/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.keys;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import freenet.crypt.BlockCipher;
import freenet.crypt.CTRBlockCipher;
import freenet.crypt.JceLoader;
import freenet.crypt.PCFBMode;
import freenet.crypt.SHA256;
import freenet.crypt.UnsupportedCipherException;
import freenet.crypt.Util;
import freenet.crypt.ciphers.Rijndael;
import freenet.keys.Key.Compressed;
import freenet.node.Node;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.api.BucketFactory;
import freenet.support.compress.InvalidCompressionCodecException;
import freenet.support.io.ArrayBucket;
import freenet.support.io.ArrayBucketFactory;
import freenet.support.io.BucketTools;
import freenet.support.math.MersenneTwister;
* @author amphibian
* Client CHKBlock - provides functions for decoding, holds a client-key.
public class ClientCHKBlock implements ClientKeyBlock {
final ClientCHK key;
private final CHKBlock block;
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+",key="+key;
* Construct from data retrieved, and a key.
* Do not do full decode. Verify what can be verified without doing
* a full decode.
* @param key2 The client key.
* @param header The header.
* @param data The data.
public ClientCHKBlock(byte[] data, byte[] header, ClientCHK key2, boolean verify) throws CHKVerifyException {
block = new CHKBlock(data, header, key2.getNodeCHK(), verify, key2.cryptoAlgorithm);
this.key = key2;
* Construct from a CHKBlock and a key.
public ClientCHKBlock(CHKBlock block, ClientCHK key2) throws CHKVerifyException {
this(block.getData(), block.getHeaders(), key2, true);
* Decode into RAM, if short.
* @throws CHKDecodeException
public byte[] memoryDecode() throws CHKDecodeException {
try {
ArrayBucket a = (ArrayBucket) decode(new ArrayBucketFactory(), 32*1024, false);
return BucketTools.toByteArray(a); // FIXME
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e);
* Decode the CHK and recover the original data
* @return the original data
* @throws IOException If there is a bucket error.
public Bucket decode(BucketFactory bf, int maxLength, boolean dontCompress) throws CHKDecodeException, IOException {
return decode(bf, maxLength, dontCompress, false);
// forceNoJCA for unit tests.
Bucket decode(BucketFactory bf, int maxLength, boolean dontCompress, boolean forceNoJCA) throws CHKDecodeException, IOException {
if(key.cryptoAlgorithm == Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256)
return decodeOld(bf, maxLength, dontCompress);
else if(key.cryptoAlgorithm == Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256)
if(Rijndael.AesCtrProvider == null || forceNoJCA)
return decodeNewNoJCA(bf, maxLength, dontCompress);
return decodeNew(bf, maxLength, dontCompress);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Decode the CHK and recover the original data
* @return the original data
* @throws IOException If there is a bucket error.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // FIXME Back compatibility, using dubious ciphers; remove eventually.
public Bucket decodeOld(BucketFactory bf, int maxLength, boolean dontCompress) throws CHKDecodeException, IOException {
// Overall hash already verified, so first job is to decrypt.
