/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.keys;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import freenet.support.Fields;
import freenet.support.Logger;
* Updatable Subspace Key.
* Not really a ClientKey as it cannot be directly requested.
* Contains:
* - Enough information to produce a real SSK.
* - Site name.
* - Site edition number.
* WARNING: Changing non-transient members on classes that are Serializable can result in
* restarting downloads or losing uploads.
public class USK extends BaseClientKey implements Comparable<USK>, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/* The character to separate the site name from the edition number in its SSK form.
* I chose "-", because it makes it ludicrously easy to go from the USK form to the
* SSK form, and we don't need to go vice versa.
static protected final String SEPARATOR = "-";
/** Encryption type */
public final byte cryptoAlgorithm;
/** Public key hash */
protected final byte[] pubKeyHash;
/** Encryption key */
protected final byte[] cryptoKey;
// Extra must be verified on creation, and is fixed for now. FIXME if it becomes changeable, need to keep values here.
public final String siteName;
public final long suggestedEdition;
private final int hashCode;
public USK(byte[] pubKeyHash, byte[] cryptoKey, byte[] extra, String siteName, long suggestedEdition) throws MalformedURLException {
this.pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash;
this.cryptoKey = cryptoKey;
this.siteName = siteName;
this.suggestedEdition = suggestedEdition;
if(extra == null)
throw new MalformedURLException("No extra bytes (third bit) in USK");
if(pubKeyHash == null)
throw new MalformedURLException("No pubkey hash (first bit) in USK");
if(cryptoKey == null)
throw new MalformedURLException("No crypto key (second bit) in USK");
// Verify extra bytes, get cryptoAlgorithm - FIXME this should be a static method or something?
ClientSSK tmp = new ClientSSK(siteName, pubKeyHash, extra, null, cryptoKey);
cryptoAlgorithm = tmp.cryptoAlgorithm;
if(pubKeyHash.length != NodeSSK.PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE)
throw new MalformedURLException("Pubkey hash wrong length: "+pubKeyHash.length+" should be "+NodeSSK.PUBKEY_HASH_SIZE);
if(cryptoKey.length != ClientSSK.CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH)
throw new MalformedURLException("Decryption key wrong length: "+cryptoKey.length+" should be "+ClientSSK.CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH);
hashCode = Fields.hashCode(pubKeyHash) ^ Fields.hashCode(cryptoKey) ^
siteName.hashCode() ^ (int)suggestedEdition ^ (int)(suggestedEdition >> 32);
public static USK create(FreenetURI uri) throws MalformedURLException {
if(!uri.isUSK()) throw new MalformedURLException("Not a USK");
return new USK(uri.getRoutingKey(), uri.getCryptoKey(), uri.getExtra(), uri.getDocName(), uri.getSuggestedEdition());
protected USK(byte[] pubKeyHash2, byte[] cryptoKey2, String siteName2, long suggestedEdition2, byte cryptoAlgorithm) {
this.pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash2;
this.cryptoKey = cryptoKey2;
this.siteName = siteName2;
this.suggestedEdition = suggestedEdition2;
this.cryptoAlgorithm = cryptoAlgorithm;
hashCode = Fields.hashCode(pubKeyHash) ^ Fields.hashCode(cryptoKey) ^
siteName.hashCode() ^ (int)suggestedEdition ^ (int)(suggestedEdition >> 32);
protected USK() {
// For serialization.
pubKeyHash = null;
cryptoKey = null;
siteName = null;
suggestedEdition = 0;
cryptoAlgorithm = 0;
hashCode = 0;
private static final Pattern badDocNamePattern;
static {
badDocNamePattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\-[0-9]+(\\/.*)?$");
// FIXME: Be careful with this constructor! There must not be an edition in the ClientSSK!
public USK(ClientSSK ssk, long myARKNumber) {
this.pubKeyHash = ssk.pubKeyHash;
this.cryptoKey = ssk.cryptoKey;
this.siteName = ssk.docName;
this.suggestedEdition = myARKNumber;
this.cryptoAlgorithm = ssk.cryptoAlgorithm;
if (badDocNamePattern.matcher(siteName).matches()) // not error -- just "possible" bug
Logger.normal(this, "POSSIBLE BUG: edition in ClientSSK " + ssk, new Exception("debug"));
hashCode = Fields.hashCode(pubKeyHash) ^ Fields.hashCode(cryptoKey) ^
siteName.hashCode() ^ (int)suggestedEdition ^ (int)(suggestedEdition >> 32);
public USK(USK usk) {
// FIXME can we not copy pubKeyHash?
// If we can guarantee that neither USK nor anything getting it without copying will change it?
