiting,
* and possibly timing out, for the slow node. Note that this does not cause
* us to stop routing, only to stop adding more nodes to wait for while
* waiting. This is particularly an issue if we have a fast network connected
* to a slow network. */
private static final int MAX_REJECTED_LOOPS = 3;
private boolean addedExtraNode = false;
* New load management. Give it the peer you want to route to, it might
* route to a different one, but it will either get accepted and call
* onAccepted(), or decide it needs to reroute and call routeRequests().
* IMPORTANT: Caller must not decrement htl when rerouting if
* dontDecrementHTLThisTime is set (but must still reroute); this happens
* when we discover too that the proposed peer is no longer suitable. One
* of the reasons for this is that BaseSender does not handle
* RecentlyFailedReturn, which can only happen in the main peer selection
* loop. If we set it, we haven't routed to a peer (we might have been
* soft-rejected, but that is not serious in NLM).
* @param next The peer that we have routed to. We won't necessarily route
* to this one in all cases.
* @return True to try another peer. False if the request has been accepted.
protected void innerRouteRequestsNew(PeerNode next, UIDTag origTag) {
NodeStats.RequestType type =
isSSK ? NodeStats.RequestType.SSK_REQUEST : NodeStats.RequestType.CHK_REQUEST;
int tryCount = 0;
long startedTryingPeer = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean waitedForLoadManagement = false;
boolean retriedForLoadManagement = false;
SlotWaiter waiter = null;
PeerNode lastNext = null;
RequestLikelyAcceptedState lastExpectedAcceptState = null;
RequestLikelyAcceptedState expectedAcceptState = null;
while(true) {
boolean canRerouteWhileWaiting = true;
synchronized(this) {
if(rejectedLoops > MAX_REJECTED_LOOPS)
canRerouteWhileWaiting = false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Going around loop");
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(next == null) {
dontDecrementHTLThisTime = true;
expectedAcceptState =
next.outputLoadTracker(realTimeFlag).tryRouteTo(origTag, RequestLikelyAcceptedState.LIKELY, false);
if(expectedAcceptState == RequestLikelyAcceptedState.UNKNOWN) {
// No stats, old style, just go for it.
// This can happen both when talking to an old node and when we've just connected, but should not be the case for long enough to be a problem.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No load stats for "+next);
} else {
if(expectedAcceptState != null) {
Logger.minor(this, "Predicted accept state for "+this+" : "+expectedAcceptState+" realtime="+realTimeFlag);
// FIXME sanity check based on new data. Backoff if not plausible.
// FIXME recalculate with broader check, allow a few percent etc.
if(lastNext == next && lastExpectedAcceptState == RequestLikelyAcceptedState.GUARANTEED &&
(expectedAcceptState == RequestLikelyAcceptedState.GUARANTEED)) {
// We routed it, thinking it was GUARANTEED.
// It was rejected, and as far as we know it's still GUARANTEED. :(
Logger.warning(this, "Rejected overload (last time) yet expected state was "+lastExpectedAcceptState+" is now "+expectedAcceptState+" from "+next.shortToString()+" ("+next.getVersionNumber()+")");
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
expectedAcceptState = null;
dontDecrementHTLThisTime = true;
int canWaitFor = 1;
if(expectedAcceptState == null) {
Logger.minor(this, "Cannot send to "+next+" realtime="+realTimeFlag);
waitedForLoadManagement = true;
if(waiter == null)
waiter = PeerNode.createSlotWaiter(origTag, type, false, realTimeFlag, source);
if(next != null) {
if(!waiter.addWaitingFor(next)) {
dontDecrementHTLThisTime = true;
// Will be rerouted.
// This is essential to avoid adding the same bogus node again and again.
// This is only an issue with next. Hence the other places we route explicitly so there is no risk as they won't return the same node repeatedly after it is no longer routable.
if(next.isLowCapacity(realTimeFlag)) {
if(waiter.waitingForCount() == 1 // if not, already accepted
&& canRerouteWhileWaiting) {
// Wait for another one if the first is low capacity.
// Nodes we were waiting for that then became backed off will have been removed from the list.
HashSet<PeerNode> exclude = waiter.waitingForList();
PeerNode alsoWaitFor = closerPeer(exclude, now, true);
if(alsoWaitFor != null) {
// We do not need to check the return value here.