if(key.cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
BlockCipher cipher;
try {
cipher = new Rijndael(256, 256);
} catch (UnsupportedCipherException e) {
// FIXME - log this properly
throw new Error(e);
byte[] cryptoKey = key.cryptoKey;
if(cryptoKey.length < Node.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH)
throw new CHKDecodeException("Crypto key too short");
PCFBMode pcfb = PCFBMode.create(cipher);
byte[] headers = block.headers;
byte[] data = block.data;
byte[] hbuf = Arrays.copyOfRange(headers, 2, headers.length);
byte[] dbuf = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length);
// Decipher header first - functions as IV
pcfb.blockDecipher(hbuf, 0, hbuf.length);
pcfb.blockDecipher(dbuf, 0, dbuf.length);
MessageDigest md256 = SHA256.getMessageDigest();
byte[] dkey = key.cryptoKey;
// Check: IV == hash of decryption key
byte[] predIV = md256.digest(dkey);
SHA256.returnMessageDigest(md256); md256 = null;
// Extract the IV
byte[] iv = Arrays.copyOf(hbuf, 32);
if(!Arrays.equals(iv, predIV))
throw new CHKDecodeException("Check failed: Decrypted IV == H(decryption key)");
// Checks complete
int size = ((hbuf[32] & 0xff) << 8) + (hbuf[33] & 0xff);
if((size > 32768) || (size < 0)) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("Invalid size: "+size);
return Key.decompress(dontCompress ? false : key.isCompressed(), dbuf, size, bf,
Math.min(maxLength, CHKBlock.MAX_LENGTH_BEFORE_COMPRESSION), key.compressionAlgorithm, false);
private static final Provider hmacProvider;
static private long benchmark(Mac hmac) throws GeneralSecurityException
long times = Long.MAX_VALUE;
byte[] input = new byte[1024];
byte[] output = new byte[hmac.getMacLength()];
byte[] key = new byte[Node.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH];
final String algo = hmac.getAlgorithm();
hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key, algo));
// warm-up
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
hmac.update(input, 0, input.length);
hmac.doFinal(output, 0);
System.arraycopy(output, 0, input, (i*output.length)%(input.length-output.length), output.length);
System.arraycopy(output, 0, key, 0, Math.min(key.length, output.length));
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key, algo));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k ++) {
hmac.update(input, 0, input.length);
hmac.doFinal(output, 0);
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
times = Math.min(endTime - startTime, times);
System.arraycopy(output, 0, input, 0, output.length);
System.arraycopy(output, 0, key, 0, Math.min(key.length, output.length));
return times;
static {
try {
final Class<ClientCHKBlock> clazz = ClientCHKBlock.class;
final String algo = "HmacSHA256";
final Provider sun = JceLoader.SunJCE;
SecretKeySpec dummyKey = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[Node.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH], algo);
Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance(algo);
hmac.init(dummyKey); // resolve provider
boolean logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(Logger.LogLevel.MINOR, clazz);
if (sun != null) {
// SunJCE provider is faster (in some configurations)
try {
Mac sun_hmac = Mac.getInstance(algo, sun);
sun_hmac.init(dummyKey); // resolve provider
if (hmac.getProvider() != sun_hmac.getProvider()) {
long time_def = benchmark(hmac);
long time_sun = benchmark(sun_hmac);
System.out.println(algo + " (" + hmac.getProvider() + "): " + time_def + "ns");
System.out.println(algo + " (" + sun_hmac.getProvider() + "): " + time_sun + "ns");
if(logMINOR) {
Logger.minor(clazz, algo + "/" + hmac.getProvider() + ": " + time_def + "ns");
Logger.minor(clazz, algo + "/" + sun_hmac.getProvider() + ": " + time_sun + "ns");
if (time_sun < time_def) {
hmac = sun_hmac;
} catch(GeneralSecurityException e) {
Logger.warning(clazz, algo + "@" + sun + " benchmark failed", e);
// ignore
} catch(Throwable e) {
Logger.error(clazz, algo + "@" + sun + " benchmark failed", e);
// ignore
hmacProvider = hmac.getProvider();
System.out.println(algo + ": using " + hmacProvider);
Logger.normal(clazz, algo + ": using " + hmacProvider);
} catch(GeneralSecurityException e) {
// impossible
throw new Error(e);
* Decode the CHK and recover the original data
* @return the original data
* @throws IOException If there is a bucket error.
public Bucket decodeNew(BucketFactory bf, int maxLength, boolean dontCompress) throws CHKDecodeException, IOException {
if(key.cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
byte[] headers = block.headers;
byte[] data = block.data;
byte[] hash = Arrays.copyOfRange(headers, 2, 2+32);
byte[] cryptoKey = key.cryptoKey;
if(cryptoKey.length < Node.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH)
throw new CHKDecodeException("Crypto key too short");
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NOPADDING", Rijndael.AesCtrProvider);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(cryptoKey, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(hash, 0, 16));
byte[] plaintext = new byte[data.length + 2];
int moved = cipher.update(data, 0, data.length, plaintext);
cipher.doFinal(headers, hash.length+2, 2, plaintext, moved);
int size = ((plaintext[data.length] & 0xff) << 8) + (plaintext[data.length + 1] & 0xff);
if((size > 32768) || (size < 0)) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("Invalid size: "+size);
// Check the hash.
Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256", hmacProvider);
hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(cryptoKey, "HmacSHA256"));
hmac.update(plaintext); // plaintext includes lengthBytes
byte[] hashCheck = hmac.doFinal();
if(!Arrays.equals(hash, hashCheck)) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("HMAC is wrong, wrong decryption key?");
return Key.decompress(dontCompress ? false : key.isCompressed(), plaintext, size, bf,
Math.min(maxLength, CHKBlock.MAX_LENGTH_BEFORE_COMPRESSION), key.compressionAlgorithm, false);
} catch(GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("Problem with JCA, should be impossible!", e);
* Decode using Freenet's built in crypto. FIXME remove once Java 1.7
* is mandatory. Note that we assume that HMAC SHA256 is available; the
* problem is AES is limited to 128 bits.
* @return the original data
* @throws IOException If there is a bucket error.
public Bucket decodeNewNoJCA(BucketFactory bf, int maxLength, boolean dontCompress) throws CHKDecodeException, IOException {
if(key.cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
byte[] headers = block.headers;
byte[] data = block.data;
byte[] hash = Arrays.copyOfRange(headers, 2, 2+32);
byte[] cryptoKey = key.cryptoKey;
if(cryptoKey.length < Node.SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH)
throw new CHKDecodeException("Crypto key too short");
Rijndael aes;
try {
aes = new Rijndael(256, 128);
} catch (UnsupportedCipherException e) {
// Impossible.
throw new Error(e);
CTRBlockCipher cipher = new CTRBlockCipher(aes);
cipher.init(hash, 0, 16);
byte[] plaintext = new byte[data.length];
cipher.processBytes(data, 0, data.length, plaintext, 0);
byte[] lengthBytes = new byte[2];
cipher.processBytes(headers, hash.length+2, 2, lengthBytes, 0);
int size = ((lengthBytes[0] & 0xff) << 8) + (lengthBytes[1] & 0xff);
if((size > 32768) || (size < 0)) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("Invalid size: "+size);
try {
// Check the hash.
Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256", hmacProvider);
hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(cryptoKey, "HmacSHA256"));
byte[] hashCheck = hmac.doFinal();
if(!Arrays.equals(hash, hashCheck)) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("HMAC is wrong, wrong decryption key?");
} catch(GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new CHKDecodeException("Problem with JCA, should be impossible!", e);
return Key.decompress(dontCompress ? false : key.isCompressed(), plaintext, size, bf,
Math.min(maxLength, CHKBlock.MAX_LENGTH_BEFORE_COMPRESSION), key.compressionAlgorithm, false);
* Encode a splitfile block.
* @param data The data to encode. Must be exactly DATA_LENGTH bytes.
* @param cryptoKey The encryption key. Can be null in which case this is equivalent to a normal block
* encode.
static public ClientCHKBlock encodeSplitfileBlock(byte[] data, byte[] cryptoKey, byte cryptoAlgorithm) throws CHKEncodeException {
if(data.length != CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if(cryptoKey != null && cryptoKey.length != 32) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
MessageDigest md256 = SHA256.getMessageDigest();
// No need to pad
if(cryptoKey == null) {
cryptoKey = md256.digest(data);
if(cryptoAlgorithm == Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256)
return innerEncode(data, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH, md256, cryptoKey, false, (short)-1, cryptoAlgorithm);
else if(cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown crypto algorithm: "+cryptoAlgorithm);
if(Rijndael.AesCtrProvider == null) {
return encodeNewNoJCA(data, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH, md256, cryptoKey, false, (short)-1, cryptoAlgorithm, KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256);
} else {
return encodeNew(data, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH, md256, cryptoKey, false, (short)-1, cryptoAlgorithm, KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256);
* Encode a Bucket of data to a CHKBlock.
* @param sourceData The bucket of data to encode. Can be arbitrarily large.
* @param asMetadata Is this a metadata key?
* @param dontCompress If set, don't even try to compress.
* @param alreadyCompressedCodec If !dontCompress, and this is >=0, then the
* data is already compressed, and this is the algorithm.
* @param compressorDescriptor
* @param cryptoAlgorithm
* @param cryptoKey
* @throws CHKEncodeException
* @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the Bucket.