// db4o treats byte[] as individual byte members, so there are no issues with deactivation.
this.pubKeyHash = usk.pubKeyHash.clone();
this.cryptoAlgorithm = usk.cryptoAlgorithm;
// FIXME should we copy cryptoKey?
this.cryptoKey = usk.cryptoKey;
this.siteName = usk.siteName;
this.suggestedEdition = usk.suggestedEdition;
hashCode = Fields.hashCode(pubKeyHash) ^ Fields.hashCode(cryptoKey) ^
siteName.hashCode() ^ (int)suggestedEdition ^ (int)(suggestedEdition >> 32);
public FreenetURI getURI() {
return new FreenetURI(pubKeyHash, cryptoKey, ClientSSK.getExtraBytes(cryptoAlgorithm), siteName, suggestedEdition);
public ClientSSK getSSK(long ver) {
return getSSK(getName(ver));
public ClientSSK getSSK(String string) {
try {
return new ClientSSK(string, pubKeyHash, ClientSSK.getExtraBytes(cryptoAlgorithm), null, cryptoKey);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e+" should not be possible in USK.getSSK", e);
throw new Error(e);
public String getName(long ver) {
return siteName + SEPARATOR + ver;
public ClientKey getSSK() {
return getSSK(suggestedEdition);
public USK copy(long edition) {
if(suggestedEdition == edition) return this;
return new USK(pubKeyHash, cryptoKey, siteName, edition, cryptoAlgorithm);
public USK clearCopy() {
return copy(0);
public final USK copy() {
// We need our own constructor to make sure we copy pubKeyHash.
// So clone() doesn't work for this.
// FIXME when we are sure we don't need to copy the byte[]'s we might be able to switch back to clone().
return new USK(this);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o == null || !(o instanceof USK)) return false;
return equals(o, true);
public boolean equals(Object o, boolean includeVersion) {
if(o instanceof USK) {
USK u = (USK)o;
if(!Arrays.equals(pubKeyHash, u.pubKeyHash)) return false;
if(!Arrays.equals(cryptoKey, u.cryptoKey)) return false;
if(!siteName.equals(u.siteName)) return false;
if(includeVersion && (suggestedEdition != u.suggestedEdition)) return false;
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
public FreenetURI getBaseSSK() {
return new FreenetURI("SSK", siteName, pubKeyHash, cryptoKey, ClientSSK.getExtraBytes(cryptoAlgorithm));
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+ ':' +getURI();
public FreenetURI turnMySSKIntoUSK(FreenetURI uri) {
if(uri.getKeyType().equals("SSK") &&
Arrays.equals(uri.getRoutingKey(), pubKeyHash) &&
Arrays.equals(uri.getCryptoKey(), cryptoKey) &&
Arrays.equals(uri.getExtra(), ClientSSK.getExtraBytes(cryptoAlgorithm)) &&
uri.getDocName() != null &&
uri.getDocName().startsWith(siteName)) {
String doc = uri.getDocName();
doc = doc.substring(siteName.length());
if(doc.length() < 2 || doc.charAt(0) != '-') return uri;
doc = doc.substring(1);
long edition;
try {
edition = Long.parseLong(doc);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Trying to turn SSK back into USK: "+uri+" doc="+doc+" caught "+e, e);
return uri;
if(!doc.equals(Long.toString(edition))) return uri;
return new FreenetURI("USK", siteName, uri.getAllMetaStrings(), pubKeyHash, cryptoKey, ClientSSK.getExtraBytes(cryptoAlgorithm), edition);
return uri;
public int compareTo(USK o) {
if(this == o) return 0;
if(cryptoAlgorithm < o.cryptoAlgorithm) return -1;
if(cryptoAlgorithm > o.cryptoAlgorithm) return 1;
int cmp = Fields.compareBytes(pubKeyHash, o.pubKeyHash);
if(cmp != 0) return cmp;
cmp = Fields.compareBytes(cryptoKey, o.cryptoKey);
if(cmp != 0) return cmp;
cmp = siteName.compareTo(o.siteName);
if(cmp != 0) return cmp;
if(suggestedEdition > o.suggestedEdition) return 1;
if(suggestedEdition < o.suggestedEdition) return -1;
return 0;
public static final Comparator<USK> FAST_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<USK>() {
public int compare(USK o1, USK o2) {
if(o1.hashCode > o2.hashCode) return 1;
else if(o1.hashCode < o2.hashCode) return -1;
return o1.compareTo(o2);
public byte[] getPubKeyHash() {
return Arrays.copyOf(pubKeyHash, pubKeyHash.length);
public boolean samePubKeyHash(NodeSSK k) {
return Arrays.equals(k.getPubKeyHash(), pubKeyHash);