// We will not reuse alsoWaitFor if it is disconnected etc.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for "+next+" and "+alsoWaitFor+" on "+waiter+" because realtime");
PeerNode matched;
try {
matched = waiter.waitForAny(0, false);
} catch (SlotWaiterFailedException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Rerouting as slot waiter failed...");
if(matched != null) {
expectedAcceptState = waiter.getAcceptedState();
next = matched;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Matched "+matched+" with "+expectedAcceptState);
if(realTimeFlag) canWaitFor++;
// Skip it and go straight to rerouting if no next, as above.
if(expectedAcceptState == null && waiter.waitingForCount() <= canWaitFor
&& canRerouteWhileWaiting) {
// Wait for another one if realtime.
// Nodes we were waiting for that then became backed off will have been removed from the list.
HashSet<PeerNode> exclude = waiter.waitingForList();
PeerNode alsoWaitFor = closerPeer(exclude, now, true);
if(alsoWaitFor != null) {
// We do not need to check the return value here.
// We will not reuse alsoWaitFor if it is disconnected etc.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for "+next+" and "+alsoWaitFor+" on "+waiter+" because realtime");
PeerNode matched;
try {
matched = waiter.waitForAny(0, false);
} catch (SlotWaiterFailedException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Rerouting as slot waiter failed...");
if(matched != null) {
expectedAcceptState = waiter.getAcceptedState();
next = matched;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Matched "+matched+" with "+expectedAcceptState);
if(addedExtraNode) canWaitFor++;
// Skip it and go straight to rerouting if no next, as above.
if(expectedAcceptState == null && waiter.waitingForCount() <= canWaitFor
&& canRerouteWhileWaiting) {
// Wait for another one if realtime.
// Nodes we were waiting for that then became backed off will have been removed from the list.
HashSet<PeerNode> exclude = waiter.waitingForList();
PeerNode alsoWaitFor = closerPeer(exclude, now, true);
if(alsoWaitFor != null) {
// We do not need to check the return value here.
// We will not reuse alsoWaitFor if it is disconnected etc.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for "+next+" and "+alsoWaitFor+" on "+waiter+" because realtime");
PeerNode matched;
try {
matched = waiter.waitForAny(0, false);
} catch (SlotWaiterFailedException e) {
// Reroute.
if(matched != null) {
expectedAcceptState = waiter.getAcceptedState();
next = matched;
if(expectedAcceptState == null) {
long maxWait = getLongSlotWaiterTimeout();
// After waitForAny() it will be null, it is all cleared.
if(!addedExtraNode) {
// Can add another one if it's taking ages.
// However after adding it once, we will wait for as long as it takes.
maxWait = getShortSlotWaiterTimeout();
HashSet<PeerNode> waitedFor = waiter.waitingForList();
PeerNode waited;
// FIXME figure out a way to wake-up mid-wait if origTag.hasSourceRestarted().
try {
waited = waiter.waitForAny(maxWait, addedExtraNode);
} catch (SlotWaiterFailedException e) {
// Failed. Reroute.
if(waited == null) {
// Timed out, or not waiting for anything, not failed.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Timed out waiting for a peer to accept "+this+" on "+waiter);
if(addedExtraNode) {
// Backtrack
// Above is responsible for termination or rerouting.
} else {
addedExtraNode = true;
} else {
next = waited;
expectedAcceptState = waiter.getAcceptedState();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Sending to "+next+ " after waited for "+TimeUtil.formatTime(endTime-startTime)+" realtime="+realTimeFlag);
expectedAcceptState = waiter.getAcceptedState();
assert(expectedAcceptState != null);
lastExpectedAcceptState = expectedAcceptState;
lastNext = next;
Logger.minor(this, "Leaving new load management big block: Predicted accept state for "+this+" : "+expectedAcceptState+" realtime="+realTimeFlag+" for "+next);
// FIXME only report for routing accuracy purposes at this point, not in closerPeer().
// In fact, we should report only after Accepted.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Routing to "+next);
if(origTag.hasSourceReallyRestarted()) {
// FIXME finish more directly.
synchronized(this) {
lastNode = next;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Routing request to "+next+" realtime="+realTimeFlag);
Message req = createDataRequest();
// Not possible to get an accurate time for sending, guaranteed to be not later than the time of receipt.