* @throws InvalidCompressionCodecException
static public ClientCHKBlock encode(Bucket sourceData, boolean asMetadata, boolean dontCompress, short alreadyCompressedCodec, long sourceLength, String compressorDescriptor, boolean pre1254, byte[] cryptoKey, byte cryptoAlgorithm) throws CHKEncodeException, IOException {
return encode(sourceData, asMetadata, dontCompress, alreadyCompressedCodec, sourceLength, compressorDescriptor, pre1254, cryptoKey, cryptoAlgorithm, false);
// forceNoJCA for unit tests.
static ClientCHKBlock encode(Bucket sourceData, boolean asMetadata, boolean dontCompress, short alreadyCompressedCodec, long sourceLength, String compressorDescriptor, boolean pre1254, byte[] cryptoKey, byte cryptoAlgorithm, boolean forceNoJCA) throws CHKEncodeException, IOException {
byte[] finalData = null;
byte[] data;
short compressionAlgorithm = -1;
try {
Compressed comp = Key.compress(sourceData, dontCompress, alreadyCompressedCodec, sourceLength, CHKBlock.MAX_LENGTH_BEFORE_COMPRESSION, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH, false, compressorDescriptor, pre1254);
finalData = comp.compressedData;
compressionAlgorithm = comp.compressionAlgorithm;
} catch (KeyEncodeException e2) {
throw new CHKEncodeException(e2.getMessage(), e2);
} catch (InvalidCompressionCodecException e2) {
throw new CHKEncodeException(e2.getMessage(), e2);
// Now do the actual encode
MessageDigest md256 = SHA256.getMessageDigest();
// First pad it
int dataLength = finalData.length;
if(finalData.length != 32768) {
// Hash the data
if(finalData.length != 0)
byte[] digest = md256.digest();
MersenneTwister mt = new MersenneTwister(digest);
data = Arrays.copyOf(finalData, 32768);
Util.randomBytes(mt, data, finalData.length, 32768-finalData.length);
} else {
data = finalData;
// Now make the header
byte[] encKey;
if(cryptoKey != null)
encKey = cryptoKey;
encKey = md256.digest(data);
if(cryptoAlgorithm == 0) {
// TODO find all such cases and fix them.
Logger.error(ClientCHKBlock.class, "Passed in 0 crypto algorithm", new Exception("warning"));
cryptoAlgorithm = Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256;
if(cryptoAlgorithm == Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256)
return innerEncode(data, dataLength, md256, encKey, asMetadata, compressionAlgorithm, cryptoAlgorithm);
else {
if(Rijndael.AesCtrProvider == null || forceNoJCA)
return encodeNewNoJCA(data, dataLength, md256, encKey, asMetadata, compressionAlgorithm, cryptoAlgorithm, KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256);
return encodeNew(data, dataLength, md256, encKey, asMetadata, compressionAlgorithm, cryptoAlgorithm, KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256);
* Format:
* [0-1]: Block hash algorithm
* [2-34]: HMAC (with cryptokey) of data + length bytes.
* [35-36]: Length bytes.
* Encryption: CTR with IV = 1st 16 bytes of the hash. (It has to be
* deterministic as this is a CHK and we need to be able to reinsert them
* easily):
* - Data
* - Length bytes.
* @param data Data should already have been padded.
* @param dataLength Length of original data. Between 0 and 32768.
* @param md256 Convenient reuse of hash object.
* @param encKey Encryption key for the data, part of the URI.
* @param asMetadata Whether the final CHK is metadata or not.
* @param compressionAlgorithm The compression algorithm used.
* @param cryptoAlgorithm The encryption algorithm used.
* @return
public static ClientCHKBlock encodeNew(byte[] data, int dataLength, MessageDigest md256, byte[] encKey, boolean asMetadata, short compressionAlgorithm, byte cryptoAlgorithm, int blockHashAlgorithm) throws CHKEncodeException {
if(cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported crypto algorithm "+cryptoAlgorithm);
try {
// IV = HMAC<cryptokey>(plaintext).
// It's okay that this is the same for 2 blocks with the same key and the same content.
// In fact that's the point; this is still a Content Hash Key.
// FIXME And yes we should check on insert for multiple identical keys.
Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256", hmacProvider);
hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(encKey, "HmacSHA256"));
byte[] tmpLen = new byte[] {
(byte)(dataLength >> 8), (byte)(dataLength & 0xff)
byte[] hash = hmac.doFinal();
byte[] header = new byte[hash.length+2+2];
if(blockHashAlgorithm == 0) cryptoAlgorithm = KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256;
if(blockHashAlgorithm != KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported block hash algorithm "+cryptoAlgorithm);
header[0] = (byte)(blockHashAlgorithm >> 8);
header[1] = (byte)(blockHashAlgorithm & 0xff);
System.arraycopy(hash, 0, header, 2, hash.length);
SecretKey ckey = new SecretKeySpec(encKey, "AES");
// CTR mode IV is only 16 bytes.
// That's still plenty though. It will still be unique.
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NOPADDING", Rijndael.AesCtrProvider);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, ckey, new IvParameterSpec(hash, 0, 16));
byte[] cdata = new byte[data.length];
int moved = cipher.update(data, 0, data.length, cdata);
if (moved == data.length) {
cipher.doFinal(tmpLen, 0, 2, header, hash.length+2);
} else {
// FIXME inefficient
byte[] tmp = cipher.doFinal(tmpLen, 0, 2);
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, cdata, moved, tmp.length-2);
System.arraycopy(tmp, tmp.length-2, header, hash.length+2, 2);
// Now calculate the final hash
byte[] finalHash = md256.digest(cdata);
// Now convert it into a ClientCHK
ClientCHK finalKey = new ClientCHK(finalHash, encKey, asMetadata, cryptoAlgorithm, compressionAlgorithm);
try {
return new ClientCHKBlock(cdata, header, finalKey, false);
} catch (CHKVerifyException e3) {
throw new Error(e3);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new CHKEncodeException("Problem with JCA, should be impossible!", e);
* Encode using Freenet's built in crypto. FIXME remove once Java 1.7
* is mandatory. Note that we assume that HMAC SHA256 is available; the
* problem is AES is limited to 128 bits.
* @param data Data should already have been padded.
* @param dataLength Length of original data. Between 0 and 32768.
* @param md256 Convenient reuse of hash object.
* @param encKey Encryption key for the data, part of the URI.
* @param asMetadata Whether the final CHK is metadata or not.
* @param compressionAlgorithm The compression algorithm used.
* @param cryptoAlgorithm The encryption algorithm used.
* @return
* @throws CHKVerifyException
* @throws CHKEncodeException
public static ClientCHKBlock encodeNewNoJCA(byte[] data, int dataLength, MessageDigest md256, byte[] encKey, boolean asMetadata, short compressionAlgorithm, byte cryptoAlgorithm, int blockHashAlgorithm) throws CHKEncodeException {
if(cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported crypto algorithm "+cryptoAlgorithm);
try {
// IV = HMAC<cryptokey>(plaintext).
// It's okay that this is the same for 2 blocks with the same key and the same content.
// In fact that's the point; this is still a Content Hash Key.
// FIXME And yes we should check on insert for multiple identical keys.
Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256", hmacProvider);
hmac.init(new SecretKeySpec(encKey, "HmacSHA256"));
byte[] tmpLen = new byte[] {
(byte)(dataLength >> 8), (byte)(dataLength & 0xff)
byte[] hash = hmac.doFinal();
byte[] header = new byte[hash.length+2+2];
if(blockHashAlgorithm == 0) cryptoAlgorithm = KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256;
if(blockHashAlgorithm != KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported block hash algorithm "+cryptoAlgorithm);
header[0] = (byte)(blockHashAlgorithm >> 8);
header[1] = (byte)(blockHashAlgorithm & 0xff);
Rijndael aes;
try {
aes = new Rijndael(256, 128);
} catch (UnsupportedCipherException e) {
// Impossible
throw new Error(e);
CTRBlockCipher ctr = new CTRBlockCipher(aes);
// CTR mode IV is only 16 bytes.