// Why? Because by the time the sent() callback gets called, it may already have been acked, under heavy load.
// So take it from when we first started to try to send the request.
// See comments below when handling FNPRecentlyFailed for why we need this.
synchronized(this) {
timeSentRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();
origTag.addRoutedTo(next, false);
try {
//This is the first contact to this node, it is more likely to timeout
* using sendSync could:
* make ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT more accurate (as it is measured from the send-time),
* use a lot of our time that we have to fulfill this request (simply waiting on the send queue, or longer if the node just went down),
* using sendAsync could:
* make ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT much more likely,
* leave many hanging-requests/unclaimedFIFO items,
* potentially make overloaded peers MORE overloaded (we make a request and promptly forget about them).
* Don't use sendAsync().
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Sending "+req+" to "+next);
next.reportRoutedTo(key.toNormalizedDouble(), source == null, realTimeFlag, source, nodesRoutedTo);
next.sendSync(req, this, realTimeFlag);
} catch (NotConnectedException e) {
Logger.minor(this, "Not connected");
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
} catch (SyncSendWaitedTooLongException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to send "+req+" to "+next+" in a reasonable time.");
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
// Try another node.
synchronized(this) {
hasForwarded = true;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for accepted");
DO action = waitForAccepted(expectedAcceptState, next, origTag);
// Here FINISHED means accepted, WAIT means try again (soft reject).
if(action == DO.WAIT) {
retriedForLoadManagement = true;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Retrying");
continue loadWaiterLoop;
} else if(action == DO.NEXT_PEER) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying next peer");
} else { // FINISHED => accepted
addedExtraNode = false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Accepted!");
} // loadWaiterLoop
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long delta = now-startedTryingPeer;
// This includes the time for the Accepted to come back, so it can take a while sometimes.
// So log it at error only if it's really bad.
logDelta(delta, tryCount, waitedForLoadManagement, retriedForLoadManagement);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Got Accepted");
// Otherwise, must be Accepted
gotMessages = 0;
lastMessage = null;
private PeerNode closerPeer(HashSet<PeerNode> exclude, long now, boolean newLoadManagement) {
return node.peers.closerPeer(sourceForRouting(), exclude, target, true, node.isAdvancedModeEnabled(), -1, null,
2.0, isInsert() ? null : key, htl, ignoreLowBackoff(), source == null, realTimeFlag, null, false, now, newLoadManagement);
protected PeerNode sourceForRouting() {
return source;
private double getLoad(HashSet<PeerNode> waitedFor) {
double total = 0;
for(PeerNode pn : waitedFor) {
total += pn.outputLoadTracker(realTimeFlag).proportionTimingOutFatallyInWait();
return total / waitedFor.size();
protected long getLongSlotWaiterTimeout() {
protected long getShortSlotWaiterTimeout() {
protected short hopsForFatalTimeoutWaitingForPeer() {
return hopsForTime(getLongSlotWaiterTimeout());
private void logDelta(long delta, int tryCount, boolean waitedForLoadManagement, boolean retriedForLoadManagement) {
long longTimeout = getLongSlotWaiterTimeout();
if((delta > longTimeout) || tryCount > 3)
Logger.error(this, "Took "+tryCount+" tries in "+TimeUtil.formatTime(delta, 2, true)+" waited="+waitedForLoadManagement+" retried="+retriedForLoadManagement+(realTimeFlag ? " (realtime)" : " (bulk)")+((source == null)?" (local)":" (remote)"));
else if((delta > longTimeout / 5) || tryCount > 1)
Logger.warning(this, "Took "+tryCount+" tries in "+TimeUtil.formatTime(delta, 2, true)+" waited="+waitedForLoadManagement+" retried="+retriedForLoadManagement+(realTimeFlag ? " (realtime)" : " (bulk)")+((source == null)?" (local)":" (remote)"));
else if(logMINOR && (waitedForLoadManagement || retriedForLoadManagement))
Logger.minor(this, "Took "+tryCount+" tries in "+TimeUtil.formatTime(delta, 2, true)+" waited="+waitedForLoadManagement+" retried="+retriedForLoadManagement+(realTimeFlag ? " (realtime)" : " (bulk)")+((source == null)?" (local)":" (remote)"));
node.nodeStats.reportNLMDelay(delta, realTimeFlag, source == null);
private int rejectedLoops;
/** Here FINISHED means accepted, WAIT means try again (soft reject). */
private DO waitForAccepted(RequestLikelyAcceptedState expectedAcceptState, PeerNode next, UIDTag origTag) {
while(true) {
Message msg;
MessageFilter mf = makeAcceptedRejectedFilter(next, getAcceptedTimeout(), origTag);
try {
msg = node.usm.waitFor(mf, this);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "first part got "+msg);
} catch (DisconnectedException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Disconnected from "+next+" while waiting for Accepted on "+uid);
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
return DO.NEXT_PEER;
if(msg == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Timeout waiting for Accepted for "+this);
// Timeout waiting for Accepted
next.localRejectedOverload("AcceptedTimeout", realTimeFlag);
int t = timeSinceSent();
node.failureTable.onFailed(key, next, htl, t, t);
synchronized(this) {
// Try next node
handleAcceptedRejectedTimeout(next, origTag);
return DO.NEXT_PEER;
if(msg.getSpec() == DMT.FNPRejectedLoop) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Rejected loop");
int t = timeSinceSent();
node.failureTable.onFailed(key, next, htl, t, t);
// Find another node to route to
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
return DO.NEXT_PEER;
if(msg.getSpec() == DMT.FNPRejectedOverload) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Rejected: overload");
// Non-fatal - probably still have time left
if (msg.getBoolean(DMT.IS_LOCAL)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Is local");
// FIXME soft rejects, only check then, but don't backoff if sane
// FIXME recalculate with broader check, allow a few percent etc.
if(msg.getSubMessage(DMT.FNPRejectIsSoft) != null && expectedAcceptState != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Soft rejection, waiting to resend");
if(expectedAcceptState == RequestLikelyAcceptedState.GUARANTEED)
// Need to recalculate to be sure this is an error.
Logger.normal(this, "Rejected overload yet expected state was "+expectedAcceptState);
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
if(softRejectCount == null) softRejectCount = new HashMap<PeerNode, Integer>();
Integer i = softRejectCount.get(next);
if(i == null) softRejectCount.put(next, 1);
else {
softRejectCount.put(next, i+1);
if(i > 3) {
Logger.error(this, "Rejected repeatedly ("+i+") by "+next+" : "+this);
return DO.WAIT;
next.localRejectedOverload("ForwardRejectedOverload", realTimeFlag);
int t = timeSinceSent();
node.failureTable.onFailed(key, next, htl, t, t);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Local RejectedOverload, moving on to next peer");
// Give up on this one, try another
next.noLongerRoutingTo(origTag, false);
return DO.NEXT_PEER;
} else {
//Could be a previous rejection, the timeout to incur another ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT is minimal...
if(!isAccepted(msg)) {
Logger.error(this, "Unrecognized message: "+msg);
return DO.NEXT_PEER;
protected abstract void handleAcceptedRejectedTimeout(final PeerNode next,
final UIDTag origTag);
protected boolean isAccepted(Message msg) {
// SSKInsertSender needs an alternative accepted message.
return msg.getSpec() == DMT.FNPAccepted;
protected abstract long getAcceptedTimeout();
/** We timed out while waiting for a slot from any node. Fail the request.
* @param load The proportion of requests getting timed out, on average,
* across the nodes we are waiting for. This is used to decide how long the
* RecentlyFailed should be for. */
protected abstract void timedOutWhileWaiting(double load);
protected abstract void onAccepted(PeerNode next);
protected static enum DO {
/** Construct a filter to wait the specified time for accepted or rejected.
* The actual messages may vary.
* @param next The peer we are waiting for a response from.
* @param acceptedTimeout The time to wait.
* @param tag Use the UID from this tag. Some requests may change the tag
* after some hops, and if e.g. waiting for confirmation after a timeout,
* we need to use the old tag.
protected abstract MessageFilter makeAcceptedRejectedFilter(PeerNode next,
long acceptedTimeout, UIDTag tag);
protected abstract void forwardRejectedOverload();
protected abstract boolean isInsert();
protected long ignoreLowBackoff() {
return 0;