// That's still plenty though. It will still be unique.
ctr.init(hash, 0, 16);
System.arraycopy(hash, 0, header, 2, hash.length);
byte[] cdata = new byte[data.length];
ctr.processBytes(data, 0, data.length, cdata, 0);
ctr.processBytes(tmpLen, 0, 2, header, hash.length+2);
// Now calculate the final hash
byte[] finalHash = md256.digest(cdata);
// Now convert it into a ClientCHK
ClientCHK finalKey = new ClientCHK(finalHash, encKey, asMetadata, cryptoAlgorithm, compressionAlgorithm);
try {
return new ClientCHKBlock(cdata, header, finalKey, false);
} catch (CHKVerifyException e3) {
throw new Error(e3);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new CHKEncodeException("Problem with JCA, should be impossible!", e);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // FIXME Back compatibility, using dubious ciphers; remove eventually.
public static ClientCHKBlock innerEncode(byte[] data, int dataLength, MessageDigest md256, byte[] encKey, boolean asMetadata, short compressionAlgorithm, byte cryptoAlgorithm) {
data = data.clone(); // Will overwrite otherwise. Callers expect data not to be clobbered.
if(cryptoAlgorithm != Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported crypto algorithm "+cryptoAlgorithm);
byte[] header;
ClientCHK key;
// IV = E(H(crypto key))
byte[] plainIV = md256.digest(encKey);
header = new byte[plainIV.length+2+2];
header[0] = (byte)(KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256 >> 8);
header[1] = (byte)(KeyBlock.HASH_SHA256 & 0xff);
System.arraycopy(plainIV, 0, header, 2, plainIV.length);
header[plainIV.length+2] = (byte)(dataLength >> 8);
header[plainIV.length+3] = (byte)(dataLength & 0xff);
// GRRR, java 1.4 does not have any symmetric crypto
// despite exposing asymmetric and hashes!
// Now encrypt the header, then the data, using the same PCFB instance
BlockCipher cipher;
try {
cipher = new Rijndael(256, 256);
} catch (UnsupportedCipherException e) {
Logger.error(ClientCHKBlock.class, "Impossible: "+e, e);
throw new Error(e);
// FIXME CRYPTO plainIV, the hash of the crypto key, is encrypted with a null IV.
// In other words, it is XORed with E(0).
// For splitfiles we reuse the same decryption key for multiple blocks; it is derived from the overall hash,
// or it is set randomly.
// So the plaintext *and* ciphertext IV is always the same.
// And the following 32 bytes are always XORed with the same value.
// Ouch!
// Those bytes being 2 bytes for the length, followed by the first 30 bytes of the data.
PCFBMode pcfb = PCFBMode.create(cipher);
pcfb.blockEncipher(header, 2, header.length-2);
pcfb.blockEncipher(data, 0, data.length);
// Now calculate the final hash
byte[] finalHash = md256.digest(data);
// Now convert it into a ClientCHK
key = new ClientCHK(finalHash, encKey, asMetadata, cryptoAlgorithm, compressionAlgorithm);
try {
return new ClientCHKBlock(data, header, key, false);
} catch (CHKVerifyException e3) {
throw new Error(e3);
* Encode a block of data to a CHKBlock.
* @param sourceData The data to encode.
* @param asMetadata Is this a metadata key?
* @param dontCompress If set, don't even try to compress.
* @param alreadyCompressedCodec If !dontCompress, and this is >=0, then the
* data is already compressed, and this is the algorithm.
* @param compressorDescriptor Should be null, or list of compressors to try.
* @throws InvalidCompressionCodecException
static public ClientCHKBlock encode(byte[] sourceData, boolean asMetadata, boolean dontCompress, short alreadyCompressedCodec, int sourceLength, String compressorDescriptor, boolean pre1254) throws CHKEncodeException, InvalidCompressionCodecException {
try {
return encode(new ArrayBucket(sourceData), asMetadata, dontCompress, alreadyCompressedCodec, sourceLength, compressorDescriptor, pre1254, null, Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Can't happen
throw new Error(e);
public ClientCHK getClientKey() {
return key;
public boolean isMetadata() {
return key.isMetadata();
public int hashCode() {
return key.hashCode;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(!(o instanceof ClientCHKBlock)) return false;
ClientCHKBlock block = (ClientCHKBlock) o;
if(!key.equals(block.key)) return false;
return block.block.equals(this.block);
public CHKBlock getBlock() {
return block;
public Key getKey() {
return block.getKey();